Ex-USC Coach Alex Grinch Unloading $4.45 Million Home ... Weeks After Firing

Former USC Trojans defensive coordinator Alex Grinch is wasting no time getting out of town -- TMZ Sports has learned the coach is parting ways with his $4.45 million Palos Verdes pad just two weeks after getting fired.

Grinch's soon-to-be former home -- located in the Malaga Cove neighborhood -- has four bedrooms and four bathrooms, a gourmet chef's kitchen and a patio with an incredible ocean view.

The place was built in 1961 but was completely remodeled just last year ... with new hardwood floors, Dutch and French doors, a gas fireplace, stainless steel appliances and a custom beverage center.

The backyard is perfect for hosting gatherings ... with a ton of space for outdoor activities.

The pics of the home show some of Grinch's framed jerseys from his former coaching gigs with Washington State and Missouri ... but we take it those ain't coming with the sale.

Worth noting -- the place is just a 5-minute drive from Trojans head coach Lincoln Riley's $17 million mansion ... so that might explain why Grinch is in a rush to move on, considering he's the one who fired him.

The place is listed with Nicole Reis at Compass ... and just by looking at that sunset, it won't be long before it has a new owner.

Kris Jenner Fake 'KUWTK' House for Sale Again ... Price Goe$ Way Up!!!

The house Kris Jenner pretended to live at on "Keeping Up With the Kardashians" is back on the market, and this time the owner's looking for a king's ransom to transfer the deed.

The Studio City home -- which was famously used for exterior shots of Kris's would-be mansion on the hit E! show -- is for sale once again ... only now, the value has experienced about 5 years worth of appreciation, so it's listed for $8,888,888.

That's quite a jump from what the current owner paid back in 2018, when they got it for $5.25 mil. If it sells for they get their asking price, that'll be more than a $3 million profit ... minus whatever they invested in the place, of course.

Considering the history of this swanky pad ... we'll see if that helps them hook a buyer in the near future, and more importantly, if it ends up going for listing.

Fact is, every time the home has hit the market -- which has been a lot over the past 9 years or so -- the numbers almost always end up fluctuating quite a bit when all the papers are signed.

For instance, while it sold for just over $5M in 2018 ... the asking price at the time was closer to nearly $8 mil at first, so the owner slashed their ask by a lot.

We'll see what the current title holder ends up accepting ... fact is, the housing market is rough right now, with interest rates through the roof and not nearly as much movement as there was 2-3 years ago during the pandemic.

As for the specs, it's a typical luxurious L.A.-area home -- 7 bedrooms, 9 baths and all the bells and whistles of fancy living. The question ... is it worth almost $9 million to snap up?!?

Just in case it wasn't clear from the top ... this was NOT Kris's actual house. They just used it to pose as her crib -- obviously, they didn't show her real home for security reasons.

Sarah Greenberg of Realty One Group West holds the listing.


La casa en la que Kris Jenner fingió vivir en "Keeping Up With the Kardashians" está de vuelta al mercado, y esta vez el propietario está buscando algo de ayuda del rey para transferir la escritura.

La casa de Studio City  —que fue famosa por ser utilizada para las tomas exteriores de la mansión de Kris en el exitoso programa de E!— está a la venta una vez más, solo que ahora el valor ha experimentado cerca de 5 años de apreciación, por lo que está en la lista por $8.888.888.

Eso es un gran salto desde lo que el actual propietario pagó en 2018, cuando lo obtuvieron por 5.25 millones de dólares. Eso representa una ganancia de $3 millones menos lo que invirtieron en el lugar.

Teniendo en cuenta la historia de la lujosa vivienda, veremos si eso les ayuda a enganchar a un comprador en un futuro próximo, y lo que es más importante, si termina saliendo a la venta.

El hecho es que cada vez que la casa ha llegado al mercado —que ha sido bastante habitual en los últimos 9 años— los números casi siempre terminan fluctuando un poco cuando todos los papeles se firman.

Por ejemplo, mientras que se vendió por poco más de $5M en 2018, el precio de venta en el momento estaba cerca de los $8 millones en un comienzo, por lo que el propietario recortó lo que pedía bastante.

