Cher Niega haber secuestrado a su hijo para forzar su rehabilitación

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Cher dice que no tuvo nada que ver con el supuesto "secuestro" de su hijo, que ya es un adulto, esto a pesar de que su propia nuera asegura que todo fue orquestado por ella.

El New York Post le hizo una nueva entrevista sobre su carrera y legado, y abordó el tema sin rodeos. Durante la conversación, sacaron a relucir la extraña historia que salió a la luz el mes pasado, cortesía de Marieangela King (aka Queenie).

En recientes documentos judiciales relativos al divorcio en curso con el hijo de Cher, Elijah Blue Allman, King hace un alegato sorprendente y es que supuestamente Cher habría sacado a Elijah a la fuerza de su hotel a finales de 2022. Esto, mientras él y Marie King estaban tratando de reconciliarse.

Según Daily Mail, Elijah se había estado quedando en un hotel de Los Ángeles durante varios meses, donde había estado supuestamente luchando contra el abuso de sustancias, cuando fue secuestrado e intervenido. Así lo explica King en una declaración que hizo ante el tribunal, donde asegura que mientras hablaban en su habitación, cuatro hombres irrumpieron y se lo llevaron en contra de su voluntad, arrastrándolo.

King alega que uno de los hombres le dijo que la madre de Elijah, Cher, los había contratado, añadiendo en su documentación judicial: "Actualmente, no estoy al tanto del bienestar o el paradero de mi marido. Estoy muy preocupada por él". También dijo que creía que estaba en un centro de rehabilitación en un lugar no revelado, sin acceso a su teléfono.

Ahora, un mes después de que se hicieran públicas estas revelaciones, Cher niega rotundamente cualquier participación: "Yo no lo hice, y si lo hubiese hecho, no lo diría", dijo al Post.

Y añade: "Nunca dejas de ser madre: llegas hasta el final para salvar a tus hijos. Pero yo no lo hice. Y si lo hubiese hecho, no me importaría decírtelo". Curiosamente, esto se hace eco de lo que dijo a People hace 2 semanas.

En ese momento, aseguró: "Soy madre. Ese es mi trabajo, de una manera u otra, el tratar de ayudar a mis hijos. Haces cualquier cosa por ellos. Siempre que puedes ayudarlos, lo haces porque eso es ser madre. Pero es con alegría, incluso cuando duele, sobre todo, cuando piensas en tus hijos, solo sonríes y los amas y tratas de estar ahí para ellos".

Es importante señalar que el padre de Elijah, Gregg Allman, murió en 2017 por complicaciones vinculadas a un cáncer de hígado. Nos pusimos en contacto con el equipo de Cher para obtener más comentarios, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.

Jussie Smollett Timing Of Rehab Is Suspicious ... Says Osundairo Brothers

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Jussie Smollett's timing to enter rehab is peculiar ... at least according to the Osundairo brothers, whose testimony was critical in convincing a jury to convict him.

Abimbola "Bola" and Olabinjo "Ola" Osundairo tell TMZ ... if Jussie really had a problem that required treatment from rehab, he could've checked himself in a long time ago ... but he waited until an appeals court was ready to rule on his conviction for faking a hate crime.


Ola and Bola believe Jussie realizes his chances of having the conviction overturned are remote, and he may be trying to create sympathy so he serves time under house arrest and not in jail.

Jussie appears to be in rehab for substance abuse other than alcohol. He was spotted Monday with a fresh haircut ... clutching a "Narcotics Anonymous" book.

Bola had previously admitted he scored Jussie drugs but denied he ever sold them to the actor.


Regardless, the bros are hoping Jussie gets the help he needs ... but Bola adds, "Truth will set him free."

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Fox 32 Chicago

As we reported, Jussie was sentenced to 150 days in jail after being found guilty of lying to police about an alleged attack by 2 Trump supporters in 2019 -- he was released shortly after he began serving his sentence, pending the appeal.

Since then, he's been spotted working on set in California and even hanging out with his former "Empire" costar Taraji P. Henson.

But, Jussie's rep told us the past few years have been extremely difficult for him ... and he has quietly been working on himself in an outpatient program.

es sospechoso que salga de rehabilitación ahora DiceN LOS HERMANOS OsundairO


El momento elegido por Jussie Smollett para entrar en rehabilitación es peculiar, al menos según los hermanos Osundairo, cuyo testimonio fue crucial para convencer al jurado de que lo condenara.

