Actress Cocoa Brown Georgia House Burns Down ... GoFundMe Started for Help

Cocoa Brown's home burned down in a devastating fire this week -- and her friends are now coming together to help her out ... understandable when you see the extent of the damage.

The actress/comedian -- famous from "For Better or Worse," and lots of other shows and movies -- suffered a massive blow Sunday when flames overtook her entire property in Fayetteville, GA ... where she lives with her young son, Phoenix.

In terms of how this even happened, sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... Cocoa believes a lit candle may have fallen into some clothes in the house -- and by the time the fire alarm went off ... CB ran to the room, but it was quickly becoming an inferno.

We're told Cocoa tried her best to put out the fire with an extinguisher she had on hand -- but the fire started overtaking the whole house ... and she had to escape while she could.

Our sources say Cocoa was able to get her kid and her pets ... and they fled the home with nothing but the clothes on their backs -- and we're told they're lucky they made it out OK.

In the aftermath ... Cocoa's loved ones have started a GoFundMe for her -- with a goal of $50,000 -- and so far, a lot of people have come out to support her during this trying time.

Cocoa is a working actress and comedian, and while she has worked A LOT -- with over 60 acting credits to her name, plus a ton of comedy specials as well -- having your house go up in flames and it becoming as damaged as it clearly did here is a major setback for her.

As the GFM rightly notes ... "Cocoa Brown has brought laughter and light to countless lives with her talent and humor. Now, it's our turn to rally around her and show our support in her time of need. Together, let's shine a beacon of hope and happiness in this time of darkness."

Here's hoping she can get back on her feet soon. 🙏

Sharon Stone Ex-LAPD Officers Don't Buy O.J. Tale

Sharon Stone claims LAPD officers came to her home during the O.J. Simpson chase and whisked her away -- but cops who were on the force back then don't have any such memory.

David Gascon -- who was a commander at the LAPD's Media Relations department during the O.J. years -- tells TMZ ... he's never heard of cops showing up to Sharon's crib on June 17, 1994, when officers were in hot pursuit of Simpson during that infamous televised low-speed chase.

Not only is Gascon personally unaware of it happening ... he says he'd never heard a single report of Sharon's involvement, at least not until she talked about it this past week.

Ditto for Tom Lange ... the lead LAPD detective on the O.J. case tells us he hadn't heard a peep about Sharon's claim cops ushered her to a hotel for safety reasons. In fact, Lange asks the obvious question ... why would O.J. go after Sharon at the time?

Lange insists, if Sharon's Simpson saga happened, he would've heard of it. As for Sharon's M.O. in telling it ... he suspects it might have to do with the 30th anniversary coming up in June.

Last, but not least, we spoke to a retired former LAPD officer -- who worked in the South L.A. division back in 1994 -- and he also says any Sharon-O.J. connection is news to him!

This retired officer questions how or why O.J. would have any reason to go to Sharon's house at the time ... especially with 20 patrol cars chasing him down the freeway.

The way Sharon put it in her new interview, her "Basic Instinct" fame from '92 is what supposedly spurred a bunch of officers to show up to her house to hide her at a hotel. Although, as many here have noted, she had no apparent connection to O.J. in those days.

Sharon has previously talked about how crazy it was for her in the '90s after her then-viral movie skyrocketed her to A-list status ... not to mention making her a bona fide sex symbol.

Again, the fact these former officers are taking her story with a grain of salt does not mean what Sharon is saying didn't occur -- but as far as they're concerned, it was never on their radar.

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Guess there's no one else to have weigh-in at this point besides O.J. himself ... kidding.

Joe Manganiello Viviendo juntos con Caitlin O'Connor Tras el divorcio de Sofía Vergara

Con el divorcio de Sofía Vergara resuelto, Joe Manganiello está moviendo sus cosas junto a Caitlin O'Connor, pues han dado oficialmente el siguiente paso en su relación.

Fuentes cercanas a la pareja le dicen a TMZ que Caitlin está viviendo bajo el mismo techo que el galán de "Magic Mike" y por ahora están disfrutando cada momento de la convivencia.

