Tiffany Haddish se declara inocente de conducir ebria en Los Ángeles

Tiffany Haddish se ha declarado inocente en su caso de conducción bajo estado de ebriedad en Los Ángeles, reflejando su declaración por el mismo cargo en Georgia.

La comediante fue procesada el miércoles, donde se declaró "no culpable" de dos cargos presentados por la Oficina del Fiscal del Distrito del Condado de Los Ángeles, conducir bajo la influencia del alcohol y conducir con un 0,08% BAC.

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TMZ publicó la historia, Tiffany fue detenida en Beverly Hills el mes pasado cuando los policías afirman que la encontraron dormida al volante con su carro bloqueando parcialmente la carretera.

Tiffany bromeó al respecto el día después en su stand-up comedy, pero ahora parece que las cosas se están poniendo serias, porque se declaró inocente de los cargos aquí y en Georgia, aparentemente señalando que ella va a luchar.

El caso de Georgia en realidad se suponía que iba a juicio este mes, pero se ha pospuesto. En los documentos de la corte para ese caso, Tiff ha informado alegó que la policía allí en GA llevó a cabo una búsqueda ilegal de su vehículo y ella también ha pedido que su resultado de la prueba de sangre no se permita como prueba.

Mientras tanto, otra batalla judicial se avecina.

Tiffany Haddish Pleads Not Guilty in L.A. DUI Case

Tiffany Haddish has pleaded not guilty in her L.A. DUI case -- mirroring her plea to the same charge out in Georgia.

The comedian was arraigned Wednesday, where she entered "not guilty" pleas to two counts brought by the L.A. County District Attorney's Office -- driving under the influence of alcohol and driving with a .08% BAC.

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TMZ broke the story ... TH was arrested in Beverly Hills last month, when cops claim they found her asleep at the wheel -- with her car partially blocking the road.

Tiffany joked about it the day after in a stand-up comedy set, but now it looks like things are getting serious ... 'cause she pleaded not guilty to the charges here AND in Georgia, apparently signaling that she's gonna fight.

The Georgia case was actually supposed to go trial this month, but it's been postponed. In court docs for that case, Tiff has reportedly alleged the cops there in GA conducted an unlawful search of her vehicle ... and she's also asked that her blood test result not be allowed as evidence.

In the meantime, another court battle looms ... or so it seems, anyway.

Martin Lawrence hace de Papá Noel para niños de acogida

Martin Lawrence hizo realidad los deseos de Navidad de un grupo de niños desfavorecidos de Los Ángeles, trayendo regalos y llevándolos a pasar un divertido día en la pista de karts.

El actor y comediante se difrazó de Santa para 125 niños el miércoles, llevándolos a K1 Speed interior karts en Burbank, donde se unieron algunos invitados famosos.

entregando regalos de navidad

El evento anual de caridad de Martin también atrajo a Jo Koy, Kid Cudi, Polo G, el rapero Chip Tha Ripper, MC Lyte, King Bach, Affion Crockett, ex NFL stud Willie McGinest y cómico Benji Brown.

Además de correr en karts y recibir regalos de sus listas de Navidad, los niños pudieron jugar a juegos arcade y comieron fingers de pollo de Raising Cane's y Randy's Donuts.

TMZ obtuvo video y fotos del evento, y parece que todo el mundo estaba en el espíritu navideño.

Tenemos que decir que Martin hace un muy buen Santa.

Martin Lawrence Plays Santa For Foster Kids ... Presents and Go-Kart Races!!!

Martin Lawrence made Christmas wishes come true for a group of underprivileged kids in Los Angeles ... bringing presents and taking them for a fun day at the go-kart track.

The actor/comedian played Santa Claus for 125 kids Wednesday, taking them to K1 Speed indoor go-karts in Burbank ... where they were joined by some celebrity guests.


Martin's annual charity event, benefitting underprivileged youth and kids in the foster system, also drew Jo Koy, Kid Cudi, Polo G, rapper Chip Tha Ripper, MC Lyte, King Bach, Affion Crockett, former NFL stud Willie McGinest and comic Benji Brown.

In addition to go-kart racing and getting presents from their Christmas lists, the kids got to play arcade games and they chowed down on Raising Cane's chicken fingers and Randy's Donuts.

TMZ obtained video and photos from the event, and it looks like everyone was in the Christmas spirit.

We gotta say ... Martin makes a pretty good Santa.

Tiffany Haddish Es acusada de conducir en estado de ebriedad en L.A.

Tiffany Haddish está siendo acusada por su última detención por conducir en estado de ebriedad (DUI). Esto, después de que fuera arrestada por beber y conducir después de una noche de fiesta en Beverly Hills el mes pasado.

