Lindsay Lohan Leaves Betty Ford for Malibu Rehab Center

Lindsay Lohan has CHECKED OUT of the Betty Ford treatment center near Palm Springs ... and has entered the Cliffside rehab center in Malibu ... TMZ has learned.

Sources familiar with the situation tell us ... the move was APPROVED by the prosecutors, the judge and Lindsay's lawyer.

The gang agreed ... Betty Ford is better suited for a 30-day program, which Lohan has completed -- and she'd be better off completing the remainder of her 90-day sentence at a new place.

We're told ... they all agreed Cliffside in Malibu would be beneficial for Lohan and everyone signed off. She checked out of Betty Ford yesterday ... and is already settling in at Cliffside.

We don't know if Lindsay will be allowed to take Adderall at Cliffside ... but one source says, "It's doubtful."

Michael Lohan Doc Gooden's Talking Out Of His Ass

Michael Lohan says he's not surprised that ex-MLB star Dwight "Doc" Gooden is trash talking him ... telling TMZ, Gooden is still bitter because Michael recently tried to get him to go back to rehab.

Michael -- who was on "Celebrity Rehab" with Gooden in 2011 -- tells us, "I am sorry that Dwight is in such a bad place. He used to stay in touch with me but he fell off the wagon and into his dugout mode."

Michael is lashing back after Gooden told Jim Rome that he believes Michael is responsible for Lindsay Lohan going off the rails.

Michael is obviously upset, adding, "I am surprised he said that, but maybe it's because I work in the recovery business and I recently tried to get him to go into treatment."

He adds, "I guess he isn't throwing strike outs as much as striking out himself. Just another wild pitch! I hope he gets well."

Doc Gooden LiLo Was Doomed Because Dad's a Head Case


Ex-baseball star Dwight 'Doc' Gooden uncorked a verbal beanball at Michael Lohan -- calling him a rehab nightmare, and the root of Lindsay Lohan's problems.

Gooden's not the first to say that ... but he does have firsthand experience with Lindsay's dad -- they did a stint on "Celebrity Rehab" together back in 2011.

Doc, who's as famous for baseball glory as his battles with drug addiction, told Jim Rome ... "He was definitely a head case. I can kinda understand why Lindsay has the problems she has."

Even though Doc says Michael was the most screwed up of his 'Rehab' castmates ... you gotta check out the clip to see which one almost made him quit the show.

The full interview airs Wednesday night on Showtime.

Dina Lohan Paid $50,000 For Epic Talk Show Fight

Dina Lohan says she's come West to support daughter Lindsay Lohan who is struggling to get better in rehab -- but hey, if she can make a buck along the way -- or 50,000 of them -- why not?

As we told you ... Dina and Michael Lohan went nuclear on each other Thursday during a taping of a new show that uses lie detectors to settle disputes. Dina and Michael were at each other's throats over Lindsay, infidelity ... the usual.

So why would Dina and Michael go on a show? To help Lindsay get better? Unlikely. To settle their differences? That's never gonna happen. The reason is simple. Dina got $50 grand, and it didn't feel dirty because we're told she got Lindsay's permission in advance.

We're told Dina plans to use the money to bail herself out of the financial mess over the family's Long Island home, which has been teetering on the edge of foreclosure.

We couldn't nail down what Michael got from his appearance. Maybe he did it for free. Yeah, that made us laugh too.

Lil Scrappy In Rehab For Marijuana Addiction

Lil Scrappy is desperate to kick his lil marijuana-loving ways, and to avoid jail -- the rapper officially checked into rehab for ganja addiction ... TMZ has learned.

We broke the story ... Scrappy failed a court-ordered drug test recently, when his urine test came back positive for weed. Afterward, Scrappy claimed he was addicted to the sticky icky and wanted to get help.

Now, his lawyer tells TMZ ... Scrappy voluntarily entered a rehab facility in the Atlanta area Thursday night and will remain there at least until his next hearing on June 16 -- when he's hoping the judge will show him leniency.

We're told the place is no walk in the park -- 6:30AM wake-up, 10PM curfew, group therapy, one-on-one therapy, NO cell phone or laptop ... and NO visitors for the first 2 weeks.

Side note for Scrappy: group therapy can be a bitch ...

Philip Seymour Hoffman Entered Detox For Narcotic Abuse

Philip Seymour Hoffman just got out of detox for a drug problem that was spinning out of control ... a problem he desperately wanted to nip in the bud ... and he's already back doing a movie.

Hoffman -- who struggled with substance abuse in the past but kicked the habit for 23 years -- fell off the wagon more than a year ago. He tells TMZ it started slowly with prescription pills, and recently escalated to snorting heroin.

Hoffman -- who won a Best Actor Oscar in 2006 for "Capote" -- tells us the heroin use only lasted a week or so and he quickly realized he needed help, so he checked himself into a detox facility on the East Coast.

