Keke Palmer's Ex Darius Jackson Denies Abuse Claims ... After Restraining Order


9:10 AM PT -- A source close to Keke Palmer tells us Darius Jackson made his way into her home that Sunday and began to cuss Keke out as she was on the phone with Sharon. We're told Sharon made the threat about the bullet because she feared for her daughter's safety and couldn't be there in person to protect Keke.

We've also obtained Sharon's response to the text message from Darius' mother.

Keke Palmer's ex, Darius Jackson, is denying her bombshell abuse allegations -- and is levying his own claims against her mother ... whom he insists threatened to put a bullet in his head.

Sources close to Darius tell TMZ the latest issue between the couple stems from an argument over the custody of their infant son, Leo. Per our sources ... Darius had texted Keke about going to pick up his son to watch football last Sunday -- but when he arrived to Keke's place, Leo wasn't there.

From there, an argument between Darius and Keke ensued, and at some point, Keke got her mom, Sharon, on the phone and put her on speaker -- and we're told Sharon was screaming/cussing Darius out. It was during that time when Sharon allegedly told Darius she'd put a bullet in his head ... which brought things to another level.

Darius then attempted to wrestle Keke's phone away from her -- which our sources say is what's depicted in one of KP's exhibits from her restraining order filing last week ... which shows them tussling and struggling on the couch.

We're told Darius absolutely denies abusing Keke ... and our sources say cops even came over and didn't find any probable cause to arrest him for DV. They didn't even file a report, we're told ... which our sources say backs up DJ's account.

We're told Darius' mother, Yhinyer, caught wind of the bullet to the head threat, and texted Sharon over it.

We should note, Keke also included screenshots from an altercation between her and Darius on the stairs from Feb. 2022 in her restraining order filing -- we don't know what led to that incident.


In any case, our sources say Darius is sticking to his story ... and that denies the recent allegations of abuse. A judge, of course, felt a temporary restraining order was warranted.

Keke was granted her TRO ... not to mention temporary sole custody of the child. A hearing on the matter is scheduled for Dec. 5 -- where Darius will be able to plead his case.

As we reported ... Keke was spotted out in public Saturday working on what appeared to be a shoot, and she had young Leo with her. She also received a rose bouquet from someone.

Originally Published -- 8:42 AM PT

Marlon Wayans 'I Have A Daughter That Transitioned Into A Son' ... He Goes by Kai

The Breakfast Club

Marlon Wayans says his eldest child is transgender, and now identifies as male with a different name ... changes Marlon says took some getting used to on his part.

The comedian made the revelation on "The Breakfast Club" ... telling the crew that his new comedy special, "Rainbow Child," was going to tackle this exact topic, in hopes of helping other parents who have trans kids.

Marlon explained last week that 23-year-old Amai goes by Kai now ... and MW calls him his son. You can tell it's still fairly new, because he accidentally mis-genders Kai while discussing him.

It's pretty eye-opening, but it's clear Marlon has embraced the change with open arms -- although, he admits it's been a learning process ... and took quite a bit of education, on his part, to come around to love and acceptance.

As he explains here, Marlon was in "complete denial" for a while -- but now says he has nothing but unconditional love for Kai. It's unclear when exactly the transition happened -- but Marlon's been photographed with Kai and his other son Shawn in recent years.

No word on when this special is dropping either, but we know Marlon's been touring.

Ben Affleck & Jennifer Garner Laughing It Up at Son's B-ball Game ... Exes Are Still Good Pals

Ben Affleck and his ex-wife, Jennifer Garner, haven't always been on the best terms after divorcing, but lately -- including this weekend -- they're 2 peas in a co-parenting pod.

The 2 exes -- who share 3 children together -- were hanging out Sunday in Santa Monica, where their son Samuel had a basketball game ... and while they were waiting for their kid so they could all leave, BA and JG were laughing something fierce in the lobby.

Take a look ... mom and dad chatted each other up and smiled ear to ear as they talked. Eventually, Sam wrapped up the game and they all left together ... in real good moods.

BTW, it's just the 2 of them here -- no J Lo or the other kids in sight -- so it seems this was just a day for the father-mother-son trio, which is a cool thing to see.

We already know Ben and Jen (and Jen) have a blended family these days ... and they're always in and out of each other's lives, especially for big events and holidays. The fact Ben and Jennifer can meet up like this without any issues is sort of a rarity in Hollywood.

