Steve Wynn Relists Bev Hills Mansion Major Price Drop from $125 Mil!!!

Steve Wynn's taking another shot at unloading his massive Beverly Hills estate -- and in this economy ... he's had to slash the price by quite a bit compared to 3 years ago.

The casino mogul has put his mega-mansion back on the market after first listing in 2021 for a whopping $125 million. Now, he's willing to accept much less -- listing the pad for a cool $75 mil ... marking a huge $50 million discount.

Mind you, the dip here was gradual ... SW and co. first dropped the price 6 months after first throwing up, asking for $115M, then dropped it further in March 2022 at $100 mil ... and finally, cut it down some more in January 2023, asking for just $85 mil. Now, it's just this.

It goes without saying ... the housing market just isn't as hot as it was during the pandemic -- and this figure seems to reflect that. With that said, that dough will fetch you a palace.

The property features a humongous main house that has 11 bedrooms, 16 baths and over 27,000 square feet of living space that sits atop 3 acres total. Like we said ... it's big!!!

Of course, it's got all the bells and whistles of luxury too ... including a wine cellar, a pool house, an outdoor kitchen, a championship tennis court with a pavilion, a massage room, a full gym, a state-of-the-art screening room -- just to list a few perks.

If you've got an extra $75 mil lying around, you can live like a king ... or a real estate tycoon, more like.

Kurt Rappaport of Westside Estate Agency Inc. holds the listing.

Alec Baldwin Estoy vendiendo mi casa en los Hamptons... Mira cómo te convenzo

Alec Baldwin está buscando vender su mansión en los Hamptons una vez más y esta vez rebajó el precio en más de $10 millones e hizo un video para los potenciales compradores.

El actor acaba de poner a la venta nuevamente su enorme propiedad en Amagansett, Nueva York, por 18.995.000 dólares, lo que significa una fuerte reducción con respecto al precio original de 29 millones de dólares.

La casa de Alec en los Hamptons tiene 10.000 pies cuadrados y 7 dormitorios. La moderna finca está en un lote de 10 acres y dice: "Usted simplemente no puede conseguir más esto por aquí, no se pueden comprar grandes terrenos, especialmente en Amagansett."

El lugar está engalanado con una sala de cine, una sala de cata de vinos y una biblioteca con paneles de madera, además de una piscina exterior y un spa. También tiene varios balcones y porches para disfrutar de la reserva natural circundante.

En su video, Alec habla poéticamente sobre su amor por los Hamptons. Dice que se enamoró desde el momento en que fue allí por primera vez. Dice que solía ir mucho a la playa cercana cuando era más joven y que a veces se quedaba dormido bajo las estrellas.

En realidad, Alec no entra en la casa en su video. Solo está en la propiedad hablando de lo mucho que disfruta los Hamptons e incluso muestra algunas antiguas casas en la zona.

La casa salió por primera vez al mercado en septiembre de 2022, pero nunca se vendió y un año más tarde fue retirada del mercado. Ahora, Alec y compañía están tratando de poner en marcha la venta nuevamente y se puede decir que realmente quieren deshacerse de ella, lo que queda en evidencia con la participación de Alec y la rebaja en el precio.

Alec se ha trasladado hacia pastos más verdes, al norte, a su granja de 55 acres en Vermont, pero aquí hace que suene como que realmente va a extrañar el lugar. Scott Bradley de Saunders & Associates tiene el listado.

Alec Baldwin I'm Selling My Hamptons Home ... Watch Me Pitch It To You!!!

Alec Baldwin is once again looking to unload his mansion in the Hamptons ... and this time, he's slashed the price over $10 million and made a video pitch for potential buyers.

The actor just relisted his massive estate in Amagansett, NY, for $18,995,000 ... which is a heavy reduction from the original $29 million price tag.

Alec's longtime Hamptons home is 10,000 square feet with 7 bedrooms ... the modern farmhouse is on a 10-acre lot and he says, "You just can't get this out here anymore, you can't buy big pieces of land, especially in Amagansett."

The place is decked out with a movie theater, wine tasting room and wood-paneled library, plus an outdoor pool and spa. It's also got several balconies and screened-in porches to enjoy the surrounding nature preserve.