He says he was at the facility for 10 days and checked out last Friday. Hoffman credits what he calls "a great group of friends and family" for helping him seek the treatment he needed to get better.

And at least for now, it seems it worked, because Hoffman is clean and back on a movie set in Europe.

Dina & Michael Truce Is OVER Explosive Fight in L.A.

So much for new beginnings ... Dina and Michael Lohan's temporary ceasefire came to an explosive end today in L.A. ... after the two went nuclear on each other on the set of a talk show.

Sources tell TMZ, Dina and Michael were taping a segment for "The Test" -- a conflict-resolution talk show launching this fall that uses lie detectors and DNA tests to settle disputes -- when things went South.

We're told things started out great -- but soon the finger pointing began ... and when the topic of infidelity came up, the gloves flew off.

According to sources, both Michael and Dina accused each other of lying about their past ... as well as who's really responsible for Lindsay's downward spiral ... and the whole thing ended in a firestorm. We're told Michael took two lie detector tests, but Dina refused to take any.

Now Dina and Michael -- who seemed to bury the hatchet during a burger date on Wednesday -- are back on terrible terms.

As we reported, Lindsay's treatment at Betty Ford involves family counseling -- and while both parents said they wanted to cooperate ... it looks like it's not gonna happen.

Saturday kicks off family therapy weekend at Betty Ford -- we're told Dina will be there and Michael wants to participate but fears Dina will now block him.

Lindsay Lohan Mending Family Fences

More evidence Lindsay Lohan is finally taking rehab seriously -- we've learned she's listening to her counselors and has found a clever way of trying to repair her damaged family.

Michael and Dina are at war, and Lindsay's counselors at Betty Ford are concerned the conflict is an impediment to the rehab process. Betty Ford can't get Dina and Michael to work as a family unit, so Lindsay has resorted to a clever, bedazzled trick -- jewelry.

We're told Lindsay decided to purchase "anchor" chains for her dad, sister Ali and her brother Michael Jr. ... to represent how they are all anchors in her life. Dina, Cody and Lindsay already have the chain.

Lindsay believes the symbolic gesture can actually open the door to some semblance of family unity ... which counselors think could help her in rehab.

Lindsay told Michael about her plan when he visited her this weekend, and it moved him enough to go out and buy the anchors himself, which Lindsay will give to the rest of the family.

Michael shipped the anchors to Lindsay, and she plans to give them to Michael Jr. and Ali when they visit her next weekend.

We're told counselors have a clear goal -- getting the entire family in the same room.

Anything is possible ... well, almost anything.

Michael Lohan Pays Lindsay a Visit I Couldn't Believe My Eyes!


Michael Lohan couldn't believe what he saw when he visited Lindsay in rehab this weekend, telling TMZ, his daughter's a totally new person and hasn't looked this healthy since her "Mean Girls" days.

Michael dropped by Betty Ford on Sunday to grab lunch with Lindsay and the two chatted for several hours. Michael tells TMZ, Lindsay's clear-eyed, 100% sober ... a completely different person.

According to Michael, Lindsay believes she's finally kicked her biggest substance problem -- taking Adderall while boozing -- and she's determined never to take Adderall again.

Michael tells us, Lindsay's not so hot on the therapy sessions. He explains why in the video.

Michael Lohan I Want Lindsay OUT of Betty Ford, NOW!


Lindsay Lohan might be an all-star rehabber at Betty Ford ... but Michael Lohan remains unconvinced of the center's healing powers, telling TMZ he wants LiLo transferred STAT.

Our photog spotted Michael arriving at LAX Saturday afternoon and asked the doting dad's thoughts on LiLo's situation at BF and if he was in town to visit LL while she serves her time recovers.

Michael quickly made his position clear -- he's no fan of Betty Ford and wants to transfer Lindsay to a different facility ASAP.

He also throws in his two cents on Amanda Bynes.

Lindsay Lohan Rehab All-Star

Lindsay Lohan was expected to screw up again in rehab -- at least that's what we here at TMZ thought -- but to our amazement, she's actually become a model patient this time around.

Sources close to Lindsay tell us, the actress has been attending ALL of her group and one-on-one counseling sessions at Betty Ford -- and she's not only taking them seriously, she's talking to friends about what she's learned ... especially issues involving self-control and reckless impulses.

Lindsay is saying the program is getting more complicated and emotional, but she's not shying away.

We're told Lindsay is sleeping in a room with two roommates because she doesn't want to be alone. Get this -- there's no drama -- she's getting along with both.

Several people who have visited her at Betty Ford tell us Lindsay looks better than she's looked in a long time.

Pretty ironic -- considering when she was sentenced to lockdown rehab, Lindsay was adamant she did NOT need treatment.

