UFC's Mark Coleman Conscious, Responsive ... After Saving Parents From House Fire


UFC legend Mark Coleman is breathing on his own and talking to his family ... just days after he was airlifted to a hospital with life-threatening injuries sustained while rescuing his parents from a house fire.

Coleman's daughter, Kenzie, shared an emotional clip on Mark's Instagram ... just 2.5 days after the MMA great suffered smoke inhalation while saving his mom and dad from a giant blaze.

"I had to make a decision," Coleman said about the house fire from his hospital bed, "It was already horrible! I couldn't breathe!"

"I'm the happiest man in the world. I swear to God I'm so lucky! I can't believe my parents are alive!"

Unfortunately, his dog, Hammer, passed away ... and Coleman -- who retired from MMA in 2013 -- is completely devastated.

"I couldn't find Hammer!" Coleman said as he cried with his family.

A GoFundMe was set up for Coleman's loved ones as his daughters will take time off work to help him during his recovery. As of Thursday, over $68K was raised.

Get well, Mark!

Bella Hadid I'm Full-Time Texas Livin', Y'All ... Not Far From Cowboy BF!!!

Bella Hadid's lassoed up property of her own in Texas, and is now fully immersed in the land of cowboys -- a move spurred, if you will, by her relationship with real-life wrangler Adan Banuelos .... TMZ has learned.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... the supermodel scooped up a home in the Fort Worth area in a rural neighborhood, but the community is close enough to urban amenities, so she doesn't feel cut off from the world.

Sounds like Bella's grown accustomed to living deep in the heart -- we're told she's is in Fort Worth more than not.

It makes sense, though, as her boyfriend Adan is a major star in the horse riding industry, and owns a home in the area of Bella's. In fact, we're told the duo splits time between their 2 homes.

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Still ... Bella has kept her love story with Adan under the radar for the most part. Remember, the couple was first linked in October 2023 -- when Bella and Adan were spotted locking lips at the famous Fort Worth stockyards.

Two-stepping down to Texas is a big switch for Bella ... who was raised in L.A. alongside her model siblings Gigi and Anwar Hadid.

While she's always had a love of horses, and competed as an equestrian, we're told she's gone full cowgirl now ... and even posed for a pic with the cast of Fox's "Farmer Wants a Wife" during last week's rodeo in nearby Arlington.

It's clear Bella isn't fixin' to hang up her cowgirl hat any time soon. In other words, she's a yee-haw Hadid!!!


Bella Hadid ha conseguido su propia propiedad en Texas, y está totalmente inmersa en la tierra de los vaqueros. Todo tiene relación con el vaquero de la vida real Adan Banuelos, TMZ ha indagado.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo le dicen a TMZ que la supermodelo compró una casa en el área de Fort Worth en un barrio rural, pero la comunidad está lo suficientemente cerca de los servicios urbanos, por lo que no se siente aislada del mundo.

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muy cariñosos

Parece que Bella se ha acostumbrado a vivir ahí. Nos informan que está en Fort Worth muy seguido.

Tiene sentido, ya que su novio -Adan- es una estrella importante en la industria de la equitación, y es dueño de una casa en la zona de Bella. De hecho, nos dicen que el dúo divide el tiempo entre sus dos casas.

Aún así... Bella ha mantenido su historia de amor con Adan bajo el radar en su mayor parte. Recordemos que la pareja fue vinculada por primera vez en octubre de 2023, cuando Bella y Adan fueron vistos besándose en los famosos corrales de Fort Worth.

Para Bella, que se crió en Los Ángeles junto a sus hermanos, los modelos Gigi y Anwar Hadid, es todo un cambio.

Mientras que ella siempre ha tenido un amor por los caballos, y compitió alguna vez, nos dicen que ella ha ido completamente vestida de vaquera, e incluso posó para una foto con el elenco de Fox "Farmer Wants a Wife" durante el rodeo de la semana pasada en las cercanías de Arlington.

Está claro que Bella no va a colgar su sombrero de vaquera a corto plazo.

UFC's Chito Vera Someone Broke Into My Home ... Legal Docs, Watches Stolen

UFC star Marlon "Chito" Vera says his personal belongings were jacked from his home while he was in Miami for his title fight against Sean O'Malley ... and now he's on the hunt for the people responsible.

The Ecuadorian fighter went all five rounds with Suga at the Keseya Center on Saturday ... ultimately losing via unanimous decision.

