Anderson Cooper Blasts Trump While Defending CNN ... After Town Hall Outrage


Anderson Cooper's bashing former President Donald Trump for "disturbing" behavior and remarks during CNN's town hall -- but he's also responding to the waves of people dragging the network for giving Trump a platform.

He addressed the outrage Thursday night as tempers continue flaring over Wednesday's town hall by calling out Trump's "lie after lie after lie," and inappropriate name-calling toward moderator, Kaitlan Collins, amongst other shocking moments.

Cooper acknowledged the anger toward CNN, saying people have every right to never tune in to the network again -- but then defended CNN by pointing out a cold, hard truth: Whether you like it or not, DT is the Republican frontrunner for president, and shutting out someone because you don't share their beliefs just isn't a healthy reality.

As you know, many called for CNN to boot Trump from their network ahead of Wednesday night's town hall -- especially after he was found liable this week in his battery and defamation trial with E. Jean Carroll.


As for why CNN viewers, or Trump haters, shouldn't look away -- Anderson says the roaring applause during some of Trump's bombastic comments should strike fear in people, as he says it was a sampling of roughly half the nation.

For what it's worth, the town hall drew more than 3 million pairs of eyeballs -- way higher than CNN's typical viewership around the same time, so the country was definitely watching it all go down. For better or worse.

Kim Kardashian & Don Lemon Sooo, Anything New with You??? Chat at Time100 Gala

Ya gotta imagine Don Lemon and Kim Kardashian have plenty to catch up about -- like possible new career paths -- and they got into it at the Time100 Gala.

Kim and Don were deep in discussion Wednesday night in NYC ... along with Don's longtime partner Tim Malone, who was all smiles. We're guessing his sudden departure from CNN, and her saying she'd leave reality TV to be a full-time lawyer were hot topics for them.

Kim buzzed around a lot at the event ... bumping into Salma Hayek, Gayle King, and Padma Lakshmi.

As for Don, he certainly didn't look down in the dumps about his firing. As we reported, he looked pretty chill and happy throughout the night. Hey, no alarm clock going off before dawn can change your life!

Don also told TIME he's gonna have the summer of a 12-year-old, laying on the beach with Tim. He was even asked what kind of influence he thinks he's left at CNN -- a question he redirects to his former colleagues.

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And as you know, Kim revealed earlier this week ... she'd ditch TV to become a lawyer full-time, saying she's already passed the baby bar and plans to take the real bar in 2025.

FYI -- Kim was named one of TIME's Most Influential People of 2015, and last year SKIMS made its list of Most Influential Companies.

With Don and Kim both considering a change of scenery, maybe they were talkin' strategy!

Don Lemon I've Got Lots To Smile About ... Despite CNN Firing

Don Lemon doesn't look down in the dumps over being out of a job ... in fact, it's quite the opposite.

Don was all smiles Wednesday at the Time100 Gala in New York City, mugging for the cameras despite his recent firing from CNN.

While Don lost his high-paying job Monday after 17 years at the cable news outlet, he's got a support system to fall back on ... he was joined at Wednesday's event by his longtime partner, Tim Malone, and they both appeared in great spirits.

Fact is, Don's going to have options in TV news despite his CNN ouster ... as we first reported, NewsNation is interested in adding Don to a growing roster of high-profile anchors.

Don, we're told, was making about $7 million a year at CNN ... and our sources say NewsNation would be comfortable offering him a seven-figure salary.

In other words, Don doesn't have too much to worry about even though he's unemployed ... and it looks like he's confident he's going to land on his feet.

When life gives you lemons ...

Rick Ross to Don Lemon We're Hiring at Wing Stop, Bro ... From Anchor to Fry Cook?!?

Greetings from the (new) boss!

Don Lemon has a new job option if he wants it -- and it would entail him dipping poultry into boiling hot cooking oil ... under the supervision of one of Rick Ross's managers, no less.

The rapper hopped on the 'Gram Monday to air his thoughts on the news of DL's unceremonious firing from CNN ... and he was more than ready to dance on the guy's grave a bit, 'cause he offered him a new gig at one of his many Wing Stop franchises.

