Jonathan Majors Hace referencia a amenazas de suicidio y violencia En mensajes a exnovia

Los mensajes de texto de Jonathan Majors a su denunciante, Grace Jabbari, están siendo leídos en voz alta en la corte el viernes y en ellos el actor hace referencia a cierta violencia física durante un incidente en Londres, que habría ocurrido 6 meses antes del altercado por el que están en tribunales.

En los textos de septiembre de 2022, Majors dice: "Te harán preguntas y como no creo que nos protejas, podría dar lugar a una investigación, incluso si mientes y sospechan algo".

Jabbari respondió: "Le diré al médico que me golpeé la cabeza si voy. Voy a darle un día más, pero no puedo dormir y necesito analgésicos más fuertes. Eso es todo: para qué les voy a contar lo que pasó de verdad si está claro que quiero estar contigo".

Durante su cuarto día en el estrado, Grace comenzó a leer los textos en voz alta en la corte, pero rompió en llanto y el asistente del fiscal Kelli Galaway tuvo que seguir leyendo.

Los mensajes aparentemente se refieren a un incidente que ocurrió mientras la pareja estaba en Londres. El juez ya dictaminó que los detalles de lo sucedido no son admisibles en este juicio, pero sí permitió leer los mensajes de texto sobre el incidente porque parecen describir "una conducta que está inextricablemente entrelazada con los hechos imputados".

Recuerden, Majors está siendo juzgado por un presunto ataque a Jabbari ocurrido en marzo de 2023 en Nueva York, cuando la entonces pareja tuvo un acalorado intercambio en la parte trasera de un taxi y, según ella, él la golpeó mientras peleaban por su teléfono.

Los textos de septiembre de 2022 también incluyen una parte en la que Majors amenaza con quitarse la vida. Escribió: "Anoche consideré suicidarme en lugar de volver a casa. Yo también necesito amor. O tal vez soy un monstruo y una persona tan horrible que no lo merezco. Y debería suicidarme. Así, mi existencia es miserable. Quiero morirme".

Jabbari acabó diciéndole a Majors en un mensaje de texto que no iría al médico y le dijo que comprendía su temor a una investigación. Cuando él continuó amenazando con el suicidio, diciendo: "Probablemente me mate, ya no es que lo esté contemplando". Ella le dijo que tendría que "decirle a alguien" si él seguía diciendo esas cosas.

Mientras se leían los textos en la corte, Majors tenía la cabeza gacha, según los reportes, y cuando terminaron de leerlos, miró al jurado.

Historia en desarrollo ...

Jonathan Majors Referenced Violence, Threatened Suicide ... Texts to Accuser Read in Court

Jonathan Majors' text messages to his accuser, Grace Jabbari, are being read out loud in court Friday -- and, in them, he references some physical violence during a London incident that happened 6 months prior to the one for which he's standing trial.

In the September 2022 texts, Majors says, "They will ask you questions, and as I don't think you actually protect us, it could lead to investigation even if you do lie, and they suspect something."

Jabbari replied, "I will tell the doctor I bumped my head if I go. I'm going to give it one more day, but I can't sleep and I need some stronger pain killers. That's all: why would I tell them what really happened when it's clear I want to be with you."

During her 4th day on the stand, Grace started to read the texts out loud in court, but broke down in tears ... and Assistant D.A. Kelli Galaway had to continue reading the exchange.

The messages apparently refer to an incident that happened while the couple was in London. The judge has already ruled the details of what happened are not admissible in this trial, but did allow their text messages about the incident because they seem to describe "conduct that is inextricably interwoven with the charged acts."

Remember, Majors is on trial for an alleged NYC attack on Jabbari in March 2023 ... when the then-couple had a heated exchange in the back of a taxi, and she claims he struck her as they fought for his phone.

The September 2022 texts also include a portion where Majors threatens to take his own life. He wrote, "Last night I considered killing myself versus coming home. I need love too. Or maybe I'm such a monster and horrible man, I don't deserve it. And I should just kill myself. In this way, my existence is miserable. I want to die."

Jabbari eventually told Majors in text she would not go to a doctor and said she understood his fear about an investigation. When he continued threatening suicide, saying, "I will probably kill myself, it's not really contemplating anymore" ... she told him she would have to "tell someone" if he continued saying such things.

While the texts were read in court, Majors reportedly had his head down ... and when they finished reading them, he glanced at the jury.

Story developing ...

