Lindsay Lohan My Toxic Ex-Friends Are Dead to Me

Lindsay Lohan has made a list ... she's checked it twice ... and she's decided ... the majority of her so-called "friends" will be CUT from her life when she's sprung from rehab.

Sources close to the actress tell TMZ, Lindsay recently sat down at Cliffside -- where she's currently enrolled in a substance abuse treatment program -- and made a list of 100 friends ... who knew?

We’re told Lilo was inspired by a therapy session about "toxic friends and influences." Lindsay actually made 2 lists -- one with the friends she'll keep, and the other with the ones she'll ax.

According to sources, 80 people were on the "cut" list.

Lindsay showed it to her closest friends -- who mostly agreed with her choices.

The big question ... did Michael Lohan get the chop?

Lindsay Lohan EuroTrip Post Rehab

Lindsay Lohan has booked a one-way ticket to Europe ... set to depart as soon as she finishes rehab ... because everyone knows an overseas vacation is the best way to keep your nose clean.

Sources close to LiLo tell TMZ ... after her 90-day-court-ordered rehab finishes up she'll head to London for some R&R ... as the first stop on a European adventure.

We're told a gal pal of LiLo offered to take her as a gift for a "job well done in rehab". And since LiLo has some time before her OWN docu-series begins filming she jumped at the opportunity.

Our sources say she booked a one-way ticket and has no return date set (yet), but hopefully it's before she's scheduled to film.

Lindsay believes the trip will give her some privacy during her post-rehab days.

Plus, it's Europe ... what could go wrong?

Lindsay Lohan Dina Drunk Dialed Therapy Session

Lindsay Lohan's mother has been banned from participating in her rehab treatment after a drunken phone call a few weeks ago ... TMZ has learned.

Sources tell us shortly before Lindsay's birthday, July 2, Cliffside rehab facility got Dina on the phone -- so LiLo could have a conversation with her.

But we're told the person from the clinic who spoke to Dina believed she was hammered, and quickly nixed the idea of letting her speak to Lindsay.

Furthermore, we're told the rehab team felt it would be best for LiLo's treatment if she stopped talking to Dina altogether for the rest of her stay.

Good luck, Oprah.

Attempts to reach Dina were unsuccessful.

Michael Lohan Oprah's Gonna Save LiLo


Oprah Winfrey is the answer to Lindsay Lohan's prayers -- at least according to Michael Lohan who tells us that LiLo's BIG deal with the big O is the best thing that could have happened to her.

Our photog spotted papa Lohan at LAX Saturday -- and asked him how he felt about LiLo making nearly $2 million to do a sit down interview and 8-part docu series with O.

Michael says he couldn't be happier for LiLo and explains how the Oprah effect could be just the thing his troubled daughter needs to keep her nose clean.

He also discusses whether or not he'll make an appearance on the show ... check it out.

'America's Next Top Model' Star Family Begs Dr. Drew ... Please Save Her!

Family members of "America's Next Top Model" finalist Renee Alway are deeply concerned the model's in too deep with drugs -- now they want to recruit the big guns to help, like Dr. Drew or Oprah.

TMZ broke the story ... Renee was arrested last month for attempted burglary -- after cops say she was hiding out in a Palm Springs home that wasn't hers. They also say she had a gun and charged her with possession of narcotics.

We spoke to Renee's sister who tells us ... Renee has a serious drug problem and can no longer take care of herself. She says she's homeless and the night she was arrested she was in "survival mode."

Renee's mother tells us ... the model's substance abuse has gotten so bad, they had to cut her off. "We stopped giving her money, which was feeding her drug problem."

Now the family just wants to see Renee get better, and say they need the best of the best to make that happen. Her sister says, "I am trying to find her some professional help. I would like to get her help from Dr. Drew, Dr. Phil or even Oprah."

Renee is currently behind bars at a correctional facility in Banning.

Brooke Mueller You'll Get Your Kids Back IF ...

Brooke Mueller will get custody of her twins back over the next year, sources tell TMZ -- but ONLY if she does 5 things right.

Sources connected to the L.A. County Department of Children and Family Services tell us -- officials have agreed to go back to the judge in 6 to 12 months and recommend that at least some of Brooke's custodial right be reinstated, but before they do that ... Brooke must prove to them she's a fit, clean-and-sober parent.

The first condition is that Brooke -- who's currently in a live-in rehab facility -- consistently attends AA and NA. She must also obey all of her doctor's orders and show she can handle the stresses of everyday life without relapsing. She's also supposed to maintain a good relationship with the kids-- for the time being via skype. In all, we're told there are 5 specific strings attached.

We're told DCFS officials will monitor Brooke closely to determine she's on the path to sobriety ... and only then will they make their case to the judge -- who makes the final decision. DCFS thinks it will take anywhere between 6 months and year to make its determination.

