
Jenelle Evans está compartiendo detalles del intento de robo en su casa de Carolina del Norte, y la historia que cuenta es absolutamente horrible, dejando claro que tiene suerte de estar viva.

La ex estrella de "Teen Mom" apareció en TikTok el jueves para profundizar en lo que experimentó el pasado fin de semana y dice que todo esto se desarrolló durante la noche mientras estaba en casa con su hijo de 14 años de edad, Jace.

Jenelle dice que este tipo -al que ella nunca había visto antes- apareció de repente en su propiedad e intento de entrar a la casa.

Procedieron a esconderse y llamar al 911, todo mientras este hombre no identificado trataba de abrir su puerta corrediza de cristal, lo cual fue impedido por un palo de bloqueo desde el suelo.

Jenelle dice que tenía un arma con ella, pero no quería usarla si no era necesario, no quería poner a su hijo en riesgo. Al final, dice que el tipo se detuvo cuando se dio cuenta de que ella estaba con su hijo adolescente y se disculpó.

Ella dice que él le dijo que estaba en la casa equivocada, pero Jenelle dice que es mentira, diciendo que vive en el campo en una propiedad de 10 acres y sospecha que estaba allí para hacerle daño.

Jenelle también dice que tiene este tipo en la cámara, y está trabajando con la policía, ya que investigar. Ella dice que va a publicar este material pronto con la esperanza de que la gente en línea puede ayudar a localizarlo.

La única cosa que no aclaró, ¿dónde estaba su marido, David Eason? No se sabe nada al respecto.

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La policía dice que la llamada entró como un intento de robo y el sospechoso fue descrito como un hombre hispano. Por ahora, no hay nuevas actualizaciones en el caso.

'Teen Mom' Jenelle Evans Details Attempted Break-In at Home Says She Had Gun with Her


Jenelle Evans is getting into the details of the attempted break-in at her North Carolina home -- and the story she tells is absolutely horrific ... making clear, she's lucky to be alive.

The former "Teen Mom" star hopped on TikTok Thursday to get into what she experienced last weekend -- and she says this all unfolded in the middle of the night while she was at home with her 14-year-old son, Jace.

Jenelle says this random guy -- who she says she's never seen before, and who was not her husband -- was all of a sudden on her property and attempting to get into the house.

She goes on to describe her waking up Jace, huddling together and calling 911 ... all while this unidentified man tried yanking her sliding glass door open, which she says was only prevented by a stick blocking it from the floor.

Jenelle does say she had a gun with her ... but notes, she didn't want to use it if she didn't have to -- not wanting to put her boy through that type of trauma. In the end, she says the guy only stopped once he realized she was with her teenage kid, and he apologized.

She says he told her he was at the wrong house -- but Jenelle calls BS, saying she lives out in the country on a 10-acre property ... and she suspects he was there to do her harm.

Jenelle also says she's got this guy on camera, and is working with cops as they investigate. She says she'll post this footage soon in hopes that people online can help track him down.

The one thing she didn't clarify ... where was her hubby, David Eason? No word on that.

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Cops have since told TMZ ... the call came in as an attempted break-in, and the suspect was described as a Hispanic male. For now, there are no new updates in the case.


Drea de Matteo dice que cuando su familia atravesó tiempos difíciles, fueron salvados por el más improbable de los héroes... Los suscriptores de OnlyFans.

La actriz de "Los Soprano" le concedió una entrevista a DailyMail donde reveló que puso en marcha la cuenta en línea de nuevo en agosto, porque su casa iba en ejecución hipotecaria, y ella dijo que solo tenía alrededor de $10 en el banco.

Mientras que esto genera opiniones divididas, Drea le da crédito al sitio, y dijo que no se siente mal, ya que hizo lo que cualquier buena madre haría, sacrificar el orgullo personal por sus hijos.

Drea admitió que no tenía dinero en aquella época, diciendo que tan solo apareció en 48 episodios de "Los Soprano" y eso fue hace bastante -a participado en otros proyectos desde luego-, pero los cheques de pago se terminan.

