Allanamientos de Diddy Ridley Scott queda atrapado en medio del caos... No puede pasar a su casa

El director Ridley Scott parecía muy frustrado después de haber quedado atrapado en medio del caos, mientras se llevaba a cabo la redada federal en la casa de Diddy en L.A.

Echa un vistazo a las nuevas fotos que muestran al nominado al Oscar saliendo de su vehículo el lunes después de que los oficiales le impidieran llegar a su casa en Holmby Hills. Sin duda, no era el mejor día para ser vecino de Diddy.

Mientras la policía acordonaba la calle y el vecindario cercano a la mansión de 40 millones de dólares de Diddy, el cineasta fue visto atrapado en medio del caos.

Ridley, sin embargo, no fue diferente de los otros intrusos, ya que en una foto parece estar mirando más de cerca la situación, pero se tienen que imaginar que también estaba frustrado por no poder llegar a donde estaba tratando de ir.

Tenemos la sensación de que Ridley no fue la única persona de alto perfil afectada por los acontecimientos de ayer.

Holmby Hills es un barrio de la zona oeste de Los Ángeles que solía ser el hogar de varias celebridades, como Frank Sinatra, Barbra Streisand y Michael Jackson.

Hoy en día hay más magnates de los negocios y CEOs por ahí, pero Ridley, Diddy, Rod Stewart y Kylie Jenner todavía están en el Holmby 'hood.

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Allanando la mansión
Fox 11

Kylie se hizo con una morada de 7 dormitorios en la elegante zona por 36,5 millones de dólares en 2020. Aunque, recientemente puso en venta la costosa mansión, por lo que podría no residir mucho más tiempo allí.

Todos los ojos estaban puestos en el exclusivo vecindario cuando la Seguridad Nacional descendió sobre la propiedad de Diddy como parte de una investigación en curso.

Como informó TMZ, decenas de agentes y oficiales cerraron toda la zona con múltiples helicópteros dando vueltas alrededor de la escena.

La casa de Diddy en Miami también fue allanada por los federales que emitieron órdenes de registro y trataron de reunir pruebas que podrían ser utilizadas para procesar a Diddy.

Diddy: Últimos desarrollos

Aunque los federales aún no revelan qué tipo de pruebas están buscando, ha habido múltiples acusaciones de tráfico sexual en las demandas civiles presentadas contra Diddy, y los federales probablemente está investigando si se violaron leyes federales.

Diddy Home Raids Ridley Scott Caught Up in Chaos ... Blocked From Home

Director Ridley Scott appeared seriously frustrated after he was inadvertently caught in the crossfire, figuratively, during the federal raid on Diddy's Los Angeles-area home.

Check out the new photos showing the Oscar nominee getting out of his vehicle Monday after law enforcement blocked him from getting to his home in Holmby Hills ... not a great day to be Diddy's neighbor.

As police taped off the neighborhood street near Diddy's $40 million mansion, the filmmaker was spotted stuck in traffic amid the chaos.

Matt Barnes Tense Standoff With Opossum ... Get Outta My House!!!


Ex-NBA tough guy Matt Barnes met his match this week ... coming face-to-face with a pesky opossum that entered his home -- and the video of the standoff is riveting.

The 44-year-old hooper documented the whole thing on his Instagram page ... showing his elaborate plan to get the creature out of his kitchen.

Barnes -- who's in the process of moving -- had a bunch of boxes set up in hopes of leading the opossum toward the door.

The guy even tried throwing various fruits at it ... but the intruder refused to budge.

Barnes then grabbed a golf club ... with the intent to "put a pitching wedge up his ass."

The 6'7" champ did everything he could to keep a distance ... hopping around on the countertops and spraying the rodent with water, which only made it more of a challenge as it scurried further into the home.

At one point, MB even pondered lighting a joint to get the critter high ... but elected against it.

Eventually, Barnes' nemesis decided it was time to go back outside ... bolting for the door and off the property.

"I'll fight anybody, but I don't f*** with animals," Barnes said. "That's for g**damn sure."

The interaction received a ton of responses from Barnes' followers ... including Deion Sanders, Jon Jones, Gilbert Arenas, Terrell Owens and more.

Hopefully, Barnes' new crib is free of any unwanted pets!!