Jonathan Majors Juicio por agresión entra en su tercera jornada Jabbari será interrogada


10:50 AM PT -- El interrogatorio de Grace Jabbari comenzó esta tarde y desde el principio, la abogada defensora de Jonathan Majors, Priya Chaudhry, trató de pintar a la presunta víctima como alguien que estaba en constante disputa con su ex y que además tenía problemas con el alcohol.

Al parecer, Chaudhry le hizo una serie de preguntas sobre su conocimiento de los antecedentes de Majors -profesionales o de otro tipo- y sobre si alguna vez tuvo un álbum de fotos del actor, aunque no está claro cómo respondió a estas preguntas. Al parecer, también dedicó bastante tiempo para preguntarle sobre su preparación del juicio con los fiscales y si había recibido instrucciones de respuestas predeterminadas, cosa que negó.

También se dice que Chaudhry le preguntó por sus hábitos con el alcohol, incluyendo si había bebido mucho la noche en cuestión, por no mencionar otras ocasiones en las que Jabbari podría haber recurrido al alcohol a lo largo de su relación con Jonathan Majors.

Chaudhry parece haber conseguido que Jabbari reconozca que, en ocasiones, recurría a la bebida durante las discusiones con Majors. Aún no ha llegado a la noche en cuestión, pero Chaudhry está trabajando en ello. Ahora están en un descanso para comer y su interrogatorio continuará esta tarde.

El juicio por agresión de Jonathan Majors se dirige hacia su tercera jornada y la mujer que lo denuncia, Grace Jabbari, volverá al estrado, pero esta vez los abogados de Majors tendrán la oportunidad de interrogarla sobre el presunto ataque.

La exnovia del actor, que es la testigo estrella de la fiscalía en el caso, está lista para el interrogatorio de la defensa el miércoles. Esto, después de que testificara el martes sobre su perspectiva del incidente que los ha llevado a los tribunales.

Jabbari, en particular, respaldó la afirmación de los fiscales de que fue víctima esa fatídica noche en marzo, cuando Majors fue detenido y finalmente acusado de asalto y acoso.

Temprano el miércoles, Jabbari testificó que había tomado dos pastillas de venta libre para dormir la noche del presunto asalto. Dice que por eso acabó dormida y semidesnuda en el suelo del baño del apartamento de Jonathan y que cuando se despertó la policía ya estaba de pie junto a ella y podía oír al actor en la habitación contigua.

El actor se ha declarado inocente todo este tiempo. Él y sus abogados insisten en que él fue la persona que fue atacada esa noche y no al revés. Los fiscales, sin embargo, contaron una historia diferente en su declaración de apertura e insistieron en que Jabbari estuvo en una relación abusiva con el chico, que explotó esa noche en el carro.

Jabbari reiteró esa versión en el estrado, explicando que sorprendió a Jonathan Majors enviándole mensajes de texto a otra mujer y que se enfrentó con él por eso. Le quitó su teléfono y luego él la maltrató para recuperarlo. Ella también testificó que cuando trató de huir del carro, él la agarró y la arrojó al interior nuevamente. Se ha informado que esto aparece en el video de vigilancia que la fiscalía mostró a los miembros del jurado.

Después de su riña, Jabbari dice que fue a una fiesta con personas que acababa de conocer para distraerse. Hay fotos y videos que la muestran ilesa en el club. Al respecto, Jabbari testificó que en realidad estaba herida y resintiendo sus heridas.

Hubo otros momentos incendiarios en su primer día en el estrado, incluyendo una grabación de una discusión que tuvo con Majors, en la que al parecer la instó a ser más como Coretta Scott King y Michelle Obama, mientras gritaba "¡Soy un gran hombre!".

Jabbari también afirmó que Majors había sido agresivo con ella en el pasado. Dijo que una vez perdió los estribos después de que ella sacara a relucir al perro de su exnovio.

Majors se quedó con cara de piedra durante el testimonio de Jabbari. Ahora sus abogados tendrán la oportunidad de interrogarla y desmontar su historia.

En algún momento, los fiscales presumiblemente llamarán a otros testigos, incluyendo el conductor del carro privado en el que anduvieron esa noche, el que sería el único material y presumiblemente el único testigo imparcial del conflicto entre Majors y Jabbari.