Nos dicen que ambos están muy enamorados, sobre todo después de forjar un vínculo muy fuerte sobre sus raíces en Pittsburgh, incluso viajaron hasta allá juntos y consolidaron aún más su relación con otros viajes a Nueva York e Italia.

Y lo que es más importante, nuestras fuentes dicen que el querido perro del actor, Bubbles, le dio su sello de aprobación a Caitlin, lo que significa mucho para Joe.

La noticia del romance surgió en septiembre del año pasado, solo 2 meses después de que Joe le pidiera el divorcio a Sofía después de 7 años de matrimonio. La principal razón por la que terminaron fue su deseo de tener hijos y la reticencia de Sofía a tenerlos.

TMZ publicó la semana pasada que su divorcio fue resuelto de manera amistosa: cada uno mantuvo los activos que acumularon individualmente y ambos renunciaron mutuamente a cualquier derecho a la manutención del cónyuge.

Mientras Joe encontró rápidamente un nuevo amor tras su separación, Sofía también ha seguido adelante. Ahora está saliendo con un respetado cirujano ortopédico llamado Justin Saliman. Ambos han sido vistos varias veces juntos en los últimos meses.

Pero volviendo a Caitlin, Joe hizo buenas migas con la actriz después de reunirse en una after party de la serie "Winning Time", donde ella interpretó a Dyan Cannon. Más tarde hicieron pública su relación en la gala de Children of Armenia Fund en Nueva York.

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Parece que las cosas van muy deprisa para ellos, primero viene el amor, luego la mudanza, y, ¿a continuación? Sigan en sintonía.


With his divorce from Sofia Vergara finally settled, Joe Manganiello is moving things along with Caitlin O'Connor -- they've officially taken the next step in their relationship.

Sources close to the couple tell TMZ ... Caitlin is now living under the same roof as the "Magic Mike" hunk, and so far, they're relishing every moment of cohabitating.

We're told they're very much in love, especially after forging quite a strong bond over their Pittsburgh roots -- even traveling there together, and further solidifying their relationship with trips to NYC and Italy.

Most importantly, our sources say the actor's beloved pet dog Bubbles has given Caitlin his seal of approval ... which means a lot to Joe.

News of Joe's romance with COC emerged in September last year ... just 2 months after he filed for divorce from Sofia after 7 years of marriage. The main reason they called it quits was his desire to have kids and Sofia's reluctance to have them.

TMZ broke the story last week their divorce was settled amicably -- each kept the assets they accumulated individually, and both mutually waived any right to spousal support.

While Joe quickly found new love after their split, Sofia moved on too ... now dating a respected orthopedic surgeon named Justin Saliman -- they've been seen out on several date nights over the past few months.

But back to Caitlin ... Joe hit it off with the rising actress after meeting at a 'Winning Time" after-party -- she played Dyan Cannon in that series -- and later going public as a couple at NYC's Children of Armenia Fund Gala in December.

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Things seem to be moving along quickly for them -- first comes love, then comes moving in, then comes??? Stay tuned!

Jada Pinkett Smith Dos hombres subieron a su balcón Ella los asustó!!!

Jada Pinkett Smith tuvo un aterrador incidente en su casa de Los Ángeles a principios de esta semana: la policía dice que dos hombres se subieron a su balcón mientras ella estaba dentro.

Fuentes policiales le dicen a TMZ que los hombres con capuchas intentaron entrar poco antes de las 8 PM pensando que no había nadie en la casa, pero que se asustaron cuando la presentadora de "Red Table Talk" los vio.

La policía se dirigió a la escena, pero nuestras fuentes dicen que los sospechosos se habían ido y no estaban en ninguna parte.

No está claro si Jada era el objetivo o si solo era una banda golpeando casas bonitas alrededor de la zona de Los Ángeles.

Nos dicen que los oficiales hicieron un informe de intento de robo y el caso está bajo investigación.

Jada ha estado separada de su marido Will desde hace unos años, y aunque todavía están en muy buenos términos, especialmente después de la bofetada de los Oscar, es muy poco probable que estuviera con ella en el momento del robo.