But, it isn't the L in the Octagon that's got him pissed now ... 'cause he shared an image of his home forcefully broken into -- and he's vowing to find the culprits.

Vera provided more information on the matter on Wednesday ... saying he's working with authorities in hopes of getting to the bottom of it.

"Came back home to fill police reports and try to get all my legal documents & watches inside the safe that some piece of s*** stole from my house," Vera said. "First stop Italian consulate thanks for take care of us."

Despite the crappy situation, Vera added he knows everything will be okay ... and proceeded to send a message to his opponent.

"Who braid your hair @SugaSeanMMA you where grease to the bone I wonder how much gel they use ?" ... to which Sean replied, "Send pic of your face."

Sean did feel bad for Vera's home situation, though ... commenting his disapproval after the news broke.

"That's f***ed."

Wendy Williams Enfrenta embargo de impuestos federales...

La casa de Wendy Williams aparentemente está en el punto de mira del gobierno federal después de que le dieran una bofetada con un derecho de retención sobre los impuestos no pagados, que dicen que asciende a cientos de miles de dólares.

De acuerdo con documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, la ex presentadora del programa de entrevistas fue golpeada con un embargo preventivo de impuestos por el Tío Sam por su costosa propiedad en Nueva York, que de acuerdo a los registros compró en $4,5 millones en 2021, porque los federales dicen que Wendy les debe 568.451,57 dólares.

Afirman que este saldo impago es el resultado de que debe grandes sumas por sus impuestos federales de los años 2019 y 2021.

Los registros en línea muestran que el gravamen se generó en enero de este año y se registró en el Departamento de Finanzas de la Ciudad de Nueva York a principios de febrero.

A partir de ahora, no parece haber ninguna evidencia de que el embargo se haya tratado todavía, pero es posible que Wendy ya haya aclarado esto. Nos pusimos en contacto con el tutor designado por el tribunal para ver sus finanzas, pero no hay respuesta todavía.

Por supuesto, esto es preocupante por una serie de razones. Sobre todo, por los problemas de salud de Wendy que han salido a la luz recientemente, incluyendo el hecho de que su equipo dice que fue diagnosticada con afasia y demencia.

Por cierto, Sabrina Morrissey, tutor de las finanzas de Wendy, según los informes, fue nombrada en algún momento de la primavera de 2022, por lo que llegó a bordo después de las presuntas violaciones fiscales.

La pregunta es, ¿el tutor se ocupa de esto ahora?

Lo que sabemos es que Wendy no parece tener un equipo estándar a su alrededor más.

Wendy Williams Facing Federal Tax Lien ... Unpaid Balance >$500k

Wendy Williams' home is apparently in the crosshairs of the federal government after it slapped her with a lien over unpaid taxes ... which they say amounts to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

According to legal docs, obtained by TMZ, the former talk show host got hit with a tax lien by Uncle Sam on her pricey NYC condo -- which records show she bought for $4.5 million in 2021 -- because the feds say Wendy owes them $568,451.57.

This unpaid balance, they claim, is a result of her owing big balances for her federal taxes for the years of 2019 and 2021.

The online records show the lien was generated in January of this year, and was recorded with the New York City Department of Finance in early February.

As of now, there doesn't appear to be any evidence the lien has been dealt with yet, but it's possible Wendy already cleared this up -- we've reached out to the court-appointed guardian of her finances, but no word back yet.

Of course, this is troubling for a number of reasons -- most, notably ... the fact that Wendy's health struggles have recently come to light, including the fact her team says she's been diagnosed with aphasia and dementia.

BTW ... Sabrina Morrissey, the guardian of Wendy's finances, was reportedly appointed sometime in Spring 2022, so she came aboard after the alleged tax violations.

The question ... is the guardian dealing with this now?

Wendy doesn't appear to have a standard team around her anymore, FWIW.


Las heroicas acciones de Mark Coleman han salido a la luz tras el terrible incendio que calcinó su casa, hiriendo gravemente a la leyenda de la UFC y llevándose trágicamente la vida del cachorro de su familia, Hammer.

Como informamos anteriormente -Coleman de 59 años de edad- se encuentra actualmente en un hospital en Ohio, donde está luchando por su vida como resultado de las lesiones sufridas en el incendio, y ahora tenemos más detalles acerca de lo que Coleman hizo la madrugada del martes.

