Juego de celebridades Adivina quién es

Escondida en esta foto hay una señora de Livingston, Nueva Jersey, que ha estado haciendo reír desde principios de los 2000. Puede que sea la más joven de 6 hermanos, ¡pero sin duda dice lo que piensa y deja caer el micrófono! ¿Adivinas quién es?

A esta cómica le encanta esquiar por la montaña (¡pero hacerlo en topless, por supuesto 😜)! Y, cuando no está compartiendo sus viajes en las redes sociales, disfruta encender un cigarrillo y acurrucarse con Bert y Bernice.

A ver si tienes lo que se necesita para adivinar quién es esta revuelta estrella y ¡píllala esta noche presentando los Critics' Choice Awards!

Celebrity Scramble Guess Who!

Concealed in this mashed-up photo is a lady from Livingston, New Jersey who's been providing laughs since the early 2000s! She may be the youngest of 6, but she definitely speaks her mind and drops the mic! Can you guess who she is?

This comedian loves a good ski run down the mountain (but do it topless of course 😜)! And, when she's not sharing her travels on socials, she enjoys lighting one up and snuggling with Bert and Bernice.

See if you've got what it takes to guess this scrambled star and catch her tonight hosting the Critics' Choice Awards!

Jo Koy Calls Globes Crowd 'Marshamallows' ... In 1st Stand-Up Since Show

Jo Koy is still reflecting on his poorly-received Golden Globes hosting gig -- calling the star-studded crowd a bunch of softies ... this as he gets back to regular routine.

Variety sent one of their reporters to St. Louis Friday -- where Jo was scheduled to perform ... marking his first regular stand-up set since the big show. According to the outlet, he immediately dove into the topic after arriving late due to bad weather.

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He got a warm welcome from the crowd, and Jo reportedly said ... "Holy s***, right? This big hug that you gave me is all I need, swear to god. F***ing whirlwind, goddamn."

JK then went on to trash the Globes audience -- which, BTW, were nothing but a bunch of celebs/industry people -- by saying this ... "Lot a marshmallows, man. They’re delicious, but goddamn, they’re soft. I just come from a different time. I see the changes that are happening. I get it, but goddamn, can we f***ing laugh at ourselves?"

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Variety says the crowd on hand for Jo last night ate all this up ... cheering him on and one person even apparently yelling "F*** 'em!" in support of Jo.

Jo then reportedly said this about the GG broadcast ... "Koy said, 'I got a feeling none of you motherf***ers watched it, and I’m kinda happy. Oh my god. It feels good to live in this country. We get to say what we want to say. Don’t be apologetic about it at all. Be able to…speak your mind.'"

Like we mentioned ... Jo's opening monologue got torn to shreds on a number of different fronts -- with many accusing him of sexism/misogyny ... and just terrible material generally.

He's been apologizing/trying to clarify why it was so bad .. now, he's blaming oversensitivity.

Jo Koy Califica de 'marshmallows' al público de los Golden Globes

Jo Koy sigue reflexionando sobre su mal recibida presentación en los Golden Globes, ahora llamando a la multitud de esa noche como un montón de blandengues, mientras regresa a sus rutinas habituales.

Variety envió a uno de sus reporteros a St. Louis el viernes, donde Jo tenía programada una actuación, la primera desde el gran espectáculo. De acuerdo con el medio, el comediante de inmediato se sumergió en el tema después de llegar tarde debido al mal tiempo.

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Denme un respiro

Recibió una cálida bienvenida de la multitud, y según los informes, dijo: "Holy s***, ¿verdad? Este gran abrazo que me dieron es todo lo que necesito, lo juro por Dios".

Luego Jo Koy criticó a la audiencia de los Globos de Oro, que, por cierto, no eran más que un montón de celebridades y gente de la industria, diciendo esto: "Muchos marshmallows", hombre. Son deliciosos, pero maldita sea, son blandos. Vengo de una época diferente. Veo los cambios que están sucediendo. Lo entiendo, pero maldita sea, ¿podemos reírnos de nosotros mismos?".

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Si las miradas pudieran matar

Variety dice que la multitud presente se bancó todo su discurso, lo animaron y una persona incluso le habría gritado "F*** 'em!" (que se jodan) en apoyo a Jo.

