
DeRay Davis comenta que está totalmente a favor de que Katt Williams mueva las cosas para Steve Harvey, Cedric The Entertainer, Ludacris y otros… porque es bueno para la cultura cómica y no se convierte en una disputa real.

TMZ Hip Hop recientemente obtuvo la opinión de DeRay sobre la gran entrevista ‘Club Shay Shay’ de Katt, y jura que todos los comediantes a los que Katt criticó todavía lo quieren al final del día y rápidamente tendrían una conversación privada sobre las consecuencias públicas.

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Club Shay Shay

También aportó su experiencia a una de las mayores quejas de Katt… el presunto robo de chistes de Cedric después de ver a Katt ganar en ComicView hace muchos años con el chiste clásico.

DeRay ha estado relacionado con los mismos círculos que los objetivos de Katt durante años… y no ocultó el hecho de que estaba un poco decepcionado de que Katt no lo mencionara… para bien o para mal. Katt mencionó muchos nombres en su impactante entrevista, pero DeRay no fue uno de ellos.

#GetSome With Gary Owen

Ahora, Gary Owen mencionó a DeRay cuando reaccionó a su propia mención … Trabajar con DeRay fue mejor para su cuenta bancaria que trabajar con Steve Harvey, ups.


Mirando hacia el nuevo año, Kanye West cerró el 2023… no lanzando su nuevo álbum, sino dando a DeRay un fuerte respaldo en sus habilidades de rap… como el comediante más valioso rapeando en el micrófono.

DeRay nos asegura que es un MC real… ha estado rapeado desde los 11 años y finalmente está enfocándose en mejorar su carrera musical después de que su comedia tomara vida propia.

Cuando veas el nombre ‘Soopa Boots’ este año, sabrás que son las contribuciones de DeRay al mundo del rap.

DeRay Davis On Katt Williams Doesn't Think Ced Ripped Off Katt Joke ... But It's Time For Comics To Battle!!!

Everybody Loves Katt!

DeRay Davis says he's all for Katt Williams' shaking things up for Steve Harvey, Cedric The Entertainer, Ludacris and others ...  'cause it's good for the comedy culture, and doesn't bleed out into real-life beef.

TMZ Hip Hop recently got DeRay's take on Katt's big ticket "Club Shay Shay" interview and he swears up and down that all the comedians whom Katt rang through the ringer still love him at the end of the day and would quickly have a private convo about the public fallout.

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Club Shay Shay

He also lent his expertise to one of Katt's biggest gripes ... Cedric's alleged joke-stealing after seeing Katt win on ComicView many moons ago with the classic bit.

DeRay has been rubbing shoulders on the same circuits as Katt's targets for years ... and didn't hold back the fact he was a little bummed Katt didn't call him out ... for better or worse. Katt named a lot of names in his bombshell interview -- but DeRay wasn't one of 'em.

#GetSome With Gary Owen

Now, for what it's worth, Gary Owen gave DeRay a shout-out when reacting to his own name being mentioned ... working with DeRay was better for his bank account than working with Steve Harvey. Oop.


Looking into the new year, Kanye West closed out 2023 -- not by dropping his new album but by giving DeRay a ringing endorsement on his rap skills ... as the most valuable comedian spitting on the m-i-c.

DeRay assures us he's a legit MC ... he's been rapping since 11 years old and is finally buckling down to tighten up his music career after his comedy took a life of its own.

When you see the name "Soopa Boots" this year, know that it's DeRay's contributions to the rap game.

GARY OWEN DEL LADO DE KATT WILLIAMS SOBRE RICKEY SMILEY … Afirma que el programa de Steve Harvey lo molestó

steve no es ese tipo
#GetSome With Gary Owen

Gary Owen fue uno de los pocos comediantes a los que Katt Williams perdonó en su salvaje entrevista en “Club Shay Shay”, y resulta que tiene algunas historias explosivas que contar por sí mismo.

Katt comparó la falta de éxito general de Gary con NO unirse a los Illuminati, a diferencia de Ludacris, a quien Katt acusó de unirse a la sociedad secreta. Esto llevó a Gary a recordar el tiempo en que intentó llegar a las audiencias principales en el programa de televisión de Steve Harvey.

Gary comenta que tenía la impresión de que él y Steve iban a asociarse, pero, en cambio, se encontró escondido detrás del escenario haciendo doblajes para su programa… el mismo programa que Katt ridiculizó a Steve por perder eventualmente ante Kelly Clarkson.

