Robert De Niro Testifica en un juicio civil en Nueva York... Acalorados intercambios en el banquillo de los testigos

Robert De Niro sostuvo algunos acalorados intercambios con el abogado de su ex asistente, diciendo incluso "todo esto es un disparate", en una audiencia del juicio civil en su contra.

El actor ganador del Oscar subió al estrado en un tribunal de Nueva York el lunes por la tarde, algo malhumorado mientras intentaba mantener su ira bajo control, la que por momentos se hizo visible.

Dejando el tribunal

Durante su testimonio, De Niro dijo que había designado a Graham Chase Robinson como su contacto de emergencia y dependía de ella para darle tarjetas de felicitación a sus hijos.

Cuando el abogado de Robinson le preguntó si era una trabajadora diligente, De Niro respondió con sorna: "No después de todo lo que estoy pasando ahora."

En otro momento del interrogatorio, el actor se acaloró al defender a su novia, Tiffany Chen, quien se enfrentó repetidamente a Robinson y la acusó de estar enamorada de la superestrella. De manera punzante, De Niro testificó que ambos "toman decisiones juntos".

Entonces, el abogado de Robinson insinuó que De Niro molestó a su cliente una mañana de 2017 cuando necesitó que lo llevaran al hospital.

De Niro parecía cabreado cuando declaró: "¡Esa fue una vez que me rompí la espalda al caer por las escaleras!". Añadió que pospuso la llamada a Robinson varias horas tras el accidente, con el fin de contactarla a una hora más razonable.

La mayor bronca se produjo cuando De Niro defendió lo que describió como su buen trato a Robinson tras la compra de un adosado de cinco dormitorios en Manhattan.

De Niro declaró: "No es como que le esté pidiendo que salga a raspar y fregar el suelo. Así que todo esto son tonterías".

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Un enfurecido De Niro

El drama se deriva de una demanda de $6 millones que Canal Productions presentó contra Robinson después de que ella renunciara a su trabajo de $300,000 al año en la empresa.

De 2008 a 2019, Robinson trabajó como asistente personal de De Niro y finalmente fue ascendida a vicepresidenta de producción y finanzas en Canal. En la demanda, Canal alegó que Robinson veía Netflix todo el día mientras trabajaba, entre otras quejas.

Robinson presentó una contrademanda de 12 millones de dólares contra Canal y De Niro por supuesta violación a la Ley de Derechos Humanos de Nueva York. Afirmó que De Niro le infligió un grave estrés emocional y daños a su reputación, acusándolo de llamarla "zorra" y "mocosa". También dijo que De Niro se negó a darle una referencia para un nuevo trabajo después de sus muchas disputas con su novia.

Robert De Niro Testifies At NYC Civil Trial ... Heated Exchanges On Witness Stand

Robert De Niro testified at his civil trial against his former assistant ... and he got into some heated exchanges with opposing counsel, uttering at one point, "This is all nonsense!"

The Oscar-winning actor took the stand in an NYC courtroom for most of Monday afternoon -- and he appeared grumpy as he tried to keep his anger in check, which, at times, leaked out.


During his testimony, De Niro said he had previously made Graham Chase Robinson his emergency contact and depended on her to get greeting cards for his kids.

When Robinson's attorney asked if she was a diligent worker, De Niro sneeringly replied, "Not after everything I’m going through now."

At another point under cross-examination, De Niro became hot under the collar, while coming to the defense of his girlfriend, Tiffany Chen, who repeatedly clashed with Robinson and accused her of being in love with the superstar. In a pointed manner, De Niro testified that he and Chen "make decisions together."

Then Robinson’s lawyer implied that De Niro annoyed his client one morning in 2017 when he needed to be brought to the hospital.

De Niro seemed pissed, testifying, “That was one time when I cracked my back falling down the stairs!” He added that he put off calling Robinson after the accident, waiting several hours to contact her at a more reasonable time.

The biggest blowup came when De Niro defended what he described as his good treatment of Robinson after purchasing a five-bedroom Manhattan townhouse.

