Lindsay Lohan Her Ass Was a F****** CHAMPION on 'Eastbound'

Lindsay Lohan knocked it out of the park on "Eastbound & Down" -- sources tell TMZ, she crushed her cameo Kenny Powers-style ... and even got a standing ovation from the cast and crew.

Sources close to production tell us, Lindsay didn't just conduct herself professionally while on set this week in North Carolina -- showing up on time and memorizing her lines backwards and forwards -- she was actually funny too.

As we reported, Lindsay is set to appear in the series finale, playing Kenny's illegitimate daughter.

After filming, we're told the cast and crew were so impressed by Lindsay's performance, they gave her a standing o. We're told the HBO show's co-creator Jody Hill hugged it out with Linds and thanked her for taking the gig.

Post-rehab fun fact: we're told Lindsay had a sober living coach with her the entire time she was on set.

We're told Lindsay wants everyone to know she's serious about her second millionth chance, and she's determined to make it count. So far, so good.

'That '70s Show' Star Dead at 43

Lisa Robin Kelly -- who played Eric Forman's older sister on "That '70s Show" -- has died ... TMZ has learned.

The 43-year-old actress passed away in her sleep Wednesday night at a rehab facility in California.

We spoke with Kelly's agent who tells us the actress had just voluntarily checked herself in for treatment for an alcohol problem this past week ... and was determined to clean herself up.

The agent tells us, "She had been fighting demons for a while and finally lost her battle."

Sources tell us Lisa had been in and out of rehab centers hoping to kick her alcohol problem ... and most recently fell off the wagon after a huge dispute with her estranged husband Robert Gilliam.

Sources say ... Kelly's estranged husband beat her last May to obtain residual money from her show. He was convicted of domestic battery last month and sentenced to 3 years probation. He also served 35 days in jail for the beating.

Lisa filed for divorce from Gilliam back in July.

We're told Lisa's new boyfriend brought her to rehab again on Monday ... but she went into cardiac arrest late Wednesday night and could not be saved.

The boyfriend blames her estranged husband for the relapse.

Sources connected with the attempted rescue tell TMZ ... when emergency responders arrived at the rehab facility, they found needle marks on both of Lisa's arms.

However, her BF tells us the reason for the needle marks is that he took Lisa to a hospital on Sunday -- because she had a .34 blood alcohol level ... and nurses made multiple attempts to insert a needle into her vein to extract blood.

After several attempts, medical personnel were able to use a vein on the top of Lisa's wrist.

Kelly had been troubled for the past couple of years -- she was arrested at least 4 times in the past 3 years for DUI, spousal abuse and assault.

Besides "That '70s Show," Kelly had appeared in several TV shows and movies including "Amityville Dollhouse."

Ben Affleck I Told Lindsay How To Stay Sober

Lindsay Lohan got a surprise visit while she was ensconced in rehab -- we found out Ben Affleck had a secret meeting with her as a show of support.

Affleck -- who himself was in rehab back in 2001 -- met Lindsay somewhere away from the Cliffside rehab facility in Malibu where Lindsay was getting treatment. We're told Ben gave her guidance on how to maintain sobriety after rehab for someone in Hollywood.

We're told Ben talked to Lindsay about how to make a comeback in Hollywood -- a subject on which he's an expert. Ben talked to Lindsay about her career -- on how talented she is and how she has the ability to turn things around.

Ben also told her how supportive the entertainment community is for people who make a real effort to get better and stay clean. Our sources say the meeting really touched her.

The meeting was not about Lindsay appearing in Ben's new movie, "Live By Night." Lindsay will not be in the flick.

Lindsay Lohan Looks Like ... a Normal Person

Rehab does a body good ... as evidenced by this picture of Lindsay Lohan looking less like a blowfish and more like a completely regular human.

The pic was snapped Saturday in L.A. while LiLo was out shopping with sister Ali. Photogs almost missed the shot ... mistaking her for a happy, healthy girl ... then realized it was in fact the rehabbed starlet.

Lindsay Lohan SOBER Family Fun Night (So, Minus Dina?)

Lindsay Lohan is true to her word -- going out for some SOBER fun with everyone in her family ... except Dina Lohan.

Sources close to LiLo tell TMZ ... the recently rehabbed actress went to see "The Conjuring" in NYC with dad Michael Lohan, sister Ali, brother Michael Jr. and her sober companion Monday night. Afterwards they chowed down on Japanese food.

We're told everyone was stone-cold sober the entire night and they still managed to have fun. It's unclear why Dina wasn't a part of the shindig -- but we have a good guess.

Our sources say Lindsay's trying hard to keep her nose clean -- she's relying on little sis Ali for support, having already moved into her NYC apartment.

One day at a time.

Lindsay Lohan Bails On EuroTrip ... Thanks to Oprah

Oprah just spoke about her talk with Lindsay on "Good Morning America." Oprah said she warned Lindsay not to go to Europe because "it's very hard to not go to Capri and not have a Bellini."