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Sin embargo, dijo que consiguió suficiente dinero para salvar su casa de la ejecución hipotecaria a los cinco minutos de comenzar su OnlyFans, por el que cobra $15 al mes. Sinceramente, es increíble.

Drea dijo que le pidió a sus hijas su bendición antes de crear la cuenta y le dijeron que estaban totalmente de acuerdo.

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imponiendo tendencia

En cuanto a su trabajo como actriz, Drea ha mantenido que hablar en contra de la vacuna COVID-19 y negarse a recibir la vacuna ha limitado sus oportunidades en Hollywood, lo que hizo que OnlyFans fue algo aún más urgente.

Además, pudo obtener el dinero que necesitaba para iniciar su nueva marca de ropa (Ultrafree), una nueva empresa de la que habló con nosotros a principios de este mes en "TMZ Live".

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Parece que Drea llegó a OnlyFans para quedarse.


muy cómodo
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard

Bradley Cooper siempre se ve muy cómodo, pero en su casa la cosa es aún más extrema. Resulta que a Bradley le gusta pasearse por su casa, ¡completamente desnudo!

El actor nominado al Oscar habló durante un episodio del pódcast "Armchair Expert" de Dax Shepard, y parece que tienen más en común que solo su profesión.

Dax dijo que a menudo usa el baño por la mañana mientras sus hijas Lincoln y Delta entran a la habitación y charlan con él mientras está en el inodoro.

A Bradley le pareció gracioso y comentó que su casa de Nueva York es completamente abierta, lo que significa que el dormitorio y el baño están básicamente en la misma habitación, por lo que su hija -Lea- siempre habla con él cuando está desnudo.

Por supuesto, Bradley comparte a Lea con su ex, Irina Shayk, con quien ha tenido una relación intermitente durante casi una década, aunque ahora mismo está saliendo con la modelo Gigi Hadid.

Él dice que es muy común que haya conversaciones en las que él está en el inodoro y ella en la bañera.

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Cooper dice que es un poco diferente a la forma en que fue criado, explicando que nunca vio a su padre en el inodoro, pero admitió que siempre estaba desnudo cerca de sus padres mientras crecía. El clan Cooper no tiene ningún problema con la desnudez. Muy europeo.

Un consejo para Bradley... ahora que lo ha sacado todo a la luz, puede que quiera invertir en unos cristales tintados para mantener a raya a los mirones 👀. O tal vez no.

'Sopranos' Drea De Matteo OnlyFans Saved My Family ... Stopped Foreclosure!!!

Drea de Matteo says when her family hit hard times, they were saved by the most unlikely of heroes ... OnlyFans subscribers who helped pay their bills.

The 'Sopranos' actress sat down for an interview with DailyMail where she revealed she launched the online account back in August because her house was going into foreclosure, and she said she only had about $10 in the bank.

While it might be seen as polarizing for some, DDM credited the subscribers-based site with saving her family ... and she said she's comfortable with anyone judging her because she did what any good mother would do -- sacrifice personal pride for her children.

Drea admitted she wasn't exactly flush with cash at the time ... saying most of her acting career was spent working from paycheck to paycheck despite appearing in 48 episodes of "The Sopranos" ... plus other projects, of course.

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Gangster Goddess

But, she says she had enough money to save her home from foreclosure within five minutes of starting her OnlyFans -- for which she charges $15 a month. Honestly, that's incredible.

She's all good on the family front though ... 'cause Drea said she asked her daughters for their blessing before firing up the OF account -- and they said it was totally OK.

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As for acting work ... Drea's maintained that speaking out against the COVID-19 vaccine and refusing to get the jab has limited career opportunities in Hollywood, which made starting OnlyFans that much more essential.

But, OF seems to be funding more of Drea's dream ... 'cause she said it gave her the money she needed to start her new clothing brand, Ultrafree -- a new venture she talked about with us earlier this month on "TMZ Live."

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Seems like Drea's on OnlyFans for good ... hard not to be on there when it's a proven saving grace!

