David Cassidy C'mon Get Happy ... I'm Rehabilitated!

David Cassidy is back in the saddle after successfully completing the final part of his court-ordered DUI rehab.

Cassidy has conquered his alcohol demons -- at least short term -- after his third DUI arrest since 2010. A L.A. judge signed off on his proof of completing the 9-month alcohol ed program.

He also completed his 90-day stint at a rehab joint.

The judge had kind words for Cassidy, but he wasn't there to hear them ... David's on tour. So his attorney Steve Graff Levine conveyed the judge's praise to his client.

He's not in the clear yet ... he's still got 50 months left before his probation ends.

Shirley Partridge would be proud.

Jon Jones' Mom He Left Rehab After 1 Night

UFC champ Jon Jones left rehab after one night ... this according to the fighter's mother.

Camille Jones spoke with WBNG in Binghamton, NY -- and said Jon will attend the Colts vs. Patriots game this weekend to watch his two brothers (who are on separate teams) battle it out on the field.

Camille did not explain why Jones made the decision to leave the rehab center so soon -- especially after testing positive for cocaine after his UFC 182 fight against Daniel Cormier.

His mother told WBNG she's glad he got caught in the first place.

"This stopped him in his tracks, this let him know that he may need to change some friends ... because everyone is not for you for the best," Camille said.

"Me and my husband considered [the positive test] a blessing from God that our child was able to be helped and know that he need to stop and know that he needed the assistance to stop before it came to something worse."

According to Camille, the unannounced drug test came the day after Jon was hanging with friends and "did something he shouldn't have done."

Camille says she spoke with Jon right after the positive test -- "My first question was, do you have a problem, a serious problem? And then he told me what happened. Jon is usually very honest with me, so he told me what happened. I was like, good for you ... good. You needed to be caught, it was just timing."

UFC Champ Jon Jones Checks Into Rehab for Cocaine Addiction

UFC light heavyweight champ Jon "Bones" Jones has checked himself into a drug treatment facility after testing positive for cocaine.

Jones failed a drug test prior to his decisive victory over Daniel Cormier at UFC 182 on Saturday.

In a statement, Jones said, "I want to apologize to my fiancée, my children, as well as my mother, father, and brothers for the mistake that I made. I also want to apologize to the UFC, my coaches, my sponsors and equally important to my fans. I am taking this treatment program very seriously."

UFC honcho Dana White released a statement supporting Jones' decision, saying, "I am proud of Jon Jones for making the decision to enter a drug treatment facility. I'm confident he'll emerge from this program like the champion he truly is."

A rep for the UFC tells TMZ Sports the failed test WILL NOT affect Jones' title.

Michael Phelps Out of Rehab ... Back with Miss Cali

Michael Phelps is finally out of rehab -- but it seems like he's already picked up an old habit ... Miss California.

Nearly two months after entering a treatment center following his second DUI arrest, Phelps spent his Thanksgiving with family members ... and on-and-off girlfriend Nicole Johnson (Miss California 2010).

Phelps and Johnson have been together ... and then not together ... and then together again ... since 2007. According to Johnson, they're officially back-on ... and even had a movie "date night" last week.

Phelps was joined at Thanksgiving by his mother, sister and other family members -- and it's interesting to note there was wine at the dinner table ... since Phelps is clearly struggling with alcohol.

Shia LaBeouf Judge Gives Actor High 5 For Alcohol Rehab

Shia LaBeouf showed up in a NYC court Tuesday AM to show a judge he is successfully rehabbing himself after getting arrested for disorderly conduct.

Shia brought paper proof he's on track to complete his 6 months of outpatient alcohol rehab ... this after getting arrested for drunkenly disrupting a performance of "Cabaret" last June at Studio 54 in NYC. As he was escorted out of the show he screamed, "Do you know who the f*** I am?" Later at the precinct, he spit at a police officer.

The judge gave Shia a thumbs-up and then said he wanted to see him in March when he completed the rehab classes.

Shia has been spending lots of time working out for his new movie "Man Down."

Man up.

Demi Lovato Miley And I Have NOTHING in Common


Demi Lovato and Miley Cyrus -- both Disney disciples and current pop icons -- have cut ties ... so says Demi.