Lindsay Lohan will NOT be going to Europe for a 3-week vacation like she planned ... because Oprah convinced Lindsay she'd relapse if she went, TMZ has learned.

TMZ broke the story ... Lindsay booked a one-way ticket to Europe while she was still in treatment, planning to reward her successful rehab stint with a lengthy vacation in the Old World.

Lindsay's flight was scheduled to take off tonight in New York -- with no return date set -- but sources close to Lindsay tell us, the actress just pulled the plug on the trip.

We're told Oprah -- who struck a deal with Lindsay to do a post-rehab docuseries later this month -- told Lindsay she should avoid the vacation so soon after rehab because the temptation to relapse would be too great.

We're told Oprah called Lindsay multiple times over the past 24 hours to convince her to stay put ... and Lindsay bought it, believing she needs to focus on her sobriety right now -- not jetsetting around the world. Impressive.

Also, Oprah was out signing autographs today and talked about her time with LiLo ...


Lindsay Lohan I Never Want to See A Bottle of Booze Again

Lindsay Lohan is fiercely determined to live alcohol free -- and toward that end she's ridding herself of ALL traces of booze ... everywhere she goes.

Lindsay vows to stay clear of the hard stuff and not just in her home. We're told she will make demands that hotel rooms, dressing rooms ... even mama Dina's home is alcohol free when she's present. Good luck on that third one.

Fact is ... so far so good. Lindsay checked in to the Bev Hills Hotel this week and ordered the staff to remove alcohol from her room prior to her arrival.

Lindsay says she'll travel with a sober coach for at least the next week, to make sure she doesn't succumb to temptation. Ditto when she guest hosted "Chelsea Lately" ... she insisted her dressing room be stocked ONLY with non-alcoholic drinks.

To be clear ... we're not vouching for her in the long run. It's strictly one day at a time.

Lindsay Lohan's BFF I'm Going to Rehab Too!

As Lindsay Lohan doeseth so shall her followers ... LiLo's BFF / hotel magnate Vikram Chatwal is doing time in court-ordered rehab ... just like his red-headed Goddess before him.

TMZ broke the story ... Vikram was arrested back in April for boarding a plane with a slew of drugs: cocaine, weed, heroin and various RX pills. Vikram originally pled not guilty, but then cut a deal with prosecutors,

Vikram was sentenced to 12 months of in-patient rehab. He also agreed to random drug testing.

Vikram's currently at Silver Hill hospital in New Haven, CT. If he manages to complete his stint and keep his nose clean he can avoid jail altogether.

We're sure Lindsay sends her regards.

Lindsay Lohan Back to Work ... Cracking Rehab Jokes

Lindsay Lohan can take a joke -- even when she's the butt of it ... and she wasted no time teeing off on her latest rehab stint while guest hosting "Chelsea Lately."

Linds just wrapped her first gig since getting out of rehab on Tuesday -- and sources inside the show tell us she freely cracked jokes like, "I've been on a 90-day court ordered vacation."

In LiLo's defense ... she probably didn't write the jokes.

We're told Lindsay also busted on Chelsea Handler for drinking too much -- and overall was "very funny" ... especially during the round table segment with comedians Jen Kirkman and Fortune Feimster.

Linds also got some eye candy for her troubles -- getting to interview Dylan Bruce from the BBC show "Orphan Black."

Don't say Chelsea never did anything for you, Lindsay.

The taped episode is scheduled to air Monday.

Lindsay Lohan I'm NOT Cutting Dad Out of My Life

This is surprising ... Lindsay Lohan does NOT consider her dad to be a toxic influence -- in fact, she actually wants him to be a big part of her life while she focuses on rebuilding herself after rehab.

As we reported, Lindsay went on a friend-slashing massacre a few weeks ago while in treatment, putting together a list of the bad people she wanted to cut out of her life once she got out -- and Michael was NOT on the list.

We're told Lindsay actually wants to keep Michael around because she believes -- despite his glaring flaws -- that he's actually a positive influence on her ... and family is really important.

Even crazier ... we're told Michael was in the therapy session with Lindsay when she discussed the "bad" list. Her brother Michael Jr. was there too.

Which raises the question: if Michael didn't make the "bad" list, who did???

Jodie Sweetin I Got a Hunch My Husband Started BS Rehab Rumor


Jodie Sweetin's estranged husband has concocted a diabolical plot to make her look like a relapsing drug addict ... at least that's what Jodie's gut is telling her.

Jodie just called in to "TMZ Live," telling us she's got a hunch as to who started the false rumors about her entering rehab for substance abuse -- and strongly insinuated that her estranged husband Morty Coyle is the mastermind.

She said, "Breakups are hard and certain people [her husband] don't make them easier. People get weird and stalkerish ... You never really know someone until you break up with them."

As we reported, Sweetin filed for legal separation from Coyle in June. The couple was married last year.

