Kathy Griffin Files for Divorce ... Days Shy of 4th Anniversary


10:07 AM PT -- Kathy didn't wait long to respond to the news breaking, writing on X, "Well...s***. This sucks."

Kathy Griffin doesn't seem too nostalgic about anniversaries ... because she's decided to end her marriage, just as she and Randy Bick would have celebrated their 4th.

Kathy filed divorce docs Thursday in L.A. County, citing irreconcilable differences. According to the docs, obtained by TMZ, she and Randy have a prenup ... which she wants the court to enforce. Translation: no need for the judge to grant spousal support.

Randy, who's a marketing exec, and Kathy didn't have any kids together ... so, no issues with child support either.

Whatever went wrong, the breaking point was recent -- in the divorce petition, she lists Dec. 22 as their date of separation.

The soon-to-be exes tied the knot in a surprise wedding on New Year's Day 2020, and Lily Tomlin officiated the ceremony. Although they wed in the middle of lockdown, you can't really call it a pandemic marriage.

Kathy and Randy had been together for a long time before that -- they started dating in 2011, broke up in 2018 and then got back together the next year. This will be her second divorce.

Coincidentally, Kathy's going back on the road in 2024 ... her new standup show is called "My Life on the PTSD-List."

Originally Published -- 9:34 AM PT

Kathy Griffin Solicita el divorcio... A días de su 4° aniversario


10:07 AM PT -- Kathy no esperó mucho para responder a la noticia, escribiendo en X, "Bueno...mi***. Esto apesta".

Kathy Griffin no parece muy nostálgica con los aniversarios porque ha decidido poner fin a su matrimonio, justo cuando ella y Randy Bick habrían celebrado su cuarto.

Kathy presentó los documentos de divorcio el jueves en el condado de Los Ángeles, alegando diferencias irreconciliables. Según los documentos obtenidos por TMZ, ella y Randy tienen un acuerdo prenupcial que ella quiere que el tribunal haga cumplir. Traducción: no hay necesidad de que el juez conceda manutención conyugal.

Randy, que es un ejecutivo de marketing, y Kathy no tenían hijos juntos, por lo que no hay problemas con la manutención de los hijos tampoco.

Lo que haya sido que salió el mal, sabemos que el punto de quiebre es reciente. En la petición de divorcio, ella data el 22 de diciembre como la fecha de su separación.

Los que pronto serán ex se casaron por sorpresa el día de Año Nuevo de 2020 y Lily Tomlin ofició la ceremonia. Aunque se casaron en pleno encierro, no se puede decir que fuera un matrimonio pandémico.

Kathy y Randy llevaban mucho tiempo juntos antes: empezaron a salir en 2011, rompieron en 2018 y volvieron a estar juntos al año siguiente. Este sería su segundo divorcio.

Coincidentemente, Kathy volverá a las pistas en 2024. Su nuevo espectáculo de standup se llama "Mi vida en la lista PTSD (trastorno por estrés postraumático)".

The Smothers Brothers Tom Smothers Dead at 86

Tom Smothers -- one half of the famous singing comedy team the "Smothers Brothers" -- has died.

In a statement released Wednesday, Dick Smothers announced his brother's passing, saying Tom died at home as a result of cancer.

Dick went on to say “Tom was not only the loving older brother that everyone would want in their life, he was a one-of-a-kind creative partner."

Continuing, Dick said, “I am forever grateful to have spent a lifetime together with him, on and off stage, for over 60 years."

Dick ended with, "Our relationship was like a good marriage – the longer we were together, the more we loved and respected one another. We were truly blessed.”

In the late '50s, early 1960s, Tom and Dick often appeared on TV variety shows and released popular albums of their stage performances. In 1967, they finally landed their own variety show, "The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour," which instantly became one of the most hotly debated TV programs during the Vietnam War period.

The "Smothers Brothers" got canceled decades before cancellation became a thing. Tommy became super political when the show was in its second season, railing with satire against the Vietnam War. The Bros were especially critical of then-President Lyndon B. Johnson.

On one show Tommy looked straight into the camera and said, "Okay, all you guys in Vietnam, come on home."

During one episode, Harry Belafonte sang, "Don't Stop the Carnival," and the backdrop on stage were images of the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago, where then-Mayor Richard Daley ordered law enforcement to beat Vietnam protesters in the streets.

They took on other issues as well, but it was too hot for CBS. The network pulled the plug in 1969 at the end of season 3. People in the anti-war movement, along with free speech advocates, were outraged.

