Britney Spears Got Heads Up on Jamie Lynn Joining 'DWTS' ... News Well-Received

Britney Spears wasn't blindsided by her little sister, Jamie Lynn Spears, joining "Dancing With the Stars" -- in fact, she was fully aware and approved ... TMZ has learned.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us, Britney got a heads up about JL appearing on the competition show before the news came out -- and we're told Britney actually took it well.

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No word on who exactly delivered the update to BS, but our sources say she was fully supportive of Jamie Lynn ... and, apparently, even excited for her sibling.

Now, again, we don't know who looped Britney in -- but whoever did clearly did so with their famous rift in mind, as they've had a rocky history. At times, Britney embraced her sister ... but, she's also trashed her. A lot stems from JLS's book last year.

The status of their relationship has felt a little iffy at times -- especially as Brit has continued airing grievances about her family at large on social media -- but after hearing this ... it would appear the Spears sisters are on somewhat good terms right now.

Jamie Lynn is getting seriously accommodated ahead of her time on 'DWTS,' which kicks off Oct. 10. She's been allowed to rehearse near her home in Tennessee, on account of the fact she's a hands-on mom of 2.

This, of course, isn't Jamie's first stint in reality TV either ... she was recently on FOX's "Special Forces: World's Toughest Test."

'Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles' Homeless Camp Outside Altman Bros. Office

A couple of "Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles" stars are dealing with something many businesses across L.A. are facing -- the homeless crisis ... an encampment popped up right outside their offices.

The tents were spotted outside The Altman Brothers office in Bev Hills as recently as Wednesday -- the place where brothers Josh and Matt Altman work both on and off the Bravo series.

Fans of the show know folks like the Altmans have made careers selling luxury properties all across Los Angeles, so to have a homeless camp on display just steps from their business comes with some irony.

Photos taken Thursday show the encampment is gone -- we're told the city stepped in and had the camp dismantled.

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As we reported, Jennifer Garner was spotted offering up more than just a helping hand to a homeless man in L.A. this week  ... offering him the shoes off her feet and getting a nearby photog involved to make sure he got what he needed.

The homeless crisis has gripped L.A., along with many other cities around the country.

Millon Dollar Listing L.A. Un campamento afuera de la oficina de Altman Bros

Una pareja en la lista de los más millonarios de Los Ángeles está lidiando con algo más que muchos negocios en la ciudad: se enfrentan también a la crisis de las personas sin hogar, pues un campamento apareció justo afuera de su oficina.

Las carpas fueron vistas afuera de la oficina de los hermanos Altman en Beverly Hills el martes por la noche y también el miércoles. Este es el lugar donde los hermanos Josh y Matt Altman trabajan de vez en cuando en la serie de Bravo.

Los fans de la serie saben que personas como los Altman han hecho carrera vendiendo propiedades de lujo por todo Los Ángeles, por lo que tener una tienda de campaña a pocos metros de su negocio viene con cierta ironía.

Fotos del lugar tomadas este jueves muestran que el campamento ya no estaba ahí, dado que la ciudad intervino y lo desmanteló, según nos han dicho.

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Dando una mano

Como informamos, Jennifer Garner fue vista este domingo ofreciéndole una mano a un hombre en Los Ángeles. La actriz le ofreció sus zapatos y le pidió a un fotógrafo cercano que se involucrara para asegurarse de que recibiera lo que necesitaba.

La crisis de las personas sin hogar se ha apoderado de Los Ángeles, junto con otras muchas ciudades del país.

George Clooney Vende su villa italiana frente al lago Como

George Clooney estaría haciendo las maletas y dejando el Lago Como, ya que se dice que se estaría deshaciendo de su villa frente al mar, luego de más de dos décadas allí.

El actor habría puesto a la venta su enorme casa italiana, según el medio italiano Oggi, que dice haber confirmado con un agente inmobiliario local que supuestamente está involucrado en la venta.

