Ne-Yo You Are The Father! Declared Legal Dad To His Youngest Kids

Ne-Yo has been declared the legal father of his 2 youngest kids he's got with his new girlfriend ... this coming months after asking the court to establish him as their pops.

According to new docs, obtained by TMZ, a judge has found it in the best interest of the kids that Ne-Yo be declared the natural and biological daddy of Braiden, born in 2021, and Brixton, born last February ... giving them all rights and privileges under the law.

The docs also provide the 2 will also have their last name changed from Bagnerise to Smith -- Ne-Yo's legal last name.

TMZ broke the story, the singer asked for the court to establish parentage for Braiden and Braxton back in May. He was also looking to have them be able to inherit from him as if they were born in wedlock.

Don't forget, Ne-Yo's wife Crystal filed for divorce last year in Georgia, citing he had a kid with Sade while they were still married. In Crystal's case, she was looking to get child support for the 3 kids they share together -- Roman, Isabella, and Shaffer.

Estrella de "Teen Mom" Hijo se escapa por una ventana... Reportado como persona desaparecida

La policía está tras la pista del hijo de 14 años de Jenelle Evans, Jace, después de que el adolescente supuestamente se escapara por una ventana en la noche.

Fuentes policiales dicen a TMZ que fueron llamados a la casa de la estrella de "Teen Mom" el jueves alrededor de las 8 PM. Jenelle le dijo a los oficiales que Jace se escabulló de la casa a través de una ventana y que no llevaba su celular con él.

Lo más aterrador es que la casa de Jenelle está rodeada de bosques y Jace se fue en la noche.

Han pasado cerca de 16 horas desde que Jace desapareció por primera vez, y todavía está afuera en algún lugar. Los policías nos dicen que ha sido añadido a una base de datos nacional de personas desaparecidas.

La fuga del jueves no es la primera vez que Jace desaparece. TMZ dio la noticia a principios de agosto cuando Jace desapareció después de la escuela y fue encontrado unas horas más tarde. También fuimos los primeros en contarles cuando desapareció de la casa de Jenelle a finales de agosto y localizado un poco después de eso también.

Jenelle ha calificado las fugas de Jace como las de un adolescente normal y enojado con sus padres, pero está claro que hay algo más pasando.

Historia en desarrollo ...

'Teen Mom' Jenelle Evans Teenage Son Sneaks Out Window ... Reported as Missing Person

Police are on the hunt for Jenelle Evans' 14-year-old son, Jace, after the teen allegedly slipped out a window and into the night.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ they were called to the "Teen Mom" star's home Thursday night around 8 PM about the missing teen. Jenelle told officers Jace snuck out of the home through a window, and didn't have a cell phone with him.

What's most frightening, Jenelle's home is surrounded by woods, and Jace left in the night.

It's been close to 16 hours since Jace first went missing, and he's still out there ... cops tell us he's been added to a nationwide database for missing persons.

Thursday's escape isn't the first time Jace has gone missing. TMZ broke the story in early August when Jace went missing after school, he was found a few hours late. We were also first to tell you when he went missing from Jenelle's home again in late August but was located shortly after that as well.

Jenelle has chalked the runaways as Jace being a normal teenager, mad at his parents ... but there's clearly something more going on.

Do you think Jenelle Evans should still have custody of her child Jace after his 3rd attempt to run away? Vote below.

Story developing ...

KELLYANNE CONWAY Extremadamente orgullosa de su hija Claudia ... "Un espíritu independiente"

Kellyanne Conway SEPTEMBER 2023
¿Emprendedora o conejita playboy?

Kellyanne Conway no tiene nada más que grandes cosas que decir de su hija Claudia, a quien describe como una mujer independiente que está haciendo grandes movimientos.

Tuvimos a la ex Consejera Senior de Donald Trump la noche del miércoles en la Biblioteca Presidencial Ronald Reagan en California, después de que terminara el debate republicano.

Kellyanne nos contó cómo ha ido la carrera de Claudia, de 18 años, como cantante, unos años después de que se hiciera un nombre en la temporada 19 de "American Idol".

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Fin de una etapa

Según Kellyanne, a Claudia le va muy bien fuera de la música también y añadió que se consiguió una beca en la Gran Manzana mientras se tomaba un año sabático de la escuela.

