Tinder Co-Founder Lists Swanky L.A. Pad ... Swipe Right for Nearly $30 Million

Tinder's co-founder, Sean Rad, has put his fat L.A. mansion on the market -- and you might be a match for it ... that is, if you're someone who's got an extra 8 figures lying around.

The dating app guru has his 10,000-plus square foot home for sale again, with a whopping asking price of $28.5 million -- and as you can imagine ... the 5 bedrooms and 9 bathrooms aren't the only perks of the place.

There's a lot of amenities that come with this 3-story pad -- including a pool, a full chef's kitchen, a cobblestone driveway, a full speakeasy bar, 2 fireplaces, a covered patio, a wine cellar, a gym, a library, and a private theater ... just to name a few.

BTW, Sean's estate -- being listed by some notable people in H'wood ... "Selling Sunset" stars Jason Oppenheim and Mary Fitzgerald ... in case you're a fan of the show.

Sean put his home on the market back in July, asking $32M for the spot -- this after originally buying the not-so-humble abode in 2018, picking it up from Kurt Rappaport for $26.5 mil. Now he's looking for a couple mil to line his pockets.

He's obviously brought the price down since trying to sell it last summer, but it's still a profit we'd swipe right on regardless.

Elton John Famous, Sparkly Gear Up For Grabs! Goodbye Yellow/Gold Jumpsuits

Elton John is auctioning off some incredible finds from his gorgeous Atlanta home ... and bidders can get their hands on some of the Rocket Man's most recognizable memorabilia.

The auction, called "The Collection of Sir Elton John: Goodbye Peachtree Road" is going down next month at Christie's in New York -- with everything belonging to the singer coming from his condo in Georgia, which he bought back in 1992.

Folks can bid on a diamond necklace that says "The Bitch Is Back," which is expected to fetch up to $40,000 ... or a pair of performance-worn silver platform boots with his initials on it, which could snag $10k.

Elton's beautiful grand piano is also heading to the auction block, and is expected to go from $30-50k ... and we're guessing something like that comes with a lot of history.

Also up for auction are more pieces of his elegant wardrobe, photographs, a unique 18K gold watch, a Julian Schnabel portrait of Elon -- which could make up to $300k -- and other artwork.

Bids open next month, and the exhibit will be open to the public throughout February at Christie's NYC showroom ... so start saving now if you're a mega fan and want some of this stuff.

If you're broke though, well ... we think it's gonna be a long, long time before you can snag some of this.

Elton John Pone a la venta famosas prendas Adiós al mono dorado

Elton John está subastando algunos de los increíbles hallazgos de su casa en Atlanta y los postores podrían quedarse con algunos de los recuerdos más reconocibles del Rocket Man.

La subasta, llamada "La Colección de Sir Elton John: Adiós Peachtree Road" se llevará a cabo el próximo mes en Christie's en Nueva York, con todas las pertenencias del cantante procedentes de su condominio en Georgia, que compró en 1992.

La gente puede hacer una oferta por un collar de diamantes que dice "La perra está de vuelta", y que se espera que alcance hasta $40.000 o por un par de botas de plataforma usadas con sus iniciales, las que podrían recaudar $10k.

El hermoso piano de cola de Elton también se dirige a la subasta y se espera que vaya por unos $30-50k. Estamos adivinando que contiene un montón de historia.

También se van a subasta piezas de su elegante vestuario, fotografías, un reloj de oro de 18 quilates, un retrato de Julian Schnabel de Elton, que podría recaudar hasta $300k y otras obras de arte.

Las ofertas se abren el próximo mes y la exposición estará abierta al público durante todo febrero en la sala de exposiciones de Christie's en Nueva York, así que si eres un mega fan empieza a ahorrar ahora si quieres llevarte algunas de estas cosas.

Si usted está en la quiebra, bueno ... Creemos que va a ser un largo, largo tiempo antes de que pueda quedarse con algo de esto.