In his pitch video, Alec waxes poetically about his love for the Hamptons ... he says he fell in love the moment he first went there, and says he used to go out to the nearby beach a lot when he was younger, sometimes falling asleep under the stars.

Alec doesn't actually go inside the home in his video, he's just on the property talking about how much he enjoys the Hamptons ... and he even shows some of his old homes in the area.

The house first went on the market in September 2022 but it never sold and a year later it was taken off the market. Now, AB and co. are trying to get it going again -- and you can tell ... they really wanna unload this thing, evidenced in Alec's involvement and the price slash.

Alec's moved to greener pastures -- heading north to his 55-acre farm in Vermont ... but he makes it sound like he'll really miss this place. Scott Bradley of Saunders & Associates has the listing.

Jason Momoa Que no tenga una casa no significa que sea un sin techo...

Jason Momoa está aclarando su situación de vida después de sugerir recientemente que técnicamente podría ser una persona "sin hogar". Ahora está diciendo que simplemente no tiene una morada y que eso no es lo mismo.

El actor hizo nuevos comentarios sobre el tema en People Mag el jueves, después de hacer la sorprendente revelación a ET a principios de esta semana. Esto es, que no tiene "un hogar en este momento" y que está pasando gran parte de su vida en la carretera.

Ahora el actor está aclarando esa observación en una nueva entrevista, diciéndole a People: "Solo estoy sin casa. No soy un sin techo. Tengo una bonita caravana". Y añade: "Todo el mundo dice: 'Jason Momoa es una persona sin hogar'. Yo digo: 'Tranquilos. Tengo un puto saco de dormir'". Mmm... okay.

Jason Momoa también dice esto: "No he comprado una casa todavía y estoy emocionado de hacerlo algún día". Piensa que cuando finalmente compre una casa, la gente dirá... "Santo cielo, ahora tiene una almohada".

Si bien puede sonar un poco chocante escuchar que Jason, que es una estrella de la lista A, no tiene propiedad, él dice en esas entrevistas que está muy bien y que la razón radica en el hecho de que está muy ocupado con películas y otros proyectos.

En resumidas cuentas... que no tenga un techo propio es una decisión totalmente suya y no es por falta de medios. Al contrario, el tipo está absolutamente forrado y simplemente prefiere este estilo de vida en este momento.

Curiosamente, tiene una nueva docuserie a punto de estrenarse llamada "On the Roam" y narra exactamente eso: Jason Momoa recorriendo el país y reuniéndose con gente interesante.

Por supuesto, el telón de fondo de esta noticia es el hecho de que él y Lisa Bonet acaban de completar su divorcio la semana pasada. Es bueno saber que no tendrán que preocuparse por quién se queda con la casa... porque parece que no habrá ninguna que repartir. 😅

Como se suele decir, papa was a rolling stone.

Jason Momoa Look, I Just Don't Have a House RN ... Doesn't Mean I'm Homeless

Jason Momoa is clarifying his living situation after recently suggesting he might technically be "homeless" -- now saying he's simply without an abode ... noting it ain't the same thing.

The actor dished some fresh comments on the subject to People Mag Thursday -- this after making the startling revelation to ET earlier in the week ... namely, saying he didn't "have a home right now." He went on to note that he's largely living his life on the road right now.

Welp, he somewhat cleared up that remark in this new interview -- telling People ... "I'm just houseless. I'm not homeless. I have a nice trailer." He goes on to say, "Everyone's like, 'Jason Momoa's homeless.' I'm like, ‘Relax. I got a f***ing sleeping bag." Hmm ... okay.

JM also says this ... "I've never bought a house yet, so I'm excited to one day." He thinks when he does eventually purchase a pad, folks will say ... "Holy s***. He's got a pillow now."

While it might sound a little shocking to hear that Jason -- who's a freaking A-lister -- doesn't own property ... he does point out in these interviews that he's doing just fine ... and that the reason lies in the fact that he's so damn busy with movies and other projects.

Bottom line ... him not having his own roof over his head is entirely his decision -- and it's not for a lack of means. On the contrary, the guy's absolutely loaded ... he just prefers this lifestyle at the moment.