Coleman -que estaba visitando a sus padres en su casa de la infancia- se despertó alrededor de las 4 AM por su rottweiler -Hammer- cuando el fuego se puso violento, según su hija Morgan.

Mark entró en acción, corriendo inmediatamente hacia mamá y papá y llevándolos a un lugar seguro. Resultaron ilesos.

Sabiendo que Hammer seguía adentro, Coleman volvió corriendo a la casa en llamas para intentar salvar a su querido perro, arriesgando su propia vida.

Trágicamente, Hammer no sobrevivió y la casa se perdió totalmente.

La hija de Mark confirma que fue trasladado por aire a un hospital local donde está recibiendo tratamiento las 24 horas del día.

El amigo de Mark, Wes Sims, proporcionó una actualización médica a última hora, diciendo que Mark "hizo movimientos" en el hospital, aunque está claro que tendrá un largo camino hacia la recuperación y no será barato.

La hija de Mark incluso comenzó un GoFundMe el miércoles para recaudar dinero para los gastos relacionados con el cuidado de su padre, con el objetivo de recaudar $50k.

Es probable que alcanzar esa meta no sea un problema. En solo unas horas ya se han hecho 250 donaciones, por un total de más de 13.000 dólares.

UFC Legend Mark Coleman Risked Life In Attempt To Save Beloved Dog During Massive House Fire

Mark Coleman's heroic actions are coming to light in the wake of the terrible blaze that burned down his home, severely injuring the UFC legend, and tragically taking the life of his family pup, Hammer.

As we previously reported, 59-year-old Coleman is currently in a hospital in Ohio where he's fighting for his life as a result of injuries sustained in the fire ... and now we're learning more about what Coleman did early Tuesday morning.

Coleman, who was visiting his parents at his childhood home, was woken up around 4 AM by his rottweiler Hammer as the fire began to burn, according to his daughter Morgan.

Mark sprung into action, immediately rushing to Mom and Dad, and escorting them to safety. They were unharmed.

Knowing Hammer was still inside, Coleman rushed back into the burning house in an attempt to save his beloved dog, risking his own life.

Tragically, Hammer didn't survive ... and the home was totally lost.

Mark's daughter confirms he was airlifted to a local hospital where he is receiving around-the-clock treatment.

MC's friend, Wes Sims, provided a bit of a medical update late last night, saying Mark "made movements" at the hospital ... though it's clear he'll have a long road to recovery, and it won't be cheap.

Mark's daughter even started a GoFundMe on Wednesday to raise money for expenses related to her dad's care ... with a goal of raising $50k.

It's likely meeting that goal won't be a problem. In just a few hours, there have already been 250 donations made, totaling over $13k.

Travis Kelce Cruises Around L.A. Sans Taylor ... After Big Oscars Night

Travis Kelce took a pause from Taylor Swift on Tuesday to cruise around Los Angeles with a pal -- but don't worry, Swifties ... he was probably on his way to her pad here.

Paps snapped photos of the Kansas City Chiefs star while he was riding in a fancy Range Rover on a sunny afternoon in Beverly Hills ... and as you can see, there was no Taylor in sight for this outing.

Kelce was riding shotgun as his buddy steered ... and, yeah, the back seats were all empty.

The tight end looked pretty stoic without his GF ... rocking a pair of dark sunglasses covering up his eyes.

However, there were several people on the ground near his vehicle who swore it was on its way to see T-Swift -- if you don't know, the pop star's got a sweet pad in that hood ... so he for sure might've been heading in that direction here.

It's probably a safe bet, if we're being honest. After all, Kelce just traveled across the globe last week to see her perform in Singapore -- and the duo jetted all the way back to the States to hit Madonna and Guy Oseary's Oscars after-party in Hollywood Sunday night.

Some thought the couple might skip it all and have a whirlwind Spring overseas -- as Kelce's currently in his offseason and Swift's "Eras" tour is on a month-plus break right now. Alas, they came on back to the States and seem inclined to hang here in L.A. for a bit.

Still no sign of Taylor herself here in L.A. just yet -- but we're sure she'll surface eventually, with or without an umbrella covering her up. Trav seems more chill being photographed.

Regardless of whether it's here or there, a real-deal love affair still seems to be in our midst!

Taylor Swift Promo en el cartel de Hollywood es cancelada... Falsa alarma!!!


