Tristan Thompson Slammed by First Son's Family ... Only Shows Up for His Kids with Khloe

Tristan Thompson may be getting praise from the Kardashian family for being a good dad, but it's certainly not that way across the board ... as he's now getting slammed by the aunt of his first son.

Tristan has a 6-year-old son named Prince with Jordan Craig ... and Jordan's sister, Kai, just unleashed on the former NBA star. Kai says it's disgusting Tristan can't show up and be a "real parent" for Prince yet he can do a bunch of nice things for the two kids he has with Khloe Kardashian.

Kai continues, "The fact that he can take other children to school and activities in the same city, yet never sees or speaks to his own son, unless it's for a party or planned photo opportunity, is appalling and inexcusable."

She then turns her focus to Kim, who on a recent episode of "The Kardashians" said Tristan was, "such a good friend and such a good dad."

Kai says to Kim, "I don't want to believe that you are this insensitive to the fact that he literally ignores his children. That's nice if he's been a good friend to you, but let's consider our sisters before taking to global platforms to defend this man's character."

Kai also claims Tristan has not paid for Prince's tuition or child support in a "very long time."

We should note ... Tristan also has a son with Maralee Nichols, it's unclear how often he sees that child, but he was reportedly ordered to pay child support. It's unknown if he has any additional kids.

Joe Jonas, Sophie Turner Deep in Mediation to Settle Divorce

Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner have been embroiled in a bitter, child custody dispute, but they have been spending hours together over the last 2 days trying to hammer out a divorce settlement ... multiple sources tell TMZ.

As TMZ reported, Joe and Sophie have a prenup, and one of the provisions is that they go to mediation to settle all outstanding issues related to their divorce ... this according to multiple Joe/Sophie sources.

Joe and Sophie spent a full day Wednesday hashing out divorce issues, and we're told they are dealing with a property settlement guided by the prenup, as well as child custody.

As you know, there's a jurisdictional dogfight going on over which judge will handle the case -- a Miami judge, which is what Joe wants, or a UK judge, which is Sophie's choice.

Sophie has filed legal docs in federal court trying to get the case removed to the UK. Although there's an active legal dispute over jurisdiction, our sources say they are trying to reach an agreement on both which judge handles the case and what the custody arrangement should look like.

It appears Sophie wants to live in the UK with the kids and Joe wants them to stay put in the U.S., but they are trying to reach some sort of custody agreement that would make jurisdiction essentially irrelevant.

We're told they're both down with joint custody, and if they can agree on a structure -- for example, the kids stay with one parent during the school year and the other parent during the summer with both parents getting visitation -- they would probably just ask the Florida judge to ratify it.

The good news ... since they're in mediation, which continues on Thursday, it appears neither Joe nor Sophie are challenging the prenup.

It's possible they could pull a Kevin Costner and settle the latest, contentious divorce.

Joe Jonas, Sophie Turner A fondo en una mediación para resolver su divorcio

Joe Jonas y Sophie Turner han estado envueltos en una amarga disputa por la custodia de sus hijas, pero han estado pasando horas juntos en los últimos dos días para tratar de llegar a un acuerdo de divorcio, según cuentan múltiples fuentes a TMZ.

Como TMZ informó, Joe y Sophie tienen un acuerdo prenupcial y una de las disposiciones es que deben ir a mediación para resolver todos los asuntos pendientes relacionados con su divorcio, esto de acuerdo a múltiples fuentes de Joe y Sophie.

Joe y Sophie estuvieron todo el día miércoles resolviendo cuestiones de divorcio y nos dicen que están lidiando con un acuerdo de propiedad, guiada por el acuerdo prenupcial, así como con la custodia de sus hijas.

Como ustedes saben, hay una pelea de perros sobre qué juez debiese encargarse del caso, si uno de Miami, como quiere Joe, o uno del Reino Unido, como quiere Sophie.

Sophie presentó documentos legales en el tribunal federal par tratar de conseguir que el caso sea trasladado al Reino Unido. Aunque hay una disputa legal activa sobre la jurisdicción, nuestras fuentes dicen que están tratando de llegar a un acuerdo al respecto así cómo debiese ser la resolución de la custodia.