Jo dijo lo siguiente sobre la emisión de los Globos de Oro: "Tengo la sensación de que ninguno de ustedes los vio y estoy un poco feliz. Dios mío. Me siento bien viviendo en este país. Podemos decir lo que queremos decir. No hay que disculparse por ello. Tenemos que ser capaces de... decir lo que piensas'".

Como hemos mencionado, el monólogo de apertura de Jo se hizo pedazos en diferentes frentes y muchos lo acusaron de sexismo, misoginia y un material terrible en general.

El comediante se ha estado disculpando e intentando aclarar por qué fue tan desastroso... ahora está culpando la hipersensibilidad.

Kevin Hart No planeo presentar los Oscar... nunca 'No son amigables con la comedia'

Quedaron en el pasado los días...
Sky News

Kevin Hart dice que nunca lo verán abriendo la ceremonia de los Oscar como anfitrión, porque mientras le va bien haciendo sus rutinas de standup para arenas llenas y estadios, dice que un teatro lleno de estrellas es una audiencia difícil para los comediantes.

Han pasado 5 años desde que Kevin renunció a la actuación después de que salieran a la luz viejos tweets homofóbicos, pero no es por eso que está dando este consejo. Más bien, se está refiriendo a algo que Jo Koy podría haber aprendido de la forma más difícil.

Kevin dice a Sky News que los Oscar lo hicieron bien un año -el 2019, el año en que se echó para atrás- al usar a un grupo de personalidades para co-presentar la ceremonia durante toda la noche, pero no han vuelto a esa fórmula.

Él admite que tendría una ventaja como anfitrión de galas de premios, porque tiene relaciones con varios de los invitados. Pero dice que para otros es una molestia.

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¡Denme un descanso!

Básicamente, dice que los días de los comediantes como anfitriones de los premios, al menos cómodamente, han terminado. Jo Koy podría estar de acuerdo con eso después de que sus chistes sobre Taylor Swift y las "grandes tetas" de Barbie no cayeran nada bien en los Globos de Oro.

¿Qué está realmente pasando?

Kevin estaba apoyando a Koy, sin embargo, y dijo que ahora hay demasiada presión en lo que se considera una broma y lo que no.

Todo el mundo está tenso

Jimmy Kimmel vuelve por cuarta vez a los Oscar este año. Él ha sido relativamente suave hasta ahora, así que vamos a estar atentos a su nuevo repertorio de chistes.

Por cierto, tenemos otro gran comediante para opinar sobre el manejo de Jo, a saber, Anthony Anderson y parece concordar con Kev en lo difícil que es actuar en unos premios.

Es un trabajo duro!!!

Como nos dijo en LAX esta semana, te sientas con tus escritores y haces lo mejor que puedes con la cantidad de tiempo que te dan. En el caso de Jo, dice que tuvo alrededor de una semana antes de la hora del espectáculo. Anotado.

KEVIN HART NO PLANS TO Host OSCARS, Ever ... 'Not Comedy Friendly!!'

Sky News

Kevin Hart says you won't ever see him opening up the Oscars as the host, because while he's fine doing standup in packed arenas and stadiums -- he says a theater full of A-listers is a tough room for comedians.

It's been 5 years since Kevin stepped down from the gig after old homophobic tweets surfaced, but that's not why he's advising other comics against the job ... instead, he's referring to something Jo Koy might've learned the hard way.

Kevin tells Sky News the Oscars got it right one year -- 2019, the year he backed out -- by using a bunch of personalities to cohost the ceremony throughout the evening, but they haven't gone back to that formula.

He admits he'd have an advantage hosting award shows, because he has so many established relationships with the guests -- but he says for others, it's a grind.

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Basically, he says the days of comics hosting award shows, at least comfortably, are over Jo Koy might agree with that after his jokes about Taylor Swift and Barbie's "big boobs" bombed at the Golden Globes.


Kevin had Koy's back, though ... saying there's too much pressure now on what's considered jokes and what's not.


Jimmy Kimmel's returning for his fourth stint at the Oscars this year ... he's been relatively tame so far, so we'll be watching to see how his fresh batch of jokes go over.