Gary declaró que trabajar con Steve le estaba afectando económicamente debido a que su horario de stand-up terminaba comprimido, y asegura que la gota que derramó el vaso fue cuando consiguió un trabajo como una de las celebridades en el programa presentado por Deray Davis “Hip Hop Squares”.

Gary afirma que ganó 4 veces más dinero haciendo 3 episodios de ‘Squares’ que haciendo 2 semanas en la operación de Steve Harvey.

hemos tenido nuestros problemas
#GetSome With Gary Owen

Katt también afirmó que Rickey Smiley fue desagradable con él mientras filmaban “Friday After Next”, un rasgo que Gary dice recordar que Rickey poseía en aquellos días.

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atacando a rickey
Club Shay Shay

También insinuó que fue víctima del movimiento MeToo por parte de un ejecutivo de Hollywood como otra razón por la que nunca alcanzó la fama, pero asegura que no comprometió su integridad para llegar a donde está hoy.

Gary Owen Katt's Right About Rickey Smiley ... Says 'Steve Harvey Show' Shafted Him

#GetSome With Gary Owen

Gary Owen was one of the select few comedians Katt Williams spared in his wild "Club Shay Shay" interview, and turns out Gary has some explosive stories of his own to share.

Katt likened GO’s lack of crossover success to NOT joining the Illuminati -- unlike Ludacris, who Katt accused of joining the secret society -- prompting Gary to recall the time he attempted to breach mainstream audiences on Steve Harvey's TV show.

Gary says he was under the impression he and Steve were going to partner up, but instead found himself hidden backstage doing voiceovers for his show … the same show Katt clowned Steve for eventually losing to Kelly Clarkson.

Gary said working with Steve was hurting his pockets due to his standup schedule being pinched, and says the final straw came when he scored a gig as one of the celebs on the Deray Davis hosted "Hip Hop Squares."

Gary says he made 4 times more cash doing 3 episodes of 'Squares' than he did doing 2 weeks at SH's operation!!!

#GetSome With Gary Owen

Katt also claimed Rickey Smiley was a prick to him while they were filming "Friday After Next" -- a trait GO says he remembers Rickey possessing back in the day.

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Club Shay Shay

Gary also alluded to being MeToo'ed by a Hollywood exec as another reason he never hit the big time ... but says he didn't compromise his integrity to get where he is today.

Jim Gaffigan Cracks 'Pedophile' Joke at Globes ... Yeesh, Too Soon??? 😬

new category ...

Jim Gaffigan took the oxygen out of the room during while presenting an award at the Golden Globes -- and it's because he somewhat referenced Jeffrey Epstein-esque material.

The longtime standup was on hand Sunday to hand out the award for Best Performance in Stand-Up Comedy on Television -- a whole new category that the GG are starting to include ... and while acknowledging how wild that development was, JG made a jaw-dropping joke.

He was talking about how crazy it is he's even in showbiz, saying ... "I'm from a small town in Indiana, I'm not a pedophile." A handful of people laughed, but it was mostly dead silent.

Jim went on to rhetorically ask if "pedophile" was a new category there, but noted he was happy to be presenting an award for comics with big specials ... arguing it was overdue.

Eventually, he announced the winner as Ricky Gervais for his new Netflix show -- but the guy didn't show up, so Jim accepted on his behalf. The whole bit was very dry and sarcastic, in typical Jim fashion, but his crack felt like a little too soon for the ritzy crowd.

That said, some people did appear to laugh ... including Taylor Swift, who apparently found some of what Jim had to say funny, specifically toward the end his very brief set.

Considering there's a lot of big names coming out with these Epstein list drops -- ya gotta figure people wanted to steer clear of that topic altogether. Instead, Jim dove right in. 😅

Jo Koy ¡¿Buenos genes o buenos doctores?

¡Es un nuevo año y los looks de Jo Koy demuestran que es tan brillante!

Aquí hay una versión de 33 años del comediante haciendo lo que mejor sabe: hacer reír a la gente en The Laugh Factory en Los Ángeles, California en 2005 (izquierda). Fue justo antes de empezar a hacer chistes en "Chelsea Lately".

Y, preparándose para presentar la 81ª edición de los Globos de Oro esta noche, el Sr. Koy lució elegante y desaliñado durante la presentación con la prensa y el despliegue de la alfombra roja en el Hotel Beverly Hilton (derecha).

