Torrei Hart Kevin & Katt's Beef Is Their Drama ... It's My Time to Shine!!! 🤩


Torrei Hart is advising everyone upset she's touring with Katt Williams -- after he took big swipes at her ex-husband Kevin Hart -- to get over their emotions, she's booked and ready to hit the road!!!

TMZ Hip Hop recently caught up with Torrei in Burbank, where she explained she and Katt have a longstanding friendship dating back 20 years ... and he simply picked her to join on his "Dark Matter" Tour because she's "funny as f***!!!"

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Katt set off the year with his roasting of Kevin -- and several other Black comics on Shannon Sharpe's "Club Shay Shay" podcast -- but Torrei says her history with Katt is set in stone, and she isn't involved in their "beef."

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Club Shay Shay

Self-assurance aside, Torrei says she feels like it's her time to step into her own spotlight outside Kevin's shadow ... she maintains she's a 15-year comedy vet, climbing through the ranks of the chitlin' circuit and deserves this moment!!!

TMZ Studios

She intentionally named her own tour "No Hart Feelings," so haters can stay mad!!!

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Kevin's not amongst the angry mob -- he's giving his ex a ringing endorsement!!!

Dave Chappelle denuncia a Katt Williams por atacar exclusivamente a cómicos afroamericanos

Dave Chappelle le está respondiendo a Katt Williams y parece bastante enojado.

El controvertido actor y comediante hizo un stand-up en el San José Improv el viernes por la noche, donde compartió su decepción con Katt. Resulta que estaba particularmente indignado de que su compañero comediante hiciera bromas a costa de exclusivamente comediantes afroamericanos.

Dave dijo: "No dijo nada sobre ninguno de estos chicos blancos. Ninguno de estos chicos blancos funciona así". Básicamente, Dave parece estar diciendo que no está viendo comediantes blancos atacándose entre sí, sin embargo, Katt hizo todo lo contrario, despotricando contra comediantes afroamericanos.

Chappelle añadió que "las personas heridas daña a la gente", y reconoció que él mismo es una persona herida... y no se le ve lanzando veneno a sus compañeros cómicos.

Él defendió a un par de objetivos de Katt, específicamente a Cedric the Entertainer y Steve Harvey. Aunque a ambos les dieron duro en el escenario.

Cedric se llevó la peor parte. Chappelle dijo que ir después de Cedric no tenía sentido (Katt dijo que robaba chistes), ya que es "viejo" y "gordo". Poadríamos pensar que Cedric tiene a Dave entre ceja y ceja por esos adjetivos.

En cuanto a Steve, Dave dijo que no debería recibir ningún ataque porque está fuera del juego de stand-up en este momento, centrándose más en la presentación de programas de televisión como "Family Feud" y "Judge Steve Harvey".

Chappelle añadió su imitación de Katt también -lleno de blasfemias y una voz aguda- antes de señalar que Katt nunca se enfocó en sí mismo, y en lugar de eso se preocupó de lo que los otros comediantes afroamericanos se decían el uno al otro.

Otro gran momento fue cuando Dave rechazó la afirmación de que lo que hizo Katt era bueno para la comedia -un argumento que el comediante Deray Davis trató de demostrar en el escenario- diciendo que él lanzó un especial el mismo día de la entrevista y lo hizo bien.

Si aún no has oído los comentarios de Williams... ¡maldita sea, fueron muchos! Le lanzó veneno a Cedric, Steve, Ludacris, Kevin Hart, Tiffany Haddish, Trick Daddy y muchos más. Algunos le han respondido a Katt, mientras que otros se han mantenido en silencio.

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yendo por LUDACRIS
Club Shay Shay

Katt se mantuvo alejado de Dave en el Club Shay Shay y probablemente se mantendrá así en el futuro.

Dave Chappelle Calls Out Katt Williams Interview ... No Shade At 'White Boys'

Dave Chappelle's responding to Katt Williams' viral Club Shay Shay interview ... and he's pissed about who KW went and fired at.