De Niro testified, “It is not like I’m asking for her to go out there and scrape floors and mop the floor. So this is all nonsense!"

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The courtroom drama stems from a $6 million lawsuit Canal Productions filed against Robinson after she quit her $ 300,000-a-year job at the company.

From 2008 to 2019, Robinson worked as De Niro's personal assistant and was eventually promoted to Vice President for Production and Finance at Canal. In the suit, Canal claimed Robinson watched Netflix all day while on the clock, among other complaints.


Robinson filed a $12 million countersuit against Canal and De Niro for allegedly violating New York's Human Rights Law. She said De Niro inflicted severe emotional stress and reputational harm, accusing him of calling her a "bitch and a "brat." She also said claimed De Niro refused to give her a reference for a new job after her many disputes with his girlfriend.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Jonathan Majors Ex-GF Arrested for Assaulting Him ... But D.A. Won't Prosecute

The ex-girlfriend who's accusing Jonathan Majors of assaulting her is now herself in trouble with the law for allegedly striking him, and she's now surrendered to police in NYC.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... Grace Jabbari was arrested Wednesday evening at Manhattan's 10th Precinct for allegedly attacking the "Creed III" actor after Majors filed a cross complaint against her back on June 22.

Our sources say Jabbari allegedly scratched Majors on his right hand and smacked him across the face with an open hand, causing a cut to his cheek and ear pain. She then allegedly tore buttons off his coat, and damaged the front pocket.

We're told she's being booked for misdemeanor assault and criminal mischief.


There's one big problem ... the Manhattan D.A.’s office filed court papers Tuesday, saying it informed the NYPD last month it has no intention of prosecuting Jabbari for "the belated allegations made by defendant [Majors] regarding the incident on March 25, 2023."

Clearly, the D.A. and police are not seeing eye to eye on this case -- NYPD believes it has probable cause to arrest Jabbari, and even though the D.A. didn't ... cops are still booking her.

As for Majors, he was charged with misdemeanor assault and harassment in March after Jabbari accused him of assaulting her inside a Manhattan apartment. Jabbari was later treated for head and neck injuries at a local hospital and released.

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Majors believes his side has a smoking gun proving his innocence -- security footage of Jabbari partying all night after the alleged attack. In court docs, Major's attorney Priya Chaudhry noted Jabbari was seen walking normally into the establishment, ordering drinks, dancing and pushing her hair back with the hand she claimed Majors injured.

At a Wednesday hearing, the judge set Major's trial date for November 29.

Jonathan Majors Ex novia es detenida por agredirlo Fiscalía no la procesará

La ex novia de Jonathan Majors, que lo acusa de agredirlo, se encuentra ella misma en problemas por supuestamente golpearlo y ahora se entregó a la policía de Nueva York.

Fuentes policiales dicen a TMZ que Grace Jabbari fue detenida el miércoles por la noche en la comisaría 10 de Manhattan por supuestamente atacar al actor de "Creed III", después de que Majors presentara una denuncia cruzada contra ella el 22 de junio.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Jabbari supuestamente arañó Majors en su mano derecha y lo golpeó en la cara con la mano abierta, causando un corte en su mejilla y dolor de oído. A continuación, le habría arrancado los botones del abrigo y dañado su bolsillo delantero.

Nos dicen que ella está siendo fichada por el delito menor de asalto y daño criminal.

Pero hay un gran problema, la oficina del fiscal de Manhattan presentó documentos judiciales el martes, diciendo que informó a la policía de Nueva York el mes pasado que no tiene intención de procesar a Jabbari por "las alegaciones tardías hechas por el acusado [Majors] en relación con el incidente del 25 de marzo de 2023".

Claramente, el fiscal y la policía no están de acuerdo en este caso. Los oficiales de Nueva York creen que tienen una causa probable para arrestar a Jabbari y aunque el fiscal considera que no es el caso, los policías aun así la están fichando.