Lleva años mostrando su encanto y su buen aspecto, pero antes de subir al escenario esta noche, tenemos que preguntarles...

Jo Koy...

Jo Koy Good Genes Or Good Docs?!

It's a new year and Jo Koy's looks prove he's so GOLDEN!

Here is a 33-year-old version of the stand-up comedian lookin' cute doin' what he does best: makin' people laugh at The Laugh Factory in Los Angeles, California back in 2005 (left). This was just before he started crackin' jokes on "Chelsea Lately."

And, gearing up to host tonight's 81st Golden Globe Awards, Mr. Koy was lookin' spiffy and scruffy during the Press Preview and Red Carpet Rollout at the Beverly Hilton Hotel (right).

He's been presenting his charm and good looks for years, but before he takes the stage tonight ... We must ask:

Jo Koy ...

Tiffany Haddish Responds to Katt's Criticism Anew ... Rattles Off Career Resume

been there, done that!
TikTok/ @cassidyjrdn

Tiffany Haddish is the latest star to respond to Katt Williams' shots at his contemporaries -- this after he tried to downplay her comedy career ... with her pulling out her resume.

The comic/actress was performing at the Dania Improv in Florida earlier this week, when she appeared to address Katt's fresh round of hate aimed at her, Kevin Hart and many, many others in the game ... and she clarified a claim he made about her to Shannon Sharpe.

Long story short ... Katt said that a recent doc made about the famous Comedy Store club in L.A. had suggested that several Black comedians -- including Tiff -- had performed there over the years, but KW insisted that simply wasn't true and that she'd never gotten onstage there.

Welp, Tiffany had something to say about that during her Thursday set ... when she rattled off a lot of shows and movies she'd been in, and how long she's been honing her craft.

Eventually, she tackles his allegation that she'd never open mic'd at the Comedy Store -- at least not while coming up, anyway -- and TH refuted that ... saying she had, but just on the "white nights." The flip side ... Tiff says she definitely performed on all the "Black nights."

Mind you, Tiffany had already fired away in the comment section of a clip of Katt's interview where she got mentioned ... and there too she suggested KW didn't have his facts straight.

It's also worth mentioning ... Katt's been feuding with Tiff (and her close friend, Kevin Hart) for years now -- and he infamously trash-talked her and her comedy chops on a radio show.

Looks like TH's standing on business, not to mention standing by her work ... 10 toes down.

ESPN Exec Calls Rodgers' Kimmel Jabs 'Dumb' ... But He'll Be Back On 'McAfee Show'

ESPN is distancing itself from Aaron Rodgers' recent comments about Jimmy Kimmel ... chalking his controversial appearance on "The Pat McAfee Show" up to a bad attempt at comedy.

The New York Jets quarterback sparked an intense feud with the ABC late-night host earlier this week ... when he suggested Kimmel could be among the famous names on Jeffrey Epstein's client list.

Kimmel was furious with Rodgers ... firing back by claiming the comments could put his family in danger -- and threatening to take legal action if he continued to bark up that tree.

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Mike Foss -- ESPN's senior vice president of digital and studio production -- addressed the whole issue in an interview with Front Office Sports on Friday ... and he said the comments never should have came out of Rodgers' mouth.

"Pat announced today that he’s planning on Aaron joining the show Tuesday," Foss told the outlet. "Aaron made a dumb and factually inaccurate joke about Jimmy Kimmel."

Wheelin' and Dealin'

"The show will continue to evolve. It wouldn’t surprise me if Aaron’s role evolves with it."

Based on the latter part of that statement, it certainly sounds like the network won't step in and prevent Rodgers from going back on the show ... but on Friday's show, Pat accused ESPN exec Norby Williamson of sabotaging his program amid the drama.

Of course, the beef between Rodgers and Kimmel is complicated -- McAfee and the TV personality are both in the Disney family and wildly popular in their respective fields.

But as McAfee said on Thursday, it appears everyone involved is looking to move forward in peace -- without going to court.

'Wild 'N Out's King Bobb'e J Katt Said What He Said ... Joke Stealers Need to Be Shamed!!!

bobbie jay defends katt williams

Katt Williams can count on at least one comedic ally after his royal roast of Kevin Hart, Steve Harvey and Cedric the Entertainer -- "Wild 'N Out" vet Bobb'e J. Thompson cosigns everything Katt's saying!!!

