Jeff Bezos Buys FL Neighbor's Mansion For $79M ... I'm All About Expansion!!!

Jeff Bezos is expanding his real estate portfolio ... dropping 8-figures for a sprawling estate in Florida's "Billionaire Bunker" island ... and it's next door to a house he already owns.

The Amazon founder plunked down $79 million to buy his neighbor's 19,064-square-foot mansion in Indian Creek ... a barrier island in Biscayne Bay that's chock full of billionaires.

Jeff's new place has 7 bedrooms and 14 bathrooms and it comes with all the bells and whistles ... we're talking a home theater, wine cellar, library, maids' quarters, pool and sauna.

Lauren Sanchez's fiancé even got a discount on the property ... the estate was previously listed in May for $85 million, and Jeff bought it Thursday for $6 mil less.

Jeff reportedly bought a 3-bedroom home next door to this new one back in August for $68 million in an off-market deal ... so it will be interesting to see what he does with the neighboring properties.

Anyone else smell a billionaire compound in the making?

All of the homes in Indian Creek are on the water with boat docks ... and we all know Jeff and Lauren love a good yacht.

Jeff's new neighbors are pretty impressive too ... Tom Brady's building a home in the exclusive enclave, and so are Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner.

'Princess Diaries' S.F. Home Used in Movie Hits Market

The fictional high school Anne Hathaway's "Princess Diaries" character attends is actually a famous San Francisco home in real life ... and it's hitting the market.

Our real estate sources tell us the 4,554-square-foot estate that served as the exterior filming location for the fictional "Grove High School" from the 2001 movie is up for $6.5 million.

The beautiful 4-bedroom home is over 100 years old ... and it's considered one of San Francisco's most beloved properties, it's built right on the edge of the landmark Presidio, a sprawling National Park at the foot of the Golden Gate Bridge.

The property is a 12-room villa decked out with a rooftop garden offering panoramic views of the city and San Francisco Bay ... plus an outdoor kitchen with heaters and a fire pit.

The entrance to the home was made famous in the scene where Anne's character is outed as a princess as she tries to get to class while a huge throng of media waits outside the front gate.

The interior's just as beautiful as the famous exterior ... we're talking hardwood floors, large living rooms with fireplaces and arched windows, a walk-in closet in the master bedroom and more views of the city, park and Bay.

Parking's a bitch in San Francisco -- even a place as big as this only has a one-car garage, but there's also a home gym and laundry room.

We're told the home went back on the market Friday with the new, $6.5 million price tag after originally being listed back in March for $8.9 mil.

Steven Mavromihalis and John C. Fitzgerald of Compass holding the listing


El patrimonio de Michael Jackson terminó una disputa legal con un hombre que supuestamente robó un millón de dólares en pertenencias de Michael de la finca en Carolwood del fallecido cantante. Las partes acaban de decirle a la corte que hay un acuerdo.

De acuerdo con nuevos documentos legales; obtenidos por TMZ, la finca de Michael resolvió su disputa legal con Jeffré Phillips, quien fue acusado de tomar toneladas de pertenencias de Michael en 2009 después de que el cantante murió.

Los términos del acuerdo son confidenciales, aunque vale la pena señalar que la herencia de Michael le pidió ayuda a un juez para ayudar a devolver las pertenencias.

TMZ dio la noticia, el patrimonio de Michael afirmó que Phillips estaba comprometido con uno de los hermanos de Michael y se aprovechó el caos y la tristeza en torno a su muerte en 2009 para robar un montón de propiedad privada y objetos personales de la casa de Carolwood.

El patrimonio afirmó que Phillips iba a vender los artículos y estaban tratando de evitarlo a toda costa.

A partir de ahí, el patrimonio de Michael trató de recuperar la propiedad, fijando el valor agregado en alrededor de un millón de dólares

Entre los elementos robados... ordenadores portátiles, iPods, discos duros, DVDs y CDs que se cree que contienen actuaciones inéditas de MJ y material de archivo inédito.

