Woman Gets Revenge Spends 15 Years Trolling Man ... Breaks Off Engagement After He Spit On Her Friend!

A woman says she spent 15 years getting payback from a man who spit on her friend long, long ago ... doing everything from spoiling shows to torpedoing his wedding.

TikToker Linda Solley Hurd says it all started a decade and a half ago at a comedy show, where one of her friends accidentally spilled a drink on the guy -- claiming he called her a "stupid fat b****" and spit on her for additional bad measure.


Linda was out for revenge! She found his Facebook page ... and after some digging, discovered his favorite shows were "The Walking Dead" and "Breaking Bad" -- 2 shows that you'd never want spoiled, right?

She decided to torture the dude by creating fake accounts and spamming him with spoilers as soon as each episode would drop.

It didn't stop with the Rick Grimes & Walter White rage ... she says she ended up in the same class as him not long after, getting more info on him and doing even MORE trolling.

Linda says she backed off for around 8 years ... but then learned the guy got engaged to a friend of a friend of hers, so she came out of trolling retirement for more revenge.

She gave the guy's fiancee the tea on what he had done to her friend, and apparently, that was enough for her to pull the plug on the wedding.

It's enough to make you stop drinking.

For more viral news, tune in to the TMZ Verified Podcast. Dropping every Thursday on all podcast platforms.


emergencia médica

Adam Sandler está definitivamente en sintonía con su público. Hizo una pausa en un show para ayudar a un fan que sufría una emergencia médica en la multitud.

El comediante estaba actuando en el SAP Center de San José el miércoles por la noche cuando todo se detuvo. Nos dicen que Adam escuchó a un miembro de la audiencia gritando "emergencia médica" y detuvo todo el asunto para asegurarse de que reciba asistencia.

preocupado por su público

No mucho después, las luces se encendieron y todo el mundo esperó hasta que los paramédicos fueron capaces de llegar hasta la fan en peligro. Adam ayudó a guiar a los médicos hasta la persona.

Fuentes relacionadas con el show le informan a TMZ que la actuación estuvo en suspenso durante unos diez minutos y el hombre que tenía la emergencia estaba deshidratado.

Adam ha estado saliendo a la carretera para su gira "I Missed You", realizando standup y algunas de sus canciones más populares de los últimos años. Tengan por seguro que su público estará a salvo.

Adam Sandler Stops Show For Fan's Medical Emergency


Adam Sandler is definitely in tune with his audience ... pressing pause on a recent show for a fan suffering a medical emergency in the crowd.

The comedian was performing at SAP Center in San Jose Wednesday night when he brought everything to a screeching halt -- we're told Adam heard an audience member yelling "medical emergency" and stopped the whole thing to make sure the fan got assistance.


Not long after, the lights came up and everyone waited until paramedics were able to get to the fan in distress ... Adam helped guide the medics to the person in need.

Sources connected to the show tell TMZ ... the performance was on hold for about 10 minutes, and the man who had the emergency was believed to have been dehydrated while in the crowd but is doing fine.

Adam's been hitting the road for his "I Missed You" tour, performing standup and some of his most popular songs from over the years ... rest assured, his audience will be taken care of.


Michael Jordan VIP Treatment At Usher Show ... Complete With Sexy Dance From Tiffany Haddish!!!


Michael Jordan got the red carpet rolled out for him at Usher's show over the weekend ... getting prime seats, a shoutout during the concert -- and even a sexy dance from Tiffany Haddish!!!

His Airness pulled up to the "Let It Burn" crooner's performance at Park MGM in Las Vegas on Saturday ... and almost immediately, king treatment commenced.

Jordan, his wife and a couple other friends were walked to some chairs in a VIP area that seemed to feature bottle service.

Then, as Usher was singing, Haddish cruised over to Jordan's group to give the NBA legend a show of her own ... gyrating in front of the former Chicago Bulls star -- while he clapped and laughed.

Usher himself then made sure Jordan felt special in the audience ... pausing his whole act to acknowledge that the hooper was in attendance.

"We love you, Mike," he screamed as everyone went crazy.

Of course, the conduct toward MJ shouldn't surprise anyone ... after all, he's the NBA's G.O.A.T. -- and he and Usher are longtime pals.

In fact, they famously collaborated to make an ultra-rare version of one of Jordan's signature shoes back in 2014 -- kicks that Usher actually broke out during Saturday's show.

