Elon Musk Grimes Sues to Establish Parental Right ... He Won't Let Me See Our Son!!!

Elon Musk's baby mama, Grimes, is going to court over their kids ... this after she pleaded with the Tesla CEO to let her see one of their sons.

Grimes filed a "petition to establish parental relationship" last Friday. This comes days after Grimes tweeted, "... tell Elon to let me see my son or plz respond to my lawyer."

It appears Grimes is referring to their youngest son, Tau, who was born last year.

Grimes, who was never married to Musk, is clearly setting up a situation where a judge would establish custody rights, as well as child support. Unless there is a finding Grimes is an unfit parent, she would almost certainly have some custodial rights.

Judges in this situation typically award joint custody, although that does not necessarily mean 50/50. A judge could carve out a custody schedule in numerous, even lopsided ways.

As for Tau, Elon and Grimes never announced the birth of their son. Walter Isaacson, who just wrote the biography, "Elon Musk," revealed the child had been born and given the name Techno Mechanicus ... they call him Tau for short.


Elon has yet to respond to Grimes' petition.

Jodie Turner-Smith Files for Divorce from Joshua Jackson

Jodie Turner-Smith is pulling the plug on her marriage to Joshua Jackson ... TMZ has learned she just filed for divorce.

The British actress/model cites the boilerplate "irreconcilable differences" as the reason for the divorce. According to the docs, filed by disso queen Laura Wasser, Jodie is asking for joint custody of their 3-year-old daughter, Juno.

Jodie wants to take spousal support off the table for both her and Joshua.

There's no prenup in place.

The date of separation is September 13.

Jodie and Joshua met during his 2018 birthday bash and their relationship was immediately fast-tracked ... they got engaged just months later.

The 2 went to the Beverly Hills Courthouse to snag a wedding license, before most people knew they were even dating.

They went Instagram official 10 days later with a pic of them gazing into each other's eyes during a dinner date.

There were breakup rumors in September 2022 after they unfollowed each other on Instagram, but they attended the Oscars back in March and looked very much like a couple.

The "Dawson's Creek" star has not responded.


Jodie Turner-Smith está poniéndole fin a su matrimonio con Joshua Jackson. TMZ ha descubierto que ella acaba de solicitar el divorcio.

La actriz y modelo británica cita las ya clásicas: "diferencias irreconciliables" como la razón para el divorcio. Según los documentos, presentados por Laura Wasser, Jodie pide la custodia compartida de su hija de 3 años, Juno.

Jodie quiere eliminar la manutención conyugal tanto para ella como para Joshua.

Hay un acuerdo prenupcial, por lo que, suponiendo que no se cuestiona, la división de los activos no debería ser un problema.

La fecha de separación es el 13 de septiembre.

Jodie y Joshua se conocieron durante la fiesta de cumpleaños de él en 2018 y su relación se aceleró de inmediato, se comprometieron solo unos meses después.

El 2 fue a la Corte de Beverly Hills para enganchar una licencia de matrimonio, antes de que la mayoría de la gente sabía que estaban saliendo.

10 días más tarde se hicieron oficiales en Instagram con una foto en la que se miraban a los ojos durante una cena.

Hubo rumores de ruptura en septiembre de 2022 después de que se dejaran de seguir en Instagram, pero asistieron a los Oscar en marzo y parecían una pareja.

La estrella de "Dawson's Creek" no ha respondido.

Donald Trump In Court For Civil Fraud Trial ... Business Empire At Stake


Donald Trump's business empire is on the line, with the potential for it all to come crumbling down ... as he appears in court for the first time for his $250 million civil fraud trial.

The former president arrived at Manhattan Supreme Court Monday morning as his trial kicked off ... something Trump's previously labeled as a "witch hunt" with the goal of diminishing his run for the presidency.

Trump was seated next to his attorneys Clifford Robert, Alina Habba, and Christopher Kise ... as attorney Kevin Wallace delivered opening statements on behalf of the Attorney General's office.

Wallace said Trump overvalued his statements from anywhere between $812 million and $2.2 billion ... claiming he knew they were false but used them to his advantage.

