Judge Mathis on 'Club Shay Shay' Black Entertainment Beef's Embarrassing ... H'wood Laughingstock!!!

Instagram /@judgegregmathis

Katt Williams and Mo'Nique's sharing their "truth" on "Club Shay Shay" was the worst possible move for the Black community ... at least in Judge Mathis' eyes.

The man has been paid to have an honest gauge on uneasy situations -- legal, ethical and otherwise -- and according to Hizzoner, he rules that all this mud-slinging stinks. On Friday, Mathis held court on his IG page and called for an end to the recent missiles launched in the public eye amongst Black entertainers.

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Club Shay Shay

He didn't single out Katt and Mo by name but the social media space has been in shambles since Katt's interview aired on January 3 ... and Mo followed suit this week -- even joining KW's nationwide tour with other comics who seem to have bones to pick.

Judge Mathis didn't bite his tongue -- he called the feeding frenzy an embarrassment to Black culture and feels it his gut that big H'wood execs and studios are silently laughing on the sidelines.

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He also pointed out he doesn't see other cultures tearing each other down in public ... just Black people being the sideshow spectacle -- that's how's he framing his argument here.

The 63-year-old justice admitted he doesn't always keep his cool in his own courtroom but notes those outbursts are spun into entertainment for his TV shows.

Judge Mathis concluded by stressing that these stars' issues should be hashed out in private settings ... instead of setting bad examples.

We'll see if Shannon Sharpe takes a breather with these interviews -- or if he keeps on bringing celebs with more grievances to air. On its face, he seems inclined toward the latter.

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To be continued ...

Keegan-Michael Key Ghosts of NFL Couples Past Swift & Kelce Are Simpson & Romo 2.0


Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce are stirring up memories of past high-profile NFL couples -- including one controversial ex-couple -- at least for Keegan-Michael Key.

KMK hosted the NFL Honors -- the league's annual end-of-season award ceremony -- and, obviously, the funnyman had to bring up Traylor.

He pointed out Kelce isn't the first NFL baller to date a pop star ... name-dropping Russell Wilson and Ciara and Tony Romo and Jessica Simpson before cracking a joke about Brad Paisley and Peyton Manning's friendship.

While Russ and Ciara are still going strong nearly a decade into their relationship, JS and TR didn't make it nearly that long ... with their relationship causing constant drama for the pair.

You'll recall ... Romo and Simpson started dating in late 2007, and just like T-Swift, Simpson became a huge staple in the crowd at Dallas Cowboys games.

Dallas struggled in 2008 though -- the first full season Simpson and Romo dated -- missing out on a playoff spot by one measly tie to the rival Philadelphia Eagles.

Some fans, rather unfairly, blamed the team's issues on Romo and Simpson's relationship ... the couple broke up the following year after Tony found out Jessica was still in contact with her ex, John Mayer.

Worth noting ... Romo's been very supportive of Swift and Kelce since they took their relationship public in September -- recently saying he's rooting for the couple to marry after accidentally referring to Swift as Kelce's wife back in December.

BTW, Key made a few more jokes involving Swift and Kelce though none at the couple's expense ... instead poking fun at the Carolina Panthers and ex-Pats head coach Bill Belichick.

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Time will tell if Taylor/Travis is more Ciara/Russ -- married with children -- or more of the bad memory Jessica and Tony are for Cowboys fans.

Mo'Nique If Ya Thought 'Shay Shay' Was Wild ... Catch Me On Tour with Katt!!!

Mo'Nique has a new ally after trashing Hollywood elites on "Club Shay Shay," one who might inspire her to spill more tea -- she's hitting the road with Katt Williams for his "Dark Matter" tour!!!

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She and her husband/manager Sidney Hicks casually squeezed in the announcement Thursday during an Instagram Live that primarily focused on applying more pressure on D.L. Hughley ... amid their current mud slingin'.

Mo'Nique revealed she'll be joining Katt's band of comics as early as tomorrow ... Mark Curry and Torrei Hart are also attached to the tour, so now they've got 4 chests with a lot of stress to unload! What's interesting is most of them are aiming at the same targets!

