Chris Brown Calls Karrueche from Jail 'I Love You'

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Chris Brown and Karrueche Tran are still very much together … cause last night he used Karrueche to pass along a message to his fans from jail … and profess his love to her.

Brown, still behind bars until a court hearing later this month, called Tran from jail last night … and she put the video of the call on Instagram.

After thanking his fans, Brown says, "Most importantly … Karrueche, I love you."

As TMZ previously reported, Tran broke things off with Brown while he was in rehab ... but clearly that didn't take.

Karrueche Tran She's a Lady Passes Up Chance to Rip Chris Brown

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Our photog gave Karrueche Tran plenty of chances to rip her ex Chris Brown to shreds last night ... but she took the high road each time.

We got Karrueche walking into 1 OAK in West Hollywood where our guy peppered her with questions -- asking her about jail, his alleged cheating, his new modeling agency -- all designed to get her to trash CB ... but she did not take the bait. Not once.

As TMZ first reported, Tran broke things off with Brown before word got out he'd hooked up with a girl at rehab.

Karrueche Tran I Dumped Chris Brown Because He's a Man Whore

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Karrueche Tran didn't dump Chris Brown because of the girl he allegedly banged in rehab -- sources close to the model tell TMZ ... she dropped the hammer on their relationship because he refused to stop texting his army of jump offs.

There's been speculation that Karrueche pulled the plug when she found out he had hooked up with another girl in his facility at the beginning of March -- but we're told the break-up preceded that ... We're told Karrueche ended things after she visited Chris in rehab the month before.

Sources tell us ... Karrueche saw Chris' phone during her visit -- and it was filled with inappropriate texts from other girls. It was the last straw. We're told Karrueche was especially pissed because she'd been nothing but supportive to Chris throughout his ordeal, even going to court with him.

We're told Karrueche wasn't even aware Chris had allegedly been getting down with girls in rehab until long after the break-up.

Chris Brown He'll Leave Lockdown Rehab For Toy Drive

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Chris Brown will spend Sunday on tragically-hip Melrose Ave. in L.A. ... curious indeed, since he's supposedly in lockdown rehab. But we've learned, the rehab joint gave him a day pass.

Chris won't be shopping in stores that sell overpriced, vintage gadgets. He's a featured celeb at the XMAS toy drive, where people come with unwrapped toys for underprivileged kids.

We're told Brown and his girlfriend Karrueche Tran will be front and center to mingle with everyone.

As for why Chris got a pass ... 2 reasons. It's a worthy event, and we're told the rehab folks actually think it will be good for Chris' treatment -- to show how satisfying it is to participate in non-violent activities.

Chris Brown 'I've Always Had God'

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Chris Brown hit up a fancy restaurant Thursday night to celebrate his exit from anger management rehab ... and he made it clear -- he was not in search of God.

Brown was leaving Aventine in Hollywood at around midnight when a guy with an awesome beard ran interference for him.

Chris was mum on selling his house and moving West to the 'Bu.

He was more expressive when it came to GF Karrueche, who got a little something on the cheek courtesy of Chris.

Chris Brown L.A./Vegas Halloween Parties DOWN IN FLAMES

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Chris Brown has become a Halloween nightmare for 2 big nightclubs that now have anger issues of their own ... because Brown has bailed on them.

Chris was booked to host a party at the Conga Room in L.A. tomorrow night, followed by another hosting gig Friday with GF Karrueche at Haze nightclub in Vegas.

We've learned both clubs just got word Chris will be a no-show. As TMZ first reported, the singer will stay put in a Malibu rehab joint for up to 3 months so he can deal with his anger issues.

But here's the thing. Even Karrueche bailed.

The show at Haze will go on. As for the Conga gig, the event has been cancelled.

Chris Brown & Karrueche Tran LIVING TOGETHER AGAIN!

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Call her crazy ... but Karrueche Tran and Chris Brown are full-on LIVING TOGETHER ... TMZ has learned.

Sources close to the couple tell TMZ ... they hooked up days before his 24th birthday earlier this month and she's been staying at Chris' Hollywood Hills home ever since.

Though she's keeping her own apartment -- smart -- she's already moved most of her clothes and other personal belongings to his pad.

And it's not like they've been secretive ... they've been spotted everywhere lately, hitting up the Billboard Awards afterparty and even rear-ending a Mercedes together.

Karrueche's one persistent scorned lover -- when Chris first dumped her back in October for Rihanna -- she vowed to win him back, as TMZ first reported.

So where does this leave Rihanna? RiRi and Breezy officially called it quits a few weeks ago ... but they've ALWAYS had an on-again, off-again relationship ... and Chris has made it no secret -- he loves 'em both.

Hey Karrueche ... you ever heard the expression, "Fool me once ..."

Rihanna Sweet Ass Revenge on Chris Brown

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Dear Rihanna,
Please provide Chris Brown frequent Instagram reminders of what he's no longer tapping -- such as your barely covered ass -- since he was stupid enough to break up with you.
The Internet (and everyone who uses it)

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Rihanna to Chris Brown How Could You Leave My Ass?

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Rihanna just gave ex-boyfriend Chris Brown a little taste of what he's missing ... her perfectly sculpted ass.

RiRi just posted an extreme close-up shot of her nearly bare derriere in shorts that are so tiny, her THONG is hanging out of 'em.