Vamos a ver lo que el titular actual termina aceptando. El hecho es que el mercado de la vivienda es difícil en este momento, con las tasas de interés por las nubes y no tanto movimiento como lo fue hace 2 o 3 años durante la pandemia.

En cuanto a las especificaciones, es una típica casa de lujo de la zona de Los Ángeles: 7 dormitorios, 9 baños y todas las comodidades de una vida lujosa. La pregunta es, ¿vale la pena gastar casi $9 millones en algo así?

Solo para que quede claro, esta no era la casa real de Kris. Solo la usaron para hacerla pasar por su hogar, obviamente no mostraron su casa real por razones de seguridad.

Sarah Greenberg de Realty One Group West tiene el listado.


Tyrese Gibson está siendo demandado por presuntos daños a un alquiler de Airbnb por hacer "alteraciones excesivas", pero él se está defendiendo diciendo que los cambios que hizo no son un gran problema.

La administradora de la propiedad, Tracy Wolf, le dice a TMZ que Tyrese firmó un contrato de arriendo de 6 meses para una finca de 5 dormitorios en Woodland Hills por $20.000 mensuales a partir de febrero, y ella dice que comenzó a añadir estructuras a la casa justo después de mudarse.

no hay daños

Wolf afirma que Tyrese causó daños en toda la propiedad mediante la alteración de los paneles eléctricos, la adición de tomas de corriente que no estaban permitidas, la pintura de una chimenea de mármol en un color metálico de oro brillante y el cierre de puertas y ventanas, causando daños a las unidades de HVAC.

TMZ obtuvo un video de Tyrese mostrando algunos de los cambios en el interior de la casa, dice que bloqueó algunas puertas y ventanas por razones de privacidad y afirma que los materiales que utilizó no están unidos a las estructuras existentes de la casa y todos los cambios son temporales.

El administrador de la propiedad dice que Tyrese les dijo que no había cambios permanentes en la casa, pero insisten en que los cambios están lejos de ser temporales y, en cualquier caso, causó daños a la propiedad.

Es más, la administradora de la propiedad afirma que Tyrese intentó que el jardinero del propietario retirara 22 plátanos del terreno y cuando el jardinero se negó, dice que Tyrese intentó contratar a otra empresa, sin embargo, el equipo de administración de la propiedad se lo impidió.

hay que hacer reparaciones

Wolf también afirma que Tyrese permitió que un equipo de construcción perforara un montón de agujeros en la puerta de hierro forjado de la casa y flamante exterior de estuco y hemos obtenido video que muestra el supuesto daño.

La administradora de la propiedad dice que a Tyrese se le pidió en repetidas ocasiones no hacer ningún cambio sin el consentimiento por escrito de los propietarios, pero ella afirma que hizo caso omiso de la solicitud y realizó cambios cada vez que quería.

Wolf dice que la dueña de casa, Tiffanique Webb, trató de ser paciente con Tyrese y le dio varios meses para restaurar la casa, pero dice Tyrese dejó de responder a las llamadas, textos y correos electrónicos, y este es el porqué de la demanda.

Webb va detrás de Tyrese por más de $25.000 en daños y perjuicios.

Nos pusimos en contacto con Tyrese, pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

Tyrese Gibson Sued For Altering Rental Property ... He's On Video Denying Claims

Tyrese Gibson is being sued for allegedly damaging a rental property by making "excessive alterations" ... but he's on video saying the changes he made aren't a big deal.

The property manager, Tracy Wolf, tells TMZ ... Tyrese signed a 6-month lease for a 5-bedroom estate in Woodland Hills for $20,000 per month starting in February, and she says he started adding structures to the home right after he moved in.


Wolf claims Tyrese caused damage throughout the property by altering electrical panels, adding electrical outlets that weren't up to code, painting a marble fireplace in a shiny gold metallic color, closing off doors and windows, and causing damage to the HVAC units.

