Michael Jordan puede estar tranquilo, porque Larsa Pippen y Marcus Jordan han terminado oficialmente luego de más de un año juntos, y nos dicen que todas las señales apuntan a que se trata de una ruptura permanente.

TMZ Sports ha indagado. La ex esposa de Scottie Pippen y el hijo de Michael han roto desde hace un par de semanas, y a diferencia de la breve "pausa" en su relación en febrero, no hay esperanza de arreglar las cosas en el futuro.

Los dos tuvieron un romance bastante polémico, y finalmente decidieron que era hora de ponerle fin. Es imposible asegurar que nunca más volveremos a ver a estos dos juntos de nuevo, especialmente teniendo en cuenta su historial.

Nos dicen que Larsa -de 49 años de edad- y Marcus -de 33- no han hablado sobre la ruptura, y en lugar de eso, han seguido cada uno por su camino.

Las señales estaban ahí... Larsa y Marcus dejaron de seguirse recientemente, y el dúo no ha sido fotografiado en público estas semanas.

Por supuesto, muchos consideraron que la pareja era un tanto extraña. Michael y Scottie han tenido una larga disputa después de ganar seis campeonatos de la NBA juntos con los Chicago Bulls, y Larsa es una década y media mayor que Marcus.

Michael incluso expresó su descontento sobre la relación en julio de 2023 y Marcus insistió en que su padre estaba bromeando, pero muchos no le creyeron.

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La pareja fue vista por primera vez en septiembre de 2022, cuando juraron que solo eran amigos, antes admitir que eran, de hecho, una pareja.

Las cosas finalmente se pusieron serias entre los dos, y Marcus incluso bromeó con que había una boda en camino.

Al menos, los amigos y familiares de Larsa y Marcus ya no tienen que preocuparse por mantener sus calendarios despejados.

ADIVINA QUIÉN ¡Es este pequeño travieso!

Antes de que este chico con camiseta a rayas se convirtiera en actor y cantante, posaba como un niño malvado, creciendo en Washington D.C. ¡y soñando con su gran ovación en el escenario de Broadway!

Se puede decir que "Simple Sponge" es muy exitoso en el escenario, canta y es un genio teatral, ¡pero también es un talentoso compositor y toca la guitarra como un profesional!

Si aún no estás seguro de quién podría ser este chico, ¡quizá Ari pueda ayudarte 😜!

¿Adivinas ahora quién es este pequeño gruñón?

Guess Who This Spooky Kid Turned Into!

Before this bubbly boy in his striped tee turned into an actor and singer, he was just posing like a wicked kiddo, growing up in Washington D.C. and dreaming of his big standing ovation on the Broadway stage!

It's safe to say this "Simple Sponge" puts in work on the stage, sings to the rafters, and is a total theatrical genius ....but he's also a talented composer and plays the guitar like a pro!

If you're still unsure who this kid could be, maybe Ari could help you out 😜!

Can you guess who this little growling guy is now?

'Couples Therapy' DR. JENN HURLEY CROSSING BOUNDARIES W/ SON Don't Strip In Front Of Him!

Dr. Jenn Mann has advice for Elizabeth Hurley -- keep your clothes on around your grown son ... 'cause it goes beyond the pale of what she considers a healthy parent-child dynamic.

The "Couples Therapy" doc tells TMZ ... even though the actress' 21-year-old son Damian is a consenting adult, the fact that he's directing his mom's sex scenes is a major boundary breach between parent and child -- at least from her POV, anyway.

With two best-selling parenting books under her belt -- "SuperBaby: 12 Ways to Give Your Child a Head Start In the First 3 Years" and "The A to Z Guide to Raising Happy, Confident Kids" -- the renowned psychotherapist is speaking from experience when she advises against simulating sex in front of your kid. In her eyes, it's just not the best way to operate.

Jenn does acknowledge that this is a Hollywood thing -- calling out the biz for its lack of boundaries ... noting that Damian directing his mom's sex scene for her upcoming erotic thriller "Strictly Confidential" really blurs the lines ... presumably between voyeurism and art.

She also tells us she finds it downright bizarre that Hurley felt liberated by her son witnessing her being intimate on-camera ... adding the only reason she'd understand EH's empowerment is if she was merely boosting his directing career. Aside from that ... she doesn't get it.

Jenn's not shy in pointing out that Liz and Damian's relationship seems to push boundaries that might be crossing into taboo territory, violating cultural norms ... and she gets why others, like herself, would have a negative reaction to the whole situation.