Katt Is Holding It Down

We recently spoke to Mark, who sarcastically laughed off Steve Harvey stealing his jokes in the past -- something Katt raised with Shannon Sharpe -- but added he's got plenty of new zingers for Katt's tour.

torrei time

Torrei also told us she's out to prove she can stand on her own outside the shadow of her ex-husband Kevin Hart.

The tour's rolling through May -- so, Steve, Oprah and Tyler Perry's ears are gonna be burning for a while.

Charlamagne Tha God Fui un burro contigo, Mo'Nique...

Charlamagne Tha God está lamiendo sus heridas a raíz de la entrevista de Mo'Nique con "Club Shay Shay" y pidiéndole disculpas por su papel en el declive de su carrera.

El jueves, CTG se llamó a sí mismo el "Burro del Día", 6 años después de que hiciera lo mismo con Mo'Nique por burlarse de su cruzada contra Netflix por no pagarle lo mismo que a sus compañeros como Chris Rock y Amy Schumer.

Mo'Nique demandó a Netflix en 2019 por discriminación. Luego el caso se resolvió fuera de los tribunales en 2022, y también consiguió que su especial se emitiera al año siguiente.

A instancias de DJ Envy y Jess Hilarious, Charlamagne admitió que debería haberse metido en sus asuntos y se disculpó con Mo y su esposo Sidney por sus comentarios.

Mo'Nique mencionó "Donkey Of The Day" en su especial de Netflix y en "Club Shay Shay", por lo que el desaire claramente estuvo presente en su mente todo este tiempo.

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Mientras Charlamagne está aligerando las cosas con Mo'Nique, D.L. Hughley no le está dando tregua y la destrozó en un largo despotrique por su cuenta.

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D.L. y Mo'Nique han estado enfrentados durante años y ahora él está refutando la afirmación de que él y su equipo de podcast fueran despectivos cuando ella fue invitada.

Charlamagne Tha God I Was a Jackass to You, Mo'Nique ... This Donkey's On Me!!!

Charlamagne Tha God is licking his wounds in the wake of Mo'Nique's "Club Shay Shay" interview ... and apologizing for his role in fueling her career downslide.

On Thursday, CTG gave himself "Donkey of the Day" -- 6 years after he did the same to Mo'Nique for scoffing at her crusade against Netflix for not paying her what it paid her peers like Chris Rock and Amy Schumer.

Mo'Nique sued Netflix in 2019 for discrimination, and ultimately the case settled out of court in 2022 ... and also got her special aired the following year.

At the behest of DJ Envy and Jess Hilarious, Charlamagne admitted he should've minded his business, and apologized to Mo and her husband Sidney for his meddling ways.

Mo'Nique mentioned 'DOTD' in her Netflix special, and her "Club Shay Shay" convo ... so the dishonor was clearly weighing on her brain all this time.

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While Charlamagne's easing up on Mo'Nique, D.L. Hughley isn't cutting her any slack and ripped her in a lengthy rant off of his own.

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D.L. and Mo'Nique have been at each other's throats for years, and now he's disputing her claim he and his podcast team were dismissive when she was a guest.

Pete Davidson no abandonó el concierto de Matt Rife Nunca fue programado para actuar

Pete Davidson dice que han "retirado" del show de comedia de Matt Rife, pero eso no podría estar más lejos de la verdad... TMZ ha indagado.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo le dicen a TMZ que los informes que sugieren que Matt no pudo actuar durante la primera de tres noches en el legendario Radio City Music Hall de Nueva York el pasado fin de semana son simplemente falsos, aunque sabemos que Pete, de hecho, no actuó.

Sin embargo, hay una buena razón para esto, nuestras fuentes nos dicen que Pete nunca estuvo técnicamente contratado o programado para subir al escenario para abrir, pero nos dicen que le preguntaron.