"I'm putting them on because I want to be like Mike!" Usher said.

The fun evening comes just a few days after it was revealed Jordan is now one of the 400 richest people in America ... proving yet again, MJ just doesn't lose.

Pete Davidson on 'SNL' I Understand the Terrorist Attack in Israel ... My Dad Died in One

Pete Davidson delivered a truly heartfelt display of his feelings about the war in Israel during the cold open of the show, and he has a rare perspective that makes everything he said compelling.

Pete, at first he was a good person to talk about the inhumane Hamas terrorist attack and the ensuing war. As you know, Pete's dad, a NYC firefighter, died during 9/11 when Pete was only 7, so he knows what a terrorist attack can do on the surviving family, especially kids.

His heart breaks for all the death of innocent people, especially both Israeli and Palestinian children. He told the audience, no one deserves to suffer like this, especially kids.

He goes on to say his heart breaks for everyone whose lives were destroyed.

His opening monologue was raunchy. Pete says he and his sister have nothing in common, so they decided to bond by watching "Game of Thrones," and the whole incest thing came up which made things super uncomfortable! And then he gets even wilder.

He was super good ... especially in the cold open.

As we told you, both Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce made cameos on the show and hit the town hand-in-hand.

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They chowed down at Nobu in NYC before the show.


After the show was wrapped, they joined the cast for an after-party at Catch Steak.

PETE DAVIDSON EN "SNL" empatizo con la gente en israel Mi padre murió a manos del terrorismo

Pete Davidson dijo unas palabras muy sentidas acerca de la guerra en Israel durante el show y tiene una perspectiva poco común que hace que todo lo que dijo sea convincente.

Pete era el indicado para hablar sobre el inhumano ataque terrorista de Hamás y la guerra posterior. Por si no lo sabías, el padre de Pete era bombero de Nueva York y murió durante el 11-S cuando Pete solo tenía 7 años, así que sabe muy bien lo que un ataque terrorista puede causar, especialmente a los niños.

Su corazón se rompe por todas las muertes de inocentes, especialmente de niños israelíes y palestinos. Dijo al público que nadie merece sufrir así, especialmente los niños.

Continúa diciendo que su corazón se rompe por todas las vidas destruidas.

Su monólogo inicial fue intenso. Pete dijo que él y su hermana no tienen nada en común, así que decidieron unirse como familia viendo "Juego de Tronos". La famosa serie sirvió de trampolín para bromear con el incesto generando un momento incómodo. Sin embargo, las cosas se pusieron aún más salvajes.

Como informamos, tanto Taylor Swift como Travis Kelce hicieron cameos en el programa y llegaron a la ciudad de la mano.

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¡de la mano!

Comieron en Nobu (Nueva York) antes del show.

travis es mi novio

Después de que el show terminó, se unieron al elenco para un afterparty en Catch Steak.

TRACY MORGAN LAMBORGHINI GOLPEADO DE COSTADO ... ¡¡¡Más mala suerte de los automóviles exóticos!!!

Aquí está el Lamborghini Aventador SVJ de Tracy Morgan viajando por la interestatal ... ¡el problema es que el automóvil supercostoso está viajando sobre la plataforma de una grúa después de sufrir un caro golpe!

TMZ obtuvo fotografías del Lamborghini 2020 de Tracy siendo remolcado en la Ciudad de Nueva York ... y como pueden ver, en el lado izquierdo del vehículo deportivo se pueden ver unos rayones blancos que NO son marcas de rayas deportivas.

Parece que otro conductor le dio un golpe de costado o Tracy raspó algo - de cualquier forma, no será barato arreglar ese trabajo de pintura.

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Las fotografías fueron tomadas el pasado domingo y Tracy fue visto conduciendo el vehículo con un valor de 500 000 dólares durante el fin de semana en la Gran Manzana ... por lo que el daño es reciente.

Es más mala suerte para la costosa colección de automóviles costosos de Tracy ... como lo informamos por primera vez, en 2019 estrelló su nuevo Bugatti tan solo minutos después de sacar el látigo de 2 millones de dólares de una sala de exhibición de la Ciudad de Nueva York.

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Bugatti averiado

Las reparaciones del Bugatti de Tracy ascendieron a 32 000 dólares para arreglar el parachoques y el guardabarros ... y es muy probable que las reparaciones del Lamborghini asciendan a otras 5 cifras.

