Philip Seymour Hoffman Apartment Littered with Rx Pills

Besides the heroin ... cops found a laundry list of prescription meds in Philip Seymour Hoffman's apartment ... including pills to treat addiction, ADHD, and anxiety.

According to law enforcement sources ... investigators found methocarbamol (muscle relaxer), hydroxyzine (anti-anxiety), Vyvanse (ADHD), and buprenorphine to treat addiction ... and clonidine hydrochloride (blood pressure).

It's unclear at this point if Hoffman had prescriptions for any of the drugs.

Of course the pills were just a small part of the stash cops found. As we've reported ... there were 50 bags of heroin as well as used and unused hypodermic needles.

Ke$ha Producer Dr. Luke Target Of Twitter Death Threats

Ke$ha's music producer Dr. Luke is in serious danger, according to the LAPD, after some of the singer's fans went nuclear -- blaming Luke for her eating disorder.

LAPD's Threat Management Unit filed legal docs -- obtained by TMZ -- asking for a search warrant to hunt down the identity of people who are threatening Luke's life on Twitter.

The vengeful tweets started after TMZ ran a story that Ke$ha entered rehab for an eating disorder because Luke taunted her about her weight. Ke$ha's friend told us ... Luke told her she "looks like a f**king refrigerator."

In the search warrant docs, cops point out some of the tweets, including:

-- "You need to be worried because IMA slit your throat before January is over."
-- "You ugly fat ass bum bitch. Im gonna carve u like a pumpkin with a long sharp knife."
-- "Im gonna gut you like a fish then skin you and glue ur wrinkly raisin skin to a fridge!"
-- "I'm gonna slit your F**KIN throat open then gouge your eyeballs out."

Cops are taking the threats seriously, particularly because one tweet gave the home address and phone number of Luke and then invited followers to kill him.

Chris Brown, CeeLo Make Full Court Press


Chris Brown and CeeLo had a gig at the same place at the same time Monday ... the criminal court building in downtown L.A.

Chris was there for a hearing in the Rihanna beating case ... the judge had some questions about the D.C. assault case as well as his anger management rehab.

As for CeeLo ... he's there for a routine hearing in his felony drug case.

Chris got top billing. His hearing was on the 13th floor and CeeLo's was on the 5th.


Chris Brown D.A. Wants Him Jailed ... Now


Chris Brown would have gone to jail today if L.A. prosecutors had their way ... because they asked a judge to send him directly to the pokey.

Chris appeared for a hearing on the D.C. assault case, where he stands accused of beating up a guy last October. The hearing was held by the judge in the Rihanna beating case, who will decide if Chris violated his probation by allegedly committing the assault.

Prosecutors asked the judge to throw Chris in jail immediately and set a probation violation hearing. Prosecutors claim "Brown's violent behavior continues to increase in severity and frequency" and he poses "an increasing danger to society."

The D.A. claims they have now reviewed the D.C. case -- interviewing witnesses and examining evidence -- and they say there is probably cause to believe Chris is guilty as charged.

The judge, however, ruled Chris was better off completing his 90-day rehab for anger management than being thrown in jail, so he shut down prosecutors.


Philip Seymour Hoffman Nods Off On Plane After Drinking Binge

Philip Seymour Hoffman was out like a light minutes after boarding a plane in Georgia last week ... after he was seen hitting the bottle at an Atlanta bar ... TMZ has learned.

According to a passenger ... Hoffman was out almost as quickly as he took his seat for the NY-bound jet Thursday ... his head falling forward into his chest.

We're told sometime after the plane took off ... PSH came to ... groggy and disheveled. After the flight touched down, we're told he was quickly put on a waiting airport cart and whisked away.

As we first reported ... Hoffman had been drinking in a downtown Atlanta bar earlier that day -- just 3 days before his death -- witnesses said he appeared drunk and made repeated trips to the bathroom.

Trace Adkins Father Dies After Adkins Rushed To His Bedside

Trace Adkins' father has died ... just days after Adkins hastily ditched rehab in Florida to be by his father's bedside ... TMZ has learned.

