Dwyane Wade Traté de terminar con Gab Union ... Después de tener un hijo con otra mujer

Se abre sobre un tema difícil....
Club Shay Shay

Dwyane Wade se está abriendo sobre uno de los momentos más difíciles de su vida, admitiendo que casi terminó las cosas con su ahora esposa, Gabrielle Union, después de enterarse de que iba a ser padre de un hijo con otra mujer.

La leyenda de Miami Heat, que fue padre de su hijo de 9 años, Xavier, con Aja Metoyer durante una pausa en su relación con Union en 2013, analizó sus luchas mentales durante ese momento en el podcast "Club Shay Shay" de Shannon Sharpe esta semana. Allí dijo que es algo en lo que pareja se ocupa hasta el día de hoy.

"No ha sido perfecto", dijo Wade. "Nunca será perfecto. Vamos a terapia, hemos estado en terapia. Hemos tenido reclamos sobre ello, conversaciones regulares sobre ello. Va a seguir siendo algo en lo que tengo que trabajar y trabajar ".

Wade dijo que consideró cortar lazos con Union para evitar enfrentarse a la música, pero está agradecido de que ella no se diera por vencida.

"Traté de evitarlo", continuó Wade. "Intenté romper con ella. Oye, las cosas han ido mal últimamente'. 'Oye, hemos estado un poco distantes de todos modos.' Intenté todo eso. Ella seguía apareciendo".

Wade -quien se casó con Union en 2014- explicó que no hay forma de que pudiera navegar por las aguas turbulentas sin su pareja... pero dejó en claro que también lo siente por su hijo, quien siempre tendrá que vivir con esa narrativa.

"Cuando se trata de mi hijo, es duro para él. Esto siempre va a estar ahí. Él no ha hecho nada. Es una mancha que está sobre él sin ninguna razón".

Dwyane Wade I Tried Breaking Up With Gab Union ... After Having Kid With Another Woman

Club Shay Shay

Dwyane Wade is opening up on one of the most challenging times of his life ... admitting he nearly ended things with his now-wife, Gabrielle Union, after finding out he was having a child with another woman.

The Miami Heat legend -- who fathered his 9-year-old son, Xavier, with Aja Metoyer during a pause in his relationship with Union in 2013 -- broke down his mental struggles with the circumstances during his appearance on Shannon Sharpe's "Club Shay Shay" podcast this week ... saying it's something the couple still deals with to this day.

"It hasn't been perfect," Wade said. "It will never be perfect. We go to therapy, been to therapy. We've had shouts about it, regular conversations about it. It's going to continue to be something that I have to work at and work on."

Wade said he considered cutting ties with Union to avoid facing the music ... but he's thankful she didn't give up on their love for each other.

"I tried to pussyfoot around it," Wade continued. "I tried to break up with her. 'Hey, things have been bad lately.' 'Hey, we've been having a little distance in our relationship anyway.' I tried all of that. She kept showing up."

Wade -- who married Union in 2014 -- explained there is no way he'd be able to navigate through the rough waters without his partner ... but made it clear he also feels for his son, who will always have to live with the narrative.

"When it comes to my son, that's hard for him. This is going to always be there. He's done nothing. It's a stain that's on him for no reason."

David Foster Sus hijas critican al gobernador Gavin Newsom ... "Él es el péor"

Las hijas de David Foster no están dando tregua al gobernador de California, Gavin Newsom, a quien acusan de intentar convertir a Cali en un estado socialista.

Las hermanas Erin y Sara criticaron a Newsom en su podcast, "El Primer Podcast del Mundo", diciendo que hay una razón por la que mucha gente quiere rescatar a su estado natal y es que están hartos de lidiar con toda la regulación, cortesía de Newsom.

Hablando contra de gavin
The World’s First Podcast

Su crítica contra el gobernador se produjo después de que Erin revelara que se va a mudar del Estado de Oro a Nashville.

Eso no es todo. Las hijas de David se han quejado del gobernador Newsom por un proyecto de ley que Sara dice obligaría a las personas que se hayan mudado de California a seguir pagando impuestos en el Estado durante una década.

Para que conste, la propuesta de ley en cuestión, presentada por primera vez a principios de año, se centraría en las personas que ganan $30 millones o más al año, y las empresas lucrativas que decidan retirarse del Estado. La ley propuesta obligaría a pagar a las personas y empresas que amasan riquezas mientras residen en Cali, pero se mueven a otro lugar antes de liquidar esa riqueza.

Sara piensa que Newsom está detrás de la propuesta, declarando que es "el peor".

David Foster Daughters Drag CA's Gavin Newsom ... He's 'The Worst'

David Foster's daughters ain't holding back on California's Governor, Gavin Newsom ... calling out the politician and grousing he's trying to turn Cali into a socialist state.