Tyreek Hill House Fire Caused $2.3 Mil In Damages ... Officials Say

The inferno at Tyreek Hill's mansion caused the NFL superstar's property to lose over $2 million in value ... this according to an incident report obtained by TMZ Sports.

In the docs, officials say the Southwest Ranches, Fla. residence -- which the wide receiver bought for $6.9 million in 2022 -- had an estimated value of $5.6 million before the flames ... but the blaze caused some $2.3 million in damages.

What's worse for Hill ... officials also said in the docs they believe around $1 million worth of stuff was destroyed during the incident as well.

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Authorities provided a little more detail on how they believe the blaze all started ... writing in the documents that two kids at the home told them they had been playing with a lighter which they "thought was a toy and accidentally lit a toy on fire."

"They got scared," officials said, "threw the toy, and ran."

According to the report, the child who started the fire was a 4-year-old.


The report states no one was injured ... and an investigation into the blaze is now closed.

As we reported, a 911 caller initially told law enforcement of the fire at around 1:50 PM ET on Jan. 3. Hill was not present at the time it broke out ... though he did leave Dolphins practice early to tend to the matter.

Hill still managed to play in Miami's game against the Buffalo Bills on Sunday night despite the distraction ... and he logged 82 yards and a score in a 21-14 loss.

CARDI B Y OFFSET víctimas de falsa alarma en su hogar de Georgia… LA POLICÍA SE TOPÓ CON EL TÍO Y UN MIGO ENFADADO

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Cardi B y Offset fueron víctimas de una falsa alarma en su hogar de Georgia el verano pasado, cuando alguien llamó al 911 reportando hechos ficticios. El cual fue registrado en un video obtenido por TMZ.

TMZ ha obtenido imágenes de la cámara corporal de la policía tomadas en agosto del año pasado en Sandy Springs, Georgia, donde la pareja separada tiene una casa. Según el informe policial, los agentes fueron mandados a su dirección tras recibir llamadas que informaban que alguien había sido disparado en el lugar.

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Un oficial señala en el informe policial que el informante afirmaba que alguien disparó un tiro en la “casa de un rapero famoso” e incluso sugirió que Cardi misma podría haber sido alcanzada por una bala. Los policías llegaron con luces y sirenas, y con sus armas desenfundadas.

Afortunadamente, la llamada resultó ser falsa, como descubrieron los agentes al llegar a la propiedad y hablar con el tío de Offset, Derrick Cephus, quien estaba cuidando la casa. Al parecer, Cardi B y Offset ni siquiera estaban en casa durante este intento de “swatting”, solo un familiar confundido.

Puedes ver el video para presenciar el encuentro, ya que es bastante impactante, especialmente cuando parece que Offset es involucrado en la llamada, como se puede escuchar claramente desde el altavoz. Es evidente que estaba molesto por el informe falso y quizás aún más porque los oficiales estaban allí en primer lugar.

Después de cierto intercambio de palabras y al darse cuenta de que no pasaba nada, los policías se fueron y simplemente tomaron un informe del incidente. También cabe mencionar que Offset se refiere a CB como su “esposa” aquí y dice que ella está con él en Los Ángeles mientras todo este alboroto ocurre en casa.

En cuanto a cómo esto afecta al estado actual de su relación(complicado), es difícil decirlo con certeza, pero parece que cualquier problema en su relación podría haber ocurrido después de este incidente.

Mientras tanto, esto demuestra una vez más que algunas personas gustan de fastidiar a las celebridades de la peor manera posible.


Larsa Pippen pone a la venta su elegante penthouse en Miami mientras busca un nuevo nido de amor con su novio Marcus Jordan… según sabemos en TMZ.

Fuentes inmobiliarias nos dicen que la estrella de “Real Housewives” puso en el mercado el penthouse de 3,312 pies cuadrados el sábado por la impresionante cifra de $4.199 millones, y los nuevos propietarios pueden comprarlo totalmente amueblado.

Ella compró el lugar en 2022 por $3.375 millones, así que espera obtener una buena ganancia.

