Kim Kardashian Son Saint Flips the Bird to Paps ... Light Tsk, Tsk from Mama

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screw you!!!

Kim Kardashian knows how to carry herself in front of paps who are snapping away, but it seems one of her sons is still learning the ropes ... or, maybe, he just thinks he's #1.

7-year-old Saint was walking into an Islands burger joint in L.A. Friday after his basketball game, accompanied by a couple of pals, plus his mom ... not to mention a bunch of bodyguards. Naturally, paparazzi were all over the place too.

As the whole group was heading toward the front entrance, Saint let the photogs on hand know how he felt about their presence ... throwing up a middle finger.

The sight of a little kid throwing up the F-U signal is pretty funny in and of itself, but the way KK reacts to Saint's gesture is even more hilarious, TBH.

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Let's just say she's very much in mom mode ... softly trying to muzzle her kid and get him to behave -- but she's not going very hard. Perhaps he's telegraphing how she really feels!

Now, in terms of who exactly he's channeling between his 2 parents ... Saint's leaning into his Kanye genes here. We've seen Ye flip his lid at paps over the years. It's definitely funnier when the kid does it, though.

Do you think Kim Kardashian was actually angry about Saint West flipping off paparazzi, or was it just for the cameras? Vote below.

KIM Kardashian HIJO SAINT es grosero con paparazzis Y mamá lo reprende

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de tal palo tal astilla

Kim Kardashian sabe cómo comportarse frente a los paparazzi, pero parece que uno de sus hijos todavía está aprendiendo o tal vez, sólo piensa que es el # 1.

Saint, de 7 años, entró en una hamburguesería de Islands en Los Ángeles el viernes después de su partido de baloncesto acompañado por un par de amigos, además de su madre (por no hablar de un grupo de guardaespaldas). Naturalmente los paparazzi también estaban por todas partes.

Cuando todo el grupo se dirigía a la entrada principal, Saint hizo saber a los fotógrafos lo que pensaba de su presencia... levantando el dedo del medio.

La imagen de un niño pequeño haciendo la señal de F-U es bastante divertida en sí misma, pero la forma en que Kim reacciona al gesto de Saint es aún más hilarante.

¡no me hables!

Digamos que está muy en modo mamá, intentando amordazar suavemente a su hijo y hacer que se comporte, pero no va muy fuerte.

Ahora, en términos de a cual de sus padres está imitando, cláramente Saint se está yendo por el lado de Kanye. A lo largo de los años hemos visto cómo Ye se enfadaba con los paparazzi. Sin embargo, es más divertido cuando el niño lo hace.

Antonio Gates My Son Could Be Better Than Me!!! ... 'I Really Believe That'


An Antonio Gates hasn't been in the NFL since the 2018 season ... but another could be on the way soon -- and, according to the Chargers legend himself, the next one could be better than the first!!

Gates tells TMZ Sports ... his boy -- Michigan State Univ. redshirt freshman receiver Antonio Gates Jr. -- has the goods to one day make it to the NFL, and be an even bigger star than he was once he arrives.

"I think so," Gates said out in Beverly Hills this week. "I really believe that."

So far, the younger Gates is still learning how to be effective on the collegiate level ... after not playing the entirety of the 2022 season, he's played sparingly in 2023.

But, the elder Gates said with all the resources at his disposal -- a transformation into a beast on the gridiron isn't far off.

"I can kind of give him the information that's important for him to be successful," Gates Sr. said. "So, he's got a great future ahead of him."

But, either way, Gates Sr. said he's a very proud Papa nonetheless.

"I can't tell you how proud I am as a father," he told us. "I'm happy for him."

hunter biden come pizza con su hijo antes de ser acusado

Hunter Biden no se veía preocupado antes de ser acusado. El día anterior al juicio se le vio con su hijo de 3 años de edad —Beau Jr.—  cominedo en Malibú.

El hijo del presidente Joe Biden estaba tratando de mantener un bajo perfil el miércoles en la gran apertura de Prince Street Pizza y Irv's Burgers.

En las fotos obtenidas por TMZ, Hunter lleva gafas oscuras y una gorra de béisbol.

En una imagen se puede ver a Hunter con su hijo Beau, llamado así por su difunto hermano, y los dos parecen muy unidos. En la otra foto, Hunter se prepara para comer una porción de pizza mientras el pequeño Beau está a su lado.

