Demi Lovato Home Burglary Scheme Uncovered by Cops

Rehab was clearly the right place for Demi Lovato, but it also meant her empty house could be a jackpot for criminals ... which we've learned was exactly the plan for some would-be burglars.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... a group of thieves were arrested shortly after we broke the news Demi was out of the hospital and in an out-of-state rehab facility.

We're told the arrests were not related to Lovato, but upon investigation ... cops found electronic communications among the crew about hitting up her house while she was away.

Our sources say the LAPD was notified right away of the perps' plan and added extra patrols around Demi's house ... to keep an eye on any suspicious activity. So far, it's worked ... no break-ins or burglaries at Demi's place since she's been gone.

Our sources say the burglars were not targeting celebrities per se ... the victims included normies, but Demi was clearly on their radar.

We broke the story ... Demi suffered a near-death drug overdose last month and had to be revived with Narcan. Sources tell us her OD was likely triggered by Oxycodone laced with Fentanyl.

The singer went to rehab after being hospitalized for more than a week. She left rehab for a few days to see a mental health and addiction specialist in Chicago, but she's now back in the facility.

Hopefully her home will be untouched when she returns.

Ben Affleck, Jennifer Garner Divorce Settlement Complete ... Divorce Final after Ben's Rehab

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner have settled their divorce case and the final settlement will be filed with the court after Ben gets out of rehab ... TMZ has learned.

Sources connected with the couple tell TMZ, Ben and Jen have reached a property settlement, which was complicated and time-consuming because of the fortune that needed to be divided. We've learned the couple did NOT have a prenup, so all of their earnings during their 12-year marriage went into one pot.

As for custody ... we've learned they agreed to joint custody of their 3 children. What's a little unusual ... the settlement does not say how much custodial time Ben and Jen each get. We're told they have gotten along great co-parenting the kids, and feel it's better to shift custody back and forth depending on work schedules rather than abide by a rigid formula.

The wild card in all of this ... Ben's drinking. Our sources say Ben has fallen off the wagon for the last 18 months ... sometimes regaining sobriety only to slip again. It's obviously an issue because when Ben isn't sober it could put the children at risk when he's with them. It's something Ben and Jen have been dealing with for months.

The settlement is complete, but it hasn't been signed because of sobriety issues. However, we're told when Ben is out of rehab and back on his feet it will be signed, sealed and delivered to the judge, and then the divorce will become final.

As for reconciliation ... we're told absolutely not, and it's been that way for a long, long time.

Steve-O Bam Off The Wagon ... Sad For My Friend


Steve-O is an expert on rehab and substance abuse ... and he's torn up over the recent troubles of his old friend and "Jackass" co-star Bam Margera.

We got Steve-O out in L.A.'s Franklin Village ... and he told us how he's broken up by news of Bam's relapse.

As we reported ... Bam was robbed at gunpoint during a super sketchy cab ride in Cartagena, Colombia ... and handled it by downing his first drink in more than 7 months.


Steve-O drops some insight into the struggles Bam and other alcoholics face on a daily basis -- with a spot-on metaphor for the whole situation. He also has an opinion on Bam's claim he had been sober since he went to rehab back in January following his DUI arrest.

If there's one person who can get through to Bam ... it's got to be Steve-O.

Ben Affleck Love for His Kids May Save Him ... From Alcohol Tragedy

Ben Affleck has had a rough time, and not just for a few weeks or months ... and the only thing that has spared him from a complete crash and burn is his children.

Sources directly connected to Ben tell us he has been fighting a losing battle with booze for 18 months. He's had periods of sobriety and then lapsed back deep into the bottle. TMZ broke the story ... it came to a head Wednesday when Jennifer Garner staged an intervention and drove him to a rehab facility.

We're told when Ben has been at his lowest over the last 18 months -- and there have been multiple times during that period when he hit bottom -- it seemed hopeless, and the only way he was able to pull himself out of the spiral was the love for his children and the realization of the consequences if something truly tragic happened to him.

Ben has had sporadic contact with the kids. Jen has been careful to protect the 3 children when Ben was in free fall, so there were periods when he regularly saw children and periods when he didn't.

The sad story ... his alcohol issues have consumed his life for the last year and a half, but hopefully this stint in rehab will get him back on track.

Ben Affleck Sought Addiction Help ... Before Jen's Intervention

Ben Affleck wanted to get back on the sober train -- badly -- days before his estranged wife staged an intervention and drove him to a rehab facility ... TMZ has learned.