Esto es lo que realmente sucedió, nuestras fuentes dicen que Matt le extendió una invitación a Pete para su show, y mientras que al ex "SNL" le hubiera encantado venir y animar a su amigo, nuestras fuentes nos dicen que simplemente no pudo hacerlo e incluso se lo dijo a Matt directamente.

A primera vista parece que ha habido un malentendido o falta de comunicación entre Matt y su equipo, eso es lo que nos han dicho de todos modos. Pete transmitió el mensaje.

Nuestras fuentes también añaden que Pete no tiene nada más que amor por Matt, pero no podía hacer el show porque ya estaba reservado y ocupado con sus propios conciertos.

Pete tenía un show de stand-up el día cuatro, lo que significa que tuvo que viajar el día tres para llegar, ambas fechas coinciden con los shows de Matt en Nueva York. Además de estar en medio de su propia gira de stand-up y nos dicen que Pete también está comenzando la producción de una película con Eddie Murphy.

Así que la gran noticia aquí es que realmente no hay ninguna noticia en absoluto. Eso no quiere decir que las actuaciones de Matt últimamente no hayan sido agitadas, porque ciertamente lo han sido.

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"no fui yo"

Recordemos que la estrella porno Lisa Ann fue esposada y expulsada del show de Matt por actuar supuestamente "borracha y desordenada", según la policía. Fue una escena muy dramática.

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En cuanto a lo de Pete y Matt... no es para tanto. ¡Sigan adelante!


Pete Davidson is said to have "pulled out" of Matt Rife's comedy show at the 11th hour -- but that couldn't be further from the truth ... TMZ has learned.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ that reports suggesting Matt was left high and dry during the first night of his 3-night stand-up show at NYC's legendary Radio City Music Hall this past weekend are simply false ... although, we know Pete did not, in fact, perform.

There's a perfectly good reason, though ... our sources tell us PD was never technically contracted or scheduled to get on stage as an opener ... but we're told he was asked.

Here's what actually unfolded ... our sources say Matt extended an invite to Pete for his show, and while we're told the ex-'SNL'er would've loved to come and cheer on his pal -- our sources tell us he simply couldn't make it ... and he even told Matt directly.

On the face of it ... there seems to have been a misunderstanding/miscommunication between Matt and his own team ... that's what we're being told anyway. Pete relayed the message.

Our sources also add this ... Pete has nothing but love for Matt, but he couldn't make the show because he was already booked and busy with gigs of his own.

Pete had a stand-up show on Feb. 4, meaning he had to travel Feb. 3 to make it there -- both dates falling on Matt's shows in NYC. In addition to being in the middle of his own stand-up tour ... we're told Pete's also starting production on a film with Eddie Murphy.

So the big news here is that there really isn't any news at all. That's not to say Matt's performances lately haven't been eventful ... 'cause they certainly have.

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Remember, porn star Lisa Ann was cuffed and dragged outta Matt's show for allegedly acting "drunk and disorderly," according to cops. Now, that was quite the dramatic scene.

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As for this Pete/Matt stuff ... not nearly as grabby. Keep it movin', people!

Howard Stern Mocks Trevor Noah's Hosting ... All Positive at Grammys

Trevor Noah's Grammy Awards hosting performance has received widespread praise -- but Howard Stern's not hopping on that bandwagon, instead criticizing the comedian's gushing positivity.

The Howard Stern Show / Sirius XM

The radio icon offered his review of the Grammys while on his SiriusXM show ... taking the comedian to task for approaching the award ceremony with zero edge ... calling him more "cheerleader" than roastmaster.

HS played a few clips from TN's monologue ... where Trevor called Mark Ronson a "legend" and heaped praise on Grammy winner 21 Savage.

Stern went to town on that part, imagining Noah continuing to talk about Savage's detail-oriented financial nature and even his "great ass" ... before adding, "No one is safe, no one is off limits from my admiration, and you will hear it tonight!“

Howard did cut Noah some slack, acknowledging hosting a major awards show's an impossible job -- and pointed to Jo Koy's disastrous Golden Globes monologue as a prime example of a host trying "to make a few jokes and they almost f***ing killed the guy."

