Estrella de "Euphoria" Nika King No he pagado la renta en 6 meses... Tampoco he trabajado!!!

030624_euphoria_kal 03/06/24
Necesito alquilar Zendaya!!!

Nika King dice que no ha sido capaz de pagar su alquiler en medio de los cambios de calendario de "Euphoria", y lo que es aún más loco, dice que tampoco ha estado actuando.

La estrella de "Euphoria", que interpreta a Leslie en la pantalla, la madre de Zendaya, publicó un clip esta semana donde se le ve haciendo un poco de standup comedy. Y, la broma que lanza frente a la audiencia tiene que ver con los muchos problemas con los que está lidiando en este momento en la vida real.

Hay un poco de humor y verdad en este clip y es bastante sorprendente de escuchar.

Nika dice que la gente le sigue preguntando cuándo se emitirá la tercera temporada de la exitosa serie de HBO, pero ella se encoge de hombros, básicamente admitiendo que simplemente no lo sabe. Luego, continúa diciendo que sin grabaciones no puede permitirse el lujo de pagar el alquiler y no lo ha hecho durante 6 meses.

Peor aún, dice que no ha agendado ninguna actuación desde "Euphoria", lo que ella misma admite que es sorprendente. Sin embargo, bromea diciendo que Taraji P. Henson le dijo que se acostumbrara y también le suplicó en broma a Zendaya que volviera a Estados Unidos para que pudieran volver a trabajar.

La nueva temporada de "Euphoria" aún no tiene fecha de estreno y el rodaje ha sido intermitente en los últimos meses, en medio de las huelgas y el fallecimiento de Angus Cloud.

Esperemos que las cosas mejoren. Nika es una actriz con mucho talento, por lo que es sorprendente escuchar esto.

'Euphoria' Star Nika King I Haven't Paid Rent in Six Months ... Haven't Worked Either!!!

030624_euphoria_kal 03/06/24
tough times

Nika King says she hasn't been able to pay her rent amid the stop-and-go production schedule for "Euphoria" ... and even crazier, she says she hasn't been acting either.

The "Euphoria" star -- who plays Zendaya's on-screen mom, Leslie -- posted a clip this week showing her doing some standup comedy ... and the joke she dropped in front of a live audience had to do with how much she's struggling right now in real life.

There's some humor and truth mixed into this one ... and it's pretty astonishing to hear.

Nika says people keep asking her when Season 3 of the hit HBO show is airing, but she shrugs her shoulder ... basically admitting that she simply doesn't know. NK goes on to say that with cameras not rolling, she can't afford to pay her rent ... and hasn't for 6 months.

Worse yet, Nika says she hasn't booked anything since "Euphoria" ... which she says is surprising. However, she jokes that Taraji P. Henson told her to get used to it ... and she also jokingly pleaded with Zendaya to get back to the States so they can get back to work.

The new season of "Euphoria" doesn't have a release date yet -- and filming has been on and off over the past several months, amid the strikes and the passing of Angus Cloud.

Here's hoping things pick up ... Nika's a super-talented actress, so this is surprising to hear.

Sinbad Gives Health Update After Stroke ... Expect to See More of Me!!!

Miracles Happen

Sinbad is speaking out publicly for the first time in a long time, and he's showing face too -- which is major following his stroke 4 years ago ... and crazier yet, he's teasing a comeback.

The comedian posted a new video to IG that revealed a lot -- including giving fans an update on his health ... which many have been asking for ever since he suffered his medical episode in 2020. This also marks his first post since 2022, when he gave another big update.

In the new upload, Sinbad told fans that he appreciated their kind words and prayers to him over these past few years ... noting the kind words meant a lot to him as he recovered.

He also said folks could expect to see more of him soon ... an encouraging sign.

Sinbad actually stepped back into the spotlight a bit at the end of February to accompany his costars "A Different World" for their initial stop on a 10-city tour of HBCUs. While Sinbad only participated over Zoom -- he was met with a passionate round of applause from the crowd.

In this latest clip ... he says he was surprised that the college kids even knew who he was.

Perhaps the comic is underestimating his legacy -- which includes starring roles in "Jingle All the Way," "The Sinbad Show," "Coneheads," and six seasons on "The Cosby Show" spinoff.

In any case, Sinbad made sure to thank his fans for their continued love and support ... informing them that he saw and read everything that was sent in during his recovery.