During a radio interview with AMP in Boston, Demi stumbled when asked about her relationship with Miley, but ultimately said the two of them have NOTHING in common.

It's a big statement. The 2 have been friends since they were young, but have been rumored to be on the outs for a while ... especially after Demi became sober. Now Demi has made it pretty clear.

Cue the wrecking ball.

Robin Williams Suicide Triggered by Depression, Parkinson's, Paranoia

Robin Williams was struggling with his Parkinson's, anxiety, depression and paranoia just before he committed suicide ... this according the Coroner's report.

The paranoia has not been previously reported. According to the report -- obtained by TMZ -- the night before Robin died, he placed several wristwatches in a sock and gave them to someone because he was worried about their safe keeping.

Williams had 4 drugs in his system -- 2 anti-depressants, 2 caffeine compounds, (listed as a drug). The Coroner's report confirms what we were told by various people ... Williams was sober at the time of death.

When authorities found Robin's body ... they saw a closed bottle of Seroquel, a drug that treats schizophrenia, bipolar disorders and depression. It was prescribed a week before he died.

The 63-year-old comedian committed suicide Aug. 11 by hanging himself with a belt in his Marin County home. He had also attempted to cut his wrists with a pocket knife. The report says authorities found a damp, white washcloth on the bathroom sink counter with a "reddish substance" -- possibly blood.

According to the Coroner's report ... authorities asked Williams' wife if Robin was into autoerotica. She said he was not, but he worked on a movie several years ago in which the character who played Williams' son died of autoerotica, and the scene was "very difficult and emotional for Mr. Williams."


The report says the last outgoing call from Robin's phone was at 7:08 PM the night before he died. He had called his wife, and it lasted 38 seconds. She told authorities he called because he was picking up magazines for her at a bookstore.

The night before he died, Robin's wife said he seemed ok ... he had been rummaging through their closet and grabbed his iPad, which she thought was a good sign because he hadn't even watched TV or read anything in approximately 6 months ... which presumably is a manifestation of depression.

As for what Robin was looking at on his iPad ... the web browser had several tabs open to websites discussing medications, including Lyrica -- a seizure Rx -- and propranolol -- which treats blood pressure and tremors.

She says the last time she saw him -- at around 10:30 PM Sunday, she described his demeanor as "excited."

As for why Robin and his wife were in separate bedrooms, she told authorities he had been having trouble sleeping and would move around a lot in bed and talk loudly in his sleep.

As we reported ... Williams was getting treatment for severe depression shortly before his death. After he died, Robin's widow Susan Schneider revealed he was in the early stages of Parkinson's.

According to the report ... Williams had experienced Parkinson's symptoms since 2011 -- he had a tremor in his left arm and movement in his left hand had slowed. He had recently started taking levodopa to treat it.

Williams' wife wanted to see the body before it was removed from the house. They pulled back the sheets and she prayed over the body ... and Sheriff's deputies joined her.

Vince Neil & Ex-NBA Star Go To Rehab ... And Raise $100K!!

Vince Neil and ex-NBA baller Chris Herren know far too much about drug and and alcohol addiction, but found a way to put their experiences to good use ... for a NJ rehab center.

Sources tell us the Mötley Crüe front man and Herren were instrumental in raising more than $100K for Turning Point ... a drug and alcohol rehab facility that hosted a big charity gala last month.

Herren -- who documented his battle with drugs in his book "Basketball Junkie" -- was guest of honor at the gala ... and talked about how he overcame addiction.

We're told Neil helped raise cash by donating a pair of floor seats and backstage passes for the Crüe's final concert in NYC ... which were auctioned off to the highest bidder.

Vince didn't perform at the gala, but he did introduce the band Going Dark and some up and coming local rockers.


'Buffy' Star's Arrest I'm Going to Rehab For Booze & Pills

"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" star Nicholas Brendon says he made a bad decision to mix pain meds with alcohol this weekend ... and now he's going to rehab to get help.

Brendon posted an apology on Facebook Monday afternoon ... saying he was on pain meds for 5 days to manage a cyst behind his knee -- but when he drank as well, things got bad.

We broke the story -- cops say Brendon was causing a disturbance in the lobby of a hotel Friday night in Idaho -- and was arrested when he didn't cooperate with officers.