Howard's seemingly in the minority here BTW ... with Noah getting 2 thumbs up from a whole bunch of people including Taylor Swift who said he did a "beautiful job" in a sweet backstage moment.

Not exactly a surprise there ... as we previously reported, Noah got a little revenge on the NFL for Taylor during his opening monologue -- promising to cut to former NFL linebacker Terry Crews after every Taylor reference.

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It didn't sound like Howard was throwing his hat in the ring to be the next host ... but imagine how edgy that would be! The Grammys would never.

Howard Stern Se burla de Noah Trevor como presentador... Demasiado positivo en los Grammys

La actuación de Trevor Noah como anfitrión de los Premios Grammy ha recibido elogios generalizados, pero Howard Stern no se está subiendo a ese carro y en su lugar está criticando la efusiva positividad del comediante.

Nadie está fuera de los límites
The Howard Stern Show / Sirius XM

El icono de la radio hizo una revisión de los Grammys en su programa de SiriusXM, en donde criticó al comediante por parecer más un cheerleader que un cómico.

Howard Stern reprodujo algunos clips del monólogo de Trevor Noah donde llamó a Mark Ronson una "leyenda" y elogió al ganador del Grammy 21 Savage.

Stern se refirió a esa parte, imaginando a Noah luego hablando de lo detallista que era Savage con sus finanzas e incluso de su "gran culo", antes de añadir: "Nadie está a salvo, nadie está fuera de los límites de mi admiración, ¡y lo escucharás esta noche!"

Howard le dio un respiro a Noah, reconociendo que ser anfitrión de una entrega de premios es un trabajo imposible, y señaló el desastroso monólogo de Jo Koy en los Globos de Oro, quien intentó "hacer algunas bromas" y luego "casi lo matan".

Aparentemente, Howard está entre la minoría aquí. Noah consiguió pulgares hacia arriba de un montón de gente, incluyendo Taylor Swift, quien le dijo que hizo un "trabajo hermoso" en un momento dulce del backstage.

No es exactamente una sorpresa, como informamos anteriormente, Noah se vengó un poco de la NFL por Taylor durante su monólogo de apertura, prometiendo cortar al ex linebacker de la NFL Terry Crews después de cada referencia a Taylor.

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No pareciera que Howard se estuviera ofreciendo para ser el próximo anfitrión, ¡pero imagínense lo nervioso que sería! Los Grammy nunca lo harían.

Resurgen los insultos racistas y étnicos del cómico Shane Gillis Antes de ser presentador de "SNL"

A Fair One

El cómico Shane Gillis vuelve a estar en la mira: el anuncio de que será el presentador de "SNL" le recuerda a algunas personas los epítetos racistas que utilizaba en su época de pódcast.

Shane es conocido por su atrevida comedia de stand-up -es muy popular en YouTube y Netflix- y aunque no ha rehuido de su controvertido humor del pasado, resulta chocante escucharlo soltar insultos en medio de chistes anecdóticos.

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Lorne Michaels y "SNL" contrataron a Shane en 2019, pero lo despidieron antes de que apareciera en el programa debido a las reacciones por los chistes antiasiáticos que había hecho en otro pódcast.

El contenido ofensivo proviene de un pódcast llamado "A Fair One", y Shane hace algunas bromas controvertidas, o al menos el lenguaje fue controvertido, ya que descargó la palabra con n, la palabra homofóbica y un insulto judío en particular.

Shane Gillis SEPTEMBER 2018
ataque en el barrio chino
Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast

Basado en la historia de Shane con "SNL", puedes apostar a que los productores saben que algo de este material está flotando por ahí en la Internet.

Cuando fue despedido en 2019, se disculpó diciendo: "Soy un comediante que empuja los límites. A veces fallo. Si repasas mis 10 años de comedia, la mayoría mala, vas a encontrar muchos fallos".

También dijo que se disculparía con "cualquiera que se haya sentido realmente ofendido por algo que haya dicho".