As we reported ... Sinbad suffered from a stroke in October 2020 -- which his family later said was caused by a blood clot that traveled from the heart to the brain. At the time ... his loved ones said they were grateful for fans' outpouring of love.

Welcome back, Sinbad ... good to see you're doing well!



Nick Swardson fue expulsado del escenario de su propio espectáculo de comedia este fin de semana después de que empezara a discutir con el público... a la gente no le hizo gracia y se lo hizo saber.

El comediante -conocido por su trabajo en "Reno 911!" y sus frecuentes apariciones en películas de Adam Sandler- fue filmado el domingo gritando y discutiendo con el público en Beaver Creek, donde fue contratado como cabeza de cartel en el Vilar Performing Arts Center.

Nick parecía decidido a continuar con el espectáculo a pesar de todo. Incluso los enfrentó gritándole a la multitud, "Vamos, una y otra vez, lo cual fue toda una escena.

Durante su actuación -bastante breve- también mencionó al difunto cómico Norm Macdonald, a quien había dicho que echaba de menos en un conmovedor homenaje en Instagram en febrero. Parece que esos sentimientos se derramaron en el escenario, porque Nick recordó a su amigo.

Mientras que algunos asistentes expresaron su malestar por la rutina fallida de Swardson, otros animaron al comediante, pero finalmente lo guiaron fuera del escenario después de cortar su micrófono y apagar las luces. Así es, una imagen bastante triste.

Poco después de la salida de Swardson, el director de operaciones subió al escenario y le informó a la agitada multitud que el espectáculo había terminado oficialmente antes de tiempo. Se disculpó y prometió que habría reembolsos.

No está claro qué es exactamente lo que estaba pasando con Nick, pero algunos han sugerido que podría haber estado bajo la influencia del alcohol o drogas, aunque es difícil decirlo con certeza. Sin embargo, es seguro que algo estaba mal debido a su comportamiento errático.

Nos hemos puesto en contacto con sus representantes, pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

Nick Swardson Escorted Offstage at Comedy Show ... After Arguing with Crowd



2:59 PM PT -- Nick Swardson just addressed Sunday night's debacle, writing ... "Just casually woke up on TMZ. Travel tip: don’t drink and take edibles in high altitude. F****** brain diarrhea. I’ll make it up to you Beaver Creek!"

11:02 AM PT -- TMZ has gotten ahold of the email sent to ticketholders for Nick's show Sunday, and the apology from Vilar Performing Arts Center continued in writing.

The message from them read, "We apologize for the negative experience you may have had at this evening's performance with Nick Swardson. Unfortunately, this show did not meet the Vilar Performing Arts Center's standards as a world-class presenter of the performing arts."

They continued, "Therefore, all tickets will be refunded to the original payment method. Please accept our sincere apologies, and be in touch if there is anything we can do to further assist you." Eyewitnesses tell us Nick got yanked from the stage just 20 minutes into his set.

Nick Swardson got the hook at his own standup comedy show this weekend after he started getting into it with the crowd ... who were not amused, and who made it known too.

The comedian -- known for his work on "Reno 911!" and his frequent appearances in Adam Sandler flicks -- was filmed Sunday shouting at and arguing with the audience in Beaver Creek, CO ... where he was hired as the headliner at the Vilar Performing Arts Center.

Nick appeared determined to continue on with the show -- despite things obviously going not-so-great ... as he shouted at the crowd, "Let's go," over and over again. It was a scene.

During his set, brief as it was, he also mentioned late comedian Norm Macdonald ... who he had said he was missing in a poignant Instagram tribute back in February. Sounds like those feelings poured out here onstage as well, 'cause Nick was reminiscing on his friend.

While some attendees expressed their discomfort over Swardson's unruly display ... others cheered on the comedian -- but Swardson was eventually guided off the stage after his mic was cut and the spotlight turned off, giving a little wave and a shaka sign as he sauntered away.

Shortly after Swardson's exit ... the director of operations made his way onstage and informed the agitated crowd that the show had officially ended early. He apologized, and promised refunds would be issued.

Unclear what exactly was going on with Nick ... but some have suggested he might've been under the influence -- although, it's hard to say for certain. He was definitely off, though.

We've reached out to his reps and the venue for clarification ... so far, no word back.

Originally Published -- 9:41 AM PT 


El ex novio de Billie Eilish tiene que culpar a Christian Bale de que su relación no resistiera el paso del tiempo, y todo por culpa de un sueño que ella tuvo años atrás.

