Guess Who This Darling Kid Turned Into!

Before this sweet kiddo from Jericho, New York was singin' and song-writing, she was just winning modeling competitions and gracing the covers of magazines as a youngster, and setting out with big dreams of becoming a star.

A talent from the jumpstart, Justin Bieber saw star power after coming across her cover of "At Last" back in 2012. She's performed at music festivals like Lollapalooza and was featured on David Guetta's song "Blame It On Love."

She obvi was a cute kid back in the day, but she's now old enough to sip a beer.

Can you guess who she is?

ADIVINA EN QUIÉN se ha convertido Esta pequeña encantadora

Antes de que esta dulce niña de Jericho, Nueva York, se dedicara a cantar y escribir canciones, ya ganaba concursos de modelos, aparecía en las portadas de las revistas y soñaba con convertirse en una estrella.

Justin Bieber, vio en ella el poder de las estrellas cuando se topó con su versión de "At Last" en 2012. Ha actuado en festivales de música como Lollapalooza y apareció en la canción de David Guetta "Blame It On Love".

Obviamente, solía ser una niña adorable, pero ahora es lo suficientemente mayor como para tomarse una cerveza.

¿Adivinas quién es?

Donatella Versace Fashion emergency Se queda atrapada en el ascensor de un evento LGBT

Susto en un ascensor

Donatella Versace realmente sabe cómo hacer una entrada, incluso si involucra quedarse atrapada en una ascensor, que es lo que pasó cuando llegó a ser co-anfitrión de un evento en el Centro LGBT de Los Ángeles con Dwyane Wade.

Fuentes le dicen a TMZ que el ascensor estaba lleno, y que la diseñadora quedó atrapada junto con asistente, su publicista, su seguridad, el encargado de marketing y el jefe de PR de Versace durante 10 ó 15 minutos, y tenemos las imágenes de cuando finalmente fueron liberados.

Como se puede ver, el ascensor claramente tenía vida propia y se negaba a cooperar. Pero el equipo de seguridad, por otro lado, intervino para salvar el día, haciendo palanca a esas obstinadas puertas para abrirlas con sus propias manos. Finalmente, Versace logró salir, mirando un poco aturdida y confundida.

El resto de su equipo salió detrás de ella y nos dicen que todo el mundo sobrevivió ileso la situación. Una emergencia de moda evitada.

Los bomberos llegaron a la escena para chequear que todo estuviera bien poco después y parece que no hay mayores problemas sobre el incidente.

Por supuesto, el espectáculo debía continuar y Versace pasó a ser nombrada Embajadora Global de la Organización y también donó $50.000 al centro.

Donatella incluso convirtió la situación en una anécdota encantadora durante su discurso después de ser presentada por Wade, diciendo: "Me siento muy honrada de estar aquí esta noche. Es muy emotivo para mí, pero también porque me quedé atrapada en el ascensor. Pensé que nunca iba a llegar a esta azotea, ¡pero lo hice!".

En cuanto a Wade, él estaba allí con su esposa Gabrielle Union y su hija transgénero Zaya Wade. Durante su discurso, dijo que estaba al lado de su hija y que estaba usando su voz muy orgullosamente para seguir haciendo crecer la comunidad. El amor es el amor.



Donatella Versace really knows how to make an entrance, even if it involves getting stuck in an elevator ... which is what went down as she arrived to cohost an event at the L.A. LGBT Center with Dwyane Wade.

Sources tell TMZ it was a full house in the elevator, as the designer was held prisoner with her assistant, her publicist, her security, the center's CMO, and the head of Versace PR for 10-15 minutes -- and we've got the footage of them finally being freed.

As you can see, the elevator clearly has a mind of its own, refusing to cooperate. But, security on the other side steps in to save the day, prying those stubborn doors open with their bare hands ... and Versace eventually emerges, looking somewhat dazed and confused.

The rest of DV's team trickled out behind ... and we're told everyone survived the whole situation unscathed. Fashion emergency averted!

The fire department arrived on the scene to double-check everything shortly after ... and it looks like there are no major lingering issues over the elevator incident.

Of course, the show must go on ... and Versace went on to be named the Org's Global Ambassador and also donated $50,000 to the center.

Donatella even turned the situation into a charming anecdote during her speech after being introduced by Wade, saying: "I feel so honored to be here tonight. It's so emotional for me -- but also because I was stuck in the elevator. I thought I was never going to make it to this roof, but I did!"