En cuanto a Majors, el actor fue acusado del delito menor de asalto y acoso en marzo después de que Jabbari lo acusara de agredirla dentro de un apartamento de Manhattan. Jabbari fue tratada posteriormente por lesiones en la cabeza y el cuello en un hospital local y dada de alta.

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De fiesta toda la noche

Majors cree que tiene evidencias que demuestran su inocencia, esto es, imágenes de seguridad de Jabbari de fiesta toda la noche después del presunto ataque. En los documentos judiciales, el abogado de Major Priya Chaudhry señaló que Jabbari fue vista caminando normalmente en el establecimiento, pidiendo bebidas, bailando y peinando su pelo hacia atrás con la misma mano que afirmó que Majors le hirió.

En una audiencia celebrada el miércoles, el juez fijó la fecha del juicio de Major para el 29 de noviembre.

Marlon Wayans I Was Racially Targeted By United Agent ... Wants Citation Tossed

Marlon Wayans says he should have never been hit with a citation for disturbing the peace at an airport earlier this year ... claiming it should be thrown out because his reaction was justified after being racially targeted.

The comedian's attorney filed to dismiss the case Thursday, saying the United Airlines agent at the Denver airport targeted him back in June based on his race.

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Remember, Marlon wasn't allowed to board his flight to Kansas City with 3 bags, and was removed from the aircraft after getting into it with the agent while trying to consolidate to 2 bags.

His attorney also said several white passengers with 3 bags were allowed to board the plane while his client was receiving the heat.

Marlon was hit with a citation for disturbing the peace ... but his attorney says Denver prosecutors would be turning a blind eye to blatant racial targeting if they don't dismiss the case.

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Marlon joined us on "TMZ Live" just days after the incident, breaking down what happened from his perspective -- and telling us the company did reach out to him, but only to back their own policy.

BTW, Marlon spoke with us outside a Delta terminal -- and he told us exactly why he'll try to fly with them instead of United from now on.

NBA Star Brandon Miller Sued For Wrongful Death

Brandon Miller -- the ex-Crimson Tide star who was the No. 2 overall pick in the 2023 NBA Draft -- has been sued for wrongful death by the family of the woman who was killed in a shooting earlier this year near the University of Alabama.

The lawsuit, obtained by TMZ Sports, was filed in a federal court on Friday by Jamea Harris' mother, DeCarla Heard ... nearly 10 months after Harris was allegedly murdered by Miller's friend.

In the suit, Heard claims Miller played a significant role in her daughter's Jan. 14 death ... alleging Miller was the one who came to the location of the shooting with the firearm that Michael Davis then used to kill Harris.

Heard claims Miller, Davis and former Tide basketball player Darius Miles had all been together earlier in the night at a row of clubs in Tuscaloosa, when Miller left because a line to get into one of the bars was too long. She says Miles left his gun in Miller's ride before the basketball phenom took off.

A short time later, though, Heard says Davis and Miles left the bar ... and got into a dispute with Harris, her boyfriend and her cousin. She claims in the suit Miles then texted Miller, now a Charlotte Hornet, asking for his "joint" because "someone was 'fakin',' meaning using words in an aggressive manner with no intention or ability to back them up."

Heard says when Miller showed up minutes later, Miles then retrieved the gun from the hooper's ride, before he handed it off to Davis. She alleges Davis then approached Harris, her BF and her cousin in a car and fired off rounds -- striking Harris with at least one in the face, killing her.

Heard is seeking damages ... claiming Davis, Miles and Miller "should have known that bringing a dangerous weapon to a dispute and discharging said weapon would likely result in harm to those around them."

For his part, Miller's attorney said in February that Miller "never touched the gun, was not involved in its exchange to Mr. Davis in any way, and never knew that illegal activity involving the gun would occur." He was never charged with a crime.

As for Miles and Davis, both are facing capital murder charges over their alleged roles in Harris' death.

Miller, meanwhile, has since inked a multi-million-dollar deal with the Hornets ... and is expected to be a legit competitor for Rookie of the Year honors this season.

