Lindsay & Brooke in ... Rehab!! The High-larious Comedy

Lindsay Lohan and Brooke Mueller are the queens of rehab -- and since they're shacking up in the same facility now ... a sitcom's gotta come out of this mess! C'mon, they can use the work.

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Lindsay Lohan Prosecutors Sign Off On Betty Ford

Lindsay Lohan has officially dodged the jail bullet, because TMZ has learned prosecutors have officially accepted The Betty Ford Center as a substitute.

Judge Jim Dabney gave Lindsay the green light last week to spend the next 90 days at the famous Rancho Mirage, CA rehab facility, but said prosecutors had until today to lodge any objections.

We've learned ... both the L.A. and Santa Monica City Attorneys have just said it's all good with them.

The question now ... will Lindsay last 90 days at Betty Ford without getting into trouble? You'll recall during her last stint at the facility back in 2010 ... she got into a fight with a rehab worker which ended with lawsuits and criminal investigations.

Brooke Mueller Tries to Wrestle Twins From Charlie and Denise

Brooke Mueller is making a full-court press to move her twins from Denise Richards' home to Brooke's brother's home ... because she fears Charlie Sheen's volcanic temper will put their kids in harm's way.

Sources connected with the custody war tell TMZ ... Brooke's lawyers are going to court today in an effort to remove Bob and Max, the 4-year-old twins, from Denise's home. Brooke wants the kids to stay with her brother while she rehabs at The Betty Ford Center in Rancho Mirage.

Brooke believes Charlie is violent, and by putting the kids in Denise's care, it exposes them to Charlie. Brooke's lawyers are going to custody court today ... to get what they claim are sealed documents outlining a pattern of violence on Charlie's part. They want to take those documents to dependency court, where a judge stripped Brooke of custody.

Our sources say Charlie and Denise both think it's ridiculous to put the kids in the care of Brooke's bro, because he has no real relationship with the twins. What's more, it would mean uprooting the kids from their school, doctors, family, friends, etc.

Fact is ... Denise has bailed Brooke out of these situations multiple times in the past and Charlie has helped out, so it seems weird that suddenly that arrangement is so risky.

Lindsay Lohan, Brooke Mueller Say 'High' To Each Other At Betty Ford

Lindsay Lohan could be getting support from someone who has done cocaine waaaay more than 4 or 5 times ... 'cause Brooke Mueller's in the house!

Sources familiar with cocaine tell TMZ ... Brooke and Lindsay are currently staying in the hospital wing at The Betty Ford Center in Rancho Mirage. In fact we're told they've already run into each other and exchanged pleasantries ... not drugs.

Brooke and Lindsay have a connection in one Charlie Sheen, who has given lots of money to both ... and possibly drugs.

The question -- who mentors who? The person who has more experience with drugs, or the person who was cleaner -- although it's unclear which is which.

Charlie/Brooke Twins SHOCKING REPORT In Court


Charlie Sheen and Denise Richards were in court today as the judge pored over what sources say is a shocking report about conditions in Brooke Mueller's home ... TMZ has learned.

As you know ... Brooke is in rehab again after falling off the wagon, and the L.A. County Dept. of Children and Family Services was alarmed enough to take Bob and Max and place them in the care of Charlie's ex-wife, Denise Richards.

The 4-year-old twins were also in court -- along with Brooke's attorneys Lori Howe and Angela di Donato, and Charlie's attorneys Mark Gross and Elise Greenberg.

In court, we're told the judge maintained the status quo, allowing Denise to keep the kids for now.

The real question -- will the judge give the children back to Brooke when she leaves rehab, or is the handwriting on the wall that she just can't kick the habit?

Charlie & Denise Go To Court Over Bob & Max

Charlie Sheen and Denise Richards are in court right now, where a judge is expected to allow Denise to have temporary custody of Charlie and Brooke Mueller's twins Bob and Max while Brooke gets help in rehab.

The open question ... will child services and the judge be down to let Brooke take the kids back when she leaves rehab -- a place which has become a revolving door for her -- or will they simply say enough is enough, and attempt to strip her of custody?

As we reported, Mueller's 4-year-old twins with Charlie were taken Thursday night after the L.A. County D.C.F.S. decided Mueller's home was an "unsafe environment" due to her suspected drug use.

Lindsay Lohan Her Adderall Is On Chopping Block

Lindsay Lohan is NOT drug free at The Betty Ford Center ... TMZ has learned.

Sources connected with the rehab queen tell TMZ ... Betty Ford is allowing her to take the powerful drug, Adderall. The reason -- she has an Rx and says she's been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

Lindsay has made it clear over the last month -- she would only go to rehab if she's allowed to take the med. BUT ... sources tell us doctors at Betty Ford are currently evaluating Lindsay's diagnosis and the efficacy of the drug. If doctors disbelieve her diagnosis or the usefulness of Adderall, they will cut her off.

Adderall is commonly misused by lots of people -- especially actresses -- who take the drug to suppress their appetite.