De acuerdo con los documentos, el resto de las cosas incluyen notas escritas a mano de Michael con letras de canciones, además de cintas de cassette, ordenadores personales, premios de discos enmarcados, una muñeca de Michael Jackson y un álbum de fotos con MJ en la portada.

Michael Jackson Estate Settles Dispute Over Alleged $1M Stolen Property


5:28 PM PT -- Jonathan Steinsapir, counsel for the Co-Executors of the Estate of Michael Jackson tell TMZ ... "The litigation between the Estate of Michael Jackson and Jeffré Phillips has been amicably resolved without the need for a trial and without any findings or admissions of wrongdoing. Mr. Phillips has voluntarily returned Michael Jackson’s property to the Estate. All outstanding disputes between the parties have been settled on confidential terms. We wish Mr. Phillips well in his future endeavors. "

Michael Jackson's estate is no longer beefing with a man who allegedly stole $1 million worth of MJ property from the late singer's Carolwood estate ... the parties just told the court there's a settlement.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Michael's estate settled its legal dispute with Jeffré Phillips, who was accused of taking tons of Michael's belongings in 2009, after the singer died.

The terms of the settlement are confidential ... though it's worth noting Michael's estate had been asking a judge to help return the property.

TMZ broke the story ... Michael's estate claimed Phillips was engaged to one of MJ's siblings back in the day and used the chaos and sadness around Michael's 2009 death to swipe a bunch of private and personal property from MJ's Carolwood home.

The estate claimed Phillips was going to sell the items and was looking to prevent any such sale from going forward.

From there, Michael's estate sought to recover the property ... pegging the aggregate value at around $1 million.

Among the items MJ's estate claims Phillips stole from the home ... laptops, iPods, hard drives, DVDs and CDs believed to contain non-public MJ performances and unreleased concert footage.

According to the estate, the rest of the stuff included Michael's handwritten notes with song lyrics ... plus cassette tapes, personal computers, framed record awards, a Michael Jackson doll, and a photo album with MJ on the cover.

Originally Published -- 11:25 AM PT

KYLIE JENNER Su nueva mansión toma forma ... Años de construcción

La mega-mansión de Kylie Jenner está empezando a tomar forma. Ya tiene el techo y un diseño más definido después de años desde que comenzara a construirse el proyecto.

Los 5 acres de tierra de Kylie finalmente tienen la estructura completa visible. Obviamente, todavía hay mucho trabajo por hacer, pero de que han progresado, han progresado.

Kylie adquirió la propiedad por primera vez en 2020 por 15 millones de dólares y las obras comenzaron a principios del 21. Cuando la casa esté lista, según los informes, tendrá 15 dormitorios, así como una piscina infinita, un garaje subterráneo y una pista deportiva.

En cuanto a sus vecinos, Will Smith está súper cerca, al igual que las hermanas Kim, Kourtney y Khloe, así como su madre, Kris Jenner.

La propiedad mostró signos de progreso el mes pasado, cuando la construcción continuó hacia arriba... y el acompañante de Kylie sin duda será digno de la magnate del maquillaje.

Kylie Jenner Hidden Hills Home Takes Shape Years Into Construction

Kylie Jenner's mega-mansion is beginning to take shape ... getting a roof and true layout years after construction on the massive project first began.

Kylie's 5 acres of land finally has the full structure visible, sitting on top, with what might be a large garage attached to the side. Obviously, there's still a lot of work to be done, but progress is progress.

Kylie first scooped up the property in 2020 for $15 million, and work began early '21. When everything is all said and done, it will reportedly have 15 bedrooms, as well as an infinity pool, an underground garage and a sports court.

As for her neighbors, Will Smith is super close, as are sisters Kim, Kourtney, and Khloe as well as her mom, Kris Jenner.

The property showed signs of progress last month when construction continued to go vertical ... and Kylie's pad will certainly be fit for a makeup mogul.

