Antes de que esta dulce bebé de pelo castaño y ojos azules se convirtiera en cómica, actriz y presentadora de podcasts, se abrigaba en este clásico sofá a cuadros y crecía en los años 80 en Washington D.C.

Después de la universidad, antes de ser una habitual en el programa de entrevistas de Chelsea Handler, "Chelsea Lately", estuvo en "Punk'd" de MTV a principios de la década de 2000 y puede que la hayas visto asando a Joan Rivers y Donald Trump en "Comedy Central Roasts".

Últimamente ha publicado muchas selfies con su barriguita de embarazada, ya que está esperando su primer hijo.

¿Adivinas quién es?

Kourtney Kardashian Check Out My Baby Registry!

Kourtney Kardashian is a mommy once again ... and she's givin' a glimpse into some of the sweet things she's looking to cross off her baby registry.

Kourt's lifestyle site, Poosh, teamed up with baby registry company Babylist for some pretty awesome essentials -- and the Kardashian's looking for things like cute booties, bandana bibs, elf hats and even Mickey Mouse blankets to dress up her little one, Rocky.

She's also got a swanky diaper changing pad on her list, as well as other high-end items like a Sleepi Bed, a 4-seat stroller wagon, and even a swivel nursery recliner -- that retails at $1,249!

Kourtney's also a fan of velvet hangers for the baby clothes, a hands-free pumping bra, and booby tubes ... gel-free packs that can be heated or made cool to help ease any discomfort during breastfeeding.

As we reported, Kourtney and Travis welcomed Rocky into the world last week -- this after family members like Kylie Jenner were spotted at Cedars-Sinai on Thursday.

The happy parents were leaving the L.A. hospital Tuesday.

Charlie Sheen Cambia de opinión sobre el OnlyFans de Sami... Impresionado por sus ganancias, dice Denise

Cambió de parecer
Just B with Bethenny Frankel

Charlie Sheen finalmente le está dando su bendición a la cuenta de OnlyFans de su hija de 19 años, Sami Sheen. De acuerdo con su madre, el dinero es demasiado bueno como para que incluso su querido padre se oponga.

Recuerden, mientras la madre de Sami, Denise Richards, estaba encantada con que su hija adolescente se uniera al servicio de suscripción para adultos hace más de un año -tan encantada que incluso lanzó una página propia-, Charlie echó humo públicamente, instando a su hija a mantener las cosas "con clase".

Pero ahora Denise está diciendo que Charlie cambió de opinión al descubrir que Sami se compró un Mercedes y se mudó a una nueva casa con sus ganancias en OnlyFans.

La ex conejita de Playboy, Denise, le dijo a Bethenny Frankel en su podcast "Just B" el martes que aunque Charlie está feliz con las opciones de vida de su hija, Sami no está contenta con lo público que él ha sido sobre su arriesgada carrera en línea.

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Mi papá no es un fan

Sami es ahora una profesional en OnlyFans. Comparte contenido sexy, sin desnudos, 3 meses después de que cumpliera 18 años el año pasado.

En ese momento, Charlie dijo a Page Six: "No apruebo esto, pero ya que soy incapaz de evitarlo, la insté a mantenerlo con clase, creativo y no sacrificar su integridad".

Mamá, por su parte, elogió a Sami por tener la confianza que ella anhelaba cuando tenía su edad, y luego se sintió lo suficientemente inspirada como para iniciar su propia cuenta.

El dúo madre e hija va fuerte en el sitio. Sami insta a los usuarios a inscribirse en su cuenta por $19.99 al mes, mientras que Denise cobra una tarifa más premium de $25 por mes.

El perro de Kim Zolciak y Kroy Biermann ¡casi ataca a un niño!

Los problemas de Kim Zolciak y Kroy Biermann parecen no terminar nunca. La policía recibió un llamado por un supuesto casi accidente entre el perro de la pareja y un niño.