TMZ broke the story ... Trace cut short his treatment for alcoholism last Wednesday ... saying he wanted to be with his dad who was seriously ill.

We've now learned Aaron Adkins has passed away in Louisiana ... and Trace was able to get there in time for his dad's final hours.

We're told Trace wanted to take care of his dad ...before deciding whether he'll return to an inpatient rehab center.

Adkins checked himself into a treatment facility last month ... after getting into an explosive fight with a Trace impersonator on board a cruise ship.

Philip Seymour Hoffman Off The Wagon & Drinking Before OD

Philip Seymour Hoffman was in an Atlanta bar 3 days before he died ... drinking and smoking ... and running in and out of the restroom.

The photo was taken around dinner time at a restaurant next door to the Hyatt in downtown Atlanta on January 30th.

A witness tells us ... Hoffman was with a woman at the bar ... and made "multiple trips" to the bathroom and the witness says it looked "sketchy." The witness says it registered with him at the time ... that the trips to the restroom were curious.

Another witness says Hoffman appeared "drunk."

And, yet another witness saw him at the airport later and he appeared "drunk and disheveled."

The drinking itself is important ... because Hoffman was in rehab in May.

Philip Seymour Hoffman 'Deadly Heroin' In Play In Death Investigation

Philip Seymour Hoffman's death appears to be heroin-related ... and law enforcement is looking at a deadly strain of the drug as one of the operating theories ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell us ... they do NOT know specifics about the heroin found in the NYC apartment where Seymour died. There were 10 bags found -- 8 of them empty.

Authorities have been tracking a strain of heroin that has killed dozens of people on the East Coast -- just last month. The heroin is laced with fentanyl, an extremely potent drug prescribed for terminal cancer patients. The strain is 100 times more powerful than morphine ... it sometimes shuts down the respiratory system.

The drug -- sometimes called "Theraflu," "Bud Ice" and "24K" -- has been linked to 5 deaths on Long Island, 22 deaths in Pennsylvania and 19 on Rhode Island -- all in January.

Cops do NOT know if this strain caused Hoffman's death, but they tell us "everything's in play" until they get results from toxicology.

Philip Seymour Hoffman DEAD of Apparent Heroin OD Needle Found in Arm

Philip Seymour Hoffman was found dead Sunday in a New York City apartment of an apparent drug overdose ... TMZ has learned authorities found a needle in his arm.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... the actor was found Sunday morning inside a Greenwich apartment ... and they're still on scene investigating.

Our sources say ... Hoffman was found in his bathroom in his boxer shorts, with a needle sticking out of his left arm. We're told police found 10 glassine envelopes -- 2 of the envelopes had heroin ... the others presumably were empty.

One of the envelopes had "Ace of Spades" written on it, and another had an ace of hearts symbol -- such symbols and words are often markers from people who make heroin -- to brand it.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... Hoffman was supposed to pick up his kids at 9 AM Sunday but didn't show -- which was unusual for him. A playwright and a friend became concerned, came over and found the actor alone in the apartment.

Details surrounding his death are unclear ... but the actor had struggled with drug problems ... most recently checking himself into a rehab facility for heroin back in May.

TMZ broke the story of Hoffman going to rehab. We were told he did it as a preventative measure because he was getting close to a major relapse. A source involved in Hoffman's treatment now tells TMZ ... the actor said at the time he was on the brink of becoming a heroin IV user and wanted to nip it in the bud before that happened.

As we previously reported ... Hoffman had been clean for 23 years but fell off the wagon in 2012.

It appears Hoffman's last interview was at the Sundance Film Festival with XiXi Yang from PopStopTV for his movie "A Wanted Man."


Hoffman's family released a statement saying, "We are devastated by the loss of our beloved Phil and appreciate the outpouring of love and support."

Law enforcement sources tell us his autopsy will take place Monday.