Monday's trial comes a year after being sued by NY Attorney General Letitia James -- claiming he misrepresented his net worth by billions of dollars. Trump's top execs and his sons Eric and Donald Jr. are also in the crosshairs for the alleged decade-long scheme.

Judge Arthur Engoron ruled last week that Trump and co. were liable for the fraud claims against them -- canceling the defendant's NY business certificates and ordering an independent receiver to oversee their dissolution.

In other words, James got a substantial win in court before the trial even kicked off.

Trump is facing the possibility of being banned from doing business ever again, and it's reported that the trial could go on for 3 months ... so strap in.

Beyoncé's 'Renaissance' Film Stretching With Blue Ivy, Taking Some Shots

Beyoncé is full of inspiration, which she displayed in dramatic fashion in the trailer for her upcoming film documenting her "Renaissance" tour.

Bey's film, "Renaissance: A Film by Beyoncé," chronicles lots of behind-the-scenes action, and it shows the singer in some chill, fun, backstage moments.

Throughout the trailer, you see her getting some stretching in backstage with her 11-year-old daughter, Blue Ivy, while the little twins -- Rumi and Sir -- hung out with them.

Looks like Beyoncé was having a blast -- toasting the camera while knocking back a shot. Worth noting the rumors "Renaissance" was a booze-free tour, so it might not have been alcohol in that glass.

There's so much fans have to look forward to when the film comes out December 1st -- it's got everything from a beaming Jay-Z, crowds going nuts, and the Queen herself breaking down what this tour has meant to her.

As we reported, AMC will be taking the reigns for Bey's movie, playing in all of North America next month ... and this follows Taylor Swift's "Eras" tour flick spreading to a worldwide debut after tons of demand.

Taylor's film is also a partnership with AMC, so there's for sure a theme going on at that movie chain ... and obviously, a smart one.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.


Beyoncé está llena de inspiración y lo demuestra de forma espectacular en el tráiler de su próxima película que documenta su gira "Renaissance".

La película de Bey, "Renaissance: A Film by Beyoncé", muestra lo que ocurre entre bastidores y muestra a la cantante en algunos momentos de relajo y bastante divertidos al parecer.

A lo largo del tráiler se la ve haciendo algunos estiramientos entre bastidores con su hija de 11 años, Blue Ivy, mientras los pequeños gemelos —Rumi y Sir— pasan el rato con ellos.

Parece que Beyoncé se lo estaba pasando en grande, brindando en cámara mientras se tomaba algo. Vale la pena señalar los rumores sobre que "Renaissance" fue una gira sin alcohol, por lo que podría no haber sido el alcohol en ese vaso.

Los fans tienen muchas cosas interesantes que ver cuando la película se estrene el 1 de diciembre: desde un Jay-Z radiante, multitudes enloquecidas y la propia Reina explicando lo que esta gira ha significado para ella. Como ya informamos, AMC tomará las riendas de la película de Bey, que se estrenará en toda Norteamérica el mes que viene y esto sigue a la película de la gira "Eras" de Taylor Swift, que se estrena en todo el mundo tras una gran demanda.

La película de Taylor es también una asociación con AMC, por lo que es seguro que hay más ideas en marcha en esa cadena de cine y, obviamente, unas muy inteligentes.

Lo cubrimos todo en el último episodio de The TMZ Podcast, disponible en todas las plataformas de podcast.

Blueface's Mom Defends Nude Baby Photo Post ... Showing Hernia Isn't Illegal

Blueface's mother is defending the controversial nude baby photo posted on the rapper's social media -- because she believes there's absolutely nothing illegal about seeking help for an infant's hernia.


We got Karlissa Saffold on Sunset Blvd in Los Angeles and asked her about the photo, which Blueface claims was uploaded last weekend while his account was hacked.

While Karlissa says she was initially outraged when she saw the graphic post, like most everyone else, which shows her grandkid's unhealthy genitals ... she says her opinion changed when she saw similar posts from other concerned parents seeking input on hernias.

What's more, Karlissa says the graphic photo wasn't done in a pornographic way ... she says it was about helping the child, and thus wasn't illegal.

