Evelyn Lozada DISSES OCHOCINCO He Can't Compete With My New Man!

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SHOTS FIRED AT CHAD OCHOCINCO ... and the woman pulling the trigger is his ex-wife Evelyn Lozada!!!

The "Basketball Wives" star -- who happens to be engaged to L.A. Dodgers superstar Carl Crawford -- was hangin' at GNC at the Beverly Center ... when we asked to see the massive 14.5 carat diamond ring he gave her back in December.

That's when Evelyn flashed the ring ... and a little bit of sass ... taking aim at the puny 10 carat rock Chad gave her back in 2010.

Check out the clip ... enjoy the burn.

Terrell Owens Divorce 'Unfortunate Situation' ... Says Chad Johnson

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With his marriage in shambles, Terrell Owens is getting some sage advice from his friend, former NFL teammate and experienced divorcee ... Chad Johnson.

We broke the story ... T.O.'s wife Rachel Snider has left the former NFL superstar, just 2 weeks after they tied the knot in a secret ceremony in Newhall, CA.

Now, Johnson tells TMZ Sports ... the whole thing is "an unfortunate situation for my big brother but this too shall pass."

Johnson continues, "All he needs is FIFA [the video game], which helped me get through such a difficult time."

Of course, Chad is referring to his split from Evelyn Lozada back in 2012 -- they were only married for 6 weeks when she filed for divorce.

Evelyn Lozada Really, Really, Really Pregnant

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"Basketball Wives" star Evelyn Lozada isn't just pregnant ... she's bursting ... and we got photos of the enormous baby bump.

The pics were snapped yesterday in Hawaii -- where Evelyn hit the beach with her 20-year-old daughter Shaniece -- and there's no denying ... Evelyn's got one big bun in the oven.

TMZ broke the story, Evelyn is currently 6 months preggers ... and ex-husband Chad Johnson is NOT the baby daddy. We're told the father is a guy Evelyn's been dating for almost a year now and the pregnancy was planned.

'Basketball Wives' Evelyn Lozada I'm Having a Baby... And It's Not Chad's

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"Basketball Wives" star Evelyn Lozada has been keeping a big secret -- she's 6-months pregnant -- and TMZ has learned Chad Johnson is NOT the baby daddy.

Sources close to Lozada tell us ... she's been seeing a guy for almost a year now and the relationship has gotten serious.

We're told ... the pregnancy was planned -- it's not a case of the whoops! And until now only a small number of relatives were privy to the news.

Lozada famously divorced Chad Johnson in Sept. 2012 ... after an explosive domestic dispute ended their 2-month-old marriage.

BTW ... Evelyn already has a 20-year-old daughter, Shaniece ....born when Lozada was 17.

'Basketball Wives' Reunion Show SHUT DOWN

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Don't count on seeing a new "Basketball Wives" reunion show any time soon ... the Season 5 reunion special has been canceled because Evelyn Lozada pulled out.

The show was supposed to tape earlier this month -- but sources close to production tell us, Evelyn bailed, forcing producers to pull the plug on the entire thing. We're told the taping will not be rescheduled.

According to sources, Evelyn jumped ship because she's sick and tired of talking about her split from ex-husband Chad Johnson. We're told she knew the break-up would be the biggest topic on the reunion show, so she refused to participate.

Apparently, the other 'Wives' (specifically Tami, Tasha, and Suzie) have zilch to talk about -- we're told producers felt the girls didn't have enough material for the hour-long episode sans Ev.

Sources tell us, Evelyn has grown tired of the cattiness on 'BW' and wants to move on with her life.

Calls to VH1 weren't returned.

Chad Johnson I FINALLY Got a Job!

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Chad Johnson has made his triumphant return to the NFL ... to analyze fantasy football.

The ex-Ochocinco tweeted about the new gig where he will be working alongside a panel of fantasy football nerds to give his formerly expert opinion for CBS Sports starting tomorrow

The former Dolphin's receiver lost his position as a star player last year when he was arrested for head-butting his now ex-wife Evelyn Lozada.

No word on whether he slapped his lawyer's ass to celebrate the new job.

Chad Johnson's Baby Mama Don't Make Me Pay ... For His Stupid Mistakes!

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Just because Chad Johnson's finances are in the toilet doesn't mean his baby mama should have to suffer from a tighter wallet ... at least according to her.