The controversial actor/comedian did a stand-up set at MonDeRays at the Hollywood Improv Friday night where he shared his disappointment with Katt -- particularly outraged that his fellow comedian exclusively went after Black comedians.

DC said, "He ethered n*****. He didn't say anything about any of these white boys. None of these white boys function like that." Basically, Dave seems to be saying he's not seeing white comedians rake each other over the coals ... but Katt went after a whole lotta Black artists.

Chappelle added that "hurt people hurt people," but acknowledged he, himself, is also a hurt person ... and you don't see him throwing shade at his fellow comics.

He did defend a couple of Katt's targets -- specifically Cedric the Entertainer and Steve Harvey -- though both guys caught a couple strays in his defense.

CTE got it worse ... Chappelle said going after Cedric -- who Katt said was stealing jokes -- makes no sense because he's "old" and "fat" ... ya gotta think Cedric might be throwing a bit of side-eye at Dave for those adjectives.

As for SH, Dave said he shouldn't draw any ire because he's out of the stand-up game at this point -- focusing more on hosting TV shows like "Family Feud" and "Judge Steve Harvey."

Chappelle added his impersonation of Katt too -- full of profanity and a high-pitched voice -- before pointing out KW never really copped to anything he did ... instead choosing to focus on what other comedians did to one another.

Another big moment ... Dave rejected the claim what Katt did was good for comedy -- an argument comedian Deray Davis tried to make onstage -- saying quite simply that he put a special out the same day as the interview ... and it did fine.

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Club Shay Shay

If you haven't heard Williams' comments by now ... damn, there were a lot! He went after Cedric, Steve, Ludacris, Kevin Hart, Tiffany Haddish, Trick Daddy and a crap ton more -- some have responded to Katt while others have stayed quiet.

TMZ Studios

Katt stayed away from Dave on Club Shay Shay ... he's probably not going to in the future.

Natasha Leggero expone sus pechos durante un show en Los Ángeles

natasha desnuda

El número de comedia de Natasha Leggero se convirtió en un strip tease desnuda en el Hollywood Improv la semana pasada después de que se quitara la ropa y le mostrara sus tetas a la multitud.

Según Leggero y un video impactante obtenido por TMZ, así es como fue el espectáculo.

Natasha subió al escenario del Improv el miércoles por la noche después de que el cómico Bert Kreischer arrasara con su primera actuación de la noche, la cual que incluía arrancarse la camisa y contar chistes desnudo de cintura para arriba. Al público le encantó.

Así que a Leggero se le ocurrió la idea de copiar la actuación de Bert con el torso desnudo, ya que era un número muy difícil de seguir. Lo dijo así: "Si los chicos pueden hacerlo, ¿por qué no las chicas?". Buena observación, Natasha.

Pero Leggero mantuvo su plan en secreto porque quería seguir su instinto y no quería que nadie intentara disuadirla.

Después de que su amigo Bert triunfó en el escenario por segunda vez, presentó a Natasha para la siguiente vuelta, mientras desfilaba con la camiseta puesta.

Ahora, aquí es donde las cosas se pusieron realmente interesantes, ya que la cámara se encendió y comenzó a grabar.

Échale un vistazo, Natasha está haciendo un baile sexy delante de todos ya que son completamente ajenos a lo que está a punto de suceder. Primero se quita la chaqueta, luego los tirantes del mono y después la camiseta, dejando completamente al descubierto sus pechos desnudos.

Todo el lugar se vuelve loco, especialmente los tíos del público. De hecho, uno de ellos grita: "¡Santo cielo!".

Leggero se echa hacia atrás la chaqueta para cubrirse las tetas antes de sumergirse en su número cómico mientras el clip se corta.

El divertido show de Natasha fue parte del evento Comedy Rocks de Skyler Stone en el Improv, que también contó con varios otros comediantes de primera como David Spade y Tiffany Haddish.

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TMZ Studios

Natasha fue la favorita del público. ¡Lo sentimos por Bert y los demás!