That's not to say these two haven't had their issues post-divorce.

We've seen them argue in public before, including one instance from 2019 where they got testy on the street. With that said, they're on the same page more often than not ... and seem to care a great deal about each other in the years since their marriage ended.

In fact, it was Garner here who took Ben to rehab in 2018 ... so she's certainly there for her ex when he needs it.

She also appears to get along with BA's new wife and her own children ... JG has been seen taking the whole kid troupe out and about in public, and vice-versa obviously.

In other words ... they're a healthy former couple, and ya love to see it.


un momento de transición
The Breakfast Club

Marlon Wayans dice que su hija mayor es transgénero y ahora se identifica como hombre. Marlon dice que le tomó un poco de tiempo acostumbrarse al cambio.

El comediante hizo la revelación en "The Breakfast Club", comentándole al equipo que su nuevo especial de comedia, "Rainbow Child", iba a abordar este tema, con la esperanza de ayudar a otros padres que tienen hijos trans.

Marlon explicó la semana pasada que Amai, de 23 años de edad, ahora será Kai y Marlon le llama su hijo. Se puede decir que todavía es algo bastante nuevo, porque accidentalmente se equivoca de género mientras habla de él.

Esto bastante revelador, pero está claro que Marlon ha abrazado el cambio con los brazos abiertos, aunque admite que ha sido un proceso de aprendizaje y tomó un poco de tiempo por su parte llegar a entenderlo y aceptarlo.

Como explica aquí, Marlon estuvo en "negación completa" por un tiempo, pero ahora dice que no tiene nada más que amor incondicional por Kai. No está claro cuándo ocurrió exactamente la transición, pero Marlon ha sido fotografiado con Kai y su otro hijo Shawn en los últimos años.

Tampoco se sabe cuándo saldrá este especial, pero sabemos que Marlon ha estado de gira.


Ben Affleck y su ex esposa, Jennifer Garner, no siempre han estado en los mejores términos después de divorciarse, pero últimamente se les ha visto bastante alegres a decir verdad.

Los divorciados comparten tres hijos juntos y pasaron el domingo en Santa Mónica, donde su hijo Samuel tenía un partido de baloncesto. Mientras esperaban a su hijo para que todos pudieran salir, Ben y Jennifer se reían a viva voz en el vestíbulo.

Echa un vistazo; mamá y papá charlaban y sonreían de oreja a oreja mientras hablaban. Al final, Sam terminó el juego y se fueron todos juntos y de muy buen humor.

A propósito, sólo había dos de ellos aquí, ninguno de J Lo o algún otro niños a la vista, por lo que parece que esto era un día exclusivamente para el trío padre/madre/hijo, lo que es una novedad.

Ya sabemos que Ben y Jen (y Jen) tienen una familia mixta estos días y siempre están entrando y saliendo de la vida del otro, especialmente para los grandes eventos y días festivos. El hecho de que Ben y Jennifer pueden reunirse de esta manera sin ningún tipo de problemas es una especie de rareza en Hollywood.

Eso no quiere decir que estos dos no hayan tenido sus problemas después del divorcio.

Los hemos visto discutir en público antes; recordemos esa vez en 2019 cuando se pusieron irritables en la calle. Dicho esto, últimamente parecen estar en la misma página más a menudo que no y parecen preocuparse mucho el uno por el otro en los años desde que terminó su matrimonio.

De hecho, fue Garner aquí quien llevó a Ben a rehabilitación en 2018 por lo que ciertamente está allí para su ex cuando lo necesita.

Ella también parece llevarse bien con la nueva esposa del actor y sus propios hijos, Jennifer ha sido vista llevando a toda la tropa de niños en público y viceversa, obviamente.

En otras palabras, son una ex pareja sana y es bueno verlo.


los siguientes

Hay otro Fielder forjando su camino a la MLB y su padre, Prince Fielder, le dice a TMZ Sports, ¡que el joven podría llegar a ser el mejor de la familia!

Nos encontramos a Prince y a su hijo de 19 años, Jadyn Fielder, en LAX esta semana y cuando le preguntamos si el joven Fielder tenía potencial para ser mejor que papá y el abuelo (tres veces All-Star Cecil Fielder), Prince no se anduvo con rodeos.

