Greg Vaughan Soap Opera Star Hospitalized ... Fluid in Lungs From Altitude Sickness

Greg Vaughan's recovering after a scary illness sent him to the hospital ... and, it turns out it's all because he got too high, too fast.

The soap opera star -- best known for playing Eric Brady on nearly 1,000 episodes of "Days of Our Lives" and Lucky Spencer on over 600 episodes of "General Hospital" -- posted a couple photos from earlier this week of him hooked up to an oxygen machine.

Vaughan assured fans he was doing just fine before but had to rush to an urgent care after getting hit with a really bad case of altitude sickness.

GV says he took his kids to Breckenridge, Colorado for a skiing and snowboarding trip, but started feeling tired, congested, and short of breath just a day into what was supposed to be a fun, relaxing vacay.

Greg says he popped some NyQuil and drank a ton of Pedialyte ... but that didn't fix the problem, and he ended up heading down the mountain to seek some medical attention.

While he thought the issue wasn't going to be anything too serious ... Vaughan's lucky he didn't try and tough through this illness -- 'cause he says the oxygen level in his blood was at a paltry 54% and fluid was filling his lungs.

Vaughan says they hooked him up to a couple IVs and told him it was probably best he head for some lower altitude.

Greg's ultimately using his experience as a teaching moment ... telling people the Rockies are no joke -- so be careful on your next ski trip.

From "General Hospital" to generally hospitalized ... glad you're feeling better, Greg!

Guess Who This Spiffy Kid Turned Into!

Before this boy in his pastel collared shirt and wide-brimmed bucket hat turned into an actor and stand-up comedian, he was just a spiffy 3-year-old boy looking cool on a park bench, living most of his childhood in Hong Kong before graduating from Beverly Hills High School.

Perhaps he's best known for starring in HBO's comedy series "Silicon Valley," but he also garnered wide attention with his role as Dr. Chan Kaifang on Netflix's "Space Force." And, don't underestimate his list of famous friends ... like his "Crazy Rich Asians" costar Michelle Yeoh.

Can you guess who he is?

ADIVINA EN QUIÉN SE HA CONVERTIDO Este pequeño con sombrero

Antes de que este niño con camisa de cuello amarillo pálido y sombrero de cubo se convirtiera en actor y cómico, no era más que un elegante niño de tres años que se veía bien en un banco del parque, viviendo la mayor parte de su infancia en Hong Kong antes de graduarse del instituto de Beverly Hills.

Quizá sea más conocido por protagonizar la serie cómica de HBO "Silicon Valley", pero también acaparó gran atención con su papel del Dr. Chan Kaifang en la serie de Netflix "Space Force". Y no hay que subestimar su lista de amigos famosos... como su coprotagonista en "Crazy Rich Asians" Michelle Yeoh.

¿Adivinas quién es?

Regina King Se abre sobre la muerte de su hijo Ian... y se emociona

El duelo es un viaje

Regina King finalmente se está abriendo sobre el suicidio de su hijo Ian, diciendo entre lágrimas que respeta su decisión y también compartiendo su propia experiencia con el dolor.

La actriz y directora se sentó a conversar con "Good Morning America", donde profundizó sobre la trágica muerte de Ian en 2022, y tocó el difícil viaje que ha vivido desde entonces.

Regina King piensa que el dolor es como el amor que no encuentra un lugar hacia donde ir, y que está tratando de celebrar a su hijo por todo lo que es. Ella incluso utiliza el tiempo presente para referirse a él, pues dice que Ian está siempre con ella. King añade que realmente no ha tenido tiempo de meditar sobre la decisión de Ian, la que dice que entiende, porque es claro para ella que él ya no quería estar aquí.

Regina dice que lo que más le gustaba de sí misma era ser la mamá de Ian, y que al final, simplemente tiene que respetar el proceso a pesar de que también se pregunta sobre lo que posiblemente podría haber hecho mejor como madre.

Como informamos, Ian Alexander Jr., el único hijo de King y su ex marido Ian Alexander Sr., se quitó la vida en enero de 2022 en su cumpleaños número 26.