Es justo suponer que "SNL" siente que ha hecho las paces o evolucionado como comediante, porque lo han traído de vuelta como anfitrión.

Si usted está familiarizado con los especiales de standup de Shane, usted sabe que él dice un montón de chistes raciales y LGBTQ +, pero el material de pódcast se siente aún más polémico. Definitivamente no es el tipo de lenguaje que esperarías en su monólogo de "SNL".

Claro, es un programa nocturno, pero los censores de la NBC siguen vigilando.

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Nos pusimos en contacto con el equipo de Shane, pero hasta ahora, no hay respuesta.

Comedian Shane Gillis Racial, Ethnic Slurs Resurfacing ... Before 'SNL' Hosting Gig

A Fair One

Comedian Shane Gillis is back under the microscope -- with 'SNL' announcing he's hosting, it reminds some people of the racial epithets he used in his podcasting days.

Shane's known for his edgy stand-up comedy -- he's very popular on YouTube and Netflix -- and while he hasn't shied away from his past controversial humor, it's jarring to hear him dropping slurs in the middle of anecdotal jokes.

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Lorne Michaels and 'SNL' hired Shane in 2019, but fired him before he ever appeared on the show due to backlash over anti-Asian jokes he'd made on a different podcast.

The offensive content here comes from a podcast called "A Fair One," and Shane delivers some controversial jokes -- or at least the language was controversial ... as he unloaded the n-word, the homophobic f-word, and a particular Jewish slur, too.

Shane Gillis SEPTEMBER 2018
Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast

Based on Shane's history with 'SNL' ya gotta believe producers know some of this material is floating out there on the internet.

When he got canned back in 2019, he apologized, saying ... "I'm a comedian who pushes boundaries. I sometimes miss. If you go through my 10 years of comedy, most of it bad, you're going to find a lot of bad misses."

He also said he'd apologize to "anyone who's actually offended by anything I've said."

It's fair to assume, 'SNL' feels he's made amends, or evolved as a comedian ... because they've brought him back to host.

If you're familiar with Shane's standup specials, you know he tells plenty of racial and LGBTQ+ jokes -- but the podcast stuff feels even edgier. Definitely not the kinda language you'd expect in his 'SNL' monologue.

Sure, it's late-night programming, but NBC's censors are still up and watching!

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We reached out to Shane's team ... so far, no word back.

Mark Curry Steve Harvey Can Keep Jokes He Stole ... I Write New Ones, Daily!!!

Katt Is Holding It Down

Katt Williams’ viral interview is pushing Steve Harvey and Mark Curry’s longstanding feud into the public eye -- and while Mark says it's water under the bridge, he still hasn’t forgotten!!!

We got the veteran comic Monday at LAX, where he told us Steve hasn’t said a word to his face about stealing his jokes back in the day, but Mark made it clear he's not sweatin' it.

He says Steve can have his old material, because his pen stays producing new material all the time!

Katt roasted Steve on Shannon Sharpe's “Club Shay Shay” for not only swiping Mark’s stand-up bits but also repurposing the premise of his “Hangin With Mr. Cooper” sitcom for his own “Steve Harvey Show” years later.

Mark’s currently delivering new routines on Katt’s “Dark Matter Tour” and tells us it’s perfectly fine if Steve wants to keep the old jokes he stole … he’s confident they’re still being used.

MC credits Katt for being more than an outstanding tour partner — he says Katt got in between him when he went to confront Steve in person.

torrei time

We recently spoke to Torrei Hart, who’s also on the tour with Katt ... and she sang similar praises about him always taking care of his people.

#GetSome With Gary Owen

As fate would have it, Gary Owen also spoke out about his experience dealing with Steve and his producers, saying it didn't go well -- professionally or financially -- when he appeared on Steve's self-titled talk show.

You can’t win them all but Mark’s feeling like he’s on the right side of history at the moment.

Ex-Porn Star Lisa Ann NYPD 'Cuffed Me at Matt Rife's Show!!! Cops Claim She Was 'Disorderly,' Possibly Drunk

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Ex-porn star Lisa Ann says NYPD officers dragged her out of comedian Matt Rife's show for allegedly using her phone, and threatened to put her on a psychiatric hold -- a move cops claim was warranted because she was acting drunk and disorderly.