El caso de la actriz estaba siendo revisado por la Oficina del Fiscal del Distrito de Los Ángeles y han decidido acusarla por conducir bajo la influencia del alcohol y manejar con una alcoholemia de 0,08%.

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Tiffany esposada

TMZ fue el primero en informar la noticia, la actriz fue encontrada desplomada al volante en Beverly Hills, bloqueando la carretera con su carro.

Tiffany fue fichada por DUI y detención indebida en una carretera, pero menos de 24 horas después estaba otra vez en el escenario, esta vez de Long Beach, actuando e incluso haciendo una broma rápida sobre su detención.

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Bueno, sobre lo que pasó anoche...

Sin embargo, Tiffany cambió rápidamente su tono y se tomó en serio la detención, sobre todo porque ya tiene un caso de DUI en Georgia derivado de enero de 2022.

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El show debe continuar

De hecho, a la luz de su arresto en Cali, los fiscales de Georgia están presionando para que existan restricciones más estrictas sobre ella. Particularmente, quieren modificar las condiciones de fianza de su caso abierto de DUI para restringir su consumo de alcohol y drogas por completo.

Por cierto, si Tiffany es condenada por ambos delitos, tanto California como Georgia tienen leyes que requieren tiempo en la cárcel por un segundo delito. En California el mínimo es de 4 días, en Georgia es de 3 días.

Tiffany desde entonces le dijo a ET que necesita "obtener ayuda" para "aprender del equilibrio y los límites", y agregó que "esto no volverá a suceder".

Hasta ahora, todo bien ... Recientemente, Tiffany celebró su cumpleaños 44, o mejor dicho, el "próximo capítulo de su vida", sin una pizca de alcohol a la vista.


Tiffany Haddish has been charged in her latest DUI arrest ... after she got busted for drinking and driving following a night out in Beverly Hills last month.

The actress' case was under review by the L.A. District Attorney's Office and they've decided to charge her with driving under the influence of alcohol and driving with a .08% BAC.

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TMZ broke the story ... the actress was found slumped at the wheel in Beverly Hills -- blocking the road with her car.

She was booked for DUI and improper stopping on a roadway -- but less than 24 hours later, was back onstage performing down in Long Beach -- not resisting a quick quip about her arrest.

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However, Tiffany quickly changed her tune ... getting serious about the arrest -- especially as she already has a DUI case in Georgia stemming from Jan 2022.

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In fact, in light of her Cali arrest, Georgia prosecutors are pushing for stricter restrictions on her -- wanting to modify the bond conditions from her open DUI case there to restrict her from using booze and drugs completely.

BTW ... if Tiffany is convicted of both offenses, both California and Georgia have laws that require jail time for a second offense -- in CA, the minimum is 4 days, in GA it's 3 days.

Tiffany's since told ET she needs to "get help" to "learn balance and boundaries" -- adding, "this will never happen again."

So far, so good ... as Tiffany recently rang in her 44th birthday, AKA, her "next chapter in life," without a lick of booze in sight.

Matt Rife aún no se ha disculpado por discutir con su hijo de 6 años

Matt Rife se metió en línea con un niño de 6 años de edad que lo criticó por su reciente especial de Netflix, algo por lo que todavía tiene que hacer las paces, al menos así lo dice la madre del niño.

Así es la cosa, el comediante todavía se enfrenta a reacciones en contra de su especial del mes pasado, que incluía bromas sobre la violencia doméstica, además de bastantes bromas a expensas de las mujeres. Todo esto a pesar de que la mayoría de su público es femenino.

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Rife se encargó de llamar la atención con sus polémicos chistes durante mucho tiempo, y la semana pasada, el hijo pequeño de la TikToker Bunny Hedaya dio su opinión al respecto.

Ella publicó una de las bromas de Rife del especial en la que se burla de las mujeres por confiar en la astrología y conseguir "anillos" que combinen con los planetas. Fue cuando su hijo apareció para corregir al humorista sobre qué planeta en realidad cuenta con anillos... Saturno.

El chico también dijo que Rife era "malo con las chicas". Sabemos que no es una afirmación nada agresiva, pero Rife aparentemente sintió la necesidad de responder... y escribió un comentario que ya ha sido borrado: "Júpiter también tiene un anillo. Y Papá Noel no es real. Tu madre te compra los regalos con el dinero que gana en OnlyFans. Buena suerte". Sí, no es genial, y peor aún, Bunny dice que no ha dicho lo siento.