We also asked about all the drama between her son and the child's mother, Chrisean Rock ... and she said she would step in if there was a need to keep the peace and help the baby. She's seeing the same nasty exchanges we all are, and says they both continue "doing some vicious stuff to one another."

The way Mom sees it, all the drama is what comes with folks who are at the end of a breakup -- and she throws some shade their way, saying there's "3 kids involved" ... Blueface, Chrisean and the infant.

To be clear, Karlissa isn't saying she will take the baby from Chrisean, she says she would never take a child from a mother who is capable of caring for her baby. But, she says she's ready and willing to help in any capacity.

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And, this is very interesting ... Karlissa added that she's more concerned about the way Chrisean was carrying the baby in a Walmart than the hernia photo.

CixoT Productions

We should also note, Karlissa has an ongoing family reality show ... with Blueface, his siblings and herself called "CixoT," and you gotta wonder if the hernia drama will become content for the program.


La madre de Blueface defiende la polémica foto del bebé desnudo publicada en las redes sociales del rapero porque cree que no hay absolutamente nada ilegal en buscar ayuda para la hernia de un bebé.

inocente pidiendo ayuda

Tuvimos a Karlissa Saffold en Sunset Blvd en Los Ángeles y le preguntamos acerca de la foto que Blueface afirma, fue subida el pasado fin de semana mientras que su cuenta era hackeada.

Mientras Karlissa dice que estaba inicialmente indignada cuando vio el post (como la mayoría de la gente), que muestra los genitales poco saludables de su nieto, ella dice que su opinión cambió cuando vio posts similares de otros padres preocupados que buscan información sobre las hernias.

Lo que es más, Karlissa dice que la foto no se hizo de una manera pornográfica. Dice que se trataba de ayudar al niño, y, por lo tanto, no era ilegal.

También le preguntamos sobre todo el drama entre su hijo y la madre del niño, Chrisean Rock. Nos dijo que iba a intervenir si surgía la necesidad de mantener la paz y ayudar al bebé. Está viendo los mismos intercambios desagradables que todos nosotros y dice que ambos siguen "haciéndose cosas tóxicas".

Según mamá, todo este drama es propio de gente que está al final de una ruptura, y los critica un poco diciendo que hay "3 niños de por medio", Blueface, Chrisean y el bebé.

Para ser claros, Karlissa no está diciendo que va a tomar el bebé de Chrisean, ella dice que nunca tomaría un niño de una madre que es capaz de cuidar a su bebé. Pero dice que ella está lista y dispuesta a ayudar de cualquier manera.

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sin apoyo

Esto es muy interesante; Karlissa añadió que le preocupa más la forma en que Chrisean llevaba al bebé la otra vez en un Walmart que la foto de la hernia.

la familia
CixoT Productions

También debemos señalar que Karlissa tiene un reality show familiar en curso, con Blueface, sus hermanos y ella misma llamada "CixoT". Nos preguntamos si el drama de la hernia se convertirá en contenido para el programa.

¡Adivina en quién se ha convertido este pequeño!

Antes de que este chico rubio con pose seria y camiseta a rayas se convirtiera en actor, crecía con sus tres hermanas y jugaba al fútbol americano en Dakota del Norte (deseando convertirse en futbolista profesional), ¡pero acabó triunfando en la gran pantalla!

Empezó como modelo, pero acabó actuando y debutó como Leo en la famosa telenovela "All My Children" a finales de los años 90. Ha protagonizado varias películas y ha participado en varios programas de televisión. Ha protagonizado varias películas, como "Safe Haven" y la serie de películas "Transformers con Shia LaBeouf".

¿Necesitas otra pista? Danny McCoy en "Las Vegas".

¿Adivinas quién es?

Guess Who This Stripy Boy Turned Into!

Before this blonde boy with his serious pose and striped-tee turned into an actor, he was growing up with his three sisters and playing football in North Dakota -- wanting to become a pro footballer -- but wound up hitting the big screen!