Yasemin Baysal, es citada en la nota diciendo: "Los rumores también habían circulado años atrás, pero esta vez son verdad", y continúa diciendo que una agencia de Milán se encargará de la mayor parte de la transacción, pero se niega a decir cuál exactamente.

Lo que sí ha revelado es que un cliente potencial está muy interesado en el piso de George. En cuanto a su precio, no parece haber una cifra exacta. Se estima que la villa de Clooney fue valorada en hasta 100 millones de dólares el año pasado, pero el agente de bienes raíces le dice a Oggi que una cifra más realista está en algún lugar entre los $75 y $85 millones.

De cualquier manera, es un buen margen de beneficio para George y su esposa, Amal. Clooney compró el lugar en 2002 por 10 millones de dólares a la famosa familia Heinz y lo ha tenido en su poder desde entonces. En cuanto a por qué se van, Oggi informa que a Amal no le gusta la zona, y supuestamente prefiere Provenza, que está en el sur de Francia.

Compraron otra finca allí hace no mucho tiempo y se mudaron también. No está en el agua como su mansión de Como, es más privada y está en el campo, en un viñedo. Durante años, la presencia de Clooney en Como ha atraído a un montón de prensa y ojos curiosos.

A primera vista, parece que los Clooneys quieren algo un poco más discreto y escondido, y sin duda lo han conseguido con su nueva compra.

En cuanto a la antigua casa de Como, el nuevo propietario vivirá como un rey. Tiene todas las comodidades: un gimnasio privado, un teatro privado, una cancha de baloncesto, un huerto, muelles privados, por no hablar de sus más de 25 habitaciones. ¡Mamma Mia!

George Clooney Nice Knowing Ya, Como ... Reportedly Selling Italian Villa!!!

George Clooney is apparently packing up his bags and leaving Lake Como in the dust -- the dude is said to be unloading his waterfront villa ... this after more than 2 decades there.

The actor is reportedly putting his massive Italian home on the market -- this according to Italian outlet Oggi ... which says it's confirmed with a local real estate agent purported to be involved in the sale.

This woman, Yasemin Baysal, is quoted as saying ... "The rumors were also going around in previous years, but this time it's true." She goes on to say that an agency in Milan will be handling the bulk of the transaction -- but refuses to say which one exactly.

What she does reveal, though, is that one potential client is very interested in GC's pad. As for how much it's going for -- there doesn't seem to be an exact price listed. Clooney's villa was estimated to be valued at as much as $100 million last year ... but the real estate agent tells Oggi that a more realistic ask is somewhere in the ballpark of $75-$85 mil.

Either way, it's a helluva profit margin for George and his wife, Amal. He bought the place way back in 2002 for a reported $10 million from the famed Heinz family ... and he's had it in his possession ever since. As for why they're bailing ... Oggi reports Amal doesn't like the area, and supposedly prefers Provence -- which is in the South of France.

They bought another estate there not too long ago and moved in as well. It's not on the water like their Como mansion is ... this one is super private, in the countryside, and sits on a vineyard. For years, Clooney's presence in Como has drawn a lot of press and eyeballs.

On its face, it would seem the Clooneys want something a little more low-key and tucked away, and they certainly got that with their new buy.

As for the old Como crib ... whoever ends up being the new owner is gonna be living like a king. It's got all the bells and whistles -- a private gym, a private theater, a basketball court, a vegetable garden, private docks ... not to mention upwards of 25 rooms total. Mamma Mia!

Shawn Mendes Sufre accidente doméstico ... Sus compras salen rodando por el suelo

Shawn Mendes se enfrentó a una crisis mientras sacaba sus compras de la maleta, porque desafortunadamente, ¡¡se le cayeron al suelo!!

Había terminado una carrera al supermercado el jueves, cuando experimentó el percance. Se había vuelto a recoger las cosas de su Range Rover, cuando para su mala suerte, los artículos se cayeron uno tras otro, con la bolsa vaciada por completo.

Allá van las compras...