Nos comentan que el edificio en el centro de Miami, que fue ampliamente destacado en “The Real Housewives of Miami”, cuenta con 5 piscinas, una sala de juegos, estudio de boxeo, gimnasio e incluso un estudio de grabación, por lo que está bien equipado para una amplia variedad de hobbies.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Larsa actualizó y mejoró el penthouse con cosas elegantes como papel tapiz intrincado y persianas de alta calidad.

El porqué se muda, fuentes cercanas a Larsa informan que está en busca de un nuevo lugar en Miami con más espacio para ella y Marcus, aunque nos dicen que aún no han encontrado algo que ambos amen.

Marcus y Larsa están pasando tiempo juntos en Los Ángeles, pero no parece que se estén volviendo demasiado cómodos en la costa oeste, porque Florida todavía está en sus planes.

Seth Semilof de Haute Real Estate, Inc. tiene la propiedad en venta.

Cardi B & Offset Swatted at Georgia Home ... Cops Run Into Uncle & Angry Migo

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Before Cardi B and Offset called it quits late last year, it looks like they were dealing with some bozo calling 911 and reporting fake crimes happening at their home ... and some of it was captured on video.

TMZ has obtained police body cam video that was taken in August last year out in Sandy Springs, GA -- where the estranged couple have a home. In an incident report, cops say they were dispatched to their address after calls came in to report someone had been shot there.

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One officer notes in the police report that a caller claimed someone fired a shot at a "famous rapper's house" and even suggested Cardi herself may have been hit with a bullet ... so cops came with lights and sirens, and with their firearms drawn.

Fortunately ... cops say the call turned out to be BS -- something officers discovered when they arrived at the property and talked to Offset's uncle, Derrick Cephus, who said he was house-sitting. Yep, it sounds like Cardi and Offset weren't even home for this swatting attempt .... just a confused relative!

Check out the video to see the encounter, 'cause it's pretty wild -- especially when it sounds like Offset gets roped in on the phone, which you can clearly hear from the speaker. It's pretty obvious he was heated about the bogus report ... and perhaps even angrier that officers were there at all.


After some back and forth -- and eventually realizing nothing was wrong -- the cops left and just took a report of the whole thing. Also worth noting ... Offset refers to CB as his "wife" here, and says she's with him in L.A. while all this ruckus is going down back at home.

Now, in terms of how this plays into their current relationship status (complicated), it's hard to say for sure ... but it seems to suggest that whatever happened with their relationship may have been after this.

Meanwhile, this just goes to show ... folks apparently love to screw with stars in the worst way possible.

Larsa Pippen Selling Miami Pad For Over $4 Mil ... New Home Shopping with Marcus Jordan

Larsa Pippen's putting her swanky Miami pad on the market, while also looking for a new place to nest with boyfriend Marcus Jordan ... TMZ has learned.

Real estate sources tell TMZ ... the 'Real Housewives' star listed the 3,312 square foot penthouse Saturday for a cool $4.199 million, and the new owners can buy it fully furnished.

You'll recall, she bought the spot in 2022 for $3.375M, so she's hoping to make a sweet profit.

We're told the downtown Miami building, which was heavily featured on "The Real Housewives of Miami," comes with 5 freaking pools, a game room, boxing studio, fitness center, and even a recording studio -- so it's well-equipped for a wide variety of hobbies.

Our sources say Larsa updated and upgraded the penthouse with bougie things like intricate wallpaper and top-of-the-line window blackouts.

As for why she's moving, sources close to Larsa tell us she's in the market for a new Miami spot with more room for her and Marcus to live in -- although, we're told they haven't found anything they both love, yet.

Marcus and Larsa have been spending time together in L.A. recently, but it doesn't sound like they're getting too comfortable on the West Coast ... 'cause Florida is still in their sights.

Seth Semilof of Haute Real Estate, Inc. holds the listing.