La cantante contó cómo un sueño con el actor de "El Caballero Oscuro" la llevó a poner fin a su relación, todo mientras charlaban sobre sus superhéroes favoritos con Amelia Dimoldenberg en el almuerzo de los nominados a los Oscar junto a su hermano, Finneas.

"se acabó"

Billie recuerda que el sueño transcurría en un acogedor café donde el sol brillaba, y luego... bam, se despierta. Según ella fue una experiencia muy extraña.

Tanto así, que en ese mismo momento -todavía acostada en la cama después de tener el sueño- sabía que tenía que romper con su novio.

La cantante de "Ocean Eyes" no reveló a quién se refería, pero vale la pena señalar que ha sido vinculada con el actor Matthew Tyler Vorce y el rapero Brandon 'Q' Adams en el pasado.

La relación más reciente de Billie fue con el vocalista de The Neighbourhood, Jesse Rutherford, pero su historia de amor sufrió un bache y terminó el año pasado. Su representante le dijo a TMZ en ese momento: "Podemos confirmar que Billie y Jesse se separaron amistosamente y siguen siendo buenos amigos", al tiempo que desmintió los rumores de engaño que surgieron.

Por ahora, parece que Billie no está centrada en ningún hombre, ¡porque su carrera está subiendo a nuevas alturas! Ella y Finneas tienen sus miras puestas en los Oscars del domingo, donde están nominados a Mejor Canción Original por "What Was I Made For?" de "Barbie", y también actuarán en la ceremonia.

¡Billie está claramente mejor que nunca y parece que los sueños y las estrellas a veces coinciden!


Billie Eilish's ex-BF has Christian Bale to thank for their relationship not standing the test of time -- all 'cause of a random dream she had years earlier.

The singer spilled the beans about how a dream featuring "The Dark Knight" actor led her to end her relationship ... all while chatting about their favorite superheroes with Amelia Dimoldenberg at the Oscars Nominees' 'Pre-Luncheon' Luncheon alongside her bro, Finneas.

It's Over

Billie recalls the dream -- it took place in a cozy little café, the sun shone in, and then ... bam, she wakes up ... and it's like a lightbulb goes off in her head! That's one hell of a wake-up call, literally!

She says it was at that very moment, still lying in bed after having the dream, that she knew she had to break up with her boyfriend.

The "Ocean Eyes' singer didn't reveal who she was referring to -- but it's worth noting that she's been linked to actor Matthew Tyler Vorce and rapper Brandon 'Q' Adams in the past.

Billie's most recent relationship was with The Neighbourhood's lead vocalist, Jesse Rutherford, but their love story hit a speed bump and ended last year. Her rep told TMZ at the time, "We can confirm Billie and Jesse did split amicably and remain good friends," ... while also shooting down cheating rumors that surfaced.

As for now, it looks like Billie ain't focused on no man ... 'cause her career's soaring to new heights! She and Finneas have their sights set on the Oscars Sunday, where they're nominated for Best Original Song for "What Was I Made For?" from "Barbie," and they'll also be performing at the ceremony.

Billie's clearly doing better than ever RN ... and looks like she has Bale's unintentional superhero powers to thank for it!!

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'Anchorman' Star David Koechner Puff, Puff, Laugh!!! Vapes Weed During Standup


Comedian David Koechner's standup comedy act is smoking these days as some fans in Maryland discovered when he tried to catch a cannabis high on stage ... courtesy of an audience member, no less!

David hit the stage Friday night at Magooby's Joke House in Timonium, Maryland, where he performed for about an hour to a packed crowd, which included at least one fan who was puffing on a weed pen ... something Dave noticed from the stage.

Thirty minutes into his show, he must've caught a whiff of the sinsemilla, and decided to apply the golden rule -- sharing is caring!

Check out this video obtained by TMZ ... Dave looked out into the sea of people and asked, "Who is smoking? Is that weed?"

The man responded, "Yes" .... and motioning with his hand, David replied, "Give here."

The dude walked up to the stage and handed the vape to Dave, who started bantering with his fans as they egged him on to take a few tokes.

Dave finally caved and took two huge drags, blowing out the smoke. Of course, we can't tell from the video it really was marijuana ... but everyone in the crowd seemed convinced.