Interestingly enough, he's got a new docuseries coming out called "On the Roam" ... and it chronicles exactly that -- JM traversing the country and meeting with interesting people.

Of course, the backdrop to this news is the fact that he and Lisa Bonet just finalized their divorce this past week. Good to know they won't have to worry about figuring out who gets the house ... 'cause it sounds like there just might not be one to divvy up. 😅

As they say ... papa was a rolling stone.

Miley Cyrus Alleged Stalker Busted ... Showed Up at Crib w/ Stuffed Animal

Miley Cyrus was apparently plush with trouble this morning after cops say some weirdo showed up on her doorstep with a token of love that was full of cotton ... and it landed the guy in jail.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ 52-year-old Alexander Kardalian was arrested early Friday near Miley's L.A.-area home -- this after they got a call around 1 AM on a report of a suspicious person Miley and co. suspected might've been somebody she's dealt with before.

As it turns out, they were right ... 'cause Miley previously got a restraining order against Kardalian for something similar last year ... and he was ordered to stay away from her.

Now, we're told he showed up at her front gate and was trying to give something to MC -- specifically, a stuffed animal of some sort, according to our sources. Doesn't sound like the guy got far though ... we're told Miley security detained him and waited for LAPD to arrive.

When cops showed up, we're told they hauled him away and ended up booking him for violating a court order. Remember -- Miley claims she's been dealing with this Kardalian since at least 2018 ... and notes he did some time in San Quentin before allegedly pulling up at her crib in 2022 upon release.

The last scary part about this ... we're told Miley was home for the latest dustup -- but luckily she didn't encounter the dude herself. Fortunately, her team was able to handle it.

Miley Cyrus Presunto acosador... Apareció en su casa con un animal de peluche

Miley Cyrus fue aparentemente envuelta en problemas esta mañana después de que la policía dijera que un bicho raro se presentó en su puerta con una muestra de amor que estaba llena de algodón, y el tipo aterrizó en la cárcel.

Fuentes policiales le dicen a TMZ que Alexander Karddalian, de 52 años, fue detenido el viernes cerca de la casa de Miley en Los Ángeles. Esto, después de que recibieran una llamada alrededor de la 1 AM sobre una persona sospechosa que Miley y compañía temían que podría ser un sujeto con el que ella había tratado antes.

Resulta que tenían razón, porque Miley obtuvo una orden de restricción contra Karddalian por algo similar el año pasado y le ordenaron mantenerse alejado de ella.

Ahora, nos dicen que se presentó en la puerta principal de su casa y estaba tratando de entregarle algo a Miley Cyrus, en concreto, un animal de peluche de algún tipo, según dicen nuestras fuentes. Parece que el chico no llegó lejos, sin embargo ... Nos dicen que la seguridad de Miley lo detuvo y esperó a que la policía de Los Ángeles llegara.

Cuando los policías aparecieron, nos dicen que se lo llevaron y terminaron fichándolo por violar una orden judicial. Recuerden, Miley afirma que ha estado tratando con este Karddalian desde al menos 2018 y señala que pasó algún tiempo en San Quintín antes de supuestamente aparecer en su casa en 2022 después de la liberación.

La última parte aterradora de esta historia es que Miley estaba en casa para este último incidente, según nos cuenta, pero por suerte, no se encontró con el tipo. Afortunadamente, su equipo fue capaz de manejarlo.

Todd & Julie Chrisley Sell Tennesse Estate On the DL ... $5.2 Mil Price Tag

Todd and Julie Chrisley are locked up, but still making some dough in real estate -- TMZ has learned they unloaded their Tennessee mansion months after starting their prison sentences.

Property records show the Chrisleys sold their 13,279 square foot Brentwood, TN property for $5.2 million in April 2023. The place was sold off-market, which is why the sale has flown under the radar for so long... but, even on the down-low, the buyer picked a fantastic spot.

Todd and Julie's former property comes with an indoor sports court, a professional chef's kitchen, a sprawling pool with a jacuzzi, and gorgeous architecture throughout.

It's the same place Todd spent his days on house arrest in 2022 following his guilty verdict for tax evasion and bank fraud ... while he was awaiting his sentencing.