Nos dicen que la pareja se divirtió pasando el rato durante 30 minutos antes de separarse, con dos agentes del Servicio Secreto siguiéndolos. Melissa Cohen, la esposa de Hunter y madre de Beau, también disfrutó de la salida, tanto que al parecer se quedó para divertirse un poco más.

Al día siguiente Hunter fue acusado de 3 cargos penales federales relacionados con su compra en 2018 de un revólver en una armería de Delaware.

Hunter supuestamente mintió en un formulario federal, violando la ley al decir que no consumía drogas ilegales a pesar de ser adicto al crack.

Se enfrenta a un cargo de declaración falsa en la compra de un arma de fuego, un cargo de declaración falsa relacionada con la información que debe conservar el comerciante federal con licencia de armas de fuego y un cargo de Posesión de un arma de fuego por una persona que es usuario ilegal o adicto a una sustancia controlada. En caso de condena, podría enfrentarse a una pena de hasta 10 años de prisión.

Hunter Biden Pizza Party With Son Beau ... Day Before Federal Indictment

Hunter Biden certainly didn't seem anxious before being indicted, because the day before he was chillin' with his 3-year-old boy Beau Jr., grabbing some grub in Malibu.

President Joe Biden's son was trying to keep a low profile as he attended Wednesday's grand opening celebration of Prince Street Pizza and Irv's Burgers in the Bu.

Check out the photos, obtained by TMZ, Hunter's wearing dark shades and a baseball cap pulled down low.

In one image, Hunter is carrying his kid, Beau, named after his late brother, and the two seem tight. In the other pic, Hunter's getting ready to scarf down a pizza slice as little Beau stands next to him.

We're told the pair had fun together, hanging out for 30 minutes before splitting, with two Secret Service agents shadowing them. Melissa Cohen, Hunter's wife and Beau's mom, also enjoyed the outing, so much so she reportedly stayed behind to have more fun.

The next day, Hunter was indicted on 3 federal criminal charges related to his 2018 purchase of a revolver from a Delaware gun shop.

Hunter allegedly lied on a federal form, violating the law by saying he wasn't using illegal drugs, despite being addicted to crack.

He faces one count of False Statement in Purchase of a Firearm, one count of False Statement Related to Information Required to be Kept By Federal Firearms Licensed Dealer, and one count of Possession of a Firearm by a Person who is an Unlawful User of or Addicted to a Controlled Substance. He could face up to 10 years in prison if convicted.

TORY LANEZ Holding Out Hope For Jail Release ... Vows to Fight Bond Denial

Tory Lanez is still hoping to stay out of prison pending his appeal in the Megan Thee Stallion shooting case ... even though his first crack at getting out on bond was shut down.

Ceasar McDowell, a member of Tory's legal team and the CEO of Unite the People, tells TMZ ... Tory called his lawyers Thursday, just minutes after a judge denied him bond, and assured them he remains hopeful for the future.

We’re told Tory talked with Ceasar on the phone, starting the conversation by saying he wasn't surprised the judge denied his request ... chalking it up to being "all in God's plan."

Ceasar says Tory is focused on next steps for his legal team ... including plans to file an emergency motion to try to reverse the judge's ruling. We're told Tory believes a higher court will be more receptive to him than the trial court judge who issued Thursday's ruling, which keeps Tory behind bars at the moment.

As we reported ... Tory's asking to be released on bond so he can live with his son as his appeal plays out in court. Tory says he wants to be able to take his young son to school now that class is back in session.

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Remember ... Tory was sentenced to 10 years in prison after being found guilty in the Megan shooting case. As we first told you, he's been leaning on his faith, and his unwavering hope for the future appears to be a byproduct of that.

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We’re told Tory's also got a long history with Unite The People ... a nonprofit that provides defense attorneys to folks who are strapped for cash in order to give them a fair shot with the legal system. One of their attorneys represented him in Thursday's hearing, and Tory previously donated $50k to the org and has been an advisory member.

Guess Who This Serious Kid Turned Into!

Before this serious kid with curly hair turned into a famous model and food-lover, she was just ringing up customers at the surf shop, living the SoCal life in Huntington Beach and getting her modeling career started at 18 years old.

