Rick Ross $20 Million Renovation Begins At Star Island Mansion!!! 🚧

Rick Ross' estate caught a few strays in his short-lived rap battle with Drake but the Bawse is currently making $20 million tweaks to his property as we speak!

Last weekend, construction spearheaded by celebrity homebuilder Manny Angelo Varas, President and CEO of MV Group USA, kicked off at Rozay's 37 Star Island mansion.

We broke the story last August ... Rozay dropped a cool $35 million on the 6-bedroom, 9-bathroom palace with the intent to tack on major upgrades ... and we're told there's a target date to finish by the end of the year.

Drake Tiroteo en su casa de Toronto ... Guardia de seguridad herido


8:42 AM PT -- La policía acaba de dar una conferencia de prensa sobre el tiroteo en la casa de Drake y no tenían mucho más que decir sobre lo que ya se ha revelado.

Investigación en Marcha
LiveNOW from FOX

Confirmaron que fue un guardia de seguridad el que fue acribillado cuando estaba en la puerta principal y dicen que se encuentra en estado grave. No hay descripción de los sospechosos o el vehículo todavía. Tampoco se conocen las posibles motivaciones. No está claro si Drake estaba en casa, pero dicen que está cooperando.

Le preguntaron a los policías sobre la disputa con Kendrick, pero no quisieron hablar de ello. La policía dice que el incidente fue grabado en video y que siguen sondeando por ahora.

7:25 AM PT -- Nuestras fuentes confirman que la persona herida es un miembro del equipo de seguridad de Drake. La policía aún no dice si cree que el tiroteo está relacionado con la disputa con Kendrick Lamar, pero reveló que la víctima sufrió una herida de bala en la parte superior del pecho, y parece haber sido un ataque desde un carro.

Drake Shooting at Toronto Home ... Security Guard Injured


8:42 AM PT -- Cops just did a press conference addressing the shooting at Drake's house -- and they didn't have too much more to say than what's already been revealed.

LiveNOW from FOX

They confirmed it was a security guard who got hit standing at the front gate ... and they say he's in serious condition. There's no description of the suspects or vehicle just yet -- and there's no known motive either. Unclear if Drake was home, but they say he's cooperating.

The cops were asked about the Kendrick Lamar beef, but they wouldn't speak on it either way. The police say their incident was caught on video -- and they're canvassing for more now.

Will Smith detienen a un presunto intruso Tras merodear por su casa

Son tiempos tensos para el equipo de seguridad de Will Smith. Todo gracias a un invitado no deseado que obligó a los guardias a actuar hasta que la policía pudiera llegar... TMZ ha indagado.

Fuentes policiales nos dicen que los agentes respondieron dos veces el pasado miércoles a la casa del actor en el área de Los Ángeles, con la primera llamada informando de un hombre sospechoso merodeando cerca de la puerta de Will y preguntando por alguien que no vive allí.

Nos dicen que la seguridad le exigió al hombre salir de la propiedad y desapareció antes de que los oficiales llegaran, pero regresó poco tiempo después y de alguna manera accedió a los terrenos.

Tom Selleck I Might Lose My CA Ranch ... W/ 'Blue Bloods' Ending

Tom Selleck is apparently still very much a working actor -- to the point that he says he's worried about losing one of his properties now that his famous show is going off the air.

He made the startling revelation on CBS Sunday Morning this weekend -- where he was being interviewed about the fact 'Blue Bloods' had finally been canceled after 14 seasons ... where he served as the lead star for all them, playing the head honcho of the NYPD.

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CBS News

Now that his most consistent gig is getting the axe, Tom says he's not so sure he can afford his 63-acre ranch in Cali ... and while that might sound like a joke, homeboy ain't playing.

Will Smith Alleged Trespasser Arrested ... After Lurking Around Home

Tense times for Will Smith's security team, thanks to an unscheduled and unwanted guest guards had to take down at Will's home until cops could arrive ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell us ... L.A. County Sheriff's Department deputies responded twice last Wednesday to the actor's L.A.-area home -- with the first call reporting a suspicious man lurking near Will's gate, and asking for someone who doesn't live there.

We're told security demanded the man leave the property, and he disappeared before deputies arrived -- but, he returned just a short time later, somehow gaining access to the grounds.

Tom Selleck Podría perder mi rancho en California

Parece que Tom Selleck sigue siendo un actor muy trabajador, pero ahora le preocupa perder una de sus propiedades ahora que su famosa serie va a dejar de emitirse.

Hizo la sorprendente revelación en CBS Sunday Morning este fin de semana, donde fue entrevistado sobre el hecho de que "Blue Bloods" finalmente fue cancelada después de 14 temporadas, donde se desempeñó como la estrella principal para todos ellos, interpretando al jefe de la policía de Nueva York.

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no hay garantías
CBS News

Ahora que su proyecto más consistente está llegando a su fin, Tom dice que no está tan seguro de que pueda pagar su rancho de 63 acres en California, y mientras que podría sonar como una broma, parece que no está jugando.

Kaley Cuoco Se despide de su casa de Los Ángeles ¡Se vende por millones!

Kaley Cuoco se ha separado oficialmente de su casa en Los Ángeles, vendiendo el lugar por millones de dólares.

La propiedad de 9 acres de la actriz acaba de ser vendida a un nuevo propietario, esto después de que ella la comprara por $5.25 millones a Taylor Lautner en 2022. Ahora tiene nuevos propietarios, a menos de un año de haber sido listada.