También le preguntamos qué le parece que su hija haya sido parte de Playboy a principios de este año, pero Kellyanne dijo que ella es una chica independiente y empresaria, de quien se siente orgullosa. Aunque asegura que sus días en Playboy podrían haber terminado.

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drástica aproximación
Tik Tok/@claudiamconway

Parece que las dos tienen una relación mucho mejor por estos días. En 2021, Claudia secretamente filmó y publicó un video de Kellyanne gritando y maldiciéndola.

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Tensión en casa
Tik Tok/@claudiamconway

Más tarde, publicó un video de Kellyanne hablando con los policías sobre su explosiva dinámica y fuentes policiales nos dijeron que los policías hicieron un control de bienestar luego de que se compartiera el intenso video.

Afortunadamente, todo eso parece estar en el pasado.

Kellyanne Conway Extremely Proud of Daughter Claudia ... 'An Independent Spirit'

Kellyanne Conway SEPTEMBER 2023

Kellyanne Conway has nothing but great things to say about her daughter, Claudia ... calling her an independent woman who's making big moves straight out of high school.

We got the former Senior Counselor to Donald Trump Wednesday night at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in CA, after the Republican debate came to a close.

Kellyanne let us know how 18-year-old Claudia's career as a singer has been going, a few years after making a name for herself on season 19 of "American Idol."

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According to Kellyanne, Claudia's doin' great outside music, too -- saying she got herself a fellowship in the Big Apple while taking a gap year from school.

We also ask her what she thinks about her kid being a part of Playboy earlier this year, but KC says her daughter's an entrepreneur and an independent gal, and she's proud of her ... although she claims Claudia's Playboy days might be over.

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Tik Tok/@claudiamconway

It sounds like the 2 have a much better relationship these days. In 2021, Claudia secretly filmed and posted a video of Kellyanne screaming and cussing her out.

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Tik Tok/@claudiamconway

Claudia later posted a video of Kellyanne talking with cops about their explosive confrontation ... and law enforcement sources told us cops did a welfare check after the intense video was shared.

Fortunately, that all seems to be in the rearview.

Guess Who This Happy Baby Turned Into!

Before this honest little baby turned into a movie star and stellar businesswoman, she was just eager to start acting ... graduating high school at age 16 and going off to New York City where she performed at the Atlantic Theater Company.

At age 13, she made her film debut in "Camp Nowhere," which was definitely just the start of her career. To date, she's appeared in more than 42 movies ... with "Fantastic Four" and "Good Luck Chuck" just being a couple of her classics!

Need one more clue? She has 3 kiddos!

Can you guess who she is?


Antes de que esta honesta bebé se convirtiera en estrella de cine y empresaria, estaba ansiosa por empezar a actuar. Se graduó del instituto a los 16 años y se marchó a Nueva York, donde actuó en la Atlantic Theater Company.

A los 13 años debutó en el cine con "Camp Nowhere", que fue sin duda el comienzo de su carrera. Ha aparecido en más de 42 películas, entre las que destacan "Los cuatro fantásticos" y "Buena suerte, Chuck".

¿Necesitas una pista más? Tiene tres hijos.

¿Adivinas quién es?


Es el Día Nacional de los Hijos y la gente de todo el país está dándole a sus hijos varones un poco de amor incluyendo estos papás famosos que tienen algunos hijos por su cuenta.

DJ Khaled tiene a Asahd, Drake tiene a Adonis y Arnold Schwarzenegger tiene a Patrick, Joseph y Christopher. Todos ellos padres superestrellas que han posado para la cámara con sus pequeños a lo largo de los años.

Cristiano Ronaldo tiene incluso un retrato de su juventud, ¿su nombre? Cristiano Jr. por supuesto.

Los hijos de LeBron JamesBronny y Bryce— sonreían de oreja a oreja mientras se tomaban una foto con su papá. Ámbos tienen aspiraciones de estar en la NBA al igual que su padre y parece que al menos tienen la altura para demostrarlo, ¡son tan altos como LeBron!

La leyenda del fútbol David Beckham tomó una foto de grupo con sus hijos —Brooklyn, Romeo y Cruz— y si los 3 no tienen el deporte en su futuro, ¡seguro que podrían conseguir algún trabajo en el modelaje!

Rob Lowe se lo pasó en grande con sus 2 hijos —Matt y John— disfrutando de un tiempo en alta mar como una familia feliz.