MATTHEW MCCONAUGHEY Obtiene una orden de alejamiento de cinco años Contra presunta acosadora

Matthew McConaughey ha conseguido una orden de alejamiento de cinco años contra una mujer que, según él afirma, lo ha estado molestando durante años y que recientemente se presentó en el evento de su libro.

Un juez concedió la orden el jueves en la corte. La mujer no estaba presente y pidió un aplazamiento, pero se le negó porque el juez ya le había concedido más tiempo y no encontró ninguna buena causa para retrasar la audiencia más tiempo.

Como informamos, Matthew afirmó en documentos legales que fue bombardeado con "cartas desquiciadas, correos electrónicos y demandas frívolas diseñadas para atraerlo a la corte desde abril de 2022. Supuestamente, también creía que los dos estaban en una relación.

El actor dijo que las cosas se intensificaron el mes pasado cuando se enteró de que ella había comprado un boleto para un evento fotográfico en Los Ángeles para su libro infantil, "Just Because". Matthew afirmó que era alarmante que ella hubiera planeado viajar cientos de kilómetros solo para verlo.

Fuentes cercanas a Matthew dicen que él sabía que los niños y las familias estarían en el evento y quería mantener a todos a salvo, así que por eso finalmente decidió solicitar la orden de restricción. Resulta que ella apareció y fue rápidamente recibida por la policía y escoltada fuera.

Ahora no podrá acercarse a Matthew durante 5 años más. Un representante del actor no hizo comentarios sobre la decisión del tribunal.

Matthew McConaughey Granted 5-Year Restraining order Against Alleged Stalker

Matthew McConaughey has been granted a 5-year restraining order against a woman he claims has been bothering him for years ... most recently showing up at his book event.

A judge granted the order Thursday in court -- the woman was not present and asked for a continuance but was denied because the judge had already granted her more time and didn't find any good cause to delay the hearing further.

As we reported, Matthew claimed in legal docs that he was bombarded with "unhinged letters, emails, and frivolous lawsuits designed to lure me into court" by the woman since April 2022. She also allegedly believed the two were in a relationship.

The actor said things escalated last month when he learned she'd bought a ticket to a photo op event in Los Angeles for his children's book, "Just Because." Matthew claimed it was alarming she'd planned to travel hundreds of miles just to see him.

Sources close to Matthew say he knew children and families would be at the event, and he wanted to keep everyone safe ... so that's why he finally decided to file for the restraining order. Turns out, she did show and was promptly greeted by cops and escorted out.

Now she won't be allowed anywhere near Matthew for 5 more years. A rep for the actor had no comment on the court's decision.

Zachery Ty Bryan liberado tras violar parte de su acuerdo de liberación

Zachery Ty Bryan estuvo en una cárcel de Oregón por tercera vez la semana pasada pero finalmente está libre ahora después de un gran malentendido, según nos han informado.

Un funcionario de la cárcel del condado de Lane nos confirmó que la ex estrella de "Home Improvement" fue liberada de la custodia el domingo, esto después de que fuera arrestado y llevado por las autoridades el jueves. Nos dicen que pagó fianza para salir, pero no está claro de cuanto fue el monto.

Las acusaciones que aparecieron en su última hoja de antecedentes (obtenida por TMZ) fueron impactantes al principio: 2 cargos de asalto de cuarto grado. Pero después de hablar con personas directamente relacionadas con el caso, nos han asegurado que este último arresto NO se trata de un nuevo incidente.

El abogado de Zachery, John J. Kolego, nos dice que su cliente fue arrestado como resultado de una violación técnica de su acuerdo de liberación a principios de este año, cuando fue arrestado por cargos de asalto. Nos dijeron que Zachery olvidó cargar su monitor de tobillo por error... y eso fue todo.

Kolego nos dice que lo llevaron bajo custodia durante una comparecencia en la oficina de la corte previa al juicio y que su arresto no involucró a un juez. Nos dijeron que tampoco involucró ningún consumo excesivo de alcohol, como algunos medios de comunicación han sugerido.