Turns out, Ben had been attending wellness classes at a Los Angeles wellness center as recently as a week before checking into a live-in facility.

The center specializes in "Buddhist ethics" ... meaning meditation with a focus on a healthy body, mind and spirit. Our sources say Ben went on his own accord several times last week ... well aware he had fallen off the wagon and into a downward spiral.

We broke the story ... Ben's estranged wife, Jennifer Garner, staged an intervention Wednesday at his Pacific Palisades home and drove him to an L.A. County rehab facility where he will live for at least 30 days. We're told Ben didn't need much convincing because he knew he was in desperate straits.

We're told the trigger for Jen was on Monday, when she saw this pic (below) of Ben accepting delivery of a box full of beer and hard liquor.

The actor has been open about his struggles with sobriety over the years. After Ben completed his second stint at a rehab facility last year, he said, "I want to live life to the fullest and be the best father I can be. I want my kids to know there is no shame in getting help when you need it, and to be a source of strength for anyone out there who needs help but is afraid to take the first step."

He continued, "I'm lucky to have the love of my family and friends, including my co-parent, Jen, who has supported me and cared for our kids as I've done the work I set out to do."

Here's the reality ... most addicts relapse. It doesn't mean they can't eventually stay sober, but it's a long, difficult road and falling off the wagon is not necessarily game over. The most important thing ... it's clear Ben realized he had a problem and sought help, even before Jen staged the intervention.

Prior to the intervention, Ben had been seen hanging out with Playboy model Shauna Sexton.

Ben Affleck Seeks Help and Back in Rehab After Intervention by Jen Garner

8/23 -- The photo above is Affleck at Jack in the Box, where he stopped before arriving at the rehab center.

8/22 7:20 PM PT -- We've learned Ben has arrived at a live-in rehab facility and will check in for an extended period of time.

Jennifer Garner has staged an intervention to help Ben Affleck, and TMZ has learned Ben wanted the help and agreed to go to rehab.

Jennifer went to Ben's Pacific Palisades home Wednesday afternoon to sit down with her estranged husband, begging him to get help. We've learned Ben didn't need begging ... he knows he needs help and was receptive.

Jen and Ben drove off at around 6 PM PT from the house ... and sources say the destination is a rehab facility. Our sources say Ben will enter a facility in L.A. County. We just found out they stopped at a Jack in the Box en route to the rehab place.

We're told Ben fell off the wagon a while ago, and has gotten progressively worse.

Our sources say the tipping point came 2 days ago when Jen saw a pic of Ben grabbing a box from a delivery man ... a box filled with beer and liquor.

Ben has been to rehab before ... back in 2001 for alcohol abuse. He also went back to rehab last December.

Jen filed for divorce in April, 2017 ... 2 years after they announced their split. The former couple remained close -- partly for their 3 kids -- and they are still not officially divorced.

Ben showed signs of excessive drinking when he took his date Playboy Playmate Shauna Sexton to Nobu in Malibu last week. His face was blotchy and he looked disheveled.

Originally Published 8/22/2018 6:25 PM PDT

'Mighty Ducks' Goalie Checks Into Rehab Thanks for the Prayers & Food!!

Give Shaun Weiss this -- he's got a helluva sense of humor. Check out how the guy who played Goldberg in "The Mighty Ducks" announced checking into rehab.

Shaun posted an emotional but also hilarious message Tuesday on Facebook announcing he's checked into a long-term rehab center. TMZ broke the story ... Shaun was busted earlier this month for public intoxication. Shaun spent a few hours in the drunk tank and, though he wasn't cited, his arrest did produce this incredibly sad mug shot that had his fans feeling bummed for him.

Shaun wrote, "At this time, in an effort to break free from the self destructive patterns of behavior and drug abuse that have landed me at rock bottom, (to be real... BELOW rock bottom. Even rock bottom is like 'holy sh!t, how'd you get all the way down there?') I have checked in to a well reguarded, long term rehabilitation center. I have surrendered to the reality that without immediate treatment my life is in eminant danger. My spirit was until recently depleted, weak and shrouded by darkness has been renewedby the overwhelming out-pouring of love and support from fans of my early work as an actor."

Demi Lovato Alleged Dealer Busted with Guns and Drugs ... Months Before OD

The man who showed up at Demi Lovato's home and allegedly smoked drugs with her hours before her OD is no stranger to the law -- cops nabbed him in a huge bust one month before he connected with the singer.