Jonathan Majors Assault Trial Enters Day 3 Jabbari's Cross-Examination Begins


2:26 PM PT -- Grace Jabbari's cross-examination continued this afternoon, and attorney Priya Chaudhry continued to question Jabbari's alcohol consumption -- including during the day/night in question. Chaudhry also asked why some injuries didn't appear as prominent when she finally got with cops ... and Jabbari said she'd cleaned herself up a bit after arriving at his place that night.

One highlight during cross ... Chaudhry attempted to ask Jabbari about the suicide of an ex-boyfriend of hers, and that made Jabbari burst into tears and require a break. Chaudhry went on to ask her questions about her visa status ... and also asked if she'd seen the security videos/photos of her partying that night -- to which Jabbari accused Chaudhry of "posting."

It appears today's court session is wrapping, and Jabbari's cross should continue tomorrow.

10:50 AM PT -- Grace Jabbari's cross-examination got underway this afternoon -- and right out the gate, Jonathan Majors' defense attorney Priya Chaudhry tried to paint the alleged victim as someone who was constantly feuding with her ex, and who had problems with alcohol to boot.

Chaudhry is reported to have asked a series of questions about her knowledge of Majors' background -- professional or otherwise -- and whether she once had a photo album of Majors' pics ... although it's unclear how Jabbari responded to these. Chaudhry also apparently spent a fair amount of time asking Jabbari about her trial prep with prosecutors, and whether she'd been instructed on pre-determined answers ... which Jabbari denied.

Chaudhry is also reported to have asked quite a bit about Jabbari's past drinking habits -- including whether she was downing a lot of booze during the night in question ... not to mention other times Jabbari might've resorted to alcohol throughout her relationship with JM.

Chaudhry appears to have gotten Jabbari to acknowledge she would, at times, resort to drinking during arguments with Majors. She hasn't gotten to the night in question yet, but Chaudhry is working her way there. They're on a lunch break now, and her cross-examination will continue later this afternoon.

Jonathan Majors' assault trial is heading into its third day and his accuser, Grace Jabbari, will be back on the stand -- but this time his attorney will have a chance to grill her about the alleged attack.

The actor's ex-girlfriend -- who is the prosecution's star witness in the case -- is all set for cross-examination from the defense Wednesday ... this after testifying Tuesday about her POV of the incident that's landed them in court.

Most notably, Jabbari backed prosecutors' assertion she was victimized that fateful night in March -- when Majors was arrested and ultimately charged with assault and harassment.

Early Wednesday, she testified she'd taken 2 over-the-counter sleeping tablets on the evening of the alleged assault. She says that's why she ended up asleep, and half-naked on the bathroom floor at Jonathan's apartment -- and when she woke up, police were standing over her and she could hear Jonathan in the adjacent room.

He's pled not guilty, and this entire time ... he and his attorneys have insisted he was the one who was attacked that night -- not the other way around. Prosecutors, however, told a different story in their opening statement ... insisting Jabbari had been in an abusive relationship with the guy, which boiled over in brutality in a private car they were in.

Jabbari reiterated that while on the stand, telling her side of the story by explaining she caught JM texting another woman and confronted him about it -- snatching his phone away, and then claiming he roughed her up in an attempt to get it back. She also testified that when she tried to flee the car, he grabbed her and threw her inside again ... something that was reportedly depicted in surveillance video that the prosecution played for jurors in court.

After their squabble ... Jabbari says she went to a party with strangers she'd just met in an attempt to take her mind off things -- and while she's appeared uninjured in photos and videos showing her at the club, GB testified she was actually hurt and licking her wounds.

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There were other bombshell moments during her 1st day on the stand, including a recording she'd once taken of Majors during an argument -- in which he apparently called upon her to be more like Coretta Scott King and Michelle Obama, while shouting "I'm a great man!"

Jabbari also claimed Majors had been aggressive with her in the past, including one alleged time when she says he lost it on her after she brought up her ex-boyfriend's doggo.

Majors remained stone-faced during Jabbari's testimony, which will now pivot to her being questioned by his defense attorneys -- who will undoubtedly try to pick apart her story.

At some point, prosecutors will presumably call other witnesses -- including the driver of their private car that night ... who would be the only material, and presumably unbiased, witness to Majors and Jabbari's conflict.

Originally Published -- 8:59 AM PT


Jonathan Majors' ex-girlfriend, Grace Jabbari, says she decided to attend a stranger's birthday bash instead of returning home to the apartment she shared with him ... after he allegedly struck her in a cab in March.

During sworn testimony before a jury in an NYC courtroom Tuesday, Jabbari claimed she made her escape from an SUV taking them over the Manhattan Bridge ... seeking refuge at a bar with strangers who came to her aid after the alleged physical altercation with the actor.