La casa se vendió por casi $5.5 millones, así que fue un buen negocio después de todo, y Kaley anotó una victoria en el mercado de la vivienda. Francamente, es un mercado difícil estos días.

Kaley Cuoco Says Goodbye to L.A. Home ... Sells for Millions!!!

Kaley Cuoco has officially parted ways with her crib in L.A. -- selling the place for millions of dollars ... and raking in a nice little bundle that puts her in the black.

The actress's 9-acre estate just recently sold to a new owner -- this after she snapped it up for $5.25 million from Taylor Lautner in 2022 -- now has new owners ... less than a year after being listed.

The house sold for nearly $5.5 mil -- so, a good deal all around ... as Kaley walks away with a profit, which is a win in the housing market. Frankly, it's rough out there these days.

Chris Pine At War With Neighbor ... You're Barking Up Wrong Ficus Tree!!!

Chris Pine's in a court battle with his neighbor over the roots he's put down in L.A. -- roots that are allegedly infiltrating this woman's backyard ... and we mean that quite literally.

TMZ has obtained legal docs that show Chris ensnared in a showdown with music attorney Helen Yu -- who lives next door to him in the Hollywood Hills ... and who's brought action against him for what she claims is destruction of her property due to his trees.

Long story short ... Yu alleges Chris has planted at least a dozen ficus trees at the border of his own home, but because these pesky plants have out-of-control roots ... she claims they've started to spread and encroach on her own parcel, and it's ruining her yard.

Kim Zolciak & Kroy Biermann Home Foreclosure Date Set ... Unless They Act Soon

Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann could be out on their ass soon -- their lender is letting them know loud and clear that they plan to foreclose on their house ... unless they make some moves in court.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Truist Bank's attorneys sent a clear and decisive message to Kim and Kroy -- as well as to the court -- and they say they're finally ready to take back ownership of their Milton, GA mansion.

Kim & Kroy's Cove
Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International

Per the paperwork, Truist is giving notice that it plans to initiate a non-judicial foreclosure proceeding on or after May 3 ... which is literally a few days away. It doesn't necessarily mean Kim and Kroy have to be out by that date -- but that's certainly when the ball gets rolling officially on the legal side of things.

The Weeknd's Manager Security Guard Shot ... In Attempted Home Invasion

The Weeknd's manager Amir "Cash XO" Esmailian is currently dealing with the aftermath of a scary situation -- this after one of his security guards was shot multiple times.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... the shooting occurred early Monday morning at 2:25 AM outside a home in the Amestoy Estates area of Encino, a Los Angeles suburb.

According to cops, the security guard encountered three males wearing hoodies and masks who had made their way onto the $12 million property that boasts 7 bedrooms, 9 bathrooms, and a "state-of-the-art security system.''

Cara Delevingne La causa del incendio aún es un misterio

El devastador incendio de la casa de Cara Delevingne en Los Ángeles el mes pasado ha dejado perplejos a los bomberos de la ciudad. A pesar de sus mejores esfuerzos, han dictaminado oficialmente que su causa es indeterminada.

Los daños del incendio
The Image Direct

Los funcionarios de LAFD le dicen a TMZ que el escuadrón de incendios premeditados se hizo cargo de la investigación bajo un procedimiento estándar, pero no pudieron determinar el origen exacto ni la causa del incendio debido a los grandes daños.

Estrepitosa caída
TMZ Studios

Sin testigos y a falta de pruebas forenses, los investigadores llegaron a un callejón sin salida. Sin embargo, dejaron claro que nunca se sospechó de crimen violento.

CARA DELEVINGNE Cause of House Fire Still a Mystery

Cara Delevingne's devastating L.A. area house fire last month has left the LAFD scratching their heads ... despite their best efforts, they've officially ruled the cause undetermined.

The Aftermath
The Image Direct

LAFD officials tell TMZ the arson squad took on Cara's house fire investigation as standard procedure but couldn't pinpoint the exact origin and cause of the blaze due to the extensive damage.

TMZ Studios

With no witnesses and a lack of forensic evidence, investigators hit a dead end. However, they made it clear foul play was never suspected.

BOB BARKER HISTORIC ESTATE SELLS FOR Millions ... Well Over Asking Price!!!

Bob Barker's historic estate was listed for $2.9 million -- but whoever snapped it up ended up spending even more to buy it ... going well over asking.

Real estate sources tell TMZ ... interior designer Julia Dempster sealed the deal Thursday by plunking down a whopping $3,788,000 on the 6-bedroom, 6-bath Spanish Colonial Revival-style Hollywood Hills estate, this just a month after it hit the market.

We're told the estate had a staggering 250 showings, so it was clearly in high demand ... hence why Julia had to dig deep into her pockets to snag it. Now, she gets to sit back, relax and enjoy her new home, which is a true slice of L.A. history.

Sofía Vergara finalmente vende su casa Luego de bajarle considerablemente el precio

Sofía Vergara finalmente puede cerrar el libro de su matrimonio con Joe Manganiello para siempre, porque acaba de deshacerse del último vestigio de su pasado... la casa de lujo que compartían.

La propiedad de la actriz en Beverly Hills -que había estado tratando de vender desde hace un par de años- encontró un nuevo propietario esta semana según los registros en línea, a un precio final de $13.7 millones.

Eso es mucho menos de lo que costaba hace unos meses, cuando ella la puso de nuevo al mercado por $13.9 millones, y ya había sido rebajada en gran medida desde 2022.

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