Sisters Erin and Sara skewered Newsom on their "The World's First Podcast," essentially saying there's a reason lots of people are bailing from their home state ... they're sick of jumping through regulatory hoops, courtesy of the Guv.

The World’s First Podcast

Their rant came after Erin revealed she was getting out of The Golden State and moving to Nashville.

That's not all .. David's kids rail on Gov. Newsom for a bill that Sara says would force people who move out of the State to continue to pay CA taxes for a decade.

For the record, the proposed exit law in question -- first introduced at the beginning of the year -- would target rich folks who make $30 million or more a year and lucrative businesses that leave the State. The proposed law would require people and businesses that amass paper wealth while residing in Cali but move before liquidating that wealth.

Sara says she thinks it's Newsom behind the proposal, declaring him to be "the worst."

Dr. Dre's Son Tyler Young Makin' Euro EDM Debut ... Dad's Got Rap, Dance Is My Thing!!!


DJ Tyler Young hails from rap royalty -- being Dr. Dre's son and all -- but he's out to make his own legacy ... not in hip hop, but in EDM!!!

TMZ Hip Hop caught up with Tyler, and his collaborator RMN, live and direct from Scotland ahead of his first-ever gig in Europe.

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Tyler tells us he 1000% grew up with his famous father blasting rap and G-funk all day and night, and while he developed an ear for EDM in his teens ... he says his apple didn't fall that far from the tree. He notes his dad started out deejaying electro music with World Class Wreckin' Cru.

Tyler says he embarked on his producing career several years ago and began dabbling in DJing when he met RMN, a 30-year vet on the scene and began sending him tracks, birthing their partnership.

This weekend, those partners are taking their act to Scotland for shows in Aberdeen and newly renovated Aura nightclub in Dundee.

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Tyler says he's got the support of his family but knows he's gonna be the trailblazer in this particular musical adventure.

For now, his dad's just "The Watcher."

Tyler Young, hijo de Dr. Dre Debutará en Europa con género EDM Mi papá tiene el rap, lo mío es el baile!!!

Aprendí del mejor

DJ Tyler Young puede provenir de la realeza del rap al ser el hijo de Dr. Dre... ¡¡¡pero está listo para hacer del EDM su propio legado!!!

TMZ Hip Hop se puso al día con Tyler y su colaborador RMN en vivo y en directo desde Escocia antes de sus primeros conciertos en Europa.

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Tyler nos dice que creció 1000% con su padre escuchando rap y G-funk a todo volumen día y noche, pero desarrolló un oído para la música EDM (Electronic dance music) en su adolescencia, y eso quiere decir que el fruto no cayó tan lejos del árbol, si tenemos en cuenta que los inicios de su padre fueron poniendo música electro con World Class Wreckin 'Cru.

Tyler dice que se embarcó en su carrera de productor hace varios años y comenzó a incursionar como DJ cuando conoció a RMN, un veterano de 30 años en la escena. Cuenta que comenzó a enviarle pistas y así nació su asociación.

Este fin de semana, dichos socios llevarán su espectáculo recién renovado a la ciudad de Aberdeen y a Dundee.

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Tyler dice que cuenta con el apoyo de su familia, aunque es el pionero en esta particular aventura musical.

Por ahora, su padre es solo un observador.

Sophie Turner Mommy time with Daughter Hours After Suing Joe

Sophie Turner is fighting hard to get her kids out of the United States and over to Europe ... but that's not stopping her from enjoying some QT with her kiddo stateside in the meantime.

Sophie was spotted out with the estranged couple's daughter, 3-year-old Willa, Thursday while running some errands in NYC. Both mom and tot had big smiles on their faces as they walked hand and hand with another female friend tagging along.

No signs of Joe, but that's not at all surprising given the drama that unfolded between the two earlier in the day.

Sophie sued Joe, claiming they had an agreement to raise their two daughters in the UK, where they believed they'd live a safer and healthier life. Sophie claims Joe's hidden the kids' passports, preventing her from taking them outside the U.S.

As for Joe's part, he sent us a lengthy statement explaining a Florida judge ruled neither parent is allowed to relocate their children outside of the United States while divorce proceedings continue.

Buckle up.

Sophie Turner Pasa tiempo con su hija Horas después de demandar a Joe

Sophie Turner está peleando duro por sacar a sus hijas fuera de Estados Unidos y llevárselas a Europa, pero eso no le ha impedido disfrutar de algunos momentos cariñosos con su hija, mientras tanto.

Sophie fue vista con su hija de 3 años, Willa, el jueves mientras hacía algunos mandados en Nueva York. Tanto la madre como la niña tenían grandes sonrisas mientras caminaban juntas de la mano en compañía de otra amiga.