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"I didn't want to be alone at that point," she told jurors ... elaborating, "I was just trying to suppress the sadness. I felt sad so deeply in my heart. But, I was also really grateful for these three people who had saved me."

She said she bought her 3 new friends a bottle of champagne as a thank you, and also danced.

She said she had "some shots of tequila" as well. She said she began icing her finger at the bar because she knew she'd wake up in considerable pain the next morning.

Video footage of the alleged cab incident was presented in the courtroom ... where Majors was observed getting out of the car and pushing Jabbari back in ... before she got out and chased him down the street.

According to Jabbari, the fight broke out after she saw a text from a woman named "Cleopatra" in the cab.

She claims that when she tried to take the phone, she experienced a "heavy thud" as he tried to take it back ... resulting in her finger and arm being twisted.

"He was trying to hurt me," she alleged. "Then I felt a hard blow across my head."

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However, Majors' attorney, Priya Chaudhry, contends the injuries were actually sustained by the "Creed" actor ... who was scared of Jabbari as he attempted to flee her as she chased him through the streets of Manhattan.


This comes after Jabbari detailed how she first met Majors, how they got involved, and at what point he allegedly began showing aggression around her.

So far, she's shared a recording of the actor allegedly blowing up at her during another incident when she came home tipsy -- and has also claimed he lost his cool after she brought up her ex's pooch.

Meanwhile, Majors' current GF, Meagan Good, has been throwing her full support behind him ... ensuring to be by his side while arriving at court.

Jonathan Majors Denunciante dice que huyó a una fiesta tras la pelea ... No quería estar sola

La exnovia de Jonathan Majors, Grace Jabbari, dice que decidió ir a la fiesta de cumpleaños de un extraño en lugar de volver al departamento que compartía con él. Todo esto, después de que supuestamente este la golpeara en un taxi en marzo.

Durante el testimonio bajo juramento ante un jurado en un tribunal de Nueva York el martes, Jabbari afirmó que se escapó de un SUV que los llevaba por el puente de Manhattan para buscar refugio en un bar con conocidos que fueron a ayudarla después del supuesto altercado físico con el actor.

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De fiesta toda la noche

"No quería estar sola en ese momento", le dijo a los miembros del jurado. "Yo solo estaba tratando de suprimir la tristeza. Me sentía muy triste en el fondo de mi corazón. Pero también estaba muy agradecida por estas tres personas que me salvaron".

Dijo que los invitó a una botella de champán en señal de agradecimiento y también bailó.

También se tomó "algunos chupitos de tequila". Dijo que empezó a ponerse hielo en el dedo en el bar porque sabía que se despertaría con un dolor considerable a la mañana siguiente.

Las imágenes de video del supuesto incidente del taxi se presentaron en la sala del tribunal. En ellas se ve a Majors saliendo del carro e instando a Jabbari a que entre de nuevo, luego ella sale y comienza a perseguirlo por la calle.

Según Jabbari, la pelea estalló después de que vio un mensaje de texto de una mujer llamada "Cleopatra" en el taxi.

Ella dice que cuando trató de tomar el teléfono, experimentó un "fuerte golpe" mientras él intentaba recuperarlo, lo que provocó una torcedura en su brazo y en su dedo.

"Él estaba tratando de hacerme daño", alegó. "Entonces sentí un fuerte golpe en la cabeza"

Sin embargo, la abogada de Majors, Priya Chaudhry, sostiene que el actor de "Creed" fue quien sufrió las lesiones. Asegura que el actor se asustó y por eso intentó huir mientras ella lo perseguía por las calles de Manhattan.

Merry Elfin' Christmas!!!

Todo esto ocurre después de que Jabbari detallara cómo conoció a Majors y en qué momento él supuestamente comenzó a mostrarse agresivo.

Hasta ahora, Jabbari ha compartido una grabación del actor donde aparentemente se lo ve explotando de rabia una vez que ella llegó borracha a casa. También ha afirmado que Majors perdió la calma cuando le mencionó algo sobre el perro de su ex.

Mientras tanto, la actual novia de Majors, Meagan Good, ha estado expresando todo su apoyo al actor, asegurándose de estar a su lado cuando llegan a la corte.

La mujer que acusa a Jonathan Majors dice que enloqueció por el perro de su ex

Jonathan Majors perdió la calma cuando su acusadora Grace Jabbari mencionó el perro de su ex novio, al menos según su testimonio en el juicio por agresión de Majors.