Bradley Cooper Home Is No Place For Clothes!!! ALWAYS Naked in the House

Totally Comfortable
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard

Bradley Cooper always looks so comfortable in his own skin ... and it turns out that's quite literally true -- 'cause it turns out, he's always walking around his place completely nude!

The Oscar-nominated actor talked about lettin' it all hang out during an episode of Dax Shepard's "Armchair Expert" podcast, and it seems they've got more in common than just their profession.

Dax said he's often using the bathroom in the morning, and his daughters Lincoln and Delta are constantly traipsing into the room and chatting with him while he's on the toilet.

BC laughed at this and said his place in New York has a completely open floor plan ... meaning the bedroom and bathroom are basically in the same room without much in the way of doors -- so, his daughter Lea's always talking to him when he's naked, too.

Of course, Bradley shares Lea with his ex, Irina Shayk, with whom he's had an on-again, off-again relationship with for nearly a decade ... though right now he's dating model Gigi Hadid.

He says their standard at-home convo scenario features him on the toilet and her in the bathtub just shootin' the s*** (pun very much intended).

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Cooper says it's a little different from how he was raised -- explaining he never saw his dad on the toilet, but did admit he was always naked around his pops growin' up. Safe to say, the Cooper clan's got no hang-ups with nudity. Very European!


One tip for Bradley ... now that he's put it all out there -- that he lets it all hang out -- he might wanna invest in some tinted windows to keep peeping Toms at bay 👀. Or not.

Kylie Jenner & Travis Scott Selling Bev Hills Home Again ... Major Price Drop Alert!!!

Travis Scott and Kylie Jenner are once again trying to unload their Beverly Hills palace -- and this time, they've slashed the price big time ... which might tickle somebody's fancy.

The ex-couple's first property together -- which they purchased in 2018 for a steal at $13.4 million -- is back on the market anew ... only now, they're listing it for just under $18 million. The exact price is $17,995,000 ... for anyone who's a stickler the specifics.

Mind you ... this is quite the drop from what they were hoping for when they first tried selling this pad in 2022. At the time, their asking price was $21.9 million ... but they had no takers, so they dropped it down to $19.99 mil back in March of last year.

TS and KJ still weren't able to get rid of the pad -- and the listing ended up getting removed entirely around September ... but now, it's cropped up again, with a 10% markdown.

Whether it's $21M or $17M ... whoever ends up taking this off their hands is in for a whole lot of house -- it's got 7 bedrooms, 11 baths with over 9,000 square feet of living space.

In terms of perks, it's got a ton ... a private movie theater, a billiard room, a gym, a massage room, and, yes, a pool as well. Remember, this is Kylie and Travis' first home together -- but obviously, they're not together anymore ... so they don't really need this house in the mix.

Kylie's got several other properties in her portfolio ... Travis is doing just fine as well. 'Million Dollar Listing' stars Josh and Matt Altman of Douglas Elliman and Adam Rosenfeld of The Agency hold the listing.

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We reached out for comment ... so far, no word back.


Travis Scott y Kylie Jenner están una vez más tratando de deshacerse de su palacio de Beverly Hills, y esta vez han rebajado el precio a lo grande, lo que podría acelerar las cosas.

La primera propiedad de la ex pareja juntos -que compraron en 2018 por una ganga de $13.4 millones- está de vuelta en el mercado... solo que ahora lo están listando por poco menos de $18 millones. El precio exacto es de $17.995.000.

Eso sí, esto es bastante la caída de lo que esperaban cuando por primera vez trató de vender la propiedad en 2022. En ese momento, su precio de venta era de $21.9 millones, pero no tenían interesados, por lo que bajó a $19.99 millones en marzo del año pasado.

Travis y Kylie todavía no eran capaces de deshacerse del lugar y el listado terminó siendo eliminado por completo alrededor de septiembre, pero ahora, ha surgido de nuevo, con una rebaja del 10%.

Ya sean $21M o $17M, quien termine comprando la propiedad estará más que satisfecho, el lugar cuenta con 7 dormitorios, 11 baños y más de 9.000 pies cuadrados de espacio habitable.