This "legend" of a lady's career took off -- after holding a briefcase on the show "Deal Or No Deal" -- and in 2010 she landed on the cover as Sports Illustrated's "Rookie Of The Year." When she's not tending to her family of 6, you can find her and her famous hubby watching 'Housewives' and 'VPR.'

Can you guess who she is?

Tory Lanez Denegada la fianza en caso de Megan Thee Stallion

Tory Lanez permanecerá tras las rejas después de haber sido declarado culpable de disparar a Megan Thee Stallion, pues su solicitud para ser puesto en libertad bajo fianza en espera de su apelación acaba de ser denegada.

Para aquellos que no lo saben, Tory estaba pidiendo a un juez de Los Ángeles que le permitiera vivir con su hijo y su esposa en lugar de permanecer tras las rejas mientras se desarrolla su apelación.

Tory tuvo una audiencia el jueves sobre su solicitud, pero un juez le dijo que no, señalando que está condenado por un delito violento, tiene un historial de violación de las órdenes judiciales, y no es un ciudadano de EE.UU., como razones para decirle lo siento.

La defensa de Tory argumentó el último punto, diciendo que el rapero canadiense está en Estados Unidos legalmente con un visado de trabajo activo y no tiene ninguna razón para volver a Canadá. Pero al parecer eso no tuvo ninguna influencia en el juez.

Como ya informamos, Tory fue condenado el mes pasado a una década tras las rejas después de enfrentarse a más de 22 años.

El año pasado fue declarado culpable de tres cargos: disparo negligente de un arma de fuego, agresión con un arma de fuego semiautomática y portar un arma de fuego cargada y no registrada.

Tory habló después de su sentencia: continuó diciendo que es inocente y que fue "injustamente condenado".

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Dejando el vehículo

El infame video de 2020, obtenido por TMZ, mostró a Megan cojeando cerca de su vehículo con un rastro de sangre detrás de ella.

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Ejemplo extremo

El abogado de Tory, José Báez, llamó a la sentencia "increíblemente dura". También expresó su desaprobación por el equipo de la fiscalía, quienes a su juicio quieren construir un caso ejemplificador con su cliente.

Tory Lanez Denied Bond In Megan Thee Stallion Case ... Stays Behind Bars Pending Appeal

Tory Lanez will remain behind bars after being found guilty of shooting Megan Thee Stallion ... his request to be released on bond pending his appeal was just denied.

For those unaware, Tory was asking a judge in Los Angeles to let him live with his son and wife instead of staying behind bars while his appeal plays out.

Tory had a hearing Thursday about his request, but a judge said no dice -- noting Tory's convicted of a violent felony, has a history of violating court orders, and isn't a U.S. citizen as reasons for the thumbs down.

Tory's defense argued the last point, saying the Canadian rapper is in America legally on an active work visa and has no reason to go back to Canada ... but that didn't seem to sway the judge.

As we reported, Tory was given his sentence last month -- being handed a decade behind bars after facing over 22 years.

He was found guilty of 3 charges last year ... negligent discharge of a firearm, assault with a semiautomatic firearm, and carrying a loaded and unregistered firearm.

Tory spoke out after his sentencing ... continuing to claim he's innocent, saying he was "wrongfully convicted."

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The infamous 2020 clip, obtained by TMZ, showed Megan limping near their vehicle with a trail of blood behind her.

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Tory's lawyer, Jose Baez, called out the "incredibly harsh" sentence as it came in last month ... also expressing disapproval for the prosecuting team for making an example out of his client.

Hunter Biden Acusado por los federales de tenencia de armas

Hunter Biden acaba de ser acusado de tenencia de armas, y su presunto consumo de drogas es un factor en el caso.

Los fiscales federales de Delaware acusaron al hijo del presidente Biden de tres cargos relacionados con la posesión de armas mientras consumía estupefacientes, según documentos judiciales.

Hunter está acusado de un cargo de falsa declaración en la compra de un arma de fuego, un cargo de falsa declaración relacionada con la información requerida para mantener la licencia federal de armas de fuego, y un cargo de posesión de un arma de fuego por parte de un usuario ilegal o adicto a una sustancia controlada.

Hunter está acusado de presentar un formulario afirmando que no consumía drogas ilegales en octubre de 2018 cuando compró un revólver Colt Cobra, y estaba en posesión de un arma mientras consumía estupefacientes.