Jabbari  —que voló desde Londres para subir al estrado en un tribunal de Nueva York— habló ante el jurado bajo juramento el martes y describió cómo lo conoció, cómo se involucraron, y en qué momento supuestamente comenzó a mostrar agresividad a su alrededor.

Recuerdemos que los fiscales le dijeron a los miembros del jurado el lunes durante las declaraciones de apertura, que lo que supuestamente sucedió entre ellos en marzo fue en realidad solo el punto de ebullición de lo que afirman se había convertido en una relación controladora y abusiva, algo que Jabbari testificó en el estrado.

Jabbari dijo que conoció a Majors en el set de "Ant-Man y la Avispa: Quantumania", donde fue contratada como entrenadora de movimiento y explicó que su relación se volvió seria rápidamente. Sin embargo, en un momento dado en diciembre de 2021, ella testificó que vio los primeros destellos de ira de él cuando ella afirma que él perdió el control luego de que ella mencionó al perro de su ex.

Jabbari dice que en realidad estaba conociendo a los perros de Majors en ese momento, y él le estaba dando instrucciones sobre cómo comportarse con ellos a lo que ella respondió que ya estaba familiarizada con los perros a causa de su ex novio, que tenía uno. Fue entonces cuando, según ella, Jonathan perdió la calma y empezó a levantar la voz, aparentemente enfadado porque ella había sacado el tema.

En el tribunal, ella es citada diciendo: "¿Cómo me atrevo a mencionarlo?" y "Es vergonzoso que haya salido con él. Su perro es patético. Ese tipo de cosas". Ella también dijo que esta fue la primera vez que tuvo miedo de él y testificó que las cosas solo empeoraron a partir de ahí.

Jabbari pasó a describir otros supuestos casos en los que Majors perdió los estribos, testificando que una vez lanzó una vela en su dirección y abolló su pared y que supuestamente una vez golpeó sus auriculares, entre otros supuestos momentos violentos.

¡feliz navidad!

Ella también se detuvo y lloró mucho durante su testimonio. En este punto, no suena como que ella estuviera describiendo el presunto asalto, aunque los fiscales ya hablaron por ella el lunes, cuando alegaron que la tiró alrededor como una muñeca de trapo en el carro después de que ella vio un texto que ella pensaba provenía de una mujer, algo que él ha negado.

Meagan Good estaba de vuelta en la corte mirando como Majors se sentó en la mesa del acusado durante el testimonio de Jabbari. Según los informes, no miró a Jabbari mientras ella estaba en el estrado.

Jonathan Majors Accuser Grace Jabbari Testifies He Flipped Out Over Ex's Dog


1:35 PM PT -- Grace Jabbari also shared a recording allegedly of Jonathan Majors blowing up at her during another incident when she came home tipsy after going out with friends.

In the recording, jurors heard Majors yelling at Jabbari, telling her she needed to be more like Coretta Scott King and Michelle Obama -- and that she had moved away from "the plan." In the recording, Majors exclaimed, "I'm a great man. A great man! There needs to be a great woman who makes sacrifices."

Jonathan Majors once lost his cool when his accuser Grace Jabbari mentioned her ex-boyfriend's dog -- at least according to her testimony in Majors' assault trial.

Jabbari -- who flew in from London to take the stand in an NYC courtroom -- spoke to the jury under oath Tuesday, and described how she first met him, how they got involved, and at what point he allegedly started to show aggression around her.

Remember, prosecutors told jurors Monday during opening statements that what allegedly happened between them in March was actually just the boiling point of what they claim had become a controlling and abusive relationship ... something Jabbari testified to on the stand.

Jabbari said she met Majors on the set of 'Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania' -- where she was hired as a movement coach -- and explained that their relationship got serious quickly. However, at one point in December 2021 ... she testified she saw the first flashes of anger from him when she claims he flipped his lid after she brought up her ex's pooch.

Jabbari says she was actually meeting Majors' own dogs at the time, and he was giving her instructions on how to behave around them -- to which she replied that she was already familiar with dogs on account of her ex-boyfriend, who had one. That's when she alleges JM lost his cool and started to raise his voice at her ... apparently angry she'd brought it up.

In court, she's quoted as saying ... "How dare I mention him" and "It's embarrassing to him that I dated him. His dog is pathetic. That kind of stuff." She also said this was the first time she ever became afraid of him ... and she testified things only got worse from there.