'El diario de la princesa' Villa de San Francisco usada en el filme encuentra nuevo comprador

La escuela secundaria de Mia Thermopolis en "El diario de la princesa" ha encontrado un comprador después de casi 3 meses en el mercado... TMZ ha averiguado.

De acuerdo con los registros de bienes raíces, los propietarios del inmueble de 6,5 millones de dólares de estilo mediterráneo en San Francisco, que se duplicó como exterior de la escuela secundaria en la comedia protagonizada por Anne Hathaway en 2001, aceptaron una oferta por la casa el pasado viernes.

La propiedad de 4 cuartos, 4 baños y 12 habitaciones con 4.554 pies cuadrados de espacio, sin duda es apta para la realeza. Cuenta con una sala de medios de comunicación, ascensor, un gimnasio en el nivel inferior y un garaje para un carro con un armario de lavandería.

En el exterior, hay un jardín en la azotea con una cocina al aire libre y fogata con majestuosas vistas a la bahía de San Francisco, a la ciudad al norte y al este y al bosque al oeste.

Por supuesto, el mejor punto de venta de la propiedad es que aparece como la ficticia Grove High School en "El diario de la princesa", a donde asistió el personaje de Anne Mia antes de enterarse de que era princesa de Genovia.

Solo se utilizaron las tomas exteriores de la casa para la escuela. Las escenas al interior fueron filmadas en Alverno High School en Sierra Madre, cerca de Pasadena.

La casa era propiedad del ex director general de Just Desserts y su esposa y ha sido sometida a numerosas reformas en las últimas 2 décadas.

Steven Mavromihalis y John C. Fitzgerald de Compass celebraron el acuerdo.


Mia Thermopolis' high school from "The Princess Diaries" has found a buyer ... after nearly 3 months on the market ... TMZ has learned.

According to real estate records ... the owners of the eye-watering $6.5 million sprawling Mediterranean-style abode in San Francisco ... which doubled as the exterior of the high school in the 2001 comedy starring Anne Hathaway ... accepted an offer on the home last Friday.

The 4-bed, 4-bath 12-room villa with 4,554 square feet of living space is undoubtedly fit for royalty ... boasting a media room, elevator, a lower-level gym, and a one-car garage with a laundry closet.

On the outside, there's a roof garden with an outdoor kitchen and firepit ... with majestic views over the San Fran Bay, city views to the north and east and forest views to the west.

Of course, the best selling point of the property is that it's featured as the fictional Grove High School in "The Princess Diaries" ... which Anne's character Mia attended before learning she was Princess of Genovia.

Only the exterior shots of the home were used as the school ... scenes inside the school were filmed at Alverno High School in Sierra Madre, near Pasadena.

The home was owned by the former CEO of Just Desserts and his wife ... undergoing plenty of renovations over the last 2 decades.

Steven Mavromihalis and John C. Fitzgerald of Compass held the listing.

Jerry Buss Cali Vacation Home Listed For $11.85M ... Once Hangout Of Kobe, Shaq, Magic

How's this for a sports lover's dream ... the vacation home custom-built by the late Lakers owner Jerry Buss, and visited by some of the greatest hoopers to ever grace a basketball court, is now on the market, and could be yours if you've got $12 million!

TMZ Sports has learned the 9,792-square-foot property, located on a 3.18-acre lot in Rancho Santa Fe (about 100 miles outside L.A.), recently hit the open market for $11.85 million. The land was purchased by Dr. Buss in 1994 for less than $300k, and the house, known as the "Dream Ranch," was built to his exact specifications to resemble the Rosewood Miramar Beach Resort in Montecito.

We're told Jerry wanted a place outside of Los Angeles that felt far enough away from the hustle and bustle of the city ... all while being close enough to the arena where his team played.

Buss often had company ... and they were some of the most famous athletes in the world like Kobe Bryant, Magic Johnson, and Shaquille O'Neal.

In fact, Jerry installed an extra-long driveway (it fits 25 cars!) to accommodate the stars' stretch limos.