Remember, Todd and Julie were sentenced to a combined total of 19 years in prison at the end of 2022, starting their prison time about a year ago.

BTW, they bought the huge home in 2019 for $3.375M ... so, they likely made a bit of a profit, but it doesn't look like they're pocketing any of that cash.

As part of their sentencing, they were also ordered by a judge to cough up $17.2 million in restitution for their crimes ... so this likely was to start paying down their debt. They also have another home in Nashville, but it's unclear if they sold that property as well.

Just like losing in Monopoly, folks -- just hurts more IRL!!!

Sean Rad, cofundador de Tinder, vende su casa de Los Ángeles por 28.5 millones de dólares

El cofundador de Tinder, Sean Rad, ha puesto a la venta su gran mansión de Los Ángeles, y puede que te interese, eso si eres alguien que tiene 8 cifras extra por ahí.

El gurú de la aplicación de citas tiene su casa de más de 10.000 pies cuadrados a la venta de nuevo, con la friolera de $28.5 millones, y como se puede imaginar, los 5 dormitorios y 9 baños no son las únicas ventajas del lugar.

Hay un montón de comodidades que vienen con este inmueble de 3 pisos; incluyendo una piscina, cocina de un chef completo, un camino de entrada de adoquines, un bar speakeasy completo, 2 chimeneas, un patio cubierto, una bodega, un gimnasio, una biblioteca y un teatro privado... solo para nombrar unos pocos.

Por cierto, la finca de Sean ha estado en el ojo de algunas personalidades notables de Hollywood como Jason Oppenheim y Mary Fitzgerald...

Sean puso su casa en el mercado en julio, pidiendo $32M por el lugar, esto después de comprar originalmente la morada no tan humilde en 2018, recogiéndolo de Kurt Rappaport por $26.5 millones. Ahora está buscando un par de millones para llenarse los bolsillos.

Obviamente ha bajado el precio desde que trató de venderla el verano pasado, pero sigue siendo una ganancia que no dejaríamos escapar.

Tinder Co-Founder Lists Swanky L.A. Pad ... Swipe Right for Nearly $30 Million

Tinder's co-founder, Sean Rad, has put his fat L.A. mansion on the market -- and you might be a match for it ... that is, if you're someone who's got an extra 8 figures lying around.

The dating app guru has his 10,000-plus square foot home for sale again, with a whopping asking price of $28.5 million -- and as you can imagine ... the 5 bedrooms and 9 bathrooms aren't the only perks of the place.

There's a lot of amenities that come with this 3-story pad -- including a pool, a full chef's kitchen, a cobblestone driveway, a full speakeasy bar, 2 fireplaces, a covered patio, a wine cellar, a gym, a library, and a private theater ... just to name a few.

BTW, Sean's estate -- being listed by some notable people in H'wood ... "Selling Sunset" stars Jason Oppenheim and Mary Fitzgerald ... in case you're a fan of the show.

Sean put his home on the market back in July, asking $32M for the spot -- this after originally buying the not-so-humble abode in 2018, picking it up from Kurt Rappaport for $26.5 mil. Now he's looking for a couple mil to line his pockets.

He's obviously brought the price down since trying to sell it last summer, but it's still a profit we'd swipe right on regardless.

Elton John Famous, Sparkly Gear Up For Grabs! Goodbye Yellow/Gold Jumpsuits

Elton John is auctioning off some incredible finds from his gorgeous Atlanta home ... and bidders can get their hands on some of the Rocket Man's most recognizable memorabilia.

The auction, called "The Collection of Sir Elton John: Goodbye Peachtree Road" is going down next month at Christie's in New York -- with everything belonging to the singer coming from his condo in Georgia, which he bought back in 1992.

Folks can bid on a diamond necklace that says "The Bitch Is Back," which is expected to fetch up to $40,000 ... or a pair of performance-worn silver platform boots with his initials on it, which could snag $10k.

Elton's beautiful grand piano is also heading to the auction block, and is expected to go from $30-50k ... and we're guessing something like that comes with a lot of history.

Also up for auction are more pieces of his elegant wardrobe, photographs, a unique 18K gold watch, a Julian Schnabel portrait of Elon -- which could make up to $300k -- and other artwork.