Starting out as a model, he eventually started acting and made his acting debut as Leo on the famous soap opera, "All My Children" in the late 90s. He's starred in several films such as "Safe Haven" and the film series "Transformers with Shia LaBeouf".

Need one more clue? Danny McCoy in "Las Vegas".

Can you guess who he is? 

'MARRIED TO MEDICINE' LIA DIAS Settles Divorce With Colin ... Long Road To See Kids Again

"Married to Medicine: Los Angeles" star Lia Dias reached a settlement in her nasty divorce ... but she's got work to do if she wants to have some quality time with her children.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, a judge recently signed off on a settlement in the Lia and Colin Dias divorce ... which gives Colin sole legal and physical custody of their kiddos, Kaylin and Colin Jr.

Lia used to have monitored visitation with the children three days a week, but that order has been suspended ... instead, Lia can only see the kids for weekly sessions, with a therapist.

The settlement also calls for Lia to have phone calls and video calls with both kids ... but only for 15 minutes per kid and only during a single weekday.

There's a path for Lia to spend more time with her kids ... but it's complicated by the restraining order Colin got against her in November 2021, when he claimed she threatened to kill him before attacking him a few days later while he was shopping at a PetSmart with their kids.

In order to be able to spend time with her kids again, Lia has to comply with the restraining order ... and if she keeps her nose clean for a year, time with the kids will be back on the table.

Meanwhile, the settlement leaves Colin with the former couple's home in Beverly Hills and a few other properties ...while Lia walks away with a residential property in Las Vegas, an Inglewood, CA watering hole, and a couple other properties.

The docs say Colin's also leaving the marriage with a 2019 Chevy Tahoe, plus a 1967 Ford Mustang and a 2018 Mercedes-Benz Maybach ... with Lia getting a 2021 Mercedes-Benz A 220.

Lia Dias de "Married to Medicine" Se divorcia de Colin... Largo camino para ver a sus hijos de nuevo

La estrella de "Married to Medicine: Los Angeles", Lia Dias llegó a un acuerdo en su desagradable divorcio, pero aún tiene trabajo por hacer si quiere tener algún tiempo de calidad con sus hijos.

Según nuevos documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, un juez firmó recientemente un acuerdo de divorcio entre Lia y Colin Dias, que le da a Colin la custodia legal y física de sus hijos, Kaylin y Colin Jr.

Lia solía tener visitas supervisadas con los niños tres días a la semana, pero esa orden ha sido suspendida. Ahora, en cambio, Lia solo podrá ver a los niños para las sesiones semanales con un terapeuta.

El acuerdo también prevé que tenga llamadas telefónicas y videollamadas con ambos niños, pero solo de 15 minutos con cada uno y durante un único día de la semana.

Hay un largo camino para que Lia pueda pasar más tiempo con sus hijos, ya que es complicado por la orden de restricción que Colin obtuvo en su contra en noviembre de 2021, cuando afirmó que Lia amenazó con matarlo antes de atacarlo unos días después mientras compraba en un PetSmart con sus hijos.

Para poder pasar más tiempo con ellos, Lia tiene que cumplir con la orden de restricción y mantenerse limpia durante un año, si lo hace, el tiempo con los niños será una posibilidad.

Mientras tanto, el acuerdo deja a Colin con la casa de la ex pareja en Beverly Hills y algunas otras propiedades, mientras que Lia se queda con una propiedad residencial en Las Vegas, otra en Inglewood, California, y un par más.

Los documentos dicen que Colin también está dejando el matrimonio con un Chevy Tahoe de 2019, además de un Ford Mustang de 1967 y un Mercedes-Benz Maybach de 2018, mientras que Lia se quedará con un Mercedes-Benz A 220 del 2021.


Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott's son's name change is now official in the eyes of the law.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, the judge signed off on the famous parents legally changing their child's name from Wolf Jacques Webster to Aire Webster.

The docs say Kylie showed face in court virtually Friday ... and while Travis did not make an appearance, the docs say he didn’t file any objection to the switch so the judge ultimately granted the petition.

Untitled design (21)

TMZ broke the story ... Kylie filed docs to change the kid's name back in March, noting they regretted the initial name choice of Wolf Jacques and saying they thought Aire was a better fit.