Abimbola "Bola" y Olabinjo "Ola" Osundairo dicen TMZ que si Jussie realmente tenía un problema que requería tratamiento de rehabilitación, podría haber ingresado hace mucho tiempo, pero esperó hasta que un tribunal de apelaciones estuviera listo para pronunciarse sobre su condena por fingir un crimen de odio.

esto es sospechoso

Ola y Bola creen Jussie se da cuenta de que las posibilidades de tener la condena anulada son remotas y él puede estar tratando de crear simpatía, por lo que cumple tiempo bajo arresto domiciliario y no en la cárcel.

Jussie parece estar en rehabilitación por abuso de sustancias distintas al alcohol. Fue visto el lunes con un nuevo corte de pelo y cargando un libro de "Narcóticos Anónimos".

Bola había admitido anteriormente que compartió drogas con Jussie, pero negó que alguna vez se las haya vendido.


A pesar de todo, los hermanos esperan que Jussie obtenga la ayuda que necesita, pero Bola añade: "La verdad lo hará libre".

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libre y listo
Fox 32 Chicago

Como informamos, Jussie fue condenado a 150 días de cárcel después de ser declarado culpable de mentir a la policía sobre un presunto ataque de 2 partidarios de Trump en 2019. Fue liberado poco después de comenzar a cumplir su sentencia, a la espera de la apelación.

Desde entonces, ha sido visto trabajando en el set en California e incluso pasando el rato con su ex coprotagonista de "Empire" Taraji P. Henson.

El representante de Jussie nos dijo que los últimos años han sido muy difíciles para él, y ha estado trabajando en silencio en sí mismo en un programa ambulatorio.


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Jussie Smollett tiene un nuevo look mientras sigue adelante.

La estrella de "Empire" apareció el miércoles luciendo la cabeza rapada mientras recibe tratamiento ambulatorio en un centro de rehabilitación.

Jussie llevaba un libro de "Narcóticos Anónimos" mientras entraba en el centro de rehabilitación, donde está recibiendo tratamiento por abuso de sustancias.

TMZ publico la historia, Jussie ha estado luchando contra las drogas. Su representante nos dice: "Jussie ha tenido unos últimos años extremadamente difíciles. Él ha estado trabajando en silencio muy duro desde hace algún tiempo y estamos orgullosos de él por tomar estas medidas necesarias".

El actor sigue luchando contra su condena por fingir un crimen de odio en Chicago allá por 2019, cuando aseguró que dos partidarios de Trump enmascarados le atacaron y le pusieron una soga en el cuello.

Jussie fue condenado a 150 días de cárcel por el incidente, pero fue puesto en libertad mientras su caso es apelado. Esa apelación aún está pendiente.

La naturaleza del abuso de sustancias no ha sido revelada, pero el consumo de drogas se mencionó bastante durante su juicio.

Lo cubrimos todo en el último episodio de The TMZ Podcast, disponible en todas las plataformas de podcast.

Jussie Smollett Fresh Start, Fresh Cut While in Outpatient Rehab

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Jussie Smollett has a new look as he turns over a new leaf.

The "Empire" star was out and about Wednesday sporting a shaved head as he gets outpatient treatment at a rehab facility.

Jussie was carrying a "Narcotics Anonymous" book as he walked into the rehab center, where he's getting treatment for substance abuse.

TMZ broke the story, Jussie has been struggling, with his rep telling us ... "Jussie has had an extremely difficult past few years. He has quietly been working very hard for some time now and we are proud of him for taking these necessary steps."

The actor is still fighting his conviction for faking a hate crime in Chicago back in 2019, when he claimed two masked Trump supporters attacked him and put a noose around his neck.


Jussie was sentenced to 150 days in jail for the incident, but released from jail while his case is appealed. That appeal is still pending.

The nature of the substance abuse has not been disclosed, but drug use was mentioned quite a bit during his trial.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Jussie Smollett Enters Rehab Following 'Extremely Difficult' Few Years

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Jussie Smollett is getting help through a rehab treatment facility ... TMZ has confirmed with a rep from Smollett's camp.

The rep tells us, "Jussie has had an extremely difficult past few years. He has quietly been working very hard for some time now and we are proud of him for taking these necessary steps." We're told Smollett is in an outpatient program.

Smollett's rehab stint comes amid his ongoing appeal in his Chicago criminal case. As we've reported, Jussie was found guilty of lying to cops about an alleged attack back in 2019 where he claimed two masked Trump supporters attacked him and put a noose around his neck.