El abogado de Zachery agrega sobre el arresto de julio y el caso subsiguiente: "Zachery espera exonerarse a sí mismo en el juicio".

Recuerda que Zachery aceptó un acuerdo de culpabilidad por su primer caso en 2020 por 2 cargos menores, pero lo arrestaron por segunda vez a principios de este año por cargos muy similares a los de su arresto inicial. Todo parece estar relacionado con una mujer con la que está en una relación y con quien tiene hijos.

En el momento de su primera condena, Zachery le dijo a la prensa que todo había sido exagerado por los medios de comunicación. La segunda vez, su abogado defensor dijo que Zachery merece la presunción de inocencia hasta que se conozcan todos los hechos.

Zachery no ha actuado mucho desde finales de la década de 2000, aunque apareció en una serie de Netflix el año pasado llamada "The Guardians of Justice".

Zachery Ty Bryan Released from Custody ... After Technical Violation

Zachery Ty Bryan found himself in an Oregon jail for a third time this past week -- but he's finally out now ... this after a major misunderstanding, TMZ has learned.

A Lane County Jail official confirmed to us that the former "Home Improvement" star was released from custody Sunday -- this after he was arrested and taken in by the authorities on Thursday. We're told he posted bail to get out ... but it's unclear how much at this point.

The charges that showed up on his latest booking sheet -- obtained by TMZ -- were startling at first ... 2 counts of 4th-degree felony assault ... but after speaking with people directly connected to the case, we've been assured this latest arrest is NOT over a new incident.

Zachery's attorney, John J. Kolego, tells us his client got hauled in as a result of a technical violation of his release agreement from earlier this year ... when he was busted on assault charges. We're told ZTB failed to charge his ankle monitor by mistake ... that's it.

Kolego tells us he got taken into custody during a pre-trial court office appearance, and that his arrest didn't involve a judge. We're told it also didn't involve any binge drinking -- as has been suggested by some media outlets.

Zachery's attorney adds of the July arrest and subsequent case ... "Zachery is looking forward to exonerating himself at trial."

Remember, ZTB copped a plea deal for his 1st case in 2020 on 2 lesser charges -- but he got busted for a 2nd time just earlier this year ... on very similar charges to his initial arrest. It all appears to pertain to a woman he's in a relationship with ... and with whom he has kids.

At the time of his first conviction, Zachery told the press that the whole thing was blown out of proportion by the media. The second time around, his defense attorney said Zachery deserves the presumption of innocence until all the facts come out.

Zachery hasn't acted in much since the late 2000s, although he did appear in a Netflix series last year called "The Guardians of Justice."

Tyrese Gibson Fires Back at Home Depot ... You Can't Bully Me!!

Tyrese Gibson isn't about to let Home Depot call him a liar over his claims of racism ... saying he refuses to be bullied by the retail giant, and is gonna do all he can to correct the alleged discrimination he says he faced inside one of HD's stores.

Tyrese tells us he's 100% committed to "taking a stand against The Home Depot in defense of our own civil rights and the civil rights of all who have been subjected to discriminatory practices and consumer racial profiling."

He continues, "The Home Depot and its team of attorneys seek to deny our claims and silence our voices as reflected in their most recent court filing. But we will not back down. We will not be bullied. We will use all of our energy to  correct the conduct of the company, in service of the broader goal of a shared future free from discrimination."

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TMZ broke the story, HD responded to Tyrese's lawsuit Thursday claiming they've reviewed surveillance footage that pokes a lot of holes in Tyrese's initial lawsuit.

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The store says Tyrese came in, grabbed a bunch of items and had a cashier ring everything up ... then left the register to do more shopping for 25 minutes, forcing the cashier to clear Tyrese's transaction.

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In his original lawsuit, Tyrese said the cash register delay happened because of a computer glitch and he had to go to the parking lot to hide out because people started to recognize who he was rather than stick around to watch the rest of the transaction.