Assuming it was, it's NBD in Maryland ... where recreational cannabis was legalized last year.

We're not so sure puffing indoors at a comedy club is kosher -- but there were no narcs in the crowd, as David's show continued ... and, we're told everyone had a damn good time.

He's currently on a national comedy tour called "Blue Skies And Dirty Lies" -- and he's probably best known for his role as sportscaster Champ Kind in the 'Anchorman' movies.

You might recall in 2022 ... David was busted for driving while under the influence of alcohol in Ohio, receiving a ticket for the offense. He was also arrested and charged with DUI and hit and run in California's Ventura County on New Year's Eve 2021.

Thankfully, nothing that serious went down Friday night in Maryland after a couple vape drags ... probably just a good case of the munchies.

David Koechner ¡¡Fuma hierba y se ríe sobre el escenario!!


El comediante David Koechner está dando bocanadas de humo por estos días, como cuando los fans de Maryland descubrieron que intentó alcanzar un vaporizador de cannabis desde el escenario, cortesía nada menos que de un fanático de la audiencia.

David se subió al escenario del Magooby's Joke House en Timonium, Maryland, el viernes por la noche, donde actuó durante aproximadamente una hora frente a una multitud de personas. Uno de ellos estaba fumando un caño de marihuana, algo que Dave notó desde el escenario.

A los treinta minutos de empezar su show, debió haber olido un poco de la hierba y decidió aplicar la regla de oro: ¡compartir es cuidar!

Echa un vistazo a este video obtenido por TMZ: Dave miró hacia el mar de gente y preguntó: "¿Quién está fumando? ¿Eso es hierba?"

El hombre respondió: "Sí", y haciendo un gesto con la mano, David respondió: "Dale aquí".

El tipo se acercó al escenario y le entregó el vape a Dave, que empezó a bromear con sus fans mientras le animaban a darle unas caladas.

Dave finalmente cedió y dio dos enormes bocanadas. Por supuesto, no podemos decir en el video si realmente era marihuana, pero todos en la multitud parecían convencidos de ello.

Suponiendo que lo era, no es la gran cosa en Maryland, donde el cannabis recreativo fue legalizado el año pasado.

No estamos tan seguros de si era apropiado fumar en el club de comedia, pero no había narcos en la multitud y el show de David continuó. Nos dicen que todo el mundo lo pasó increíble.

Actualmente, está en una gira nacional de comedia llamada "Blue Skies And Dirty Lies" y es probablemente mejor conocido por su papel como comentarista deportivo en las películas "Anchorman"

Se pueden recordar que en 2022, David fue arrestado por conducir bajo la influencia del alcohol en Ohio, donde recibió una multa por el delito. También fue detenido y acusado de DUI y atropello y fuga en el condado de Ventura, en California, en la víspera de Año Nuevo 2021.

Afortunadamente, nada tan grave ocurrió el viernes por la noche en Maryland después de un par de caladas, probablemente solo un buen caso de antojo.

Richard Lewis Wife Joyce Thanks Supporters ... Following His Death

The wife of late actor-comedian Richard Lewis is breaking her silence and giving thanks to his flood of supporters and well-wishers.

Joyce Lapinsky posted a message on X, showing her gratitude to everyone who sent in "loving tributes" after Richard passed away this week at his L.A. home. On Friday, she said Richard would have been "beyond thrilled and so touched, as am I."

Joyce asked Richard's fans who want to make donations in his memory to send their money to the charity, Comedy Gives Back, or another non-profit of their choice.

As we reported ... The "Curb Your Enthusiasm" star died Tuesday night after suffering a heart attack. Music icon Bette Midler was one of the first people to go on social media to celebrate Richard's life and career. This was followed by a stream of other celebs, such as Ben Stiller, Albert Brooks and his 'Curb' costar Larry David.

Last year, Richard announced he was suffering from Parkinson's disease after he retired from doing stand-up comedy. He said his litany of other health issues culminated in his Parkinson's diagnosis and he was managing it all with medication.

The last time we saw Richard in public was 2021 and Joyce was right there beside him, guiding him as they walked around Beverly Hills.

Kyle Busch Gotta Hand It To My Wife ... 'Inches' Roast Got Me Good!!


NASCAR star Kyle Busch is giving credit where it's due ... telling TMZ Sports he can only applaud his wife, Samantha, for ruthlessly trolling him over "inches" last week.

