Celebrity Scramble GUESS WHO!
This squinty star is the king of the hill ... can you guess which big star is behind the scrambled photo?
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Celebrity Scramble GUESS WHO!
This big-lipped lady is ready for her New Year's Eve kiss. Can you guess who's behind these serious smoochers?!
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Celebrity Scramble GUESS WHO!
This Santa Claus look-a-like is a little mixed up this Holiday season. Can you tell who is behind this Santa scramblin'?!
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Celebrity Scramble GUESS WHO!
There is one shiny star hiding behind this muddled mug. Can you guess who it is?!
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Celebrity Scramble GUESS WHO!
Can you guess whose famous face is behind this mangled up mug? Click through for all kinds of guessing game awesomeness!
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Celebrity Scramble GUESS WHO!
This is no laughing matter -- this funny gal was frozen making this funny face and is now stuck like this... can you guess who it is?
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Celebrity Scramble GUESS WHO!
This celebrity's smiling face was frozen in the middle of a total meltdown. Can you guess who's rockin' this warped look?
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Celebrity Scramble GUESS WHO!
Do you think you know everything?
Well, see if you know who's behind this bug-eyed photo and then add it to your extensive knowledge of the world.
Smarty pants.
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Celebrity Scramble GUESS WHO!
There's actually a face behind this scary celeb scramblin'. Are you brave enough to guess who it is?
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Celebrity Scramble GUESS WHO!
Someone's getting a little cheeky these days! Can you figure out who smiled a little too much?
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Celebrity Scramble GUESS WHO!?!
This goofy grin belongs to an A-list star. Can you see through the scrambled smile and guess the star behind the wonky photo?
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Celebrity Scramble GUESS WHO!?!
We've mixed up a Hollywood hottie's face and now it's up to you to guess who is behind the stretched star!
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Celebrity Scramble GUESS WHO!
There's actually a famous face behind this celebrity scramblin'. Can you guess which lady is the proud owner of this magnificent forehead?
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Celebrity Scramble GUESS WHO!?!
Don't try to adjust your monitor, this silly scrambled photo belongs to a genuine famous face. Can you guess who is behind this serious mix-up?!
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Celebrity Scramble GUESS WHO!
Dude, even after a celebrity scramble ... this guy is STILL incredibly good looking. Can you guess who it is?
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Celebrity Scramble GUESS WHO!
Looks like this ginger gentleman will be seeing red after seeing the manic makeunder. Can you tell who's behind the wonky photo?