En ese momento, Regina dijo: "Nuestra familia está devastada en lo más profundo por la pérdida de Ian. Él es una luz tan brillante que se preocupaba profundamente por la felicidad de los demás. Nuestra familia pide consideración y respeto durante este momento privado. Gracias".

Ian era un invitado habitual de Regina en la alfombra roja e incluso la llamó "Super mamá" en la alfombra roja de los Globos de Oro en 2019 y publicó un sentido homenaje para ella cuando cumplió 50 años en 2021.

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Parece que Regina está dando el siguiente gran paso en su viaje, aunque claramente Ian nunca está lejos de su mente.

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Regina King Opens Up About Son Ian's Death ... Gets Emotional in Interview


Regina King is finally opening up about her son Ian's suicide ... saying through tears she respects his choice to take his own life and touching on her own experience with grief.

The actress/director sat down for an interview on "Good Morning America" where she delved into Ian's tragic 2022 death ... and touched on her difficult journey in the aftermath.

RK says she thinks of grief as love without anywhere to go, and she's trying to celebrate her son for everything he is -- she even uses the present tense because she says Ian is always with her. King adds she hasn't really had time to simply sit with Ian's decision ... which she says she understands -- because it's clear to her he didn't want to be here anymore.

Regina says her favorite part of herself was being Ian's mom, and ultimately she simply has to respect the journey despite also asking herself questions about what she possibly could've done better as a parent.

As we reported ... Ian Alexander Jr. -- the only son of King and her ex-husband Ian Alexander Sr. -- took his life back in January 2022 on his 26th birthday.

At the time, Regina said, "Our family is devastated at the deepest level by the loss of Ian. He is such a bright light who cared so deeply about the happiness of others. Our family asks for respectful consideration during this private time. Thank you."

Ian was a regular guest of Regina on the red carpet, even calling King a "Super Mom" on the 2019 Golden Globes red carpet and posting a heartfelt tribute to her on her 50th birthday in 2021.

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It seems Regina is taking the next big step in her journey ... although Ian is clearly never far from her mind.

If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat

Drake Detalla el abuso... Celebridades escribieron cartas de apoyo a Brian Peck

Drake Bell finalmente está contando su historia sobre cómo Brian Peck abusó de él cuando era un adolescente, un periodo durante el cual las celebridades salieron a apoyar a Peck.

El nuevo documental de ID "Quiet on Set" levantó su embargo a los medios de comunicación, y las personas que lo han visto, incluidos nosotros, están detallando lo que Drake está diciendo exactamente aquí y es bastante difícil de ver.

Drake cuenta paso a paso todo lo que sucedió entre él y su ex entrenador de diálogo, diciendo que Brian indujo una grieta entre él y su padre en ese entonces, quien estaba trabajando como gerente de Drake y al parecer sospechaba de Brian.

En términos de cómo comenzó el abuso, Drake dice que Brian lo aisló mucho mientras trabajaba para Nickelodeon, y que a menudo terminaba en su casa después de las audiciones y que se quedó a dormir muchas veces allí. Un día, después de quedarse dormido en su sofá, Drake dice que se despertó y encontró a Brian abusando de él.

A partir de ahí, Drake dice que las cosas empeoraron y los abusos se volvieron más repetitivos. Dice que se sintió atrapado por este oscuro secreto. Finalmente, se derrumbó y le confesó todo a su madre. Cuando ella se enteró, involucraron a la policía y Drake les contó todo. También dice que consiguió que Brian confesara a la policía en una llamada telefónica grabada.

Finalmente, Brian fue detenido por varios cargos, pero se declaró no culpable de solo dos: realizar un acto lascivo con un adolescente de 14 o 15 años de edad y tener sexo oral con un menor de 16 años.

Una de las revelaciones más sorprendentes del documental es que cuando Brian estaba a punto de ser condenado, un montón de famosos y amigos aparecieron en la corte en su nombre, y no solo eso, varias estrellas escribieron cartas de apoyo para Brian Peck, incluyendo algunos grandes nombres.