No hay señales de Joe, pero bueno, eso no es ninguna sorpresa dado el drama que se desató entre los dos temprano en el día.

Sophie demandó a Joe, alegando que tenían un acuerdo para criar a sus dos hijas en el Reino Unido, donde creían que vivirían una vida más segura y saludable. Sophie afirma que Joe ha ocultado los pasaportes de las niñas, lo que le impide llevarlas fuera de EE.UU.

Por su parte, Joe nos ha enviado un extenso comunicado en el que explica que un juez de Florida dictaminó que ninguno de los padres puede trasladar a sus hijas fuera de Estados Unidos mientras dure el proceso de divorcio.

Así que, abróchense los cinturones.

Chrisean Rock Called Out for Not Supporting Baby Blueface Left Speechless

New mother Chrisean Rock is under attack again, this time for not properly holding her newborn son -- and, unsurprisingly, Blueface seems to be on the side of her critics.

The outrage came after a video surfaced Thursday of Chrisean shopping inside a Walmart while letting their son's head fall back as he slept in a forward baby carrier.

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Many fans cited the dangers of having the infant's neck unsupported and also accused her of being too distracted to properly tend to the baby as she also walked her dog on its leash inside the store.

Blueface reacted to the wild moment as it trended on the app formerly known as Twitter ... assuring the people he was just as surprised as they were.

The two co-parents recently resolved their pre-birth issues and Chrisean has agreed to change the child's name from "Chrisean Jr." to "Jonathan Jr." -- Blueface's government name ... creating tension with his relationship with Jaidyn Alexis as a result.

There's still time for parenting classes!!!

Chrisean Rock Es criticada por la forma en que cuida a su bebé Blueface se queda boquiabierto

La nueva madre Chrisean Rock está siendo atacada nuevamente, esta vez por no sostener adecuadamente a su hijo recién nacido y como era de esperar, Blueface parece estar del lado de sus críticos.

La indignación se produjo después de que el jueves saliera a la luz un video de Chrisean comprando en un Walmart mientras dejaba que la cabeza de su hijo se cayera hacia atrás mientras dormía en un coche.

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Muchos fans comentaron sobre los peligros de dejar el cuello de los bebés sin un adecuado apoyo, y también la acusaron de estar demasiado distraída para atender adecuadamente a su hijo, mientras compraba y paseaba a su perro dentro de la tienda.

Blueface reaccionó al salvaje momento mientras era tendencia en la aplicación antes conocida como Twitter, asegurando a los usuarios que estaba tan sorprendido como ellos.

Los dos co-padres resolvieron recientemente sus problemas previos al nacimiento, y Chrisean ha acordado cambiar el nombre del niño de "Chrisean Jr." a "Jonathan Jr." -- en favor de Blueface, creando tensiones en su relación con Jaidyn Alexis como resultado.

¡¡¡Todavía hay tiempo para clases de paternidad!!!

Larsa Pippen, Marcus Jordan We're A Couple Of 'Traitors' ... Join Reality Show

Pippen and Jordan are teaming up to win it all again ... but it ain't MJ and Scottie -- it's Larsa and Marcus on a reality TV show.

Larsa Pippen and her boyfriend, Marcus Jordan, have signed on for season 2 of the Peacock series, "The Traitors" ... a competition where 20 contestants try to smoke out the backstabbers of the group in hopes of securing a $250,000 prize.

The couple is already on location in Scotland for filming ... and they're basically treating the business trip like a vacation as well, posting several selfies together on social media during their downtime.

The addition of Larcus to the competition will be interesting -- they're the first public couple to be on the show together, which could cause some problems with fellow contestants who may not like their established alliance.

The entire cast has not been announced yet, but it will consist of other famous faces in reality TV and other industries, according to People, who first broke the news.

"Survivor" star Cirie Fields won it all the first time around ... securing the quarter milli after outlasting names like Brandi Glanville, Rachel Reilly and Cody Calafiore.

Larsa and Marcus -- who started dating last year -- are used to having cameras in their faces ... as they've documented parts of their relationship for "Real Housewives of Miami."

Air Jordan may not approve of his son's relationship with his wingman-turned-nemesis' ex-wife... but if Marcus is able to go the distance and win a huge chunk of change, maybe he'll come around??

Caitlyn Jenner Didn't Mean to Shade Kim K ... 'Calculated' Comment Not What It Seems

Caitlyn Jenner wasn't trying to fire shots at Kim Kardashian when she said the mogul "calculated" her way to fame -- in fact, her comments were part of a bigger convo, where she spoke proudly of Kim.

