Charlie to Brooke: I'm Gonna Cut You Off!

The gravy train is about to come to a screeching halt in the child support department ... at least if Charlie Sheen has his way with Brooke Mueller.

TMZ has learned ... Charlie filed legal docs this week ... asking a judge to cancel his obligation to pay Brooke $55k a month in child support.

Sources close to Charlie tell TMZ ... he thinks it's absurd he should pay her anything while she's in rehab, because she doesn't have the kids -- they're with Denise Richards.

Charlie believes Brooke is using almost all the money for her rehab -- something he doesn't want to pay for. Charlie has paid for several of Brooke's rehab stints before, and he doesn't think he owes her that obligation any longer.

Now get this ... we've learned Charlie has offered to up Denise's child support while she cares for Bob and Max, but Denise has refused the money.

One final thing. It's feeling like there's some bad blood here. We've learned Denise recently brought the twins by the set of "Anger Management" to see Charlie at work. You may recall ... last XMAS Brooke went nuclear when she heard Denise planned to take her kids by the set, and Denise backed off.

When mom's away ... the kids will play -- and dad won't pay.

Lindsay Lohan BIG Bday Plans ...With Her Lawyer

Lindsay Lohan is celebrating her birthday today with the one person in her life she can count on ... her lawyer Shawn Holley.

Sources close to LiLo tell TMZ ... Cliffside -- where she's currently in rehab -- denied the actress' request to have friends visit on her day of birth (i.e. today). Visiting days are only on Sundays ... rules are rules.

We're told LiLo's plan B was asking if she could leave the facility to get dinner with friends (with the DA's permission of course). Again she was shot down.

But all hope was not lost ... certain people can visit patients outside of visiting hours, like lawyers. And we're told Shawn is headed to the Malibu rehab joint to hang out with LiLo while she sulks over b-day #27.

As TMZ previously reported, LiLo was already pissed she'd be on lockdown for her birthday ... she wanted to have a huge party in NYC.

We'd say better luck next year, but y'know ...

Edward Furlong Avoids Jail In Ex-Girlfriend Assault

"Terminator 2" star Edward Furlong pled no contest to domestic violence -- but got 6 other charges dismissed in a plea deal for assaulting his ex-girlfriend.

Furlong was arrested back in May when he attacked his ex-gf in her West Hollywood apartment -- violating a protective order she had against him.

Furlong was hit with 7 charges for the incident -- including domestic violence, vandalism (for destroying her laptop) and dissuading a witness by force.

In his plea deal ... Furlong got 5 years probation, 90 days in a drug treatment program, and a year of domestic violence counseling.

He was also given credit for 61 days served ... so he won't have to do any further jail time.

Lindsay Lohan Terrified of Relapsing I'm Going Into Hiding!!!

Lindsay Lohan is going from reckless to recluse -- we've learned she plans to go deep into hiding after she gets out of rehab in August ... to maintain her sobriety.

Sources close to Lindsay tell us, she now realizes she's been powerless in combating her addictions, and says cities like New York and L.A. only feed her demons ... so she needs to get out STAT.

Lindsay's scheduled to get out of rehab in early August -- and we're told she plans to move somewhere in the U.S. where there are no paparazzi ... somewhere she can get back in touch with her true self. A little pie in the sky, but that's what she thinks.

Sources connected with her treatment claim the 12-step program has been working. We're also told she's deathly afraid of relapsing, and escape is her solution.

As for how long she wants to disappear, we're told Lindsay's not sure -- as long as it takes.

Lindsay Lohan Adderall Free ... For Now

Lindsay Lohan has waved the white flag in her battle for Adderall ….. TMZ has learned.

Lilo has put up a tough fight to keep the Adderall train rolling in rehab. First she threatened to boycott rehab unless she got the Rx drug, then she pitched a fit at Betty Ford when they took it away, but sources close to her tell us she's finally ok living Adderall-free in the new facility.

As for why she's off the drug's Lindsay's story. She's telling friends she felt it was essential for ADHD -- something she was diagnosed with when she was very young. FYI -- LiLo's new docs think it was a bogus diagnosis.

Adderall has become a popular drug with young actresses for weight control -- a popular, addictive and highly-abused drug. As for the real reason she felt the need to take it ... who knows.

But for now ... Lindsay is Adderall free. Will that last after rehab? Who knows?

Tanning Mom Tanning Again Not With the Sun

Tanning Mom Patricia Krentcil has committed the cardinal sin of tan addicts -- stuffing her orange, leathery skin suit into a tube of fake UV light ... i.e. a TANNING BED!!!!

Our tanning sources tell us ... while in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida -- where she's staying for rehab (alcohol, not tanning) -- Patricia stopped by a Copper Tan USA to get her brown on ... despite vowing in the past​ to never fake tan again.