Brendon says he plans to check into a rehab facility, and adds ... "I apologize. Those two small words don’t begin to express my regrets, but they do mark the beginning of my recovery."

Kesha I Spilled Sex Secrets About Dr. Luke To Rehab Doctors

Kesha spilled her guts to her shrinks in rehab about sexual and physical abuse at the hands of Dr. Luke ... so she claims.

Sources connected to Kesha's lawsuit against Luke tell TMZ ... when the singer went to rehab in January for an eating disorder, she "spontaneously" began telling doctors stories about Dr. Luke ... that he drugged her, sexually abused her and physically assaulted her. The sources say the doctors kept notes that will become evidence in her lawsuit.

The sources say Kesha's doctors advised her she needed to stay as far away from Dr. Luke as possible and one suggested she might die if she didn't heed their warning.

As for why Kesha never went to the cops, the sources claim Kesha had a Stockholm-type syndrome ... she had been with him for more than 8 years at the time, and she didn't have "free will."

As for Dr. Luke, his rep tells TMZ, "That's preposterous. Just because someone says something to a doctor doesn't mean they weren't fabricated or part of an overall pre-planned campaign."

The rep adds, "Her statements are false. It is important to note that these are just the latest in a series of bizarre public statements and actions by Kesha and her mother over the years, including Kesha's claim her vagina is 'haunted,' her drinking her own urine on her reality show, and her mother dressing up as a penis on the television show."

Amanda Bynes Involuntary Confinement For Up to 1 Year

Amanda Bynes is headed for another conservatorship, but we're told it almost certainly will not be at the hands of her parents. Rather, we've learned Amanda's doctors are planning to get the type of conservatorship that can keep her confined and medicated for up to 1 year.

Sources familiar with Amanda's treatment tell TMZ ... the plan is to get an LPS Hold -- something a judge will grant at the behest of doctors but only if the patient is "gravely disabled as a result of a mental disorder or impairment by chronic alcoholism."

The LPS Hold allows doctors to confine Amanda -- at either the hospital or another secure facility -- and administer meds against her will.

The LPS Hold is far more stringent than what her parents could get. The parents could not legally force meds on Amanda nor could they effectively restrain her. We're told Amanda literally hates her parents now after they tricked her into coming to the mental hospital.

You may recall ... doctors got an LPS Hold on Amanda a little more than a year ago after she went off the rails ... ending with lighting a driveway on fire and dousing her dog with gasoline. That LPS Hold expired last month.

Our sources say the doctors will likely ask a judge for a new LPS Hold within a week ... after Amanda is fully diagnosed.

Dr. Luke Sues Kesha Right Back She's a Liar Who Extorted Me

Kesha is a liar who is making up stories just so she can get out of her legally binding contract with Dr. Luke ... and she tried extorting him to boot ... this according to a new lawsuit.

Luke filed suit hours after Kesha filed her own lawsuit ... accusing him of sexual and physical assault over a period of years.

But in Luke's lawsuit ... he says the pack of lies is being engineered by Kesha's mother, Pebe, and Kesha's new management firm. Luke claims Kesha tried to extort him by threatening to spread lies about him to a blogger who started a "Free Kesha" website unless he released her from her recording contract.

And Luke says in his lawsuit he's had a copy of a draft of Kesha's new abuse lawsuit for months, and she was threatening to file it if he didn't release her. In other words, he's alleging more extortion.

Luke's lawyer, Christine Lepera, tells TMZ, Kesha's lawsuit about abuse is part of "a campaign of publishing outrageous and untrue statements," calling the allegations scurrilous.

Lepera says Kesha and her mom have already admitted the statements are false.

Kesha's attorney, Mark Geragos, tells TMZ, "This is just another pathetic and entirely predictable example of Dr. Luke’s continued abuse, and a misguided attempt to keep Kesha under his tyrannical control. This lawsuit has absolutely no basis in fact, the law or reality. Kesha is focused on reclaiming her voice and her freedom. She is determined to move on with her life and her career by putting this dark period behind her."

Kesha Sues Dr. Luke Sexual Assault and Battery

Kesha was sexually, physically, verbally and emotionally abused for 10 years by her producer, Dr. Luke, to the point where she nearly died.