Paris Jackson Presunto acosador es detenido Después de múltiples acercamientos

El presunto acosador de Paris Jackson está ahora tras las rejas después de que la policía informara que se presentó en su casa a principios de este mes, y que esta podría no haber sido su primera visita.

Los oficiales dicen a TMZ, que Rubén Polanco, de 37 años, fue detenido el 4 de septiembre cuando se presentó en la casa de Paris en el área de Los Ángeles. Nos dicen que ella tenía un equipo de seguridad que lo mantuvo detenido hasta que la policía llegó y se lo llevó.

La Oficina del Fiscal de la Ciudad de Los Angeles lo acusó de cuatro delitos menores, incluyendo acecho y merodeo, y según nos cuentan, actualmente está en la cárcel bajo fianza de $20.000, mientras que el equipo de Gestión de Amenazas del Departamento de Policía de Los Ángeles sigue investigando.

La policía dice que Polanco tiene un historial de visitas a la casa de París. Supuestamente, estuvo en su propiedad el día del Año Nuevo y los oficiales dicen que regresó otras dos veces en agosto, además del incidente final en septiembre.

TMZ dio la noticia, la policía fue llamada a su casa en agosto por un presunto intruso que estaba merodeando su patio trasero. Nos dicen que la modelo y cantante no estaba en casa en ese momento, pero un amigo llamó a la policía cuando fueron vistos en la propiedad.

Paris Jackson Alleged Stalker Arrested ... After Multiple Home Run-Ins

Paris Jackson's alleged stalker is now behind bars after cops say he showed up at her home earlier this month ... and we're told that may not have been his first visit.

Law enforcement tells TMZ ... 37-year-old Ruben Polanco was arrested September 4, when he showed up at Paris' L.A.-area home. We're told she had security there which kept him at bay until cops came and took him away.

The L.A. City Attorney's Office has now charged him with 4 misdemeanors -- including stalking and prowling. He's currently sitting in jail on $20,000 bail ... as the LAPD Threat Management team continues to investigate.

Cops say Polanco has a history of ending up at Paris' place -- he allegedly was on her property New Year's Day, and officers say he returned 2 times in August, in addition to the most recent incident in September.

TMZ broke the story, police were called to her home in August for an alleged intruder hanging around her backyard. We're told the model and singer wasn't home at the time, but a friend called the cops when he was seen on the property.

Joe Jonas & Sophie Turner Wanted to Move Family to the UK ... But It Never Happened!!!

Joe Jonas expressed his desire to make a UK estate his family's "forever home," but that's unlikely to sway the judge in deciding to move his divorce from Sophie Turner overseas ... because that's just not how the law works.

Sophie says Joe expressed his desire to move his entire family on multiple occasions, and even wrote a letter to a homeowner in the UK expressing interest in buying their estate.

Sophie submitted the letter in court docs, obtained by Page Six, in which Joe says, "We could tell that your family have truly loved living here and we can envision our children growing up here and making this our forever home."

While the letter may prove Joe wanted to live in the UK, his family never established residency there. They have lived as a family in the U.S. ... therefore, it's pretty certain a U.S. judge -- not a UK judge -- will handle their divorce.

What's more ... our sources say that while he, Sophie and the homeowners in the UK did reach an agreement to buy the home for $7.5 million, the sale never closed and is still in escrow. So again, no residency in jolly ol' England.

We're told Joe, Sophie, Willa and Delphine have never lived anywhere longer than 6 months other than when they were in Florida ... which is where Joe filed for divorce.

And, there's an even bigger point. Even though Joe and Sophie agreed they would make England their home in the future, once the divorce is filed, all bets are off. The North Star for the judge is determining what is in the best interests of their 2 kids, when the parents live on 2 separate continents.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein Photo Taken Hours Before Death ... While Hosting at D.C. Home

Dianne Feinstein entertained a close friend at her house -- and posed for photos with her -- in the hours preceding her sudden death.