As for Wade ... he was there with his wife, Gabrielle Union, and his transgender daughter, Zaya Wade. During his speech, he gushed that he stood by his daughter and was using his voice loud and proud to continue growing the community. Love is love, y'all.

Larsa Pippen Defends Daughter's Huge Allowance ... L.A. Is Expensive!!!


Larsa Pippen will not apologize for being generous with the Benjamins for daughter Sophia's allowance ... defending her parenting, and saying her teen daughter is also earning her own dough.

ICYMI, Sophia's hefty allowance is $2,500 per month, and it became a hot topic during Thursday's reunion for "The Real Housewives of Miami." While Andy Cohen was shocked to learn the 15-year-old was getting so much, Larsa claimed that number isn't that uncommon in Los Angeles, where her daughter resides.

As the Bravo personality put it ... L.A. is a super expensive town and the massive sum gives Sophia the freedom to order food, buy presents for friends and more.

She also says a large chunk of that change is earned by Sophia, who has appeared in campaigns for both Fashion Nova and Oscar de la Renta -- like most L.A. teenagers, we suppose?

Larsa's castmate Adriana de Moura came to her defense, calling her a good mom ... but noted that the reality TV star had other faults they could focus on.

For instance, Guerdy Abraira has struggled to forgive Larsa for revealing her cancer diagnosis without her permission.

While Larsa tried to apologize again at the reunion ... Guerdy made it clear she had no time to deal with the drama.

Larsa's main supporter during the episode was boyfriend Marcus Jordan (AKA son of basketball legend Michael Jordan).

While Marcus declared his love for Larsa during the reunion ... the two have had some recent drama off-screen. Remember, Larsa and Marcus faced breakup rumors last month after they unfollowed each other on Instagram.

Larsa -- who was previously married to Michael's teammate Scottie Pippen -- said during "The Traitors" reunion, which also dropped Thursday ... "We're working on our problems."


We may need a roadmap to follow all this drama.

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Natalie Portman Se divorcia discretamente de Benjamin Millepied ... Ya está finiquitado

Natalie Portman no solo ya solicitó el divorcio de su marido de más de una década, sino que el caso ya está resuelto, según ha confirmado TMZ.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que un informe de People Mag, que dice que Natalie y Benjamin Millepied pusieron fin a su divorcio en Francia, es correcto ... Así que sí, ya no están casados y oficialmente solteros a los ojos de la ley en Europa.

Todavía no hay detalles sobre lo que implica este acuerdo de divorcio, esto es, la custodia y manutención de sus dos hijos, la manutención del cónyuge, la división de bienes, etc.

Todo lo que sabemos con certeza es que Natalie es una mujer soltera, lo que es un desarrollo sorprendente teniendo en cuenta que ella y Ben han estado en el centro de los chismes desde hace más de un año, en medio de las acusaciones de infidelidad por parte de él, que todavía no han sido abordadas.

Sin embargo, el hecho de que Natalie se divorciara del chico parece dar cierta credibilidad a las conjeturas. La actriz también ha estado paseando sola por Estados en medio de la temporada de premios de los últimos meses.

Por si no están familiarizados, se ha rumoreado que Ben habría tenido una aventura con la activista climática Camille Etienne en 2023.

Varios medios de comunicación informaron que Natalie y Ben se separaron debido a esa supuesta infidelidad, pero la pareja nunca lo ha confirmado o negado oficialmente.

Ella recientemente dijo que se había mudado a París con sus hijos mientras se desarrollaba todo este lío y el divorcio se tramitó en los tribunales franceses. También hemos confirmado que Natalie y Ben, de hecho, se separaron el año pasado y, claramente, terminaron su matrimonio tras bambalinas.

La pareja fue bastante privada con su relación desde que se casaron en 2012 en Big Sur, California. Se conocieron en 2009 durante el rodaje del "Cisne Negro" y Benjamin dejó a su novia del momento para estar con Natalie. Él también es bailarín y coreógrafo.

Natalie Portman y Benjamin Millepied estuvieron casados 11 años. Ellos comparten dos hijos: Aleph, de 12 años, y Amalia, de 6 años.

No se sabe si había un acuerdo prenupcial o no, pero podemos imaginar que puede haber sido el caso.

Natalie Portman Quietly Divorced Benjamin Millepied ... Already Finalized

Natalie Portman has not only already filed to divorce her husband of over a decade -- but the whole case is already settled in the books ... TMZ has confirmed.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us a report from People Mag -- which says Natalie and Benjamin Millepied have finalized their divorce in France -- is accurate ... so yes, they're no longer married and officially single in the eyes of the law there in Europe.