Tommy and Dick sued CBS for breach of contract and they eventually got $775,000. The 'SBCH' came back for a short-lived revival in 1988 but ended after one season

Think Dixie Chicks, but 40 years earlier.

Tommy was 86. RIP.

Tiffany Haddish Y'all ... Bev Hills Jails Are A Beaut! ... Jokes About DUI Arrest At Christmas Stand-Up Event

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Tiffany Haddish has turned her misfortune into some more comedy gold ... 'cause she took time out of her latest set to talk all about the "beautiful" Beverly Hills jails, on the heels of her appearing in court for her DUI arrest.

Tiff was crackin' wise at The Laugh Factory's annual Christmas feast Monday night, held for families in need -- but with her arrest and DUI case on everyone's mind, she decided to address it ... and while dressed as Mrs. Claus, no less.

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The comedian says the jails Beverly Hills has to offer are some of the most beautiful facilities -- getting a big laugh from the crowd, before joking about some of its many amenities.

While she didn't try the jail's food after taking multiple plates on Thanksgiving, Tiffany says the place was really clean, which ya wouldn't always expect from a jail ... and she even raves about the feminine products they had on deck for her.

As we reported, Tiffany pled not guilty last week to 2 counts of driving under the influence of alcohol and driving with a .08% BAC ... remember, she was arrested in Bev Hills last month when cops claimed she was asleep at the wheel.

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Don't forget, Tiffany joked about her arrest less than a day after it went down ... saying her prayers for a guy in uniform certainly were answered, just not in the way she was hoping for.


Tiffany Haddish bromea sobre las "hermosas" cárceles de Beverly Hills

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Tiffany Haddish ha convertido su desgracia en comedia, porque se tomó el tiempo en su último set para hablar todo sobre las "hermosas" cárceles de Beverly Hills, justo antes de su comparecencia ante el tribunal por su arresto por DUI.

Tiff estuvo en la fiesta anual de Navidad de The Laugh Factory lunes por la noche. Fiesta que se celebra para las familias necesitadas, pero con su detención y el caso de DUI en la mente de todos, decidió abordar los temas en el show... vestida como la señora Claus, nada menos.

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La comediante dice que las cárceles que Beverly Hills tiene para ofrecer son algunas de las instalaciones más bellas, consiguiendo una gran carcajada de la multitud antes de bromear sobre algunas de sus muchas comodidades.

Mientras que ella no probó la comida de la cárcel después de tomar varios platos en Acción de Gracias, Tiffany dice que el lugar estaba muy limpio e incluso delira sobre los productos femeninos que tenían en la cubierta para ella.

Como informamos, Tiffany se declaró inocente la semana pasada de dos cargos de conducción bajo la influencia del alcohol y conducir con un 0,08% BAC, recordemos que fue detenida en Bev Hills el mes pasado cuando los policías afirmaron que estaba dormida al volante.

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la vida continúa

No olvidemos que Tiffany bromeó sobre su arresto menos de un día después de que cayó, diciendo que sus oraciones por un hombre en uniforme ciertamente fueron contestadas, pero no de la manera que ella esperaba.

ScarJo & CoJo Reciben a un montón de celebridades ... Para una fiesta de Navidad en NYC

Scarlett Johansson fue el blanco de las bromas de Colin Jost en 'Saturday Night Live', pero su mujer no está enfadada con su marido. De hecho, los dos acaban de organizar una gran fiesta de Navidad, con las estrellas de la farándula.

La pareja organizó una gran fiesta el jueves en Nueva York en The Flatiron Room en Manhattan, y parece que invitaron a todos sus amigos famosos para celebrar antes de Navidad, y un montón de ellos fueron felizmente obligados.

Fue un poco un desfile de parejas aquí, no solo fueron vistos ScarJo y CoJo, sino que también Chris Evans y su esposa Alba Baptista, por no hablar de Alec y Hilaria Baldwin.

Lo mismo ocurrió con Jon Hamm y Kieran Culkin, que estaban con sus parejas y, por cierto, también pudimos ver a Greta Gerwig y Noah Baumbach, que acaban de casarse. Se ven tan felices como puede ser en la vida matrimonial.

De todos modos, otros peces gordos también fueron en solitario a la fiesta, como es el caso de Chris Rock, Sarah Silverman, Bill Murray, Sal Vulcano y Rachel Dratch. Una mezcolanza de estrellas.

Parece que fue una especie de reunión de 'SNL' y algunos invitados/anfitriones también fueron invitados. Esto también confirma lo obvio, que hay un montón de celebridades en la Gran Manzana para las fiestas. En comparación con Los Ángeles, donde está un poco de fresco, Nueva York parece estar congelado.

