Lindsay Lohan Rehab Facility SURROUNDED BY TEMPTATION

8:00 AM PDT: Lindsay's attorney Mark Heller is telling various tabloids that no decision has been made on which rehab facility Lindsay will enter.

Sources connected to the situation tell TMZ ... Heller is not telling the truth. A decision HAS been made, and Lindsay's going to Seafield.

Lindsay Lohan will do rehab 15 minutes from the hottest summer club scene in the country ... problem is, if she tries to escape she's going directly to jail.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... Lindsay's lawyer and prosecutors have agreed on a facility where she'll do her 90 days of rehab. It's called Seafield Center in Westhampton Beach, NY.

Seafield is NOT a lockdown facility -- something prosecutors and the judge required. But we broke the story ... there's no such thing as a true lockdown rehab joint where people are essentially held hostage.

We've learned prosecutors have modified the plea bargain and have agreed on Seafield. It's an inpatient facility where patients are not supposed to leave, but no one can stop them if they walk out the door.

But here's the reason why Seafield was chosen -- It has 24-hour staff guarding the doors, as well as surveillance cameras and walls. If Lindsay tries to leave, she can't be stopped, but someone would see her and notify authorities. That would trigger a probation violation and the judge would almost certainly throw her butt in jail.

As for the cost ... $4,025 a week. Grand total for 90 days -- $51,750.

One problem. We've learned the facility is not designed for a 90-day stay. The limit is 28 days. An admissions person told TMZ ... they've never had anyone there longer for one stay. But we've learned the administrator has told prosecutors he'd stylize a 90-day program just for Lindsay

One final thing. There are lots of rules. No tobacco, no cell phone, and you can't dress like a slut ...

Lindsay Lohan Tears & Vodka on Letterman


Lindsay Lohan mixed vodka with rehab -- with a splash of tears -- on David Letterman's show last night.

The most famous defendant since O.J. Simpson says she's taking her impending rehab seriously ... but then -- on camera -- she reached for a coffee cup filled with a mysterious liquid.

Best mug shot ever!

By the way, Linds kept the party going after Letterman -- she hit up 1 Oak Nightclub, and was seen leaving early this morning.

At least she's not driving.

David Letterman Grills Lindsay Are You An Addict?

David Letterman grilled Lindsay Lohan like a cheeseburger today ... firing off question after question about her upcoming stint in rehab ... until Lindsay finally shot back with a dig of her own.

Letterman broke the ice by asking, "Aren't you supposed to be in rehab now?"

Lindsay responded, "Don't you watch anything that goes on? What are you a tabloid now?"

Lohan eventually told Dave what he wanted to hear -- she'll be entering rehab on May 2 and believes it's "a blessing and not a curse."

Letterman kept pressing ... asking if Lohan believes she truly has an addiction problem -- and that's when Lindsay hit back.

Lindsay Lohan's Plea Deal One String Attached ... I WANT MY ADDERALL

Lindsay Lohan drew a line in the sand during plea negotiations in her lying-to-cops case -- she'd agree to rehab ONLY if the facility would allow her to continue taking Adderall ... sources close to LiLo tell TMZ.

Our sources say Lindsay has taken Adderall -- used to treat Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and misused for various other purposes -- daily for years. She believes she needs it to function.

We're told Lindsay was steadfast -- either attach Adderall to the deal or she'd take her chances at trial. Sources say Lindsay's lawyer, Mark Heller, assured her he could find a lockdown rehab facility that would accommodate her demand.

Heller may not be able to deliver ... fact is, there's no such thing as a lockdown rehab facility that would take Lindsay, much less allow her to take the drug.

It's pretty ironic ... when Lindsay was jailed back in 2010, she got a doctor to prescribe Adderall while she was behind bars ... even though her ADHD diagnosis was called into serious question.

A number of people in Lindsay's life believe it was the Adderall that led to her downfall.

Cory Monteith Checks Into Rehab

"Glee" star Cory Monteith has checked himself into rehab for substance addiction, a rep for the 30-year-old actor announced this morning.

Monteith's rep told PEOPLE mag, "[Monteith] has voluntarily admitted himself to a treatment facility for substance addiction. He graciously asks for your respect and privacy as he takes the necessary steps towards recovery."

Monteith, who stars as Finn Hudson on the Fox show, was in rehab once before when he was 19. He talked about it back in 2011, saying, "I don't want kids to think it's okay to drop out of school and get high, and they'll be famous actors, too."

Lindsay Lohan In Limbo Over Rehab

It's been two weeks since Lindsay Lohan was sentenced to 90 days in lockdown rehab, but TMZ has learned there's been no movement in placing her in a facility.

We broke the story after lots of digging ... there's no such thing as lockdown rehab for Lindsay, and that creates a problem because we're told the judge and prosecutors were under the clear impression -- based on representations by Lindsay's lawyer -- that she could be placed in such a facility in New York.

We're told prosecutors are discussing what to do with the famed defendant, but nothing has been decided. The options are regular rehab (where Lindsay has been a royal screw-up in the past) and jail.

