Beto O'Rourke Not Closing Door On 2020 Presidential Run


It sounds like Beto O'Rourke is noodling a run for The White House in 2020, because the Congressman is not shutting down rumors he may challenge Donald Trump for the Presidency.

We got Beto Friday strolling around Capitol Hill and asked him straight-up if he's planning to run for Prez in 2020 ... and the rocker-turned-politician left the door wide open.

Beto is fresh off losing to Sen. Ted Cruz in the midterm election, so he says he hasn't given 2020 a whole bunch of thought ... these days he seems to have daddy duties on the brain.

One thing's for sure ... Beto is glad CNN reporter Jim Acosta got his White House press credentials back, and he's taking a stand against Trump labeling the media as an enemy of the people.

CNN's Jim Acosta Back at White House ... After Court Victory

10:14 AM PT -- Trump just addressed the situation, and he issues a stern warning to reporters like Acosta ... follow the rules or end up back in court.


9:49 AM PT -- Acosta hit the ground running, and is already back at the White House just hours after his victory.

9:20 AM PT -- Sounds like the White House fully intends to challenge the judge's ruling. Sarah Sanders said, "In response to the court, we will temporarily reinstate the reporter's hard pass."

"Temporarily" being the keyword there.

Sanders added, "We will also further develop rules and processes to ensure fair and orderly press conferences in the future. There must be decorum at the White House."

Translation: They're not done battling Acosta.

President Trump had it out for CNN White House Correspondent Jim Acosta ... so says a federal judge who has just ordered The White House to give Acosta his press credentials back.

The judge didn't buy the White House party line, because it shifted from Acosta making contact with a W.H. intern as the basis for its decision, to Acosta's "general conduct."


The judge did not base his core ruling off the First Amendment but rather the Due Process clause of the 5th Amendment. The judge said the decision to revoke the pass was "so shrouded in mystery that the government could not tell me ... who made the decision."

The judge went on to say Trump has no obligation to call on Acosta during White House news conferences but Acosta has a right to due process before his hard pass can be revoked.

CNN and its chief White House reporter, Jim Acosta, sued Trump Tuesday after Acosta's hard pass was yanked following aggressive questioning last week during a press conference ... Trump and Co. pulled his pass after he made contact with a White House intern, who was trying to take the mic away from him.


CNN argued in court Trump was infringing on Acosta's 1st and 5th Amendment rights by pulling his press pass, adding the real reason behind the move is his extreme hatred for CNN.

For his part, Trump's White House lawyers responded by saying the Prez can pick and choose who gets on White House grounds to cover his administration.

Originally Published -- 7:28 AM PT

Omarosa Trump Plotted to Boot CNN's Acosta


President Trump put in years of secret planning to get CNN's White House correspondent kicked off his detail ... at least according to Omarosa.

Trump's former aide was in D.C. Wednesday when a photog asked her about Jim Acosta and CNN suing POTUS for revoking his press pass. Omarosa was pretty nonchalant about it, because she claims the Prez held "private meetings" about Acosta back when she was still in the White House.

Omarosa claims booting Acosta, in particular, has been on Trump's agenda for a long time.

For his part, Acosta walked into a federal courthouse in D.C. on Wednesday, seeking an emergency order that would grant him immediate White House access. The court hasn't ruled yet.


Omarosa's got an opinion on how the battle will play out for CNN and Acosta.

Granted, she has plenty of beef with 45 about how she was 86'd, but IF Omarosa's right about the alleged "private meetings," it confirms the media's biggest fears: That the President is trying to crush Freedom of the Press if he doesn't like your reporting.

Game on.

Jim Acosta & CNN We're Suing Trump Over Yanked WH Press Pass

President Trump can't take his CNN grudge out on Jim Acosta by yanking his White House press pass ... at least that's what CNN is asserting in a new lawsuit.

CNN and Acosta are taking the extraordinary step to sue POTUS over last week's fiery showdown during a news conference. According to the suit, CNN believes Trump violated its First Amendment right by revoking Acosta's "hard pass" ... thereby hampering his ability to cover the White House.


In the suit, they say Trump and Sarah Sanders are hiding behind the flimsy argument Acosta accosted an intern who was trying to grab his microphone. They point out the video Sanders posted was apparently doctored, and say even Trump later described the incident as not "overly horrible."

CNN says the "sole justification" for the Administration pulling Acosta's pass is "their dislike for [CNN and Acosta]'s coverage" of Trump.

According to the docs, obtained by TMZ, Trump also violated CNN's 5th Amendment due process rights because Acosta wasn't informed ahead of time his credential was revoked.

In fact, Jim posted video of the Secret Service agent confiscating his press pass. The lawsuit -- filed against Trump, Sanders and Chief of Staff Gen. -- seeks to get Acosta's pass returned, stat.