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La policía dice que no está claro si ella estaba acompañada de otra persona en el momento o estaba completamente sola.

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Sobre la bofetada en la cara...

La casa de la actriz es la última de una serie de robos en Los Ángeles, entre ellos la estrella de "El Juego del Calamar" Lee Byung-hun, la actriz Lena Waithe, la modelo Abigail Ratchford, y el icono de Hollywood Keanu Reeves.


Jada Pinkett Smith had a terrifying incident go down at her Los Angeles Area home earlier this week -- cops say two men climbed onto her balcony while she was inside!

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ the men wearing hoodies attempted to break in a little before 8 PM thinking the coast was clear -- but we're told they were scared off when the "Red Table Talk" host saw them.

Police responded to the scene ... but our sources say the suspects had long taken off and were nowhere to be found.

Unclear if Jada was the target or if this was just a crew hitting nice homes in and around the L.A. area.

We're told deputies took an attempted burglary report ... and the case is now under investigation.

Jada's been separated from hubby Will for a few years now, and though they're apparently still on pretty good terms, especially in the aftermath of that Oscars slap, it's highly unlikely that he was with her at the time of the break-in.

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Cops say it's unclear whether she had other company at the time ... or was alone.

Speaking of being alone, Jada said last year she and Will would eventually move back in together. That clearly hasn't happened yet.

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The actress' home is the latest in a series of break-ins in Los Angeles, with "Squid Game" star Lee Byung-hun, actress Lena Waithe, model Abigail Ratchford, and Hollywood icon Keanu Reeves among the recent victims.

Taylor Swift Presunto acosador no es apto para ser juzgado

El presunto acosador de Taylor Swift no se enfrentará a un juicio penal después de haber sido arrestado varias veces fuera de su casa porque los fiscales dicen que simplemente no es apto para ello, legalmente.

Según la Oficina del Fiscal del Distrito de Manhattan, David Crowe, el hombre que los fiscales dicen que ha estado al alrededor de la casa de Taylor en Nueva York, ha sido considerado no apto para el juicio sobre la base de los resultados de su examen psicológico.

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Reaparece el acosador de Taylor

Nos dicen que el caso criminal contra Crowe ha sido desestimado y que será confiado a la custodia de la Oficina de Salud Mental, donde recibirá el tratamiento necesario.

Como ya informamos, David fue procesado el mes pasado por cargos de acoso y hostigamiento, pero luego fue puesto en libertad. Dos horas después fue detenido nuevamente tras regresar al barrio de Taylor.

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Crowe en el tribunal
John M. Mantel for Fox News Digital

Los abogados de Crowe pidieron un examen psicológico antes de enfrentar un posible juicio, y el juez accedió. Ahora los resultados están disponibles y él está siendo enviado a un centro de salud mental en vez de enfrentar un proceso penal.

Taylor estaba en la Gran Manzana durante las detenciones de Crowe, pero ahora está al otro lado del mundo en Japón y pronto estará en Las Vegas para el Super Bowl.

Teniendo en cuenta que ahora el hombre va a ser confinado en un centro de salud mental, se pueden imaginar que la estrella del pop estará más tranquila cuando regrese a su casa en Nueva York. Aunque este tipo era solo una de las múltiples personas que han estado obsesionadas con ella y que ha llegado a su casa sin invitación.

Además, los aviones de Taylor han sido rastreados en los últimos meses. Otro dolor de cabeza para ella y una gran preocupación para su equipo, quien dijo que el seguimiento equivalía a llevar una hoja de ruta de su paradero, información que, obviamente, puede conducir al peligro cuando está en las manos equivocadas.

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En este frente, sin embargo, no hay que preocuparse más de Crowe, que se va por un largo tiempo.


Taylor Swift's alleged stalker will not be facing a criminal trial after being arrested multiple times outside her pad ... because prosecutors say he's just not up for it, legally.

According to the Manhattan District Attorney's Office ... David Crowe -- the man who prosecutors say has been lurking around Taylor's NYC home for a while now -- has been deemed unfit for trial based on the results of his psychological exam.