The good news for Lindsay -- at least she can smoke freely at B.F..

Lindsay Lohan Court Docs Reveal Rehab Scam

Lindsay Lohan's freshly fired lawyer tried to convince the judge and prosecutors to allow her to go to a facility that had no right to offer rehab services.

TMZ has obtained court docs that confirm the story we broke last week ... that Morningside Recovery in Newport Beach had NO license to provide substance abuse treatment ... despite attorney Mark Heller's representations to the contrary.

A State official sent a letter to Judge Jim Dabney making it crystal clear ... Morningside had its license revoked in Sept., 2012 for numerous violations, including failing to report the death of a patient, providing unlicensed medical services and improperly handling prescription meds.

In fact, the letter says Morningside has flaunted the revocation, and continues to provide rehab without a license, so a State agency is now taking the facility to court to get them to stop.

As for The Betty Ford Center -- where Lindsay is currently receiving treatment -- a rehab case manager submitted a letter saying Lindsay will get a treatment team consisting of a physician, nurse, psychologist, primary counselor, case manager, spiritual care counselor, family counselor, dietician, fitness trainer and chemical dependency technician.

'Buckwild' Star Salwa Ordered to REHAB After That, Back To Jail

Good News: "Buckwild" star Salwa Amin is getting out of jail!!!

Bad News: She's only being TEMPORARILY released so she can go to an inpatient rehab for opiates.

Worse News: After she completes rehab, the judge is making her go back to jail.

Old News: Salwa was locked up without bail in West Virginia on March 27, when a court-ordered drug test turned up oxycodone and morphine.

On Monday, a West Virginia court ordered her to an inpatient treatment program ... it's not clear for how long.

Salwa was originally arrested in a February drug raid at her friend's house. Officers allegedly turned up oxycodone and heroin and booked them on counts of felony drug possession with intent to deliver ... that's why she was ordered to drug-test in the first place.

Once she's done with rehab, Salwa is coming STRAIGHT BACK to jail to await a court date regarding the original drug charges ... and that date hasn't been set yet.

Lindsay Lohan Safe And Sound At Betty Ford ... For Now

Lindsay Lohan is safely ensconced at the Betty Ford Center rehab facility in Rancho Mirage, CA ... TMZ has learned.

Sources familiar with the situation tell TMZ ... Lindsay checked in late Thursday night ... barely dodging a looming arrest warrant.

We broke the story ... Lindsay has re-hired Shawn Holley, who then negotiated with Santa Monica City Attorney Terry White to make the deal that Betty Ford was an acceptable rehab joint.

It's ironic Lindsay is at Betty Ford -- you'll recall back in 2010 Lindsay got into an epic fight during her rehab stay with a staffer. The police were called and civil lawsuits were filed. It's amazing Betty Ford took her back.

We're told prosecutors will back off their promise to seek an arrest warrant today ... although they still have to get the judge to sign off on Betty Ford, but it looks like that will just be a formality.

Can Lindsay make it for 90 days? Let's be serious.

Lindsay Lohan Shawn Holley She's Baaack!

Lindsay Lohan is in a heap of trouble ... and guess who's back to dig her out of the hole? That would be the lawyer she fired ... Shawn Holley.

Multiple sources connected to the case tell TMZ ... Lindsay BEGGED Holley to return as her lawyer after Thursday's hearing. We're told Lindsay was angry at her lawyer Du Jour, Mark Heller, for recommending Morningside Recovery to fulfill her 90-day rehab obligation. After we posted a story that Morningside had its license revoked, Lindsay decided she didn't want to go there.

So Lindsay and her team spent the better part of Thursday convincing Holley to come back on board. And, we've learned, clearly a glutton for punishment, Holley agreed.

Sources tell us Holley, who did not return our calls, has already been in touch with prosecutors and is trying to keep them from seeking an arrest warrant.

TMZ broke the story ... Lindsay never entered Morningside -- which the judge required her to do -- and if she's not there first thing this morning, prosecutors are going to court for a warrant. But we've learned Holley is trying to get prosecutors to agree to a rehab facility other than Morningside ... and if they do she's promised Lindsay will be there.

As for Heller, as far as we know, he's in the dark that he's the latest victim of Lindsay's ax.

And one final thing. We broke the story ... Lindsay still owes Shawn $150,000 for all the stuff she did before she got the chop. See, sometimes the client is the a-hole.

Lindsay Lohan 12 Hours to Dodge ARREST WARRANT

Prosecutors will seek an arrest warrant for Lindsay Lohan ... if she's not ensconced at Morningside Recovery by sunrise ... law enforcement sources tell TMZ.

As we reported, Lindsay rolled up to Morningside Recovery this morning ... but she never got out of her SUV. The whip inexplicably left the premises with Lindsay still inside, and she never came back.

Now, law enforcement sources tell us, if Lindsay isn't at Morningside by dawn tomorrow -- roughly 6am in L.A. at this time of year -- prosecutors will go to court first thing in the morning and seek a warrant for her arrest.

