Randy Travis Sentenced to Rehab for Drunk Driving, But ...

Country singer Randy Travis has been sentenced to 180 DAYS IN JAIL after pleading guilty to drunk driving in Texas back in August ... but he probably won't spend a single minute behind bars ... TMZ has learned.

According to the Grayson County District Attorney ...Travis was sentenced to 180 days in jail, but that sentence was probated for 2 years ... meaning if he stays out of trouble for 2 years, he can avoid the slammer.

But if Travis runs afoul of the law, officials can bring Travis in to serve out the 180 days.

Travis must also check in to an inpatient alcohol treatment facility for a minimum of 30 days AND complete 100 hours of community service.

There's more ... Travis must also install an ignition interlock device on any vehicle he drives for 2 years. The IID measures the driver's blood alcohol level and will prevent the engine from starting if the driver is intoxicated.

TMZ broke the story ... Travis was arrested for Driving While Intoxicated on August 7, 2012 ... after cops found him lying naked in the roadway after crashing his car in a construction area in Texas.

Lindsay Lohan Stupidly Pulls Plug On Rehab Plea Deal

Lindsay Lohan COULD have avoided almost certain jail time by accepting a plea deal for lockdown rehab -- that is, if she didn't fire her lawyer who was literally on the way to the courthouse to make it happen.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... the Santa Monica City Attorney -- who is prosecuting Lindsay for allegedly lying to cops after her June car crash on Pacific Coast Highway -- was willing to keep Lindsay out of jail, PROVIDED she agree to check into "lockdown rehab" for 6 months.

Sources say ... Shawn Holley -- the lawyer who has kept Lindsay out of jail -- was on her way to court Monday to meet with the prosecutor and the judge to hash out the deal. What's more, Lindsay also faces jail time for a probation violation in the jewelry heist case because she allegedly lied to cops after the crash. We're told the judge could have agreed to end both cases if Lindsay checked into rehab.

But Shawn never made it to court, because Lindsay signed her walking papers and hired a New York lawyer who was suspended in the '90s from practicing law for 5 years.

Lindsay now says she wants Shawn back. The question -- does Shawn have the stomach for another helping of Lindsay?

There's a hearing scheduled for 8:30 AM PT today. Shawn will probably show up because she's still counsel of record. If she stays on the case, prosecutors could present the deal to her, but Lindsay is making it all very difficult.

Demi Lovato The Sober Living House Is My Home!

Demi Lovato is rich and famous, and can afford to live just about anywhere she wants ... but we've learned she's been living in a fairly spartan sober living facility for more than a year.

It's actually pretty awesome ... Demi does not want to fall back into the grip of addiction, where she found herself back in 2010, when she admitted she had problems with anorexia, bulimia and cutting.

After going to rehab, the 20-year-old seemed better, but ultimately felt she needed the support and guidance from counselors and other addicts who understood her situation.

Sources tell us ... shortly after her inpatient rehab, she moved into a facility in the L.A. area. It's interesting ... considering she also owns a very nice home in L.A..

We're told during the entire season of "X Factor" Demi felt it was best to come home to the facility, where she wouldn't lose her way.

As for how long she'll stay there ... it's undetermined.

In a town with a lot of stars who never figure it out, it's pretty amazing when you see someone as young as her make such good decisions.

Brooke Mueller Scores 6-Figure Settlement Against Rehab Facility

Brooke Mueller is starting the new year with a big wad of cash, courtesy of a settlement with The Canyons rehab facility over a breach of confidentiality ... TMZ has learned.

TMZ broke the story ... Brooke sued The Canyons after someone from the facility allegedly leaked private information about her while she was staying there, including her admissions documents -- which detailed the nature of her addiction.

Sources familiar with the situation tell TMZ the settlement is for somewhere around $250,000.

What to do with a quarter of a million bucks ...

Brooke Mueller Addicted to Shopping

Brooke Mueller got her shopping fix last night by taking her twin boys to The Grove in L.A.

Mueller is back with her kids after a rough few weeks. She checked in and out of rehab in just 6 days -- her 19th visit.

She also got into a heated battle with Denise Richards after Denise (whom Brooke entrusted with her kids while she was in rehab) dared to ask if she could take the twins to Charlie Sheen's Christmas party. In case we have to paint the pic, Brooke is at war with Charlie.

2013 can't come fast enough for her. Wonder what 2014 will bring?

Brooke Mueller Out of 'Rehab'

Brooke Mueller is out of "rehab" in record time ... TMZ has learned.

Brooke spent 6 days for her addiction to Adderall ... which sent her off the rails. It's the 19th time Brooke has been in rehab, so she clearly has a problem.

Sources say her mission this time around was to detox, which can certainly resolve immediate addiction issues, but such a short stay does not deal with underlying problems. Brooke does, however, have ongoing psychological outpatient treatment. She says she's feeling much better.

As for her twins, we've learned they're back in her custody. As we first reported, Brooke gave Bob and Max to Denise Richards -- Charlie Sheen's second ex -- to care for them while she was detoxing, but Brooke went nuclear when Denise asked if she could take the kids to Charlie's XMAS party. Brooke's mom picked the kids up the next day.