Jabbari went on to describe other alleged instances where Majors lost his temper -- testifying he once threw a candle in her direction and dented her wall ... and that he allegedly once knocked her headphones off her head, among other alleged moments of berating.


She also stopped and cried a lot during her testimony. At this point, it doesn't sound like she's gotten around to describing the alleged assault in question -- although prosecutors already alluded to it Monday, when they alleged he threw her around like a rag doll in the car after she saw a text from what she thought was a woman ... something he's denied.

Meagan Good was back in court looking on as Majors sat at the defendant's table during Jabbari's testimony. He reportedly did not look at Jabbari while she was on the stand.

Originally Published -- 10:04 AM PT

abogada de divorcio de Kim Kardashian inspira personaje de televisión

Kim Kardashian va a interpretar a una famosa abogada de divorcio para un nuevo programa de televisión, y sí, va a estar basada en hechos reales muy cercanos a la Kardashian, TMZ ha indagado.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que el papel de Kim acaba de ser anunciado para este show dirigido por Ryan Murphy —que se va a emitir en Hulu— se inspira en la famosa Laura Wasser, que es bien conocida en Los Ángeles por ser la abogada de divorcio de celebridades para todos los peces gordos.

De hecho, Laura se encargó del divorcio de Kim y Kanye, pero su lista de clientes famosos es larga y extensa y va mucho más allá de las Kardashians. Algunas de las estrellas más grandes que la han contratado a lo largo de los años incluyen a Kris Jenner, Ariana Grande, Ryan Reynolds, Angelina Jolie, Kevin Costner, Britney Spears, Heidi Klum y Christina Aguilera, solo por nombrar unos pocos.

En cuanto a la serie... bueno, Deadline va a ser un "producto adulto y sexy" que cubre su carrera como abogada de moda que trabaja en Los Ángeles. La salida informa de que hay un gran compromiso con la serie, aunque no está claro cuántos episodios serán.

Kim estará al mando de un falso bufete de mujeres en el show y está siendo escrito por Jon Robin Baitz y Joe Baken. Por supuesto, Murphy es EP'ing. Deadline informa que el trío lanzó a Kim y Kris al show.


El hecho de que Hulu esté involucrado tampoco es una sorpresa teniendo en cuenta que ya emiten "The Kardashians". Se dice que firmaron en la sala de lanzamiento y se comprometieron a un juego directo a la serie. Por supuesto, esto viene después de la reciente película de Kim en Netflix, que también protagonizará y producirá. Parece que Hulu quería marcar un poco su territorio.

Kim ya tiene algo de experiencia con Murphy, acaba de actuar en su última temporada de "AHS" (American Horror Story) y lo hizo bastante bien. !Su carrera como actriz va por buen camino!

Kim K TV Divorce Lawyer Role ... Based on Disso Queen Laura Wasser!!!

Kim Kardashian's going to be playing a famous divorce attorney for a new TV show -- and yes, it is indeed based on the Disso Queen herself ... TMZ has learned.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us that Kim's just-announced role for this Ryan Murphy-led show -- which is going to air on Hulu -- is inspired by the famed Laura Wasser ... who's well-known in L.A. as being the go-to celebrity divorce lawyer for all the big shots.

In fact, Laura actually handled Kim's divorce from Kanye ... but her list of celeb clients is long and extensive, going well beyond the Kardashians. Some of the biggest stars who've retained her over the years include Kris Jenner, Ariana Grande, Ryan Reynolds, Angelina Jolie, Kevin Costner, Britney Spears, Heidi Klum and Christina Aguilera ... just to name a few.


As far as what the show will be about ... well, Deadline says it's gonna be a "sexy adult procedural" that covers her career as a hot-shot lawyer working in Los Angeles. The outlet reports that there's a big series commitment from the streamer ... although it's unclear how many episodes it'll be.

Kim will be heading a fake all-female law firm in the show, and it's being written by Jon Robin Baitz and Joe Baken. Of course, Murphy is EP'ing. Deadline reports the trio pitched Kim and Kris on this show ... and they both were apparently all in on it right away.


The fact Hulu picked this up is also no surprise considering they already air "The Kardashians." Word is, they signed on right in the pitch room and committed to a straight-to-series play. Of course, this comes on the heels of Kim's recent Netflix movie ... for which she'll also star and produce. Seems like Hulu wanted to mark their territory a bit!