TMZ obtained video of Tyrese showing off some of the changes inside the home ... he says he blocked some doors and windows for privacy concerns and claims the materials he used aren't attached to the home's existing structures and all the changes are temporary.

The property manager says Tyrese told them there were no permanent changes to the home ... but they insist the changes are far from temporary and, in any event, caused damage to the property.

What's more, the property manager claims Tyrese tried to get the homeowner's gardener to remove 22 banana trees on the grounds ... and when the gardener refused, she says Tyrese tried to hire another company ... but got thwarted by the property management team.


Wolf also claims Tyrese allowed a construction crew to drill a bunch of holes in the home's wrought iron gate and brand-new stucco exterior ... and we obtained video showing the alleged damage.

The property manager says Tyrese was repeatedly asked not to make any changes without written consent from the owners ... but she claims he disregarded the request and made changes on a whim whenever he wanted.

Wolf says the homeowner, Tiffanique Webb, tried being patient with Tyrese and gave him several months to restore the home ... but she says Tyrese stopped responding to calls, texts and emails ... leading to the lawsuit.

Webb is going after Tyrese for more than $25,000 in damages.


We reached out to Tyrese ... so far no word back.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.


La casa de la infancia de Britney Spears en Louisiana podría estar en el mercado, pero eso no significa que la cantante esté buscando revivir su pasado. Sabemos esto porque nos informan que no está interesada en comprarla.

TMZ publicó la historia primero, la propiedad de $1.2 millones en Kentwood saltó al mercado a principios de este mes, casi dos años y medio después de que fuera vendida por sus padres separados, Jamie Spears, por solo $289k.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos informan que la estrella del pop no tiene planes o interés en la compra de su antiguo hogar. Nos dicen que es consciente de que está a la venta, pero que no tuvo ningún tipo de reacción, ni positiva ni negativa cuando se enteró.

¡No son solo las cuatro paredes que significan mucho en la historia de Britney, como informamos, el lugar se vende con algunos de sus muebles originales, incluyendo una puerta que tiene "Christina apesta, Brit manda" escrito en ella. Obviamente refiriéndose a Christina Agulera.

También tiene algunas de las obras de arte de Britney, un mini-santuario a NSYNC e incluso un mensaje de la cantante grabado en hormigón.

Muchos fans han estado especulando que Brit pondría en una oferta, o tal vez convertir el espacio en un museo —teniendo en cuenta todos los hallazgos únicos en el interior— pero no hay pistas de aquello.

Britney Spears Not Wantin' Childhood Home ... No Plans to Scoop It Up

Britney Spears' childhood home in Louisiana remains on the market, and well within her price range, but that doesn't mean the singer's lookin' to relive her past.

TMZ broke the story, the $1.2 million Kentwood property went on the market earlier this month ... nearly 2 and a half years after it was sold by her father, Jamie Spears, for only $289k.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... the Brit has no plans or interest in purchasing her family's old pad. We're told she's aware it's for sale, but didn't really have much of a reaction -- positive or negative -- when she found out about it.

As we reported, the place is being sold with some of its original furnishings, including a door that has "Christina sucks, Brit rules" written on it ... an apparent dig at Christina Aguilera!

It also has some of Britney's art, a mini-shrine to NSYNC, and even a message from the singer etched in concrete.

Many fans have been speculating Brit would put in an offer, or turn the space into a museum, given all the unique finds inside ... but no dice.

BILLIE EILISH Gets Restraining Order Scared for Safety of Friends & Family


3:24 PM PT -- The request for the restraining order was granted.

Billie Eilish is not only scared for her own safety, she's worried for her friends and family after one man has allegedly leveled a series of threats ... and now she's asking the court for help.

In legal docs obtained by TMZ, Billie says a man named Shawn Christopher McIntyre has been sending hundreds of messages to her and her family since September, including "disturbing professions of love" to her and "violent threats" against her brother, Finneas.

The star is requesting a judge to grant the restraining order requiring the 53-year-old stay at least 100 yards away from her, her family, and a close friend named Zoe Donahoe ... as well as barring him from contacting her on any social media platforms.