Rozay says he can personally make sure Don gets an interview in front of his top chicken team members. The only thing he's asking the ex-anchor to do ... send a resume. Sounds like Rick's sold on Don's potential ability to hawk a certain flavor of pollo -- take a guess.

He's obviously trolling here ... but that's not the end of his ribbing. Rick goes on to suggest Don can be the face (or name, more like) of a new flavor of his energy drink line -- Rap Star.


Again, he leans into Don's surname a lot to make this joke work ... and yeah, it lands.

While Rick is kidding in his pitch to Don ... we know there's a very real news network he could work for if he's inclined. As we reported, NewsNation execs are interested in bringing him onto the team -- not to mention the recently discarded Tucker Carlson from FOX News.

Tough choice, we know ... minimum wage or a few milli??? Decisions, decisions. 😅

NewsNation Interested in Both Don & Tucker ... After CNN, FOX Firings

Don Lemon and Tucker Carlson are now without a work home -- but they could land at the same place in the near future ... and that might be NewsNation, which wants 'em both.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... the television network -- which has been growing steadily over the past few years -- is interested in potentially hiring DL and TC and adding them to their growing roster of high-profile anchors.

We're told the announcements of their oustings Monday came at a perfect time for NewsNation -- which just started running 24-hour programming starting this week.

Plus, we're told the fact both of these guys are huge, recognizable names in the news game is appealing to NewsNation honchos -- who feel like they both could bring in big swaths of a diverse audience on both the right and the left ... with NewsNation being the hub.

Our sources tell us NewsNation is aware that Don and Tucker each come with their own baggage -- but we're told the execs feel like they could manage it. BTW, the idea of bringing both of them on would not be a replacement move ... but a supplemental one, where they'd simply be expanding their talent and creating new shows for the air.

Now, on the issue of money ... there could be a hurdle, seeing how our sources tell us NewsNation would not pay either guy anywhere close to what they were making. In Tucker's case, we're told he's been making $20 million per year at FOX of late.

For Don, our sources tell us he's closer to $7 million/year -- and if they were gonna work at NewsNation, they'd have to be comfortable with a pretty big pay cut ... as we're told the org wouldn't be able to come anywhere close to either number. Still, though, our sources tell us their potential salaries would be fat nonetheless ... in the millions for both.

One final note ... we're told NewsNation is serious about this -- and that their executive team flew to NYC Monday to discuss this internally. So, it sounds like they might just pursue this plan -- as they clearly feel it could work out.

Chris Cuomo is a good example of that -- he was booted from CNN a couple years ago. It's actually interesting, because we're told Cuomo, who was close to Don back in the day, feels Don betrayed him after he was booted.

The fact NN has studios in big markets like D.C., Chicago and NYC, we're told, also makes the team feel like they might have a shot at hooking these 2 big fish. Of course, there are reports Don and Tucker have retained the same entertainment attorney, Bryan Freedman.

So, before they move on ... they might have unfinished business with their former networks.

Don Lemon Terminated by CNN


10:16 AM PT -- A statement from CNN disputes Don's claim he was blindsided, "Don Lemon's statement about this morning's events is inaccurate. He was offered an opportunity to meet with management but instead released a statement on Twitter."

Don Lemon is out at CNN, after 17 years at the network, a move he says he was never given any heads-up was happening.

In a statement Monday, Lemon said, "I was informed this morning by my agent that I have been terminated by CNN. I am stunned. After 17 years at CNN I would have thought that someone in management would have had the decency to tell me directly."

He continues, "At no time was I ever given any indication that I would not be able to continue to do the work I have loved at the network. It is clear that there are some larger issues at play."

Finally saying, "With that said, I want to thank my colleagues and the many teams I have worked with for an incredible run. They are the most talented journalists in the business, and I wish them all the best."

Don was on air Monday morning, without a hint that anything might be off, and ending his show with the words, "Bye, everyone."