De acuerdo con un informe, obtenido por TMZ, la policía recibió una llamada la semana pasada de una mujer que dijo que el perro de Kim y Kroy estaba fuera sin su correa, y la mujer afirmó que este no era el primer encuentro con el perro.

La persona que llamó dijo que el perro "casi atacó a sus hijos" el mes pasado, y le dijo a los oficiales que el perro los persiguió, pero afortunadamente, nadie resultó herido.

Teniendo en cuenta lo que supuestamente pasó, la persona que llamó dijo que ver al perro vagando sin correa era preocupante, ya que el perro es "super agresivo y poco confiable".

Los perros de Kim y Kroy  —Stone y Sinn— fueron el tema de discusión en un grupo de Facebook. Un padre preocupado dijo que un perro había tratado de "atacar" a su hijo mientras montaba un scooter.

La gente se unió y dijo: "Por lo general, el perro de la pareja está detrás de la puerta en el patio delantero, pero a veces su puerta de entrada está abierta".

A propósito, Sinn mordió a su hijo, Kash, allá por 2017 y casi lo deja ciego.

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kim fuera

  1. Los perros no son los únicos problemas de Kim y Kroy, como informamos, los policías locales han sido llamados un par de veces por la pareja, y las imágenes capturadas en agosto mostraron cuán desagradables se han puesto las cosas en su casa recientemente.

CHARLIE SHEEN CHANGES TUNE ON SAMI'S ONLYFANS ... Impressed By Her Earnings, Says Denise

Just B with Bethenny Frankel

Charlie Sheen is finally giving his blessing to his 19-year-old daughter Sami Sheen having an OnlyFans account -- according to her mom, the money's too good for even dear ol' dad to object.

Remember ... while Sami's mother, Denise Richards, was thrilled with the teen joining the adult subscription service over a year ago -- even launching a page for herself -- Charlie publicly fumed, urging his child to keep things "classy."

But Denise is now divulging Charlie changed his tune after discovering Sami had purchased a flashy Mercedes AND moved into a new home with her OF earnings.

Former Playboy bunny Denise said to Bethenny Frankel on her 'Just B' podcast Tuesday that while Charlie is now happy with her life choices, Sami is not cool with how public he's been about her risqué online career pursuits.

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Sami is now a pro at OF ... sharing sexy content, without nudity, 3 months after she turned 18 last year.


At the time, Charlie told Page Six: "I do not condone this, but since I'm unable to prevent it, I urged her to keep it classy, creative and not sacrifice her integrity."

Mom, on the other hand, praised Sami for having the confidence she wished she had when she was her age ... and then felt inspired enough to start her own OF.

The mother-and-daughter duo is going strong on the site. Sami urges users to sign up for her account for $19.99 a month, while Denise charges a more premium rate of $25 per month.

Kim & Kroy Cops Called Over Their Dog ... Allegedly Tried To Tackle Neighbor Kid


9:39 AM PT -- A source close to Kim Zolciak says the police never spoke to Kim and Kroy Biermann after the report was made, and the reporting person allegedly doesn't even live in the neighborhood.

Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann are in the doghouse with law enforcement yet again ... after some pissed-off neighbors called the cops after one of the estranged couple's dogs nearly attacked a kid.

Alpharetta, GA cops got a call last week about the Biermann dog from a woman who said it was off its leash ... the woman claimed this wasn't the first problem with the dog.

The caller told dispatch the dog "almost attacked her kids" last month, telling officers the pooch chased them -- but thankfully, no one was injured.

Given what allegedly went down, the caller said seeing the dog roaming without a leash was concerning, telling dispatch the dog is "super aggressive and never confined."

Kim and Kroy's dogs -- Stone and Sinn -- were apparently the topic of discussion in a Facebook group as well -- with a conversation posted on IG account @Thegoodthebadandthefake6 concerned parent saying a dog had tried to "tackle and attack" their kid, who was riding a scooter.


Folks chimed in, pointing the finger at the estranged couple and saying -- "It may be [Kim and Kroy's] dog. He is usually behind the gate in the front yard, but sometimes their driveway gate is open."