There are no details just yet about what the divorce settlement entails -- including custody and child support of their two children ... ditto for spousal support, division of assets, etc.

All we know for sure is that Natalie is unattached -- which is a stunning development considering she and Ben have been at the center of gossip and speculation for well over a year now ... this amid allegations of infidelity on his part, which has gone unaddressed.

The fact Natalie divorced the guy, however, seems to lend some credence to the conjecture. She was also rolling solo here in the States for award shows of late.

If you're unfamiliar ... Ben is reported to have had a fling with climate activist Camille Etienne in 2023.

Several media outlets reported Natalie and Ben separated as a result of the alleged cheating -- but the couple never confirmed or denied on the record.

She recently said she'd relocated to Paris with their children as this whole mess unfolded -- and the divorce was handled in French courts. We've also confirmed that Natalie and Ben did, in fact, separate last year ... and clearly, they ended their marriage behind the scenes.

They were pretty private about their relationship since tying the knot in 2012 in Big Sur, CA -- although the 2 met in 2009 during the filming of "Black Swan," and Benjamin left his girlfriend at the time to be with Natalie instead. He's a dancer/choreographer himself, BTW.

NP and BM were married for 11 years. They share 12-year-old Aleph and 6-year-old Amalia.

No word on whether there was a prenup or not ... but ya gotta figure there might've been.

Alex Rodriguez Lleva a su hija al concierto de Olivia Rodrigo... Pero no sabe quién es!!!

Labores de padre
Instagram / @arod

Alex Rodríguez se anotó algunos puntos como padre tras llevar a su hija de 15 años a un concierto de Olivia Rodrigo, a pesar de que habría querido ir a dormir en su lugar.

El legendario bateador documentó su salida la noche del miércoles en un, sin querer, hilarante video de Instagram. En el clip, Rodríguez admite que está agotado de andar filmando, pero que está dando prioridad a pasar un buen momento con Ella en el concierto de Miami, a pesar de que claramente no sabe quién es la cantante.

De hecho, le dice a sus seguidores que está en un concierto de "Rodrigo", ¡antes de que Ella le enseñe el nombre completo de la cantante!

A-Rod estaba en el centro del Kaseya Center, donde pudo obtener una buena panorámica del concierto con la leyenda a través de la pantalla: "Olivia Rodrigo concierto rodeado de 22.000 chicas adolescentes y todo lo que quiero es ir a dormir".

Luego se acerca a Ella, quien está totalmente sumergida en el show, cantando el éxito "Vampire", de Rodrigo, como una verdadera fan. Incluso con sus ojos de padre dormido y viejo, Alex le dio un espaldarazo a la cantante con el mensaje: "Rodrigo es bastante buena para ser honestos".

A-Rod, que también es papá de Natasha, de 19 años, incluso se disculpó con Olivia en el pie de foto por confundir su nombre y prometió que no volvería a suceder.

Al final, el día padre-hija de A-Rod recibió un gran pulgar hacia arriba de parte de sus seguidores. Algunos lo coronaron como el "mejor padre de la historia", mientras que otros le dijeron que Ella iba a atesorar todos estos recuerdos con él cuando crezca.


Instagram / @arod

Alex Rodriguez scored some serious dad points by tagging along with his 15-year-old daughter to an Olivia Rodrigo concert -- even though he wanted to catch some zzz's instead.

The legendary slugger documented their outing Wednesday night in an, inadvertently, hilarious IG video ... as he admitted he was exhausted from filming all day, but was prioritizing some quality time with Ella at the Miami gig -- despite clearly not knowing who the singer is.

In fact, he tells his followers he's at a "Rodrigo" concert ... before Ella schools him on the singer's full name!

A-Rod was in the thick of it inside Kaseya Center, panning the camera around with the caption across the screen, "Olivia Rodrigo concert surrounded by 22,000 teenage girls, and all I wanna do is go to sleep."

He then zooms in on Ella, who's totally in her element, belting out Olivia's hit track "Vampire" like a true fan. Even with his sleepy/old dad eyes, Alex had to give the singer props with his caption, "Rodrigo is pretty good TBH."

A-Rod, who is also dad to 19-year-old Natasha, even apologized to Olivia in the caption for messing up her name, and promised it won't happen again.

In the end, A-Rod's daddy-daughter day got a big thumbs-up from his followers ... some crowned him the "best dad ever" while others told him Ella was gonna cherish all these memories with him growing up.