Rihanna added a caption saying the pic was from the set of her new music video ... but we think it's pretty obvious the photo was for an audience of 1 -- Chris ... who was recently spotted out with his other sometimes-GF Karrueche Tran (who definitely doesn't have an ass like Ri).

Think he's regretting the breakup yet?

Chris Brown Rear-Ender ... He Hardly Knew Her!

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Chris Brown has yet another legal problem to deal with, after crashing his car in Los Angeles near Toluca Lake.

The accident happened an hour or so ago ... The photog tells us Chris was driving his Range Rover with his GF du jour Karrueche Tran, when he rear-ended a Mercedes.

Chris parked in front of the Mercedes and then exchanged info with the Mercedes chick. The photog says damage to her car was "medium" ... as opposed to rare.

Unlike the whole Rihanna thing, cops didn't come for this smashup.

Chris Brown While Rihanna's Away ...

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With Rihanna in New York City on her Diamonds World Tour, Chris Brown celebrated his birthday at Emerson nightclub in Hollywood ... with ex Karrueche Tran in attendance.

We're told Karrueche -- Chris' other on-again/off-again girlfriend -- was invited by Chris himself to the party (thrown by ZING Vodka and Black Pyramid) to celebrate Chris turning 24. Our sources say the two still talk often and hang out, and that she still cares about Chris very much.

Here's to hoping some combination of these crazy kids can make it work.

Chris Brown's Ex Rihanna Doesn't Faze Me I Still Want Chris Back

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Chris Brown's recently-dumped ex Karrueche Tran still believes she has a future with the singer -- in fact, Karrueche is telling friends, she's not gonna stop trying to get with CB just because Rihanna's back in the picture.

Sources close to Karrueche tell TMZ, she was hurt when Brown gave her the axe a few weeks ago ... but she never stopped loving him -- and now, she is on a mission to get him back.

We're told Karrueche got used to a certain level of celebrity while dating the singer, and she's not ready to "go back to being basic" -- even if that means messing around with Brown, while he's messing with RiRi.

Eventually, we're told Karrueche hopes to edge Rihanna back out of the picture.

Case in point -- Karrueche and CB were spotted hanging out together Monday in Burbank, CA ... two days after Rihanna and CB were spotted together in L.A.

As we previously reported, CB broke up with Karrueche earlier this month -- citing RiRi as the reason -- saying, "I love Karrueche very much but I don't want to see her hurt over my friendship with Rihanna."

Karrueche Tran CLUBBING without Chris Brown

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She's single ... and it appears Chris Brown's ex-GF is ready to mingle -- 'cause Karrueche Tran hit up the L.A. club scene this weekend on a serious girls' night out.

Tran and two of her girlfriends rolled up to Greystone Manor in Hollywood in a tricked out blue Porsche Panamera shortly after midnight Monday morning.

As we previously reported, Tran was pissed when she saw Brown's bizarre breakup video statement ... in which he questioned if it's possible to love two people at once.

Karrueche wasn't in the mood to test out the theory for herself last night -- she and her friends left the club shortly before 2 AM without any dudes.

Chris Brown's Ex FURIOUS Over Chris' Loving RiRi Video

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Chris Brown's recently axed ex-girlfriend has 3 words for him -- shut your mouth ... because she is PISSED C.B. made that highly-produced drunken video confession about loving two chicks.

Sources close to Karrueche Tran tell TMZ ... she's livid over the fact that Brown blasted their personal problems all over the internet with his ridiculous video -- in which he confesses to loving Rihanna and Karrueche at the same time.

If Chris thought the video would soften the blow of breaking up with Karrueche ... he was dead wrong. We're told KT feels Brown should have kept his feelings private and she's disappointed and hurt by his decision to broadcast their personal life.

As TMZ previously reported ... Brown announced his split from Karrueche earlier this week by stating, "I love Karrueche very much but I don't want to see her hurt over my friendship with Rihanna."

He later posted this video, claiming he has feelings for both ...


RiRi, Chris, Karrueche You Be the Judge

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Chris Brown dumped his girlfriend Karrueche for Rihanna, then immediately said he's still in love with both of them. Can Chris have his Rihanna and eat it too? We gotta ask ...

Chris Brown I Love Rihanna (and Karrueche)

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Chris Brown just released a hyper-produced propaganda break-up video ... in which he drunkenly says he loves BOTH Rihanna and his ex-GF Karrueche Tran ... and says, "I'm not trying to be a player ... I just care too much sometimes."

It seems to be an artsy-fartsy way to explain his decision to kick Karrueche to the curb after being seen with Rihanna this week.

In the footage, Brown tries to hammer home the point that he's wasted -- intercutting footage of himself poppin' champagne, partying in a nightclub and looking slouched over while smoking. At one point he says, "I'm a little drunk, so I'mma be honest ..."

It's unclear when the footage was shot ... but two hours before Brown posted the video, Rihanna tweeted, "Ain't nobody bidness..... But mine and my baby!"

He never mentions either woman by name in the video, but there are shots of both RiRi and Karrueche spliced into the 1:27 clip.

At one point he asks, "Is there such thing as loving two people? I don't know if that's possible but for me I just feel like that."

So, is this Chris being honest ... or is he trying to BS his way out of looking like a jerk who was stringing Karrueche on while banging Rihanna behind her back?