And get this ... we're told Patricia didn't buy just one session, she bought NINE. Here's the breakdown:

-- 8 sessions for $40 in a level-one bed (the lowest level of cancer light tanning avail)
-- 1 session for $32 in the strongest bed ... the "Celebrity Bed" ... which she USED the same day.

According to the receipt Patricia plunked down $113.10 (she also bought tanning lotion).

Cancer cells come free.

Lil Scrappy I've Been Weed Free For 30 Days!

Lil Scrappy can finally pee in a cup sans stress ... because the rapper has purged himself of the green stuff for 30 days ...TMZ has learned.

We broke the story ... The "Love & Hip Hop: ATL" star voluntarily checked himself into rehab on May 30th -- after failing a court-ordered drug test. He copped to the fact he was addicted to ganja and wanted help.

Lil Scrappy's lawyer Mawuli Mel Davis tells TMZ ... Scrappy was able to kick his nasty habit and the rapper was released at 12:01 AM Saturday, practically a new man. He explains, "Scrappy has had time to reflect, read, and write. He is now drug and alcohol free."

To pass on his newfound wisdom, we're told Scrappy will start mentoring teens next week -- speaking to them about what he's gone through and how to keep their noses clean. Maybe a little too soon, but ...

FYI -- Scrappy -- who's currently on probation -- better stay straight, because he must submit to random drug tests. Whatever it takes, right?

Lindsay Lohan $5 Mil Lawsuit On 'Rehab Hold'

Lindsay Lohan just learned a bad lesson while she tries to get her life back on track in rehab -- addicts get special breaks when they're sued.

As we reported, D.N.A.M. Apparel Industries -- which manufactured clothes for Lindsay's 6126 line back in 2009-2010 -- sued the actress for the massive $5 million sum in May, claiming her "drug-addled image" made the clothes unsellable ... and they lost millions as a result.

But in a twist of irony, Lindsay's "drug-addled image" just bought her more than a month to scramble a legal defense -- because D.N.A.M. has just agreed to a ceasefire while she's in treatment.

According to new court docs, D.N.A.M. won't serve Lindsay 'til she leaves rehab in mid-August "in a gesture of good faith and so as not to disturb her healing process."

FYI, the lawsuit's already been filed ... but the legal process can't begin until Lindsay has been served with the documents.

You'll recall ... Lindsay initially sued D.N.A.M. for $1.1 million, claiming the company licensed the 6126 trademark, but shortchanged her big time on hundreds of thousands of dollars she claims she was promised in exchange.

'Terminator' Star Nick Stahl I'm GRATEFUL for the 5150 Hold


"Terminator 3" star Nick Stahl tells TMZ ... he's glad he was placed on a 5150 psychiatric hold earlier this month after being taken to an L.A. hospital because he needed the help.

The 33-year-old actor was hanging out in L.A. when he explained why he needed to be hospitalized on June 17.

When asked how he felt about being placed on an involuntary hold -- Stahl replied, "It was helpful."

Stahl -- who's struggled with substance abuse in the past -- tells us he's picked up several hobbies to keep himself on the straight and narrow ... and wants to focus on keeping his mind strong as well as his body.

Brooke Mueller She May Not Get Twins For a Year

Brooke Mueller thinks she's going to get her kids back when she leaves rehab, but according to sources connected to the L.A. County Dept. of Children and Family Services ... she may not get the kids back for at least a year.

Brooke has been in rehab around 20 times ... in other words, it never sticks -- at least not so far. Our Brooke sources are confident the judge will return twins Bob and Max to her when she exits rehab, and her family is willing to do what it takes to reassure the court that the kids will be fine. If that means a family member living with Brooke ... we're told that will be offered.

But other sources tell TMZ ... DCFS feels it's too risky to return the kids to Brooke until there's proof she can function clean and sober over a period of time, and we're told that time frame is a year, and possibly longer. Our sources add ... DCFS will allow meaningful visitation between Brooke and the kids, but not custody until there's proof she's on the straight and narrow.

Finally, we're told this has nothing to do with Charlie Sheen. On this one ... DCFS is calling the shots.

Tanning Mom Enters Rehab For Booze

45-year-old Tanning Mom has entered rehab for alcohol abuse, TMZ has learned.

Sources close to Patricia Krentcil -- who famously faced child endangerment charges last year after allegedly putting her 5-year-old in a tanning booth -- tell us she entered Lukens Institute in Palm Beach Thursday night.

We're told Tanning Mom realized she had hit rock bottom after she was placed in detox for 30 hours at an airport in Minneapolis last week ... for being way too drunk to fly.

Of course, TM has had a few public drunken incidents -- last August she was a wasted, stumbling, panty-flashing mess at a gay nightclub in NYC. 'Memba that? So it's not a huge surprise.