Guess Who This Little Babydoll Turned Into!

Before this stylish New Jersey native turned into a talented singer and actress, she was just listening to the radio, landing TV commercials for Wendy's and heading off to Los Angeles with big dreams at just 13 years old.

Her popular song "Dip It Low" hit the top of the Billboard Charts back in 2004, so while she may be most known for her singing skills, don't count her out from acting ... She starred in "Love Don't Cost A Thing" with Nick Cannon.

"Dip it low, pick it up slow, roll it all around..."

Can you guess who she is?


Antes de que esta estilosa nativa de Nueva Jersey se convirtiera en una talentosa cantante y actriz, solo escuchaba la radio, protagonizaba anuncios de televisión para Wendy's y se marchaba a Los Ángeles con grandes sueños cuando tenía apenas 13 años.

Su popular canción "Dip It Low" llegó a lo más alto de las listas Billboard en 2004, así que, aunque sea más conocida por sus dotes como cantante, no hay que descartar su faceta como actriz... Protagonizó "Love Don't Cost A Thing" con Nick Cannon.

"Sumérgelo, levántalo despacio, hazlo rodar...".

¿Adivinas quién es?

Kodak Black Delivery Room Daddy ... Matches 'Fits With Baby Boy!!!

Kodak Black helped deliver his newborn son last week -- and made sure the little guy was freshly dressed for his world debut!!!

TMZ Hip Hop obtained the first photo of Kodak's newborn son, who he and his girlfriend Maranda Johnson named Prince Kapri.

Kodak tells us … "I'm happy to be home with my family and my new son. It was very special to help deliver a new soul into the world. I know he's going to be a special person."

Prince was born on February 27 and the newly minted father/son duo captured a stylish photo-op for the birthday -- Kodak was decked out in a baby blue t-shirt and jeans, and Prince was wrapped in a baby blanket and cap with matching colors.

Prince's arrival makes him Kodak's 4th kid -- his 2nd with Maranda, and the "Super Gremlin" rapper is approaching parenthood with flair.

Just take a look at the blinged-out pacifier he had dangling around his neck ... that's gotta be worth a lifetime supply of diapers!!!

Prince's birth capped off a whirlwind past few weeks for Kodak ... as we reported, he was sprung from jail without mandatory supervision, and now only has to worry about running to that baby monitor!!!

Drake Bell Denunciará abuso infantil en un nuevo documental de Nickelodeon

Drake Bell se está abriendo sobre las afirmaciones que dicen que fue abusado por un entrenador que trabajó con él cuando era un adolescente en Nickelodeon.

El martes se dio a conocer que el actor será una de las ex estrellas infantiles que hablará en el próximo documental "Quiet on Set", que se emite el 17 y 18 de marzo. En el teaser del documental, Drake aparece al final, confirmando que va a compartir su historia.

Drake no dice nada en la promo, pero es seguro que hablará del tema cuando el documental se libere en su totalidad. En un comunicado de ID, dicen que Drake está listo para hacer las denuncias en contra de Brian Peck, un hombre con el que trabajó mientras estaba en "Drake & Josh" a principios de los 2000.

En 2004, Peck se declaró inocente de realizar un acto lascivo con un adolescente de 14 o 15 años y sexo oral con un menor de 16 años.

No está claro si las afirmaciones de Drake influyeron en el caso penal contra Peck, pero en cualquier caso, es una noticia importante, sobre todo si tenemos en cuenta lo turbulenta que ha sido su propia vida.

Recuerde, el propio Drake terminó siendo condenado por poner en peligro a los niños cuando ya era un adulto y en los últimos años ha hablado abiertamente de contemplar el suicidio. Por un tiempo, también desapareció brevemente.

En cuanto a Peck, recientemente fue señalado por otras ex estrellas infantiles: los chicos de "Boy Meets World" dijeron que estaba en su mundo por ese entonces, y mirando en retrospectiva, lamentan su afiliación con él en su momento. Vale la pena señalar que no alegan ningún delito contra Peck explícitamente.

Se espera que otras estrellas infantiles hablen en este documental, pero por ahora Drake es uno de los más grandes en hacer acusaciones. Se dice que va a identificarse como una de las víctimas en el caso de Peck de 2004, pero queda por ver qué es lo que dirá exactamente.

Los compañeros de reparto de Drake de entonces no han abordado esta noticia.