Además, cuenta con un cine privado, una sala de billar, un gimnasio, una sala de masajes y sí, una piscina. Recuerde, esta es la primera casa de Kylie y Travis juntos, pero obviamente ya no lo están, esa es justamente la razón por la que ya no necesitan semejante mansión.

Kylie tiene varias otras propiedades, y a Travis también le va bien. Las estrellas de "Million Dollar Listing" Josh y Matt Altman de Douglas Elliman y Adam Rosenfeld de The Agency mantienen el listado.

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Nos pusimos en contacto para hacer comentarios, pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

Travis Scott L.A. Mansion Sitting on Massive Hillside Crack

Travis Scott is in a perilous position, with his Brentwood, CA mansion sitting atop a HUGE fissure in the land below.

The crack formed after record-breaking storms saturated the soil in the L.A. area, and the hills of Brentwood were hit particularly hard.


At least 5 homes are in peril of slipping off the hillside, but no evacuations have been ordered ... at least so far.


The Fire Dept. told local residents the cracks are just on the surface -- about 4 feet of topsoil, but obviously with more rain that could change.

Geologists and the L.A. Dept. of Building and Safety are assessing the area, and they're pretty confident the entire hillside won't come down, but that doesn't mean the homes are safe ... especially because more rain is predicted this week.

Travis' $23.5 million home appears safe -- for now -- but when a hillside develops massive cracks, there is always cause for concern.

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Aside from immediate peril, cracks like this often have a devastating impact on property values. Think about it ... a prospective buyer sees the fissure and figuratively runs for the hills.

Travis Scott Su mansión en L.A. está sobre una enorme grieta

Travis Scott se encuentra en una posición peligrosa, pues su mansión en Brentwood, California, está sentada sobre una ENORME fisura bajo tierra.

La grieta se formó después de que las históricas tormentas saturaran el suelo en el área de Los Ángeles y las colinas de Brentwood fueron golpeadas particularmente duro.

Peligrosa situación

Al menos 5 casas están en peligro de deslizamiento de la ladera, aunque aún no se han ordenado evacuaciones, al menos por ahora.

El Departamento de Bomberos le dijo a los residentes locales que las grietas están solo en la superficie, alrededor de 4 pies, pero obviamente con más lluvia eso podría cambiar.

Los geólogos y el Departamento de Construcción y Seguridad de Los Ángeles están evaluando la zona y están seguros de que la ladera no se vendrá abajo. Aunque eso no significa que las casas estén seguras, sobre todo porque se prevé más lluvia esta semana.

La casa de 23,5 millones de dólares de Travis parece segura por ahora, pero cuando se producen grandes grietas en una ladera, siempre es motivo de preocupación.

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Aparte del peligro inmediato, grietas como esta a menudo tienen un impacto devastador en el valor de la propiedad. Piénsalo bien, un posible comprador ve la fisura y, en sentido figurado, se va corriendo por las colinas.

Billy Porter Pone a la venta su casa en Nueva York Tras los problemas económicos de la huelga

Billy Porter se está despidiendo de su casa de Nueva York después de expresar los problemas financieros que tuvo durante la huelga de SAG-AFTRA este verano, según ha averiguado TMZ.

Fuentes familiarizadas con la venta le dicen a TMZ que la estrella de "Pose" puso en venta su casa de 4 dormitorios y 4,5 baños el martes, por una suma de $2.5 millones. La propiedad se encuentra a 70 millas de Nueva York, en la ciudad costera de Bellport Village en Long Island y tiene más de un acre de extensión.

Si bien puede parecer una suma elevada, cada centavo lo vale. La casa viene con un patio exterior precioso, una piscina climatizada, un gimnasio en casa y su propia casa del árbol. La propiedad también ofrece más de 4.500 pies cuadrados de espacio habitable en terrenos bien cuidados.

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Esto no es un juego

Ahora bien, si se están preguntando por qué Billy se desharía de una inversión así, en agosto compartió que estaba teniendo dificultades financieras debido a la huelga de SAG, y dio a entender que este tipo de movimiento podría suceder.