We linked with Bobb'e in Hollywood to discuss Katt's super-viral sit-down on Shannon Sharpe's podcast as the numbers for the nearly 3-hour chitchat breached 15 million views in just a couple of days.

Many comedians and even rappers such as Ludacris and Trick Daddy, took Katt's unfiltered thoughts as fightin' words.

Joke's On You

TD suggested he's ready to get physical, as he reminded Katt he's from the streets.

But, Bobb'e tells us there's never any reason to rumble over a joke ... unless you can fight, and he says Katt has no issues in the fisticuffs department. He also doesn't feel like Katt spoke out a turn, especially in the pursuit of being credited for his work.

Katt accused guys like Steve and Ced of stealing his material over the years, and even had damning allegations for Michael Blackson ... claiming the Nigerian accent is faker than everything sold on Canal Street.

Bobb'e worked with both Katt and Michael on "Wild 'N Out" and can't confirm or deny Mike's 24/7 speaking patterns ... but does say tensions will arise if a joke gets stolen on the 'WNO' set.

In the meantime, seems like Katt reigns as the people's champ.

Katt Williams Explosive Interview Strikes Nerves ...🧨 Kevin Hart, Cedric, Blackson All Respond!!!

Katt Williams predicted his "Club Shay Shay" interview would have the internet in shambles ... and now some of the guys he attacked are fighting back.

Kevin Hart called Katt's comments "sad" Thursday but didn't squander the opportunity to plug his new action movie "Lift" with all the unsolicited buzz from the interview.

Katt essentially labeled Kevin the "Jussie Smollett of comedy" -- a charlatan who was planted in the movie industry after arriving in Los Angeles from Philly without any real buzz, and claims to have turned down plenty of lowbrow roles that Kevin happily scooped up.

Kevin and Katt have been at odds for years -- Kevin claimed Katt flamed out on drugs during a 2015 Breakfast Club interview, to which Katt recently told Shannon Sharpe he's never done a hard drug in his life.

Not to be outdone, Michael Blackson didn't let Katt slide for accusing him of using a fake African accent throughout his career ... but still gave him his props at the end of the day.

According to Mike, Katt ranks as the #4th best comedian alive (he ranked himself at #10) but thinks his 2005 glory years are long behind him, Mike claims he saw Katt get heckled in his Cincinnati hometown before ... a terrible look for a legend.

Cedric The Entertainer also got pissed over Katt's continued allegations he was a joke thief but hinted that he wouldn't be participating in the back-and-forth mud-slinging.

The Rickey Smiley Morning Show

Katt also got a rise out of Rickey Smiley today regarding their beef that began on Ice Cube's "Friday After Next" set ... much like the others, he says Katt has the facts messed up.

Cedric The Entertainer y Michael Blackson le responden a Katt Williams

Katt Williams predijo que su entrevista en el "Club Shay Shay" iba a hacer arder internet, y ahora algunos de los chicos a los que atacó están respondiendo.

Kevin Hart calificó los comentarios de Katt de "tristes" el jueves, pero no desaprovechó la oportunidad de promocionar su nueva película de acción "Lift", con todo el revuelo no solicitado de la entrevista.

Katt esencialmente etiquetó a Kevin como el "Jussie Smollett de la comedia", un charlatán que se plantó en la industria del cine después de llegar a Los Ángeles desde Filadelfia sin ningún contacto, y afirma haber rechazado un montón de papeles de poca monta que Kevin felizmente recogió.

Kevin y Katt han estado enfrentados durante años: Kevin afirmó que Katt se había quemado con las drogas durante una entrevista en Breakfast Club en 2015, a lo que Katt dijo recientemente a Shannon Sharpe que nunca había consumido una droga dura en su vida.

Para no ser menos, Michael Blackson no dejó que Katt se deslizara por acusarlo de usar un acento africano falso a lo largo de su carrera, pero de todas formas le dio su apoyo al final del día.

Según Mike, Katt se ubica como el cuarto mejor comediante vivo (se clasificó a sí mismo en el puesto número 10), pero piensa que sus años de gloria de 2005 están muy por detrás de él, Mike afirma que vio a Katt ser abucheado en su ciudad natal de Cincinnati... un aspecto terrible para una leyenda.

Cedric The Entertainer también se enojó por las continuas acusaciones de Katt de que era un ladrón de bromas.

audicioné por dinero
The Rickey Smiley Morning Show

Katt también se refirió a Rickey Smiley en relación a su "beef" con Ice Cube en "Friday After Next"... y dice que simplemente está confundido.