BTW, we got another big-time comedian to weigh in on Jo's handling of the job -- namely, Anthony Anderson ... and he seems to be in alignment with Kev here on how tough of a gig these types of award shows are.


As he told us at LAX this week ... you get with your writers and do the best you can with the amount of time you're given. In Jo's case, he says he had about a week before showtime. Noted!


Amy Sedaris Tumbles Onstage at NBR Awards ... Audience Laughs It Up!

Amy Sedaris ended up on the floor at the National Board of Review Awards Gala, but the actress/comedian did what she does best ... and turned the fall into some comedic gold.

Amy was at the NYC event Thursday night, presenting Paul Giamatti with the award for Best Actor for his work in "The Holdovers" -- but the excitement turned into a bit of panic when she took a tumble while walking away from the podium.

Paul quickly rushed over to help the "Elf" actress, but it must not have hurt too bad, at least at the moment ... because she jokingly stayed flat on the floor while Paul returned to his speech, getting a big laugh from the star-studded crowd.

The NBR's Instagram page even poked light-hearted fun at Amy's fall -- sharing another angle of her on the floor next to Paul, writing, "Paul Giamatti literally floored presenter Amy Sedaris with his nuanced comic performance." Well played, NBR.

As for the wins, Lily Gladstone and Martin Scorsese took home Best Actress and Best Director awards for "Killers of the Flower Moon," Mark Ruffalo won Best Supporting Actor for "Poor Things," Bradley Cooper was bestowed the NBR Icon award, and Paul's costar Da'Vine Joy Randolph went home with the Best Supporting Actress award.

Other big names in attendance were Michael J. Fox, Zac Efron, Elizabeth Olsen, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain, Ethan Hawke, Daniel Day-Lewis and many more.

No one else took a hard fall like Amy, but she was beyond a good sport about it. Acting!!!

La hija de George Carlin redobla sus críticas al especial de comedia generado por IA


A la hija de George Carlin no le causa gracia el nuevo especial de comedia generado por IA con el objetivo de traer a su famoso padre de vuelta a la vida... porque asegura que el proyecto carece de alma.

Kelly Carlin-McCall se unió a nosotros en "TMZ Live" el jueves y le preguntamos sobre el nuevo especial de IA —"George Carlin: I'm Glad I'm Dead"— que cuenta con una versión robótica de su padre haciendo standup.

La hija de George dice que el programa de IA tiene el nombre de su padre, pero ahí acaban las comparaciones. Dice que el ordenador estropeó la cadencia cómica de su padre, y simplemente no capta la magia como él lo hizo una vez.

El programa de IA está disponible en YouTube, pero Kelly dice que su problema no es el dinero, señalando que Carlin tiene montones de presentaciones disponibles para ver gratis.

Para la hija de George, el gran problema es más sobre la eliminación completa del elemento humano.

Kelly dice que el programa se basó en las viejas bromas de George para tratar de formar su opinión sobre temas de actualidad: Donald Trump, la tecnología, las personas transgénero, reality TV, etc. Pero dice que es básicamente un ejercicio sin alma.

Dudesy es la plataforma de IA que está detrás del programa y Tom Brady ya ha conseguido que su propio especial de comedia generado por IA sea retirado de Internet. Kelly dice que está considerando la posibilidad de emprender acciones legales.

Es una conversación interesante y Kelly nos cuenta por qué el arte de la IA nunca estará a la altura de las creaciones humanas.

George Carlin's Daughter Doubles Down on Bashing AI Special Where's Human Element?!?


George Carlin's daughter is not laughing at a new AI-generated comedy special aiming to bring her famous father back to life ... 'cause she says the project straight up lacks soul.

Kelly Carlin-McCall joined us on "TMZ Live" Thursday and we asked her about the new AI special, "George Carlin: I'm Glad I'm Dead" -- which features a robot version of her father doing standup in what's being called a whole new set from the man himself.

George's daughter says the AI program has her dad's name, but that's about where the comparisons end ... she says the computer botched her dad's comedic cadence, and just doesn't capture the magic like he once did.