De todos modos, lo único interesante de esto es que Scarlett está bien después de haber sido expuesta en el programa de televisión de su marido. Recuerden, su coanfitrion de "Weekend Update", Michael Che, le hizo leer un chiste que había escrito la semana pasada donde incendiaba sus "peliculitas de arte".

Parece que ella puede con las bromas, y algo más... porque vaya que no está fuera de forma.

Pareja guapa... gente guapa. De eso se trata la Navidad, ¿verdad?

ScarJo & CoJo Host a Crap Ton of A-Listers ... For Xmas Party in Big Apple

Scarlett Johansson was just the butt of Colin Jost's jokes on 'SNL,' but wifey's not mad at hubby -- in fact, the two of them just hosted a big Xmas bash ... with A-listers in tow.

The couple threw together a major shindig Thursday in NYC at The Flatiron Room in Manhattan, and it looks like they invited all their famous pals to roll through and party before Christmas -- to which a ton of celebs happily obliged.

It was a bit of a lovers parade here ... not only were ScarJo and CoJo seen, but so too were Chris Evans and his wife Alba Baptista -- not to mention Alec and Hilaria Baldwin.

Ditto for Jon Hamm and Kieran Culkin, who were with their significant others ... and BTW, we also got a glimpse of Greta Gerwig and Noah Baumbach, who just recently got hitched. They look about as happy as can be in married life.

Anyway, other big-time hot shots were rolling solo for this thing ... like Chris Rock, Sarah Silverman, Bill Murray, Sal Vulcano and Rachel Dratch. A hodgepodge of star power, indeed.

Looks like it was an 'SNL' reunion, of sorts, and some guests/hosts were invited as well. This also confirms the obvious ... there's a helluva lot of celebs out in the Big Apple for the holidays. Compared to L.A., where it's a tad bit nippy, New York looks downright freezing.

Anyway, the only interesting thing about this is that Scarlett's clearly a good sport after getting roasted on her husband's TV show. Remember, his "Weekend Update" cohost, Michael Che, made him read a joke he'd written last week ... where he torched her "little art films."

Looks like she can roll with the punches and then some ... 'cause she ain't bent outta shape.

Good looking couple ... good looking people. That's what Xmas is all about, right?!

Pete Davidson Cancels A Slew Of Comedy Shows ... Gives No Reason

Pete Davidson has mysteriously pulled the plug on a number of his comedy shows that extend into the new year, leaving some of his fans disappointed.

The actor/funnyman nixed his performances at NYC's Beacon Theatre Friday and Saturday night. On Friday, mere hours before he was to hit the stage, the theater fired off emails to ticketholders announcing Pete wasn't going to make it and promising full reimbursement within 30 days for each show.

According to Ticketmaster, Pete also canceled his shows scheduled for December 26 through January 4 in Texas, Tennessee, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Kentucky and Wisconsin. Several of the venues posted messages on their websites explaining that "unforeseen circumstances" led to the cancellations.

A few fans took to social media to express their disappointment after Pete was a no-show Friday at the Beacon.

One person wrote, “Was literally about to walk out the door for the pete davidson show just to see it was canceled 2.5 hours before the show started….. rip this week is not going my way."

Another complained, “Was excited to see Pete Davidson tonight but his show just got canceled."

So far, Pete hasn't said a peep about why he scrapped the shows ... but it's no secret that he has mental health issues and sometimes enters rehab to deal with his struggles.

We've reached out to Pete's rep for answers ... no word back yet.

Ali Wong Solicita oficialmente el divorcio de De Justin Hakuta

Ali Wong quiere empezar el nuevo año como una mujer soltera porque la comediante acaba de solicitar el divorcio de Justin Hakuta.

De acuerdo con los documentos obtenidos por TMZ, Ali presentó la solicitud el viernes en Beverly Hills, citando "diferencias irreconciliables" como la razón de la separación.

La fecha de la separación aparece fijada como el 10 de abril de 2022, que, como recordarán, fue apenas unos días antes de que anunciaran su separación públicamente.

Ali y Justin tienen dos hijas en común, de 8 y 6 años, y Ali está solicitando la custodia legal y física compartida.

En términos de la manutención del cónyuge y la división de los activos, los documentos dicen que Ali y Justin se encuentran actualmente en mediación y su intención es resolver cualquier problema por sí mismos. Ali dice que la pareja tenía un acuerdo prenupcial, que ahora está pidiendo a la corte que se cumpla.