Brooke Mueller I'm Leaving My Twins With Denise

Charlie Sheen's 2nd ex-wife Denise Richards got an interesting early XMAS gift -- twins ... but they're not hers ... they're Brooke Mueller's.

Sources close to Charlie and his exes tell TMZ ... Brooke asked Denise to care for Bob and Max while she tries rehab for the 19th time, and Denise happily obliged.

As for why Charlie isn't caring for the 3-year-olds ... we're told he doesn't have the time because he's shooting "Anger Management."

Our sources tell us ... Denise will care for Bob and Max for "an indefinite period of time."

It's pretty interesting ... not only is Brooke confident the kids will be well cared for, but Charlie is also happy Denise is taking care of his entire brood.

And get this ... we've learned this isn't the first time Bob and Max have stayed with Denise. The last time Brooke went to rehab, the kids stayed with D.R..

Who needs "Modern Family."

Brooke Mueller Back In Rehab For 19th Time

Brooke Mueller is back in familiar territory -- rehab -- because she now confesses she has a big problem with a powerful drug.

Sources close to Brooke tell TMZ ... Charlie Sheen's ex-wife #3 says she has addiction issues with Adderall -- a psycho-stimulant commonly used for ADD.

TMZ broke the story ... an unresponsive Brooke was rushed to the hospital last week after OD'ing on drugs. Brooke is privately acknowledging she took way too many Adderall pills and it put her in the danger zone.

Brooke --who checked into rehab tonight -- won't bump into any walls in the middle of the night because she knows the facility very well -- she's been there before. She'll be living there for an undetermined period of time.

Brooke's attorney, Yale Galanter, tells TMZ, "Brooke was uncomfortable with the way Adderall was making her behave."

Galanter also insists Brooke had no illegal drugs in her system when she OD'd last week.

Brooke is on probation in Aspen and she is prohibited from consuming alcohol, but Galanter tells us he's confident the low low level of alcohol in her bloodstream would not result in a probation violation.

Galanter adds, "Brooke continues her lifelong battle with drug addiction by taking these steps herself to prevent a further drug relapse."

'Celeb Rehab' Star Cheating Drug Tests with Bogus Urine

"Celebrity Rehab" star Kari Ann Peniche is once again in danger of losing custody of her child ... after new evidence surfaced which shows she's ordering urine off the Internet and injecting it into her own genitalia in order to pass drug tests.

TMZ has learned ... Peniche's friend filed a declaration in which he claims he accompanied the former Miss United States Teen winner to a drug-testing facility in July and witnessed her injecting the urine into her genital area ... so she would "secrete the purchased urine" in the event a staffer at the facility followed her into the bathroom.

In August, Lee claims Peniche also confessed to paying off facility staffers in exchange for clean urine samples.

Lee says he witnessed Peniche using meth as recently as September -- despite having 50% custody of her 1-year-old son.

In light of the new evidence, the judge in the custody case found that Peniche poses a danger to the child ... and ruled that she cannot visit her son without a monitor until she takes two clean tests.

So far, the judge has yet to rule on the baby daddy's bid for sole custody.

6:28 AM PT -- Peniche's rep tells us ... "Kari Ann adamantly denies any and all negative allegations that have been made against her in her case. There has not been any evidence to establish that Kari Ann has, at any time, placed her son in harm’s way."

The rep adds, "Kari Ann has been a competent, caring and loving mother and will continue to do all that she lawfully can do to protect the health, safety and welfare of her son."

Lindsay Lohan I DO NOT Need Rehab!

Lindsay Lohan's friends are trying to make her go to rehab, but she's saying NO! NO! NO! ... telling them she doesn't believe she needs it ... TMZ has learned.

As TMZ first reported, Lindsay has become so stressed out by her impending probation violation, she's been hitting the bottle hard ... drinking as much as two liters of vodka per day.

According to our sources, close friends of Lindsay have been urging her to go to rehab BEFORE she goes to court ... hoping the move might win her favor with the judge.

But we're told Lindsay is having none of it ... telling friends she does not think she has a problem with alcohol. Our sources say Lindsay points to the fact that she recently completed three movies as proof she does not need rehab. Funny ... cause watching "Liz & Dick" suggests the opposite.

We're told Lindsay is worried about the upcoming hearing, but maintains she will not check into rehab as a way to try and avoid jail time.

Don't say they didn't warn you.

Octomom Post-Rehab Feast With Children of the Cornbread

It's official ... Octomom has completed 30 days of rehab -- and she celebrated the achievement yesterday by reuniting with her 14 children at the Thanksgiving dinner table ... and TMZ has the pics.

A rep for Octomom -- real name Nadya Suleman -- tells TMZ, she completed her 30-day program at Chapman Rehab yesterday and immediately went home to help prepare a Thanksgiving meal for her kids.

We're told the meal consisted of a whole ham, apple sauce, stuffing, and your usual Turkey Day fixins ... minus the turkey. (Seriously, they didn't eat any turkey.)

As we reported, Nadya entered treatment for a Xanax dependency and anxiety issues -- and her rep tells us, she's so committed to conquering her demons ... she has voluntarily agreed to attend additional treatment sessions while she lives at home.