¡Feliz Día Nacional de los Hijos a todos!

National Sons Day Celebrity Dads And Their Next Generation!

It's National Sons Day, and folks across the country are givin' their male kiddos some love ... including these celebrity dads who have some sons of their own!

DJ Khaled's got Asahd, Drake has Adonis, and Arnold Schwarzenegger's got Patrick, Joseph, and Christopher -- all superstar dads who have posed for the camera with their young ones over the years.

Cristiano Ronaldo even has a spitting image of his younger self ... his name? Cristiano Jr., of course.

LeBron James' sons, Bronny and Bryce, were grinning from ear to ear while taking a pic with their pops ... the 2 have aspirations to be in the NBA just like their dad, and it looks like they've at least got the height to show for it -- they're about as tall as LeBron!

Soccer legend David Beckham took a group shot with his sons, Brooklyn, Romeo, and Cruz ... and if the 3 don't have the sport in their future, they for sure could get some work in modeling!

Rob Lowe was kickin' it with his 2 kids, Matt and John -- enjoying some time on the open sea as a happy family.

Happy National Sons Day to all the sons out there ... especially these A-list spawns!

Joe Jonas Sophie quiere que el caso de divorcio se traslade al Reino Unido Yo no estoy de acuerdo...

El caso de divorcio de Joe Jonas y Sophie Turner estuvo en el centro en un tribunal de Miami este miércoles, y el abogado de Joe dejó claro que habrá una pelea de perros sobre quién llevará el caso, si un juez estadounidense o un juez del Reino Unido.

Lo que está en juego es extremadamente importante. Si un juez estadounidense lleva el caso, Joe puede tener la gran ventaja de jugar de local. Si un juez del Reino Unido finalmente lo obtiene, sería todo lo contrario.

El abogado de Joe, Thomas Sasser, lo dejó claro. De acuerdo a los intercambios que ha tenido con el abogado de Sophie, ella dice que ahora su familia es una familia del Reino Unido, por lo que el divorcio debería ser manejado allí.

El abogado de Sophie no respondió directamente, pero nuestras fuentes dicen que eso es exactamente lo que está sucediendo.

Si un juez del Reino Unido maneja el divorcio es probable que la residencia principal de los 2 niños esté allá y Joe no está de acuerdo con eso.

¿Estados Unidos o Reino Unido?

Como informamos, Sophie acudió a un tribunal federal la semana pasada, alegando que Joe violó una ley internacional de secuestro infantil al negarse a entregarle los pasaportes de sus hijas para que ella pudiera llevarlas de vuelta a Inglaterra. El juez dictaminó que, por el momento, las niñas deben permanecer en el área de Nueva York.

El juez de Miami dijo en la corte el miércoles que acatará la decisión del juez federal. Él se hará cargo del caso si el juez federal define que Estados Unidos es el lugar apropiado, y si decide lo contrario, un juez del Reino Unido tomará las riendas.

Permanezcan muy atentos.

Joe Jonas Sophie Wants Divorce Case Moved to UK ... I'm Not Down with That!

Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner's divorce case was front and center in a Miami courtroom Wednesday, and Joe's lawyer made it clear ... there's gonna be a dogfight over who hears the case -- an American judge or a UK judge.

The stakes are extremely high ... if an American judge hears the case it gives Joe a huge home-court advantage, and the reverse is true if the UK judge gets the case.

Joe's lawyer, Thomas Sasser, made it clear ... based on his exchanges with Sophie's counsel, she says their family had become UK-based so the divorce should be handled there.

Sophie's lawyer did not directly respond, but our sources say that is exactly what's happening in the case.

If a UK judge handles the divorce, it's likely the primary residence of the 2 kids will be there, and Joe is not down with that.


As we reported, Sophie went to federal court last week, claiming Joe violated an international child abduction law by refusing to hand over the passports of their kids so she could take them back to England. That judge ruled, for the time being, the kids must stay in the New York area.

The Miami judge said in court Wednesday, he will abide by the federal judge's ruling. He will get the case if the federal judge says the U.S. is the appropriate venue, and if the judge decides otherwise a UK judge will take the reins.

Stay tuned.

Adivina en quién Se convirtió esta niña de 3 años

Antes de que esta princesita de púrpura se convirtiera en cantante y actriz, solo estaba pidiendo sus deseos de cumpleaños, soplando sus velas y convirtiéndose en una joven estrella mientras crecía en Pasadena, California.