Ella le dice a TMZ que Rife aún no se ha disculpado. Agrega que solo aceptaría una disculpa a través de un cambio de comportamiento, es decir, un cambio en el tono con el que se refiere a las mujeres. Sin embargo, ella dice que basándose en su comportamiento, no tiene muchas esperanzas.

Bunny dice que Rife no parece el tipo de persona que se responsabiliza de sus actos —véase su respuesta a toda la controversia sobre el "casco para necesidades especiales"— y añade que cree que necesita mirar en su interior para averiguar por qué siente tanta agresividad hacia las mujeres y los niños, y tratar de curarse a sí mismo una vez que descubra la causa.

Para su información, Bunny nos dice que no hizo partícipe a su hijo del insulto de Matt hacia él/ella... diciéndonos que tiene cuidado con exponer a su hijo demasiado en redes sociales debido a su corta edad. Hay cosas que es mejor ignorar.

Matt Rife Hasn't Apologized for Beefing w/ 6-Y-O Says Mother Bunny Hedaya

Matt Rife got into it online with a 6-year-old kid who criticized him over his recent Netflix special -- something for which he has yet to make amends ... according to the boy's mom.

Here's the deal ... the comedian is still facing backlash over his special from last month, which included cracks about domestic violence, and which made women, in general, the butt of a lot of his jokes -- this despite the fact that the vast majority of his fans are women.

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Rife was getting crapped on left and right for a good long while -- something he relished -- and the other week, TikToker Bunny Hedaya's young son got in on the action as well.

She posted a stitch to one of Rife's jokes from the special -- during which he's making fun of women for relying on astrology and getting a "rings" punchline in there with the planets -- and it featured her boy who corrected MR on which planet actually featured rings ... Saturn.

The kid also said Rife was "mean to girls" ... so not a huge burn, but one to which Rife apparently felt the need to respond. He wrote in a since-deleted comment, "Jupiter also has (a) ring. OH!... and Santa isn't real. Your mom buys you presents with the money she makes on OnlyFans. Good luck." Yeah, it ain't great ... and worse yet, Bunny says he hasn't said sorry.

She tells TMZ ... while Rife has yet to apologize, she says she would only accept one through changed behavior -- namely, switching up his tune on how he talks to/about women. However, she says based on what she's seen about him ... she ain't holding her breath.

Bunny says Rife doesn't seem like the type of guy to take accountability -- see his response to the special needs helmet joke controversy -- and she believes he needs to look deep inside himself to figure out why he feels so much aggression toward women and children, and to attempt to heal himself once he figures out the root cause.

FWIW, Bunny tells us she didn't make her son privy to Matt's insult to him/her ... telling us she's careful with exposing him to too much social media at this age. Ignorance is bliss.

Tha Dogg Pound Gets Cali Active ... Luenell Cheers in Front Row!!!


Tha Dogg Pound helped Los Angeles fill in the gaps after the city's faced criticism for lacking Hip Hop 50th celebrations -- but Kurupt and Daz Dillinger were front and center for KDAY's 40th anniversary!!!

The iconic L.A. radio station pioneered the city's rap movement and DPG's admitted, over the years, they owe KDAY big time.

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Unlike other Death Row artists back in the day, they didn't have major-label distribution, but their 1995 project, "Dogg Food," still became the first indie rap album to top the Billboard 200 chart.

We got footage of their performance last night ... the West Coast duo appeared lively as they and DJ Battlecat ripped through familiar tracks such as "Who Ride Wit Us" and "Cali Iz Active."

All that West Coastness brought out the ultimate fan in Luenell, who was in the front row rapping along line for line with DPG!!!

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She later threw on her Nipsey Hussle jacket and posed for pics with the crew backstage -- nothing but big pimpin' baby!!!

DJ Quik, Greg Mack and Joe Cooley were also saluted last night, and the station now has its own holiday on December 7. Everyone throw your dubyas up!!!

Tiffany Haddish Seems to Ditch Booze for Her Bday 'Ready For My Next Chapter'

Tiffany Haddish appears to have ditched booze during her birthday celebration this weekend -- that is, if her reported sober behavior earlier in the week is any indication.

The comedian celebrated her 44th born day Sunday ... and it looks like it was a musical affair. She posted a clip of herself performing in this big cabaret-type show at a private shindig where she was front and center in front of a lot of friends.

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Her caption reads, "Happy Birthday to me!!!!! I am ready for my next chapter in life." TF goes on to share she has more original music coming, not to mention another book ... among other ventures.

She adds (somewhat cryptically) ... "I keep my promises anyone that knows me knows that. It might take some time but I always keep my promise. Just ask God."