Al parecer, Sophie quiere vivir en el Reino Unido con las niñas y Joe quiere que se queden en Estados Unidos, pero están tratando de llegar a algún tipo de acuerdo de custodia que haría esencialmente irrelevante dónde sea la jurisdicción.

Nos dicen que ambos quieren la custodia compartida y si pueden ponerse de acuerdo sobre una estructura, por ejemplo, que las niñas se queden con uno de los padres durante el año escolar y el otro padre durante el verano, con ambos padres teniendo la posibilidad de visitarlas, probablemente solo le pedirían al juez de Florida que ratifique el acuerdo.

La buena noticia es que como ya están en mediación, la que continúa el jueves, parece que ni Joe ni Sophie están desafiando el acuerdo prenupcial.

Es posible que hagan lo mismo que Kevin Costner y logren resolverlo todo.

Drake Adonis protagoniza nuevo video de "8 AM in Charlotte" Se pregunta por su sueldo...

El hijo de Drake, Adonis, aparece en el nuevo video de su padre "8AM in Charlotte", y además de ser presentado, dibujó el arte de la portada, aunque parece que no le pagaron nada por el trabajo duro.

El nuevo video da el puntapié inicial del álbum "For All the Dogs" de Drake, que finalmente sale mañana después de varios retrasos.

Adonis dio una explicación completa de la cabra que dibujó para la portada, similar a la que hizo para el arte de 'Dogs'. ¡La cabra simboliza a "Papá Cabra", o en otras palabras, que su padre es el mejor de todos los tiempos!

Cuando Drake bromeó con él sobre su pago por el dibujo, Adonis demostró que no es ajeno al sarcasmo. Con tan solo 5 años le dijo, "oh, por favor!!!", a papá en su cara.

Quién sabe, los dibujos podrían valer millones más adelante, especialmente si el álbum de Drake está a la altura.

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A pesar de la oposición de Halle Berry a que se use su imagen para promocionar el disco, "Slime You Out", de Drake y SZA alcanzó el número 1, por lo que su próximo álbum 'Dogs' ha tenido un comienzo típico de Drake.

Drake Adonis Stars in '8AM in Charlotte' Vid ... Kid Scoffs at His Paycheck!!!

Drake's son Adonis is all over his dad's new video for "8AM in Charlotte" -- in addition to being featured, he drew the cover art, but it seems he got paid bupkis for his hard work!!!

The new vid kicks off Drake's "For All the Dogs" rollout, which finally drops tomorrow after several delays.

Adonis gave a full explanation of the goat he drew for the new illustration, similar to the one he crafted for the 'Dogs' cover art -- the goat symbolizes a "Daddy Goat" AKA his father being the greatest of all time ... an opinion that got no pushback from Drake!!!

When Drake teased him about his payment for the drawing, Adonis showed he's no stranger to sarcasm at just 5 years old, dropping an "Oh, please!" on Dad to his face!!!

Who knows, the paintings could be worth millions down the line, especially if Drake's album lives up to the hype.

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Despite Halle Berry's opposition to her image being used for promotion ... Drake and SZA's "Slime You Out" hit number 1, so his 'Dogs' album is off to a typical Drake start.

FLO RIDA Son's Mother Says She'll Take $40 Mil To Settle Lawsuit Over 5-Story Fall

Flo Rida's baby mama says she's willing to settle the lawsuit over their son's near-fatal fall from her New Jersey apartment building ... but it's going to require an 8-figure payout.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Alexis Adams says it will take $40 million for her to settle the suit she's filed against the various parties she claims are responsible for her son's fall from a Jersey City building.

Remember, Alexis and Flo's 6-year-old son Zohar fell from a 5th-story window back in March and landed on the concrete pavement below ... resulting in serious injuries.

As we reported ... Zohar was rushed to a hospital and placed in the ICU ... ultimately emerging in a full-body cast and then learning how to walk again. Doctors said it's a miracle the boy even survived the 50-foot fall.

Alexis is suing a construction company and a window installation company, among others, blaming them for installing "incorrect sized guards" on the windows ... which she believes allowed Zohar to fall. Flo Rida is not involved in the suit.