12:22 PM PT -- Philip Sokoloski de FilmLA, la empresa que maneja los permisos para este rodaje, le dice a TMZ que acaba de ser informado por un colega que se ha cancelado oficialmente todo el rodaje que estaba previsto para el miércoles.

No se sabe exactamente por qué, pero nos dicen que la producción no seguirá adelante. Es probable que el equipamiento que estaba montado allí sea retirado pronto.

11:37 AM PT -- Disney+ dice que Taylor Swift no asistirá ni actuará el miércoles durante el rodaje.

Taylor Swift estaría preparando un espectáculo en el cartel de Hollywood en el marco de su gran debut en Disney + y los vecinos están enojados al respecto, según ha averiguado TMZ.

Los residentes que viven cerca del famoso punto de referencia cerca de Griffith Park en Los Ángeles están en pie de guerra por una producción que ha tenido lugar toda la semana y donde está programado que se filme algo grande el miércoles. Esto, de acuerdo con un permiso para grabar que han recibido los vecinos de la zona.

TMZ obtuvo una copia de uno de esos avisos que, por cierto, confirmamos que también está en manos de las autoridades, pues los policías fueron avisados de que la filmación se realizará mañana en el emblemático cartel y explica con bastante claridad lo que ocurre.

Echa un vistazo al aviso, este dice que van a rodar para "Disney + TS" y que tendrá lugar a lo largo de Mulholland Highway, justo debajo del propio cartel de Hollywood. La preparación para el rodaje se realizará durante todo el día martes y está programado que las cámaras empiecen a filmar durante todo el miércoles.

La producción trabajará para desarmar todo y limpiar el jueves, que es por eso que los vecinos de los alrededores están tan furiosos, nos dicen.

Nos comentan que los residentes de los alrededores sienten que esto es una monstruosidad enorme y no solo eso, que también está creando un montón de tráfico peatonal y alboroto que está alterando su paz y vida cotidiana. Nos dicen que ha habido una gran cantidad de comunicación interna entre las diferentes asociaciones de viviendas y otras organizaciones y digamos que la gente de allí no está feliz con la presencia de Taylor Swift.

Desafortunadamente para ellos, el espectáculo continuará y como se puede ver, habrá un poco de fotografía aérea también. Nos han dicho que se espera la presencia de drones... posiblemente muchos de ellos. Por cierto, antes de que los Swifties empiecen a subir a la colina no hay nada en el permiso que diga explícitamente que Taylor va a realizar todo esto.

Por supuesto, esta actuación tendría lugar un día antes de que la película del concierto de Taylor "Eras" Tour se estrene en Disney +, aunque será una "versión de Taylor", con 4 canciones adicionales.

Disney ha estado promocionando con bombos y platillos este lanzamiento y pueden imaginarse que están encantados de ser la compañía que eligió Taylor para lanzar su película porque fue un gran éxito en los cines.

Tiene sentido que estén preparando algo grande para promoverlo aún más.

Nada como ver a Taylor cantando en una de las atracciones más icónicas de Estados Unidos, y posiblemente de toda la historia. No podemos esperar a ver lo que va a hacer. Queda solo un día para que empiece el show.

Nos pusimos en contacto con Film L.A. y con el equipo de Taylor, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.

Taylor Swift H'Wood Sign Disney Shoot Nixed ... False Alarm, Everyone!!!


12:22 PM PT -- Philip Sokoloski of FilmLA -- the company handling the permitting for this shoot -- tells TMZ ... he was just informed by a colleague that they've gotten word the whole shoot that was scheduled for Wednesday is now officially off.

No word on exactly why, but we're told the production will not move forward. Any equipment that was out there between yesterday and today is likely to be packed up and removed soon.

11:37 AM PT -- Disney+ says Taylor Swift will not be in attendance or be performing on Wednesday during the shoot.

Taylor Swift and the Hollywood sign are going to be one and the same this week ahead of her big debut on Disney+ -- and neighbors there are pissed about it ... TMZ has learned.

Residents who live by the famed landmark near Griffith Park in Los Angeles are up in arms over a production that's been ramping up all week -- which is scheduled to shoot something big on Wednesday ... this according to the film permit notice neighbors have received.

TMZ has obtained a copy of one of those permit notices -- which, BTW, we've confirmed law enforcement is in possession of as well, with cops being put on notice that filming's going down the H'wood sign tomorrow -- and it spells out pretty clearly what's going down.