Octo's nannies have been keeping the children on strict schedules for sleeping, eating, bathing, and homework while mommy was away -- and Octo plans to follow the same program now that she's back.

The rep says Octo's extremely proud of her rehab achievements, but knows there's still lots of work to be done.

And probably some cleaning too.

Octomom & Dad Rehab Table 4 2

You know what they say -- the family that detoxes together ... Octomom's dad has joined his daughter in rehab ... TMZ has learned.

A rep for Nadya Suleman tells TMZ ... 71-year-old papa Octo (aka Ed Doud) -- checked into the Chapman House Rehabilitation Center Wednesday for a 28-day alcohol dependency program.

We're told Ed's alcohol addiction goes back decades -- and he was inspired by his daughter to finally clean up his act.

It seems the folks who run the joint want to keep father/daughter apart, because they haven't seen each other yet ... they're at opposite ends of the facility ... but we're told they'll definitely come together for some family therapy sessions.

TMZ broke the story ... Nadya's in a 30-day program for Xanax dependency, while her kids are at home on their best behavior ever ... in the good care of 3 nannies.

Octomom Permission to FIGHT During Rehab Stint


Nadya Suleman has been granted permission to yell and scream at random strangers during her stint in rehab ... in fact, she's even getting paid for it ... TMZ has learned.

As we previously reported, Octo is making serious money as a featured arguer on a debate website called Deeyoon.com -- where people (like Michael Lohan) often go to war with Nadya over explosive issues like child care.

So when Nadya decided to check herself into rehab for a Xanax addiction this weekend, she made it clear to the center that she couldn't go 30 days without a paycheck ... and got permission to work from the facility.

In fact, we're told the center has agreed to design Nadya's treatment schedule around her work schedule ... which consists of several 90 minute video chat sessions from a computer at the facility.

Sources tell us ... the facility will monitor all of Nadya's chats ... just to make sure she's staying on track and not doing anything stupid ... like asking people for Xanax.

Octomom Rehab Decision Was Mine Michael Lohan Calls BS

Octomom says NO ONE had to talk her into going to rehab, insisting she made the decision completely on her own -- but Michael Lohan says she's straight up LYING.

Octo just released a statement saying, "I chose to seek treatment after consulting with my manager regarding my recent use of Xanax, which was prescribed by my physician for panic attacks."

She continues, "There were no other people involved with me entering treatment other than my manager and myself. There was no intervention that took place."

Octo is clearly going after Lohan ... who told TMZ he helped organize an intervention that helped convince Nadya Suleman she needed help.

Michael tells TMZ ... Nadya is fudging the truth ... because he worked WITH Octo's manager to make the plans to get Suleman into treatment.

Despite the dispute, Octo says she's confident she will beat her addiction ... saying, "I am working in therapy every day with my doctors and therapists regarding the origin of these attacks so as not to have to rely on medications to handle it. I am paying for my own treatment; I am finding my voice here.”

Michael Lohan I Helped Octomom Get Into Treatment

He failed miserably at getting Lindsay Lohan to enter rehab -- but Michael Lohan was one of the main reasons Octomom is now getting help for drug abuse ... because he helped arrange her treatment program ... TMZ has learned.

Michael tells us, he's been running a nonprofit organization based in Florida for the last nine months that stages interventions for people in need of substance abuse treatment ... and so far, he's already performed over 25.

Sources close to Michael tell us, Octomom's manager, Gina Rodriguez recently voiced her concerns to him about the mother of 14 issues with dependency -- so Michael and Gina decided to take action last week, making arrangements for Octomom's treatment program.

Michael tells us, "The most important thing is the willingness to realize and surrender to the issue and commit to getting help, which Nadya did!"

He adds, "If it wasn’t for her manager Gina, my good friend, Tim Chapman at the Chapman house/Teen savers and Gina's daughter, this would not have been possible. They deserve a lot of credit!"

Octo's currently in a 30-day in-patient program for Xanax abuse, but she still gets to call her kids twice a day.

Octomom's Babysitters It's EASIER When She's Gone

The people taking care of Octomom's kids while she's in rehab couldn't be happier the mom of 14 is out of their hair -- in fact, one of the children's caretakers tells TMZ, it's WAY easier to do their jobs now that Octo's gone.

Octo has 3 nannies and 2 friends helping her with the kids while she seeks treatment -- and one nanny tells TMZ, Octo's been calling twice a day from rehab, giving specific directions about how to care for each child.

The nanny says it's been helpful to hear from her, but it's a MILLION times easier to actually take care of the kids when she's not in the house constantly barking orders.

The nanny tells us, the house is much, much calmer than normal now that Octo's gone -- and the kids are in great spirits, behaving like angels.

It's a far cry from the photos we posted in April that resulted in a child services investigation against Octo -- real name Nadya Suleman -- showing the kids pooping outside and crazy graffiti.

The nanny says Octo will get to visit the children for the first time on Saturday and she's really excited. "She's been crying a lot," the nanny tells us.

As we reported, Octo entered a 30-day treatment program over the weekend for her Xanax dependency.

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