Los dos se conocieron en una boda en 2010 y se casaron 4 años más tarde. Durante sus 8 años de matrimonio, Ali se ha convertido en una gran estrella en el mundo de la comedia, mientras que Justin se hizo un nombre como empresario, sobre todo como ex vicepresidente de GoodRx.

El año pasado, Ali publicó acerca de su separación amistosa y parece que  los dos todavía están en buenos términos. Ali incluso afirmó a principios de este año que siguen siendo los "mejores amigos" a pesar de la ruptura.

Ali Wong Officially Files For Divorce From Justin Hakuta

Ali Wong is looking to start the new year off as a single woman… because the comedian just filed for divorce from Justin Hakuta.

According to the docs, obtained by TMZ, Ali filed Friday in Beverly Hills, citing "irreconcilable differences" as the reason for the split.

The date of separation is listed as April 10, 2022 ... which, as you'll recall, is just days before they announced their separation online.

Ali and Justin share two daughters together, who are 8 and 6 years old -- and Ali is seeking joint legal and physical custody.

In terms of spousal support and divvying up assets, the docs say Ali and Justin are currently in mediation ... and the intention is to resolve any issues themselves. Ali says the couple had a prenup, which she is now asking the court to enforce.

The 2 met at a wedding in 2010 and tied the knot 4 years later. During their 8-year marriage, Ali has become a huge star in the world of comedy, while Justin made a name for himself as an entrepreneur -- most notably as the former VP for GoodRx.

Last year, Ali posted about her amicable split ... and it appears the 2 are still on great terms -- she even claimed earlier this year that they're still "best friends" despite the falling out.

South Park se burla de Logan Paul y Prime Drink

Logan Paul apareció en South Park y recibió las típicas bromas del show. El programa satírico acaba de ir a por la superestrella de la WWE y su empresa de bebidas en su nuevo especial.

"South Park: No apto para niños" se estrenó en Paramount+ el miércoles y uno de sus muchos objetivos resultó ser el YouTuber convertido en empresario.

En un clip del programa, el personaje Clyde Donovan se sienta frente a un computador mientras observa a un influencer llamado Logan LeDouche (que se parece mucho a Paul) promocionando su marca de bebidas, "Cred" (que comparte la misma apariencia que las botellas de Prime Hydration).

"Lo más importante es ser uno mismo", dice LeDouche en la escena. "Cuando siento que no puedo ser yo mismo, es cuando necesito una bebida hidratante que me levante, ¡es cuando necesito a Cred!".

La parodia incluso se burla de la exagerada campaña de marketing de Logan para la compañía, que incluía saltar de un avión mientras se bebía una botella de Prime.

"¡Bebe Cred, o eres un pedazo de mierda!"

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La escena también se burla de la controvertida bebida energética de la compañía, que fue escudriñada por el senador Chuck Schumer, quien dijo que podría ser perjudicial para la base de fans principalmente joven de Logan, a pesar de que sus latas indican específicamente que es para mayores de 18 años.

"¡Bebe Cred en tu colegio hoy! No apto para niños", dice el narrador del video.

Logan parece estar de acuerdo con todo esto, porque recientemente compartió el clip en sus cuentas de redes sociales

Ya sabes lo que dicen de la publicidad... así que creemos que Logan está encantado con el anuncio gratuito.

South Park Logan Paul's Our Prime Target ... In New Special

Logan Paul went down to South Park and got his ass roasted ... 'cause the satirical show just went after the WWE Superstar and his Prime drink company in its newest special.

"South Park: Not Suitable for Children" just dropped on Paramount+ on Wednesday ... and one of its many targets just so happened to be the YouTuber-turned-entrepreneur.

In a clip of the show, character Clyde Donovan sits in front of a computer as he watches an influencer named Logan LeDouche (who looks very similar to Paul) hawk his drink brand, "Cred" (which shares the same appearance to Prime Hydration bottles).

"The most important thing is just to be yourself," LeDouche says in the scene. "When I feel like I can't be myself, that's when I need a hydration drink that'll pick me up -- that's when I need Cred!!"

The spoof even mocks Logan's over-the-top marketing campaign for the company ... which included jumping out of a plane as he drank a bottle of Prime.

"Drink Cred, or you're a piece of s***!!"

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The scene also pokes fun at the company's controversial energy drink ... which was scrutinized by Senator Chuck Schumer, who said it could be harmful to Logan's primarily young fanbase -- even though its cans specifically state it's for people ages 18 and up.

"Drink Cred at your school today!! Not intended for children," the narrator in the clip says.