According to a new lawsuit -- obtained by TMZ -- Kesha claims Dr. Luke was abusive towards her almost from the get-go -- when she signed on with him at 18 -- and made repeated sexual advances toward her. She claims he would force her to use drugs and alcohol to remove her defenses.

In one instance, Kesha claims he forced her to snort something before getting on a plane … and during the trip he forced himself on her while she was drugged.

On another occasion, Kesha claims after forcing her to drink with him, Dr. Luke gave her what he called "sober pills." Kesha claims she woke up the following afternoon, naked in Dr. Luke's bed, sore, sick … and with no memory of how she got there.

Kesha says the alleged abuse led to her eating disorder -- a story TMZ broke earlier this year. She claims Dr. Luke said, among other things, "You are not that pretty, you are not that talented, you are just lucky to have me." As we reported, she claims he called her "a fat f***ing refrigerator."

Kesha also says there was physical abuse ... once she says he attacked her at his Malibu house where he was "violently thrashing his arms at her." She says she escaped and ran barefoot down PCH and hid in the mountains.

Kesha is asking a judge to let her out of her contract with Luke.

Kesha's lawyer, Mark Geragos, tells TMZ ... "This lawsuit is a wholehearted effort by Kesha to regain control of her music career and her personal freedom after suffering for ten years as a victim of mental manipulation, emotional abuse and an instance of sexual assault at the hands of Dr. Luke."

Geragos adds, "The facts presented in our lawsuit paint a picture of a man who is controlling and willing to commit horrible acts of abuse in an attempt to intimidate an impressionable, talented, young female artist into submission for his personal gain. Kesha is focused on moving her life and her career beyond this terrible time."

We called Dr. Luke's rep. So far, no word back.

Michael Phelps I'm Going to Rehab

Michael Phelps says he's going to rehab ... this, after his 2nd DUI arrest in 10 years.

Phelps says the days following the Sept. 30th arrest have been "extremely difficult" ... and he acknowledges it's not the 1st time he screwed up.

"I am extremely disappointed with myself. I'm going to take some time away to attend a program that will provide the help I need to better understand myself."

Phelps added, "Swimming is a major part of my life, but right now I need to focus my attention on me as an individual, and do the necessary work to learn from this experience and make better decisions in the future."

TMZ Sports broke the story ... Phelps was busted in Baltimore after an 8 hour gambling binge at a local casino last week. Back in 2004, he was arrested for DUI in Maryland.

Phelps did not say whether he will be receiving treatment for gambling as well -- but it's no secret the guy has a penchant for playing cards.

Elizabeth Vargas Checks Back Into Rehab

"20/20" co-anchor Elizabeth Vargas has checked into rehab for alcohol abuse ... the second time she's done that in less than a year.

Vargas says, "As so many other recovering alcoholics know, overcoming the disease can be a long and incredibly difficult process. I feel I have let myself, my co-workers and most importantly my family down and for that I am ashamed and sorry."

Vargas spent a few weeks in rehab late last year for alcohol abuse.

ABC, like it said last time she went to rehab, says they are "squarely behind her" this time as well.

Zac Efron He Never Stopped Drinking

Zac Efron -- who was partying in a bar in Ibiza with Michelle Rodriguez -- is not only back on the bottle ... we're told he was never off it.

Zac has had big issues with substance abuse ... going to rehab twice last year for cocaine addiction. We're told he's also a big drinker.

People involved in Zac's life tell us ... his biggest problem is that he always believes he has the ability to stop. As one source says, "He'll stop cold for 3 or 4 days when he has to work and then he's back."

It's no secret Zac loves to party. We're told he's "climbing the walls" just before his various projects end ... waiting for the moment he doesn't have to show up for work in the morning so he can party hard.

Here's the good and the bad.

The good -- Zac's younger brother Dylan is a big influence on him. We're told Dylan has counseled him about the importance of sobriety and Zac doesn't blow him off.

The bad -- Zac is 26 but he's acting like an 18-year-old. The way it was put to us ... "When Zac was 18 and 19, when most kids go crazy, he was kept on a short leash [also known as Vanessa Hudgens]. When they broke up he went off the rails."

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