Kim's already got some experience with Murphy ... she just acted in his latest season of 'AHS' and did pretty well. Her acting career is well on its way now -- what a time.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Jussie Smollett All Smiles at Nobu ... After Losing Appeal for Hate Crime Hoax Conviction

Jussie Smollett was all smiles over the weekend, chowing down with friends on the heels of losing his appeal in his hate crime hoax case.

Jussie hit up Nobu Malibu for a late-night supper and didn't seem bothered by anything -- at least on the surface.

Our sources tell us Smollett is still receiving outpatient treatment through a rehab treatment facility.

As we reported, an Illinois appeals court turned thumbs down on his appeal Friday by a 2-1 vote. Jussie's lawyers say they will try to take it up with the Illinois Supreme Court, although there's no guarantee that the Court will hear the case.

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Fox 32 Chicago

If things stand the way they are, Jussie will have to complete his 150-day sentence for faking a hate crime on the streets of Chicago back in 2019. He served 6 days before being released pending the disposition of his appeal.


If the Illinois Supreme Court takes the case, even if it upholds the conviction Jussie wouldn't begin serving the remainder of his sentence for at least a year. If the Court doesn't take the case, Jussie could be back in jail in January.

Tiffany Haddish Seems to Ditch Booze for Her Bday 'Ready For My Next Chapter'

Tiffany Haddish appears to have ditched booze during her birthday celebration this weekend -- that is, if her reported sober behavior earlier in the week is any indication.

The comedian celebrated her 44th born day Sunday ... and it looks like it was a musical affair. She posted a clip of herself performing in this big cabaret-type show at a private shindig where she was front and center in front of a lot of friends.

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Her caption reads, "Happy Birthday to me!!!!! I am ready for my next chapter in life." TF goes on to share she has more original music coming, not to mention another book ... among other ventures.

She adds (somewhat cryptically) ... "I keep my promises anyone that knows me knows that. It might take some time but I always keep my promise. Just ask God."

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While she didn't specifically mention her DUI from a couple weeks ago, it sounds like she might be touching on it here. Not just that, but Page Six reports that Tiffany was actually among Paris Hilton's many famous guests at her "Slivmas" holiday party earlier last week ... and they say she was completely sober there.


If true, that's big news considering she got arrested for allegedly drinking and driving (again) after a night out in L.A. -- this, of course, about a year after she got arrested for the same thing out in Georgia. If she was steering clear of alcohol at Paris' bash, it stands to reason she might've done the same at her own.

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TMZ broke the story ... Tiffany was arrested in Beverly Hills after cops say they found her sleeping at the wheel and blocking the road with her car. In the end, they felt they had probable cause to take her in for DUI ... and did exactly that.

Less than 24 hours later, she was back onstage and performing yet again -- this time at a Laugh Factory all the way down in Long Beach ... where she jokingly addressed her arrest.

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She might've been laughing about it then, but it's a very serious matter ... and prosecutors in Georgia have already signaled they want stricter restrictions on her as her case there plays out -- including forcing her to stay off of alcohol consumption.

Sounds like TF might've already beaten them to the punch on that one.

Felicity Huffman Speaks on College Admissions Scandal I Had to Break the Law for My Daughter

Felicity Huffman is finally speaking out about the college admissions scandal that landed her in prison, and she kinda sorta is still justifying what she did, in the name of her daughter's future.

Felicity sat with KABC's Marc Brown and explained she had hired a highly recommended college counselor coach Rick Singer for a year, trying to secure a spot at the college of her choice.

The actress says after a year, he gave her bad news ... she wasn't up to speed and would not get into any of the colleges. Felicity says Singer "slowly" rolled out a criminal scheme which she ultimately bought.

Felicity ended up paying Singer $15k to bribe a proctor into changing her daughter's wrong SAT answers. As for why, she says it felt like the only option to give her daughter a future.

At one point she says, "It was sort of like my daughter's future, which meant I had to break the law."

Huffman spoke of the FBI raid on her home ... "They came into my home, they woke my daughters up at gunpoint - again, nothing new to the Black and brown community - then they put my hands behind my back and handcuffed me."

She continued, "I asked if I could get dressed. I thought it was a hoax. I literally turned to one of the FBI people in a flak jacket and a gun and I go "is this a joke?"

Huffman served 11 days for the crime.

Her daughter, Sophia, was not aware of her mom's shenanigans. Sophia is now studying drama at Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburgh.