Check out the notice yourself ... it says they'll be filming for "Disney + TS" and it'll be taking place along Mulholland Highway -- right below the Hollywood sign itself. Prep for the shoot is taking place all day Tuesday, and cameras are scheduled to be rolling all day Wednesday.

Come Thursday ... that's when the production will work on breaking everything down and clearing out -- which is why we're told neighbors around there are furious over all this.

We're told residents in the vicinity feel like this is a massive eyesore, and not just that -- but it's creating a bunch of foot traffic and ruckus that's disturbing their peace and way of life. We're told there's been a lot of internal communication among different home associations and other orgs ... and let's just say, folks there aren't happy with the production.

Unfortunately for them, the show will go on ... and as you can see, there'll be some aerial photography happening as well. We're told drones are expected to be in the mix ... possibly a lot of them. BTW, before Swifties start hiking up the hill ... there's nothing in the permit to explicitly suggest Taylor is going to perform at this thing.

Of course, this performance would be happening one day before Taylor's "Eras" Tour concert movie drops on Disney+ -- although, it'll be a "Taylor's Version" drop, with 4 extra songs.

Disney's been plugging the hell out of this release -- and you gotta imagine they're stoked to be the company Taylor decided to release her film on ... 'cause it was a huge hit in theaters.

Makes sense they'd be doing something big and splashy to promote it even further.

We've reached out to Film L.A. and Taylor's camp ... so far, no word back.

Originally Published -- 10:07 AM PT

WME Pre-Oscars Bash DiCaprio, Usher, Timberlake & More ... Inside Bev Hills Event

Hollywood's elite are warming up for Sunday's Oscars with pre-parties every bit as celeb-packed as the main event will be ... as Usher, John Legend and Leo DiCaprio rallied in one of the town's more iconic mansions!


TMZ got this video inside the William Morris Endeavor talent agency's big bash in Bev Hills Friday night -- it was held at the Beverly Estate, sometimes referred to as the "Godfather" mansion, and it was absolutely swimming with A-Listers.

Check out these faces in the crowd -- Justin Timberlake, Tobey Maguire, Teyana Taylor, Busta Rhymes, Rob Lowe and, of course, the 3 aforementioned superstars ... all rubbing elbows, literally and figuratively.

Even the celebs themselves seemed starstruck at times ... you can see Justin, Usher and Teyana were posing together for a few snaps as they chatted and laughed.

After their little photo sesh, Justin chatted a bit with some of the other guests as Teyana walked around, mingling.

At one point, Teyana bumped into Busta and the two began to shoot the breeze. Rob was also spotted making the rounds.

Never one to miss a party filled with beautiful people ... Leo, along with his pal Tobey, popped in just as the music started pumping and everyone was hitting the dance floor.

By all accounts, Leo was in good spirits and not even hiding his face that much, as we usually see him.

As for John Legend ... Mr. EGOT got off his feet to do the small talk thing ... sitting on a couch to chat up some other guests.

By the way, the mansion where all this was going down is the spot where they filmed the famous horse's head scene for "The Godfather" flick.

Much happier ending last night ... and no animals were harmed.

Fiesta Pre-Oscars de WME DiCaprio, Usher, Timberlake y más Juntos en Beverly Hills

La élite de Hollywood se prepara para los Oscars este domingo y las fiestas previas han tenido tantas celebridades como el evento mismo. Usher, John Legend y Leo DiCaprio, por ejemplo, se reunieron en una de las mansiones más emblemáticas de la ciudad.


TMZ consiguió este video de la fiesta de la agencia de talentos William Morris Endeavor en Beverly Hills el viernes, que se celebró en la denominada mansión "El Padrino" y contó con un montón de A-Listers.

Fíjate bien en los invitados, Justin Timberlake, Tobey Maguire, Teyana Taylor, Busta Rhymes, Rob Lowe y, por supuesto, las 3 superestrellas antes mencionadas se estaban codeando literal y figurativamente.

Incluso las propias celebridades parecían deslumbradas con sus colegas famosos por momentos. Se puede ver que Justin, Usher y Teyana posaron juntos para algunas fotos mientras charlaban y se reían.

Después de su pequeña sesión de fotos, Justin charló un poco con algunos de los otros invitados mientras Teyana se mezcló con el resto de la fiesta.

En un momento dado, Teyana se encontró con Busta y los dos empezaron a conversar. Rob también fue visto hablando con todos los invitados.