Comedian Natasha Leggero Turns Comedy Act Into Naked Strip Show ... Caught On Video!!!


Natasha Leggero's comedy act turned into a naked strip tease at the Hollywood Improv last week after she tore off her clothes and flashed her knockers to a packed crowd!

According to Leggero and a shocking video obtained by TMZ, here's how the X-rated show went down:

Natasha hit the stage at the Improv Wednesday night after funnyman Bert Kreischer crushed it with his first performance of the night, which included ripping off his shirt and telling jokes naked from the waist up. The audience loved it, eating up Bert's performance.

So, Leggero came up with the idea to copy Bert's bare-chested routine since he was such a hard act to follow. She put it this way, "If the boys can do it, why can't the girls?" Good point, Natasha!

But, Leggero kept her plan a secret because she wanted to go with her gut and didn't want anyone to try to talk her out of it.

After her friend Bert killed it on stage a second time, he introduced Natasha for her next go-around, as she paraded out in her overalls with her top on.

Now, this is where things got really interesting as the camera was turned on and started recording.

Check it out ... Natasha is doing a sexy dance in front of everyone as they are completely oblivious to what's about to happen. She first removes her jacket, then the straps to her overalls and then her shirt, completely exposing her bare breasts.

The whole place goes NUTS, especially the dudes in the audience. In fact, one guy screams, "Holy s—t!!"

Leggero throws back on her jacket to cover her boobs before diving into her comedy act as the clip cuts off.

Natasha's funny peep show was part of Skyler Stone's Comedy Rocks event at the Improv, which also featured several other A-list comedians, such as David Spade and Tiffany Haddish.

TMZ Studios

Safe to say Natasha was the runaway crowd favorite. Sorry Bert and all the rest!

Nick Cannon To Zeddy Will Seek Therapy, Young Buck 5 Kids/Baby Mamas Gonna Drain Your Sleep!!!


Nick Cannon knows he's the posterchild of polygamy these days -- a role he's embracing with common sense jewels for everyone who follow in his footsteps ... including Zeddy Will.

TMZ Hip Hop caught up with Nick in West Hollywood on Thursday and tickled him with the news of Zeddy, the 21-year-old TikTok star and rapper who just went viral for his 5-way baby shower ... and all the child's mothers were happily along for the ride.

Zeddy Will credited Nick for "redefining modern relationships" -- of course, the scenario and many like it mirror Nick's family tree of 12 children -- and Nick tells us inspiration is his forte... but also warned the young lad not to ignore his self-care.

He'll have 10 personalities to deal with -- the 5 new babies and their mothers!!!

Nick instructs ZW to stock up on sleep and also seek therapy ... sounds like sound advice ... he recently highlighted the frazzle dazzle of parenthood in his new chicken wings ad spot.


Who knows, maybe the two will collaborate down the line ... multi-platform hip hop content creators with multiple children ... there's still speculation Zeddy might be fakin' everything for a music video.

In any case, Nick's welcoming the young fella to dad life -- and is clearly warning ... it's a lot!

Tina Fey Podría hacerse cargo fácilmente de 'SNL' ... Dice Lorne Michaels

Tina Fey podría hacer su gran regreso a "Saturday Night Light" muy pronto como jefa, bueno, eso si Lorne Michaels tiene algo que ver con ello.

El productor ejecutivo del programa desde hace mucho tiempo dijo que Tina podría fácilmente tomar las riendas del show cuando él inevitablemente se retire, aunque hablando en la alfombra roja de los Emmys el domingo, dijo que nada está escrito en piedra porque otras personas también estaban en la carrera.

Lorne claramente tiene una debilidad por Tina. La ha alabado de brillante y grande en todo lo que hace, añadiendo que ella es una persona muy importante en su vida.

El ejecutivo de 79 años co-creó el icónico programa de sketches de comedia en 1975 y planea aferrarse a su legado por un año más, es decir, quedarse por lo menos hasta el aniversario 50 de la serie, que es el próximo año.