In fact, the sentence is actually 90 days in jail which can be fulfilled by 90 days lockdown rehab.

It's unclear if prosecutors will make the rehab decision on their own or take it back to the judge. Given that the judge also seemed to clearly be under the impression that lockdown was an option, it's likely Judge Jim Dabney will have to sign off.

Lindsay Lohan Lockdown Rehab Doesn't Exist

Lindsay Lohan struck a plea deal she CANNOT fulfill, because TMZ has learned ... the lockdown rehab she promised to do is a fiction.

Fact is ... there appears to be no non-jail rehab facilities that will keep patients in against their will -- anywhere in the U.S..

Sources connected with the case tell TMZ ... Lindsay's lawyer, Mark Heller, represented to prosecutors he could get his client into a 90-day lockdown rehab center in NYC. As we reported, there are no private NY rehab centers that keep patients against their will, except for one connected with the prison system, and you have to have a felony record to get in -- and Lindsay doesn't.

We also checked to see if Lindsay could complete her 90-day lockdown rehab in CA, but there isn't a single non-jail lockdown rehab facility in the State.

Rehab guru Dr. Drew tells TMZ, "There is no rehab that will hold you against your will, unless they feel the person is a suicide risk, and in that case they can hold the individual for 72 hours."

Here's the BIG problem. Lindsay's actual sentence is 90 days in jail, but the judge said he'd allow her to complete it with lockdown rehab. Sources say the prosecutors believed such a facility was available when they offered the plea deal.

It would seem a typical 90-day rehab program wouldn't cut it. Lindsay has been there at least twice before. She constantly snuck out of Cirque Lodge in Utah and allegedly did the same thing at Betty Ford in California.

On top of that, Lindsay continues to drink, as recently as Friday.

We're told prosecutors are reevaluating the plea deal to determine what they want to do. Sources say the jail option is still on the table.

Lindsay Lohan Still Clubbing This Time with New Beau

Lindsay Lohan continued her weekend of partying before rehab ... hitting a club in Santa Monica last night with a few friends ... including her rumored new man, Avi Snow.

LiLo was there to watch Avi's band play. We're told she left around midnight (kinda early for her, no?).

As TMZ first reported, Lindsay spent her Friday night drinking inside a club in San Diego, where spies say she asked to be served vodka from carafes, instead of bottles, so she wouldn't be seen with alcohol bottles on her table.

In is unclear if Lindsay was drinking last night as well. In the pics she's drinking San Pellegrino.

Lilo has only just recently started dating Snow, who plays guitar for the indie band City of the Sun. It was his band's concert in New York last week that made Lindsay skip her flight back to Los Angeles ... which started the chain reaction of events that led to her being late to court.

Lindsay Lohan Six-Figure Payday Before Rehab

Lindsay Lohan has scored herself a HUGE paycheck before she goes into rehab, and TMZ has learned she'll be earning her keep by hanging out in South America.

Sources close to LiLo tell TMZ ... she's headed to Brazil this coming week to make a few appearances to promote a clothing line. We're told Lindsay scored a low six-figure payday for the deal.

Our sources say Lindsay will head down to Brazil on Wednesday (with a small entourage in tow) after she shoots her appearance on Charlie Sheen's show, "Anger Management." We're told Lindsay is scheduled to shoot her scenes Monday and possibly Tuesday.

The money will certainly come in handy. As TMZ first reported, Lindsay was recently hit with another tax lien in the amount of $56,717.90 ... in addition to two other liens she has outstanding.

Lindsay Lohan Still Drinking Despite Rehab Sentence

Lindsay Lohan continues to drink -- and drink often -- despite being sentenced this week to 90 days of lockdown rehab ... TMZ has learned.

Sources close to Lindsay tell TMZ she was at the bar of her hotel in Beverly Hills just hours after her court hearing on Monday ... knocking back vodka sodas. We're told Lindsay did not seem fazed by the irony of the situation.

It goes on -- we're told Lindsay went to a club in San Diego called FLUXX last night with a friend, arriving after midnight. Our spies say LiLo was wearing a Yankees cap and a hooded sweatshirt and sat at a VIP table ordering vodka on the rocks all night.

We're told Lindsay specifically requested that vodka be served from a glass carafe ... this way the table would not have any alcohol bottles on it.

Sources close to Lindsay tell us she is adamant she does not have a substance abuse problem and doesn't feel she needs professional help.

She's the only one.

Lindsay Lohan Rehab Is Gonna Ruin My Birthday!

Don't you just hate it when court-ordered rehab totally ruins your birthday plans? Lindsay Lohan does ... and is telling friends she's super bummed she'll be turning 27 while on lockdown.

There's no getting around it ... Lindsay has been ordered to check-in to a rehab facility for 90 days within the next month and half, so her July 2 birthday WILL fall in the treatment zone ... and she's pissed.

To be clear ... not about the whole rehab thing ... just about missing her birthday (seriously).