The mansion features eight bedrooms and 10 bathrooms (8 full, 2 half) -- five in the main house and three in the guest house -- with the master suite, clad in marble, overlooking a rose garden.

There's also a 3-stall barn, two putting greens, a swimming pool with a pool house, a basketball court (of course), and a tennis court where none other than Andre Agassi once played.

Buss passed away in 2013 ... and the home was ultimately sold years later in 2022. The new buyers renovated the home, transforming it into a modern mansion.

The house is listed by Compass agent Khaki Wennstrom.

Tyreek Hill House Fire Caused By Child Playing With Lighter ... Officials Say

The inferno at Tyreek Hill's mansion on Wednesday was caused by a child playing with a lighter ... this according to officials.

A spokesperson for the Davie Fire Department in Florida confirmed to TMZ Sports that investigators believe a youngster inside a bedroom at Hill's Southwest Ranches home started the blaze.

It's unclear if the child is related to Hill or how exactly it was able to ignite the flames -- though according to the DFP rep, because officials formally identified it all as "accidental," no further investigations are taking place.

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As we reported, firefighters were first notified of the flames at around 1:50 PM ET ... and a short time later, they were able to knock down the blaze with a water hose.

Officials say, fortunately, no one was injured.

Hill was at Dolphins practice when the fire first broke out -- and, according to the team, he left early to handle the issue. He was seen on the scene at around 3 PM ET with his wife looking concerned as he watched officials try to contain the blaze.

Drew Rosenhaus -- Hill's agent -- said, though, in an interview with 7News that his client was in good spirits despite the situation.

"It is very difficult for anybody, obviously, to have your home catch on fire," Rosenhaus said, "but Hill was handling it with as much poise as you can hope."

Race Against The Flames

Hill bought the home for nearly $7 million after being traded to the Fins in 2022. He's expected to have a big role in Miami's must-win game against the Buffalo Bills on Sunday night.

Tyreek Hill El incendio en casa fue provocado por un niño jugando con un encendedor ... Dicen las autoridades

El infierno en la mansión de Tyreek Hill el miércoles fue causado por un niño jugando con un encendedor, esto según los funcionarios.

Un portavoz del Departamento de Bomberos de Davie en Florida confirmó a TMZ Sports que los investigadores creen que un niño dentro de un dormitorio de la casa de Hill en Southwest Ranches inició el incendio.

No está claro si el niño está relacionado con Hill o cómo fue capaz de prender el fuego, aunque de acuerdo con el representante del DFP, no se realizarán más investigaciones porque los funcionarios identificaron formalmente el caso como "accidental".

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Combatiendo las llamas

Como informamos, los bomberos fueron notificados del incendio alrededor de las 1:50 PM ET y poco después, fueron capaces de apagarlo con una manguera de agua.

Las autoridades dicen que, afortunadamente, nadie resultó herido.

Hill se encontraba en el entrenamiento de los Dolphins cuando se encendieron las llamas y, según el equipo, se fue antes para ocuparse del asunto. Fue visto en la escena alrededor de las 3 PM ET, muy preocupado con su esposa, mientras observaba a los funcionarios intentando contener las llamas.

Drew Rosenhaus, agente de Hill, dijo en una entrevista con 7News que a pesar de todo su cliente estaba de buen humor.

"Es muy difícil para cualquiera, obviamente, que tu casa se incendie", dijo Rosenhaus, "pero Hill lo estaba manejando con tanto aplomo como se puede esperar".

Carrera contra las llamas

Hill compró la casa por casi $7 millones después de ser fichado por los Fins en 2022. Se espera que tenga un papel importante en el partido que Miami debe ganar contra los Buffalo Bills el domingo por la noche.

Rick Ross Reporting Live From Tyreek Hill's House Fire!!!

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Instagram / @richforever

Rick Ross just so happens to be neighbors with Tyreek Hill -- and was home as the Miami Dolphins' star's mansion went up in flames earlier this afternoon -- documenting the inferno in real-time.