While Alexis says $40 million is what it will take for her to settle -- $20 million from one set of defendants and $20 million from another -- there's no indication in the docs that any of the defendants are interested in paying that amount to resolve the case.


La madre del bebé de Flo Rida dice que está dispuesta a resolver la demanda sobre la peligrosa caída de su hijo desde un edificio de 5 pisos, y tiene un enorme pago de ocho cifras en mente.

De acuerdo con nuevos documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, Alexis Adams dice que tendrán que pagarle 40 millones de dólares para resolver su demanda contra las distintas partes que ella afirma, son responsables de la caída de su hijo de un edificio de Jersey City (Nueva Jersey).

Alexis afirma que ella y el hijo de 6 años de edad de Flo Rida —Zohar— cayeron desde una ventana del 5 º piso en marzo y aterrizaron sobre el pavimento. Quedaron con lesiones graves.

Como informamos, ella afirma Zohar fue trasladado a un hospital y enviado a la UCI. Finalmente, salió con un yeso de cuerpo completo y la tarea de aprender a caminar de nuevo. Los médicos dijeron que es un milagro que el niño haya sobrevivido a la caída de 50 pies.

Alexis ha demandado a una empresa de construcción y a otra de instalación de ventanas y le ha dicho a los medios de comunicación que el incidente "es como una pesadilla". Flo Rida no está involucrado en la demanda.

Mientras que Alexis dice que 40 millones de dólares es lo que se necesita para llegar a un acuerdo, ($20 millones de un grupo de acusados y $20 millones de otro) no hay nada que muestre en los documentos que cualquiera de los acusados estén interesados en pagar esta cantidad para resolver el caso.

Quédense atentos...

King Combs I Love Original Beats, But Bad Boy Samples Be Calling Me!!!


King Combs says he has every intention to carve out a hip hop legacy with his own original music, but when it comes to sampling, he admits ... sometimes it's hard to say no to a hit!!!

We got the Bad Boy Jr. at LAX on Wednesday and asked just how much access he has to his father's iconic tunes for use as samples when he's in the studio.

There's currently a raging debate in the rap world over whether today's samples of popular hits (some that already contain samples themselves) are innovative, or just downright lazy.

KC notes the success he's had with blasts from the past -- his Kodak Black collab "Can't Stop, Won't Stop" borrowed from Lil Kim's "Crush on You" and topped the Billboard rap charts ... while "How You Want It?" with Teyana Taylor used Mase and Total's "What You Want" melody and went Gold.

He recently made it a NYC summer with A Boogie, Fabolous and Jeremih by riding yet another Total wave on the track "Flyest In the City" and tells us he might have to hit the studio for a few more tracks that lean into past songs.

Folks can debate all they want, but for King, the proof is in the public reception.

His dad has gone unchallenged for decades with claims he "invented" the remix, so you could say it's just in KC's blood!!!


si no está roto...

King Combs dice que es muy consciente de que tendrá que labrarse su propio legado en el hip hop con su propia música original, pero cuando se trata de "samples" a veces es difícil decir que no a un éxito.

Nos encontramos con Bad Boy Jr. en LAX (Aeropuerto de los Ángeles) el miércoles y le preguntamos cuánto acceso tiene a las canciones icónicas de su padre para samplear su música.

En la actualidad, existe un acalorado debate en el mundo del rap sobre si los sampleos actuales de éxitos populares (algunos ya contienen sampleos en sí mismos) son innovadores o simplemente perezosos.

King destaca el éxito que ha tenido en el pasado con su colaboración con Kodak Black "Can't Stop, Won't Stop" cuando tomó prestada la canción "Crush on You" de Lil Kim y encabezó las listas de rap de Billboard y "How You Want It?" con Teyana Taylor utilizó la melodía de "What You Want" de Mase y Total y se convirtió en disco de oro.

Recientemente hizo una colaboración con A Boogie, Fabolous y Jeremih suviendose a la ola en la pista "Flyest In The City" y nos dice que puede que tenga que ir al estudio para afinar algunos detalles.

Su padre lleva décadas afirmando que él "inventó" la remezcla. ¡KC lo lleva en la sangre!