Logan seems to be okay with it all ... 'cause he recently shared the clip on his social media accounts

Ya know what they say about any publicity ... so we take it Logan's thrilled with the free ad.

Tiffany Haddish se declara inocente de conducir ebria en Los Ángeles

Tiffany Haddish se ha declarado inocente en su caso de conducción bajo estado de ebriedad en Los Ángeles, reflejando su declaración por el mismo cargo en Georgia.

La comediante fue procesada el miércoles, donde se declaró "no culpable" de dos cargos presentados por la Oficina del Fiscal del Distrito del Condado de Los Ángeles, conducir bajo la influencia del alcohol y conducir con un 0,08% BAC.

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TMZ publicó la historia, Tiffany fue detenida en Beverly Hills el mes pasado cuando los policías afirman que la encontraron dormida al volante con su carro bloqueando parcialmente la carretera.

Tiffany bromeó al respecto el día después en su stand-up comedy, pero ahora parece que las cosas se están poniendo serias, porque se declaró inocente de los cargos aquí y en Georgia, aparentemente señalando que ella va a luchar.

El caso de Georgia en realidad se suponía que iba a juicio este mes, pero se ha pospuesto. En los documentos de la corte para ese caso, Tiff ha informado alegó que la policía allí en GA llevó a cabo una búsqueda ilegal de su vehículo y ella también ha pedido que su resultado de la prueba de sangre no se permita como prueba.

Mientras tanto, otra batalla judicial se avecina.

Tiffany Haddish Pleads Not Guilty in L.A. DUI Case

Tiffany Haddish has pleaded not guilty in her L.A. DUI case -- mirroring her plea to the same charge out in Georgia.

The comedian was arraigned Wednesday, where she entered "not guilty" pleas to two counts brought by the L.A. County District Attorney's Office -- driving under the influence of alcohol and driving with a .08% BAC.

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TMZ broke the story ... TH was arrested in Beverly Hills last month, when cops claim they found her asleep at the wheel -- with her car partially blocking the road.

Tiffany joked about it the day after in a stand-up comedy set, but now it looks like things are getting serious ... 'cause she pleaded not guilty to the charges here AND in Georgia, apparently signaling that she's gonna fight.

The Georgia case was actually supposed to go trial this month, but it's been postponed. In court docs for that case, Tiff has reportedly alleged the cops there in GA conducted an unlawful search of her vehicle ... and she's also asked that her blood test result not be allowed as evidence.

In the meantime, another court battle looms ... or so it seems, anyway.

Martin Lawrence hace de Papá Noel para niños de acogida

Martin Lawrence hizo realidad los deseos de Navidad de un grupo de niños desfavorecidos de Los Ángeles, trayendo regalos y llevándolos a pasar un divertido día en la pista de karts.

El actor y comediante se difrazó de Santa para 125 niños el miércoles, llevándolos a K1 Speed interior karts en Burbank, donde se unieron algunos invitados famosos.

entregando regalos de navidad

El evento anual de caridad de Martin también atrajo a Jo Koy, Kid Cudi, Polo G, el rapero Chip Tha Ripper, MC Lyte, King Bach, Affion Crockett, ex NFL stud Willie McGinest y cómico Benji Brown.

Además de correr en karts y recibir regalos de sus listas de Navidad, los niños pudieron jugar a juegos arcade y comieron fingers de pollo de Raising Cane's y Randy's Donuts.

TMZ obtuvo video y fotos del evento, y parece que todo el mundo estaba en el espíritu navideño.

Tenemos que decir que Martin hace un muy buen Santa.

Martin Lawrence Plays Santa For Foster Kids ... Presents and Go-Kart Races!!!

Martin Lawrence made Christmas wishes come true for a group of underprivileged kids in Los Angeles ... bringing presents and taking them for a fun day at the go-kart track.

The actor/comedian played Santa Claus for 125 kids Wednesday, taking them to K1 Speed indoor go-karts in Burbank ... where they were joined by some celebrity guests.


Martin's annual charity event, benefitting underprivileged youth and kids in the foster system, also drew Jo Koy, Kid Cudi, Polo G, rapper Chip Tha Ripper, MC Lyte, King Bach, Affion Crockett, former NFL stud Willie McGinest and comic Benji Brown.

In addition to go-kart racing and getting presents from their Christmas lists, the kids got to play arcade games and they chowed down on Raising Cane's chicken fingers and Randy's Donuts.

TMZ obtained video and photos from the event, and it looks like everyone was in the Christmas spirit.

We gotta say ... Martin makes a pretty good Santa.