They're likely facing an uphill battle, though.

Alan Dershowitz

Famed attorney Alan Dershowitz told us the physical confrontation between Acosta and the intern will muddy the waters and make it tough for CNN to make its case.

CNN On-Air Personalities Targeted By Trump Getting Armed Security

President Trump's relentless attacks on CNN have forced the network to take extreme measures -- offering armed security to on-air talent who have reason to fear for their safety.

Network sources tell TMZ ... CNN brass offered reporters and anchors who have been targets of President Trump around-the-clock protection. We're told the logic is simple ... there are Trump fanatics who believe the President when he calls the media and certain reporters "the enemy of the people," and the fear is that they will take violent action.

There's actual proof here ... the person who sent mail bombs targeted CNN at least twice.

We're told CNN has told the targeted employees they can choose the level of protection they want, ranging from round-the-clock armed guards to more limited security, such as following the personality to and from work.

Trump has repeatedly attacked Don Lemon ... and it doesn't seem like a coincidence a self-proclaimed white nationalist Trump supporter threatened to kill him.

More recently ... a 39-year-old Arkansas man was busted Tuesday for making more than 40 calls to CNN that included death threats aimed at Lemon.

TMZ broke the story ... April Ryan -- a White House correspondent with Urban Radio Networks and well-known CNN contributor -- now has protection after receiving threats over the last few months ... threats which sure seem related to Trump's venom toward her.

We don't know if CNN White House Correspondent Jim Acosta has gotten security after his explosive showdown with the President ... but it seems pretty obvious CNN is concerned and taking appropriate steps to protect him.

Conan O'Brien White House's Acosta Vid Should Win Best Comedy Award!!!


Conan O'Brien's laughing his ass off a lot these days, courtesy President Trump and co. -- but the problem is they're also stomping all over the late night host's turf ... according to Conan.

We got COB out in the Big Apple Thursday and asked him to weigh in on the White House yanking Jim Acosta's press credentials after his head-to-head with the Prez. Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders uploaded a vid she said supported the decision -- but the clip is clearly sped up to make it appear Acosta shoved an intern.

Conan's take? Great production skills on the part of Trump's team!

Conan joked with us about how Trump's news conference antics are inspiring his own creativity.

Sounds like he'd be down to hire Trump's comedy writers ... assuming they're available. People do tend to leave the White House.

Donald Trump President Staged Confrontation with CNN's Acosta ... Congressman Says


Congressman Gerry Connolly says CNN White House Correspondent Jim Acosta was set up by Donald Trump ... set up to humiliate him during Wednesday's news conference.

We got Connolly in D.C. Thursday and he seemed certain, there was a script behind the move by an intern to grab the mic Acosta was holding after the fiery exchange with the Prez.


Trump went full bore on Acosta, telling him he was a terrible person and unfit to cover The White House. By the way, Acosta's been covering 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. for the last 5 years.

While ripping into Acosta, Trump accused him of being extremely rude to Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders. There's no denying Sarah and Jim have gone to battle several times during press briefings -- with the fireworks frequently going off live on the web and TV.

Still, Trump and co. yanking Acosta's press credentials Wednesday night is a move so aggressive, and unprecedented given the circumstances, it's more like a declaration of war.

Don Lemon's Racist Twitter Troll No Death Threat Charges ... More Trouble Than It's Worth

The man who made death threats against Don Lemon last year will not have to answer for his harassment, 'cause prosecutors say he's too small of a fish ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell us ... prosecutors in NY have declined to file charges against the self-proclaimed white nationalist and Trump supporter who tweeted multiple ominous messages at him last October -- stuff like, "F*** you n***** can't wait to stab your neck."

The reason? We're told the resources authorities would have to use to prosecute the guy far outweigh the potential punishment. Our sources say the man's behavior amounted to misdemeanor harassment ... which would've gotten him a maximum sentence of a year in jail. Translation ... it's just not worth it.

We broke the story ... Don went to the cops last year to report messages the man sent him on Twitter, such as ... "U r a pile of rotting Dogshit,racist,communist, socialist, Liberal moron asshole,i will find u U will pay.ill see u real soon..."

We're told prosecutors reached out to Don a couple of weeks ago to tell him their decision, and our sources say the CNN host couldn't have been more cordial or appreciative.

We reached out to the Manhattan D.A.'s Office ... they had no comment.

MSBNC's Steve Schmidt Trump's to Blame for Bomb Scares ... He's Stoking This Fire

Steve Schmidt

President Trump bears some responsibility for the pipe bombs sent to Democrats, and anyone with ears should know that, says former GOP strategist Steve Schmidt.

Steve told us Wednesday the person who actually assembled and sent the bombs is ultimately to blame -- but added, POTUS would have had metaphorical blood on his hands had the devices detonated ... because he's been condoning violence for years now.