The AI show is available on YouTube but Kelly says her bone to pick isn't about money ... pointing out GC has tons of shows available to stream for free.

For George's daughter, the big issue is more about completely removing the art form's human element.

Kelly says the program drew on George's old jokes to try and form him opinion on contemporary topics -- Donald Trump, technology, transgender people, reality TV -- but she says it's basically a soulless exercise.

Dudesy is the AI platform behind the show, and Tom Brady's already successfully gotten his own AI-generated comedy special removed from the internet. Kelly says she's considering legal action and might pick the brains of TB12's lawyers.

It's an interesting conversation ... and Kelly tells us why AI art will never stand up to human creations.

George Carlin Daughter Drags AI Take on New Special You Can't Recreate Him!!!

The late, great George Carlin has a new comedy special out -- thanks to the use of AI technology ... but one person who is up in arms about it is his daughter, Kelly.

The producer/screenwriter dished her thoughts on this new AI special, "George Carlin: I'm Glad I'm Dead," that's making the rounds right now ... in which a fake George Carlin -- recreated through an AI program -- cranked out new jokes ... in the vein of the real McCoy.

It sure sounds like GC, and the delivery is the same too -- as are the topics he famously touched on -- like religion, and some new material on Elon Musk, streaming, and more.

Kelly responded, laying it all out there in a statement, saying, "My dad spent a lifetime perfecting his craft from his very human life, brain and imagination. No machine will ever replace his genius."

She says artificial intelligence products are "clever attempts at trying to recreate a mind that will never exist again" -- adding the whole thing "stepped over a line."

Kelly urges folks to let the artist's work speak for itself ... reminding fans that the real George Carlin has 14 specials that are available everywhere -- if ya wanna listen to the actual material.

The bizarre standup set was made as part of the Podcast, Dudesy -- hosted by Will Sasso and Chad Kultgen -- and folks online have been siding with Kelly, thinking the whole thing is just weird.

And we'll say ... however close AI will get to the real thing, it'll never top the perfection that George brought to the stage for decades. Kelly has a point -- this is close, but no cigar.

Strange, strange times indeed.

Kevin Hart y Katt Williams no tienen problemas a pesar de la polémica gira

no hay pleito

La ex esposa de Kevin HartTorrei Hart— dice que no hay ninguna pelea entre su ex novio y Katt Williams, esto después de afirmar que saldría de gira con Katt después de unas palabras poco amables.

Torrei aclaró las cosas cuando la encontramos saliendo de la Hollywood Improv el martes por la noche, cerrando los rumores de mala sangre señalando que Kev es muy pacífico, tal como él mismo nos dijo más temprano el mismo día.

Es más, Torrei está segura de que no la sumaron a la gira de tres noches de Katt como una indirecta hacia Kevin, porque ella y Katt han estado cerca desde hace dos décadas, así que no puede haber sido una contratación al azar.

Recordemos que Kevin y Torrei se divorciaron en 2011, pero ella dice que todavía están muy unidos e incluso está dispuesta a hacer algunas giras con él, ¡aunque él tendría que hacer el trabajo pesado!

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señal de aprobación

Como informamos, Kevin nos dio la misma vibra positiva en Nueva York el martes, mostrandole su apoyo a los dos y la mejor de las suertes en sus shows. Las palabras de Kevin se hicieron eco de Torrei aquí, es decir, todo es amor y paz entre el y Katt.

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llamando a kev
Club Shay Shay

Kevin podría haber opinado bastante diferente teniendo en cuenta la bofetada que Katt le dio con sus dichos, diciendo en el pódcast de Shannon Sharpe que el comediante es solo una "planta" de la industria, entre otros insultos.

Kevin respondió a Katt en ese momento, diciéndole que tenía que sacar el odio de su pecho.

A menos que oigamos otra cosa de Katt sobre el asunto, parece que todo está bien entre la ex pareja, aunque hay que admitir que las circunstancias son algo sospechosas.

Es solo nuestra intuición...

Bob Saget Widow Kelly Rizzo Honors Him ... 2 Years After Death

Bob Saget's widow, Kelly Rizzo, took time to honor her late husband on the second anniversary of his untimely death ... reminding others to hold their loved ones extra tight.