"¡Él tiene algo especial!" dijo Prince.

En cuanto a por qué, Prince nos dijo que su hijo ha estado "practicando todos los días", mientras pasaba años en los clubes de la MLB absorbiendo conocimientos de él y de otros jugadores de las Grandes Ligas.

Si bien Prince es sin duda un padre orgulloso, también es evidente que no está vendiendo humo, Jadyn (un jugador de cuadro de 6 pies que juega béisbol en la escuela secundaria en Florida) es considerado como uno de los mejores prospectos en la clase de 2024.

Y, escucha esta, Prince dice que su otro hijo, Haven Fielder (de 17 años), también tiene la oportunidad de hacerse un nombre en un diamante de la MLB algún día.

Esto es todo un acontecimiento teniendo en cuenta que fue hace apenas unos años que los niños eran pequeños.

"Es muy emocionante", dijo el mayor de los Fielder. "Veremos qué pasa".

Prince Fielder On Son, Jadyn Fielder ... He Could Be Better Than Cecil & Me!!!


There's another Fielder making his way to the MLB ... and this one's father, Prince Fielder, tells TMZ Sports the youngster could turn out to be the best in the family!

We got Prince and his 19-year-old son, Jadyn Fielder, out at LAX this week ... and when we asked if the young Fielder had potential to be better than Dad and Grandpa (three-time All-Star Cecil Fielder), Prince didn't mince words.

"He sure does!" Prince said.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

As for why ... Prince told us his kid has been "practicing every day" -- while spending years in MLB clubhouses soaking up knowledge from him and other Big Leaguers.

While Prince is certainly a proud dad, he also clearly isn't blowing smoke ... Jadyn -- a 6-foot infielder who plays high school baseball in Florida -- is regarded as one of the best prospects in the 2024 class.

And, get this ... Prince says his other son, 17-year-old Haven Fielder, has a chance to make a name for himself on an MLB diamond one day too!!

It's all quite the sight ... considering it was just a few years ago that the boys were little tykes watching Prince mash in playoff games and Home Run Derbys -- something that's obviously not lost on Prince.

"It's pretty exciting," the elder Fielder said. "We'll see what happens."

Guess Who This Baby In Heels Turned Into!

Before this adorable baby in her diaper was trying on her momma's high heels, she was just heading to the movie sets to watch her parents act, messin' around with her younger bro and growing up just outside of Paris.

Back in 2014, this beauty of a gal made her film debut in the movie "Tusk" alongside Justin Long, however most recently ... she starred on HBO's "The Idol" with The Weeknd. And, don't be surprised if you see her on the cover of a magazine looking gorgeous as ever!

Need one more clue ... ask the pirate!

Can you guess who she is?

Adivina en quién se ha convertido esta tierna bebé con tacones

Antes de que esta adorable bebé se probara los tacones altos de su mamá, iba a los sets de filmación para ver actuar a sus padres, jugueteaba con su hermano menor y crecía en las afueras de París.

En 2014, esta belleza hizo su debut en el cine en la película "Tusk" junto a Justin Long, sin embargo, más recientemente protagonizó "The Idol" de HBO con The Weeknd. Y no te sorprendas si la ves en la portada de una revista tan guapa como siempre.

Si necesitas una pista más... ¡Pregúntale a su pirata pop!

¿Adivinas quién es?

'The Challenge' C.T. Tamburello Settles Divorce

C.T. Tamburello, known from his time on MTV's "The Challenge," has finalized his divorce ... this coming a year after heading to court to pull the plug on their marriage.

According to new docs, obtained by TMZ, C.T. and his ex, Lilianet Solares, reached a settlement earlier this month -- agreeing to split custody of their 7-year-old son, Christopher Jr., and also to evenly divvy up expenses for the child.

But C.T.'s also gonna have to pay Lilianet $761.39 each month in child support ... and an additional $332.45 for each week he is working, and unable to exercise equal timesharing for their little one.

In addition, C.T. keeps their home, but will give Lilianet another $30,000 for her portion of the property's equity -- he'll also retain ownership of his company, New Leaf Investments, and she keeps her business, Solares Management.

TMZ broke the story, C.T. filed for divorce in Florida last November, following a very up-and-down relationship.

Docs filed in September showed they agreed on strict rules when it came to raising their kid -- which included them not being able to ask Christopher Jr. about the other parent while spending time with them.