Tracy Morgan April 2020
Disputa en la Gran Manzana

Tracy tuvo más problemas con su Lamborghini en abril de 2020 ... entablando un acalorado altercado con un peatón después de un presunto choque.

Ah, los inconvenientes de conducir automóviles exóticos supercostosos en las malvadas calles de Nueva York. ¡¡¡Un gran inconveniente con el cual lidiar!!!

Tracy Morgan Lamborghini Sideswiped ... More Exotic Car Bad Luck!!!

Here's Tracy Morgan's Lamborghini Aventador SVJ traveling down the interstate ... problem is, the super expensive ride's cruising on a flatbed tow truck after sustaining a very expensive ding!

TMZ obtained photos of Tracy's 2020 Lambo getting towed in New York City ... and as you can see, it the left side of the sportscar has some white streaks that are NOT racing stripes.

It appears another driver sideswiped it, or Tracy scraped something -- either way, it won't be cheap to fix that paint job.

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The photos were snapped last Sunday and Tracy was spotted driving the $500,000 car over the weekend in the Big Apple ... so the damage is fresh.

It's more bad luck for Tracy's expensive car collection ... as we first reported, back in 2019 he crashed his brand new Bugatti only minutes after driving the $2 million whip out of a NYC showroom.

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Tracy's Bugatti repairs ran upwards of $32,000 to fix the bumper and the fender ... and it's a good bet the Lambo repairs will be another 5-figure tab.

Tracy Morgan April 2020

Tracy had more trouble with his Lambo in April 2020 ... getting into a heated conversation with a pedestrian after an alleged collision.

Ah, the pitfalls of driving super expensive exotic cars on the mean streets of New York. Great problem to have!!!

TMZ Selfie Tour Get on Board Our Bus .... Take Pics of the Biggest Landmarks in Hollywood!!!

You comin' to L.A. in the foreseeable future? You into taking selfies at all the iconic places in L.A., Bev Hills and Hollywood, and along the way hearing all about our fair city? Well, have we got a tour for you!

We're launching the TMZ Selfie Tour Monday, and -- if we can toot our own horn -- it's the best tour in all of Hollywood. Our bus takes you to all the places people go to get an awesome portfolio -- the Paramount Studios gate, The Beverly Hills Shield, Colette Miller's Angel Wings, The Paul Smith Pink Wall, the Capitol Records building, the Beverly Hills Fountain, the Hollywood Walk of Fame, the TCL Chinese Theater, the Beverly Hills Fountain, Ringo Starr's peace sculpture, the Beverly Hills Hotel, Rodeo Drive ... and more!


Along the way, you'll be entertained by our awesome guides and lots of videos and photos that bring everything to life. And you'll get the inside dish on Hollywood. There are also games and prizes.

The tour starts in the heart of Hollywood, and by the time it's over, you will have enough awesome selfies that your friends will drip with envy.

To make a reservation, go to TMZtour.com.

Ja Rule Drake, Khaled Not Political Pundits ... Give 'Em Time to Address Israel-Hamas


Ja Rule thinks Drake and DJ Khaled deserve a pass, or at least time before they make any public comments about the war between Israel and Hamas ... and that's IF they want to say anything at all.

This is only an issue because DJ Vlad, who is Jewish, called out Drake for being the world's most famous Jewish person, and Khaled for being the most recognizable Palestinian. Both men have been silent on the conflict in which Hamas terrorists have reportedly beheaded babies and raped women, massacred more than 1,000 people and taken more than 200 hostages.

Ja tells TMZ Hip Hop he feels the criticism of Khaled and Drake is a bit unfair ... as some artists make the decision to stay away from anything that even hints at politics.

He also notes people -- celebs and entertainers alike -- need time to digest breaking news in order to react with real knowledge, and they deserve the time to do so without facing the public's wrath.

The "Always On Time" rapper was back home in NYC for the Pencils of Promise Gala Tuesday evening and offered up some words about the human condition and the need for peace.

Remember, Ja put his own neck on the line on the day of the September 11 terrorist attacks calling into MTV with words of encouragement ... only to become a meme thanks to Dave Chappelle years down the line.

He knows from experience these types of subjects should be approached delicately.


Confesándolo todo

Es verdad ... ¡Barbara Walters "amaba a un hermano" y no a cualquier hombre negro, de acuerdo con Sherri Shepherd, la creadora de "The View" se enganchó con Richard Pryor!