Kelly wrote about her late husband Tuesday, saying it's felt like both "a week and an eternity" since his passing -- and the rest of her remarks were pretty emotional, even 2 years later.

She used one of the last selfies he took onstage for her post ... which, according to her, was a great example of him "doing what he loved to do…making people laugh…making people happy."

She continued, "I will forever be grateful that I got to share life with this extraordinary person for 6 years. What a blessing. And grateful I can look back on endless memories and photos and videos with smiles, laughter, and yes…still tears."

Kelly then reminded folks to "hug your loved ones," and admitted she's "blown away by the fact that Bob hasn't faded from all your hearts in the slightest."

She did the same last January, remembering her "brilliant, adorable" husband a year after he died ... saying, in part, "the gratitude I have that we have each other is immeasurable."

As you know, Kelly lost her husband at the beginning of 2022 ... after he was found dead in his Orlando, FL hotel room. Authorities determined he died from blunt head trauma, apparently falling backward and hitting his head.

There was an outpour of folks honoring Bob after his shocking death -- including his longtime pal and "Full House" costar, John Stamos, who wrote, "I am broken. I am gutted. I am in complete and utter shock."

Celebs came out in droves to send him off at his funeral ... including John, Norman Lear, Dave Coulier, John Mayer, Jeff Ross, Ted Sarandos, Dave Chappelle, Kathy Griffin, Chris Rock, Judd Apatow, and many more.

Some time has certainly passed, but the legendary comic is still in the hearts and minds of those who loved him most, especially his wife Kelly.

Kevin Hart & Katt Williams No Drama Goin' On Here, All Love ... KH's Ex Torrei Claims


Kevin Hart's ex-wife, Torrei Hart, says there's no feud going on between her former boo and Katt Williams ... this after she said she'd be touring with Katt following unkind words.

Torrei cleared the air while leaving the Hollywood Improv Tuesday night, shutting down rumors of bad blood -- pointing out the fact that Kev's a lover, as the man himself told us earlier in the day.

What's more, Torrei's positive she wasn't brought onto Katt's 3-night tour as a dig to Kevin ... 'cause she and Katt have been close for 2 decades now, so this couldn't have been a random hire.

Remember, Kevin and Torrei got divorced back in 2011, but she says they're still tight ... and she's even down to do some touring with him, too -- but he'd have to do the heavy lifting!

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As we reported, Kevin gave us the same positive vibe in NYC Tuesday, showing support by wishing the 2 the best of luck on their shows. On its face, Kevin's words echoed Torrei's here ... namely, suggesting everything's kumbaya between himself and Katt.

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Club Shay Shay

Kevin could've sung a different tune, based on the smack Katt said about him -- saying on Shannon Sharpe's podcast that the comedian is just an industry plant, among other insults.

Kevin responded to Katt at the time ... telling him to get that hate off his chest.

Unless we hear differently from Katt on the matter, it sounds like all is well between the once-married couple ... although we'll admit, the timing of this all is very suspicious.


Eye of the beholder, we suppose.

Pete Davidson Estaba drogado con ketamina en el funeral de Aretha Franklin

Hay buenas razones para decir que Pete Davidson estaba cometiendo una falta de respeto grave en el funeral de Aretha Franklin, tras aparecer drogado con ketamina, según él.

El comediante detalló el incidente en su especial de Netflix "Turbo Fonzarelli", donde dijo ingeniosamente que estaba tan drogado en el servicio de 2018 que se acercó a la familia de la difunta y les dijo: "¡Hey! Solo estoy aquí para pagar mis R-E-S-P-E-C-Ts!".

Yeesh ... Eso es ser malo.

La ex estrella de SNL bromea con que Aretha no estaba cerca para saber que estaba bajo la influencia de las drogas, pero si hubiera estado le habría preguntado "qué coño" estaba haciendo en su funeral y quién demonios era en primer lugar.

Es una pregunta razonable, ya que en ese momento no era tan famoso y solo asistió al servicio como acompañante de su entonces prometida Ariana Grande. Aun así, ya era bastante conocido.