DIDDY PRESUNTA "MULA" DETENIDA POR NARCOTRÁFICO En medio de redada de los federales

La supuesta "mula" de Diddy -tal y como se describe en una reciente demanda- fue arrestada el lunes, mientras Diddy y su equipo estaban siendo detenidos por agentes federales... TMZ ha confirmado.

De acuerdo con la declaración jurada obtenida por TMZ, Brendon Paul -de 25 años de edad- fue fichado por dos cargos de drogas diferentes luego de que los federales interceptaron el avión de Diddy en el aeropuerto de Opa Locka en Miami, por un cargo de posesión de presunta cocaína y otro de posesión de presuntos dulces de marihuana. Ambos son delitos graves en Florida.

En el papeleo, los oficiales afirman que mientras trabajaban en conjunto con el personal de Seguridad Nacional y Aduanas y Protección Fronteriza, se encontraron con lo que describen como las drogas sospechosas en las bolsas de viaje de Paul, las cuales dicen que reclamó.

Diddy Alleged 'Mule' Arrested on Drug Charges ... During Run-In with Feds

Diddy's alleged "mule" -- as described in a recent lawsuit -- was arrested Monday while Diddy and his crew were stopped by federal law enforcement agents ... TMZ has confirmed.

According to the affidavit, obtained by TMZ, 25-year-old Brendan Paul was booked on two separate drug charges after the feds intercepted Diddy's plane at the Opa Locka Airport in Miami -- namely, one count of possession of suspected cocaine and another of possession of suspected marijuana candy ... both of which are felonies in Florida.

In the paperwork, officers claim that while they were working in conjunction with Homeland Security and Customs and Border Protection personnel ... they came across what they describe as the suspected drugs in Paul's travel bags, which they say he claimed.

Casa de Cara Delevingne En ruinas después del incendio... Se ve en fotos aéreas

Las consecuencias del incendio
The Image Direct

La mansión de 7 millones de dólares de Cara Delevingne que se incendió hace unas semanas se encuentra en ruinas, lo que queda más que demostrado por algunas imágenes aéreas que muestran los devastadores daños.

Echa un vistazo a este video que da una visión completa de la casa de la supermodelo en Los Ángeles, la que fue golpeada por un gran incendio. Como se puede ver, está totalmente destruida, con la mayor parte del techo tomado por el fuego.

De hecho, la cocina y los dormitorios de la costosa morada se pueden apreciar claramente en las tomas aéreas de los escombros, lo que da una clara idea de lo gravemente quemada que está la casa. Los árboles cercanos y el césped adyacente también fueron arrasados.

Recordemos que casi 100 bomberos acudieron a la mansión tras una llamada al 911 en la madrugada del 15 de marzo. El fuego tardó unas dos horas en ser sofocado por completo.

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Ardiendo durante la noche
Traffic News Los Angeles

Cara estaba devastada tras el accidente. Ella ha estado en Londres últimamente mientras protagoniza la producción "Cabaret" del West End, así que estaba físicamente a salvo.

Por supuesto, había mucha preocupación de que los dos gatos de Cara no hubieran podido salir, pero más tarde ella aseguró a sus fans que sus mascotas estaban sanas y salvas.

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La desafortunada escena

Los padres de Cara, Charles y Pandora, le dijeron a un fotógrafo poco después del trágico incendio que las llamas fueron causadas por un cable de alta tensión durante una noche particularmente ventosa en Los Ángeles. Actualmente, hay una investigación en curso sobre la causa oficial del incidente.

No se sabe cuándo volverá Cara a la propiedad, pero está claro que hay mucho trabajo por hacer para restaurarla.

Cara Delevingne's House In Ruins After Fire ... Aerial Shots Show Major Damage

The Aftermath
The Image Direct

Cara Delevingne's $7 million mansion sits in ruins more than a week after her estate caught fire ... something more than evident in some devastating aerial footage showing the damage.

Check out this video that gives a full scope of the supermodel's L.A.-area home that was ravaged by a massive fire. As you can see, it's totally destroyed, with most of the roof taken out from the blaze.

In fact, the pricey abode's kitchen and bedrooms are captured clearly in the aerial shots of the burnt rubble ... giving us a clear understanding of just how badly burnt the house was. Nearby trees and the lawn adjacent to the home are also visibly scorched.


Bob Barker's iconic estate is hitting the market ... giving one lucky buyer the chance to own a slice of L.A. history -- that is, if they have close to a few million to plunk down.