As for Felicity, she's now working with A New Way of Life, an org helping incarcerated women to re-enter society.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Tiffany Haddish Fiscales de Georgia quieren restringir su consumo de drogas y alcohol tras segundo DUI

Hay que prohibirle a Tiffany Haddish el consumo de drogas y alcohol después de su último arresto por conducir en estado de ebriedad (DUI) en California. Al menos eso es lo que quieren los fiscales de Georgia, donde ella también tiene un caso de DUI.

De acuerdo con nuevos documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, los fiscales estatales de Georgia quieren que un tribunal modifique las condiciones de fianza de su caso de DUI con el fin de restringir su consumo de alcohol y drogas.

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Tiffany esposada

Están pidiendo este cambio luego de la última detención de Tiffany por conducir en estado de ebriedad, que ocurrió la semana pasada en Beverly Hills.

Como les dijimos por primera vez, Tiffany fue detenida la madrugada del viernes pasado después de un concierto la noche de Acción de Gracias en el Laugh Factory. Agentes de la policía de Beverly Hills esposaron y arrestaron a Tiffany. Habían recibido una llamada alrededor de las 5:45 AM de que una persona estaba detenida en medio de Beverly Drive, supuestamente desplomada detrás del volante de un carro, con el motor en marcha.

Recuerden, Tiffany había sido arrestada previamente por este mismo cargo en Georgia en enero de 2022. En ese momento, también la encontraron supuestamente dormida al volante después de haber fumado marihuana.

Tiffany pagó la fianza en ese caso, y ahora con el segundo presunto DUI, los fiscales de Georgia están pidiéndole al tribunal que cambie sus condiciones de fianza para añadir una restricción sobre los narcóticos y el alcohol y exigir pruebas semanales para ambos.

El juez aún no se ha pronunciado.

Tiffany Haddish GA Prosecutors Want to Restrict Drug, Alcohol Use After 2nd DUI

Tiffany Haddish needs to be barred from consuming drugs and alcohol after her latest DUI arrest in California ... at least that's what prosecutors want in Georgia, where she also has a DUI case.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, state prosecutors in Georgia want a court there to modify the bond conditions from her open DUI case to restrict her from using booze and drugs.

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They're asking for this change due to Tiffany's latest DUI arrest on the other side of the country ... which happened last week in Beverly Hills.

As we first told you ... Tiffany was arrested early last Friday morning -- after a Thanksgiving night gig at the Laugh Factory -- with Bev Hills PD officers putting Tiffany in handcuffs and arresting her. They'd gotten a call around 5:45 AM about someone stopped in the middle of Beverly Drive, allegedly slumped behind the wheel of a car with the engine running.

Remember ... Tiffany was previously busted for DUI in Georgia back in January 2022, when she was also allegedly asleep behind the wheel after smoking marijuana.

She posted bond in that case, and now with the second alleged DUI, Georgia prosecutors are asking the court to change her bond conditions to add a restriction on narcotics and alcohol, and to require weekly testing for both. The judge hasn't ruled yet.

Tyrese Gibson My Divorce Judge Has Gotta Go ... He's Got It Out For Me!!!

Tyrese Gibson is once again taking issue with the judge in his divorce case in Georgia ... he wants a new robe to step in, claiming the current judge is biased against him.

The actor filed new legal docs this week, obtained by TMZ, complaining about the way Judge Kevin Farmer is handling the case and saying he deserves a new judge.

Tyrese says Judge Farmer abruptly canceled a court hearing and ordered him to come up with a massive $450,000 bond within 10 days in connection with his appeal of an order in the case ... without giving him his day in court to explain how it would be impossible to come up with the cash that quickly.

In the docs, Tyrese says he was going to use the hearing to explain why he couldn't pay the $450K due to the Hollywood strikes impacting his ability to work and make money this year.

But, Tyrese says Judge Farmer scrapped the hearing only a few days before it was scheduled to go down ... which TG feels is another example of hizzoner having it out for him.

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Dennis Byron/Hip Hop Enquirer

Tyrese has tried to get Judge Farmer taken off the case before ... as we first reported back in September 2022, Tyrese claimed the judge told him he thought the child support ordered in the case was appropriate and that he didn't care if Tyrese's ex, Samantha Lee Gibson, was a "greedy, gold-digging bitch."

Tyrese also claimed the judge belittled him with admonishments during his testimony.

It will be interesting to see if Tyrese's claims this time around are enough to warrant a new judge on the case ... especially seeing as how he struck out the first time.