Bids open next month, and the exhibit will be open to the public throughout February at Christie's NYC showroom ... so start saving now if you're a mega fan and want some of this stuff.

If you're broke though, well ... we think it's gonna be a long, long time before you can snag some of this.

Elton John Pone a la venta famosas prendas Adiós al mono dorado

Elton John está subastando algunos de los increíbles hallazgos de su casa en Atlanta y los postores podrían quedarse con algunos de los recuerdos más reconocibles del Rocket Man.

La subasta, llamada "La Colección de Sir Elton John: Adiós Peachtree Road" se llevará a cabo el próximo mes en Christie's en Nueva York, con todas las pertenencias del cantante procedentes de su condominio en Georgia, que compró en 1992.

La gente puede hacer una oferta por un collar de diamantes que dice "La perra está de vuelta", y que se espera que alcance hasta $40.000 o por un par de botas de plataforma usadas con sus iniciales, las que podrían recaudar $10k.

El hermoso piano de cola de Elton también se dirige a la subasta y se espera que vaya por unos $30-50k. Estamos adivinando que contiene un montón de historia.

También se van a subasta piezas de su elegante vestuario, fotografías, un reloj de oro de 18 quilates, un retrato de Julian Schnabel de Elton, que podría recaudar hasta $300k y otras obras de arte.

Las ofertas se abren el próximo mes y la exposición estará abierta al público durante todo febrero en la sala de exposiciones de Christie's en Nueva York, así que si eres un mega fan empieza a ahorrar ahora si quieres llevarte algunas de estas cosas.

Si usted está en la quiebra, bueno ... Creemos que va a ser un largo, largo tiempo antes de que pueda quedarse con algo de esto.

Tyreek Hill House Fire Caused $2.3 Mil In Damages ... Officials Say

The inferno at Tyreek Hill's mansion caused the NFL superstar's property to lose over $2 million in value ... this according to an incident report obtained by TMZ Sports.

In the docs, officials say the Southwest Ranches, Fla. residence -- which the wide receiver bought for $6.9 million in 2022 -- had an estimated value of $5.6 million before the flames ... but the blaze caused some $2.3 million in damages.

What's worse for Hill ... officials also said in the docs they believe around $1 million worth of stuff was destroyed during the incident as well.

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Authorities provided a little more detail on how they believe the blaze all started ... writing in the documents that two kids at the home told them they had been playing with a lighter which they "thought was a toy and accidentally lit a toy on fire."

"They got scared," officials said, "threw the toy, and ran."

According to the report, the child who started the fire was a 4-year-old.


The report states no one was injured ... and an investigation into the blaze is now closed.

As we reported, a 911 caller initially told law enforcement of the fire at around 1:50 PM ET on Jan. 3. Hill was not present at the time it broke out ... though he did leave Dolphins practice early to tend to the matter.

Hill still managed to play in Miami's game against the Buffalo Bills on Sunday night despite the distraction ... and he logged 82 yards and a score in a 21-14 loss.

CARDI B Y OFFSET víctimas de falsa alarma en su hogar de Georgia… LA POLICÍA SE TOPÓ CON EL TÍO Y UN MIGO ENFADADO

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Cardi B y Offset fueron víctimas de una falsa alarma en su hogar de Georgia el verano pasado, cuando alguien llamó al 911 reportando hechos ficticios. El cual fue registrado en un video obtenido por TMZ.

TMZ ha obtenido imágenes de la cámara corporal de la policía tomadas en agosto del año pasado en Sandy Springs, Georgia, donde la pareja separada tiene una casa. Según el informe policial, los agentes fueron mandados a su dirección tras recibir llamadas que informaban que alguien había sido disparado en el lugar.

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Un oficial señala en el informe policial que el informante afirmaba que alguien disparó un tiro en la “casa de un rapero famoso” e incluso sugirió que Cardi misma podría haber sido alcanzada por una bala. Los policías llegaron con luces y sirenas, y con sus armas desenfundadas.