The late "Price Is Right" icon -- who died in August last year at 99 -- owned the 6-bedroom, 6-bath Spanish Colonial Revival-style estate in the Hollywood Hills for a whopping 50 years ... and it's now up for grabs at a cool $2,988,000.

Bob's pad here has a major legacy behind it -- as it's considered one of the first (if not THE first) houses in Hollywood ... and it's been dubbed the Original "Outpost." General Harrison Grey Otis -- the founder of the L.A. Times -- had it to himself back in the 1880s.


Famed photographer Annie Leibovitz is saying cheese to a massive sale, 'cause she's officially found a buyer for her swanky condo in NYC's West Village ... TMZ has learned.

Real estate sources tell TMZ ... Annie accepted an $8.5 million offer last Thursday for the pad she purchased in 2022 for $6.5 mil -- so she could be making a picture-perfect profit off the 2-bed, 3-bath condo, which also served as her photography studio.

With 3,198 square feet of living space and 60 feet of steel windows perfectly framing the Hudson River, it's no wonder it was her go-to photoshoot backdrop.

Red Hot Chili Peppers' Flea Relists L.A. Home for Just Under $7M

Flea is looking to make an almost $3 million profit on his L.A. area home after listing it for a hefty price ... TMZ has learned.

The Red Hot Chili Peppers founding member put his SoCal estate back on the market Tuesday -- asking for $6.997 million for the residence. Remember, the bassist first nabbed the over five-acre estate in 2018 for $4.25 million. He previously tried to unload it back in 2022.

Still, after taking a closer look at the listing's gorgeous photos, it's clear the home is worth every penny. The residence, which sits north of downtown L.A. in La Crescenta, boasts five bedrooms, five bathrooms, and over 1,350 square feet of living space.

The abode is broken up into two residence spaces. There's the main house, which was constructed in the 2000s, that features two bedrooms, two bathrooms, and striking mountain views.

Sitting above the main residence is the property's original house, which was built in 1953 and includes two bedrooms and an additional bathroom. If you've counted only four bedrooms so far ... you're correct, as there's also a one-bedroom cabin on the five acres that border the Angeles National Forest.

Sounds like a perfect property for anyone looking to have long-term guests or wanting some serious privacy from others.

The amenities are pretty impressive too, as there's a 50-foot-long lap pool and a catering kitchen. Where do we sign up?

Sherri Rogers with Compass and Branden Williams with The Beverly Hills Estates hold the listing.


Christine Quinn no está sentada en el banquillo en medio de la detención de su marido por presunta agresión con un arma mortal, y se prepara para pedir una mayor protección, TMZ ha indagado.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que la estrella de "Selling Sunset" está hablando activamente con sus abogados en este momento, y nos dicen que está dispuesta a exponer su historia con Christian Dumontet, la cual ha sido muy turbulenta.

Nos dicen que está pensando que hacer con su matrimonio -incluyendo la posibilidad de considerar el divorcio- la protección de ella y su hijo es su máxima prioridad en este momento, razón por la cual nuestras fuentes dicen que ella quiere una orden de restricción.

Se nos dice que Christine parece preparada para hacer más acusaciones contra Christian, y es por eso que se está reuniendo con sus abogados. Nos dicen que hay mucho que detallar sobre lo que ella afirma que pasó a puertas cerradas, incluso antes del incidente que ocurrió el martes.

Nuestras fuentes nos dicen que, por ahora, la relación de Christine y Christian se siente irrevocablemente rota, pero hasta que exista una demanda de divorcio, nunca se sabe lo que podría suceder. Todo lo que sabemos es que Christine quisiera tener un campo de fuerza de ser posible.

Como informamos, la orden de protección de emergencia proporcionada por la policía caduca en 7 días, por lo que el miércoles, Christine tendrá que solicitar una orden de restricción temporal si quiere protección legal adicional.

Christian fue detenido dos veces en 2 días. Esto comenzó con el incidente en el cual le lanzó una bolsa con vidrios que terminó golpeando a su hijo.

Hemos tratado de llegar a Christian, pero no hemos tenido suerte.