Tyrese says the cashier allowed him to leave his credit card with a couple buddies who would complete the transaction ... but HD is calling BS, saying their footage shows Tyrese never even spoke face-to-face to the cashier.

Eventually, Tyrese got on FaceTime with the cashier from the parking lot, but the cashier and store manager let him know he needed to come inside and present his ID to complete the purchase.

Home Depot says their surveillance footage shows Tyrese come back inside, get in a heated argument with store employees ... but he eventually showed his ID and completed the purchase.

Tyrese's lawsuit is for $1 million.

Nate Diaz New Orleans Street Fight Case Dropped

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Nate Diaz is no longer facing any time behind bars for his role in an altercation on Bourbon Street earlier this year ... prosecutors have just dropped the criminal case against the former UFC star.

A spokesperson for the Orleans Parish District Attorney's office confirmed to TMZ Sports on Monday afternoon that Diaz's second-degree battery charge has been dismissed. No further details surrounding the case's disposition, however, were given.

Diaz's rep, Zach Rosenfield, said in a statement that he was pleased with the decision ... reiterating yet again that he believes when Diaz choked out Rodney Petersen in the middle of the famed New Orleans street back in April, he was doing nothing more than defending himself.

"Since Rodney Peterson sought out to fight Nate on Bourbon Street, we have maintained Nate's actions were 100 percent in self-defense," Rosenfield stated.

"It was clear on the video, clear in pictures and clear from the multiple other videos Rodney posted before and after."

"Nate has a right to defend himself against those who want to make a name for themselves and did so," Rosenfield added.

"We appreciate the Orleans Parish District Attorney taking the time to review all aspects of this case and their decision to not proceed with it."

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DAZN Boxing

Diaz never seemed to be too bothered by the criminal case ... he actually joked about it all with Jake Paul in May -- laughing with the YouTuber/boxer at their pre-fight press conference.

Diaz went on to lose to Paul in their match in August.

Matthew McConaughey Consigue orden de restricción contra una acosadora ... Temía que se presentara en un evento

Matthew McConaughey ha conseguido una orden de restricción en contra de una mujer que, según el actor, lo ha acosado y acosado por más de un año. Matthew presentó la solicitud antes de que se llevara a cabo un evento, al que temía que asistiera.

De acuerdo con los documentos obtenidos por TMZ, Matthew afirma que ha sido objeto de acoso por parte de esta mujer desde abril del 2022, diciendo que le ha enviado "cartas desquiciadas, correos electrónicos y demandas frívolas diseñadas para atraerme a la corte con el fin de contactarse conmigo."

El actor dice que ella asegura que está en una relación con Matthew y que es co-autora de sus libros, pero él nunca se ha puesto en contacto con ella, y le ha pedido a su equipo de seguridad que la traten amablemente cuando hablen con ella. Pero, él quería dejar bien claro que no tiene deseos de hablar.

Matthew dice que las cosas han ido escalando y que recientemente esta mujer compró un boleto para un evento fotográfico de su libro para niños, "Just Because", en Los Ángeles, para el cual planeaba viajar "más de 300 millas" para reunirse con él.

El actor afirma que también le envió un "correo electrónico amenazador" a la librería antes del evento, confirmando su asistencia.

Claramente, el juez estuvo de acuerdo con que la mujer era un problema, por eso decidieron concederle la orden temporal.

Matthew McConaughey Gets Restraining Order Against Alleged Stalker ... Feared She'd Jeopardize Book Event

Matthew McConaughey got a restraining order against a woman he says has stalked and harassed him for over a year ... filing for protection before an in-person event he feared she'd attend.

According to the docs, obtained by TMZ, Matthew claims he's been subjected to harassment from the woman since April 2022 -- saying she has sent him "unhinged letters, emails, and frivolous lawsuits designed to lure me into court to contact me."

He claims she thinks she's in a relationship with Matthew and co-authored his books with him ... adding he's never contacted her and told his security to treat her kindly when talking to her, but wanted them to make it clear he doesn't want to talk.