As for why she ended up at Lukens -- a rehab center endorsed by Michael Lohan -- we're told TM reached out to Michael about treatment because the two went to high school together ... and she heard Michael mention Lukens' unique treatment and success in a recent interview.

Krentcil will remain in treatment for 30 days.

Judge to Michael Madsen You Need Serious Help With Your Booze Problem


"Reservoir Dogs" actor Michael Madsen has a really bad booze problem that needs immediate attention -- so says the judge in his DUI case ... who just ordered Madsen to check in to a live-in alcohol treatment facility.

Madsen appeared in court in Van Nuys today sporting a nasty black eye. It's unclear how he got the shiner ... but the actor has bigger problems.

The actor had been ordered to appear in court today after the judge revoked his probation stemming from his 2012 arrest ... when he was popped on PCH in a gleaming red hot rod with a blood alcohol level over twice the legal limit (allegedly).

Madsen had struck a plea deal in the case, in which he agreed to attend AA classes -- but we're told he blew them off, so the judge revoked his probation.

Today ... the judge decided he needed some extra help with his alcohol problem ... and ordered him to enroll in a residential treatment facility for at least 30 days.

The judge ordered Madsen not to leave the facility without court approval -- and said the court would reevaluate the situation after the 30-day period based on a progress report from the facility.

Madsen was ordered to check in to the program within 72 hours.

Sharon & Ozzy Osbourne Living Together Again

Ozzy Osbourne is officially out of Sharon's dog house ... and has moved back in with his wife ... after convincing Sharon he's been drug and alcohol free for months, TMZ has learned.

It's a big step for the couple, considering they split earlier this year ... when Ozzy fell off the wagon.

Sharon insisted she wouldn't take Ozzy back until he cleaned himself up -- and to prove she meant business, she moved out of the family home and into the Beverly Hills Hotel.

But now, it seems Sharon's convinced Ozzy's winning the war with his demons ... because the two not only walked the red carpet together at the Daytime Emmys on Sunday (and shared a kiss) ... they also went home together after the show.

We're told Sharon is determined to help Ozzy stay off the junk -- she's even hired a "sober team" to monitor the rock star 24/7 and help him steer clear of potential hazards.

UFC's Ricco Rodriguez DUI Tap-Out

Ex-UFC champ Ricco Rodriguez has just dodged the strong arm of the law in his drunk driving arrest ... TMZ has learned.

The "Celebrity Rehab" Season 1 alum was arrested in March on suspicion of DUI.

Rico copped a deal, and pled no contest to "wet reckless" -- reckless driving involving alcohol. It's not as serious as DUI, but gets the point across. The DUI charges were dropped.

The former champ won't spend any time in the pokey, but he will be on probation for 3 years. And he was socked with the obligatory $300 fine and a 12-hour alcohol ed program.

Sometimes it's better to throw in the towel.

Brooke Mueller Children Services Says Stay Away from Twins

Brooke Mueller isn't fit to get her kids back in the foreseeable future ... this according to Children Services, and TMZ has learned a court fight is underway.

Sources close to the situation tell us, Mueller wants her kids back when she leaves rehab -- probably in 60 days. But officials from the L.A. County Dept. of Children and Family Services have had it with Brooke's proclamations that she's cured -- something she's said after each of the nearly 2 dozen times she's relapsed.

Four-year-old twins Bob and Max are currently under the temporary custody of Denise Richards, after a judge ruled she's the one who can best care for the kids.

We're told Children Services has filed legal docs trying to block Brooke's attempt to get her children back when she comes back home. DCFS wants the status quo ... so Brooke can be monitored to determine that she's a fit and sober parent. And we're told DCFS thinks proof of Brooke's sobriety will take a long time.

You'll recall ... just before entering Betty Ford, Brooke was placed on an involuntary psychiatric hold after authorities found she was completely out of it, and apparently on drugs, while her kids were in the home.

As for Charlie Sheen -- we're told he's 100% on board with DCFS.

Brooke Mueller I Also Bailed On Betty Ford

There seems to be an exodus from Betty Ford ... because TMZ has learned Brooke Mueller has left the rehab facility for greener pastures.

Sources familiar with the situation tell TMZ ... Brooke has entered a rehab facility in Orange County. As for why she left Betty Ford ... we're told Brooke and her people felt Betty Ford was good for "detoxing" ... but she needs a different place to reboot so she can go back home and attempt to lead a clean and sober life.

It's interesting ... Betty Ford has the reputation of being the Rolls-Royce of rehab, but it seems some patients think the facility's value is limited.

We're told Brooke and her people think the O.C. facility will help her assimilate back into society -- something they didn't think Betty Ford could do.

We broke the story ... Lindsay Lohan also left Betty Ford because the judge and prosecutor, along with Lindsay, felt the program had value for 30 days, but not the full 90.

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