The esteemed, longtime Senator from California posed for a photo Thursday afternoon with former California congresswoman Jane Harman ... who told CNN she was likely the last person to see Dianne.

As we reported ... Dianne died Thursday night at her home in Washington D.C.

Dianne was 90 years old and needed a wheelchair to get around the Capitol earlier this month, but she was standing and smiling in Thursday's photo ... so her death was clearly unexpected, at least judging from the last pic she snapped.

In fact, Dianne was working right up until her death ... in addition to hosting Harman at home, Dianne cast her final vote Thursday on the Senate floor.

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Dianne needed help getting onto the floor to vote ... raising her hand and voting 'aye' in favor of short-term funding for the government.

Tributes have been pouring in all day since news of her death broke, and there's now a vase with white roses occupying Dianne's longtime Senate seat.

BRITNEY SPEARS LA POLICÍA VISITA SU CASA Tras Peligroso Baile con Cuchillos y Aparentes Lesiones


Fuentes policiales nos dicen que la llamada inicial para el control de bienestar la realizó un miembro del equipo Smart de la policía de Los Ángeles (un grupo que se encarga de las evaluaciones mentales). Los policías tomaron la decisión de ir a la casa de Britney Spears porque la persona realmente tenía algún conocimiento de Britney y su situación y no era sólo un fan.

Una vez que los oficiales llegaron, hablaron con la seguridad de Britney y les aseguraron que ella estaba bien pero no quería hablar, así que se marcharon.

El abogado de Britney llamó a la policía más tarde ese día y les preguntó acerca de la visita. Le aseguraron que sólo hicieron la visita porque la llamada fue hecha por alguien que conocía a Britney y que no hacen los controles de bienestar siguiendo las llamadas de los fans.

El último truco de Instagram de Britney Spears fue lo suficientemente llamativo como para hacer que la policía fuera a su casa para asegurarse de que estuviera a salvo.

Fuentes policiales nos dicen que recibieron una llamada el miércoles expresando preocupación por Britney en base a su reciente conducta en las redes sociales. Nos dicen que los oficiales estaban familiarizados con el video del cuchillo, así que por precaución, los oficiales del Departamento del Condado de Ventura salieron a la casa de Britney.

Nos dicen que Britney estaba en casa y que los oficiales pudieron hablar con ella y determinar que estaba bien así que se marcharon.

Fuentes directas nos dicen que varias personas llamaron a la policía después de que Britney publicó el video del cuchillo. Uno de ellos es una persona que le tuvo que hacer un control a Britney en el pasado y se alarmó.

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un baile peligroso
Instagram / @britneyspears

La situación no es tan sorprendente dada la preocupación expresada por la seguridad de Britney esta semana después de que ella publicó un video de sí misma bailando con dos cuchillos. Spears afirmó que los cuchillos eran falsos, pero sonaban bastante reales cuando los golpeaba.

En otro video, publicado una hora después de que Britney mostrara sus habilidades con los cuchillos, aparecía con un corte en la pierna y un vendaje alrededor del brazo.

Aunque ella no dijo específicamente cómo sufrió las nuevas lesiones, muchos creen que fueron causadas por los cuchillos. Suponemos que esto fue lo que causó las llamadas a control de bienestar.

Fue a principios de este año cuando los policías realizaron un control de bienestar en la casa de Britney después de que los fans se preocuparon por su seguridad cuando su cuenta de Instagram desapareció. Britney estaba bien, más tarde reactivó su cuenta y le dijo a los fans que apreciaba su preocupación pero que todavía estaba molesta por tener a la policía presente en su casa.

Como ya hemos informado, los fans de Britney también se han preocupado por sus perritos. Las mascotas parecían asustadas en el fondo de su video con cuchillos pero las autoridades no han tomado medidas.

Lo cubrimos todo en el último episodio de The TMZ Podcast, disponible en todas las plataformas de podcast.