There are reports out that Brooke is living with her boyfriend. We've learned those stories are false, and that she's ensconced in a rehab joint.

As we reported, Brooke lost custody of the twins in May after officials determined she could no longer provide a safe environment for the children. Brooke enrolled in rehab shortly after. The kids are currently with Charlie's ex Denise Richards.

Lea Michele Controlling Cory In Life and Death

Cory Monteith had a very strong guardian angel by his side ... his girlfriend Lea Michele, who essentially controlled Cory in life and even death.

Sources connected with both Cory and Lea tell TMZ ... Lea swooped in when Cory died and immediately took over planning his memorial and other matters connected with his death. We're told Cory's mom is not involved at all in the planning -- it's all Lea.

Everyone agrees ... Lea always had Cory's back and tried protecting him as much as she could, especially when it came to his substance abuse. We're told Cory -- who was sweet but naive -- got banged around in Hollywood by what one relative called "a zoo of piranhas" and when Lea became his girlfriend she fiercely protected him.

As for Cory's drug and alcohol problems ... Lea laid down the law in the United States and did everything she could to keep him from relapsing. When he did relapse earlier this year, she was the one who took the lead and engineered the plan to get Cory in rehab.

We're told Lea's problem was that when Cory went to Canada ... all bets were off.

Cory Monteith 'Glee' Tried to Save Actor from Heroin Addiction

The cast of "Glee" -- along with several producers -- knew Cory Monteith was battling a heroin addiction earlier this year and were the catalyst in his decision to go back to rehab, TMZ has learned.

Sources connected to the production tell us ... it was no secret Monteith was off his game back in March -- and it became clear he was relapsing, specifically with heroin.

We're told the cast and the producers became very concerned ... and knew they had to address the issue with Cory.

Sources say ... the group sat down with Cory and had an "open conversation" with the actor -- stressing how much they cared about him and wanted him to get help.

One source tells us Cory was very receptive -- "It wasn't met with resistance ... He was always so grateful and aware of how fortunate he was."

"The decision was to best help our friend. The needs of the show fell second to his well-being."

Cory voluntarily checked into rehab at the end of March for a 30 day stint ... but despite his efforts, he couldn't defeat his demons, and last week, he died from a lethal mixture of heroin and alcohol.

He was 31.

Lindsay Lohan to Oprah $2 Mil For My Thoughts!

Lindsay Lohan's guts don't come cheap, because we found out she's spilling them to Oprah at a cost of around $2 million.

Sources close to Lindsay tell us ... The Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN) has been negotiating with Lindsay for 4 months. The plan -- an 8-part docu-series about Lindsay's struggles, her career and her plans for the future -- but we're guessing it's mostly about her struggles.

It's a better deal for Lindsay than just taking her top off. For that ... Playboy paid her a measly $1 mil.

Ironically ... Lindsay's latest rehab stint may have scored her more cash, because of the drama and interest created around almost going to jail, firing her lawyer, going to Betty Ford, bailing from Betty Ford ... and on and on.

Sources tell us ... Lindsay actually signed the deal at Betty Ford.

Lindsay got some perks from Oprah as well -- as in TWO fully-paid assistants and a stylist.

Substance abuse can pay handsomely -- Who knew?

Hey, we interviewed Lindsay for free -- check it out!

Lindsay Lohan Back to NYC After Rehab For Better or Worse

Farm living ain't the life for Lindsay Lohan ... so she's taking her ass right back to the Big Apple when her latest rehab stint ends ... TMZ has learned.

Sources close to Linds tell us she's decided to set up shop in NYC when she gets out of Cliffside rehab in early August.

As we previously reported ... Lindsay was telling friends she was thinking about moving far from L.A. or NYC because there were too many temptations for a recovering addict, and too many paparazzi.

We're told the chunky middle of the U.S. of A. is no longer appealing, so she's going back to NYC.

What could go wrong?

Cory Monteith Drinking w/ Friends ... Days Before Sudden Death

These are some of the last photos ever taken of Cory Monteith -- snapped just days before he was found dead in a hotel room -- while the "Glee" Star was hanging with friends and drinking alcohol.

Sources tell TMZ ... the pics were taken on July 6th, the same day Cory checked-in to the Fairmont Pacific Rim hotel in Vancouver ... where he was found dead one week later.

In the pics, Cory and a few buds are seen hanging out at The Shop -- a local coffee house and clothing store for people who love motorcycles.

We spoke to the owner, who tells us, Cory came in ... was extremely friendly and really interested in choppers ... even sitting on the owner's bike.

We're told he and his friends chilled for awhile -- laughing and drinking beers. One source on-site said Cory knocked back 3 cold ones over the course of a few hours -- despite his recent stint in rehab -- but didn't seem out of control or wasted. He was perfectly nice.

Cory's not physically seen drinking in the pics ... but the Lea Michele doppelganger he's standing next to -- who we're told is just a friend -- is seen clutching two beer cans. Possibly because cameras were around ... and Cory has been open about his substance abuse issues.