Actualmente tiene 30 años, pero trabaja en Hollywood desde muy jovencita. Quizás la reconozcas por su interpretación de Celeste Burnette junto a Charlie Sheen en "Dos hombres y medio", y también por el grupo de chicas The Stunners, con Hayley Kiyoko.

¿Necesita una pista más? "Me encanta ponerme a 2/Cuando la bebida es demasiado fuerte".

¿Adivinas quién es?

Guess Who This 3-Year-Old Turned Into!

Before this little princess in purple turned into a singer and actress, she was just making her bday wishes ... blowing out her candles and becoming a young star while growing up in Pasadena, California.

She's currently 30 years old; however, she's been workin' in Hollywood since she was just a youngster ... you may recognize her as playing Celeste Burnette alongside Charlie Sheen on "Two and a Half Men", and she was also a member of the girl group, The Stunners, with Hayley Kiyoko.

Need one more clue? "I love to get 2 on/When the drink be too strong!"

Can you guess who she is?

Bronny James Misses First USC Practice ... Coach Says He's 'Doing Very Well'

The USC Trojans were without Bronny James during their first team practice on Monday ... but according to coach Andy Enfield, the star freshman is in good spirits as he recovers from his cardiac arrest in July.

Enfield shared the update after the Trojans' training session ... and while he didn't have any new information on Bronny's hoops return, he said the Lakers superstar's oldest son is crushing it off the court.

"Bronny's doing very well," Enfield said, according to ESPN. "But we just can't comment on anything medically. He's going to class and doing extremely well in school, and we're really excited for him."

"He's around when he can be. And he's getting caught up [with] some schoolwork and doing very well. His grades are excellent right now, and he's being the true student-athlete."

Enfield went on to explain there is no timetable for Bronny's college debut ... but made it clear he still believes the 18-year-old will be a "valuable part of our basketball team."

As we previously reported, Bronny was diagnosed with a treatable congenital heart defect last month ... and his family believes he will be able to continue his career on the hardwood.

Despite his absence from practice, Bronny's teammates said he's been happy and lighthearted in the weeks following the incident.


Blueface está asumiendo toda la culpa luego de que una foto de los genitales de su hijo se publicó desde la cuenta del rapero de las redes sociales alegando que su teléfono fue robado y su cuenta hackeada.

A medida que la indignación contra Blue aumentaba el lunes, él respondió con un tuit afirmando que su teléfono fue robado y obligando a su Twitter para ser utilizado en contra de su libre albedrío.

Como era de esperar, no hay mucha gente que cree.

Como informamos, la cuenta "hackeada" publicó un largo texto sobre su hijo recién nacido y sus luchas médicas incluyendo una supuesta hernia. La cuenta expresó su indignación hacia Chrisean Rock, (la madre del niño) y dijo que estaba evitando llevar al bebé al médico.

También debemos señalar que la cuenta supuestamente "hackeada" sólo parecía tomar el lado de Blueface en el argumento, cosa que pasa muy rara vez un hackeo.

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sin apoyo

Las cosas han ido cuesta abajo para la familia de Blue y Chrisean desde que ella fue vista sosteniendo descuidadamente a su hijo en Walmart, y las cosas continúan empeorando.

¿Blueface debería pagar por mostrar los genitales de su hijo?

Blueface Says Phone Stolen & Twitter Hacked Didn't Post Son's Genitals

Blueface is taking all the blame off himself after a photo of his infant son's genitals was posted from the rapper's social media account ... claiming his phone was stolen and his account hacked.

As the outrage against Blue piled on Monday morning, he countered with a tweet claiming his phone was stolen ... forcing his Twitter to be used against his free will.

As you'd expect, there aren't too many people who believe his new claim.

As we reported, the "hacked" account posted a lengthy rant about his newborn son and his medical struggles, including an alleged hernia. The account expressed outrage toward Chrisean Rock, the boy's mother, and said she was avoiding taking the infant to the doctor.

We should also point out, the allegedly "hacked" account only seemed to take Blueface's side in the argument ... which very rarely happens with a hack.

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Things have been downhill in Blue and Chrisean's family situation since she was spotted improperly holding their child at Walmart ... and continue to spiral out of control by the day.

Should there be legal consequences to Blueface posting a photo of his child's genitals? Vote below.