JM says she thinks Liz and Damian might be best suited for therapy -- and lucky for them, she's a wiz in that field.

As we reported ... EH told Access Hollywood her son Damian made her comfortable during an intimate scene where she wears some seriously skimpy clothing while getting steamy with another woman.

While most others would recoil at the idea of seeing their parents in such a scene ... Liz says she enjoyed it so much, she'd be totally down for a little more mother-son collaboration in the future.

Jenn's hoping they don't, though.

Sophie Turner Reactivates Divorce with Joe ... Still Amicably Talking


7:16 AM PT -- Joe's rep tells TMZ, "The filing was a legal formality, and the couple continues to negotiate an amicable resolution."

Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas have failed to hash out a settlement in their divorce, so now she's filed legal docs asking the judge to lay down the law and end the marriage.

Sophie's docs, obtained by TMZ, ask to "reactivate" the divorce proceedings, which were put on hold as the former couple went to mediation to work out a property and child custody settlement.

Apparently, those discussions broke down, so she's asking the judge to hear the case and impose a court-ordered settlement.

They went to mediation in part to keep their disputes private ... but that won't be the case now that she's asked to have a judge take it on ... all the filings -- outlining their disputes -- will now be public.

As we reported, Joe and Sophie had significant disagreements on where the children would live full-time ... she wanted to take them to the UK -- Joe wanted to keep them in the U.S. It got so bad, Sophie filed legal docs involving a child abduction law, but she dropped it.

It seems they're still at loggerheads over custody. They had a prenup, so property is probably not a big issue.

Joe and Sophie reached a temporary child custody arrangement, but it seems they've been unable to hash out a permanent one.

Both Joe and Sophie have moved on romantically ... he's with Stormi Bree, she's with Perry Pearson.

So it's game on ... again.

Originally Published -- 4:39 PM PT

TALLULAH WILLIS REVELA QUE TIENE AUTISMO La diagnosticaron siendo adulta

Tallulah Willis dice que tiene autismo, y no se enteró hace mucho.

La hija de Bruce Willis compartió la noticia con sus más de 400K seguidores de Instagram el viernes, cuando escribió junto a un video de ella y su padre: "Dime que eres autista sin decirme que eres autista".

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

En las imágenes reaparecidas, se puede ver a Tallulah frotando la cabeza calva de su padre una y otra vez mientras daba una entrevista en la alfombra roja. La hermana mayor de Tallulah, Scout, respondió al video diciendo que la actriz está "stimming" en el clip.

Para aquellos que no lo saben, "stimming" se define como la realización repetitiva de un determinado movimiento físico, y es un comportamiento común entre las personas con autismo.

Esta es la primera vez que Tallulah habla sobre tener autismo, y explicó que se enteró durante el verano... y asegura que la noticia le cambió la vida.

Esta revelación se produce un mes después de que Tallulah diera una actualización sincera con respecto a su recuperación de un trastorno alimentario. Tallulah se abrió por primera vez sobre sus luchas con la anorexia en mayo de 2023.

Nueve meses después, la hija de Bruce con su exmujer Demi Moore confesó que estaba "idealizando tiempos poco saludables" y quiso compartir la actualización para sentirse menos sola. Se animó a sí misma y a sus seguidores a recordar que está bien no tenerlo todo resuelto.

Además del viaje de salud de Tallulah, la familia Willis se ha unido en torno a Bruce después de su diagnóstico de demencia frontotemporal. La esposa de Bruce -con quien comparte a sus hijas Mabel y Evelyn- dijo en septiembre que no está claro lo que el actor sabe sobre su enfermedad.

La familia Willis tiene una manera de unirse en tiempos difíciles... eso es seguro.


Dan Schneider has again denied allegations of a toxic workplace while he was at Nickelodeon ... including claims that child actors were sexualized on shows he created.

A rep for the veteran TV producer -- the man behind hit Nickelodeon shows like "The Amanda Show" and "Drake & Josh" -- says there's no truth to the allegations floated in 'Quiet on Set' ... asserting that numerous adults were involved in overseeing all aspects of the shows, with everything being approved by the network itself.

The statement further clarifies that scripts for the shows underwent a rigorous vetting process, requiring approvals from both NYC and L.A. networks ... and if anything was found to be inappropriate it would've been flagged and blocked by multilayered scrutiny.

The statement reads in part ... "Remember, all stories, dialogue, costumes, and makeup were fully approved by network executives on two coasts. A standards and practices group read and ultimately approved every script, and programming executives reviewed and approved all episodes."