Also, whichever parent isn't spending time with Christopher Jr is only allowed 2 phone calls a day with the kiddo. Seems they've thought of everything.

Keke Palmer Footage Shows Alleged Abuse By Ex-BF Inside Home


8:44 AM PT -- Keke Palmer's request has been granted temporarily until a hearing on December 5.

Keke Palmer has submitted security camera footage as part of her request for a restraining order against her ex, Darius Jackson ... which allegedly shows him physically assaulting her in her home.

As we reported, Keke went to court Wednesday seeking sole custody of her 8-month-old son, Leodis Andrellton Jackson ... but gave no details as to the grounds.

However, she also filed for a restraining order against Darius, alleging she faced "many instances of physical violence" with him -- including one as recent as Sunday.

According to new docs obtained by TMZ, Keke's now presenting footage she claims was recorded in February 2022 of Darius "chok[ing] me and body slamm[ing] me onto the stairs" after he got "violently jealous and irrationally angry over a bikini picture."

Keke claims Darius got "enraged" after showing him the bikini pic of her, despite allegedly not showing it to anyone else but him -- adding, "I simply showed it to him on my phone as I was proud of what I had accomplished."

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The actress says Darius abused her over 2 days after that, with the security footage only capturing some of what she says happened -- showing Darius allegedly grabbing her around the neck and slamming her on the stairs.


Don't forget, Darius publicly shamed Keke's outfit choice at an Usher concert back in July -- over a year after this alleged altercation over a photo of her in a bikini.


Keke's mom, Sharon, has since spoken out against Darius and his brother, Sarunas ... who she claims knew Darius was abusive, but didn't do a thing about it.

Originally Published -- 7:24 AM PT

Keke Palmer Imágenes muestran presuntos abusos de su ex novio


8:44 AM PT -- La petición de Keke Palmer ha sido concedida temporalmente hasta una audiencia el 5 de diciembre.

Keke Palmer ha presentado imágenes de la cámara de seguridad como parte de su solicitud para obtener una orden de alejamiento en contra de su ex, Darius Jackson, y estas muestran supuestas agresiones físicas al interior de su casa.

Como informamos, Keke fue a los tribunales el miércoles para tener custodia exclusiva de su hijo de 8 meses, Leodis Andrellton Jackson, pero no dio detalles sobre los motivos.

Sin embargo, también pidió una orden de restricción contra Darius, alegando que se enfrentó a "muchos casos de violencia física" con él, siendo el más reciente este domingo.

De acuerdo con los nuevos documentos obtenidos por TMZ, Keke está presentando imágenes que fueron grabadas en febrero de 2022, según ella, y muestran a Darius "asfixiándola y golpeando su cuerpo en las escaleras". Todo esto, después de que él se pusiera "violentamente celoso" e irracional por una foto en bikini de ella.

Keke afirma que Darius se "enfureció" después de que le mostró la foto, a pesar de que supuestamente no la compartió con nadie más. Añadió: "Simplemente se la mostré en mi teléfono, ya que estaba orgullosa de lo que había logrado".

La actriz dice que Darius abusó de ella más de dos días después del incidente. Las imágenes de seguridad capturan solo una parte de lo que sucedió, en las que se ve a Darius supuestamente agarrándola del cuello y golpeándola en las escaleras.

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Dulce serenata

No hay que olvidar que Darius avergonzó públicamente a Keke por su atuendo en un concierto de Usher en julio. Esto, más de un año después de este supuesto altercado.

Poniendo a Darius en la mira

Desde entonces, la madre de Keke Sharon ha hablado en contra de Darius y su hermano Sarunas, el que según ella sabía que Darius era abusivo, pero no hizo nada al respecto.

KEKE PALMER FILES FOR FULL CUSTODY OF SON ... After Split From Outfit-Shaming Ex Darius


6:48 PM PT -- To add another complicated layer to this custody filing, Keke has also reportedly filed for a temporary restraining order against Darius, according to Us Weekly.

In the docs, Keke alleges there have been "many instances of physical violence" with Jackson, including one on November 5 Keke says she has on video.

Keke Palmer is gunning for full legal and physical custody of her 8-month-old child … another development in the apparent relationship breakdown with Darius Jackson.