Lil Scrappy Fails Urine Test I'm Addicted to Marijuana

Lil Scrappy believes he's addicted to weed ... and after failing a court-ordered drug test, the rapper will enter a rehab facility for treatment, TMZ has learned.

Scrappy appeared in a Georgia courtroom moments ago, where officials revealed a urine test Scrappy took last week came back positive for marijuana.

TMZ spoke with Scrappy's lawyer, Mawuli Mel Davis, who tells us ... the rapper will check into a rehab facility before the next court hearing in June.

Davis also tells us ... Scrappy acknowledges he's addicted to smoking marijuana.

We broke the story ... Scrappy was recently jailed for violating his probation back in March after a dispute over a different pee test. According to court officials, Scrappy tried to turn in a urine sample that was cold to the touch and may have been tampered with ... and when asked to submit another cup, he refused.

Story developing ...

Charlie Sheen Brooke Wants Cash for Kids ... That's It

Charlie Sheen's legal team is headed for court this morning ... and he wants to expose what he believes is a crass ploy by ex-wife Brooke Mueller to make her brother the guardian of their kids so she can still get her hands on Charlie's gigantic child support checks.

As we previously reported ... Brooke is gunning to wrestle temporary custody away from Denise Richards, who has been caring for 4-year-old Bob and Max while Brooke tries to get it together at The Betty Ford Center. Brooke wants her brother to get temporary custody until she's sober again.

Charlie believes the almighty dollar is at the root of Brooke's ploy. He claims Brooke will still have access to Charlie's $55,000 monthly child support check if her bro gets the kids, and that's why she wants Denise out of the picture.

What's more ... sources connected to the case tell TMZ ... Denise has written proof -- in the form of text messages -- in which Brooke makes it clear -- she wants and needs those monthly checks.

Sources say Brooke -- through her lawyer -- will counter that Denise is the one who is in it for the money, although our sources say Denise has not asked Charlie for a dime for taking Bob and Max.

We're told Charlie wants Denise to keep the twins until Brooke is sober and able to prove she'll stay that way. Charlie realizes that could mean Denise could have the kids for a year ... and maybe longer. Charlie will tell the judge he would gladly pay Denise support money for her efforts.

The Charlie Sheen Bunch Denise & Brooke's Kids Like One Big Happy Family

Despite all the drama in their lives, Charlie Sheen's kids with Denise Richards and Brooke Mueller really are one beautiful family.

With Denise having temporary custody over Brooke's adorable twin boys while she's in rehab at the Betty Ford Center, the children enjoyed a family outing to a fair in L.A. this weekend with Denise's dad Irv.

As TMZ reported earlier, Brooke has been trying to get her sons removed from Denise's house and placed in her brother's home because she doesn't trust Charlie (and his temper).

Adults can be such a handful.

Lindsay Lohan I Want Out of Betty Ford ... Ain't Gonna Happen

Lindsay Lohan is determined to leave The Betty Ford Center for greener pastures ... but TMZ has learned prosecutors are having none of it.

TMZ broke the story ... Betty Ford doctors have cut Lindsay off from her Adderall, which she has always said was a deal breaker. Sources connected to Lindsay tell us she's going "crazy" and is desperate to move to another facility.

We're told Lindsay has researched other facilities and found one on the west coast which she believes is suitable to complete her 90 days. She wants to move ASAP.

Lindsay is saying she believes Betty Ford is "old school" and is not sensitive to the problems of young people.

But law enforcement sources tell us ... prosecutors are "unbending" -- they will NOT approve any move. As one source put it, "She had 45 days to find a suitable place. She didn't listen to her people and just did what she wanted so it's her problem now." The source adds, "Not gonna happen."

Lindsay Lohan Cut Off from Adderall I'm Quitting Betty Ford!!!

It's Lindsay Lohan's worst fear ... doctors at The Betty Ford Center have cut off her precious supply of Adderall -- and now, she's hell-bent on making her escape.

Sources close to Lindsay tell TMZ ... doctors at the rehab center evaluated Lindsay this week and decided she does NOT need her Addy pills, despite Lindsay's claims she suffers from ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder).​

We're told Betty Ford's doctors almost NEVER give anyone over the age of 15 the powerful drug, because the docs believe there are plenty of substitute meds for ADHD that do the trick without the addictive qualities inherent in the drug. And, we're told, the doctors are well aware many people -- especially Hollywood types -- misuse Adderall as a weight-control drug.

Here's the immediate problem ... Lindsay is telling her friends she CANNOT stay at Betty Ford and wants to be moved to another facility that is not hard-nosed about Adderall.

And this sets up yet another crisis, because it seems inconceivable Judge Jim Dabney and prosecutors would ignore the Betty Ford doctors and trump their diagnosis by letting Lindsay make a move.

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