USado y abusado
Pod Meets World

James Marsden escribió una, al igual que Taran Killam, por no hablar de las estrellas de "Boy Meets World", Rider Strong y Will Friedle, quienes ya han expresado su pesar por todo esto en las últimas semanas.

La estrella de "Growing Pains" Joanna Kerns también escribió una carta para Brian, pero se presentó en el documental para decir que solo lo hizo sobre información errónea. El fallecido Alan Thicke también escribió una carta de apoyo, así como Rich y Beth Correll, directores de "Suite Life of Zach & Cody".

Peck trabajó brevemente en "Suite Life" después de cumplir una condena de 16 meses tras las rejas. Contactamos a Marsden y Killam, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.

"Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV" se estrena en dos noches en ID, de 21:00 a 23:00 ET/PT, los días 17 y 18 de marzo.

Drake Bell Details Molestation ... Celebs Wrote Support Letters for Brian Peck

Drake Bell is finally telling his story on how Brian Peck molested him as a teen -- detailing the case at the time ... a period during which celebs came forward to support his abuser.

The new ID doc 'Quiet on Set' had its media embargo lifted, and people who've seen an early screener -- including us -- are detailing what exactly Drake says here ... and it's pretty hard to watch.

Drake gives the blow-by-blow of what happened between him and his former dialogue coach -- saying Brian drove a wedge between him and his father back then, who was working as Drake's manager ... and who was apparently suspicious of Brian.

In terms of how the abuse started, Drake says Brian isolated him a lot while working on Nickelodeon shows -- and he'd often end up hanging out with Brian outside of the set including at Brian's home, and had spent the night there many times. One morning after sleeping on his couch, Drake says he woke up to find Brian sexually assaulting him.

From there, Drake says things got worse ... and the abuse became more repetitive -- and he says he felt trapped by a dark secret. Eventually, he broke down and confessed to his mom. Once his mother became aware, they got cops involved -- and Drake says he told them everything. He also claims he got Brian to confess to the police on a recorded phone call.

Eventually, Brian was arrested on multiple counts ... but he pled no contest to just two -- performing a lewd act with a 14 or 15-year-old and oral copulation with a minor under 16.

One of the more startling revelations in the doc is that as Brian was set to be sentenced, he had a crap ton of famous people and friends show up on his behalf in court ... and not just that, but several stars had written character letters on his behalf, including some big names.

Pod Meets World

James Marsden wrote one, as did Taran Killam ... not to mention "Boy Meets World" stars Rider Strong and Will Friedle -- who've already expressed regret over this in recent weeks.

"Growing Pains" star Joanna Kerns also wrote a letter for Brian, but came forward in the doc to say she only did so based on misinformation. The late Alan Thicke also wrote a letter in support ... and so did "The Suite Life of Zack & Cody" directors Rich and Beth Correll.

Peck briefly went on to work on the 'Suite Life' after he served his 16-month prison sentence post-conviction. We've reached out to Marsden, Killam and the Corrells ... no word back yet.

"Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV" premieres across two nights on ID from 9 PM to 11 PM ET/PT on March 17 and March 18.

Kanye West's Pal Ye & Bianca Madly in Love ... They'll Probs Have Many Babies!!


Kanye West's longtime friend and confidant says Ye is happier than ever being married to Bianca Censori -- so much so, in fact, he might be ready to be a papa all over again!

We got a member of Ye's inner circle, Justin LaBoy, Tuesday at LAX ... where we chopped it up about his buddy and Bianca for a little bit. We were wondering how the couple feels about her family being ticked off lately, but he spilled some other tea.

Remember, her father came out and said he didn't appreciate his son-in-law parading his daughter around France in barely any clothing ... this after several wild outfits she rocked.

You can tell Justin doesn't wanna go there ... saying he doesn't like to speak on his buddy's wife -- but he does say he loves her, and can tell she's perfect for his good pal.

The reason? Justin tells us he's actually never seen Kanye happier than he is right now.