As well as ensuring the scripts were kid-appropriate ... parents, caregivers, and their friends would be on set every day watching filming and rehearsals, Dan's camp adds.

Schneider's statement comes after the first 2 installments of ID's doc, "Quiet on the Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV," premiered ... in which claims surfaced that some of his shows appeared to sexualize child stars like Ariana Grande and Jamie Lynn Spears in specific scenes.

The doc also delves deeper into claims of sexism, racism, and inappropriate behavior involving underage stars and members of the shows overseen by Schneider -- as well as allegations from crew members they were continuously asked to massage Schneider on set.

Dan's team did respond to those allegations ... previously saying, "Dan deeply regrets asking anyone for neck massages. Though they happened in public settings, he knows this was highly inappropriate and would never happen again."

Tallulah Willis Reveals She Has Autism ... Diagnosed As an Adult

Tallulah Willis reveals she was diagnosed with autism -- something she says she came to learn fairly recently.

Bruce Willis' daughter shared the news with her over 400K Instagram followers on Friday ... as she wrote alongside a throwback video of herself and her A-list father, “Tell me you're autistic without telling me you're autistic."

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In the resurfaced footage, Tallulah can be seen rubbing her dad's bald head over and over again as he gave a red-carpet interview. Tallulah's older sister Scout responded to the video by saying the actress is "stimming" in the clip.

For those who may not know ... stimming is defined as the repetitive performance of a certain physical movement -- and is a common behavior in autistic individuals.

This is the first time Tallulah has discussed her diagnosis, which she explained she found out about over the summer ... something she says changed her life.

This revelation comes a month after Tallulah gave a candid update regarding her recovery from an eating disorder. Tallulah first opened up about her struggles with anorexia back in May 2023.

Nine months later, Bruce's daughter with ex-wife Demi Moore confessed she was "romanticizing unhealthy times" and wanted to share the update in order to feel less alone. She encouraged herself and her followers to remember that it is ok to not have everything figured out.

In addition to Tallulah's health journey, the Willis family has been rallying around Bruce after his frontotemporal dementia diagnosis. Bruce's wife -- with whom he shares daughters Mabel and Evelyn -- said in September that it's unclear what the actor knows about his condition.

The Willis family has a way of coming together amid tough times ... that much is certain.


Kristin Cavallari y su novio Mark Estes claramente van en serio, porque no solo le ha presentado a sus hijos, además están en una relación.

La madre de tres compartió una foto por Instagram el domingo, con su nuevo novio de 24 años de edad compartiendo con uno de sus hijos. Parecen inmersos en la conversación mientras que Mama Cavallari los sigue unos pasos atrás.

Kristin no añadió comentarios en la foto, pero puso un emoji de corazón blanco, lo que quiere decir que claramente está muy feliz al respecto.

Por cierto, no está claro cuál de los hijos de Kristin es el del video, pero puedes imaginar que les presentó a Mark al mismo tiempo. Podemos deducir que se los presentó hace un buen rato porque se ven muy cómodos. Kristin comparte tres hijos con su ex, Jay Cutler.

Parece que las cosas avanzan rápidamente entre Kristin y Mark. Recuerde que Cavallari solo reveló que estaban saliendo a finales de febrero, por lo que las cosas han progresado bastante rápido entre los dos.

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Let’s Be Honest with Kristin Cavallari

Al parecer el destino quería que la pareja se conociera. Kristin reveló recientemente en su pódcast "Let's Be Honest", que vio por primera vez a Mark en TikTok con su equipo The Montana Boyz.

Semanas después de ver al bombón, Kristin recibió un mensaje de uno de los chicos. Invitó al grupo a su pódcast, congenió con Estes y empezaron a verse. Un cuento de hadas del siglo XXI.

Parece que un mensaje en la bandeja de entrada se ha convertido en cupido, y solo queda esperar y ver como sigue esta linda relación.

Kristin Cavallari Shares Pic of Mark Estes w/ Son ... Bonding Weeks After Relationship Reveal

Kristin Cavallari and her boyfriend Mark Estes are clearly pretty serious ... 'cause not only has she introduced him to her kids -- but it seems they've got a rapport!

The mother-of-three shared a picture to Instagram Sunday featuring her new 24-year-old beau with one of her kids ... and they seem deep in conversation while Mama Cavallari is able to hang back a few steps.