Schmidt, who's renounced the GOP and is now an MSNBC fixture, says Trump has encouraged his base to resort to violence against his enemies -- specifically Democrats and the media.

Considering those were the groups targeted, Schmidt says it's clear Trump's rhetoric is spawning a pseudo Civil War.

As we told you, multiple suspicious packages were discovered en route to the residences and offices of the Obamas, the Clintons, Eric Holder, Maxine Waters, CNN and more. Cops say all the devices were pipe bombs intended to cause harm.

FWIW ... Trump condemned the would-be attacks, and vowed law enforcement would track down the attempted murders.


Nonetheless, Schmidt's sentiment seems to have caught on ... because people are now calling the culprit the #MAGABomber, prematurely tying his or her motives to Trump.

Jamal Khashoggi Saudis Use Body Double ... To Cover Up Murder

It's pretty clear now ... the Saudis planned to kill Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi from the get-go, because they had a decoy ready, complete with disguise.

There's surveillance video, obtained by CNN, showing Mustafa al-Madani -- apparently part of the hit squad that tortured and killed Khashoggi -- strolling around a famous Turkish Mosque just hours after Khashoggi entered the Saudi Embassy.

Al-Madani was wearing a fake beard and wearing the same outfit as Khashoggi. The 2 men are roughly the same height and weight.

The Saudis have clearly been lying from the get-go ... no doubt to protect Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. The latest version is that Khashoggi got in a fight with 15 young, fit guys inside the Embassy.

Sen. Jeff Flake Cornered by Sexual Assault Survivors Over Kavanaugh Confirmation


Senator Jeff Flake is getting immediate, powerful and emotional feedback on his decision to support the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh ... in the form of 2 tearful protesters who cornered him on Capitol Hill.

The AZ Senator stepped into an elevator Friday morning and, before the doors closed, the women -- surrounded by cameras and reporters -- tore into Flake. The gripping scene unfolded live on CNN as the women told Flake they were sexual assault survivors, they believed Dr. Christine Ford ... and they demanded to know how he could allow Kavanaugh to have a seat on the high court.

One protester said, "What you are doing is allowing someone who actually violated a woman to sit in the Supreme Court. This is not tolerable!"

The other said, "Look at me when I'm talking to you. You're telling me that my assault doesn't matter ... and that you're gonna let people who do these things into power. That's what you're telling me when you vote for him."

It's an uneasy standoff to watch -- Flake is absolutely captive in the elevator, and there's NO security to protect him ... but it's also symbolic of the emotions of millions in the country.

Flake was on his way to the Senate Judiciary Committee which will vote Friday on whether to recommend Kavanaugh's confirmation.

Les Moonves Out as CBS' CEO ... Vows to Donate $20M to #MeToo

7:25 PM PT -- Les Moonves has issued a statement in the wake of his ouster from CBS, saying in part ... "Untrue allegations from decades ago are now being made against me that are not consistent with who I am. Effective immediately I will no longer be Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of CBS. I am deeply saddened to be leaving the company. I wish nothing but the best for the organization, the newly comprised board of directors and all of its employees."

4:30 PM PT -- It's just been announced Moonves is out at CBS, and the network is implementing a big shakeup on its board of directors through a company-wide settlement. Interestingly, CBS says $20 million will be donated on Moonves' and the network's behalf to an org that supports #MeToo, which is set to be made immediately. The cash will come out of any severance benefits owed to Moonves following a pending investigation into his alleged misconduct. The company also notes that Moonves will not be getting any type of severance package at this point, but may receive further payment once its investigation is wrapped and after a final evaluation from the Board.

CBS's longtime CEO, Les Moonves, is reportedly resigning from his position as head of the network after multiple allegations of sexual misconduct.

Citing sources familiar with the matter, CNN's Brian Stelter reported Sunday that Moonves would be stepping down and that the official announcement would be made either Sunday night or early Monday morning. This comes on the heels of a second New Yorker article by Ronan Farrow where six additional women accused Moonves of sexual misconduct.

The allegations range from Moonves allegedly forcing oral sex on certain women, exposing himself without permission to others ... and allegedly using physical violence or intimidation against them.

He'd already been accused of sexual misconduct from 6 separate women earlier this summer -- including allegations of sexual assault from the 1980s ... for which he will not face criminal charges. Ronan wrote that earlier piece as well.

Moonves has worked at CBS since 1995, where he first served as president of CBS Entertainment. He served as CEO of CBS Television from '98 to 2003, and was eventually bumped up to chairman and CEO of the entire company in 2003. He's responsible for greenlighting series like 'CSI,' 'Without a Trace,' 'NCIS,' 'Survivor,' 'Cold Case' and many, many other hit shows.