En ese momento, dijo que una película y un programa de televisión en los que estaba trabajando se habían descartado debido a las protestas, las que duraron 118 días.

También está esto: Billy Porter y su exmarido Adam Smith anunciaron su separación el año pasado, y no sería la primera pareja de celebridades que vende su casa en medio de una división de activos.

Parece que Billy tendrá un nuevo comienzo cuando se concrete la venta.

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Loretta Drew de Old Purchase Properties tiene el listado.

Billy Porter Lists NY Home ... After Strike's Financial Woes

Billy Porter is parting ways with his New York home after expressing financial woes during the SAG-AFTRA strike this summer ... TMZ has learned.

Sources familiar with the sale tell TMZ ... the "Pose" star listed his 4-bedroom, 4.5-bath house -- which is located 70 miles outside NYC in the beach town of Bellport Village in Long Island -- on Tuesday ... asking for a cool $2.5 million for the over one-acre property.

While it may sound like a pretty penny to some ... it's worth every cent. The house comes with a gorgeous outside patio, a heated lap pool, a home gym, and its very own tree house. The property also offers over 4,500 square feet of living space on well-kept grounds.

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Now if you're wondering why Billy would part ways with such an ideal investment ... he actually shared back in August he was hurting financially, as a result of the SAG strike, and telegraphed this sort of move might happen down the line.

At the time, he said both a movie and a TV show he was working on got scrapped due to the protests ... which lasted a whopping 118 days.

There's also this ... BP and his ex-husband Adam Smith announced their split last year -- and they wouldn't be the first celebrity couple to sell their home amid a division of assets.

It looks like Billy will have a fresh start when the ink dries on his house sale.

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Loretta Drew of Old Purchase Properties holds the listing.

ACTRESS COCOA BROWN Tyler Perry Offers $400K For New Pad ... After House Burns Down

Cocoa Brown is the latest person to be overwhelmed by Tyler Perry's generosity -- 'cause he just offered her nearly half a million dollars for a new home after hers burned down.

The actress tells TMZ she's filled with profound gratitude over TP's support and that of everyone else who's donated to her GFM campaign. She has a lot to be grateful for ... 'cause Tyler chipped in a whopping $400k toward her cause.

Cocoa adds that she's been on an emotional roller coaster -- noting the devastation of watching her home go up in flames Sunday while feeling and trying to make sure her young son Phoenix was safe and sound.

But the comedian -- known for "For Better or Worse," alongside a slate of other movies and TV shows -- reiterates she and her son have been deeply moved by the outpouring of support they've received.

It's not just Tyler who's helped, BTW -- she's gotten other donations from Tiffany Haddish, Marlon Wayans, Byron Allen, Sherri Shepherd, "The Breakfast Club" podcast team, and numerous other friends, family and fans. All of them have given fairly generous amounts.

Cocoa has made sure to send a special shout-out to Pastor Mark and the entire congregation of McDonough Rd Baptist Church, who she says have gone above and beyond for her.

Despite the devastation of losing her home, Cocoa tells us "having each other, our fur babies, and seeing and feeling all this love has strengthened our love for each other and humanity."

The support is evident on Cocoa's GoFundMe page kickstarted by her loved ones, which has surpassed the $50,000 goal and then some. She's now on her way to $70,000 in donations.

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TMZ broke the story ... flames overtook Cocoa's entire Fayetteville, GA, property, with sources telling us she believes it was likely kickstarted by a lit candle falling into some clothes in the house. So far, it sounds like she's due to be back on her feet in no time.


Famed photographer Annie Leibovitz has offloaded her lavish NYC condo ... and snagged a helluva haul for the sale.

Sources with knowledge of the transaction tell TMZ ... AL was able to sell this sweet home of hers for a whopping $10.6 million, closing on the deal last Thursday with the new buyer.

The price tag on the 4-bed, 3-bath apartment on Manhattan's Upper West Side is totally justified given its sweeping, picture-perfect Central Park views but, of course, Annie's got a keen eye for capturing beauty, so it's no surprise the grand interiors are just as stunning.