KC didn't add anything in the way of words to the pic ... but she did drop a white heart emoji on the photo -- so clearly she's pretty happy with the chummy bonding going on.

BTW ... unclear which of Kristin's sons this is -- but, ya gotta imagine she introduced Mark to them at or around the same time, and it was long enough ago that one of her kids can seemingly hold a convo with him comfortably. Kristin shares three children with her ex, Jay Cutler.

It seems like things are movin' along quickly between KC and ME ... remember, Cavallari only revealed they were dating at the end of February -- so things have seemingly progressed quickly between the two.

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Like A High School Girl
Let’s Be Honest with Kristin Cavallari

It makes sense when you consider it seems almost like fate was pushing these two together ... Kristin recently revealed on her 'Let's Be Honest' podcast that she first spotted Mark on TikTok with his crew The Montana Boyz.

Weeks after spotting the hottie, Kristin got a DM from one of the guys. She invited the group on her podcast, hit it off with Estes and they started seeing each other. Talk about a 21st century fairytale!

Anyway, it seems a stray DM has now turned into contact with the kids ... and, we'll just have to wait and see where the loved-up couple goes from here.

Guess Who This Girl With Blunt Bangs Turned Into!

Before this girl growin' up in the 80's, rockin' a trendy hairdo, turned into an actress and reality TV star, she was just growing up in Kentucky and heading off to Murray State University to study theater.

In 2005, she began her career in Hollywood as a soap actress, playing Amanda Dillon on "All My Children" -- fast forward to 2019 where she popped up on a popular Netflix show. On her days off you can catch her in a bikini next to Emma Hernan!

Perhaps this real estate agent will 'sell' you a home on 'Sunset' boulevard ...

Can you guess who she is?


Antes de que esta pequeña, que creció en los años 80 luciendo un peinado a la moda, se convirtiera en actriz y estrella de telerrealidad. Crecía en Kentucky y se dirigía a la Universidad Estatal de Murray para estudiar teatro.

En 2005, comenzó su carrera en Hollywood como actriz de telenovelas, interpretando a Amanda Dillon en "All My Children" - avance rápido hasta 2019 donde apareció en un popular programa de Netflix. En sus días libres se la puede ver en bikini junto a Emma Hernán.

Quizás esta agente inmobiliaria te "venda" una casa en el Sunset boulevard...

¿Adivinas quién es?

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck Flat Tire Disrupts Afternoon Date ... Forced to Abandon Car!!!

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck's romantic afternoon had a wrench thrown in it ... or more accurately a tire -- 'cause one of theirs popped and stopped their date

The lovebirds were rollin' around Los Angeles Saturday in a silver BMW when they suffered a flat tire, quickly bringing their couple's outing to an unfortunate standstill.

Bennifer hopped out to check the damage -- with Ben in a flannel and baseball cap while J Lo rocked a tight black turtleneck and matching leggings.

Affleck and Lopez both got their hands dirty, leaning over the car -- with Ben's shirt lifting to reveal his infamous back tattoo -- but they ultimately weren't able to fix the problem.

Eventually, Lopez and Affleck just had to leave the car ... calling for a ride to come pick them up and leaving the Beamer behind as they headed for greener pastures.

Unclear who picked up the BMW or if it was taken to a shop, but it's far from the first time Ben's had car trouble ... with his luck seeming more than a little worse than the average motorist on the road.


Remember last year when Ben's classic Cadillac broke down during a heat wave in the City of Angels? Or when his son Samuel accidentally backed a rental Lamborghini into another car?

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Yeah, certainly seems like bad luck seems to plague the movie star everywhere he drives.

Seems like the rest of the day went just fine for the couple ... who were at the Lakers game last night -- apparently it's gonna take more than a flat than to keep the couple from courtside seats.

Safe driving, you two!!!


Los fans de Shakira han estado esperando casi una década para un nuevo álbum, y su ex -Gerard Piqué- puede tener la culpa, al menos según la propia Shakira.

La cantante y compositora apareció en el Sunday Times para dar una entrevista que se publicó el sábado, donde reveló que pausó su carrera para apoyar a Gerard en sus días como jugador en Barcelona.

Shakira explicó que hizo un montón de sacrificios en nombre del amor -cosa que sabemos que no duró- decidiendo cuidar de los niños en lugar de centrarse en su música.

Por supuesto, Gerard y Shakira rompieron durante el verano de 2022, con rumores de infidelidad arremolinándose cuando la pareja tomó caminos separados.