According to docs, obtained by TMZ, the actress is asking a judge to give her full custody of her baby son Leodis Andrellton Jackson. Keke does not get into details as to why she's decided to file.

The petition states that Keke is willing to pay the reasonable expenses of pregnancy and birth -- but she's also asking the court order Darius to assist with attorney fees and expert fees.

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As we reported, the fallout between the couple seemingly started when Darius publicly insinuated Keke's choice of attire at an Usher concert in Vegas was inappropriate for a mom.

Keke doubled down on her sexy wardrobe selection with a recap on IG ... and Usher also seemed to have her back ... so Darius stood little chance of having people see things from his POV.


Originally Published -- 4:34 PM PT


Los agentes del sheriff de Los Ángeles respondieron a una llamada de la casa de Chet Hanks en el área de Los Ángeles las primeras horas del lunes después de que un hombre intentó entrar en su propiedad, TMZ ha indagado.

Fuentes policiales nos dicen que antes de que llegaran las autoridades, el hijo de Tom Hanks golpeó al hombre de 42 años de edad, después de encontrarlo tratando de entrar en su casa alrededor de las 3:00 AM. Cuando los oficiales llegaron trataron de ponerle las esposas al hombre y se resistió y continuó luchando.

Después de someter al sospechoso, los policías lo estaban llevando al carro cuando el sospechoso cayó hacia atrás sobre la pierna de un oficial, causándole una fractura en la pierna.

El sospechoso y el ayudante del sheriff fueron trasladados a un hospital local para ser examinados y el sospechoso fue fichado más tarde por robo.

El caso será remitido a la Oficina del Fiscal del Distrito de Los Ángeles para su archivo.

CHET HANKS Toe-to-Toe Punches with Home Intruder ... Thwarts Alleged Burglary

Chet Hanks must defend his house, and he'll do it with his bare fists, as a man who was allegedly trying to get into Chet's place found out the hard way ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell us ... before authorities arrived early Monday morning, Tom Hanks' son punched the 42-year-old suspect after finding him attempting to break in around 3:00 AM. When L.A. County Sheriff's deputies got on scene they tried to slap cuffs on the man, but he kept fighting.

Eventually, they subdued him enough to get cuffs on him ... but while leading him to the car, the guy fell backward onto one of the deputies, who ended up with a broken leg!!!

Both men had to be taken to a hospital for treatment. Once he was medically cleared, the suspect was booked for burglary. As for Chet ... at least physically, he was unscathed.

The case will be forwarded to the L.A. County District Attorney's Office for filing considerations.

PRISCILLA PRESLEY WAS NEARLY A KARDASHIAN!!! Romance with Rob Cut Short By 'Controlling' Elvis

Priscilla Presley was very nearly a Kardashian ... had her unwavering loyalty to her ex, Elvis Presley -- and lack of cooking skills -- not been an issue for Robert Kardashian.

In light of the new movie based on her romance with the King of Rock & Roll, Priscilla has been doing lots of promo lately ... revealing in a Q&A that she had "never wanted to marry again" after Elvis because no one would match up to him.

And no one had better first-hand knowledge of her devotion to the icon post-split than Robert ... who was head over heels for her when they first met and thought they would marry and have babies together.

However, in the 2017 unauthorized biography, "The Kardashians: An American Drama," the author says Rob frequently felt like a third wheel, because Elvis repeatedly interrupted their romance in bizarre and controlling ways.

In the book, a close pal recalled Robert complaining Elvis called while he was making love to Priscilla ... who then propped the bedside receiver on the pillow between them, forcing Rob to listen to their convo. Awwwkward.

According to the biography, Elvis just didn't want his ex to see other men ... for the sake of their daughter Lisa Marie.

Another blow for Robert was that romancing Priscilla came at the expense of family affairs as his older brother Tom was also interested in her ... and when she chose Rob, his bro grew envious.

But, Rob's bud Joni Migdal said the final straw for their relationship was when Priscilla cooked a meal for Robert, which he hated so much ... he suggested she never make dinner for him again!

His desire to forge a life with Priscilla dissipated soon after, and as we all know, Rob went on to marry Kris Jenner and have their 4 kids ... Kourtney, Kim, Khloe and Rob. Rob and Kris were married from 1978 to 1991.

Priscilla never forgot Robert, calling him one last time during his final days -- as he battled cancer in 2003 -- to "gently tell him she loved him."