Reports have recently said that Moonves and the CBS board were negotiating an exit package for him somewhere in the ball park of $100 million. Stelter says exit talks have been finalized, but did not report on any specific figure.

Originally published -- 11:29 AM PT

CNN's Van Jones Wife Files for Divorce

5:30 PM PT -- Jana and Van say, "Though we have decided to end our marriage, we still love each other very much. We will continue raising our kids together, running our businesses together and supporting each other's growth. There is no beef or drama -- just evolution."

CNN political commentator Van Jones and his wife are breaking up ... TMZ has learned.

Jana Carter filed divorce docs Friday in L.A. County Court. They have 2 minor children together, both boys. Van and Jana got married in 2005, and according to the docs, obtained by TMZ, they separated back in May.

She's asking for joint legal and physical custody of the children, and spousal support.

Jana is an entrepreneur and attorney.

Jones, who's also an attorney and author, worked in the Obama administration as the Green Jobs adviser. He's been a CNN personality since 2013 and, just this year, got his own show on the network.

'InfoWars' Host Alex Jones Banned by Twitter!!

Alex Jones won't be spewing his conspiracy theories on Twitter, which is now the first social media platform to permanently ban the "InfoWars" host.

Twitter announced Thursday it's suspending two accounts -- @realalexjones and @infowars. The ban also extends to Periscope. A spokesperson said videos and tweets Jones recently posted violated Twitter's abusive behavior policy ... plus, there had been previous violations.

The final straw appears to stem from a tense confrontation Jones had Wednesday on Capitol Hill, where CEO Jack Dorsey and other tech execs were testifying to congress. In addition to his face-off with Sen. Marco Rubio ... Jones got in the face of CNN reporter Oliver Darcy, and likened him to "the Hitler Youth." Jones livestreamed the confrontation on InfoWars.

Jones had already been heavily censored on other platforms such as Facebook, Apple, Spotify and YouTube. In case you're unfamiliar, Jones has been pushing outlandish conspiracy theories for years -- most notably, perhaps, that the Sandy Hook school shooting was a hoax staged with actors.

Asia Argento CNN Pulls Her Episodes On Bourdain's 'Parts Unknown'

Episodes featuring Asia Argento in any form have been yanked from the late Anthony Bourdain's hit TV show "Parts Uknown" following accusations of sexual misconduct.

CNN confirmed this weekend that it had removed 3 'Parts Unknown' episodes from its streaming service CNN Go as a direct result of allegations former child actor Jimmy Bennett made against Bourdain's girlfriend last month -- namely, that she'd sexually assaulted him.

A rep for the news network told Buzzfeed ... "In light of the recent news reports about Asia Argento, CNN will discontinue airing past episodes of Parts Unknown that included her, until further notice." The episodes include one from Season 8 called "Rome," another from Season 10 called "Southern Italy: The Heel of the Boot," and a final one from Season 11 called "Hong Kong."

Asia appeared in the two former episodes and directed the latter. A fourth episode that took place in Buenos Aires was also removed, but for unspecified reasons. Bourdain and Asia reportedly met while filming the Rome episode, which aired in 2016.

As we've reported ... Asia was accused of sexually assaulting a then 17-year-old Bennett, and reportedly paid him a settlement of $380k. She denied ever having sex with him, but photos and texts obtained by TMZ appear to prove otherwise.

Rose McGowan recently wrote an open letter, calling on Asia to be better than Harvey Weinstein ... while seemingly distancing herself from the Italian actress.

Wolf Blitzer I'm with Meghan McCain ... John's a Hero, and America's Great!!!


4:00 PM PT -- Hard to tell if it's related, but the Prez just tweeted in all caps ... "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!"

Trump's tweet could be regarding his current struggle with Canada to reach a new NAFTA deal ... or he may have just felt the need to repeat his oft-used slogan. Just as likely, though ... it's a retort to Meghan's eulogy for her father.

Wolf Blitzer doesn't think anything at John McCain's funeral was out of line or too political ... and he's got no apparent issues with Meghan McCain's shot at the Prez either.

We got the CNN anchor at the Reagan National Airport in D.C. Saturday shortly after the late Senator's service wrapped up ... he said it was a beautiful funeral, fitting for "a great American and a great patriot."

Wolf also supported Meghan's comments about her father and the country, clearly slamming Donald Trump's "Make America Great Again" motto.

Meghan said, "The America of John McCain has no need to be made great again because America was always great."

Blitzer's on board with that sentiment, telling us though America's made mistakes, it's the greatest country in the world in his opinion ... and "it's always been great."

As we reported ... former Presidents and McCain rivals George W. Bush and Barack Obama also delivered eulogies for the esteemed politician's National Memorial Service Saturday.

Obama also appeared to knock Trump with his comments, saying McCain urged us all to rise above politics based on "bombast and insult and phony controversies and manufactured outrage."

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