BTW, Sinn bit their son, Kash, back in 2017 ... nearly blinding him.

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But the dogs are obviously not Kim and Kroy's only problems ... as we reported, local cops have been called a couple of times to their home, and body cam footage from August showed how unpleasant things have gotten in their house recently.

Originally Published -- 12:50 AM PT

Offset Takes Wave 'On The River' For Vevo Performance!!!

Offset's already letting his youngest son Wave set it off in the booth -- hip hop's literally in his blood and the rap prince got his first taste of the artist limelight.

On Tuesday, both Offset and Wave made their debut performance with Vevo's CTRL series to perform "On The River" ... the kickoff track from Offset's recently released album, "Set It Off."

Wave didn't actually make his rapping debut -- à la Drake's son -- but the 2-year-old tyke didn't skimp on bringing his energy to the shoot. Watch the clip, in particular ... he got super amped up toward the end of his dad's performance.

The kid already knows ya gotta finish strong!


Offset recently tipped us off a family collaboration was coming -- in addition to another bombshell revelation ... he's dropping another album in just a few month's time.

His oldest son, Jordan, is a budding producer, and with Wave getting an early start ... Offset and Cardi B just might have a modern-day Partridge Fam!!! The hip hop version, of course.

Neymar Pareja e hija fueron presuntos objetivos en un aterrador asalto

Un momento aterrador pasó la familia de la superestrella del fútbol Neymar. En la madrugada de este martes, tres hombres supuestamente irrumpieron en el condominio de su pareja Bruna Biancardi en Sao Paulo en un intento de atacarla a ella y a su bebé recién nacido.

Neymar y Bruna, que empezaron a salir en 2021, no estaban en casa en ese momento, según los medios locales, pero los padres de ella estaban presentes cuando los intrusos supuestamente entraron en la residencia.

Los informes afirman que dos hombres armados y otro sospechoso ataron a los padres de Bruna y procedieron a saquear la casa de la influencer, llevándose artículos de lujo como relojes, bolsos de diseño y joyas.

Según el diario R7, los sospechosos supuestamente buscaban a la hija de Neymar y Bruna, Mavie, que nació a principios de octubre. De hecho, el delantero del Al Hilal compartió el lunes una foto con su hija.

Afortunadamente, nadie resultó herido, y los vecinos se apresuraron a avisar a la seguridad durante el asalto a la vivienda.

Uno de los sospechosos, de 20 años, fue detenido durante el acto. Se cree que es vecino de Bruna y que utilizó su acceso al vecindario para permitir que los otros sospechosos entraran por la puerta.

Los otros dos sospechosos siguen libre, pero hasta ahora, uno ha sido identificado.

Neymar, que actualmente se está recuperando de una cirugía de rodilla izquierda después de romperse el ligamento cruzado anterior y el menisco durante un partido el mes pasado, emitió un breve comunicado sobre el "ataque que sufrieron los padres de Bru" diciendo: "Gracias a Dios todo el mundo está bien".

Neymar Partner, Newborn Allegedly Targeted ... In Scary Home Invasion

Terrifying moment for soccer superstar Neymar's family -- three men reportedly broke into his partner Bruna Biancardi's Sao Paulo condo early Tuesday morning in an attempt to target her and their newborn baby.

Neymar and Bruna -- who started dating in 2021 -- weren't home at the time, according to local outlets ... but her parents were present when the intruders allegedly entered the residence.

Reports state two armed men and another suspect tied up Bruna's parents and proceeded to ransack the influencer's place ... taking luxury items like watches, designer purses and jewelry.

According to R7 newspaper, the suspects were allegedly looking for Neymar and Bruna's baby girl Mavie -- who was born in early October. In fact, the Al Hilal striker shared a picture with his child on Monday.

Thankfully, no one was injured ... and neighbors were quick to notify security during the home invasion.

One of the suspects -- a 20-year-old -- was arrested during the act. It is believed he is Bruna's neighbor and used his access to the neighborhood to allow the other suspects in the gate.