Tina comenzó su carrera en 'SNL' en 1997 como guionista. Dos años después fue ascendida a guionista jefe en 1999 y luego se convirtió en miembro del elenco en 2000. Dejó el programa seis años más tarde para escribir y protagonizar "30 Rock".

Mientras tanto, los fans de Tina pudieron verla de vuelta a sus raíces de 'SNL' junto a Amy Poehler. La pareja revivió el icónico segmento del programa "Weekend Update" para los Emmys, un gran momento resultante de la unión de dos cadenas competidoras.

Nos enteramos de la historia antes. Fuentes nos dijeron que los productores de los Emmys en Fox se acercaron a NBC y el equipo de 'SNL' para hacer el memorable recuerdo.

Tras la reacción al segmento, ¡solo podemos esperar que sirva de señal para que los jefes de NBC traigan de vuelta a Tina para la reunión especial del próximo año!


Tina Fey may soon make her grand return to "Saturday Night Light" as head honcho ... well, that's if Lorne Michaels has anything to do with it.

The show's longtime executive producer said Tina could easily take over the reins when he inevitably retires -- though speaking at the Emmys red carpet Sunday, he said nothing's set in stone cause other people were also in the running.

Lorne clearly has a soft spot for Tina ... praising her as brilliant and great at everything she does ... adding she's a very important person in his life.

The 79-year-old co-created the iconic comedy sketch show in 1975 ... and he plans to hold onto his legacy for another year -- staying on until at least the show's 50th anniversary next year.

Tina kicked off her 'SNL' career in 1997 as a writer ... later promoted to head writer in 1999 and then became a cast member in 2000 ... leaving six years later to write and star in "30 Rock."

Meanwhile, Tina fans did get to see her back in her 'SNL' roots alongside Amy Poehler ... the pair reviving the show's iconic "Weekend Update" segment for the Emmys -- a great moment resulting from two competing networks coming together.

We broke the story ... sources told us that Emmys producers over at Fox approached NBC's 'SNL' peeps to make the throwback moment happen.

Following the reaction to the segment ... we can only hope it signals NBC bosses to bring Tina back for the reunion special next year, too!

El "Weekend Update" de Tina Fey y Amy Poehler en los Emmy fue una colaboración entre NBC y Fox

Tina Fey y Amy Poehler revivieron el "SNL "Weekend Update" durante los Emmys el lunes y hemos descubierto que el segmento se debió a un esfuerzo conjunto entre la NBC y Fox.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo le dicen a TMZ que los productores de los Emmy en Fox se acercaron a la gente de "Saturday Night Live" en la NBC para un renacimiento del legado, con ambas partes decidiendo que quieren resucitar el popular segmento de Tina y Amy mientras presentaban el premio Emmy al Especial de Variedades en Directo.

mantengase en sintonía

Nos dicen que FOX y NBC pensaron que el dúo era la mejor opción para llenar el espacio, ya que han hecho un montón de divertidas apariciones en vivo.

En cuanto a un regreso oficial a "SNL" ... fuentes nos dicen que no hay planes inmediatos de Tina y Amy para volver a los sketchs comedia.

Sin embargo, nos han informado de que en 2025 se celebra el aniversario número 50 de "SNL", por lo que Amy y Tina podrían hacer un cameo en el programa entonces, ya que seguro que tienen un montón de cosas especiales para el reencuentro.

Katt Williams a.k.a. KattPac Ludacris Response ... Locked & Loaded Suge Knight Approved!!!

Katt Williams is on the verge of reminding Ludacris that he also raps ... 'cause he's out here responding to him with bars of his own, spittin' to none other than Suge Knight himself.

Suge and Dave Mays dropped their latest 'Collect Call' podcast episode Tuesday ... with a first-ever preview of Katt's acidic words -- a direct response to the freestyle Luda kicked to combat the viral "Club Shay Shay" interview.

Katt's ether opens with a voiceover of Mike Epps admitting being jealous of not being mentioned in the viral "Club Shay Shay" interview.