The move comes just 2 months after Lemon was benched briefly for sexist comments he made about Nikki Haley, when he said she was no longer "in her prime" at age 51.

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He was also recently caught on a hot mic making comments about Jon Stewart ... however, it seemed those incidents had both cooled off with the network.

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Unclear if there was something more happening behind the scenes.

We covered it all in the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Charles Barkley & Gayle King Cohosting New CNN Show Together Royal Title Reflects Both!!!

Charles Barkley and Gayle King are teaming up to take CNN by storm -- they're gonna be hosting a new show together later this year ... which may be forcing HRH into a double take.

The announcement was made Saturday during TNT's pregame coverage ... where Gayle came on set with Chuck and the guys to talk about their new venture together -- namely, a weekly primetime slot on CNN that sees them both talking politics and timely topics.

The program's gonna be titled "King Charles" ... and while, on its face, it might sound Chuck-centric -- you'll remember, King is Gayle's last name ... so she's in there as well.

Now, as for what sort of stuff they might get into -- well, they teased a little bit on TNT ... including the hot-button issue of guns. Charles and Gayle brought up a string of shootings that have happened over the past few months ... including school shootings and even ones that have randomly occurred to innocent bystanders -- like Ralph Yarl and Kinsley White.

Now, while they'll certainly cover stories that touch on politics ... Charles insists the show itself won't be political by nature -- meaning, it won't pander to Republicans or Dems. The way they're pitching it is ... Gayle and Charles giving their "straight shooter" opinions live.

Gayle also says it doesn't always have to be so heavy ... adding they might get into food, pop culture and whatever else they wanna touch on that's in the news cycle that week.

"King Charles" will air Wednesdays starting this all, and both will retain their gigs at CBS and Turner, respectively ... the latter of which is an already subsidiary of Warner Bros. Discovery.

Carry on with the coronation, Your Majesty. Nothing to do with you at all.

Mexico Kidnapping Cartel Tried Forcing Siblings to Have Sex

the harrowing tale

Two of the people kidnapped in Mexico and survived say their captors tried forcing them to have sex with each other ... and their account is terrifying.

LaTavia Washington McGee and her brother, Eric Williams, sat with CNN's Anderson Cooper Tuesday to tell their story for the first time since being rescued following an abduction in March ... when the cartel took them and 2 friends, who were killed in the ordeal.


Cooper asks if there were threats or demands made of them during their time with the cartel, and the two siblings sadly say yes ... namely, that the kidnappers asked that they sleep with one another. McGee and Williams say they pushed back -- telling the cartel members they were related ... and McGee was pregnant at the time.

They never addressed what ultimately happened ... but it just speaks to how depraved these criminals are. From the way it's described, it seems like they only ordered that for their amusement.

McGee and Williams go on to describe a moment when they were being transported by the cartel members ... they say the abductors piled them into a truck with dead bodies and were moving them all over the place with the promise of eventually letting them go.

In the end, the two other Americans -- Shaeed Woodard and Zindell Brown -- attempted to make a run for it ... but were gunned down. The group of four was originally traveling from Texas when they were taken near the border city of Matamoros in dramatic fashion.

The cartel members held them up at gunpoint and threw them into the back of their vehicle ... but after realizing they had kidnapped the wrong people -- apparently, per law enforcement officials, they might've thought they were Haitian drug smugglers. The Cartel was trying to find a way to get the crew of 4 off their hands without facing repercussions.

Unfortunately, two people lost their lives in the drama ... and the cartel even issued an apology for how everything went down. McGee and Williams were found on March 7, and the bodies of their friends were taken back into U.S. custody following the rescue operation.

As you can see, they're clearly still shaken up by it all ... and Williams even appears to be recovering from an injury.

Don Lemon Appears to Slight Jon Stewart ... Sources: 'Hot Mic' Moment Was Innocent

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1:42 PM PT -- Sources at CNN tell us Don's hot mic moment wasn't exactly what it seemed. We're told the mic caught his conversation with the show's producer about how best to introduce Jon Stewart.