Justin Bieber FLAGGED By Customs Because of Criminal Charges

We're told Bieber has just been released by Custom's officials ... after 5-hours of heavy grilling.

Justin Bieber was flagged by U.S. Customs officials when he landed in New Jersey this afternoon because he has 2 pending criminal cases ... law enforcement sources tell TMZ.

Bieber is still being grilled by Customs people ... after they searched his plane because they allegedly smelled weed. The search turned up nothing.

We're told -- as a result of the Patriot Act -- Customs officials have broad power to flag people coming in from another country when they have an active criminal case or a conviction. Justin currently has an assault case in Canada and a DUI case in Miami Beach.

Sources say Bieber is being "put through the grinder" right now by Customs folks. As one source said, "Once you're flagged it's a grueling process to get in the country."

It's almost certain Justin will eventually be cleared to leave Teterboro Airport because both alleged offenses are minor.

As we first reported ... Justin flew there for the Super Bowl.

Amanda Bynes My Future's In the Bag!

Amanda Bynes' post-rehab future looks very bright ... pink -- the color of choice at her prestigious fashion design school

Amanda -- carrying an oversized bag of school supplies -- appeared in the colorful lobby of the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising in Irvine, CA ... looking like a typical college student.

Bynes -- who lives at home with her parents -- enrolled in design classes as part of her recovery ... after she was released from rehab in December.

Stone Cold Steve Austin I'm Gonna Kick Bieber's Ass If He Doesn't Straighten Up

Stone Cold Steve Austin just threatened to open a can of WHOOP-ASS all over Justin Bieber ... warning the pop star that if he doesn't straighten up, he's gonna catch a Size 13 in his ass.

The former WWE champ was on "The Arsenio Hall Show" last night when he issued the ultimatum -- shape up ... or else.

Stone Cold says he loves kids ... and just wants to make sure Justin gets on the right path before it's too late -- but he thinks an ass-kickin' is the only thing that'll get through to the Biebs.

"Sometimes you just got to keep it simple."

Senator Marco Rubio Bieber's in Big Trouble


Senator Marco Rubio has got big fish to fry ... nonetheless, he's kinda worried about Justin Bieber.

Rubio stopped in the Dirksen Senate Office Bldg in Washington D.C. to chew the fat with us ... and the father of 4 has a clear view that the Biebs is in trouble and needs help.

No fuzzy thinking on the subject of Justin Bieber ... Rubio thinks if Justin doesn't get help he's goin' down.

Trace Adkins Happy Trails, Rehab

Trace Adkins beat a hasty retreat from rehab -- just 14 days after he entered the Florida facility for alcoholism ... TMZ has learned.

Sources connected to Trace tell TMZ ... the country star's father is seriously ill and he felt he needed to be at his bedside ... immediately.

We're told when the illness resolves itself ... Trace will then decide if he goes back to an inpatient program or does outpatient therapy.

As for his immediate sobriety, we're told Trace asked his therapists in Florida to put him in contact with counselors near his dad.

TMZ broke the story ... a drunken Trace got into a fight with a Trace Adkins impersonator on a country cruise and promptly checked himself into a treatment facility.

Usher, Scooter Mum On Biebs


Usher and Scooter Braun had nothing to say as they arrived back on U.S. soil after spending time with Justin Bieber.

Several photogs peppered both -- especially Usher -- with questions about what is loosely being described as an "intervention."

Not a word from either.

Based on what we know ... Bieber's not down with either rehab or therapy.

Amanda Bynes Clipping Her Angel Wings

Amanda Bynes' road to recovery includes one big cosmetic change ... removing an angelic tattoo from her body.

Amanda's been working out a ton lately -- hitting the gym and doing some power walking -- and she's also slowly erasing a pair of angel wings from her right forearm.

The tattoo -- which was prominent during her blue wig days -- is faded in recent shots of Amanda walking around her parents' neighborhood in Thousand Oaks, CA ... where she's been living since getting out of a rehab facility last month.

Change ... it does a body good.

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