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While she didn't specifically mention her DUI from a couple weeks ago, it sounds like she might be touching on it here. Not just that, but Page Six reports that Tiffany was actually among Paris Hilton's many famous guests at her "Slivmas" holiday party earlier last week ... and they say she was completely sober there.


If true, that's big news considering she got arrested for allegedly drinking and driving (again) after a night out in L.A. -- this, of course, about a year after she got arrested for the same thing out in Georgia. If she was steering clear of alcohol at Paris' bash, it stands to reason she might've done the same at her own.

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TMZ broke the story ... Tiffany was arrested in Beverly Hills after cops say they found her sleeping at the wheel and blocking the road with her car. In the end, they felt they had probable cause to take her in for DUI ... and did exactly that.

Less than 24 hours later, she was back onstage and performing yet again -- this time at a Laugh Factory all the way down in Long Beach ... where she jokingly addressed her arrest.

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She might've been laughing about it then, but it's a very serious matter ... and prosecutors in Georgia have already signaled they want stricter restrictions on her as her case there plays out -- including forcing her to stay off of alcohol consumption.

Sounds like TF might've already beaten them to the punch on that one.

Theo Von Baffles Lee Corso with Picks ... On 'College GameDay'


Theo Von has entered the college football chat — and he confused the hell out of some OGs on the air … which was absolutely hilarious to watch.

ESPN tapped into the TikTok zeitgeist and hired Theo Von as their celebrity guest panelist for “College GameDay” Saturday … where he, Pat McAfee and the rest of the professional analysts sat around making picks ahead of a packed schedule.

The only difference this time around was Theo’s very unpredictable nature and rants — which certainly shone through during the telecast, especially when he was talking about the matchup between Louisville and Florida State.

Apparently, TV thought it was 2013 again … ‘cause he invoked Jameis Winston’s name to talk about the Seminoles’ chances. Only problem … Winston has long left the university, something Pat reminded Theo of … forcing him to pivot and come up with a new rationale.

It was pretty typical Theo, but Lee Corso couldn’t believe (or comprehend) what he was hearing … making for a funny-ass exchange live on TV.

If you’re unfamiliar with Theo and his brand of humor, this was a great introduction … dude’s finally breaking through into the mainstream. Gang, baby!

Bill Maher Beware of Christian Nationalism!!!

Bill Maher loves the XMAS season, 'cause it's fun ... but he's alarmed at all the people who embrace the religious element to a point they want to shove it down everyone else's throats.

The 'Real Time' host launched on the growing number of Republicans, now led by freshly-minted Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, who want to turn America into a Christian state.

Although Johnson and many other Republicans have promoted an official religion for the USA, Bill notes they've forgotten about the whole separation of church and state thing.

Rep. Lauren Boebert recently scoffed, "I'm tired of this separation of church and state junk." Her leader, Mike Johnson, has called for a Christian nation that dominates all areas of American life.

Seems pretty basic ... the country was founded on freedom of religion. It's engrained in our Constitution -- 1st up on the Amendment roster -- yet an alarming number of Republicans are hell-bent on breaking that wall -- separation of church and state.

As for why ... well, Bill thinks Speaker Johnson is so into this religion thing, he's just waiting for the world to end so we can get on with the rapture.

Michael Blackson Bey Went Blonde For Jay ... It's New Eye Candy, Not Whiteness!!!


Michael Blackson knows exactly what's really behind Beyoncé's recent lightened appearance, and apologies to Tina Knowles, but he says it's really about a bedroom "Renaissance" for Jay-Z!!!

Mike dropped his juicy theory on us when we got him at LAX, and asked what he makes of all the fan remarks about Bey's appearance during the L.A. premiere of her 'Renaissance' film.

Unlike Mama Knowles, who said the silvery/platinum look was simply about sticking to the theme of Bey's tour -- Michael thinks it's really about the Carters mixing things up in the bedroom. As he sees it, Beyoncé's just giving her man "another woman."

Jokes aside, MB did totally dismiss the haters who claimed B was bleaching her skin ... and he explained why he's filing that under utterly ridiculous.

As we reported, Tina also went to bat for her daughter ... lashing out at anyone spreading the notion Beyonce is anything other than a proud Black woman.

We're not sure Tina would be any more down with Michael's "theory," though.😂


BTW, Beyoncé was still rocking the blonde locks Thursday night for the London premiere of "Renaissance" -- with daughter/backup dancer Blue Ivy by her side -- so, she's clearly not changing a damn thing for the haters.


Or maybe Michael's right, and the new look is intended for Jay's eyes ... and the rest of us are incidental.