The condo is sprawled out on two levels of living space and includes a powder room and home office ... all with high ceilings, inlaid hardwood floors, and moldings.

The grand formal dining room, complete with giant picture windows framing those Central Park West to South vistas, is one of its key selling points ... seamlessly opening up from the 32 by 20-foot living room via French doors, making it the perfect spot for entertaining.

There's a newly renovated eat-in kitchen outfitted with top-notch appliances, spacious custom cabinetry, and an adjacent butler's pantry ... proving that no expense was spared.

The full-service amenities offered by the building add an extra layer of opulence to the condo ... with the news owners having access to the lobby with concierge, doorman services, private storage space, and an emergency backup generator.

Needless to say ... the condo is definitely the perfect backdrop for life's most beautiful moments -- both behind the lens and in everyday living. Annie knew that, and now some lucky bastard will too as he moves into this place.

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Corcoran’s Deborah Kern held the listing.


La famosa fotógrafa Annie Leibovitz ha vendido su lujoso condominio de Nueva York y se embolsó una nada despreciable cantidad de siete dígitos.

Fuentes directas le dicen a TMZ que Annie fue capaz de vender el lugar por la cantidad de $10.6 millones, cerrando el  trato el pasado jueves con el nuevo comprador.

El precio de este apartamento de 4 dormitorios y 3 baños, situado en el Upper West Side de Manhattan, está totalmente justificado dadas sus amplias y perfectas vistas de Central Park, pero, por supuesto, Annie tiene un buen ojo para captar la belleza, por lo que no es de extrañar que los magníficos interiores sean igual de impresionantes.

El condominio se extiende en dos niveles de espacio de vida e incluye una lujosa sala y una oficina, todo con techos altos, suelos de madera con incrustaciones y molduras.

El gran comedor cuenta con grandes ventanales que enmarcan las vistas de Central Park Oeste a Sur y la sala de estar es de 32 por 20 pies a través de puertas francesas, por lo que es el lugar perfecto para el entretenimiento.

Hay un recién renovado comedor en la cocina equipada con electrodomésticos de primera categoría, amplios armarios a medida, y la despensa de un mayordomo adyacente, lo que demuestra que no se escatimaron gastos.

Las comodidades de servicio completo que ofrece el edificio añaden una capa extra de opulencia a la propiedad. Los nuevos propietarios tienen acceso al vestíbulo con conserje, portero, espacio de almacenamiento privado y un generador de copia de seguridad de emergencia.

En resumen, es un lugar soñado para cualquier mortal, y ahora hay un afortunado que puede gozar de semejante palacio.

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Deborah Kern de Corcoran tenía el listado.


Soap star Joshua Morrow -- famous from 'The Young and the Restless' -- is unloading his L.A. pad, and you could step into his lap of luxury if you've got a few mil lying around.

The actor has put his extraordinary 6-bedroom, 6.5-bathroom Westlake Village estate on the market for a whopping $5,250,000 ... and you can imagine, at that price, the new owner will be getting a whole lotta perks.

First, it's all location, location, location ... the 5,900-square-foot private property sits on a sprawling 1.21 acre at the end of a cul-de-sac ... nestled within the guard-gated North Ranch Country Club Estates.

The two-story floor plan boasts a super lavish kitchen with a new center island that opens seamlessly to the family room -- and that's not all, it also comes with a media and a separate bonus room for all your entertainment needs.

JM's acclaimed interior designer wife, Tobe, who owns Morrow & Co. designed the whole inside ... so, it's no surprise every inch of this home is adorned with the finest finishes.

It's not just the breathtaking inside; the grounds are something else ... there's a detached pool-house, custom pool and spa, fire pit, and massive manicured lawns. That's luxury Southern California living right there!!

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Josh, who's played Nicholas Newman on "The Young and the Restless" since 1994, and his wife Tobe lived there together with their 4 kids.

Jordan Cohen of RE/MAX holds the listing.

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