As it was scripted, Don referred to Stewart as a "comedian and host," but during the soundbite ... he and co-anchors Poppy Harlow and Kaitlan Collins were telling the producer it's more fair to label him an advocate for veterans' rights. We're told none of them realized viewers were hearing their convo.

Don Lemon stepped in it again Monday, apparently making what he thought was an off-mic remark about Jon Stewart and then, after an awkward pause, backtracking big time.

Don threw to a clip of Jon Stewart interviewing U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks, in which Stewart challenged what he called extreme waste in the DOD's $850 billion budget. When Hicks took issue with the waste allegation, Jon shot back ... "I can't figure out how $850 billion to a department means that the rank and file still have to be on food stamps. To me, that's f***ing corruption."

The video of the interview stayed up but the audio cut out, and then you hear Don, apparently talking to his cohosts not realizing his mic was hot, saying, "He gets a lot of leeway with the comedian thing, though." It seems he was talking to his co-anchors and got caught on air.

There was silence for a few seconds, and then Don tried to recover, saying Stewart is so much more than a comedian. He repeated that again.

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For anyone to characterize Stewart as just a comedian would be a real slight, given how passionately he has fought for the rank and file military. Stewart is widely regarded as the singular force that pressured Congress into passing a law extending health care coverage for vets exposed to burn pits.

'Hide Your Kids, Hide Your Wife' Antoine Dodson OK with White People Using Black Memes ... They Pay Top Dollar!!!


Antoine Dodson -- the guy who became Internet famous for a very memorable interview says he's fine with white people using Black memes ... because they pay for it, literally.

We spoke to the viral star -- whose iconic quotes from the 2010 WAFF news piece, including "hide your kids, hide your wife," were turned into a catchy song -- and he weighed in on the CNN digital Blackface controversy. As it turns, out, he has quite a bit to say about it.

Antoine tells us the argument that whites are maliciously mocking African Americans -- intentionally or otherwise -- through the use of GIFs/memes just isn't his experience. If anything, he says he's only encountered reverence from Caucasians for his own meme fame ... which has translated to cold hard cash when they hire him as talent. Top dollar, at that.

Check out AD's perspective for yourself, because the way he breaks this down is unique ... and sorta scathing. He says if anyone has made him into a joke, it's other Black people.

Antoine says he doesn't really do Black-sponsored engagements 'cause it doesn't compare to the treatment he might get from whites. As he puts it ... if white people are only out to make him a punchline for their amusement, they're going to expensive lengths to do so.

Bottom line ... Antoine feels like the notion we gotta restrict white people's meme usage is ridiculous -- which is how a lot of Twitter users felt about it this weekend, frankly.

While some might agree with the writer, John Blake, the consensus seems to go in the opposite direction -- and Antoine's in that camp. BTW, he also touches on his sister's real-life scary incident being turned into humor ... and he explains why he's good with that too.

Last year Antoine got into the adult beverage business partnering with an Alabama brewery to craft "Run N Tell That" lager and just recently launched his own hot sauce.

Oh, and it sounds like Antoine was actually approached for comment on that CNN article. His response to us here might explain why they didn't include any quotes from him. 😅

CNN Writer Whites Using Black Memes Is 'Digital Blackface,' Stop It

A CNN writer has spurred a healthy debate about Internet culture, and has posed the question of whether it's okay for white people to use Black memes ... he says it isn't.

John Blake published a piece Sunday that's gotten a big reaction online. It's titled, "What’s ‘digital blackface?’ And why is it wrong when White people use it?" In the analysis article, he makes his argument -- namely, using these memes/GIFs is modern-day minstrel show fare.

For starters, he describes digital blackface this way ... "[It] involves White people play-acting at being Black," citing a Teen Vogue writer who defined it. He goes on to quote that author as saying, "[T]he Internet thrives on White people laughing at exaggerated displays of Blackness, reflecting a tendency among some to see 'Black people as walking hyperbole.'"

Blake continues to reference Teen Vogue in zeroing in further ... "[Digital blackface] includes displays of emotion stereotyped as excessive: so happy, so sassy, so ghetto, so loud… our dial is on 10 all the time — rarely are black characters afforded subtle traits or feelings."