'Selling Sunset' Christine Quinn Gunning for Extra Protection Against Husband ... Talking to Lawyers for TRO

Christine Quinn isn't sitting on the sidelines amid her husband's arrest for alleged assault with a deadly weapon -- she's going on the offensive and gearing up to ask for further protection ... TMZ has learned.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us the "Selling Sunset" star is actively speaking with attorneys right now -- as we're told she's prepared to lay out her history with Christian Dumontet ... something our sources say has been up-and-down through their marriage.

We're told that before she even entertains what to do with her marriage -- including the possibility of considering divorce -- protecting her and her son is her top priority right now ... which is why our sources say she wants a restraining order.

We're told Christine seems primed to make further allegations against Christian -- which is why she's meeting with lawyers ... because we're told there's lots to detail about what she claims went on behind closed doors, even before the incident that went down on Tuesday.

Our sources do tell us that, for now, Christine and Christian's relationship feels irrevocably broken -- but until a divorce filing is in ... you never know what might happen. All we know is that Christine is dead-set on getting an additional legal forcefield around her ASAP.

As we reported ... the emergency protective order provided to her by police lapses in 7 days -- so by Wednesday, Christine will need to file for a TRO if she wants additional legal protection.

Christian, of course, was arrested twice in 2 days this week stemming from an alleged incident that cops say involved him throwing a sack with glass at her .. and hitting their kid.

We've tried reaching out to Christian without any luck.

'Selling Sunset' Christine Quinn Husband Arrested Again After DV Bust Cops At Their Home At Night

Christine Quinn's husband was arrested for a second time this week -- this after cops say he showed up at their home despite the fact he was ordered to stay away ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell us Christian Dumontet was taken into custody again Wednesday night after cops say he arrived at his and Christine's house in the Hollywood Hills ... which spurred a 911 call and landed Christian in handcuffs for the 2nd day in a row.

We're told he was hauled away by officers and taken to jail, where he was booked on a charge of violating an emergency protective order. Photos of cops on the scene last night show at least one police cruiser at Christine's home ... but not shots of Christian himself.

Unclear who called the cops -- but sources with direct knowledge tell us Christine wasn't the one to alert police to Christian's presence, and more importantly ... we're told she wasn't even at the property at all.

Our sources tell us she hasn't been back to the home since heading to the hospital with their kid -- and is currently in a safe location with the child. Regardless ... we're told Christian being at the property is a no-go based on the legal forcefield afforded to Christine.

Remember ... she was granted an emergency protective order that's in place for 7 days after what allegedly happened between her and Christian on Tuesday -- and if she wants additional protection, she'll have to file for a restraining order.

As we reported ... Christian stands accused of trying to get violent with Christine during an argument -- having allegedly thrown a bag full of glass at her, but missing and allegedly striking their 2-year-old son instead. 911 was called, and Christian was led away by police.

We're told Christian was released from jail early Thursday morning on bond. We've reached out to Christine's camp ... so far, no word back.

We covered the story on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

CHRISTINE QUINN DETIENEN A SU MARIDO OTRA VEZ La policía llega a casa por la noche

El marido de Christine Quinn fue detenido por segunda vez esta semana, esto después de que la policía dijera que se presentó en su casa a pesar de que le ordenaron mantenerse alejado... TMZ ha indagado.

Fuentes policiales nos dicen que Christian Dumontet fue detenido de nuevo la noche del miércoles después de que la policía informara que llegó a su casa y la de Christine en las colinas de Hollywood, lo que provocó una llamada al 911 y su detención por segunda vez consecutiva.

Nos dicen que fue detenido y llevado a la cárcel, donde fue fichado por un cargo de violación de una orden de protección de emergencia. Fotos de la policía de anoche muestran al menos a un carro patrulla de la policía en la casa de Christine, pero no hay capturas de Christian.

No está claro quién llamó a la policía, pero fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que Christine no fue quien lo hizo, y lo más importante, nos dicen que ni siquiera estaba en la propiedad en absoluto.

Nuestras fuentes nos dicen que no ha vuelto a casa desde que se dirigió al hospital con su hijo, y actualmente se encuentra en un lugar seguro con el niño. A pesar de todo, nos informan que Christian no puede entrar a la propiedad por ley.

Recordemos que Christine tiene una orden de protección vigente por 7 días. Esto luego del supuesto ocurrió entre ella y Christian el martes, y si ella quiere protección adicional, tendrá que solicitar una orden de restricción.