Justin also says Bianca's enjoying herself too -- clearly addressing the speculation from Kanye's critics that he's keeping her against her will, or brainwashing her.

Finally, we touch on something Ye himself is alluding to in recent songs -- saying "another baby is my end goal" ... which most listeners heard as a reference to Bianca.

Justin himself had some thoughts about that when we asked if Kanye was being serious -- and according to him ... he absolutely is. JLB says he thinks a "bunch of babies" are on the way for them.

Bianca's only 29, so if she's inclined to have kids ... this could be prime baby-making time. As you know, Ye already has 4 children with Kim Kardashian.

Considering Ye and Bianca are going strong well over a year into their relationship ... it might be Yeezy baby season after all!

Guess Who This Talented Kid Turned Into!

Before this sweet girl rockin' space buns turned into a model and television host, she was just entering modeling competitions (and winning), while growing up in West Germany before moving to the States in the early 90's.

You would never know this hot momma is in her 50s, because she still works the runways -- and rocks a two-piece -- like she's been doing for years! When she's not sharing her travels on social media with her hubby, you can catch her sitting next to Howie Mandel.

Need one more clue ... auf wiedersehen!

Can you guess who she is?


Antes de que esta dulce chica con moños espaciales se convirtiera en modelo y presentadora de televisión, se presentaba a concursos de modelaje (y ganaba), mientras crecía en Alemania Occidental antes de mudarse a los Estados Unidos a principios de los 90.

Nadie diría que esta madre tan sexy tiene más de 50 años, porque sigue desfilando en las pasarelas y luciendo un traje de dos piezas como hace años. Cuando no está compartiendo sus viajes con su marido en redes sociales, puedes verla sentada junto a Howie Mandel.

¿Necesitas una pista más?... auf wiedersehen!

¿Adivinas quién es?

Kanye's Pal Justin LaBoy North's in the Weeds on Her Album Has Friends on The Tracks!!!


North West takes after her dad more than we thought -- 'cause one of his best friends says she's knee-deep in production for her album ... and it'll apparently be kid-friendly, literally.

We ran into Justin LaBoy Tuesday at LAX -- and he gave us some insight into how the "Elementary School Dropout" is shaping up after North announced her own project at a recent Kanye West listening event. As it turns out ... Papa Bear is guiding this whole journey.

Justin tells us Kanye is putting all his chips in on his daughter's rap career, and everyone in his camp -- including Justin, who's very much so in Ye's inner circle -- is super excited to see what she can do.

Considering she already has a verse on one of Kanye's latest hits ('Talking/Once Again') ... the feeling is, she can churn out more all by herself. Justin tells us that while Kanye is helping North, she's actually the one steering the ship in terms of creative ... which is wild.

Dropout Saga Continues

He says North is doing beat selection, and is even picking the engineer she wants to work with. Also, she's apparently dropping a ton of freestyles on the regular these days -- so, sounds like she's gonna be doing some real rapping here for whole songs.

Not just that, but Justin goes on to tell us that North has actually had some of her friends in the studio with her already, and there's gonna be some tracks with a bunch of kids on there.

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From what Justin says he's heard so far ... 'ESD' is shaping up to be a classic record.

While some might've rolled their eyes upon hearing that North was dropping her own album -- 'cause, y'know, she's a little kid and everything -- Justin says Ye and co. are very much so taking this seriously ... and based on what we're hearing, they think she can be a legit MC.

As Justin says himself ... she comes from Kanye's bloodline, and if anyone can do it ... it'd be her. Pretty exciting stuff -- guess we'll just have to wait and see what North's got.

Let's hear the bars!

Kristin Cavallari Cuenta cómo conoció a su novio más joven!!!

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Como una colegiala
Let’s Be Honest with Kristin Cavallari

No es exactamente "How I Met Your Father", al menos no todavía, pero Kristin Cavallari está contando cómo conoció a su nuevo novio Mark Estes, mucho más joven que ella, y como la mayoría de las cosas por estos días, comenzó con ella revisando su celular.