La acusación se produce después de que el acuerdo de culpabilidad de Hunter por cargos fiscales y de armas implosionara en julio, y los cargos se presentan mientras los republicanos de la Cámara continúan investigando las finanzas de Hunter.

El abogado especial David Weiss está supervisando el caso contra Hunter.

Hunter Biden Indicted By Feds On Gun Charges

Hunter Biden has just been indicted on gun charges ... and his alleged drug use is a factor in the case.

Federal prosecutors in Delaware indicted President Biden's son on three counts related to gun possession while using narcotics ... according to court documents.

Hunter is charged with one count of False Statement in Purchase of a Firearm, one count of False Statement Related to Information Required to be Kept By Federal Firearms Licensed Dealer, and one count of Possession of a Firearm by a Person who is an Unlawful User of or Addicted to a Controlled Substance.

HB is accused of filing a form claiming he was not using illegal drugs in October 2018 when he bought a Colt Cobra revolver ... and of being in possession of a gun while using narcotics.

The indictment comes after Hunter's plea deal on tax and gun charges imploded back in July ... and the charges are being brought as House Republicans continue to investigate Hunter's finances.

Special counsel David Weiss is overseeing the case against Hunter.

Abogada de Kevin Costner Christine, ¿es una broma? ¿Quieres $885K para gastos de abogado?

La abogada de Kevin Costner es incrédula y ha criticado a su ex esposa, Christine Baumgartner, por pedirle a un juez que le haga pagar $885.000 dólares para argumentar una sola cuestión en el tribunal de divorcio.

La experta en divorcios Laura Wasser presentó su respuesta a la solicitud de Christine, explicando que los honorarios serían supuestamente incurridos para un mini-juicio sobre un tema en el acuerdo prenupcial, esto, si su renuncia a la manutención conyugal es ejecutable.

Los abogados de Christine dicen que tomará $885k preparar su caso, y quieren que Kevin pague la factura. Sin embargo, Wasser respondió que basándose en los honorarios por hora, el equipo legal de Christine tendría que trabajar 1.106 horas para justificar el monto.

Wasser califica la petición de Christine como "nada menos que indignante", señalando también que el juez ya ha indicado que el acuerdo prenupcial es ejecutable, por lo que el camino de Christine es un callejón sin salida.

Christine no solo ha perdido la mayoría de las batallas legales del divorcio, en realidad ha perdido más que si hubiera llegado a un acuerdo con Kevin. Por ejemplo, en un principio ella quería 248.000 dólares de manutención al mes, a lo que Kevin rechazó contra argumentando que la cantidad razonable era de 63.000 dólares. Pese a ello, el actor se ofreció a pagarle 75.000 dólares al mes, pero Christine rechazó la oferta y se enfrentaron en los tribunales. Al final, el juez dijo que 63.000 dólares era la cantidad adecuada.

Wasser dice que Kevin ya le pagó a Christine $300k en honorarios legales, y supuestamente también tomó $105k de las cuentas de Kevin para alimentar a su equipo legal.

Y luego esto ... si Christine impugna el acuerdo prenupcial y pierde tendrá que devolver más de un millón de dólares a Kevin y también pagar los honorarios de su abogado.

Estén atentos...

Kevin Costner's Lawyer Christine, Are You Kidding?!?? You Want $885k for Attorney's fees for What???

Kevin Costner's lawyer is incredulous ... blasting estranged wife Christine Baumgartner for asking a judge to make him pay $885k to argue a single issue in divorce court.

Disso queen Laura Wasser filed her blistering response to Christine's request ... explaining the fees would supposedly be incurred for a mini-trial over one issue in the prenup -- whether her waiver of spousal support is enforceable.

Christine's lawyers say it will take $885k to make their case -- and they want Kevin to foot the bill -- but Wasser fired back that based on hourly rates, Christine's legal team would have to put in 1,106 hours to justify the fee.

Wasser calls Christine's ask "nothing short of outrageous," also noting the judge has already indicated the prenup is enforceable, so the road Christine's going down is a dead end.

Christine has not only lost most of the legal battles in the divorce, she's actually lost more than if she had settled with Kevin. For example, she originally wanted $248k a month in child support, which Kevin rejected and claimed the reasonable amount was $63k. Nevertheless, he offered to pay her $75k a month, but Christine rejected that offer and duked it out in court. In the end, the judge said $63k was the appropriate amount.