Adivina en quién se ha convertido ¡este adorable bebé!

Antes de que esta calentita y acurrucada bebé neoyorquina se convirtiera en cómica, escritora y actriz, acababa de salir de la bañera lista para posar ante la cámara y se dirigía a la Universidad de Towson para licenciarse en teatro.

Mientras trabaja como comediante en los teatros, su marido se dedica a enseñarle a cocinar (como se ve en su reality show de cocina). Cuando no está en el escenario contando chistes, se dedica a cuidar a su hijo Gene.

¿Necesitas una pista más? "Snatched", con Goldie Hawn.

¿Adivinas quién es?

Guess Who This Baby Girl Turned Into!

Before this warm and snuggled-up New York City baby turned into a comedian, writer and actress, she was just fresh out of the baby tub -- ready to pose for the camera -- and heading off to Towson University and earning her theatre degree.

While she's providing comedic relief in theaters, her hubby is busy teaching her how to cook (as seen on their cooking reality television show). And, when she's not on stage crackin' jokes, she's a doting mother to her son, Gene.

Need one more clue? "Snatched" with Goldie Hawn.

Can you guess who she is?

Katt Williams Rips Steve Harvey, Rickey Smiley, More Comedians ... All Lies Will Be Exposed!!!

Katt Williams came on Shannon Sharpe's "Club Shay Shay" with guns blazing ... and taking shots at Steve Harvey, Cedric The Entertainer, Rickey Smiley and more rivals.

Katt ripped several of his famous contemporaries in what he called a 2024 reckoning ... starting with his "Next Friday" costar Rickey Smiley for claiming their roles in the film were reversed before filming began when he appeared on "CSS" last year.

Katt says not only was he always cast as "Money Mike," he was responsible for rewriting the character's scene to prevent an on-screen rape with Terry Crews' character "Damon."

After the "Friday After Next" rift, Katt put a clause in his contract that only allowed Rickey to appear in films with him where he was wearing a dress because Katt deemed that's the depth of his acting skills ... and 2008's "First Sunday" featured just that -- Rickey starring as church lady "Bernice Jenkins."

Ced also got thrashed for claiming Katt stole jokes from him during his "CSS" episode, and Katt didn't hold back -- he painted Ced as talentless for having "Entertainer" in his name without being able to sing, dance or write his own jokes. Katt noted Ced's stand-up specials suck so bad, there's no demand for them on Netflix or Tubi.

Ced's "Live from the Ville" from 2016 is indeed on Netflix, but Katt claims the real joke-stealer is Steve Harvey -- for undercutting Mark Curry's "Hangin' With Mr. Cooper" sitcom back in the day with his "The Steve Harvey Show" ... both premises revolved around the comedians starring as high school teachers -- but Mark's series came out 4 years earlier.

Katt accused all of them of running in packs to blackball him behind the scenes and also sent a couple of strays in Earthquake and Faizon Love's direction for also falling short of his level of greatness.

Katt's hitting the road for his "Dark Matter" tour this year ... it's probably a safe bet none of these guys are safe from his rage onstage.

Lil Nas X reacciona al chiste de Dave Chappelle y dice que se divorció del diablo

Lil Nas X dice que ni siquiera un escándalo de Dave Chappelle puede interrumpir su nueva "era cristiana" y suena como si quisiera que el comediante cambiara la rutina.

El miércoles, Lil se refirió al último especial de Netflix de Chapelle, donde cuenta una historia que hace alusión a su video "Montero".

El video muestra al rapero viajando al infierno para darle a Satanás un lapdance, pero Dave dijo que no tenía ni idea de quién era el artista de "Old Town Road" en ese momento y se rió de la decisión de Lil Nas X de empujar los límites sexuales en su base de fans más jóven.

Lil argumenta que "Montero" es cosa del pasado y cualquiera que se aferre a esa versión de él está viviendo en el pasado.

Para demostrarlo, anunció que su nuevo single y video llegará la próxima semana y adelantó una ilustración de él vestido como un sacerdote con la leyenda, "En el nombre del Padre, del Hijo, y del Espíritu Santo, Amén".

es muy gracioso

Dave hizo chistes de otras figuras de la cultura pop y no todos reaccionaron como LNX. El ex-congresista, Madison Cawthorn, estuvo muy atento cuando Dave se refirió a las personas con discapacidad y le encantó cada minuto.