'Panic! at the Disco' Drummer I Checked Into Rehab For 'Serious' Pill Addiction

One of the founding members of the rock band "Panic! at the Disco" says he just completed a stint in rehab after developing a serious addiction to prescription pills.

Drummer Spencer Smith just revealed the news in an emotional blog post ... saying he first got involved with drugs and alcohol when he was 19, just 6 years ago, but it quickly consumed his life.

The drummer says things really began to spiral out of control after a traumatic experience involving a loved one's health a few years later -- and he began to self medicate with a "dangerous amount" of Vicodin and Xanax.

The 25-year old says things got so bad, he stashed backup pills in every location imaginable ... and couldn't go more than 8 hours without going through withdrawals.

Smith says he checked himself into a treatment center last Fall -- cleaned himself up -- and is now focused on staying healthy and substance free.

Smith attributes his success to the support of his family and friends ... and plans to hit the road later this month again with the band in support of their new record.

The rocker adds, "My goal in releasing this is to try and relate to anyone who has experienced addiction personally or with a loved one, and to be honest with everyone else."

He adds, "You can recover!! So, please seek help if you’re suffering personally, and urge anyone you know to get help if they are suffering. It gets better one day at a time."

Lindsay Lohan Judge Orders Therapy To Avoid 'Certain Failure'

The rehab facility that Lindsay Lohan has called home for weeks sent a letter to the judge in her probation case ... saying LiLo will lapse back into drug and alcohol abuse if she doesn't get more court-ordered therapy ... and guess what, the judge agreed.

TMZ obtained a copy of the letter from Cliffside Malibu, in which CEO and founder Richard Taite tells the judge, Lindsay needs 3, 50-minute sessions a week for the next 15 months (18 months from last May). Then Taite gives an ominous warning: "If these sessions are not required by the court and attendance verified once a month to ensure accountability, it is a set up for almost certain failure."


The judge agreed in open court this morning, and ordered that Lindsay stay in therapy and prove a year from November that she's complied.

Meanwhile in court, Lindsay's lawyer Shawn Holley showed up with proof Lindsay successfully completed her 90 days of rehab.

Outside court, Shawn talked about "Lindsay 2.0." ... and made a bold prediction about her client's future.


Jodie Sweetin 'I'm Absolutely NOT in Rehab'

Jodie Sweetin is adamant ... she's NOT currently being treated in a rehab facility -- but tells TMZ she currently WORKS at one.

We spoke to the former "Full House" star ... who tells us reports that she's in treatment for substance abuse are "such bulls**t ... I am absolutely NOT in rehab."

Jodie -- who once battled with a meth addiction -- says she currently works as a clinical logistics coordinator at an L.A. rehab center, and her employer has allowed her to live in a studio apartment on the property while she deals with her divorce from husband #3 Morty Coyle.

"I work for the center and they have been really generous in helping me with a place to stay as Morty wanted me out by the end of the month," Sweetin says.

"The owners of the facility said I could stay here as I got things figured out."

Jodie also says she's decided not to pursue full custody of the couple's 2-year-old daughter Beatrix -- and wants joint custody instead -- because she wants the kid "to have both of her parents in her life."

Jodie and Morty were married in 2012.

Lindsay Lohan Out of Rehab Headed for Sober Coach

90 days in rehab didn't make Lindsay Lohan modest -- 'cause she wasted no time showing off her legs moments after leaving Cliffside Tuesday afternoon.

Lindsay was sporting a huge smile, a blue print mini-dress, suede-fringe jacket and some major baggage -- a big blue one -- as she got into the SUV that picked her up from the Malibu facility.

Sources close to Lindsay tell us she'll be staying with a sober coach somewhere in Los Angeles for the next few days.

As we previously reported, Lindsay's telling people in her life she feels like she needs a transition period before re-entering the real world on her own.

Lindsay checked into the Betty Ford Center back on May 2 to begin her court-ordered rehab stay -- and transferred to Cliffside in mid-June.

Gotta say, so far ... she's looking good.

Lindsay Lohan I WANT MORE REHAB!

Lindsay Lohan is officially free to leave rehab Wednesday ... but she's decided on her own to stay longer ... TMZ has learned.

Sources connected with LiLo tell TMZ ... Lindsay has told them she will stay another 3 - 4 days because she feels she needs a transition period before re-entering the free world. We're told she'd like to stay in a "lower level, sober living house" which she believes will help her recovery.

It sounds like B.S. for sure, given Lindsay's many failed, insincere attempts in the past. But several people connected with Lindsay -- whom we trust -- say they're "shocked" at her conduct this time around. One source said, "It's like invasion of the body snatchers. She's a different person."

Lindsay is still moving to NYC when she leaves rehab, and we're told she's scared about the temptations she'll face, but claims she really wants to conquer her demons this time around.

Even the skeptics in her life think she's serious this time.

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