Britney Spears Cops Visit Home ... After Dangerous Knife Dance & Apparent Injuries


9:38 AM PT -- Law enforcement sources tell us the initial call for the welfare check was made by a member of the LAPD Smart Team (a group that handles mental evaluations). Cops made the decision to go to Britney Spears' house because the person actually had some knowledge of Britney and her situation and wasn't just a fan.

Once officers arrived, they spoke with Britney's security who assured them she was OK, but didn't want to speak ... so the deputies left.

Britney's attorney called the cops later that day, asking about the visit, and deputies assured him they only made the visit because the call was made by someone who knew Britney ... they don't make the welfare checks for fan calls.

Britney Spears' latest Instagram stunt was enough to get the attention of police ... who visited the singer's home to make sure she was safe.

Law enforcement sources tell us they received a call Wednesday expressing concern for Britney based on her recent conduct on social media. We're told deputies were also familiar with the knife video, and out of an abundance of caution, deputies from the Ventura County Sheriff's Department went out to Britney's house.


We're told Britney was home, and deputies were able to speak with her and determine she was OK ... so they left.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... several people called the cops after Britney posted the knife video, and one of them is a person who actually did a welfare check on her in the past and was alarmed.

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Instagram / @britneyspears

The situation isn't all that surprising given the amount of concern expressed for Britney's safety this week after she posted a video of herself dancing with two knives. Spears claimed the knives were fake, but they certainly sounded real when she banged them together.

In another video, posted about an hour after Britney showed off her knife skills, she appeared to have a gash on her leg and had a bandage wrapped around her arm.

While she didn't specifically say how she sustained the new injuries, many believe they were caused by the knives ... which may have led to the welfare check calls.

It was earlier this year when cops performed a welfare check at Britney's home after fans became concerned for her safety when her Instagram account disappeared. Britney was fine, later reactivating her account and telling fans she appreciated their concern but was still annoyed to have the cops show up at her house.

As we first told you, Britney's fans have grown concerned for her small dogs as well. The pets looked scared in the background of her knife video, but authorities haven't taken action.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Do you think Britney Spears' situation has reached the point of needing police to step in? Vote below.

Originally Published -- 7:45 AM PT


Los grandes fans de "Shrek" tendrán la oportunidad de vivir como un ogro durante un par de noches porque su icónica casa del pantano ha sido recreada y está disponible en Airbnb.

La casa cubierta de musgo se encuentra en las colinas de las Tierras Altas de Escocia y es una réplica perfecta de la de las películas de animación. El anuncio lo "publicó" Burro y algunos afortunados fans podrán pasar 2 noches en la villa pantanosa a finales de octubre.

La gente va a ser capaz de recostarse en "la cama del ogro", relajarse en el ambiente de "luz de las velas de cera de oídos" y por la mañana van a comer waffles, tal como burro hubiera querido.

Incluso tiene el retrete de Shrek directamente al lado del edificio principal, así que si usted siente las ganas, podría recrear la escena icónica del comienzo de la película de 2001.

Las personas que deseen revivir su infancia pueden solicitar la reserva del Pantano de Shrek a partir del 13 de octubre de forma GRATUITA. En honor a esta oportunidad única, Airbnb también está haciendo una donación a HopScotch Children's Charity que ayuda a algunos de los niños desfavorecidos de Escocia.

Un montón de buenas razones para quitarse las capas e intentar vivir como Shrek... ¡sólo hay que tener cuidado con la turba enfurecida!

Shrek's Swamp Perfect Re-Creation On Airbnb ... Sleep Like An Ogre!

Any huge fans of "Shrek" will have the opportunity to live like an ogre for a couple of nights ... because his iconic swamp home has been recreated IRL, and it's going live on Airbnb.

The moss-covered home is located in the hills of the Scottish Highlands and is a picture-perfect replica of the one from the animated flicks -- the listing is "hosted" by Donkey and some lucky fans will be able to spend 2 nights at the swampy villa at the end of October.