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We're told the criminal case against Crowe has been dismissed and he will be committed to the custody of the Office of Mental Health, where he will receive necessary treatment.

As we reported ... David was arraigned last month on stalking and harassment charges but was then set free, only to be arrested again 2 hours later after going back to Taylor's block.

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Crowe's lawyers asked for a psych exam before a potential trial, and a judge agreed ... and now the results are in and he's being sent off to a mental health facility instead of facing criminal prosecution.

Taylor was in the Big Apple during Crowe's multiple arrests ... but now she's a world away on tour in Japan -- and soon, she'll be in Vegas for the Super Bowl ... distanced from this.

Considering this man is now going to be confined to a facility going forward ... ya gotta imagine she'll be breathing easier when she's at home in NYC -- although, this guy was just the latest person who's been obsessed with her and who came to her home uninvited.

Also ... Taylor's jets have been getting tracked in recent months -- another headache for her, and a major concern for her team -- who said the tracking amounted to a roadmap to her whereabouts, information that can obviously lead to danger when in the wrong hands.

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On this front, though ... no more worries about Crowe -- he's going away for a long time.

We'll be talking all things Taylor on the new "TMZ Swift-Tea Podcast" -- available on all podcast platforms.

Calvin Harris L.A. Home Catches Fire ... Smoke Emanating, Major Response!!!


5:00 PM PT -- Photos from the fire at Calvin Harris' Los Angeles estate show some of the structure damage ... and a patched-up roof.

Check out the pic, you can see the section of roof firefighters had to cut out to get closer to the blaze and extinguish the flames.

What a mess!!!

Calvin Harris' Los Angeles home partially caught on fire this week -- and it sounds like firefighters sent the whole cavalry at first ... responding like this was a 5-alarm blaze.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... multiple fire engines rushed to the DJ's Beverly Hills mansion Wednesday night, with firefighters arriving at his 3-story home in the area -- where reports came in of a possible fire on one of the upper floors.

We're told the call came in around 8:25 PM, with the reporting party saying there was the smell of smoke coming from inside the home. At first, there was an obvious and major reaction to this -- because LAFD sent up to 10 different fire units, and at least 20 different responders.

Eyewitnesses on the scene tell TMZ ... that there was a mix of multiple fire trucks and ambulances -- and that there were even helicopters swarming to tend to this. One eyewitness tells us smoke was clearly visible and rising from the roof of CH's house.

Now, luckily, this ended up not being nearly as dangerous as was initially suspected -- our sources tell us firefighters showed up and ended up ascertaining that the fire was coming from the third floor of the house ... near the theater room, we're told.

In order to access the void space -- meaning an area that isn't out in plain view -- firefighters had to cut through the second-story roof to get access to a wall inside, where the fire was actually taking place. Our sources say there were flames near an HVAC system there.

All in all, we're told this appeared to be an electrical mishap ... and it took them about 52 minutes to extinguish the fire. Our sources say there appears to be about $100,000 in damage -- but in the end, they were able to put it out and nobody was harmed.

Worth noting, Calvin himself was not home. In fact, he doesn't live there right now. Sources close to CH tell TMZ that Calvin's been leasing this pad of his for at least a few years now.

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Either way ... rough week for Cal, no doubt. First, he had the Taylor (non)run-in at the Grammys -- and now, his crib ended up lighting up the whole block with a fire.

This is NOT what he came for! 😅

Originally Published -- 1:04 PM PT

Calvin Harris Su casa se incendia... ¡¡¡Gran respuesta de bomberos!!!

La casa de Calvin Harris en Los Angeles se incendió parcialmente esta semana, y parece que los bomberos enviaron a toda la caballería en un primer momento, pues respondiendo como si se tratara de un incendio muy, muy serio.

Fuentes policiales le dicen a TMZ que los múltiples camiones de bomberos se apresuraron en llegar a la mansión del DJ en Beverly Hills el miércoles por la noche. Los bomberos llegaron a su casa de 3 pisos en la zona, luego de recibir informes que un posible incendio en uno de los pisos superiores.