Billie says in the court docs that some of the messages he's sent include "I'm hunting your brother and his friends" and a voice mail in which she says he professed his love for her and threatened to kill her brother and Elon Musk.

He also allegedly wrote, "I’m sorry for what’s going to happen to your brother dude I  tried you know what I’m saying I really did try…"

Billie claims he's previously stalked her outside her home and near her family's home ... and worries "if he is not restrained he will continue his pattern of harassment against all of us, act on his threats, and go to even more extreme lengths to act upon his wild fantasies."

Originally Published -- 2:20 PM PT

BILLIE EILISH Solicita una orden de alejamiento Asustada por la seguridad de su familia y amigos


3:24 PM PT -- La solicitud de orden de alejamiento fue concedida.

Billie Eilish no solo está asustada por su propia seguridad, también está preocupada por sus amigos y familiares después de que un hombre supuestamente realizara una serie de amenazas, y ahora le está pidiendo ayuda a la corte.

En documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, Billie dice que un hombre llamado Shawn Christopher McIntyre le ha estado enviando cientos de mensajes a ella y a su familia desde septiembre, incluyendo "inquietantes declaraciones de amor" hacia ella y "amenazas violentas" contra su hermano, Finneas.

La estrella le está pidiendo a un juez que le conceda la orden de alejamiento contra el hombre de 53 años, para que permanezca al menos a 100 metros de distancia de ella, su familia y un amigo cercano llamado Zoe Donahoe. Esto, además de prohibirle que se ponga en contacto con ella a través de cualquier plataforma de redes sociales.

Billie dice en los documentos judiciales que algunos de los mensajes que ha enviado incluyen: "Estoy cazando a tu hermano y sus amigos", y un mensaje de voz en el que dice que profesó su amor por ella y amenazó con matar a su hermano y Elon Musk.

También habría escrito: "Siento lo que le va a pasar a tu hermano, lo intenté, sabes lo que te digo, de verdad lo intenté...".

Billie afirma que el hombre la ha acosado anteriormente afuera de su casa y cerca de la casa de su familia y teme que si no se le restringe el acceso continuará con su patrón de acoso contra todos ellos, "actuará en sus amenazas e irá a longitudes aún más extremas para tomar acción sobre sus fantasías salvajes".

'RHOC' Elizabeth Lyn Vargas Puts Desert Oasis Back On Market ... Nearly $9M After Renovations

'RHOC' alum Elizabeth Lyn Vargas has put her beautiful desert home back on the market after makin' some changes ... and the spot could be yours if you have nearly $9 million to spend.

TMZ broke the story, Elizabeth first put the Palm Springs-area spot for sale in March 2022, but it looks like no one chomped down on the $9.95 million price tag.

We're told she's since made some major renovations to the property -- including a full exterior paint job and a complete redo of the kitchen. It's now back on the market, but she's only asking for $8.995 mil -- that's a million less than previous.

The 10,000-square-foot home is located in the gated community of La Quinta Polo Estates and comes with landscaped gardens and greenery that surround a large koi pond with over 300 fish.

It's got 6 bedrooms and 8 bathrooms, and the property's covered with sweet perks like a sparkling pool, tennis court and loads of fruit trees.

The sale is staying in the 'Real Housewives' family ... 'cause current 'RHOC' housewife Gina Kirschenheiter and Dave Archuletta -- no, not that one -- of First Team Real Estate hold the listing.

Jason Oppenheim NFLers Would Make Great Realtors ... Call Me, Aaron Rodgers!!!


Jason Oppenheim says NFL players would make great realtors ... and he's already hoping one of the league's biggest superstars will eventually join his team one day!!

"Aaron Rodgers," he told TMZ Sports out in LA on Friday. "Absolutely!"

The "Selling Sunset" star says he's convinced guys playing in Roger Goodell's world would do just fine in his ... explaining their contact list could lead them to some big scores in the housing market.

Oppenheim didn't say why Rodgers was currently his top choice to join The Oppenheim Group ... but he did tell us making it in real estate requires someone to be "smart" and "driven" -- two traits the Jets QB obviously possesses.