Drake Bell Comes Forward to Claim Child Molestation ... In New Nickelodeon Doc

Drake Bell is breaking his silence on claims he was molested by a dialogue coach who worked with him when he was a teen on Nickelodeon.

The actor was revealed to be one of the former child stars who's going to speak on the forthcoming ID documentary 'Quiet on Set,' which airs on March 17 and 18. A teaser for the doc went up Tuesday ... and Drake steps in at the end, confirming he'll share his story.

Drake doesn't say anything in the promo ... but it's safe to say, he'll talk more when the doc gets released in full. In a release from ID, they say Drake is set to make claims against Brian Peck -- a man he worked with while he was on 'Drake & Josh' in the early 2000s.

Back in 2004, Peck pled no contest to performing a lewd act with a 14- or 15-year-old and to oral copulation with a minor under 16.

It's unclear if Drake's claims factored into the criminal case against Peck ... but in any case, it's major news -- especially when you consider how turbulent his own life has been.

Remember, Drake himself ended up being convicted of child endangerment as an adult -- and in recent years ... he's talked openly about contemplating suicide, and briefly went missing for a while too.

As for Peck ... he was recently named by other ex-child stars -- the guys from "Boy Meets World" said he was in their world as well back in the day ... and in hindsight, regretted their affiliation with him at the time. Worth noting ... they didn't allege any wrongdoing against Peck explicitly.

There are more child stars that are expected to speak in this doc ... but Drake is now coming out as the first big one to make allegations. Word is ... he's going to identify himself as one of the victims in Peck's 2004 case -- but it remains to be seen what exactly he'll say.

Other costars of Drake's from back then haven't addressed this latest development.

Landon, hijo de Travis Barker Tengo un leve síndrome de Tourette ... Describe sus tics

Finalmente se abre...

El hijo de Travis Barker, Landon, está hablando abiertamente sobre su vida con el síndrome de Tourette, algo que nadie parecía saber hasta ahora.

El influencer de 20 años compartió su viaje este lunes, después de que un fan en TikTok especulara que podría tener el trastorno. En el video que compartimos más arriba, Landon detalló que tiene un leve caso de Tourette, que fue diagnosticado cuando era un niño.

Landon recordó cuando experimentó el síndrome de Tourette por primera vez en preescolar, después de que una profesora lo acusara de poner los ojos en blanco en frente de ella. El hijo de Travis, que comparte con Shanna Moakler, explicó que la mirada en blanco fue finalmente diagnosticada como un tic, un síntoma de la condición neurológica.

Luego describió otros tics, que incluyen sacudir la cabeza de un lado para otro y mover la mandíbula repetidamente, cosas que hace cuando está nervioso o ansioso.

Sobre por qué decidió compartir su diagnóstico ahora, Landon dijo que solo tenía ganas de compartir su verdad y desde entonces los fans lo han aplaudido por su franqueza.

Landon ha estado abriéndose mucho sobre su vida personal en las últimas semanas, después de haber confirmado la separación de la TikToker Charli D'Amelio en febrero.

En ese momento, Landon le dijo a los fans que él y Charli se separaron en buenos términos y que se estaban tomando un tiempo para centrarse en sí mismos.

De todos modos, es información interesante sobre Landon aquí. ¡Nunca lo habríamos imaginado!

Travis Barker's Son Landon I Have Minor Tourette Syndrome ... Describes His Tics


Travis Barker's son, Landon, is opening up about his life with Tourette syndrome ... which nobody seemed to know about until now.

The 20-year-old influencer shared his health journey Monday -- this after a fan on TikTok speculated he may have the disorder. As Landon detailed in the video above ... he has a minor case of Tourette's -- which he says he was initially diagnosed with as a child.

Landon recalled first experiencing Tourette's back in preschool ... after a teacher accused him of rolling his eyes at her. Travis' son -- whom he shares with Shanna Moakler -- explained the eye-rolling was eventually diagnosed as a tic ... a symptom of the neurological condition.

He went on to describe his tics -- which also include jerking his head to the side and moving his jaw repeatedly -- stuff he'll do when he says he's nervous or anxious.

On why he decided to share his diagnosis now ... Landon said he just felt like sharing his truth -- and fans have since applauded him for his candor.

Landon has been opening up about his personal life quite a bit in recent weeks ... having previously confirmed his split from TikToker girlfriend Charli D'Amelio in February.

At the time ... Landon told fans that he and Charli split on good terms -- as they're taking time to focus on themselves.

Anyway ... interesting little tidbit about Landon here. Never would've guessed!