Lisa, who famously spoofed Sarah Palin in porn, tells TMZ ... she was seated in the 2nd row with 2 friends at Radio City Music Hall Sunday night, and about 20 minutes into Matt's show, 8 ushers came over and told her she was getting booted for using her phone.

Lisa says she told the ushers and NYPD officers stationed at the venue, she did NOT use her phone at all inside the theater, in fact, she insists she never touched it -- but does admit one of her friends looked at her own phone to view a text.

The "Nailin' Pailin" star says the biggest shock came when the cops marched her out of Radio City in handcuffs around 10:20 PM, and allegedly told her she could either be arrested or put on a 5150 hold ... her choice.

She says she opted for arrest, but the cops told her there was no one available to take her to the station, so they called for an ambulance -- and while they waited for 45 minutes, she claims the cops "humiliated" her by holding her in handcuffs on 6th Ave.

Now, an NYPD official tells us they'd gotten a call for someone being disorderly and interrupting the show, and the responding officers thought she seemed "off" ... like she might be having some "psychiatric episode" due to her "erratic behavior." They also say Radio City staff said she'd had a few alcoholic drinks.

Lisa says she finally caught a break when the ambulance arrived, because after hearing the whole story and observing Lisa, the paramedic refused to put her in custody at a hospital ... telling her and the cops they have too many "really ill" people to treat, according to Lisa.

At that point, she says the cops threw out one last ultimatum: agree to leave the show without another word, and they'd take off the handcuffs ... or they could arrest her.

She begrudgingly chose to leave, and was released without any charge or citation. While she's not yet considering suing anyone over the incident ... Lisa says she'd love, at least, an explanation from Radio City or NYPD as to why she was 86'd.

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NYPD, in its eyes, says the cops on scene simply "sweet-talked" Lisa into leaving.

BTW ... she and Matt hosted a radio show together, but had not met in person. She was excited to see his show, and possibly meet him afterward.

She even took a photo from her 2nd row seat at 8:45 PM, shortly before the show started ... and you can see an usher was watching over her even then. Lisa says she put her phone away at that point, and never took it out until after she was detained.

She's especially bummed because she's also a regular at Radio City, where she goes to see the Rockettes several times a year.

Lisa Ann Es detenida durante el show de matt rife

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¡yo no fui!

La ex-estrella porno -Lisa Ann- dice que los oficiales de policía de Nueva York la sacaron del show del comediante Matt Rife por supuestamente usar su teléfono, y amenazaron con ponerla en un psiquiátrico. Una medida que los policías afirman que estaba justificada porque estaba actuando borracha y desordenada.

Lisa, que se burló de Sarah Palin en el porno, le dice a TMZ que estaba sentada en la segunda fila con dos amigos en el Radio City Music Hall el domingo por la noche, y tras unos 20 minutos en el show de Matt, 8 acomodadores se acercaron y le dijeron que estaba siendo expulsada por usar su teléfono.

Lisa dice que le dijo a los acomodadores y a los oficiales de policía que ella no utilizó su teléfono en lo absoluto dentro del teatro, de hecho, insiste en que nunca lo tocó, pero admite que una de sus amigas miró su propio teléfono para ver un texto.

La estrella de "Nailin 'Pailin" dice que el mayor shock se produjo cuando los policías la sacaron de Radio City esposada alrededor de las 10:20 PM, y supuestamente le dijeron que podía ser arrestada o puesta en retención.

Ella dice que optó por la detención, pero los policías le dieron que no había nadie disponible para llevarla a la estación, por lo que llamó a una ambulancia y mientras esperaron durante unos 45 minutos, ella afirma que los policías la "humillaron".

Ahora, un oficial de la policía de Nueva York nos dice que habían recibido una llamada por alguien que estaba molesto durante el espectáculo, y los oficiales que respondieron pensaron que ella parecía "apagada", como si estuviera teniendo algún "episodio psiquiátrico" debido a su "comportamiento errático". También dicen que el personal de Radio City dijo que había bebido alcohol.