Nos dicen que la llamada se produjo alrededor de las 8:25 PM, con la parte informante diciendo que había olor a humo que procedía desde el interior de la casa. Al principio, hubo una reacción obvia y mayor a esto, porque LAFD envió hasta 10 unidades de bomberos diferentes y al menos 20 primeros auxilios diferentes.

Testigos en la escena le dicen a TMZ que había una mezcla de múltiples camiones de bomberos y ambulancias, y que incluso había helicópteros pululando para atender esto. Un testigo nos dice que el humo era claramente visible y se elevaba desde el techo de la casa.

Ahora, por suerte, esto terminó no siendo tan peligroso como se sospechaba inicialmente. Nuestras fuentes nos dicen que los bomberos se presentaron y terminaron determinando que el fuego provenía de la tercera planta de la casa, cerca de la sala de teatro, nos informan.

Con el fin de acceder al espacio vacío, es decir, un área que no está a la vista, los bomberos tuvieron que cortar a través del techo del segundo piso para acceder a una pared interior, donde se estaba produciendo el fuego. Nuestras fuentes dicen que había llamas cerca de un sistema de calefacción, ventilación y aire acondicionado.

Con todo, nos dicen que esto parecía ser un percance eléctrico y les tomó alrededor de 52 minutos extinguir el fuego. Nuestras fuentes dicen que parece haber alrededor de $100.000 en daños, pero al final, fueron capaces de apagarlo y nadie resultó herido.

Vale la pena señalar que Calvin Harris no estaba en casa. De hecho, no vive allí en este momento. Fuentes cercanas al DJ le dicen a TMZ que Calvin ha estado alquilando este palacio suyo por lo menos desde hace unos años.

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De cualquier manera, ha sido una semana dura para Cal. Primero, tuvo el (no)encontronazo con Taylor en los Grammys y ahora, su cuna casi termina prendiendo fuego a toda la cuadra. ¡Esto NO es para lo que vino! 😅

L.A. Rain City Pounded by Flash Flooding Major Damage, Wreckage

It never rains in Southern California -- except when it does, it pours ... just like it's doing right now in the City of Angels, and it's causing a major headache, not to mention damage.

Los Angeles is currently on high alert for flash flooding and other extreme weather conditions that are hitting the West Coast -- and yes, that means a helluva lot of precipitation between now and Wednesday ... at least that's what meteorologists predict.

The forecast of heavy showers came true on Monday ... and lo and behold -- it's been wreaking some havoc on homeowners and Angelenos at large throughout the area.

Take a look at these shots of some of the wreckage that's been caused as a result of the storm -- depending on which part of L.A. you're in, you might have it worse than others ... and those that are located on mountainsides or near canyons and such certainly got it bad.

The fast-moving waters have given way to some catastrophic landslides ... sending large boulders and debris careening down the Hollywood Hills.

Many cars are buried in the water right now, while trees have struck down others -- leaving them completely totaled.

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2 deaths have been reported up North -- one in Santa Cruz and another in Yuba County -- but thankfully everyone's still safe in L.A.

Stay dry, folks!

Nick Jonas, Priyanka Chopra Mansion Is 'Virtually Unlivable' ... Messy Lawsuit Reveals

Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra say they aren't able to live in their luxurious mansion due to a bunch of construction defects and mold ... this according to litigation that's been dragging on since last May.

According to the lawsuit, obtained by TMZ, the singer-songwriter and actress/model purchased the Encino house through a trust in 2019 ... but now claim the place is riddled with problems that have forced them to get the hell out.

The biggest problems, they claim, are mostly with the waterproofing around the deck and spa area, not to mention alleged mold issues that they say have rendered the crib "virtually unlivable in parts."

The lawsuit -- which was filed by a trustee of Nick and Priyanka's trust -- says the house is not only "dangerous from a health perspective to occupy" ... but will also cost the couple a ton of time and money to fix. We're talking millions of dollars here.

The exact amount of alleged damages is unknown, but they're saying the damages are north of at least $2.5 million ... and the suit includes some photos to back up their claims. We have some of those shots here -- but it's hard to tell what exactly is depicted here.