The MMG rapper immediately jetted out to his front lawn Wednesday when he spotted the smoke, met by fire truck sirens and helicopters swirling the Southwest Ranches community.

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The Boss captured the fire trucks working overtime in attempts to douse the flames.

Rozay gave his take on the source of the blaze, saying he believed it was caused by an electrical disturbance.

Thankfully, Fire Marshall Rick checked with the paramedics on the scene and gave the all-clear that there were no injuries to report.

La casa de Tyreek Hill en Florida se incendia los equipos de rescate trabajan para apagar las llamas

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combatiendo las llamas


12:28 PM PT -- Un portavoz del Departamento de Bomberos de Davie le dice a TMZ Sports que recibieron una llamada del incendio en la casa de Tyreek Hill a eso de las 1:50 PM ET.

Había ocupantes al interior de la residencia cuando se produjo el incendio, dijo el portavoz, pero todos fueron evacuados de forma segura y nadie sufrió ninguna lesión.

El portavoz añadió que el fuego está actualmente bajo control. Aunque aún no se ha determinado lo que inició todo.

12:06 PM PT -- Tyreek Hill y su esposa acaban de aparecer en la propiedad.

La estrella de los Dolphins, vestido con una camiseta blanca, sudaderas y una bota para proteger su tobillo lesionado, parecía preocupado mientras observaba a los bomberos apagar el incendio.

Una casa de Florida que pertenece a la superestrella de la NFL Tyreek Hill se ha incendiado y los equipos de rescate están ahora en la escena trabajando para apagar el fuego.

Las llamas se podían ver en el techo de la mansión durante toda la tarde del miércoles y los bomberos han combatido el fuego con una manguera de agua durante gran parte de la última hora más o menos.

Afortunadamente, un portavoz de los Dolphins le dijo a los miembros de los medios de comunicación que ni Hill ni su familia están en peligro. El representante de Miami añadió que Hill ha dejado la práctica para atender la terrible situación.

Hill —que fue traspasado a los Dolphins antes de la temporada pasada— según los informes, compró el lugar en 2022 por casi $7 millones.

Él está en el medio de una temporada y a logrando 112 recepciones para 1.717 yardas y 12 TDs.

Los Dolphins están programados para jugar en un partido crucial contra los Bills de Buffalo el domingo por la noche.

Historia en desarrollo...

Publicado originalmente -- 12:00 PM PT

Tyreek Hill Florida Home Catches On Fire ... Rescue Crews Working To Douse Flames

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12:28 PM PT -- A spokesperson for the Davie Fire Dept. tells TMZ Sports ... they first received a call about the fire at Tyreek Hill's home at around 1:50 PM ET.

There were occupants inside the residence when the blaze broke out, the spokesperson said ... but all were safely evacuated and no one suffered any injuries.

The spokesperson added the fire is currently under control -- though it's yet to be determined what started it all.

12:06 PM PT -- Tyreek Hill and his wife have just shown up at the property.

The Dolphins star -- wearing a white T-shirt, sweats and a boot to protect his injured ankle -- looked concerned as he watched firefighters put out the blaze.

A Florida home belonging to NFL superstar Tyreek Hill has caught on fire ... and rescue crews are now on the scene working to put out the blaze.

Race Against The Flames

Flames could be seen poking through the roof of the Southwest Ranches mansion throughout Wednesday afternoon ... and firefighters have been attempting to knock down the inferno with a water hose for much of the last hour or so.

Thankfully, a spokesperson for the Dolphins told media members neither Hill nor his family are in any danger. The Miami rep added Hill has left Fins practice to go get a handle on the situation.

Hill -- who was traded to the Dolphins prior to last season -- reportedly purchased the place in 2022 for nearly $7 million.

He's in the middle of an MVP-caliber season -- logging 112 catches for 1,717 yards and 12 TDs.

The Dolphins are slated to play in a pivotal game against the Buffalo Bills on Sunday night that will decide the AFC East.

Originally Published -- 12:00 PM PT