Como informamos, Christian está acusado de tratar de ponerse violento con Christine durante una discusión, luego de supuestamente haberle lanzado una bolsa llena de vidrios, la cual terminó golpeando a su hijo de dos años. Llamaron al 911 y a Christian se lo llevó la policía.

Nos han dicho que Christian fue liberado de la cárcel el jueves por la mañana bajo fianza. Nos hemos puesto en contacto con la gente Christine, pero hasta ahora, no hay respuesta.

'90 Day Fiancé' Stars Mixed on Deporting Prince Harry ... No Special Privileges!!!

Donald Trump's hinting at deporting Prince Harry again, and opinions on the possibility are split -- even among reality stars who've famously emigrated to America to find bliss like Harry did.

We spoke with several stars from the hit show "90 Day Fiancé" about the former president suggesting he'd consider booting PH, if reelected -- and while they're split on whether that should happen, they all agree he shouldn't be treated differently than any other citizen.

Jesse Meester, star of season 1 of "90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days" told us he's lived in this country since coming over from Amsterdam, and he's never had any issues 'cause he says he doesn't break the law ... an easy way to stay out of trouble.

Jesse adds he's all for DT's strict approach to the country's border crisis, and he believes the former -- and possible future prez -- is the only competent politician out there.

And, Larissa Lima -- season 6 star of "90 Day Fiancé" who came to the U.S. from Brazil -- said she feels it's a huge privilege to get to live here, and not even famous people like Harry should get special treatment.

Despite that, LL also told us she's not for deporting the Duke of Sussex immediately ... adding that seems more than a little extreme.


We also spoke to Sam Wilson who starred in season 10 of '90 Day,' and he got candid about his own struggles as a former drug addict ... saying he's always judged for his past drug use. But, he's still against Harry getting special treatment, noting other people wouldn't get that kind of exemption.

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They Broke Her Heart

Remember, Donald Trump sat down for an interview with GBN broadcaster Nigel Farage where he straight-up said Prince Harry wouldn't get special privileges if he lied about previous drug use on his Visa form to get into the country.

Harry talked extensively about using drugs in his book "Spare" -- something, theoretically, he would have had to disclose before getting a visa.

The speculation is he did not, and would, therefore, be subject to deportation.

The "90 Day Fiancé" crew seems most concerned with celebrity justice -- so, their view is ... if Harry lied, then they say he's gotta go.

'Selling Sunset' Christine Quinn Husband Arrested for Assault with Deadly Weapon


12:40 PM PT -- Law enforcement sources tell us Christine Quinn was offered an emergency protective order against Christian Dumontet. Sources with direct knowledge tell us she accepted this protective order, which will be in effect for 7 days.

11:38 AM PT -- TMZ has confirmed that Christine and Christian's 2-year-old son was, in fact, transported to the hospital Tuesday via ambulance -- and we're told Christine went with him.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us that an ambulance arrived on the scene to treat the child -- and in the end, we're told first responders thought it'd be best if the kid went to the hospital ... so they took him.

Christine Quinn's husband was arrested this week -- and the charge he was booked for is incredibly serious ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tells us Christian Dumontet was taken into custody Tuesday afternoon near his L.A.-area home -- where he was seen wearing a bathrobe -- and hauled away by cops, who put him in a cruiser and took him to jail.

We're told a call for a domestic incident is what spurred officers to show up. In terms of what allegedly happened -- our sources tell us there was a verbal argument between Christian and Christine ... and Christine told cops Christian threw a bag with glass in it at her.

We're told the bag missed Christine and it actually struck their young child, a 2-year-old, and at this point ... our sources say the call to 911 was then placed. We're told that an ambulance arrived, but the toddler didn't need to be transported ... getting treated at the scene.

We're told Dumontet was booked for assault with a deadly weapon, a felony. As of this writing, he appears to still be behind bars on $30,000 bail. His arrest was first posted by Page Six.

She and Christian have been married since 2019 -- and he's also been featured on "Selling Sunset" ... although, his involvement has been minimal as he's mostly behind the scenes. Their December wedding was well-documented on the show at the time.

In terms of his background, Christian comes from the tech world ... and fancies himself as an entrepreneur these days. He and CQ share one kid together ... a son also named Christian.

On its face ... there was never any real drama between them that was captured on camera.

We've reached out to Christine's camp for comment ... so far, no word back.

Originally Published -- 10:23 AM PT

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