X / @HelianHdz

El camino de Shakira la ha llevado fuera de España y hasta Miami, donde se ha hecho amiga de David Beckham, a quien dijo que conocía antes de empezar a salir con Gerard, cuando David jugaba para el rival del Barcelona, el Real Madrid.

La estrella colombiana dijo que está en contacto constante con Victoria Beckham, y espera llevar a su hijo Milan a un partido de fútbol en Miami, dejando al querido papá totalmente fuera de la ecuación.

Shakira se mantuvo por encima de todo conflicto con Piqué durante la entrevista, aunque admitió que parecía justicia divina que uno de sus viejos rivales de fútbol, Sergio Ramos, la presentara para el Grammy Latino.

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shakira en la corte

Shakira también habló de su caso de fraude fiscal, aunque no dijo nada acerca de su falta de material musical. Después de todo es cantante y lo único que ha lanzado los últimos años es "Las Mujeres Ya No Lloran", clara referencia a su terminada relación.

En cualquier caso, parece que Shakira finalmente se ha centrado en sí misma de nuevo y Gerard mejor que esté atento a los fans que podrían haber querido un álbum un poco antes.

Shakira Gerard's Career Came First ... Sacrificed For Love

Shakira fans have been waiting almost a decade for a new album ... and her ex Gerard Piqué may be to blame -- at least, according to Shakira herself that is.

The singer-songwriter sat down with the Sunday Times for an interview published Saturday ... where she revealed she actually put her career on pause to support Gerard turning his playing days in Barcelona.

Shakira explained she made a lot of sacrifices in the name of love -- one we know didn't last -- deciding to take care of the kids rather than focusing on her music.

Of course, Gerard and Shakira broke up during the summer of 2022, with rumors of infidelity swirling as the pair went their separate ways.

X / @HelianHdz

Shakira's path has taken her out of Spain and down to Miami where she's made fast friends with David Beckham -- who she said she knew back before she started dating Gerard, when DB played for Barcelona's rival, Real Madrid.

The Colombian star said she's in constant contact with Victoria Beckham ... and she's hoping to take her son Milan to a soccer match down in Miami -- leaving dear old dad totally out of the equation.

Shakira stayed above the whole Piqué fray during the interview BTW -- though she did admit it seemed like cosmic justice that one of his old soccer rivals Sergio Ramos presented her with a Latin Grammy.

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She also skipped over talking about her tax fraud case -- instead choosing to focus on her first studio album in seven years, "Las Mujeres Ya No Lloran" which translates to "Women No Longer Cry" ... bit of a wink and a nudge to a certain ex?

In any case, seems Shakira's finally focused on herself again ... and Gerard better be on the lookout for bitter fans who might've wanted an album a bit sooner.

Greg Vaughan La estrella de las telenovelas está hospitalizado Líquido en los pulmones

Greg Vaughan se está recuperando después de que una aterradora dolencia lo enviara al hospital y, resulta que todo se debe a que se expuso a demasiada, demasiada altura.

La estrella de las telenovelas, mejor conocido por interpretar a Eric Brady en casi 1.000 episodios de "Days of Our Lives" y Lucky Spencer en más de 600 episodios de "General Hospital", publicó un par de fotos donde aparece conectado a una máquina de oxígeno.

Vaughan le aseguró a los fans que estaba mucho mejor, pero que tuvo que correr a urgencias después de ser golpeado gravemente con el mal de alturas.

El actor dice que llevó a sus hijos a Breckenridge, Colorado para esquiar y hacer snowboard, pero comenzó a sentirse cansado, congestionado y sin aliento, en un día que suponía debía ser divertido y relajado.

Greg dice que hizo estallar algunos NyQuil y bebió una tonelada de Pedialyte, pero eso no solucionó el problema y terminó bajando de la montaña para buscar atención médica.

Aunque pensó que el problema no iba a ser nada grave, Vaughan tiene suerte de no haber intentado resistirse a la enfermedad, porque dice que el nivel de oxígeno en su sangre era de un mísero 54% y que el líquido estaba llenando sus pulmones.

Vaughan dice que le conectaron a un par de vías intravenosas y le dijeron que probablemente era mejor que se dirigiera a una altitud más baja.

En última instancia, Greg está utilizando su experiencia para enseñar y decirle a la gente que las montañas no son una broma, así que tengan cuidado la próxima vez  que vayan a hacer esquí.

De "General Hospital" a hospitalizado, ¡nos alegramos de que te encuentres mejor, Greg!