La revelación se realizó en el episodio del miércoles de "Sherri", cuando se reunió con Joy Behar y discutieron algunas historias de su tiempo juntas en "The View", particularmente cuando Sherri se enteró de la vieja aventura de Barbara con Richard.

Sherri dice que el gran cómico Paul Mooney le dijo, en su momento, que había visto a Barbara y Richard haciendo el amor. Sherri admite que no podía esperar para compartir su jugoso chisme con Joy, pero le pidió que lo mantuviera en secreto.

Como se pueden imaginar, eso no sucedió. Tienen que ver a Sherri describir el momento en que terminaron confrontando a Barbara Walters sobre sus "relaciones" con Richard.

El hecho es que Barbara parecía tener un tipo. En sus memorias, admitió haber tenido una aventura, en los años 70, con el senador Edward Brooke de Massachusett, y tanto Joy como Sherri recordaron cómo a Barbara le ENCANTÓ arrimarse a Colin Powell cada vez que era un invitado de The 'View'.

¿Quién iba a decir que Barbara estaba tan deprimida?

Sherri Shepherd Barbara Walters Loved View of Richard Pryor!!! Shares Hook-Up Secret


It's true, true ... Barbara Walters "loved a brother," and not just any Black man -- according to Sherri Shepherd "The View" creator hooked up with Richard Pryor!

The story comes up on Wednesday's episode of "Sherri," as she reunites with Joy Behar, and they discuss some stories from their time together at "The View" -- one in particular about when Sherri caught wind of Barbara's old tryst with Richard.


Sherri says the late comedic great Paul Mooney told her, back in the day, he'd walked in on Barbara and Richard doing the deed. Sherri admits she couldn't wait to share her juicy gossip with Joy, but asked her to keep it on the DL.

As you can imagine, that didn't happen -- you gotta see Sherri describe the moment they ended up confronting BW about her Richard "relations."

Fact is, Barbara did seem to have a type. In her memoir, she copped to having an affair, back in the '70s, with Sen. Edward Brooke from Massachusetts -- and both Joy and Sherri recalled how Barbara LOVED cozying up to Colin Powell whenever he was a 'View' guest.

Who knew Barbara was so down?!?

PETE DAVIDSON Compró cientos de videos en VHS ... Estaba volado, pero puedo hacer una fortuna

Listo para hacer negocios

Pete Davidson estaba en las nubes cuando se le ocurrió un negocio potencialmente lucrativo, que implicaba comprar miles de cintas VHS con la esperanza de ganar dinero.

El exalumno de Saturday Night Live y próximo anfitrión compartió su teoría en el episodio del martes de "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon", diciendo que se voló muchísimo una noche y compró entre 3.000 a 5.000 cintas selladas que todavía están ahí.

La audiencia de Jimmy se rio con Pete afirmando que todos sonaban como a su mamá, pero su jugada podría ser prometedora, pues señaló que en 2026 se cumplirán 20 años desde que se hizo el último VHS, y las modas retro casi siempre vuelven a ser rentables.

Eso no es todo. Pete dijo copias como las suyas están haciendo hasta $30k últimamente, y una rara edición de "Rocky", en VHS, anotó $27.500 a principios de este año en una subasta, por lo que si la demanda sube, el comediante estará en una posición privilegiada.

Aparte del monopolio de Pete sobre los VHS, también está programado su participación para el estreno de la temporada 49 de "Saturday Night Live" este fin de semana. Se trata del primer programa de vuelta desde que se acabó la huelga de guionistas.

Pete se reunió con sus amigos de 'SNL' para cenar el martes por la noche antes del show del sábado. Estuvo comiendo con Kenan Thompson, Colin Jost, Chloe Fineman, Heidi Gardner, Punkie Johnson e incluso el jefe, Lorne Michaels.

¡Por cierto, la noche del martes suele ser la noche de escritura para el equipo de 'SNL', por lo que la comida de la noche podría haber sido después de horas de trabajo de guion, pero aun así se dieron el tiempo para tomar algunas fotos con sus fans!

Pete Davidson Bought Thousands Of VHS Tapes ... I Was High, But I Could Make A Fortune!


Pete Davidson was in a smoky haze when he came to a potentially lucrative discovery ... which is why he bought up thousands of VHS tapes in the hopes of turning a profit.