Now for the haymaker from Blake, who says digital blackface is wrong and that it should be halted. The reason ... he says it's embedded in racist traditions of making fun of Black people -- and while Twitter users in 2023 might not necessarily see it that way from the outside looking in, that's certainly how it's being perceived by many ... intentionally or not.

There are countless Black memes that the Internet regularly recycles -- including some that feature famous people from TV shows and/or movies -- but there's one that Blake focuses on in particular as his Exhibit A ... namely, the 2012 Sweet Brown interview from Oklahoma.

Brown had just experienced a legitimate tragedy at the time -- she was dealing with an apartment fire -- and while her remarks were animated/memorable ... they were coming from a serious place of fear. And yet, the internet made a whole autotune song out of it -- seemingly discounting her real-life feelings and simply making a joke out of the whole thing.

Ditto for Antoine Dodson's TV news interview from years ago, where his family also had just gone through a truly terrifying encounter -- but his comments also went viral.

As you can imagine ... Twitter is having a field day with this. Some are calling Blake's take absolutely absurd, and just another "woke" request. Others, however, are saying he's right.

CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta AI's Gonna Impact Health Care ... Here's the Good & Bad


Dr. Sanjay Gupta says artificial intelligence is going to have an effect on health care one way or another ... and while he thinks it'll be mostly positive, there are also downsides.

CNN's go-to medical expert was at LAX Tuesday, where we talked to him about AI. Our photog actually got his first question by asking ChatGPT what to ask the good doctor.

Turns out, the machine was on point ... What does Sanjay think will be the most significant impact AI has in his field?

DSG breaks it down for us ... he believes AI is going to make things much easier for everyone -- practitioners and patients. He explains currently, we have a bit of a one-size-fits-all approach to medicine ... but he thinks AI will change that.


It's pretty fascinating ... Gupta thinks these programs are going to make diagnoses and treatments much more personalized, adding that's ultimately a great thing, 'cause it'll help more people get the best care.

The potential flip side ... algorithms being used to exploit or harm folks, which Dr. Gupta believes could happen if humans allow it. In other words, bad actors could make AI go south ... but he doesn't suspect it'll be the machine's fault -- it'll be our own.

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Big picture, though ... he seems to be on board, even if it means fewer jobs for surgeons. Things will be more efficient all around, and in his eyes ... that's a blessing.

Michelle Yeoh Takes 'Prime' Swipe at Don Lemon After Best Actress Oscar Win

yeoh oscar

Michelle Yeoh made history last night during the Oscars, but her big win isn't the only thing that has folks talking ... it's also her direct message to Don Lemon.

The 60-year-old became the first Asian-identifying woman to take home the award for "Best Actress" for her role in "Everything Everywhere All at Once” ... and during her acceptance speech Sunday night, she seemingly took aim at the CNN anchor.

Michelle said “Dreams do come true. And ladies, don’t let anybody tell you you are ever past your prime!!!” Her speech drew cheers in the Dolby Theater, and folks immediately ate it up on social media.


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Of course, Michelle's words sounded like a response to Don's comment last month -- he said 51-year-old republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley isn't in her prime ... after she suggested all elected officials over 75 undergo competency testing.

At the time, Don doubled down on his stance adding ... " a woman is considered to be in her prime in her 20s and 30s and maybe 40s" and telling his co-hosts Poppy Harlow and Kaitlan Collins to look it up.

He later apologized and, after a few days off, CNN execs told Lemon he's on thin ice for his comments.

BTW, Michelle also became the second woman of color to win the category, after Halle Berry won in 2002.

You could say Michelle came out on top in everything, everywhere all at once ... and made a strong point in the process.

Chris Rock He Deserved the Will Slap ... Says Senior Root Writer


Chris Rock deserved to be slapped by Will Smith at the Oscars last year, and he may even be due for another round -- so suggests one writer who focuses on Black issues.