Ahora Pete Davidson agrega que se sentía avergonzado de andar haciendo cosas mientras usaba ketamina -la que tomó durante 4 años para tratar la depresión-, ya que la droga viene con una serie de efectos secundarios disociativos y alucinógenos. Pareciera que Pete ya no consume ketamina.

A la audiencia le pareció una historia divertidísima, aunque él está algo avergonzado de sus actos en aquel momento y quizá con razón. Es una confesión bastante salvaje. Dicho esto, ha intentado controlar el mal hábito con 7 sesiones de rehabilitación a lo largo de los años.

Junio 2023 fue la última vez que se registró en rehabilitación. También abordó su trastorno de estrés postraumático y trastorno límite de la personalidad.

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Visto con Madeline

En medio de sus problemas personales, ha sido etiquetado como una especie de mujeriego y nos alegramos de verlo feliz con su nueva novia Madelyn Cline en un reciente clip que obtuvimos. Por cierto, Pete evitó hablar de su vida amorosa en el especial, así que no hay jugosos detalles sobre ello. Tendremos que conformarnos con el material de siempre.


Pete Davidson was arguably serving up some serious disrespect at Aretha Franklin's funeral ... turning up to the 2018 service high on ketamine, at least according to him.

The comic detailed the drug-induced blunder in his Netflix special "Turbo Fonzarelli" ... the quipping that he was so high at the 2018 service, that he went up to the late icon's family, telling them, "Hey! I'm just here to pay my R-E-S-P-E-C-Ts!" Yeesh ... that's bad.

The ex-SNL star jokes Aretha wasn't around to know he was under the influence ... but if she were, she'd ask "what the f***" he was doing at her funeral and who the hell he was in the first place.

That's a fair assessment -- as at the time, he wasn't that famous and only attended the service as then-fiancée Ariana Grande's plus one. Still though, he was pretty known.

Now, Pete adds he was embarrassed being out and about while using ketamine -- which he used for 4 years to treat depression -- though the drug comes with a range of dissociative and hallucinogenic side effects. It doesn't seem like Pete's using ketamine anymore.

The audience clearly found the story hilarious ... but Pete sounds low-key ashamed of his actions at the time -- and perhaps for good reason, 'cause it is a pretty wild confession. That said, he's attempted to get the bad habit under control with 7 rehab stints over the years.

June 2023 was when he last checked in to rehab ... also addressing his post-traumatic stress disorder and borderline personality disorder.

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spotted out with madelyn

Amid his personal woes, he's been tagged as somewhat of a ladies' man ... and we were pleased to see him looking happy with his new GF Madelyn Cline in a recent clip we obtained. BTW, Pete avoided much of his own love life in the special -- so no juicy tidbits about the ladies he bangs. We'll just have to settle for good old-fashioned material!

Kevin Hart Hope Katt's Tour w/ My Ex Kills ... No Hate in My Heart!!!

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Kevin Hart is wishing his ex-wife and Katt Williams well as they prepare to hit the road together -- which is about the nicest thing he could say ... considering the team-up here.

We got the comedian out and about Tuesday in NYC, where we asked how he felt about the fact that Torrei Hart -- whom Kevin divorced in 2011 -- just announced the fact that she and Katt are going on a comedy tour together ... albeit, a really mini one.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

ICYMI ... TH broke the news Monday on her IG, posting a pic with Katt and writing -- "#Charlotte #Orlando #Tampa, come see me live with my good friend @kattwilliams on the Dark Matters tour." The 3 dates they have lined up are January 27, Feb. 2 and Feb. 3.

It could certainly be taken as an icy move on Torrei's part ... y'know, 'cause of everything that Katt recently said about Kev on Shannon Sharpe's podcast -- including calling him a "plant" in the industry.

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Club Shay Shay

Kevin had already responded to what Katt said about a week ago -- suggesting KW get that hate out of his heart, while also indicating he wasn't sweating Katt's negative energy.


Ditto here in this interview with us ... Kev says he loves everyone, and wants all comedians to succeed -- even if it's his and his (maybe?) new foe. He also says he hopes this tour of theirs, specifically, goes great ... which, again, is pretty freaking surprising.

Then again, Kevin has proven himself a pretty sweet guy over time -- so perhaps not.