Oppenheim's talk with us about the NFL didn't stop there, though ... he also told us he would love to represent some footballers in their future hunts for homes -- hinting that some of his beloved Commanders might ultimately become his clients someday.

Hey, Aaron's got some downtime as he nurses his Achilles injury ... so maybe he can start studying for that real estate license!!

'The Challenge' C.T. Tamburello Settles Divorce

C.T. Tamburello, known from his time on MTV's "The Challenge," has finalized his divorce ... this coming a year after heading to court to pull the plug on their marriage.

According to new docs, obtained by TMZ, C.T. and his ex, Lilianet Solares, reached a settlement earlier this month -- agreeing to split custody of their 7-year-old son, Christopher Jr., and also to evenly divvy up expenses for the child.

But C.T.'s also gonna have to pay Lilianet $761.39 each month in child support ... and an additional $332.45 for each week he is working, and unable to exercise equal timesharing for their little one.

In addition, C.T. keeps their home, but will give Lilianet another $30,000 for her portion of the property's equity -- he'll also retain ownership of his company, New Leaf Investments, and she keeps her business, Solares Management.

TMZ broke the story, C.T. filed for divorce in Florida last November, following a very up-and-down relationship.

Docs filed in September showed they agreed on strict rules when it came to raising their kid -- which included them not being able to ask Christopher Jr. about the other parent while spending time with them.

Also, whichever parent isn't spending time with Christopher Jr is only allowed 2 phone calls a day with the kiddo. Seems they've thought of everything.

Tinashe Seeks Restraining Order After Man Arrested at Her L.A. Home

Tinashe says she's been getting stalked by a guy who showed up at her front door and tried to get inside ... she now wants extra protection from the court to prevent it from happening again.

The singer just filed for a temporary restraining order in L.A., and per court docs -- obtained by TMZ -- the singer has been dealing with the guy for a while. Tinashe says the whole thing reached its tipping point last week when she says the guy surfaced outside her house.

In the paperwork, Tinashe says she's been getting randomly tagged on IG by a guy named Ramon Oppikofer since 2022 ... whom she says she doesn't know at all. Tinashe says it started as seemingly harmless digital fanfare but turned real on Oct. 27 -- when she claims he showed up to her brother's private birthday party ... totally uninvited.

Tinashe goes on to explain that Oppikofer apparently handed her a hotel room key -- which she says she gave right back to him and tried laughing it off. Things turned extra scary, however, after he allegedly arrived out of nowhere outside of her L.A.-area property a few days later ... during which, Tinashe claims he was simply lurking up and down her street.

She says she called cops that day, but he was gone by the time they arrived. The next day, Nov. 2, Tinashe claims this guy came back ... and this time, allegedly rang her doorbell -- only to get no response. She says he returned later that same day in an SUV ... pulling up in front of her house and calling out her name -- only to be confronted by people Tinashe was inside with. She says the man took off again ... but wasn't done just yet.

Tinashe claims that exact same day, he returned YET AGAIN -- this time, allegedly ringing her doorbell ... getting rebuffed by her father who was with her, and then allegedly breaking into her actual house. Tinashe says she fled to an area of her house and locked herself inside ... and claims Oppikofer attempted to open the door. She says some music studio co-workers who were on site confronted him and told him to scram ... and he did.

Tinashe says Oppikofer continued to lurk outside, and that cops eventually showed up and arrested him. BTW, law enforcement sources confirm all this to us -- saying he was booked for misdemeanor trespassing ... but was released shortly thereafter.

The reason, we're told ... L.A. County's no-bail policies -- and that's something Tinashe cites in her TRO request here ... saying she needs this court-ordered protection to keep Oppikofer away, as she fears he's going to show up to her place again and potentially do worse.

She says she's scared for her life ... and is begging a judge to sign off. As of now, her request has yet to be granted -- but the situation sounds dire.

LAPD Threat Management continues to investigate.


Britney Spears' "Dirrty" dig at Christina Aguilera could make bank for the buyer of her childhood Louisiana home.