Shawn, que todavía luce barba, hizo todo lo posible para atrapar la comida que caía, pero fue en vano. Todo se fue abajo, así como la puerta de entrada que se cerró ante él, posiblemente como guinda de la torta a este momento cómico perfecto.

Eventualmente, Shawn llegó a la parte delantera para recoger las patatas antes de regresar al interior con la comida que alcanzó a rescatar.

Le pasa a los mejores.

Shawn Mendes Groceries Take A Tumble Out His Car Nothin' Holding 'Em Back!

Shawn Mendes faced a produce catastrophe while unloading groceries at home ... because his food took a tumble right out the trunk!!!

He finished up a grocery run Thursday but experienced the mishap in his driveway when he went around back to grab the goods out of his Range Rover -- unlucky for him, the items came pouring out of his trunk, with the bag tipping over entirely.


Shawn, who's still rocking his beard, tried his best to catch the falling grub, but to no avail. It all went down as his driveway's gate closed on him ... with, arguably, perfect comedic timing.

Shawn eventually came around the front to pick up the rogue potatoes before heading back inside with the salvaged food.

It happens to the best of 'em.

Sophie Turner Mommy time with Daughter Hours After Suing Joe

Sophie Turner is fighting hard to get her kids out of the United States and over to Europe ... but that's not stopping her from enjoying some QT with her kiddo stateside in the meantime.

Sophie was spotted out with the estranged couple's daughter, 3-year-old Willa, Thursday while running some errands in NYC. Both mom and tot had big smiles on their faces as they walked hand and hand with another female friend tagging along.

No signs of Joe, but that's not at all surprising given the drama that unfolded between the two earlier in the day.

Sophie sued Joe, claiming they had an agreement to raise their two daughters in the UK, where they believed they'd live a safer and healthier life. Sophie claims Joe's hidden the kids' passports, preventing her from taking them outside the U.S.

As for Joe's part, he sent us a lengthy statement explaining a Florida judge ruled neither parent is allowed to relocate their children outside of the United States while divorce proceedings continue.

Buckle up.

Sophie Turner Pasa tiempo con su hija Horas después de demandar a Joe

Sophie Turner está peleando duro por sacar a sus hijas fuera de Estados Unidos y llevárselas a Europa, pero eso no le ha impedido disfrutar de algunos momentos cariñosos con su hija, mientras tanto.

Sophie fue vista con su hija de 3 años, Willa, el jueves mientras hacía algunos mandados en Nueva York. Tanto la madre como la niña tenían grandes sonrisas mientras caminaban juntas de la mano en compañía de otra amiga.

No hay señales de Joe, pero bueno, eso no es ninguna sorpresa dado el drama que se desató entre los dos temprano en el día.

Sophie demandó a Joe, alegando que tenían un acuerdo para criar a sus dos hijas en el Reino Unido, donde creían que vivirían una vida más segura y saludable. Sophie afirma que Joe ha ocultado los pasaportes de las niñas, lo que le impide llevarlas fuera de EE.UU.

Por su parte, Joe nos ha enviado un extenso comunicado en el que explica que un juez de Florida dictaminó que ninguno de los padres puede trasladar a sus hijas fuera de Estados Unidos mientras dure el proceso de divorcio.

Así que, abróchense los cinturones.

Joe Jonas Sophie's Crossed the Line Divorce Judge Says Kids Should Stay Put in U.S.

Joe Jonas has fired back at Sophie Turner, saying Sophie is the one who has crossed the line, violating an order by a Florida judge by trying to take their kids permanently to England.

Joe's rep just issued a lengthy statement, in response to Sophie's claim Joe has "abducted" their kids by refusing to hand over their passports so they can return to England per their agreement.

Joe's response ... "After multiple conversations with Sophie, Joe initiated divorce proceedings in Florida, as Florida is the appropriate jurisdiction for the case. Sophie was aware that Joe was going to file for divorce. The Florida Court has already entered an order that restricts both parents from relocating the children. Sophie was served with this order on September 6, 2023, more than two weeks ago."