'Love & Hip Hop's' Vonshae Gunplay Caused Our Daughter's Heart Defect With His Undercover Drug Use!!! 🤧

"Love & Hip Hop" star Vonshae Taylor-Morales is further distancing herself from her ruptured marriage with Gunplay ... blaming him for causing their infant daughter's medical condition as of result of his alleged drug use.

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The baby girl, Osanna Ohana, was born in March with a heart defect and on Wednesday, Vonshae accused her estranged husband of abusing cocaine and ketamine behind her back during a vicious dragging on IG Live.

Before the baby was born, Vonshae says she told Gunplay he needed to be drug-free, but she says he began using, and covering up his "sniffing" by saying he had allergies.

Vonshae says she was dumb to believe the rapper, and their fights got bad when she confronted him. Eventually, Gunplay was arrested in August for allegedly pulling out a gun on Vonshae and their daughter, who was put into harm's way during the altercation.

As we reported at the time, Gunplay was slapped with several charges ... aggravated battery with a deadly weapon, false imprisonment, and child abuse. Vonshae also claims he relapsed in her presence.

Fans are currently calling Vonshae crazy for getting herself entangled with Gunplay to begin with -- to which she is telling them, "you live and you learn!!!"

Brian Austin Green Raising Gay Son Was a 'Challenge' ... But I Have No Problem with My Kid's Sexuality

Frosted Tips with Lance Bass

Brian Austin Green says raising his gay son felt like he was navigating uncharted waters ... but he's making it clear he's got no issues with anyone's sexuality, and he's calling out anyone who feels otherwise.

The former "Beverly Hills, 90210" star opened up about raising his now 21-year-old son, Kassius, on Lance Bass' podcast, "Frosted Tips"' ... saying the situation was all new to him, but it was a challenge he welcomed with open arms.

Lance couldn't help but compliment the actor, claiming it's gotta be a blessing to have Brian as a dad, especially growing up gay.

Brian said there really aren't a lot of differences between gay and straight kids, and it bugs him when other people say they do have a big problem with gay people.

Brian's adamant that someone's preference when it comes to partners isn't a big deal -- a revelation he's, in part, attributing to his relationship with Kassius ... and he says he's been trying to make others see it the same way as him.

Brian shares Kassius with his ex-girlfriend and fellow '90210' star Vanessa Marcil ... he also shares 3 younger ones with his ex Megan Fox, and just welcomed his 5th kid in 2022 with his fiancée, Sharna Burgess.


Antes de que esta chica de rosa le pusiera voz a Beaver Girl en la película "Ice Age: El amanecer de los dinosaurios", ya patinaba sobre hielo y crecía como actriz infantil en Los Ángeles California con sus dos hermanas mayores.

Protagonizó la película "The Kissing Booth" junto a Jacob Elordi, y cuando no está leyendo sus guiones puedes encontrarla en el "gram" compartiendo algunas fotos chulas con sus 19 millones de seguidores. Actualmente, se está preparando para su papel en "Un asunto de familia" de Netflix que se estrenará en 2024.

¿Adivinas quién es?

Guess Who This Little Ice Princess Turned Into!

Before this girl in pink voiced Beaver Girl in the film "Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs," she was hitting the ice skating rink and growing up as a child actress in Los Angeles, California with her two older sisters.

She starred in "The Kissing Booth" films alongside Jacob Elordi, and when she's not reading over her scripts ... you can find her on the 'gram sharing some cool shots with her 19 million followers. She's currently gearing up for her role in Netflix's "A Family Affair" which is set to drop in 2024.

Can you guess who she is?

Blac Chyna Selling Shoes, Clothes & Purses Just to Get By!!!

Angela White, formerly Blac Chyna, says she's resorted to selling her personal belongings to keep her head above water, asking Tyga to chip in for their looming custody battle.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Angela says she's selling off her clothes, purses and shoes through an online consignment store and to friends and family just to make ends meet.

Angela claims she's brought in over $178k this year from selling her personal items, which she says has supplemented her plummeting business sales ... but there's a problem.

Angela says it's really just a stopgap measure ... because she's going to eventually run out of clothes, purses and shoes to sell.