The photos are in black and white, and seem to be scanned ... so the detail isn't great.

Anyway, as for why the lawsuit's dragging on for so long ... the trustee's lawyer Fred Fenster told Page Six, "It’s like everybody who put a pick or a shovel in the property is going to be involved, and it’s going to be up to the builder to decide and prove who was responsible for the defects." We should note ... other lawsuits have been filed over this situation -- with a lot of different parties involved suing each other, but no one is suing Nick or Priyanka, specifically. In other words ... there's big confusion over who's to blame.

Now, a source with direct knowledge tells us Nick and Priyanka are very disappointed with the building issues, and with the house still currently under repair ... so nobody is living in the house at this time. Obviously, they've made other living arrangements in the meantime.

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We've also reached out to the contractor CW General Construction, Inc., about the suit ... so far no word back.

Nick Jonas y Priyanka Chopra implicados en una demanda Por infestación de moho

Nick Jonas y Priyanka Chopra dicen que no pueden vivir en su lujosa mansión debido a un montón de defectos de construcción y moho. Esto según un litigio que se arrastra desde mayo pasado.

Según la demanda obtenida por TMZ, el cantautor y la actriz y modelo compraron la casa de Encino a través de un fideicomiso en 2019, pero ahora afirman que el lugar está plagado de problemas que los han obligado a salir de ahí.

Afirman que los mayores problemas son en su mayoría con la impermeabilización alrededor de la cubierta y zona de spa, por no hablar de presuntos problemas de moho que dicen que han hecho que la casa sea "prácticamente inhabitable en ciertas partes".

La demanda -que fue presentada por un administrador del fideicomiso de Nick y Priyanka- dice que la casa no solo es "peligrosa desde el punto de vista de la salud" sino que también le costará a la pareja un montón de tiempo y dinero. Estamos hablando de millones de dólares.

La cantidad exacta de los presuntos daños se desconoce, pero rondarían los $2.5 millones y la demanda incluye algunas fotos para respaldar sus afirmaciones. Tenemos algunas de esas fotos aquí, pero es difícil decir qué es exactamente lo que se representa.

Las fotos son en blanco y negro y parecen haber sido escaneadas, por lo que no se puede apreciar en detalle.

De todos modos, en cuanto a por qué la demanda se está prolongando durante tanto tiempo, el abogado del fideicomisario Fred Fenster dijo a Page Six: "Es como si todo el mundo que contribuyó a la construcción de la propiedad fuera a estar involucrado, y va a ser el constructor quien demuestre y decida quién es el responsable de los defectos." Debemos tener en cuenta que otras demandas se han presentado sobre esta situación, con un montón de diferentes partes involucradas demandándose entre ellas, pero nadie está demandando a Nick o Priyanka. En otras palabras, hay una gran confusión sobre quién tiene la culpa.

Una fuente directa nos dice que Nick y Priyanka están muy decepcionados con los problemas de construcción, y están con la casa todavía en reparación, por lo que nadie está viviendo ahí en este momento.

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También nos hemos puesto en contacto con el contratista CW General Construction, Inc. sobre la demanda, pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

Riley Keough no quiere pagar la deuda de Lisa Marie Presley Por su casa en Reino Unido

Riley Keough está tratando de luchar contra un cobrador de deudas del otro lado del charco que quiere que suelte un montón de dinero por una casa que su difunta madre poseía.

La hija mayor de Lisa Marie Presley -que ahora está a cargo tras la muerte de su madre el año pasado- acaba de presentar nuevos documentos legales que le pidien a un juez que declare que ella no está de acuerdo con pagar ningún tipo de deuda.

En la presentación -obtenida por TMZ- Riley señala que todo esto tiene que ver con una finca en Rotherfield llamada Coes Hall, una propiedad de 11 dormitorios que Lisa Marie aseguró con un préstamo del Banco Barclays el 2010.