So, Joe is saying Sophie's position would squarely violate the Florida order keeping the kids where they are.

He also makes it clear ... although he believes the kids' home is in the United States, he's open to sharing custody with her, even if she moves permanently to England. "Joe is seeking shared parenting with the kids so that they are raised by both their mother and father, and is of course also okay with the kids being raised both in the U.S. and the UK. The children were born in the U.S. and have spent the vast majority of their lives in the U.S. They are American citizens."

Joe's rep says their team is surprised by Sophie's latest move ... "Joe and Sophie had a cordial meeting this past Sunday in New York, when Sophie came to New York to be with the kids. They have been with her since that meeting. Joe's impression of the meeting was that they had reached an understanding that they would work together towards an amicable co-parenting setup."

And then, the turn ... "Less than 24 hours later, Sophie advised that she wanted to take the children permanently to the UK. Thereafter, she demanded via this filing that Joe hand over the children’s passports so that she could take them out of the country immediately. If he complies, Joe will be in violation of the Florida Court order."

Joe also takes issue with the allegation he is effectively abducting the kids ... "This is an unfortunate legal disagreement about a marriage that is sadly ending. When language like "abduction" is used, it is misleading at best, and a serious abuse of the legal system at worst. The children were not abducted. After being in Joe's care for the past three months at the agreement of both parties, the children are currently with their mother. Sophie is making this claim only to move the divorce proceedings to the UK and to remove the children from the U.S. permanently."

The legal reality ... now that they are no longer a family living together, their deal is not binding on the divorce judge. The North Star for divorce judges is what is in the best interests of the children.

Do you think the Sophie Turner/Joe Jonas divorce war will get uglier? Vote below.

Sophie Turner Joe Is Illegally Keeping Our kids in NYC ... Cites Child Abduction Law

Sophie Turner is at war with Joe Jonas over their 2 kids ... she says Joe is unlawfully keeping their children in New York City and she wants them "returned" to England with her.

Sophie says in April, 2023, the family made England their "permanent home," and regularly discussed their desire to raise the kids in the UK, and for the kids to attend school there.

She says they felt England was a safe place to raise kids, and they were both down with the plan. She had a lengthy passage in her legal docs, outlining all of the activities in which the kids have engaged in England.

She says "with some hesitation," she and Joe agreed the kids would stay with Joe while the Jonas Bros toured the U.S., because she was busy shooting a "very intense," time-consuming series.

Sophie says the agreement was that in September, when she finished filming, she would return to New York, to "collect the children and return home to England."

This past Sunday, Sophie and Joe met to talk about their separation, and she reiterated her desire to take the kids to England that week. Joe was in possession of the kids' passports, and "refused to return the passports to the Mother and refuses to send the children home to England with the Mother."

The Messenger was first to report the lawsuit.

Based on Joe's alleged refusal, she filed these legal docs in federal court, citing the Hague Convention -- an international treaty -- which deals with child abduction across country lines.

She's asking for a court order demanding that Joe produce the passports and return the kids to her.

Don't forget, we reported that the 2 sold their Miami home last month, BTW ... and were planning on moving to England, beginning their search for a spot overseas last December -- touring a couple of spots, too.

Sophie argues they've been living in the UK for 5 months now, and even sold the Miami home the month before he filed.

BTW ... Sophie gets into why they split. She says they had an argument on August 15 and Joe filed for divorce Sept. 1. She found out September 5 through the media. She adds they had both agreed the kids would follow her to England in Sept., but on Sept. 19 Joe's attorney contacted her people and said the kids would not be returning to England.

We reached out to Joe's camp ... so far, no word back.

Do you think the Sophie Turner/Joe Jonas divorce war will get uglier? Vote below.


Sophie Turner está en guerra con Joe Jonas sobre sus 2 hijas. Ella dice que Joe mantiene ilegalmente a sus niñas en la ciudad de Nueva York y ella quiere que "regresen" a Inglaterra con ella.