Wasser says Kevin's already paid Christine $300k in legal fees, and also allegedly took $105k from Kevin's accounts to feed her legal team.

And there's this ... if Christine challenges the prenup and loses, she'll have to return more than a million bucks Kevin gave her and also pay his lawyer's fees.

Stay tuned ...

Tom Brady Shows Off Jumper In Hoop Sesh ... Goes 1-on-1 With Son!!!


Tom Brady's talents aren't limited to the football field, 'cause the retired NFL superstar's got some serious skills on the hardwood, too -- showing off his wet jumper in a recent basketball workout!!

The 7-time Super Bowl champion put his moves on display with an Instagram video on Tuesday ... putting up shots with his eldest son, Jack, at The Summit in New York with famous NBA skills trainer Chris Brickley.

The 46-year-old is pretty impressive as he sinks shots all over the court ... even testing his luck against Jack in a friendly game of one-on-one.

Jack -- the son Brady had with actress Bridget Moynahan in 2007 -- also proved he's got range for days ... draining a couple three-point shots in front of his pops.

"Thanks for having us @cbrickley603," Brady said on IG. "I’m gonna need a few more sessions to be able to keep up with this kid soon."

FYI, this isn't the first time Brady revealed he's more than just a football player ... Tom was caught on camera years ago playing pick-up basketball with the G.O.A.T. of the sport -- Michael Jordan.

Brady has been keepin' himself busy since he retired earlier this year .... outside of family time and shootin' hoops, the future NFL Hall of Famer has become a minority owner of the Las Vegas Raiders and Aces, an owner of a Major League Pickleball team, and joined E1 boat racing league.

He's also an advisor for Delta Airlines.


Kevin Federline ¡$40K al mes no es justo! Tengo a los niños el 100% del tiempo

Kevin Federline está pensando en ir a la corte para pedir un aumento en la manutención de los hijos de Britney Spears. Nunca se habló sobre tener a los niños a tiempo completo cuando se negociaron los términos de apoyo.

Fuentes directas le informan a TMZ que Kevin recibe $40k al mes para los 2 niños que comparte con Britney: Jayden James y Sean Preston. La cantidad se basa en que cada uno tenga a los niños el 50% del tiempo, pero la realidad es que Britney no ha estado con ellos en todo este tiempo.

Sean Preston cumple 18 años en un par de semanas, por lo que la manutención terminará para uno de los chicos. Sin embargo, la de Jayden permanecerá intacta hasta junio de 2025, cuando se gradúe en el instituto. Así que siendo realistas, 20.000 dólares sería probablemente la cantidad si Kevin pide un aumento, aunque esa cifra podría dispararse si demuestra que necesita más dinero para el 100% del cuidado de Jayden.

Como ya informamos, Kevin, sus hijos y Victoria —su mujer— se mudaron a Hawai el mes pasado. Una decisión que Britney no impugnó en los tribunales.

Kevin animó a Sean Preston y Jayden a ver a su madre, pero no iba a obligarlos. No quisieron despedirse. Los niños no la han visto desde hace 2 años.

Nos pusimos en contacto con el abogado de Kevin, Mark Vincent Kaplan, pero no hemos tenido respuesta.

Kevin Federline $40k a Month in Child Support Isn't Fair ... I've Got the Kids 100% of the Time

Kevin Federline is thinking of going to court to ask for an increase in child support from Britney Spears ... because he never bargained on having the kids full-time when they hashed out the terms of support.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... Kevin gets $40k a month for the 2 kids he shares with Britney -- Jayden James and Sean Preston. The amount is predicated on each having the kids 50% of the time. The reality -- Britney has had the kids 0% of the time for years.

Sean Preston turns 18 in a couple of weeks, so the support will end for one of the boys. However, Jayden's will stay intact until around June 2025, when he graduates high school. So realistically, $20k is the relevant amount if Kevin asks for an increase ... but that amount could balloon if he proves he needs more money for 100% of Jayden's care.

As we reported, Kevin, his sons, and his wife, Victoria, all moved to Hawaii last month ... a decision Britney ultimately didn't fight in court.

Kevin encouraged Sean Preston and Jayden to see their mom but wasn't gonna force them. They passed on saying goodbye. The kids haven't seen her going on 2 years.

We reached out to Kevin's attorney, Mark Vincent Kaplan. So far, no word back.

Do you think Britney should pay up? Vote below.