Brandon Johnson was arrested back in March with a stash of guns, drugs and cash ... according to law enforcement. When cops picked him up in North Hollywood he allegedly had narcotics, a fully loaded semi-automatic handgun and $10k in his pocket.

Officers then searched Johnson's home and say they discovered more guns, drugs and ammo. He was also arrested in June and charged with DUI and possession of cocaine.

TMZ broke the story ... Demi had been in contact with Johnson since April, and sources say he had supplied her with drugs.

We're also told Johnson is the man Demi texted to come over at 4 AM the morning she overdosed after freebasing Oxycodone potentially laced with fentanyl.

A source connected to Brandon tells us he's been telling friends he and Demi have had a "romantic relationship" but other sources say there was no romantic relationship. We're also told he denies "dealing" her drugs.

We're told the D.A. has not charged him yet for the March arrest.

Demi Lovato OD Likely Triggered By Oxy Laced With Fentanyl

Demi Lovato's near-death OD began at 4 AM July 24, when she texted a drug dealer to come to her house ... sources tell TMZ.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us, Demi had been at a party in WeHo following a birthday celebration at Saddle Ranch on the Sunset Strip. After the drug dealer got the text, he came to her house and we're told the 2 of them freebased Oxycodone on tin foil.

Our sources say unbeknownst to Demi, the drug dealer had a bad habit of buying dirty drugs from Mexico ... and the batch in question appeared to be laced with fentanyl -- that's the same drug that killed Prince and Lil Peep.

We're told the dealer fled her home when he noticed she was in bed, breathing very heavily.

Our sources say Demi had been using the dealer since April.

TMZ broke the story ... someone on Demi's staff found her around 11:30 AM on the 24th. She had to be revived with Narcan.

Demi was hospitalized for 2 weeks and then went to an out-of-state rehab facility. Last Friday, she and her mom flew to Chicago for a few days where she received treatment from a renowned addiction specialist.

Demi Lovato Temporarily Leaves Rehab ... For Mental Health, Sobriety Treatment in Chicago

Demi Lovato left her rehab facility Thursday and flew to Chicago, but we've learned the trip was organized by doctors and designed to make her sober and healthy.

Sources with firsthand knowledge tell us, Demi and her mom landed in Chicago on a private jet at 2 AM Friday. We're told she's there to see a psychiatrist who specializes in mental health, sobriety and overall wellness.

Our sources say Demi will be in Chicago for several days for treatment, and then she'll fly back to reenter the rehab facility where she's been since last Saturday.

Our sources say the rehab facility recommended that Demi see the specialist in Chicago, and she jumped at it.

TMZ broke the story ... Demi almost died after OD'ing last month.

We're told she's fully committed to getting better.

Demi Lovato Cancels Rest of Tour ... In Wake of Rehab

It's becoming more clear now that Demi Lovato will be in treatment for a lengthy period of time ... canceling the remaining shows on her tour.

Demi's Tell Me You Love Me tour dates in Mexico and South America have been scrapped. The news comes on the heels of Demi leaving Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in L.A. just days ago and jetting outside of California to a rehab facility.

The singer was scheduled to perform September 20 and 22 in Mexico but those dates have been canceled. Also canceled is her 6-city tour in Chile, Argentina and Brazil slated for November.

Live Nation and Lotus Productions "wish Demi Lovato the best now and in the future and we hope to see her soon in South America." Refunds will be made available beginning Friday.

TMZ broke the story ... Demi's entered rehab at one of the nation's leading facilities for addiction.

'Mighty Ducks' Goalie Stuck in Downward Spiral ... Friend Pleads For Rehab

Shaun Weiss -- who played Goldberg in "The Mighty Ducks" -- has been in a downward spiral for years, according to a longtime friend who is worried about the former child star's fate.

The friend, Marni Gairhan, has known Shaun for more than 13 years, and she tells us Weiss has battled substance abuse issues and picked the wrong crowd to hang with for way too long.

Following Shaun's public intoxication bust over the weekend, friends of the actor feel it's time to push him towards rehab. They fear for Shaun's life and believe he's hit rock bottom -- as his mug shot clearly shows.

Shaun's downward spiral dates back to the death of his father 3 years ago, Marni says. Since then, Weiss has been arrested for possession of meth and sentenced to 150 days in jail for stealing -- on top of last weekend's trip to the drunk tank.