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Twitter / @ludacris

Katt then lyrically lunges at Luda's jugular using metaphors that relate to him ... "Move Bitch," "Fast & Furious" -- the biggest burn just may be Katt called out Luda for NOT saying he was lying.

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Club Shay Shay

Remember, Katt dissed Luda first by (joking?) that the Atlanta rapper joined the Illuminati only to be rewarded with a wide-faced, light-skinned wife.

Katt is the first guest on "Collect Call" and he and Suge shared their unique origin story, ironically centered around their mutual love for Tupac Shakur.

Suge had a big reveal for Katt all the same ... he's back in the gym because he expects to be freed from prison soon ... uh oh!!! 👀


Tina Fey and Amy Poehler 's revived 'SNL' "Weekend Update" was one of the big treats at the Emmy Awards ... and proof positive competing networks can work together with great results.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ the Emmys producers over at Fox approached the "Saturday Night Live" peeps at NBC to discuss a legacy revival segment -- and both parties decided having Tina and Amy reunite in their old 'Weekend Update' roles would be awesome.


If ya missed it, they pulled it off while presenting the Emmy award for Live Variety Special. We're told both networks wanted Amy and Tina to do it -- not only because of their 'SNL' chops -- but, also because they've teamed up for so many live entertainment gigs over the years.

As for the possibility they have an official reunion on an episode of 'SNL' -- one source says there's no immediate plans.

However, we're told anything could happen in 2025, which happens to be the 50th anniversary of 'SNL' ... so chances are much higher for those sorts of reunions to go down.

Charlamagne Tha God No Clue On Jess Hilarious ... 'BC' Co-Host Search Has Me Stressed!!!

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Charlamagne Tha God's year-long search for a new 'Breakfast Club' cohost has come up empty ... and he says he's fed up!!!

TMZ Hip Hop linked up with CTG Tuesday in NYC outside iHeartRadio, and we desperately tried to get some clarity on who's gonna fill the seat vacated by Angela Yee over 2 years ago.

Turns out Charlamagne's searching for the same thing ... and if he has any answers, he ain't ready to give 'em up!

The radio show played musical chairs with loads of rotating guests last year ... Claudia Jordan, Jason Lee, Loren LoRosa, and several more -- but comedienne Jess Hilarious emerged as the frontrunner, and, on Christmas Eve, even claimed she won the job.

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Weeks later, Jess hasn't been on the show ... and CTG tells us that he has no idea where she is. Interestingly, he also did not validate her announcement.

Charlamagne says the revolving door of guests has lost its luster, and sounds like it's permanent cohost or bust for him!

Anthony Anderson dice que quiere presentar los Oscar y los famosos le alaban tras los Emmy

¡QUe EMPIECe el show!

Anthony Anderson quiere seguir siendo el anfitrión de los Emmys y dice que quiere ser el presentador de los Óscar.

Nos encontramos con el actor y comediante fuera del Teatro Peacock en Los Ángeles justo después de terminar de presentar edición número 75 de los Emmys y nos dijo que se sentía muy bien acerca de cómo le fue.

Anthony espera que la gente de los Óscar se sientan de la misma manera acerca de sus habilidades como anfitrión, y dijo que le encantaría tener una oportunidad de ser el anfitrión de su ceremonia.

gran aprobación

Una rápida encuesta entre algunos de los hombres más divertidos de Hollywood apunta a que Anthony se ganará una oportunidad para ser anfitrión de nuevo. Le preguntamos a Colin Jost, Stephen Colbert y Seth Meyers cómo le fue a Anthony en los Emmys y todos estuvieron de acuerdo en que estuvo bastante bien.

¡no es mi culpa!

Es exactamente lo contrario de lo que muchos comediantes sintieron sobre Jo Koy como anfitrión de los Globos de Oro.

Jimmy Kimmel será el anfitrión de los Premios de la Academia en marzo por segunda vez en otros tantos años y la cuarta vez en total... Así que si los Óscar quieren una cara fresca el próximo año, suena como que Anthony estaría a bordo.