Visitors will be able to kick up their hooves in the secluded pad, relax in the ambiance of "earwax candlelight," and in the morning, they'll be eating waffles -- just like Donkey would've wanted.

It even has Shrek's outhouse directly next to the main building ... so if you're inclined, you could recreate the iconic scene from the beginning of the 2001 film.

People wanting to relive their childhood can request to book Shrek's Swamp beginning October 13 for FREE. In honor of this rare opportunity, Airbnb is also making a donation to HopScotch Children's Charity, which gives back to some of Scotland's disadvantaged children.

A lot of great reasons to peel back your layers and try to live like Shrek ... just mind the angry mob!

'Selling the OC' Kayla Cardona Backs Brandi Marshall ... Alex Deserves Racism Flak

Alex Hall has been getting dragged after what some perceived as her trying to make a Black woman sound angry and unhinged -- and a fellow cast member says it's well-deserved.

We spoke to 'Selling the OC' star Kayla Cardona -- who's very familiar with what has fans up in arms now that Season 2 has officially come to a close ... with unsettled business between Alex and Brandi Marshall -- who got in a huge fight on the show.

Kayla Cardona

The drama between them all stems from Brittany Snow's ex, Tyler Stanaland ... and Brandi accusing Alex of being "messy" when it comes to pursuing him. It was a feud that simmered all season and eventually came to an ugly head during an argument in Cabo -- which was caught on camera and obviously aired on Netflix.

During that shouting match ... many felt Alex was hurling racist microaggressions at Brandi by suggesting she was going to swing on her and trying to paint her as violent. That didn't occur in the moment -- Brandi kept her cool -- but there was a lot of chatter after the fact.

Like we said, AH has been taking it on the chin on Twitter ... and in our convo with Kayla -- who was front and center for all of that during filming -- she says succinctly, "If the shoe fits."

Take a listen for yourself to see what she remembers from that day ... and what apparently happened off-camera too. Based on how KC describes it -- it sounds like things might've been even nastier behind the scenes.

When asked if she felt like the Oppenheim brothers should've stepped in to diffuse things ... she stops short of criticizing them specifically -- but the implication is that the production can, at times, be a little too toxic for everyone's comfort.

Britney Spears Le avisaron que Jamie Lynn estaría en 'DWTS' La noticia fue bien recibida

Britney Spears no fue sorprendida por la noticia de que su hermana pequeña, Jamie Lynn Spears, se uniría a "Dancing With the Stars". De hecho, ella era plenamente consciente y lo aprobaba, según ha indagado TMZ.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que a Britney le avisaron de que Jamie Lynn aparecería en el programa de competencia antes de que la noticia saliera a la luz, y nos dicen que Britney se lo tomó muy bien.

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No se sabe exactamente quién se lo comunicó a Britney, pero nuestras fuentes dicen que apoyó totalmente a Jamie Lynn y que, al parecer, estaba incluso emocionada por ella.

Ahora, una vez más, no sabemos quién se lo hizo contó a Britney, pero quien lo hizo claramente debe haber tenido en cuenta la famosa ruptura entre ellas, ya que han tenido una historia difícil. A veces Britney ha estado cerca de su hermana, pero también la ha destrozado, y mucho se deriva del libro que Jamie Lynn publicó el año pasado.

El estado de su relación se ha sentido un poco dudoso a veces, sobre todo porque Brit ha seguido ventilando quejas sobre su familia, por lo general en las redes sociales, pero después de escuchar esto pareciera que las hermanas Spears están en buenos términos en este momento.

Jamie Lynn se está preparando seriamente para su participación en 'DWTS', que comienza el 10 de octubre. Se le ha permitido ensayar cerca de su casa en Tennessee, debido al hecho de que tiene dos hijos.

Esta, por supuesto, no es la primera vez que Jamie participa en un reality, recientemente estuvo en "Special Forces: La prueba más dura del mundo", de FOX.

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