Andrea Pearson filed legal docs in FL court -- firing back a Chad's request to reduce his $5,240 / month child support bill. Chad claims he can't afford it anymore, after getting fired from the NFL and losing his lucrative endorsement deals ... circumstances he says that were out of his control.

But Andrea argues in docs ... she shouldn't be punished for Chad's screw ups, clearly stating that his money problems ARE his fault, explaining, "he sabotaged his own earning ability through his conduct and criminal behavior."

Translation: The head-butting, domestic violence arrest (the catalyst for his $$$ woes) was Chad's doing ... and Andrea doesn't want her support cash to be collateral damage.

She's asking a judge throw out his request.

Evelyn Lozada Bloody Head Gash After Chad Johnson Fight

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Chad Johnson headbutted ex-wife Evelyn Lozada so hard during their infamous domestic dispute last year, she was left with a massive bloody gash on her forehead -- and TMZ has obtained photographic evidence.

The photos were taken by Davie Police in the Florida emergency room where Evelyn was transported following Chad's attack on August 11th, 2012. According to police, the forehead laceration measured 3 inches.

TMZ broke the story ... Johnson was arrested for domestic violence shortly after the explosive argument at his Jupiter, FL mansion. Evelyn filed for divorce three days later.

Following the arrest, Chad pled "no contest" to the domestic violence charge and was sentenced to 12 months probation and domestic violence classes.

Chad was thrown back in the slammer last week after slapping his lawyer's backside during a sentencing hearing.

He was released again yesterday following a probation violation sentencing hearing. During the hearing, the judge called the head gash photos "horrific."

We reached out to Evelyn's rep who had no comment on the photos. Calls to Chad's camp weren't returned.

Chad Johnson Ass-Slapping Judge Saved My Life 'I Love Her to Death'

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Chad Johnson has just been released from jail in Florida for slapping his attorney on the ass last week -- and get this ... on his way out, he called his judge a "blessing in disguise" for throwing him back in the slammer.

It's pretty remarkable -- Chad says he's THANKFUL for the time he's had in the pokey the last week, telling reporters, "I had a lot of time to reflect. A lot of time to think about where I've been, where I am now, and where I'm going."

But the craziest part ... he says, "A lot of people have tried to get me to slow down in life. Coaches, my agent, my lawyer. And there was one person that was able to do it. And that was my judge Ms. McHugh."

He added, "Little does she know, I love her to death. Basically what she's been is a blessing in disguise."

Which is crazy because practically everyone else on the planet felt like she overreacted big time.

As for Chad's first move out of jail, he says he's beelining straight for McDonald's -- watch the video to hear his order.

Chad Johnson To Be RELEASED from Florida Jail Today

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Chad Johnson will be a free man TODAY ... because the judge who sent his ass to jail has agreed to release the former NFL star, 1 week after the infamous butt slap.

Johnson appeared in a Florida courtroom today ... where he faced off with Judge McHugh -- the judge who tore him a new one after he slapped his attorney's ass in open court during last week's hearing.

Johnson was brought into the courtroom wearing handcuffs ... and from the moment the hearing began, the judge blasted Chad for his history of disrespectful behavior.

But after the scolding, the judge agreed to release Johnson today -- but extended his probation by one month ... meaning he won't be in the clear until October 16.

During today's hearing, the judge also revisited the 2012 domestic abuse incident involving his ex-wife Evelyn Lozada -- and said what he did to her was "horrific."

Story developing ...


Chad Johnson Tapping Asses ... Sign of R-E-S-P-E-C-T

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Chad Johnson patted his lawyer's ass in court Monday as a sign of respect ... so claims the tapee, attorney Adam Swickle.

Swickle filed legal docs -- just obtained by TMZ -- in which he pleads with the judge to reconsider her decision to throw out Chad's plea deal and throw him in the slammer for 30 days -- all because she believed the former NFLer disrespected the court with the tap.

In the legal docs, Chad's lawyer says "Mr. Johnson has been a professional football player in the National Football League for eleven (11) years and patting another individual on the backside is viewed as a sign of respect and gratitude."

Swickle also noted that Chad was goaded into finding some form of compliment by the judge herself, who told him to thank his lawyer.

As for the judge's outrage that people in the court were laughing at the ass tap ... Swickle says, "This is not Mr. Johnson's fault and he should not be punished for the actions of third parties."