Afortunadamente, la llamada resultó ser falsa, como descubrieron los agentes al llegar a la propiedad y hablar con el tío de Offset, Derrick Cephus, quien estaba cuidando la casa. Al parecer, Cardi B y Offset ni siquiera estaban en casa durante este intento de “swatting”, solo un familiar confundido.

Puedes ver el video para presenciar el encuentro, ya que es bastante impactante, especialmente cuando parece que Offset es involucrado en la llamada, como se puede escuchar claramente desde el altavoz. Es evidente que estaba molesto por el informe falso y quizás aún más porque los oficiales estaban allí en primer lugar.

Después de cierto intercambio de palabras y al darse cuenta de que no pasaba nada, los policías se fueron y simplemente tomaron un informe del incidente. También cabe mencionar que Offset se refiere a CB como su “esposa” aquí y dice que ella está con él en Los Ángeles mientras todo este alboroto ocurre en casa.

En cuanto a cómo esto afecta al estado actual de su relación(complicado), es difícil decirlo con certeza, pero parece que cualquier problema en su relación podría haber ocurrido después de este incidente.

Mientras tanto, esto demuestra una vez más que algunas personas gustan de fastidiar a las celebridades de la peor manera posible.


Larsa Pippen pone a la venta su elegante penthouse en Miami mientras busca un nuevo nido de amor con su novio Marcus Jordan… según sabemos en TMZ.

Fuentes inmobiliarias nos dicen que la estrella de “Real Housewives” puso en el mercado el penthouse de 3,312 pies cuadrados el sábado por la impresionante cifra de $4.199 millones, y los nuevos propietarios pueden comprarlo totalmente amueblado.

Ella compró el lugar en 2022 por $3.375 millones, así que espera obtener una buena ganancia.

Nos comentan que el edificio en el centro de Miami, que fue ampliamente destacado en “The Real Housewives of Miami”, cuenta con 5 piscinas, una sala de juegos, estudio de boxeo, gimnasio e incluso un estudio de grabación, por lo que está bien equipado para una amplia variedad de hobbies.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Larsa actualizó y mejoró el penthouse con cosas elegantes como papel tapiz intrincado y persianas de alta calidad.

El porqué se muda, fuentes cercanas a Larsa informan que está en busca de un nuevo lugar en Miami con más espacio para ella y Marcus, aunque nos dicen que aún no han encontrado algo que ambos amen.

Marcus y Larsa están pasando tiempo juntos en Los Ángeles, pero no parece que se estén volviendo demasiado cómodos en la costa oeste, porque Florida todavía está en sus planes.

Seth Semilof de Haute Real Estate, Inc. tiene la propiedad en venta.

Cardi B & Offset Swatted at Georgia Home ... Cops Run Into Uncle & Angry Migo

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Before Cardi B and Offset called it quits late last year, it looks like they were dealing with some bozo calling 911 and reporting fake crimes happening at their home ... and some of it was captured on video.

TMZ has obtained police body cam video that was taken in August last year out in Sandy Springs, GA -- where the estranged couple have a home. In an incident report, cops say they were dispatched to their address after calls came in to report someone had been shot there.

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One officer notes in the police report that a caller claimed someone fired a shot at a "famous rapper's house" and even suggested Cardi herself may have been hit with a bullet ... so cops came with lights and sirens, and with their firearms drawn.

Fortunately ... cops say the call turned out to be BS -- something officers discovered when they arrived at the property and talked to Offset's uncle, Derrick Cephus, who said he was house-sitting. Yep, it sounds like Cardi and Offset weren't even home for this swatting attempt .... just a confused relative!

Check out the video to see the encounter, 'cause it's pretty wild -- especially when it sounds like Offset gets roped in on the phone, which you can clearly hear from the speaker. It's pretty obvious he was heated about the bogus report ... and perhaps even angrier that officers were there at all.


After some back and forth -- and eventually realizing nothing was wrong -- the cops left and just took a report of the whole thing. Also worth noting ... Offset refers to CB as his "wife" here, and says she's with him in L.A. while all this ruckus is going down back at home.

Now, in terms of how this plays into their current relationship status (complicated), it's hard to say for sure ... but it seems to suggest that whatever happened with their relationship may have been after this.

Meanwhile, this just goes to show ... folks apparently love to screw with stars in the worst way possible.

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