He says things have escalated, claiming she bought a ticket to a recent photo op event for his children's book, "Just Because," in L.A., and planned to travel "over 300 miles" to meet him.

Matthew claims she also sent a "threatening email" to the bookstore ahead of the event, confirming her attendance.

Clearly, the judge agreed she was an issue ... granting the temporary order for Matthew.

Kanye West demandado Quería una casa sin ventanas ni luz eléctrica... Alega un empleado despedido

Kanye West tenía al director del proyecto de remodelación de su casa de Malibú durmiendo en el suelo, y lo despidió luego de tener un desacuerdo sobre eliminar o no todas las ventanas de la casa y la electricidad. Esto, de acuerdo a una nueva demanda

Ye está siendo demandado por un hombre llamado Tony Saxon, quien afirma que Yeezy lo contrató en septiembre de 2021 como gerente de proyecto, cuidador y guardia de seguridad 24/7 de la propiedad del magnate en Malibú.

Según la demanda obtenida por TMZ, Saxon asegura que trabajaba 16 horas algunos días y dormía en el suelo mientras coordinaba la remodelación de Kanye. Y añade que a Ye no le podía importar menos que literalmente usara un abrigo como ropa de cama improvisada.

En los documentos, Saxon dice que Kanye ignoró todas sus preocupaciones y solo le pagó por una semana de trabajo hasta que las cosas llegaron a un punto crítico en noviembre de 2021, cuando Ye le exigió quitar todas las ventanas de la casa y la electricidad.

Saxon dice que "expresó su preocupación por el peligro extremo de tales acciones", pero afirma que Kanye levantó la voz e insistió en mover grandes generadores dentro de la casa, lo que podría conducir a un peligro de incendio, según alegaba Taxon.

En la demanda, Saxon afirma que Kanye lo amenazó y le dijo que sería considerado "un enemigo" si no accedía a sus demandas. Saxon no cedió y Kanye le dijo que "se largara".

Saxon también dice que Ye le dijo: "Si no haces lo que digo, no vas a trabajar para mí, no voy a ser tu amigo nunca más y solo me verás en televisión". Taxon le dijo que no veía televisión y fue despedido en el acto.

El tipo está demandando a Kanye por varias violaciones del código laboral, salarios no pagados y además va tras Yeezy por daños y perjuicios.

Kanye West Sued He Wanted Home Without Windows, Electricity ... Employee Claims He Was Fired for Not Complying

Kanye West had the project manager overseeing the remodel of his Malibu home sleeping on the floor, and fired the guy over a disagreement about removing all the home's windows and electricity ... this according to a new lawsuit.

Ye is being sued by a man named Tony Saxon, who claims Yeezy hired him back in September 2021 as project manager, caretaker and 24/7 security for the mogul's Malibu property.

According to the lawsuit, obtained by TMZ, Saxon claims he was working 16-hour days and sleeping on the floor while coordinating Kanye's remodel ... and he says Ye couldn't care less that he was literally using a coat as makeshift bedding.

In the docs, Saxon says Kanye ignored all of his concerns and only paid him for one week of work until things reached a head in November 2021 when Saxon claims Ye demanded Saxon remove all the home's windows and electricity.

Saxon says he "expressed concerns about the extreme danger of such actions" ... but he claims Kanye raised his voice and then insisted on moving large generators inside the house, which Saxon worried would potentially lead to a fire hazard.

In the suit, Saxon claims Kanye threatened him and said he would be considered "an enemy" if he didn't comply with the demands. Saxon says he wouldn't budge and Kanye told him to "get the hell out."

Saxon also says Ye told him, "If you don't do what I say, you're not going to work for me, I'm not gonna be your friend anymore and you'll just see me on TV." He says he told Ye he didn't watch TV and was fired on the spot.

The guy's suing Kanye for various labor code violations ... and he's going after Yeezy for unpaid wages, plus damages.