The 'SNL' alum and upcoming host shared his side hustle theory on Tuesday's episode of "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon" ... saying he got pretty high one night and, according to him, bought the 3,000 to 5,000 sealed tapes that still exist.

Jimmy's audience had a laugh, with Pete claiming they all sounded like his mom, but his stoned move might be promising ... pointing out 2026 will mark 20 years since the last VHS was made -- and retro fads almost always make good cash.

That's not all -- Pete says sealed copies like his are making up to $30k EACH lately, and a rare edition of a "Rocky" VHS scored $27,500 earlier this year at auction ... so the comedian's in a pretty sweet spot if the demand keeps goin' up.

Apart from Pete's VHS monopoly, he's also slated to host the season 49 premiere of "Saturday Night Live" this weekend -- the first show back since the writer's strike pulled the plug on the end of last season when he was originally supposed to host.

Pete reunited with his 'SNL' pals for dinner Tuesday night ahead of Saturday's show ... dining with Kenan Thompson, Colin Jost, Chloe Fineman, Heidi Gardner, Punkie Johnson, and even head honcho, Lorne Michaels.

BTW, Tuesday night is usually writing night for the 'SNL' crew, so the late-night grub might've been after hours of script work -- but they still took time out to snap some pics with fans!

Drake Warns Druski Over Birdman Troll ... You're Playing w/ Fire!!!

Drake's giving a warning to a social media star who's trying to pretend he's the boss of a new rap label, which feels eerily similar to Birdman's ... and which Baby doesn't like at all.

Of course, we're talking about Druski and his "Coulda Been Records" -- a brand he recently launched ... but seemingly just for jokes and content. The dude ran auditions and uploaded a ton of clips showing him denying would-be artists in hilarious fashion.

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Thing is ... Birdman himself isn't a fan of what Druski's doing -- and let him know about it in no uncertain terms over an IG Live chat -- warning him he's stepping on Cash Money's toes.

Fast-forward to this weekend ... and Druski's at it again, playing up a sketch/skit where he's brooding over one of Drizzy's new songs ('Daylight') where he raps a bar that Druski apparently wanted to use in one of his own (fake) songs ... "Standin' on business."

Check out Druski's upload ... it's pretty funny. He's fuming over the fact that Drake beat him to the punch -- and captioned his video "Cash Money vs Coulda Been BEEF CONTINUES." Obviously, Dru's kidding here -- the whole thing's a gag -- but Birdman isn't playing.

Baby responded in the comments, "Bro you still playin with a real gangsta SMFH" ... and Drake even chimed in, adding "Stunna bout to have you come up missing on Gladys."

Now, the Internet apparently can't tell if Birdman is being serious or not -- even though Druski obviously isn't -- but based on how Baby's reacting ... something tells us he means it. He posted more photos of Druski on his IG Story after this -- and he sure seems angry.

Remember, this manufactured feud came to a head a few months ago when Birdman confronted Druski about his Coulda Been endeavor -- and Dru tried to calm his down.

Since then, Druski's been leaning into it -- apparently getting a kick over the fact that he's gotten a rise out of Birdman over this whole charade -- and he continues to stir the CMR pot.

Be careful, bud ... not everything is fun and games. 😅

Will Ferrell DJs at USC Frat Party ... Before Big Arizona Win


Will Ferrell reprised his role as Frank the Tank for a rager this weekend at USC -- only, this time, he was spinning records for the party animals ... and luckily, no streaking after.

The actor was spotted handling music duties at the Sigma Alpha Mu frat house in L.A. Saturday -- and based on the lighting ... it would appear this thing was a pre-game blowout that went down during the day, before kickoff in the evening.

There isn't much context beyond what you see in the clip ... it's WF with his shades on, blasting music from his turntable on a balcony -- with a bunch of college kids around.

Sounds like he was going old school with 'Eye Of the Tiger,' no doubt trying to pump everyone up before the big game against the University of Arizona -- which ended up turning into a nail-biter, going into triple OT and ending with a stunning victory for the Trojans.

As for what the connection is here ... well, Will's a USC alum and a known diehard fan -- has been for years. But more specifically, his 19-year-old son Magnus actually goes to USC right now ... and something tells us he might also be in this fraternity.

Assuming that's the case, you can put two and two together on Will's appearance here.


The homie can do it all for his alma mater ... whether it's in a commencement speech or turning up the student body for a big matchup -- Will's got the Trojans covered on all fronts.

Fight on, indeed.