It's unclear where Lindsay is at the moment ... but she better get a move on.

Tick tock.

Lindsay Lohan Chooses Fry's Over Rehab

Lindsay Lohan's lawyer lied in court today when he said his client was already ensconced in a rehab facility ... she was actually roaming the aisles of an electronics store.

Lindsay was at Fry's Electronics in Fountain Valley, CA at 9 AM ... the same time her lawyer, Mark Heller, told the judge she was confined to Morningside Recovery in Newport Beach.

Fact is ... this post went up at 11:10 AM PT and she's still not at Morningside. Lindsay's SUV arrived at the facility a short time ago but she didn't get out ... the vehicle left with Lindsay still inside.

It's unclear if the judge will allow Lindsay to do her 90 days at Morningside. TMZ broke the story ... the facility had its license REVOKED and it can no longer provide treatment. It's just a sober living facility, and it's doubtful that's gonna cut it with hizzoner.

Lindsay Lohan Treatment Facility has NO LICENSE

The treatment facility Lindsay Lohan is currently at has NO LICENSE to provide rehab treatment because its license was REVOKED ... TMZ has learned.

TMZ broke the story ... Lindsay has entered Morningside Recovery in Newport Beach ... even though prosecutors never signed off on the facility. The judge is giving prosecutors a week to investigate the facility, and here's the first thing they'll find.

We've learned in November, 2011 Morningside's license was suspended for being careless with prescription drugs and operating beyond the scope of its license. After a full hearing in 2012, the California Dept. of Alcohol and Drug Programs REVOKED Morningside's license outright.

We spoke with Millicent Tidwell, the Acting Deputy Director Over the Licensing and Certification Division at the Department, and she told us "Morningside cannot give any treatment."

Tidwell tells us the only thing Morningside can do without a license is provide a sober living environment, but NO TREATMENT.

Tidwell adds, "It is a violation of the State law to operate a residential drug and alcohol treatment facility in California without a license. Morningside does not have a license."


12:50 PM PT -- Morningside Recovery has just released a statement, insisting Tidwell is WRONG and that they DO have a "license/certification" to provide drug and alcohol treatment. Morningside CEO Mary Helen Beatificato says the 2011 revocation of Morningside's license only affects the company's ability to provide residential detox services.

Tidwell's response ... Morningside is full of crap ... the recovery center is NOT licensed to provide inpatient drug/alcohol treatment. Period.

We've learned one reason Morningside's license was revoked is because Brandon Jacques, a 20-year-old patient suffering from bulimia and alcohol addiction, allegedly died as a result of the facility's misconduct. According to official docs, the facility was not licensed to treat people with eating disorders. According to the family's lawsuit against Morningside, the man had a low electrolyte count and the facility should have transferred him to a hospital but didn't. The man died from cardiac arrest while doing push-ups.

Lindsay Lohan Scores Rehab Victory ... Maybe

Lindsay Lohan may have gotten away with it again ... she checked into a rehab facility that was NEVER approved by prosecutors and the judge seems like he's down with the change.

TMZ broke the story ... Lindsay checked into Morningside Recovery this morning in Newport Beach. As we previously reported ... prosecutors and Lindsay's lawyer, Mark Heller -- who wore a tie that could itself be a felony -- had agreed she would enroll in Seafield Center in Westhampton Beach, NY. Heller never gave prosecutors a heads-up that Lindsay was flying to CA last night to enroll in Morningside.

As we reported, Lindsay made the change because Seafield wouldn't let her smoke at the facility ... but smoking was permitted at Morningside.

A furious prosecutor -- Santa Monica City Attorney Terry White -- clearly felt blindsided by the change, saying he learned about it from the media yesterday. White also expressed misgivings about Morningside, saying he found 3 articles "condemning" the facility.


As for what prosecutor White was talking about ... in 2012 State investigators suspended Morningside's license for allegedly being careless with prescription drugs. And at least 9 families of patients reportedly sued the facility for failing to deliver treatment. At the time, a State official called Morningside, "a substantial threat" to the health and safety of the public.

But Judge Jim Dabney looked at some of the paperwork about Morningside and said on its face it seemed like the rehab joint was acceptable, but he's giving prosecutors a week from Friday to investigate.

For now, Lindsay will stay at Morningside -- where she can smoke as many cigarettes as she wants.

Lindsay Hits Chanel I NEED MY FIX Before Rehab


Lindsay Lohan was fiending last night ... not for drugs or alcohol ... for expensive designer clothes -- so she hit up Chanel for a last-minute pre-rehab shopping spree.

Lohan -- accompanied by an entourage -- hit up the Chanel store in NYC last night, where she browsed the high-priced inventory ... before leaving with a bag full of new stuff.

As we previously reported, Lohan was SUPPOSED to enter Seafield Center rehab facility in Westhampton Beach, New York this morning ... but she's refusing and we're told she's en route to a different rehab facility in Newport Beach, CA.

No matter where she ends up ... at least she'll have a fabulous wardrobe.

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