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Fox 32 Chicago

Jussie was sentenced to 150 days in jail for the incident, but was released from jail for his appeal a short time after the sentence. He's been spotted working on film sets here in California as the legal process plays out -- including a project with Vivica A. Fox -- where he seemed to be directing.

JS has also been hanging out with his former "Empire" costar, Taraji P. Henson, spotted on a hike in L.A. -- so, he hasn't necessarily been trying to lay low ... even hitting the BET Awards last year, catching a bit of flack from folks who were shocked to see him attend.

Though we don't know exactly what he's getting treated for ... drug use was mentioned quite a bit during his trial. The Osundairo brothers -- who claimed Jussie hired to be his attackers -- took to the stand to claim they were also his dealers ... and they supplied him with illegal substances on a number of occasions.


Bam Margera Leaves Detox Center Early ... Next Stop, Sin City

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Bam Margera left detox early and is telling friends he's going to spend the weekend in Las Vegas ... sources familiar with the situation tell TMZ.

The former "Jackass" star had been detoxing in San Diego at a place Lamar Odom helped him get in, but we're told Bam didn't want to complete the program ... and on Monday he bounced.

Our sources say Lamar was desperately trying to get Bam to return to the detox center and finish up at Odom Wellness Treatment Centers, but Bam instead agreed to stay at Lamar's home in Calabasas this week, with Lamar continuing to encourage Bam to finish treatment.

Despite Lamar's best efforts, we're told Bam bolted Thursday ... and he's since been telling friends he's planning a weekend trip to Sin City.

Bam dined at Nobu in Malibu with a friend Thursday ... shortly after leaving Lamar's place ... but it's unclear who is joining him on his Vegas trip.

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It's a sharp turn for Bam, who started the detox June 7 after cops put him on a 5150 psychiatric hold following a video rant where Bam threatened to smoke crack until he died or saw his son, Phoenix.

Bam's said his son is his motivation for getting sober, and his estranged wife's recently allowed the two to interact on FaceTime calls ... but now it appears Vegas is calling.

Bam Margera Son His Motivation for Sobriety ... Finally Talking to Phoenix

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Bam Margera's son Phoenix is inspiring him to detox and sober up following a psych hold ... and his estranged wife is allowing him to talk to their kid again.

Nikki Margera's attorney, David Glass, tells TMZ ... she's given the green light for Bam and Phoenix to start communicating, and they're talking over FaceTime while Bam's in rehab.

We're told Bam's FaceTime sessions with Phoenix are being modulated by one of Bam's therapists ... and, so far, things are going well.

Sources familiar with the situation tell TMZ ... Bam is still in treatment at one of Lamar Odom's rehab facilities, and Nikki is not talking to him on the FaceTime calls.

There's been a lot of bad blood between Bam and Nikki ever since she filed for legal separation, including a series of angry texts Bam recently sent her, so it's not a surprise she's staying off the calls.

Our sources say Bam usually dominates the FaceTime convos with 5-year-old Phoenix, with Dad typically going on for about 5 minutes.

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As we first reported, Bam's been detoxing since June 7 ... this after LAPD put him on a 5150 psychiatric hold following a video rant where he threatened to end his life if he couldn't see his son.

Bam Margera Angry Texts to His Ex ... Calls Nikki 'Gold Digger' After 5150

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Bam Margera getting treatment at Lamar Odom's wellness center can't come fast enough for his estranged wife, who says she got some very aggressive texts after he was released from a psych hold.

Nikki Margera's attorney, David Glass, tells TMZ ... "Bam has started texting since his release from the 5150 hold, but the content quickly turned abusive, calling Nikki awful names, saying she is the cause of all his problems, even saying she’s a 'gold digger.'"

David says Nikki's still hopeful Bam's upcoming treatment will help him learn to take responsibility for himself -- adding she also hopes he'll learn how to communicate without being abusive.

Bam's attorney, Peter Thompson, says Bam was pissed after finding out Nikki's filed docs asking for $15,377 in child support, spousal support and $50K in attorney's fees.

Thompson tells us, "Bam continues to support her and Phoenix even though she won’t even allow a phone call or FaceTime with Phoenix. He just wants to see his son and continues to come up against a brick wall on that. Contact would go a long way in getting this resolved."