Sophie dice que en abril de 2023 la familia hizo de Inglaterra su "hogar permanente" y discutió regularmente su deseo de criar a las niñas en el Reino Unido para que puedan asistir a la escuela allí.

Ella dice que sentían que Inglaterra era un lugar seguro para criarlas y ambos estaban de acuerdo con el plan. Ella tenía un largo pasaje en sus documentos legales, describiendo todas las actividades en las que las niñas han participado en Inglaterra.

Dice que "con algunas dudas" ella y Joe acordaron que las niñas se quedarían con Joe mientras los Jonas Bros hacían una gira por EE.UU., porque ella estaba ocupada rodando una serie "muy intensa" que le llevaba mucho tiempo.

Sophie dice que el acuerdo era que en septiembre, cuando terminara de rodar, volvería a Nueva York para "recoger a las niñas y regresar a casa en Inglaterra."

El pasado domingo, Sophie y Joe se reunieron para hablar de su separación y ella reiteró su deseo de llevarse a las niñas a Inglaterra esa semana. Joe estaba en posesión de los pasaportes de las pequeñas y "se negó a devolverle los pasaportes de las chicas a la Madre y se niega a enviarlas a Inglaterra también".

The Messenger fue el primero en informar de la demanda.

Basándose en la supuesta negativa de Joe, ella presentó estos documentos legales en el tribunal federal citando la Convención de La Haya (un tratado internacional), que se ocupa de la sustracción de menores a través de las fronteras de los países.

Ella está pidiendo una orden judicial exigiendo que Joe haga los pasaportes y le devuelva a las niñas.

No olvidemos que la pareja vendió su casa de Miami el mes pasado y estaban planeando mudarse a Inglaterra, comenzando su búsqueda de un lugar en el extranjero en diciembre pasado.

Sophie argumenta que han estado viviendo en el Reino Unido desde hace 5 meses, e incluso vendió la casa de Miami el mes antes de que él presentó.

Sophie entra en por qué se separaron. Dice que tuvieron una discusión el 15 de agosto y Joe pidió el divorcio el 1 de septiembre. Ella se enteró el 5 de septiembre a través de los medios de comunicación. Añade que ambos habían acordado que las niñas la seguirían a Inglaterra en septiembre pero el 19 de ese mes el abogado de Joe se puso en contacto con su gente y dijo que las niñas no volverán.


El marido de Nicki Minaj está de vuelta en la cárcel... bueno, más o menos.

Kenneth Petty fue puesto en arresto domiciliario por hasta 120 días y todo porque amenazó a Offset por redes sociales.

Según documentos judiciales obtenidos por TMZ, Petty violó su libertad condicional federal por "hacer comentarios amenazantes mientras estaba en compañía de alguien con antecedentes penales."

ven y da la cara offset

Un juez ordenó que Petty estuviera en arresto domiciliario hasta por 4 meses para vigilar de cerca sus actividades. Como parte de ser monitoreado, Petty podría tener que ser equipado con una pulsera de tobillo GPS electrónico, aunque eso no se ha determinado todavía.

Los nuevos problemas de Petty comenzaron la semana pasada cuando publicó un vídeo en Instagram en el que aparecía él mismo y dos amigos increpando al marido de Cardi B. El trío estaba de pie al otro lado de la calle de un hotel de Nueva York donde Offset supuestamente se alojaba y todos estaban actuando de manera bastante amenazante.

son graciosos chicos

En respuesta, Offset más tarde publicó su propio video en las redes sociales en el que se le veía riendo en la pista fuera de su jet privado que estaba en alguna parte cerca del hotel.

¡¡¡Claramente los federales no lo encontraron divertido y no perdieron tiempo para poner fin a todo el asunto!!!

A lo largo de los años, Petty ha sido condenado por intento de violación e intento de asesinato y ha cumplido dos períodos en prisión. En 2022 fue condenado a 3 años de libertad condicional después de que no pudieran registrarlo como delincuente sexual en California.