As TMZ previously reported ... Fairmont hotel staff found Cory dead in his hotel room Saturday, after spending Friday night out with friends. He was 31.

Now here's Cory's best moment in "Glee" history ... R.I.P.

'Glee' Star Cory Monteith Found Dead in Vancouver

Cory Monteith -- who famously played Finn Hudson on the TV show "Glee" -- died early Saturday morning in Vancouver ... he was 31 years old.

According to police in Vancouver the actor was found dead in his hotel room on the 21st floor of the Fairmont Pacific Rim Hotel around noon ... when staffers went to check on him after the actor missed his check-out time.

In a press conference, officials said the actor was "clearly deceased" -- and had been so for several hours -- when police arrived on the scene.


Cops say Cory checked-in to the Fairmont on July 6th and was scheduled to leave July 13th. It is unclear why he was in Vancouver, but cops did mention he's from Canada and visits often.

The night before his death, Cory was seen in his room hanging with friends, before hitting the town ... but came back early Saturday morning ... alone.

Cops say "it was not immediately apparent" what caused his death, but no foul play is suspected. An autopsy is scheduled for Monday.

A rep for the actor says they are "in shock and mourning this tragic loss."

As TMZ previously reported, Monteith voluntarily checked himself into a treatment center back in April, admitting he had substance abuse issues. It was his second time in treatment.

Prior to that, Cory had been open about his problems with drugs. Back in 2011 he told Parade Magazine, his family and friends were so afraid he "could die" they staged an intervention. He was 19 at the time.

He explained that his drug use consisted of "Anything and everything, as much as possible." Adding, "I had a serious problem."

Charlie Sheen to Judge Jon Cryer Did it Right! Brooke Deserves Zip for Child Support

Charlie Sheen is using his old "Two and a Half Men" co-star Jon Cryer to try to convince the courts that Brooke Mueller's child support payment should be reduced from $55,000/month to ZERO ... TMZ has learned.

As TMZ first reported ... Charlie filed documents requesting the massive change in child support because Brooke currently doesn't have custody of their boys, Bob and Max ... while she's in and out of rehab.

In the docs, Charlie references Cryer's divorce -- where his ex-wife was arrested in 2009 for alleged child abuse and temporarily lost custody of their son.

Charlie says Cryer requested his support payments "be reduced from $10,000 per month to zero" -- and the court did lower the amount of support ... thereby setting a precedent, Charlie feels, for his current situation with Brooke.

The docs also list some astronomical financial details, such as the fact Charlie earns more than $740,000 per month (before taxes) -- and has more than $90,000/month in expenses on all his homes.

By the way, that $55k isn't all Brooke gets each month -- according to Charlie he also foots the bill for ALL the kids' expenses ... including therapy, medical, schooling, and more -- for a grand total of $30,000/month.

It's clear Charlie's point to the court is -- Brooke doesn't need the the $55k anyway.

Tan Mom Released From Hospital ... Back to Rehab

Re-address those get well cards ...Tan Mom has been released from the hospital following yesterday's health scare and she's now safe and sound back in rehab.

As TMZ first reported, 45-year-old Patricia Krentcil suffered a seizure at The Lukens Institute in Florida on Saturday. She was rushed to a local hospital and stabilized in the ambulance on the way.

Tan Mom was originally supposed to stay in the hospital for several days ... but after just five hours, we're told doctors said she was in good enough condition to leave.

She's now being monitored by doctors at the rehab facility.

As for what caused the seizure ... we're told it was believed to be a reaction to detoxing from alcohol.

Tan Mom Hospitalized Following Seizure

Tan Mom was hospitalized this morning after suffering a seizure inside rehab, TMZ has learned.

Sources tell TMZ ... Patricia Krentcil started seizing earlier this morning. Rehab techs from The Lukens Institute -- where she's in rehab for alcoholism -- found her and rushed her to a Palm Beach hospital.

We're told the techs were able to stabilize her on the way to the ER.

Our sources say she is currently resting and we're told she will stay in the hospital for a few days so doctors can monitor her condition.

TMZ broke the story ... Tan Mom entered rehab on June 20 for 30 days of treatment.

Lindsay Lohan Rips Her Own Movie It Sucked!

Lindsay Lohan knows ... her stripper movie "I Know Who Killed Me" was so bad, no one should ever watch it ... EVER ... at least that's what she's telling her fans.

Lohan -- who's still in rehab at Cliffside Malibu -- was allowed to play around on the Internet yesterday (which happened to be her birthday) ... and responded to a fan who had tweeted her the following message:

"@lindsaylohan can you tweet me I seriously watched I know who killed me twice last night."

Lohan's response was classic -- "two times too many!"

For the record -- it's not THAT terrible ... as long as you watch it on mute (see below).

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