Shaun found steady work after the 3 'Ducks' movies, but it's been a couple of years since his last acting gig. He would tell friends he was working on different projects, but no one ever saw the finished products.

After finding Shaun sleeping on her porch one night last year, Marni decided it was time to contact his niece. Weiss didn't like that, Marni says, and he began to distance himself from his friends.

Still, Marni wants Shaun to get help and she's started a GoFundMe to pay for his rehab.

We reached out to Shaun's niece, but so far no word back.

Demi Lovato Out of Hospital ... In Rehab Facility

Demi Lovato is getting treatment at a rehab facility where she will remain for an extended period of time ... TMZ has learned.

Sources close to Lovato tell us she was discharged from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in L.A. Saturday and took a private plane to the facility, which is outside California.

The rehab center is one of the nation's leading facilities for addiction.

TMZ broke the story ... Lovato's team has a plan set in place to scrub the negative people and "yes men" who contributed to Demi's downhill spiral. We're told they enabled her and fueled her addiction for months before the OD that almost killed her.

Demi addressed the OD for the first time Sunday, saying, "I have always been transparent about my journey with addiction. What I've learned is that this illness is not something that disappears or fades with time. It is something I must continue to overcome and have not done yet."

We're told there's no current time frame for her rehab stint, but that it will be for an "extended" period -- at least 30 days.

Demi Lovato Friend Sweep Time ... Plans in Place to Cut Off Toxic Ties Post-Rehab

Demi Lovato's team is hell-bent on getting her back to good health and keeping her there ... which is why they plan to help her weed out all of her bad influences.

Sources close to Demi tell us ... there will be a major focus on separating her from toxic people in her life once she gets out of rehab -- including even a distant relative who is believed to have a negative impact on her.

We're told Demi's camp held a meeting this week to discuss sweeping out anyone who doesn't have her best interests in mind ... and decided any partymongers, drug users, or "yes" friends who allow her to get in harm's way won't be tolerated. BTW, we're told one friend in particular is on the hit list.

Our sources say Demi will also be advised to get a new phone number and only give it out to trusted advisers and friends ... and keep negative people at bay.

We broke the story ... Demi's agreed to go to rehab as soon as she's out of the hospital and already has plans with the live-in facility set up.

Demi Lovato I Haven't Overcome My Addiction ... Rehab Almost Certain

Demi Lovato has broken her silence on her near-fatal overdose almost two weeks ago, saying she hasn't beaten her addiction ... and wants to focus on sobriety and almost certainly rehab.

The "Sorry Not Sorry" singer posted an open letter on social media Sunday saying ... "I have always been transparent about my journey with addiction. What I've learned is that this illness is not something that disappears or fades with time. It is something I must continue to overcome and have not done yet."

She goes on to thank God for keeping her alive through the ordeal, her fans for their love and support, and the staff at Cedars-Sinai for working diligently to nurse her back to relative health.

She finishes by saying ... "I now need time to heal and focus on my sobriety and road to recovery. The love you have all shown me will never be forgotten and I look forward to the day where I can say I came out on the other side. I will keep fighting."

As we reported, Demi agreed to enter a rehab facility immediately after her release from the hospital. And her message is clear ... she's going to follow through.

We broke the story ... Demi was rushed to the hospital late last month after suffering an overdose at her Hollywood Hills home. She was revived with Narcan, but did not disclose which drug she'd been using.

Demi Lovato Assistant Screamed, 'She's Dead!!!' ... Bodyguard May Have Saved Her Life

Demi Lovato was in such dire condition when she OD'd her assistant thought she was dead, and one of her bodyguards may have saved her life ... TMZ has learned.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ, the bodyguard somehow knew there was an emergency at Demi's home a week ago Tuesday morning, and when he entered the home Demi's assistant was screaming, "She's dead, she's dead!"

We're told the bodyguard rushed to Demi's side and it appeared she was not breathing. Our sources say there was blood on her pillow ... an ominous sign, because it's evidence of hemorrhaging. It appears there was also vomit and her airways may have been clogged.

Our sources say the bodyguard administered some sort of first aid to keep Demi alive before paramedics arrived. Based on what we're told it appears the bodyguard propped Demi up and tried clearing her airway which allowed her to breathe.

As we reported ... when paramedics arrived they administered Narcan, which reverses the effects of an opioid OD.

Our sources say the bodyguard, the assistant and others on Demi's team were aware she had fallen off the wagon months before. As early as Coachella in April, we're told Demi was "way out of it" at French Montana's house party.

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