We're told LiLo had big plans -- which involved throwing a party in NYC -- but now it's all gone to the crapper after she copped a plea deal with prosecutors and took rehab over jail

In case you forgot, LiLo has already been to rehab five times since 2007 -- including one stint during her 21st bday as well -- but none have stuck. Sources close to LiLo tell us, they're hoping this next trip will finally sober her up.

Again ... still beats jail.

Lindsay Lohan Jail Scares the Crap Out of Me ... So I Chose Rehab

It's not a promising sign ... but we've learned Lindsay Lohan did NOT accept the plea deal of 90 days in lockdown rehab because she wants to beat substance abuse -- she chose it because it beats jail.

We broke the story ... prosecutors have offered Lindsay the 90-day lockdown rehab deal for weeks, but she consistently rejected it. Her change of heart came at the last minute -- 30,000 feet in the air as she belatedly flew to L.A. for her trial.

Lindsay is telling friends she actually likes the rehab option, because it will allow her to focus on herself without any distractions.

Here's the problem. Lindsay is still saying -- ADAMANTLY -- she does NOT have a substance abuse problem. People in the rehab world say ... it's virtually impossible for anyone in rehab to get better if they don't admit having a problem.

Lindsay has been down this route before, but the rehab experience has never stuck.

Ex-UFC Fighter Popped for DUI

Ex-UFC champ Ricco Rodriguez -- who also appeared on the first season of "Celebrity Rehab" -- has been arrested on suspicion of DUI, TMZ has learned.

According to law enforcement, Rodriguez was busted in L.A. yesterday morning at 1:25 AM. He was subsequently booked for misdemeanor DUI. Details surrounding the arrest are unclear.

He was released several hours later on $5,000 bail.

Ricco's rep tells TMZ, "When Ricco was arrested the police officer said he blew a .1. When they had him take another breathalyzer at the station only a few minutes later he blew a .08. We are wondering how a breathalyzer dropped .02 points after a very short time." Ricco's rep says they plan to fight the charges.

Law enforcement tells us, Ricco voluntarily took a breathalyzer test ... and it's not uncommon to get slightly varying results.

Mischa Barton I'm NOT PAYING Sober Coaches $90k

Mischa Barton is refusing to pay a team of sober coaches who claim the actress racked up a $90k bill for using their services back in 2009 ... TMZ has learned.

We broke the story ... Mischa was ordered to pay Doctors' Choice Nursing $95,000 back in 2011 for unspecified services rendered in 2009. Mischa failed to show up to court after the suit was filed, which is why a default judgment was entered against her.

The nature of the services has been a mystery for years ... until this week in court, when the owner of DCN explained that the nurses were hired to keep Mischa sober. The owner did not specify which substance Mischa was allegedly abusing.

Mischa's lawyer was in court Thursday fighting the default judgment -- and grilled the owner of DCN about why she hadn't notified Mischa of the mounting bill if the actress was the one responsible for paying it.

The owner replied that she didn't want the stress of the mounting bill to exacerbate Mischa's sobriety problems. The owner said it was the nurses' job to keep Mischa sober before an important acting gig in fall 2009 ... the same year she starred in the CW show, "The Beautiful Life."

Mischa's lawyer contends it was the actress' mother who hired the nurses and therefore ran up the bills -- so Mischa shouldn't have to pay. The judge has yet to rule.

Steven Tyler I Spent $5 Mil on Cocaine

Steven Tyler says he "snorted half of Peru" over the course of his drug-addled rock career -- easily spending at least $5 million on cocaine before he finally kicked the habit.

The Aerosmith singer revealed the drug numbers on Australia's "60 Minutes" this week, saying he spent a fortune on booger sugar as a young rock star ... "Probably, realistically, 5 or 6 [million], easy ... You could also say I snorted half of Peru, but, you know, it's what we did."

Tyler's been open about his former drug addiction for a while now -- telling Matt Lauer back in 2011, "I needed that cocaine. I needed it." But he said it ruined him, adding, "It took my children away, it took my marriages away. I was on my knees."

Tyler sobered up in the mid 80s but later relapsed. He was diagnosed with Hepatitis C in 2003, which he believes he contracted as a result of his intravenous drug use.

Tyler's been in and out of rehab numerous times, but now considers himself sober.

McCready's 'Rehab' Co-Star Grief-Stricken 'The Tragedy Is Astounding'


Mindy McCready's "Celebrity Rehab" co-star Mackenzie Phillips could hardly speak today in L.A. after news broke of McCready's suicide -- claiming, "The tragedy is just astounding."

A visibly upset Phillips said, "She was my friend. She was a really good person. I loved her very much."

She added, "[Mindy] was funny. She was smart. She was loving. She was kind. She was incredibly talented ... I'm in grief and it's very raw."

McCready and Phillips were roommates on the 3rd season of "Celebrity Rehab" with Dr. Drew in 2010, and remained friends.

As we reported, McCready was found dead at her home in Arkansas yesterday after suffering what appeared to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound. She was 37.

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