The Root's Candace McDuffie -- a senior editorial staffer for the G/O Media-owned online publication -- came on CNN to discuss the aftermath of Chris' Netflix special ... where he eviscerated Will and Jada Pinkett Smith for the hit seen around the world in 2022.

According to her, Chris was simply being held accountable by Will at the time for attacking a Black woman -- which McDuffie says is part of a larger pattern in this country, and which she says Chris has been guilty of in his comedy even before targeting Jada's alopecia.

As for how she feels about Chris' response nearly a full 365 days later ... well, the way she's talking here -- it almost sounds like she's just as angry with Chris yet again, saying he called Jada out of her name (he didn't once say her name, but did call her a "bitch" and refer to her as a "predator" in the special). In McDuffie's eyes, CR hasn't learned his lesson.


Don Lemon ever-so-gently pushed back on McDuffie, asking how she would respond to people who might say she's advocating for violence with this take ... and that Chris should, perhaps, be afforded a pass since he was going after Jada/Will in a stand-up comedy environment.

Her final thought is this ... as much pain as Will was in during the Oscars slap -- which Chris also addressed -- McDuffie feels like Chris was hurting just as much during his own special. She says there was more rage and resentment than there was humor ... from her POV.

Of course, this view isn't exclusive to McDuffie. There are many online who feel like Chris had the slap coming -- and even more who aren't happy that he continued to tear Will/Jada down for the sake of retribution and a laugh. On the flip side, just as many loved it.🤷🏽‍♂️

And a lot of others think Chris was right on the money.

Wild Airplane Video Man Attacks Flight Attendant with Spoon ... Tried to Open Exit Hatch!!!

flight attack
Courtesy of Lisa Olsen

Intense new video shows a man threatening to kill people and trying to stab a flight attendant after he nearly opened the emergency exit door aboard a United Airlines flight.

Check out the footage, shot by a passenger ... the Dept. of Justice says the guy shouting at everyone is Francisco Severo Torres, who stood up from his seat and went absolutely apes***t during the Sunday flight from L.A. to Boston.

According to DOJ docs, Torres kicked off the incident when he forced the exit door handle into an unlocked position. A flight attendant allegedly noticed the handle had been tampered with and remembered Torres was lurking around the door.

The attendant went to question Torres and that's when all hell broke loose in the cabin -- he screamed, "So where's Homeland Security with a gun? Because I am waiting for them to point the gun at me so I can show everybody that I will die when I take every bullet in that clip, and I will kill every man on this plane."

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Torres' terrifying rant continued, "Where are they diverting us? Because wherever they do, there's going to be a bloodbath everywhere. You can run away if you want. I won't kill you."

He also said, "I'm Balthazar. Or put up your hands, because I'm Balthazar ... since I'm taking over this plane." In the Bible, Balthazar is one of the 3 wise men who went to visit baby Jesus, but who knows if that was his reference.

DOJ docs say Torres brandished a broken metal spoon, confronted 2 flight attendants near the emergency exit, repeatedly stabbing one of them in the neck. The attendant's condition was not disclosed.

Thanks to several passengers, Torres was eventually restrained and taken into custody. The feds have charged him with interference and attempted interference with flight crew members and attendants using a dangerous weapon, which carries a potential life sentence.

Elementary School Racism Black Students Targeted, 'You're My Favorite Monkey' ... To Celebrate Black History Month

The parents of one of the Black elementary school students targeted with heinous racist drawings are blaming it on the parents of the offending classmates, making a fairly compelling case ... the racism comes from somewhere.

The crayon drawings are shocking ... one read, "You're my favorite monkey,' and another reads, "To my favorite cotton picker." Another student was told she would get a drawing with the image of a black person hanging from a tree, with the caption, "You're my favorite slave."


The drawings were supposedly passed out by students during Black History Month at Pepper Tree Elementary School in the Southern California town of Upland.

Parents of the children targeted are outraged, but not necessarily at the kids. They point to the parents, because what child knows these words and phrases?

The Upland School District called the incident "racially insensitive" ... a remarkable understatement.


The District says it will implement disciplinary action ... but the question is, who are they taking action against?

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