In case you missed it -- one of the closest finishes in NASCAR history went down in the Ambetter Health 400 at Atlanta Motor Speedway last Sunday ... with Busch, Daniel Suarez and Ryan Blaney being neck and neck (and neck) right up until the checkered flag.

The 2015 and 2019 Cup Series champion addressed his third-place finish after the race -- going to Instagram and admitting he "Needed a couple inches📏" in order to come out on top ... to which Samantha hit him with a sick burn.

"I’ve been telling you that for almost 20 years 😜" Sam wrote in the comments.


We caught up with Busch this week and asked about his wife's friendly jab ... and even he's admitting she got him good.

"I think I left the door wide open for those sorts of comments with how I scripted my text underneath my post, so she played that well."

As for the actual race, Busch broke down the "chess game" he was trying to execute in the final laps ... and how Suarez was able to use his own strategy against him.

But, all things considered, the driver of the No. 8 car said he was able to keep his composure in the end (per usual) ... and is thrilled they were all able to cross the finish line without crashing.

There's more -- we also asked Busch about the new Netflix series, "Full Speed" ... and there's one big reason why he's hoping to get more airtime in season 2.

Drew Barrymore Loves Going Commando ... Beware Pranking Daughter!


Drew Barrymore's all for leaving the underwear in the dresser drawer ... but she says she's gotta keep her head on a swivel -- 'cause her daughter's got a penchant for pantsing.

The actress/talk show host revealed one of her daughters loves to pull her pants down around the house as a prank ... on account of DB walking around without undies on all the time.

Drew was sitting with her cohost Ross Mathews, 'SNL' star Chloe Fineman and singer Boy George when the question of going commando came up ... and Drew was first to admit she's all for feeling free down there.

And, DB's saying she doesn't just do it if she hasn't gotten to the laundry in a bit ... saying she actually enjoys dressing sans underwear -- a choice so well-known in her household it leads to the pantsing pranks.

Barrymore was quick to add her daughter is only doing it as a joke, and she said she's made it clear to her kid it's only an around-the-house kinda gag -- nothing for mixed company or the outside world.

Drew's got 2 kids with her ex-husband Will Kopelman BTW ... 11-year-old Olive and 9-year-old Frankie -- but, she didn't reveal which one's the little prankster.

Totally Comfortable
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard

She's not even the first celeb this week to cop to domestic nudity -- Bradley Cooper revealed he's always fully exposed at home, and even chats with his daughter while he's on the toilet and she's in the tub.

TMZ Studios

Anyhoo, watch your back, Drew -- or your backside might end up hanging out for all to see!


Richard Lewis, actor de "Curb Your Enthusiasm", ha muerto... TMZ ha confirmado.

El comediante y actor -que protagonizó junto a Larry David el exitoso programa de HBO- falleció el martes por la noche, con Bette Midler siendo una de las primeras personas que lo señaló el miércoles. Ella no dio muchos detalles, simplemente escribió: "En una nota triste, el gran Richard Lewis ha muerto".

Según su representante, murió de un ataque al corazón en su casa de Los Ángeles.

Es un giro impactante para los fans de la querida estrella ya que había estado luchando públicamente con la enfermedad de Parkinson, la cual anunció el año pasado.

En su anuncio, Richard señaló que en realidad había planeado retirarse de la comedia hace unos años debido a una serie de problemas de salud - que culminaron con su diagnóstico de Parkinson. En aquel momento dijo que se encontraba bien y que estaba tomando la medicación adecuada para controlarlo.

Parecía estar relativamente bien de salud a pesar de su diagnóstico de Parkinson. La enfermedad no había llegado a un punto en el que fuera visiblemente un obstáculo para él o su capacidad para actuar, incluido su papel recurrente como su yo ficticio en "CYE". No está claro si el diagnóstico influyó en su fallecimiento.

Richard fue un habitual de la serie desde el principio, interpretando al mejor amigo de Larry, con quien a menudo discutía. Por supuesto, Richard también fue un cómico condecorado.

La última vez que Richard fue visto en público fue junto a su esposa, Joyce Lapinsky. Ella parecía estar ayudándole a caminar, mientras paseaban por Beverly Hills.

Le sobrevive su esposa. Richard tenía 76 años.

tmz investiga
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'Curb Your Enthusiasm' Richard Lewis Dead at 76

Richard Lewis, famous from "Curb Your Enthusiasm," has died ... TMZ has confirmed.