The other two suspects are still on the loose ... but so far, one has been identified.

Neymar -- who is currently recovering from left knee surgery after rupturing his ACL and meniscus during a game last month -- released a brief statement about the "attack that Bru's parents suffered" ... saying, "Thank God everyone is fine."

Travis Barker Regresa al hospital donde dio a luz Kourtney

Travis Barker se presentó en el Cedars-Sinai Medical Center en Los Ángeles el lunes, casi una semana después de que Kourtney diera a luz a su bebé.

Travis llegó en su Range Rover a última hora de la tarde, presumiblemente para visitar a Kourtney y a su bebé recién nacido, Rocky.

Como informamos, Travis y Kourtney querían tener a su bebé en Halloween, y según nuestras fuentes, el parto estaba previsto para la semana pasada, por lo que bien puede ser que Rocky haya nacido el martes pasado.

No hemos visto mucho de la prole Kardashian en el hospital durante la última semana. Kylie apareció el jueves pasado, pero aparte de ella no ha habido otros avistamientos.

Este es el tercer hijo de Travis de 47 años y es el cuarto de Kourtney de 44 años.

No está claro por qué Kourtney y Rocky siguen en el hospital. Les deseamos buena salud.

Travis Barker Returns to Hospital Where Kourtney Gave Birth

Travis Barker showed up at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in L.A. Monday, nearly a week after Kourtney gave birth to their baby boy.

Travis rolled up in his Range Rover in the late afternoon, presumably to visit Kourtney and their newborn baby, Rocky.

As we reported, Travis and Kourtney wanted a Halloween baby ... and according to our sources, the baby was due last week so it may well be Rocky was born last Tuesday.


We have not seen much of the Kardashian brood at the hospital over the last week. Kylie showed up last Thursday, but other than her there have been no other sightings.

This is 47-year-old Travis' 3rd child and it's 44-year-old Kourtney's 4th.

It's unclear why Kourtney and Rocky are still in the hospital ... we wish them good health.

Nick Cannon Bre Banged Mikey B., Huh? Well, 'Twas a Long, Long Time Ago!!!


Nick Cannon's baby mama, Bre Tiesi, says she once got in the sack with the great Michael B. Jordan -- and if you think the father of her child is trippin' ... you'll be quite surprised.

The multi-hyphenate host and entertainer was darting through LAX Monday, when a photog tracked him down and asked him the million-dollar question that's been on everyone's mind since last week ... namely, whatcha think of Bre confessing to doing the deed with MBJ???


Remember, this is something BT proudly spilled on the Season 7 premiere of "Selling Sunset" ... when she and the other ladies were sitting around fantasizing about Hollywood's hunks.

Somebody threw out Mike's name pretty quickly, but Bre was immediately unimpressed ... 'cause she revealed that she'd already been there and "done that" with the guy.

Her pals were all shocked ... but Bre kept it even more real, saying she's slept with all her favorites -- which obviously ended up including Nick too. Speaking of him ... he's on camera here reacting to the news, and whodathunkit -- the dude's not really sweating this!


Check out his response yourself ... as he wisely points out, we all have a past -- and whatever Bre did with Mike was waaaay before him, so he doesn't give it a 2nd thought.

Of course, he and Bre share a child together -- so you'd figure he might be a little bent out of shape on this ... but he's really not. Happy-go-lucky Nick ... what else is new???


Aaron Carter Son Visits Grave On Death Anniversary ... Passed 1 Year Ago

Emotional day for Aaron Carter's family ... with his son visiting the late singer's grave site, exactly one year after his death.

Sunday marked the first anniversary of Aaron's passing, and his fam stopped by his headstone at Forest Lawn Hollywood Hills.

Aaron's ex-fiancée Melanie Martin brought their son Prince with her ... and folks who were there tell us Aaron's twin sister, Angel, was already at the gravesite when Melanie and Prince arrived.

In addition to Aaron's mourning family, we're told fans also showed up to pay their respects ... many leaving candles and flowers.