Kristin contó los detalles en su podcast "Let's Be Honest", donde relató que estaba viendo casualmente videos de TikTok de septiembre cuando se topó con el grupo de Mark Montana Boyz, y Mark le llamó la atención por ser el más guapo.

Luego siguió con su vida hasta que el destino se abalanzó sobre ellos 3 semanas más tarde, haciendo que casualmente se conocieran.

Kristin dijo que recibió un DM al azar de uno de los Montana Boyz diciendo: "Te amo" y cuenta que estaba tan emocionada por el coqueteo digital, que los invitó a su podcast.

Detalla los mensajes privados

Mientras Kristin preparaba la entrevista, su asistente soltó la bomba de que los Montana Boyz se mudaban a Nashville, ¡justo donde vive Kristin! Muy oportuno.

Es como si las estrellas se hubiesen alineado o algo así.

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Kristin mantuvo viva la conversación por DM y les dijo que los llevaría a bailar cuando estuvieran en la ciudad, antes de preguntar exactamente con quién estaba hablando. Cuando se enteró de que era con Mark, le respondió: "¡Oh, buenísimo, eres mi favorito!"

Una vez juntos, la pareja no perdió el tiempo y salieron antes del Día de San Valentín y Mark incluso conoció a los hijos de Kristin, que comparte con su ex marido Jay Cutler.

Inmediatamente después de su cita, empezaron a salir más y lo demás es historia: fueron juntos a Cabo, más o menos al mismo tiempo que su romance captó la atención pública.

A sus 37 años, la estrella de los reality dice que salir con un joven de 24 años no formaba parte de su gran plan. Al fin y al cabo, la edad es solo un número.

Ella ciertamente está loca por su hombre, dejando unos comentarios en una reciente foto suya en Instagram. ¡Podría ser la gran cosa, amigos!


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Like A High School Girl
Let’s Be Honest with Kristin Cavallari

It's not quite "How I Met Your Father" -- not yet, anyway -- but Kristin Cavallari's explaining how she bagged her much younger boo, Mark Estes, and like most things these days, it started with her scrolling.

Kristin spilled the tea on her 'Let's Be Honest' podcast ... she says she was casually watching TikTok vids in September, when she stumbled upon Mark's group Montana Boyz, and he caught her eye as the hottest one.

She then moved on with her life -- until fate swooped in 3 weeks later, bringing them together.

Kristin said she randomly got a DM from one of the Montana Boyz saying, "I love you" ... and she was so excited by the digital flirtation, she invited them to her podcast.


As Kristin was setting up the interview, her assistant dropped the bombshell the Montana Boyz were moving to Nashville ... right where Kristin lives! How convenient.

It's like the stars aligned or something.

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Kristin kept the DM convo alive ... telling them she'd take them line dancing when they were in town -- before asking who in particular she was talking to. When she found out it was Mark, she responded, "Oh good, you're my favorite!"

Once together, the pair wasted no time ... going on a date just before Valentine's Day, and Mark even met Kristin's kiddos, who she shares with ex-husband Jay Cutler.

Right after their date, they started hanging out a whole lot more, and next thing you know, they were jetting off to Cabo together -- around the time their romance came to public attention.

At 37, the reality star adds that dating a 24-year-old wasn't part of her grand plan. Age is just a number, after all!

She's certainly head over heels for her man ... commenting "smash" on a recent IG thirst trap of him. Might just be the real deal, folks!

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Estrella de "Star Wars" Jake Lloyd Ingresó a rehabilitación hace 10 meses ... Por brote sicótico

La estrella infantil de "Star Wars" Jake Lloyd ha estado recibiendo tratamiento en un centro de salud mental los últimos 10 meses, según revela su madre.

Lisa Lloyd dice que su hijo, famoso por interpretar al joven Anakin Skywalker en el "Episodio I: La Amenaza Fantasma" de 1999, comenzó su programa de hospitalización en marzo de 2023. Le dijo a Scripps News el lunes que Jake experimentó un brote psicótico mientras conducían a casa después de hacer una parada en McDonald's.