Nicki Minaj's Husband Kenneth Petty Put On House Arrest ... After Threatening Offset

Nicki Minaj's husband is back in prison ... sort of.

Kenneth Petty was put on home detention for up to 120 days -- and all because he threatened Offset on social media.

According to court docs, obtained by TMZ, Petty violated his federal probation by "making threatening remarks while in the company of someone with a criminal record."


A judge ordered Petty to be placed on house arrest for as long as 4 months to keep a close eye on his activities. As part of being monitored, Petty might have to be fitted with an electronic GPS ankle bracelet, although that hasn't been determined yet.

Petty's new troubles began last week when he posted an Instagram video, featuring himself and two buddies sounding off on Cardi B's husband. The trio was standing across the street from an NYC hotel where Offset was supposedly staying -- and they were all acting pretty menacing.


In response, Offset later posted his own video on social media, showing himself chuckling on the tarmac outside his private jet -- which was nowhere near the hotel.

Clearly, the feds didn't find it funny ... because they wasted no time putting a stop to it -- and Petty!!

Over the years, Petty has been convicted of attempted rape and attempted murder and has served two stints in prison. In 2022, he was sentenced to 3 years probation after he failed to register as a sex offender in California.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

'Million Dollar Listing' Fredrik Eklund Launches First AI Real Estate Expert!!!


Former "Million Dollar Listing" star Fredrik Eklund says his new AI real estate expert isn't here to take jobs from agents like himself -- instead, he says this tech can spark market growth.

Fredrik joined us Wednesday on "TMZ Live" to introduce the world to Maya ... the world's first real estate guru completely powered by artificial intelligence. It's a product that took him and his team 18 months to get up and running, and he explained why he's so incredibly proud of what Maya can do.

He says Maya helps both sides of the housing market and even comes with her own personality -- and while you might think websites, like Zillow and Redfin, already simplify the home buying experience, Fredrik told us why Maya takes it to the next level.

Simply put ... the way you tour open houses is going to change dramatically in the next few years, and Fredrik believes Maya will be an integral part of that revolution.

AI has become a hot-button topic lately, with folks -- including Hollywood writers and actors -- worried the new tech will take peoples' jobs as it advances.

It might sound ironic for Fredrik to invent a tool that takes over some tasks that human agents have traditionally done for clients, but he fills us in on why he's not threatened by Maya. At least, not yet.

Kroy Biermann Judge, Me & Kim Are, Like, Broke-Broke ... Gimme Green Light to Sell!!!

Kroy Biermann is again begging a judge not to let his estranged wife Kim Zolciak slow down his attempt to sell their mansion -- insisting they need to sell the place ASAP ... so they can get separate pads to shield their kids from the trauma of their toxic relationship.

The former NFL star filed new court docs this week, obtained by TMZ, which push back on what he claims is Kim's recent attempt to delay a ruling over the matter of whether to quickly try to sell their massive Georgia home.

Like before, Kroy's reiterating the urgent need to unload this property -- citing their mounting debts and money woes ... but this time, KB says it a bit more plainly. He writes in his paperwork, "The parties to this action are financially destitute, largely related to [Kim]'s reckless spending habits and love for online gambling." Oof ...

Yes, that's Kroy pointing the finger right at Kim and attributing their problems to her. What's more -- he says the IRS actually has a lien on the home over unpaid taxes in the amount of $1.1 million. Kroy also cites a number of lawsuits from creditors who want their dough.

In the docs, Kroy says he and Kim really don't have much else left to their name ... and that the house is the last true asset of value that they can cash in on -- but, according to him, Kim's trying to delay the process and making it difficult to turn the page amid their divorce. And, he says their constant fighting is hurting their kids, saying the "toxicity enveloping the marital home is extremely detrimental to the mental and emotional well-being of the children."

Time's running out, as Kroy says foreclosure is looming -- and he wants to try and collect whatever equity they have left in the place to pay down the damage and get separate places. Kroy's basically on his hands and knees here asking for the court to say yes.

Sell, sell, sell!

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