As we recently reported, Brit's former Kentwood home is on the market for $1.2M after the star's estranged father, Jamie Spears, sold it two and half years ago for a mere $289K.

Much of the 3-bed, 3-bathroom home's OG furnishings have been preserved -- including a very damning door statement, which tells us that Britney's rivalry with Xtina has always been "Toxic."

"Christina sucks, Brit rules" is scribbled in black marker across a wooden door ... which, if put up for auction, could see fans dropping HUGE sums of money to get their hands on the rare, one-of-a-kind nineties memorabilia.

Bobby Livingston, executive VP at RR Auction, tells TMZ that the door could bag anywhere between $20-$30K.

Jared Mast, head of pop culture at Goldin Auctions, says that the handwriting would first need to be authenticated in order to know the true value. If that message is in Britney's handwriting, he could see the door selling for between $10,000-$20,000 given the background.

Ed Kosinski of Gotta Have Rock and Roll reckons it could go between $20-$25K ... while Darren Julien, CEO of Julien's Auctions, speculates to us it would go for only between $4-6K.

But if you do have the cash to flash ... then the entirety of Britney's home could also get you her mini-NSYNC bedroom shrine and the original dance studio where she once practiced her Mouseketeering dance moves.

La puerta "Christina Sucks" de Britney podría llegar a costar entre 20 y 30 mil dólares

Britney Spears "Dirrty" indirecta a Christina Aguilera podría hacer banco para el comprador de su infancia Louisiana casa.

Como informamos recientemente, la antigua casa de Brit en Kentwood está en el mercado por $1.2M luego de que el padre de la estrella, Jamie Spears, la vendió dos años y medio antes por solo $289K.

Los muebles de la casa de tres dormitorios y tres baños se han conservado intactos, incluyendo una declaración muy polémica grabada en la puerta, respecto a su relación con Christina.

"Christina apesta, Brit manda" está garabateado con lápiz negro en una puerta de madera que, si se llega a subastar, podría ver a los fans soltar ENORMES sumas de dinero para poner sus manos en los raros y únicos recuerdos de los noventa.

Bobby Livingston, vicepresidente ejecutivo de RR Auction, le dice a TMZ que la puerta podría llegar a costar entre 20 y 30 mil dólares.

Jared Mast, responsable de cultura pop de Goldin Auctions, dice que primero habría que autentificar la escritura para saber su valor real. Si ese mensaje es de puño y letra de Britney, él podría ver la puerta a la venta de entre $10.000 y $20.000 teniendo en cuenta los antecedentes.

Ed Kosinski de Gotta Have Rock and Roll calcula que podría ir entre los $20 y $25K, mientras que Darren Julien, CEO de Julien's Auctions, nos especula que iría por solo $4 o 6K.

Pero si tienes el dinero suficiente, entonces la totalidad de la casa de Britney también podría conseguir que su mini-NSYNC dormitorio santuario y el estudio de baile original donde una vez practicó su Mouseketeering movimientos de baile.

Barbara Walters Longtime NYC Home Finds Buyer ... But, At What Price??? 👀

Barbara Walters spent a good amount of her life in one of the nicest pads in New York City -- one that went on the market earlier this year ... and which may have a new owner.

You'll recall ... the late news icon's fam put her Manhattan condo up for sale back in April -- this just a few months after she passed away in December 2022 -- and the 5-bed, 6-bath home was listed at the time for $19.75 million, which was well worth it. The place is nice!

Since then, however, it looks like the real estate agents who were working on it ended up dropping the price tag a tad -- and as of right now, it was going for around $17.7 mil.

Somebody has made an offer on the home, and we've confirmed it's under contract -- which means the sale is pending, and should go through ... assuming all goes according to plan. What we don't know is if the would-be buyer ponied up $17.7 million, more ... or less.

If escrow does close, we'll find out in due time through property records -- but if the mystery shopper spent anywhere near what it was priced at ... they got a good deal.

The crib has all the bells and whistles of East Coast luxury -- including a wood-burning fireplace, and 10-foot high ceilings ... not to mention Central Park views. Congrats ... maybe. 😅

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