Nunca se pierde una fiesta llena de gente guapa. Leo, junto a su amigo Tobey, apareció justo cuando empezó a sonar la música y todo el mundo se fue a la pista de baile.

Sin lugar a dudas, Leo estaba de buen humor y ni siquiera ocultó tanto su cara, como suele hacer.

En cuanto a John Legend, el Sr. EGOT también conversó alegremente con los invitados, sentado en un sofá y muy animado en la charla con los otros invitados.

Por cierto, la mansión donde pasó todo esto es el lugar donde filmaron la famosa escena de la cabeza del caballo para la película "El Padrino".

Un final mucho más feliz el de anoche y sin ningún animal herido.


You Won't Get What You Want

Barbara Corcoran's dishing some no-nonsense advice for Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott over their desperate attempts to offload their uber-fancy Beverly Hills mansion.

We got the "Shark Tank" star out in L.A. earlier this week ... she tells us the exes slashing the price from $21.9M to under $18M ain't enough, and they need to quite simply be realistic when it comes to their asking price.

The real estate pro says it comes down to the L.A. luxury housing market not being the best right now, especially with that pesky new "mansion tax" in play -- which she's been vocal about ... previously telling us it was ridiculous.


BC also weighs in on Travis' other property, which sits atop a huge crack in a Brentwood hillside caused by recent record-breaking storms.

A precarious situation for sure, but Barbara says it's nothing to worry about.

As someone who's purchased a few oceanfront properties herself, Barbara says she's seen fellow seafront property owners have their pads washed out ... so, to her, a crack in the land ain't a big deal nor is it a bad investment, especially if Travis uses the property wisely.

Leave it to Barbara to put things in perspective!

So, as for Kylie and Travis, it looks like the exes need to go back to the drawing board and dip that price a little bit lower.

Tom Brady Va sin camiseta en su nueva mansión en Miami... ¿Dónde está todos?

¡¡¡Tom Brady está en una piscina muy cerca del mar, pero parece que claramente necesita un poco más de agua, pues la publicación de una selfi suya sin camiseta el viernes solo gritaba que está sedieeeento!!!

La leyenda de los New England Patriots publicó la foto en su cuenta de Instagram, sabiendo muy bien que se veía sexy como siempre.

Relajado en el patio trasero de su nueva mansión en Miami, Brady posó con sus ojos sugerentes, la luz de las 5 de la tarde, parte de sus pectorales y una cadena de oro, mientras bromeaba que estaba teniendo una "fiesta en la piscina".

"¿Dónde está todo el mundo?", dijo, añadiendo dos emojis.

Tom también compartió un par de fotos más de su nuevo palacio, y sí, se puede ver que definitivamente parece el lugar adecuado para un hombre que vale aproximadamente la mitad de mil millones de dólares.

El momento de estos post parece ser notable, ya que llegan justo en una semana en que su ex, Gisele Bundchen, se emocionó al hablar de su divorcio en una entrevista con la presentadora de "GMA" Robin Roberts.

Por otra parte, Brady, que ha estado viendo casualmente a la modelo Irina Shayk desde el verano pasado, todavía parece estar soltero y ¿qué mejor manera que llamar la atención de las damas en todo el mundo que esto?

Tom Brady Goes Topless At New Miami Mansion ... 'Where Is Everyone??'

Tom Brady is currently by a pool near an ocean ... but he's clearly in desperate need of some more water -- posting a shirtless selfie Friday that screamed he's thiiiiirssssstyyyyy!!!

The New England Patriots legend dropped the peacockin' pic on his Instagram page ... knowing damn well he looked sexy as ever.

Chillin' in the backyard of his new Miami mansion -- Brady busted out some smoldering eyes, a light 5 o'clock shadow, some pumped-up pecs and a gold chain for the snap ... while joking he was having a "pool party."

"Where is everyone??" he said, adding two emojis.

Tom also shared a couple more pics of his new pad -- which was just recently completed -- and, yup, you can see it still definitely looks like a place fit for a man worth roughly half a billion dollars.

The timing of the barrage of posts appears to be somewhat notable ... as they come on the heels of his ex, Gisele Bundchen, getting emotional while talking about their divorce in a sitdown interview with "GMA" anchor Robin Roberts.

Then again, Brady -- who's been casually seeing model Irina Shayk since last summer -- still appears to be single ... and what better way to fire up the bat signal for ladies everywhere than this?!