Nothing wrong with a little marriage makeover to keep the fires burning!

MICHAEL BLACKSON "Beyoncé se hizo rubia platino para darle variedad a Jay-Z en la cama"


¡Michael Blackson tiene una explicación para la reciente apariencia de Beyoncé!, y básicamente tendría que ver con Jay-Z.

De acuerdo con la perspectiva de Mike, Jay quería ver algo diferente en la cama luego de tanto tiempo de matrimonio por lo que se cambió al rubio platinado. Estilo que mostró hace poco en el estreno de Renaissance, el cual estuvo lleno de estrellas a principios de esta semana.

Es solo una teoría, pero Michael tiene algo de razón, engañar a Bey es imposible, ¡así que un poco de juego de roles para animar las cosas es lo mejor!

El nuevo look de Beyoncé provocó comparaciones con Kim Kardashian e incluso acusaciones de blanqueamiento de la piel, pero Mike está archivando eso bajo una de las cosas más ridículas que ha oído jamás.

Tina Knowles también lo hizo y salió en defensa de su hija arremetiendo verbalmente contra cualquiera que mantuviera la narrativa del "blanqueamiento".

Bromas aparte, Michael señala cómo la marca de la diva siempre ha estado "orgullosa de ser negra", después de todo, ¡esta es la misma mujer que pisoteó coches de policía para Black Lives Matter y rindió homenaje a las Panteras Negras durante su actuación en la Super Bowl 2016!

Beyonce: Homage to Black Panthers During Super Bowl Performance 2016

No hay nada malo en un pequeño cambio de imagen, especialmente si se trata de mantener viva la magia.

diputada Lauren Boebert se toma una selfie con Dave Chappelle en el Capitolio

Dave Chappelle tiene un par de fans en el Congreso de EE.UU., y uno de ellos es la Republicana Lauren Boebert.

Boebert y la congresista Anna Paulina Luna se hicieron un selfie junto al cómico el jueves en el Capitolio y la congresista de Colorado convirtió el momento en una plataforma para sus puntos de vista anti-LGBTQ. Ella subtituló su post a IG, "tres personas que entienden que solo hay dos géneros 😄".

Una fuente con conocimiento directo le dice a TMZ que Dave no tenía intención de ponerse político con la sesión de fotos y que fue un momento espontáneo. Está en D.C. para un evento de "Arte es Activismo" en la Escuela de Artes Duke Ellington, que es el alma mater de la escuela secundaria de Dave.

Nos dicen que fue a reunirse con algunos amigos  —no políticos— que trabajan en el Capitolio, y terminó encontrándose con varios miembros del Congreso, incluyendo a Lauren y Anna, que se apresuraron para las fotos.

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Hay que imaginar que Dave tenía un montón de bromas rebotando en su cabeza al ver a la diputada Boebert,  teniendo en cuenta todo el revuelo a principios de este año, debido al incidente donde se le vio manosenadose en la oscuridad con un chico en un teatro de Denver. Nada menos que mientras veían "Beetlejuice".

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Si bien ella asumió parte de la responsabilidad, lo atribuyó a tener un poco de buen tiempo para ella y dijo que ya no está con el chico debido a su condición de demócrata.

Rep. LAUREN BOEBERT Scores Selfie with DAVE CHAPPELLE ... No Hands-On Experience!!!

Dave Chappelle has a couple of U.S. Congresswomen full-on fangirling -- and since one of 'em is Rep. Lauren Boebert, ya couldn't blame Dave if he asked her to keep her hands in clear view!

Boebert and Rep. Anna Paulina Luna snapped a selfie alongside the comedian Thursday in the Capitol -- and the Colorado congresswoman turned the moment into a platform for her anti-LGBTQ views. She captioned her IG post, "Just three people who understand that there are only two genders 😄."

A source with direct knowledge tells TMZ Dave had no intent on getting political with the photo op, and it was a spontaneous moment. He's in D.C. for an "Art is Activism" event at Duke Ellington School of the Arts ... which is, famously, Dave's high school alma mater.


We're told he went to meet some friends -- not politicians -- who work on Capitol Hill, and ended up running into several members of Congress, including Lauren and Anna, who scrambled for pics.

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Ya gotta imagine Dave had a bunch of jokes bouncing around his head upon seeing Rep. Boebert -- considering all the buzz earlier this year when she was getting super handsy in the dark with her date at a Denver theatre. While watching "Beetlejuice," no less!

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While she took some responsibility for fooling around -- chalking it up to having some good ol' me time -- she said she's since kicked the guy to the curb, because he's a Democrat.