With Angela fighting Tyga in court over legal and physical custody of their son, King, she says the legal bills are piling up on her end ... and she won't be able to keep up the fight for her kid without some money from her rapper ex.

In the docs, Angela also claims Tyga's been interfering with the limited time she does have with her son, which is only 24 hours a week.

Angela says Tyga refuses to directly communicate with her, share his contact information, or give her an address for where King lives. Anglea claims he's also holding back important information on the kid's health, safety and welfare, such as the location of the kid's school and his prescriptions.

However, sources familiar with the situation tell TMZ Angela knows where Tyga lives, and he's been paying for King's private school tuition, medical bills and most everyday living expenses. We're told King has his own line of communication with Angela that she has easily accessible access to.


Angela's seeking court orders to establish a consistent and regular schedule with King that Tyga can't obstruct and wants Tyga to pay $125,000 to cover her legal and accounting fees.


Angela White, antes Blac Chyna, dice que ha recurrido a la venta de sus pertenencias personales para mantenerse a flote y le pide a Tyga que contribuya en su inminente batalla por la custodia.

Según los nuevos documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, Angela dice que está vendiendo su ropa, bolsos y zapatos a través de una tienda en línea y también a amigos y familiares solo para llegar a fin de mes.

Angela afirma que ha ganado $178k este año gracias a la venta de sus artículos personales. Ella dice que esto la ha ayudado mucho para aplacar los problemas financieros por los que ha pasado últimamente.

Angela dice que esto es solamente una medida provisional, ya que tarde o temprano va a quedarse sin ropa, bolsos y zapatos para vender.

Con Angela luchando contra Tyga en los tribunales sobre la custodia legal y física de su hijo (King), ella dice que las facturas legales se acumulan y que no será capaz de mantener la lucha por su hijo sin algo de dinero del ex rapero.

En los documentos, Angela también afirma que Tyga ha estado interfiriendo con el tiempo limitado que tiene con su hijo, que es solo 24 horas a la semana.

Angela dice que Tyga se niega a comunicarse directamente con ella, compartir su información de contacto o darle la dirección donde vive King. Anglea afirma que también está reteniendo información importante sobre la salud, la seguridad y el bienestar del niño, además de la ubicación de la escuela y sus recetas médicas.

Sin embargo, fuentes familiarizadas con la situación nos informan que Angela sabe donde vive Tyga, y él ha estado pagando por la matrícula de la escuela privada de King, las facturas médicas y la mayoría de los gastos de su vida cotidiana. Nos dicen que King tiene su propia línea de comunicación con Angela y que ella tiene fácil acceso.

Angela está buscando órdenes judiciales para establecer un horario consistente y regular con King que Tyga no pueda obstruir y quiere que Tyga pague $125.000 para cubrir sus honorarios legales y contables.

Elon Musk Grimes lo demanda para establecer la custodia... No me deja ver a mi hijo

La mamá del bebé de Elon Musk, Grimes, está yendo a la corte para pedir la custodia de sus hijos, después de suplicarle al CEO de Tesla que le permitiera ver a uno de ellos.

Grimes presentó una "petición para establecer la relación parental" el pasado viernes. Esto viene días después de que tuiteara: "díganle a Elon que me deje ver a mi hijo o sino que responda a mi abogado".

Parece que se refiere a su hijo menor, Tau, que nació el año pasado.

Grimes, que nunca estuvo casada con Musk, claramente está intentando establecer los derechos de custodia, así como la manutención del niño. A menos de que sea considerada como madre no apta, es casi seguro que obtendrá algunos derechos de custodia.

En estas situaciones, los jueces suelen conceder la custodia compartida, aunque eso no significa necesariamente 50 y 50. Un juez podría establecer un calendario de custodia de numerosas formas, incluso asimétricas.

En cuanto a Tau, Elon y Grimes nunca anunciaron el nacimiento de su hijo. Walter Isaacson, que acaba de escribir la biografía, "Elon Musk", reveló que el niño había nacido y se le dio el nombre de Techno Mechanicus. Lo llaman Tau para abreviar.

Elon aún no ha respondido a la petición de Grimes.