TMZ broke the story, Bam's been detoxing as of Wednesday's release and went with Lamar to one of his treatment centers. The former NBA star even checked in on Bam earlier in the week while he was under the psych hold.

The "Jackass" star posted a pic Thursday of himself with Lamar, saying he's starting his rehab journey.

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Of course, the 5150 came after Bam posted an unhinged rant on social media last week ... threatening to smoke crack until he dies if Nikki didn't agree to let him see his son.

Bam Margera Lamar Odom Joins Him Bedside in Hospital ... As He Starts Rehab

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Lamar Odom is helping Bam Margera through every step of his detox and rehab process, even sitting bedside with the former "Jackass" star as he works to get better.

Check out the photos, you see Bam in a hospital bed and hooked up to several monitors as he poses with the former NBA star. Our sources say Lamar was there as Bam was discharged from a psych hold Wednesday and immediately got him into detox at one of his own facilities.

It's obviously a good sign for Bam, who has been struggling for years with his sobriety, and wants to get better for his young son, Phoenix.

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After detox, our sources say the plan is for Lamar to get Bam into a rehab facility for continued care ... lucky for Bam, Lamar owns multiple rehab locations, so you gotta imagine he'll get some of the best care.

While the duo may seem unlikely, Lamar's had his eye on Bam's story for quite a while ... telling us several weeks ago he wanted to help Bam's situation. Their paths were finally able to cross when Bam was picked up by LAPD over the weekend and placed on a psych hold.

As we reported, Lamar went to visit Bam in the hospital during his mandatory hold ... and from there the two worked out the plan we now see in action.

Bam Margera Failed Intervention After Intoxication Arrest

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Bam Margera's friends are trying to get him help as his alarming behavior continues, but an attempted intervention on his behalf didn't take ... TMZ has learned.

Sources close to Bam tell us ... a couple of Bam's longtime friends organized the intervention earlier this month, while he was in San Diego, on the heels of his L.A.-area arrest for public intoxication.

Our sources say Bam's buddies told him they loved him and were worried about him and wanted to help get him back into rehab.

We're told Bam seemed receptive at first, but ultimately a couple of factors blew the whole thing up.

For starters, our sources say Bam's current girlfriend was not receptive to the idea, and didn't want him to leave for treatment, because she would have nowhere to live if he went to rehab.

What's more, we're told Bam's estranged wife Nikki was called during the intervention and made it clear she was willing to let him back into her and their son Phoenix's life, contingent on Bam getting sober. Our sources say this upset the girlfriend, and she kicked everyone out.

The failed intervention went down shortly after we obtained video of Bam screaming at Nikki as she ate with Phoenix in a Burbank restaurant ... an outburst that came minutes before Bam was busted for public intoxication.

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The former 'Jackass' star -- who has been in and out of rehab for years due to addiction and substance abuse issues -- is in more legal trouble, this time on the other side of the country.

TMZ broke the story ... the Pennsylvania State Police say Bam got into an altercation with his family and then made a getaway into the woods ... and there's a warrant out for his arrest.

Jeff Hardy Back In AEW!!! ... Makes 1st Appearance Since Suspension

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Jeff Hardy is back ... The Charismatic Enigma made his first AEW appearance Wednesday night since the company suspended him for his DUI arrest in Florida last June.

Hardy surprised wrestling fans at the Milwaukee Panther Arena in Wisconsin ... coming to the rescue of his brother, Matt Hardy, who had been getting beaten up in the ring.

Big Bill and Lee Moriarty blindsided Matt, Hook, and Isiah Kassidy ... but Jeff's music hit out of nowhere, and he ran out from backstage with a steel chair in hand, sending the crowd into a frenzy.

Jeff whooped everyone in the ring ... and then threw the chair at Lee's face. He later hit the wrestler with his signature twist of fate maneuver and a legendary Swanton Bomb.

"I am unbelievably proud of my brother @JEFFHARDYBRAND," Matt tweeted about Jeff's emotional comeback afterward.

Of course, Matt said earlier this week that Jeff's return was imminent following the legend's recent eye surgery -- though he expected it to be about 6-8 weeks from now ... not days!!

Matt reassured fans that Jeff's been caring for himself during his time away from the squared circle ... and his appearance in the ring on Wednesday night proved he has been doing just that.

Jeff's suspension ultimately lasted almost 10 months in total.