Swickle says the 30-day jail sentence is "somewhat excessive" and is asking the judge to reconsider. A hearing is set for Monday. Until then ... it's pokey time for Chad.

Chad Johnson FL Attorney General Rips Judge You Overreacted!

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Chad Johnson did NOT deserve 30 days in jail after slapping his lawyer's butt ... so says the Attorney General of Florida who tells TMZ ... Chad's punishment doesn't fit the crime.

We asked FL Atty. Gen. Pam Bondi how she felt about Judge Kathleen McHugh throwing the book at Chad after he tapped his lawyer's butt in court yesterday ... and here's the answer we got:

"Although we never condone domestic violence, this event seems to question judicial temperament, not the subject matter before the court."

So, what does it all mean? Here's Harvey to break it down ...


Chad Johnson Asks Judge to Reconsider Jail Sentence

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Chad Johnson has filed a motion asking the judge who jailed him Monday to reconsider her ruling ... TMZ has learned.

Adam Swickle, the lawyer whose ass was slapped by the former NFLer, filed the legal docs ... claiming Johnson meant no disrespect when he tapped the attorney on the rear.

As we previously reported ... Johnson was in court on a probation violation in his domestic violence case when the judge was about to accept a settlement that did NOT involve jail. After the ass slap, the judge tossed the settlement and threw Johnson in the pokey for 30 days.

A hearing is set for Monday. In the meantime, Johnson sits in the slammer.

Chad Johnson Ripped By Judge for Slapping Lawyer's Ass

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Chad has just filed a motion asking the judge to reconsider the ruling.

10:46 AM PT -- Chad is currently at jail and is being booked.

10:30 AM PT
-- We just got video of the love tap. Check it out.

7:55 AM PT
-- Chad was arrested in the courtroom and has been ordered to serve 30 days in jail.

7:45 AM PT --
Chad and his attorney are back in front of the judge ... apologizing ... and desperately trying to convince the judge to accept the original terms of the deal.

Chad Johnson was just kicked out of a Florida courtroom ... after the former NFL star playfully slapped his male lawyer's ass -- a move that ENRAGED the judge, TMZ has learned.

Johnson was in court in Broward County, FL to face the judge for his recent probation violation in his domestic violence case.

During the hearing, the judge and Chad's lawyer were about to finalize the terms of Chad's punishment -- terms that were pretty favorable to Chad.

But the whole thing fell apart at the last minute, when the judge asked Chad if he was satisfied with his attorney -- and the ex-NFL star reached back and playfully slapped his lawyer's ass.

Chad smiled ... the court erupted with laughter .... but the judge wasn't amused.

In fact, the judge found the move disrespectful -- and lashed out at Johnson ... asking him if the whole proceeding was a "joke" to him.

Johnson replied, "I had no intent to make this a joke, because my life is in shambles right now."

The judge -- who lost her patience -- suddenly announced that Chad's deal was OFF ... and kicked him out of the courtroom.

Story developing ...

Chad Johnson ARRESTED Ordered to 30 Days in Jail

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Chad Johnson was just arrested and placed in handcuffs inside a Florida courtroom ... after the judge in his probation violation hearing ordered the ex-NFL star to spend 30 days in jail.

The move comes after Johnson pissed off the Broward County judge by slapping his male lawyer's butt during the hearing.

As we previously reported, Johnson's attorney was thiiiis close to sealing a deal that would have kept Johnson OUT of jail for violating his probation earlier this year.

But the butt slap enraged the judge ... and she took the deal off the table.

Now, Johnson's punishment is much harsher than what was originally proposed -- and he has been ordered to spend 30 days in jail.

His probation was also extended until December 21, 2013 ... and he must complete an additional 25 hours of community service along with extra therapy sessions.

Story developing ...

Evelyn Lozada To Chad Johnson: YOU'RE DEAD TO ME

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Evelyn Lozada has a message for Chad Johnson ... wait, no she doesn't ... 'cause she doesn't ever wanna speak two words to her ex-husband ever again.

The "Basketball Wives" star had just arrived at LAX yesterday when we asked if she had spoken with Chad since Monday's arrest ... stemming from the time he attacked her last year.

But Evelyn -- who immediately divorced Chad after the incident -- told TMZ ... she doesn't want anything to do with the ex-NFL star ever again.

No relationship. No communication. No nothing.

She DOES say she wishes him the best. Sure she does.