Here's the deal, Caitlyn's featured in the trailer for the upcoming docuseries, "House of Kardashian," which dives deep into the family's rise to fame. In the first look, which came out last week, Caitlyn says, "Kimberly calculated from the beginning, 'How do I become famous?'"

While it seemed like a dig, sources close to Caitlyn tell TMZ ... her use of the word "calculated" wasn't the best choice, but it's already been relayed to Kim she didn't mean it as a diss.

We're told the explanation given to Kim, after the trailer dropped, was that Cait's words were edited to come off more controversial than they actually were... it's a promo, after all.

One source added, Caitlyn's proud of Kim, and thinks what was shown in the 40-second clip isn't reflective of her actual intentions when she sat down to discuss her ex-wife and children.

Caitlyn was only a contributor on the Sky-produced series, so she has no creative control over what makes it into the final edit from her interview ... but we're told she agreed to talk with producers, intending to be a positive voice to defend her family's legacy.

BTW, we're told Cait and Kim are on good terms after the dust settled. If anyone understands the power of editing it's the Kardashians, so ... no harm, no foul.

Caitlyn Jenner No quise criticar a Kim K.... Lo de "calculado" no es lo que parece

Caitlyn Jenner no estaba tratando de disparar contra Kim Kardashian cuando dijo que la magnate "calculó" su camino a la fama. De hecho, sus comentarios fueron parte de una conversación más grande, donde habló con orgullo de Kim.

Caitlyn aparece en el trailer de la próxima docuserie, "House of Kardashian", que se sumerge en el ascenso a la fama de la familia. En el adelanto que salió a la luz la semana pasada, Caitlyn aparece diciendo: "Kimberly calculó desde el principio: "¿Cómo me hago famosa?"".

Aunque parecía una indirecta, fuentes cercanas a Caitlyn dicen a TMZ el uso de la palabra "calculado" no fue la mejor opción, pero ya le transmitió a Kim que no quiso criticarla.

Nos dicen que la explicación que le dio a Kim, después de que el trailer fue liberado, es que sus palabras fueron editados para que sonaran más controvertidas de lo que realmente eran. Se trata de una promoción, después de todo.

Una fuente añadió, que Caitlyn está orgullosa de Kim y piensa que el clip de 40 segundos no refleja realmente lo que quiso decir cuando se sentó a hablar de su ex esposa e hijos.

Caitlyn solo fue una colaboradora en la serie producida por Sky, por lo que no tiene control creativo sobre la edición final de su entrevista, pero nos dicen que accedió a hablar con los productores, con la intención de ser una voz positiva para defender el legado de su familia.

Por cierto, nos han contado que Cait y Kim están en buenos términos después de que las cosas decantaran. Si alguien entiende el poder de la edición son las Kardashian, así que... no hay mal que por bien no venga.

Guess Who This Gardening Girl Turned Into!

Before this cute girl with bangs "dug her key into the side of a pretty little souped-up four-wheel drive," she was just diggin' in the dirt and getting her hands dirty in the garden, singing at her local church and growing up in Checotah, Oklahoma.

Aside from this girl dressed in green evolving into an "American Idol" queen, she has since taken home 8 Grammys and is the face (and voice) of Sunday Night Football! Some hot music stars she's collaborated with include Miranda Lambert and Brad Paisley.

Need one more hint? "Before He Cheats!"

Can you guess who she is?

¡Adivina quién! ¿en quén se ha convertido esta jardinera?

Antes de que esta guapa chica con flequillo se dedicara a cantar, pasaba sus días cavando en la tierra, ensuciandose las manos en el jardín, cantando en su iglesia local y a crecer en Checotah, Oklahoma.

Además de convertirse en la reina de "American Idol", esta chica vestida de verde se ha llevado a casa 8 Grammys y es la cara (y la voz) del Sunday Night Football. Algunas de las estrellas musicales con las que ha colaborado son Miranda Lambert y Brad Paisley.

¿Adivinas quién es?

King Combs Missed 'Love' Album For Good Reason ... Going Dumb On Dad's Rap Sequel!!!


Diddy's not just gonna stop with an R&B album, he's got a hip hop project on the way ... so says his son, Christian "King" Combs, who says he's gonna be featured on the thing!!!

TMZ Hip Hop connected with Christian and Raven Tracy in NYC Wednesday where he explained his absence from his dad's new LP "The Love Album: Off The Grid."


The album features a ton of big names --  MJB, The Weeknd, Ty Dolla $ign and a handful of notable rap stars -- but King says his lyrical talents are better suited for the next go 'round.

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Christian and Raven were actually en route to a back-to-school drive when we caught them -- complete with his newly minted Key to the City.

Combs giveaways ain't cheap affairs he says, ... they're giving away brand-new J's.