Anthony Anderson I Want to Host Oscars Next ... Celebs Applaud Emmys Gig


Anthony Anderson wants to keep this hosting thing going -- fresh off his performance at the Emmys, he says he's got this eyes on the Academy Awards job.

We got the actor/comedian outside Peacock Theater in DTLA right after he finished hosting the 75th Primetime Emmys -- and he told us he felt really good about how it went.


Anthony's hoping the Oscars folks are feel the same way about his hosting skills, because he said he'd love to get a shot at hosting their ceremony.


A quick poll of some of Hollywood's funniest men points toward Anthony earning a shot to host again. We asked Colin Jost, Stephen Colbert and Seth Meyers how Anthony fared at the Emmys ... and they all agreed he was pretty good.


It's the exact opposite of how lots of comedians felt about Jo Koy hosting the Golden Globes.

Jimmy Kimmel is hosting the Academy Awards in March for the second time in as many years and the fourth time overall ... so if the Oscars want a fresh face next year, it sounds like Anthony would be on board.



Jo Koy is still taking it on the chin -- the comedian got another taste of his own medicine during Monday's Emmy Awards as Ken Jeong and Joel McHale jabbed at his bombing as host of the Golden Globes.

The "Community" costars mocked Jo for blaming his unamusing lines on his writers -- hitting him hard while they presented the award for Outstanding Reality Competition Program.

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Joel joked that former doctor Ken left his medical career not for acting ... but because he'd killed a patient and was still facing a lawsuit over it.

"The instruments that almost killed that dude were the ones the nurses left in, OK?" Ken quipped back ... adding: "The ones that saved his life are the ones I left in. And besides, I only had the gig for 10 days at that point."

Ken and Joel's joke stirred up plenty of laughs from the A-list crowd ... and comes hot on the heels of Jo explaining he didn't have enough time to prepare for the GGs ... and also blasting the audience as "marshmallows" who couldn't laugh at themselves.

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You'll recall ... the comedian clearly didn't get the response he was looking for when his cracks on Taylor Swift and the film "Barbie" fell flat.

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The CW

It was such a fail that even his ex-Chelsea Handler couldn't resist taking a similar swipe at him at the Critics Choice Awards Sunday.

Jo might not have had enough time to prepare for his hosting gig, but he's clearly given others some fresh material for the stage!


Chelsea Handler Takes A Dig At Ex-BF Jo Koy ... For Lackluster Golden Globes Performance

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The CW

Chelsea Handler couldn't resist taking a dig at her ex-boyfriend Jo Koy during Sunday's Critics Choice Awards in L.A. for his much-criticized Golden Globes performance.

Chelsea was hosting the CCA event onstage at the Santa Monica Airport's Barker Hangar last evening when she gave Jo a shot as she served up jokes during her opening monologue.

The comedian set it up like this ... "Unfortunately, Martin Scorsese isn’t here tonight, but that’s not going to stop me from letting everyone in this room know that I would toss him around like a little Italian meatball." The crowd chuckled.

Then Chelsea hit the punch line ... "Thank you for laughing at that. My writers wrote it."

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Ouch, Jo! That must have hurt, especially from an ex! Jo, as you know, got roasted in the press and on social media after his jokes fell flat as host of the Golden Globe Awards earlier this month.

Jo's wisecracks about the film, "Barbie," were met with groans and, when he poked fun at Taylor Swift, she shot him an icy look.

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Sensing he was going down in flames, Jo tried to blame his writers for his bad jokes, telling the GG audience, “Some [jokes] I wrote, some other people wrote. Yes, I got the gig 10 days ago! You want a perfect monologue? Yo, shut up. You’re kidding me, right?”

He added, “Slow down, I wrote some of these and they are the ones you are laughing at.”


Last week, Jo tried to clean up his remarks during an LA Times interview, admitting it was a "rookie move" to fault his writers.

Now we'll have to see if Jo responds to Chelsea's jab.

Stay tuned.