Lisa relató que Jake, ahora de 35 años, quiso apagar el carro en un momento dado e inquietantemente lo hizo mientras estaban en medio de tres carriles de tránsito, lo que dio lugar a un tumultuoso intercambio de gritos y gritos entre Jake y ella.

El incidente provocó un gran atasco, lo que llevó a otros conductores a llamar al 911. Cuando los policías llegaron a la escena le preguntaron un montón de cosas a Jake para obtener detalles del incidente.

Sin embargo, Lisa dice que Jake fue incapaz de responder coherentemente a las preguntas de los oficiales y las describió como una "ensalada de palabras". Escuchar un discurso incoherente a menudo se asocia a condiciones como la esquizofrenia, condición con la que Jake fue diagnosticado en 2008.

Jake fue ingresado en el hospital ese mismo día y más tarde entró al centro de rehabilitación para una estancia prolongada de 18 meses para intentar lidiar con sus demonios.

Afortunadamente, hay buenas noticias respecto a su progreso. Lisa dice que está muy bien y que incluso ha superado sus expectativas en lo relativo a relacionarse con otras personas y ser un poco más sociable.

Se acordarán de que Jake se ha enfrentado a varios desafíos a lo largo de su vida. En junio de 2015, fue arrestado, pasó 10 meses en prisión y más tarde buscó ayuda psiquiátrica después de una persecución a través del condado que terminó con él estrellando un carro.


'Star Wars' child star Jake Lloyd has been receiving treatment at a mental health facility for the past 10 months ... according to his mother.

Lisa Lloyd says her son -- famous for playing young Anakin Skywalker in 1999's "Episode I: The Phantom Menace" -- began his inpatient program in March 2023. She told Scripps News Monday, he'd been experiencing a psychotic break while they were driving home after making a McDonald's run.

Lisa recounted how Jake, now 35, expressed a desire to turn off the car, and unsettlingly, proceeded to carry out the act while they were in the middle of 3 lanes of traffic ... leading to a tumultuous exchange of yelling and screaming between Jake and her.

The incident caused a major traffic jam, prompting other drivers to call 911, and when cops arrived on the scene, they asked Jake a bunch of questions to get deets surrounding the incident.

However, Lisa says Jake was unable to make sense of the officers' questions ... describing them as a "word salad." Hearing a jumble of incoherent speech is often associated with conditions like schizophrenia, which Jake was diagnosed with back in 2008.

Jake was admitted to the hospital that day ... and later entered the rehab facility for an extended 18-month stay to battle his demons.

Thankfully, there's good news regarding his progress -- Lisa says he's doing great, even exceeding her expectations by relating to people better and becoming a bit more social.

You'll remember ... Jake's faced his fair share of challenges over the years. In June 2015, he was arrested, spent 10 months in prison, and later sought psychiatric help following a cross-county chase that ended with him crashing the car.

North West Call Me 'Elementary School Dropout' ... New Solo Album Reveal!!!

North West is officially following in Kanye West's footsteps as she announced her debut album on Sunday ... a title that plays off her dad's legendary catalog.

Ye gave North the floor at his "Vultures 2" listening party Sunday night in Phoenix, and she unveiled her album name -- "Elementary School Dropout."

Dropout Saga Continues

The announcement drew thunderous cheers across the venue, as the crowd immediately recognized the title as an homage to Ye's monumental debut, "The College Dropout" ... which dropped back in 2004, long before NW was even a twinkle in his eye.

Hip Hop nostalgia aside, North's album title is interesting for another reason -- Kanye is currently crusading against his daughter's private school in L.A.

The album title's gotta have Kim Kardashian feeling some sorta way ... we know she's been upset Kanye is airing his grievances about the school on social media, instead of discussing it with her privately ... as required by their divorce settlement.

North's crack at rap stardom started with her feature on Ye and Ty Dolla $ign's "Talking/Once Again" from "Vultures 1."

That put her in historic company as one of the youngest artists to place on the Billboard charts ... and an early indicator she'll be back on "Vultures 2" and, eventually, her own record.