Jeff Hardy Resurfaces, Poses W/ Fan In NC ... After Resolving DUI Case

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Jeff Hardy has maintained a low profile since resolving his DUI case in late February -- but now the suspended AEW star has finally resurfaced after his most recent legal troubles, chatting up a wrestling fan, and even posing for a pic.

A fan posted a photo of him and Hardy in Oak Island, NC, ... with the caption, "Met @JEFFHARDYBRAND while vacationing today. Could not have been more generous and likable. He just had eye surgery, get well soon!"

We talked to the fan who told us Hardy told him he recently had eye surgery ... and you can see what looks like a scar under his right eye.

The fan told us he didn't want to ask too many questions, as Hardy was with his family.

You'll recall ... Hardy submitted a written no-contest plea for the DUI he got last summer -- meaning he accepted a conviction and punishment for the crime but didn't admit guilt.

Hardy -- one-half of the famed Hardy Boyz tag team -- was sentenced to two years probation, court-mandated DUI school or drug rehab program and community service.

Jeff -- who reportedly had his license suspended for ten years by the judge -- will have to wear an interlock device for two years and pay $4,586 in fines and court fees.

Jeff's brother, Matt Hardy, provided an update on Jeff last month ... saying Jeff did an extensive rehabilitation stint and he wants to use his story to help others.

Cara Delevingne Opens Up About Substance Abuse ... Disturbing Pics Pushed Her to Get Help


Cara Delevingne is finally speaking out about her struggles with substance abuse ... something she claims she's battling with the help of a support group.

The actress is on the April cover of Vogue and in an interview with the magazine says her world practically came crumbling down in the midst of the pandemic and her 30th.

She says she'd even lock herself in her house before realizing she desperately needed some help.

Cara explains the true wake-up call was pictures taken last year, showing her looking really bent out of shape. She says, "Sometimes you need a reality check, so in a way, those pictures were something to be grateful for."

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Cara says she reached out to some of her closest friends in September after that -- with them coming over, crying, and telling her "You deserve a chance to have joy."

As we reported, Margot Robbie was spotted visibly distraught while leaving Cara's home the same month, although it's unclear if this was the same meeting.

Soon after her group discussion, Cara says she entered rehab and the 12-step program ... adding "This process obviously has its ups and downs, but I've started realizing so much."

Kodak Black On Sober Path for Rolling Loud ... Teamwork Kept Him Clean

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Kodak Black lit up the stage at Rolling Loud California ... but we've learned it took a lot of work behind the scenes to make sure he stayed sober leading up to his performance.

Kodak's performance at the 3-day music festival was his last hoorah before he enters in-patient rehab next week. His lawyer, Bradford Cohen, tells TMZ Hip Hop ... the artist was in L.A. with a full team of folks making sure they steered him clear of any bad influences.

We're told that team included a physician to look after his eating habits, and another person was designated to be by his side at all times and ensure he stayed on the straight and narrow.

Cohen says the "Super Gremlin" rapper doesn't usually do the after-party scene, so that was one less thing to worry about while he was in La-La Land.

ICYMI, a Florida judge ordered KB to 30 days of inpatient rehab after authorities claimed he violated his bail conditions by testing positive for fentanyl.

You'll recall, Kodak was busted in Ft. Lauderdale back in July for possession of a controlled substance without a prescription and drug trafficking ... after cops say they found upwards of 31 oxycodone pills in his car.

With a successful Rolling Loud appearance behind him, we're told he's now focused on getting treatment in rehab.

Bam Margera Parties His Face Off ... After Bailing On Rehab

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Bam Margera seemingly fell off the wagon after bouncing from a treatment center ... video shows him partying with a group of men while police and his family were desperately looking for him.

After Bam vanished from a Florida rehab facility on June 25th, we're told he met up with some folks at a sports bar Saturday in Pompano Beach and had a couple alcoholic drinks.

One of the people who say they were hanging with Bam tells us the "Jackass" star then asked to be taken to a hospital for an injured wrist, and the person says he drove Bam to the hospital and took a pic of him on a hospital bed on Bam's orders.

We're told Bam later left the hospital and went to a strip club in Pompano Beach ... though Bam told people around him to keep the dancers away from him because he loves his wife and kid.

After the strip club, we're told Bam went to a friend's house, and you can see in our video, he appears to lose consciousness before coming back around. A couple hours later, Bam was picked up by another friend.

TMZ broke the story ... Bam was found on June 27th at a hotel in Deerfield Beach, where police and his family staged an intervention before he agreed to check in to a new treatment center.