Remember ... Kylie and Travis announced as far back as March 2022 they were scrapping Wolf ... and in January 2023, a few weeks before the kid's first birthday, Kylie revealed they were now calling him Aire.

The name has Hebrew origins and it's said to mean "Lion of God."

KYLIE AND TRAVIS Oficialmente cambian el nombre de su hijo a Aire

El cambio de nombre del hijo de Kylie Jenner y Travis Scott ya es oficial a ojos de la ley.

Según nuevos documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, el juez dio el visto bueno para que los famosos padres cambien legalmente el nombre de su hijo de Wolf Jacques Webster a Aire Webster.

Los documentos dicen que Kylie dio la cara en la corte el viernes, mientras que Travis no hizo acto de presencia, pero de acuerdo a los documentos no presentó ninguna objeción para el cambio, por lo que el juez finalmente concedió la petición.

Untitled design (21)
Oficialmente aire

TMZ dio la noticia, Kylie presentó documentos para cambiar el nombre del niño en marzo, señalando que lamentaban la elección inicial de Wolf Jacques y que piensan que Aire se ajusta mejor.

Recuerden, Kylie y Travis anunciaron ya en marzo de 2022 que estaban desechando el nombre de Wolf y en enero de 2023, unas semanas antes del primer cumpleaños del niño, Kylie reveló que le estaban diciendo Aire.

El nombre tiene origen hebreo y se dice que significa "León de Dios".

Joe Jonas & Sophie Turner Wanted to Move Family to the UK ... But It Never Happened!!!

Joe Jonas expressed his desire to make a UK estate his family's "forever home," but that's unlikely to sway the judge in deciding to move his divorce from Sophie Turner overseas ... because that's just not how the law works.

Sophie says Joe expressed his desire to move his entire family on multiple occasions, and even wrote a letter to a homeowner in the UK expressing interest in buying their estate.

Sophie submitted the letter in court docs, obtained by Page Six, in which Joe says, "We could tell that your family have truly loved living here and we can envision our children growing up here and making this our forever home."

While the letter may prove Joe wanted to live in the UK, his family never established residency there. They have lived as a family in the U.S. ... therefore, it's pretty certain a U.S. judge -- not a UK judge -- will handle their divorce.

What's more ... our sources say that while he, Sophie and the homeowners in the UK did reach an agreement to buy the home for $7.5 million, the sale never closed and is still in escrow. So again, no residency in jolly ol' England.

We're told Joe, Sophie, Willa and Delphine have never lived anywhere longer than 6 months other than when they were in Florida ... which is where Joe filed for divorce.

And, there's an even bigger point. Even though Joe and Sophie agreed they would make England their home in the future, once the divorce is filed, all bets are off. The North Star for the judge is determining what is in the best interests of their 2 kids, when the parents live on 2 separate continents.

Eagles Star A.J. Brown Blasts NFL's Cleat Policy ... 'That Rule Sucks'


A.J. Brown is annoyed at the NFL for making him take off his custom cleats during the Eagles' game on Monday night ... saying the league's policy regarding footwear "sucks."

The Philadelphia star didn't hold back when talking about his beef with the NFL's uniform rules with a gaggle of reporters at his locker on Friday ... saying he thinks it's BS that he couldn't wear his highlighter-green kicks during the Birds' "Monday Night Football" game against Tampa Bay.

Brown says he tried to wear the shoes so his daughter could see him more easily on TV ... but when officials told him they'd pull him from the game if he didn't remove the spikes -- he switched to black ones.

"You know," he said, "I'm trying to stay on the field."

Brown said because he complied with the rules, he avoided a $7,000 fine from the league ... but now, he wants players throughout the NFL to revolt against the policy so guys can wear whatever they want on gamedays going forward.

"I think all players should just wear whatever they want to wear," the wideout said. "They're not going to be able to fine everybody in the league. So I think we should start that movement as players."

For now, though, Brown will have to wear muted kicks for at least a few more weeks ... until the NFL relaxes its rules for its "My Cause My Cleats" initiative.