Lisa dice que finalmente tuvo un respiro cuando llegó la ambulancia, porque después de escuchar toda la historia y observar a Lisa, el paramédico se negó a ponerla bajo custodia en un hospital, diciéndole a ella y a los policías que tienen demasiadas personas "realmente enfermas" que tratar, según Lisa.

En ese momento, ella dice que los policías lanzaron un ultimátum: de acuerdo a abandonar el show sin decir otra palabra, y que le quitaría las esposas ... o podrían arrestarla.

A regañadientes optó por irse, y fue liberada sin ningún cargo o citación. Ella no está pensando en demandar a nadie todavía sobre el incidente, auque Lisa dice que le encantaría una explicación de Radio City o NYPD.

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La policía de Nueva York dice que los policías en la escena hicieron salir amablemente a Lisa del lugar.

Por cierto, ella y Matt presentaban un programa de radio juntos, pero no se conocían en persona. Ella estaba emocionada por ver su programa y posiblemente conocerlo después. Está especialmente disgustada porque también es una asidua de Radio City, donde va a ver a las Rockettes varias veces al año.

Trevor Noah Grammys Won't Cut to Taylor Swift ... We're Hounding an NFLer!!!


Trevor Noah's backing up Taylor Swift ... saying the Grammys wouldn't focus lenses on her like the NFL -- they'd go after a former player.

The comedian just took to the Grammys stage to perform his opening monologue -- during which he stayed real positive and complimentary -- before mentioning the world's biggest pop star and chastising NFL fans for blaming Taylor for the amount football broadcasts cut to her.

Noah said she doesn't control the cameras, so people need to chill out ... before insisting that every time someone mentioned Swift, he'd make sure the cameras cut to an ex-NFL player.

The camera then jumped ... to actor and "America's Got Talent" host Terry Crews, who looked totally surprised by the attention.

If you don't know, TC wasn't always an actor -- he played 32 NFL games for three teams between 1991 and 1995 ... the perfect person for TN to use in his revenge plan.

Terry cracked up ... with Noah continuing to yel; funny/harassing things at the absolutely ripped 55-year-old.

It's all in good fun and an especially topical joke ... 'cause Taylor's probably heading to the Super Bowl in Las Vegas next week -- so NFL fans can expect more Swift on their screen soon enough

BTW ... Taylor looked stunning in a flowing white dress on the red carpet -- which she was left to walk alone because of her man Travis Kelce's practice schedule.

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Better keep smiling, Terry ... don't want a candid moment turning into a meme!

Ayo Edebiri on 'SNL' Apologizes for Trashing JLo in 2020 ... I Learned My Lesson About Clout

Ayo Edebiri did a mea culpa on "SNL" Saturday night ... circuitously apologizing to JLo for throwing shade on her singing skills a few years back.

"The Bear" star took up hosting duties, but the standout moment was the "Jeopardy" skit, which was called -- "Why'd You Say It?" The contestants were confronted with mean/snarky/cruel social media posts and host Kenan Thompson demanded an explanation.

Ayo was shown a pic of a woman enjoying the rain, and, according to the skit, she had commented, "Die."  Funny enough, but Ayo said this -- "It's wrong to leave mean comments or post mean comments just for clout, or run your mouth on a podcast and you don't consider the impact because you are 24, and stupid, but I think, I speak for everyone when I say that from now on, we're gonna be a lot more thoughtful about what we post online."

Ayo-Edebiri-jennifer-lopez-audio-2 FEBRUARY 2020
Scam Goddess

Ayo didn't reference Jennifer Lopez, but it's obvious what she did here. As TMZ reported, Ayo was on the "Scam Goddess" podcast back in 2020 and called JLo's music career "one long scam," saying she could carry a note and might not sing all her tracks. There have been long-running theories on this, and Ayo played into it.

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The skit is pretty funny ... have a look.