The comedian and actor -- who starred opposite Larry David on his hit HBO show -- passed away Tuesday night ... with Bette Midler being one of the first people who noted it Wednesday. She didn't provide much detail, simply writing, "On a sad note, the great Richard Lewis has died."

According to his rep -- he died from a heart attack at his home in L.A.

It's a shocking turn of events for fans of the beloved 'Curb' star -- as he'd been publicly battling with Parkinson's disease lately ... which he announced he'd been diagnosed with last year.

In his announcement, Richard noted that he'd actually planned on retiring from comedy a few years ago due to a number of health issues -- which all culminated with his Parkinson's diagnosis. He said at the time he was okay and was taking the right medication to manage it.

He appeared relatively okay health-wise despite his Parkinson's diagnosis. The disease hadn't reached a point where it was visibly hindering him or his ability to perform, including his recurring role as his fictional self on 'CYE.' It's unclear if his diagnosis played any part in his passing.

Richard was a regular on the long-running series since the beginning ... playing Larry's best friend, with whom he'd often squabble. Of course, Richard was also a decorated comic.

The last time Richard was seen out in public was actually alongside his wife, Joyce Lapinsky. She appeared to be helping him walk -- as they were out and about in Beverly Hills.

He's survived by his wife. Richard was 76.

TMZ Studios


'Life Goes On' Star Chris Burke Defends Shane Gillis 'SNL' Down Syndrome Jokes

Chris Burke, who has Down Syndrome, is defending Shane Gillis over the comedian's polarizing monologue on "Saturday Night Live" ... he's got no issues with Shane making Down Syndrome jokes.

The "Life Goes On" star tells TMZ ... people with Down Syndrome are just like everybody else and shouldn't be excluded from being joked about by comedians.

Chris, the first actor with Down Syndrome to star in a TV series, says it would actually be more offensive for comedians to exclude people with Down Syndrome from being the subjects of jokes.

Shane spent the majority of his 8-minute monologue poking fun at his family ... including a niece who has Down Syndrome ... and he mostly glossed over the 2019 scandal that got him fired from 'SNL.'

Shane Gillis SEPTEMBER 2018
Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast

Chris says folks shouldn't pass judgment on Shane here because no one knows how he dealt and coped with having a niece with Down Syndrome. As a result, Chris feels Shane isn't making these jokes out of ignorance.

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In fact, Shane's jokes kinda jibe with what Chris is saying.

A Fair One

While some people were naturally turned off by Shane, Chris sees some positives.

At the very least, he says Shane's monologue helped start a conversation about Down Syndrome and how people living with the condition are normal folks who can experience all aspects of life, including being joked about.



Jerry Seinfeld abandonó el discurso anual sobre el Estado de la Judería Mundial el domingo por la noche en Nueva York ante manifestantes antiisraelíes que le acusaban de apoyar el genocidio... pero no pareció inmutarse.

Échale un vistazo al video, un coro de personas cantan, "partidario del genocidio, que apoya el genocidio", al ver al comediante fuera de la sede de Manhattan después del evento que contó con el columnista Bari Weiss, fundador de The Free Press.

Como se puede ver, Jerry está muy tranquilo, incluso expuesto a toda la rabia. Esboza una sonrisa y saluda con la mano antes de meterse despreocupadamente en la parte trasera de un todoterreno negro rodeado de agentes de la policía de Nueva York.

Incluso después de que Jerry se fue, los manifestantes seguían gritando: "Jódanse, apoyan el genocidio".

Parece que todo el alboroto contra Jerry se debió a su apoyo a la oradora principal del evento, Weiss, conocida por su firme apoyo a Israel.

tmz investiga
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Weiss ha sido muy criticada por criticar a Refaat Alareer, un profesor y poeta palestino que perdió la vida trágicamente en un ataque aéreo israelí en diciembre.

Pero, volviendo a la manifestación ante el 92Y, en el Upper East Side de Nueva York... no tuvo precisamente mucha convocatoria. La policía se presentó y terminó arrestando a dos manifestantes.

"solo preguntas inteligentes"

En cuanto a Jerry, parece que un poco de acción de protesta no erizó sus plumas demasiado, y está lejos de ser la primera celebridad en ser interrumpida por manifestantes anti-israelíes en Nueva York, Alec Baldwin también se encontró en una situación similar a finales del año pasado.