TMZ broke the story ... Aaron was found dead in his Lancaster, CA home Nov. 5, 2022, and the official cause of death was drowning as a result of being under the influence.

On Aaron's death anniversary, we're told Prince walked up to his father's gravestone and counted all the candles left by fans -- there were 20 -- and Melanie hung around until the cemetery closed for a private moment at Aaron's grave.

As we first told you ... Aaron's family recently installed a new headstone, featuring an oval portrait of Aaron.

KANYE WEST CON SU HIJA NORTH EN DUBAI No hay señales de otros niños

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¡de compras!

Kanye West ha estado pasando el rato en el Medio Oriente últimamente y ahora, su hija North lo acompaña en sus aventuras.

La hija mayor de Ye —que al parecer le gusta estar con su padre más que su madre, Kim K— fue vista de la mano con su padre el pasado fin de semana, caminando por un centro comercial. Se les ve rodeados por un séquito, sin embargo, parece que lograron tener algo de privacidad.

Otros videos de Kanye y North han circulado en redes sociales los últimos días. Parece que podría haber estado en Arabia Saudita codeándose con los fans.

Vale la pena señalar que no vemos a ninguno de sus otros hijos por ahí y lo mismo ocurre con su esposa, Bianca, por lo que parece que solo North está con él en este momento.

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viviendo una vida sencilla

Últimamente, Kanye tiene a los chicos de uno en uno, y por lo general, todos se quedan con Kim en California.

Por supuesto, también es notable que es North quien está aquí con papá, sabemos que ella es una gran fan de él y al parecer prefiere estar con él, al menos según Kim Kardashian. Recordemos que en un episodio reciente de "Kardashians", Kim reveló que a North le encanta el apartamento desvencijado de Ye.

Eso fue doblemente confirmado por la elección de disfraces de North para Halloween este año. Se disfrazó del famoso oso "Graduation" de Kanye, rindiendo homenaje al legado musical de su padre.

North es una verdadera niña de papá y a los fans de Ye les encanta.

Kanye West QT with Daughter North in Dubai ... No Sign of Other Kids

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daddy-daughter day

Kanye West has been hanging out in the Middle East lately -- and now, his daughter North is there too ... chillin' with her pops in what seems to be some one-on-one quality time.

Ye's eldest kid -- who seems to like being with her dad more than her mom, Kim K -- was spotted hand-in-hand with her father this past weekend ... walking through a mall. They're surrounded by an entourage, but it seems they had some relative privacy here.

Other clips of KW and North have been floating around on social media these past few days -- looks like they might've been in neighboring Saudi Arabia as well, hobnobbing with fans.

Worth noting ... we don't see any of his other children out there -- and ditto for his wife, Bianca -- so, it seems only North's with him at the moment, which kinda jibes with the parenting style Ye shares with his children these days.

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As of late, he tends to bring them along one at a time ... even though they're all usually staying with Kim in California.


Of course, it's also notable that it's North who's here with Dad ... we know she's a huge fan of his and apparently actually prefers to be with him -- at least according to KK. Remember, in a recent 'Kardashians' episode ... Kim revealed North loves Ye's ratty apartment.

That was doubly confirmed by North's costume choice for Halloween this year ... she dressed up as Kanye's famous 'Graduation' bear, paying homage to her father's music legacy.

Just goes to show ... North's a true daddy's girl, and Ye fans sure love to see it.


Antes de que esta dulce niña que hace cerámica se convirtiera en una estrella de Broadway y en una actriz de la pantalla, solo se arremangaba y ponía las manos en la arcilla, creciendo en Torrance, California, y yendo a la Universidad de Nueva York.

A partir de 2013, apareció regularmente en "Girl Code" de MTV e hizo su primer papel recurrente en televisión en "The Path" de Hulu, y no es ajena al escenario de Broadway, protagonizando "Be More Chill" y "SpongeBob Squarepants: El musical de Broadway".

¿Necesitas una pista más? Su primer papel fue en 2022 junto a Michelle Yeoh.

¿Adivinas quién es?