Barclays está reclamando que Lisa debía un saldo pendiente de alrededor de $1.6 millones a Coes Hall y el banco afirma que Lisa garantizó el pago personalmente cuando tomó el préstamo. A raíz de su muerte, Barclays espera que paguen la cuenta de la garantía personal.

Riley dice que esto es falso. en su papeleo, dice que hay al menos dos razones por las que debería tener que pagar la deuda, para empezar, dice que ha prescrito un plazo clave.

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Riley afirma que Barclays tenía un plazo para presentar cualquier tipo de reclamación hasta el 12 de enero 2024, el primer aniversario de la muerte de Lisa, que ha llegado y se ha ido sin ninguna novedad para el banco. Ella también afirma que Lisa solo garantiza el pago de intereses sobre el préstamo entre 2010 y 2015, por lo que la confianza no debería tener que pagar el capital pendiente.

Riley está intentando explicarle al juez sus razones por las que ella no cree que np hay nada que pagar... El juez aún no se ha pronunciado.

Riley Keough Bank Wants Her to Pay Lisa Marie Debt She Says She's Off the Hook

Riley Keough is trying to fight off a debt collector from across the pond, which she claims wants her to cough up a lot of money for a house her late mother owned ... but Riley's pushing back.

Lisa Marie Presley's eldest child -- who's now in charge of the trust left behind after her mom's death last year -- just filed new legal docs asking for a judge to declare she's not on the hook for a fat tab that a bank is attempting to collect from the trust.

In the filing, obtained by TMZ, Riley notes this all has to do with an estate in Rotherfield called Coes Hall -- an 11-bedroom property that LMP brought back in 2010 ... and which she secured with a loan from Barclays Bank.

To make it simple ... Barclays is claiming Lisa owed an outstanding balance of about $1.6 million on Coes Hall -- and the bank claims Lisa personally guaranteed payment when she took out the loan. In the wake of her death, though, Barclays is trying to have the trust pick up the tab for the personal guarantee.

But RK is calling BS ... in her paperwork, she says there are at least 2 reasons why she shouldn't have to pay the debt -- for starters, she says a key statute of limitations has run.

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Riley claims Barclays had a deadline to file any kind of claim on this -- namely, Jan. 12, 2024 ... the 1-year anniversary of Lisa's death ... which has come and gone without the bank filing legal papers. She also claims Lisa only guaranteed interest payments on the loan between 2010 and 2015, so the trust shouldn't have to pay down the outstanding principal.

It's a bit technical, but Riley's telling the judge her reasons why she doesn't think the trust should be on the hook for this dough. A judge has yet to rule.

Tom Sandoval on Ariana Madix I Made Offer to Buy Her Out on House She's Just Being Petty!!!

Tom Sandoval is ripping Ariana Madix for trying to force the sale of their shared house -- 'cause he says he's provided a reasonable alternative ... buying her out with a fair price.

The Viall Files

The "Vanderpump Rules" star spilled a little alleged tea about what he says is the real story about this house of theirs that Ariana wants to unload -- the same one they bought together, and where they lived for a long time before their nasty breakup last year.

TS went onto Nick Viall's podcast this week and told his side of the story -- basically, he claims Ariana is being petty ... insisting he's made a cash offer of $3.1 million to keep it for himself.

Tom explains that they purchased this house for significantly cheaper than what he's offering her right now -- so her turning it down, in his mind, is just her continuing to throw a fit about the affair. TS also claims she's hardly there and that she hasn't paid a single bill in months.

TMZ broke the story ... Ariana sued Tom earlier this month in an effort to force a sale of their home, which they bought together back in 2019 for around $2 million.

But now, Tom's firing back, saying ... she's doing the equivalent of flipping a Monopoly board when somebody's losing. That's exactly how he frames it ... likening her to a little girl pouting.

It's interesting ... Tom agrees with Nick here -- who says he can understand where Ariana is coming from, and why she would just want to sell the place without letting him have it.

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With that said ... Tom thinks she's just being spiteful for spite's sake. Clearly, he wants this place on his own -- and his cash offer does sound pretty sweet.

Seems like they're both digging in their heels and gearing up for a big fight over the house.

Stay tuned ...

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