Tamar Braxton My Car Was Burglarized ... Posts Video of Incident

Tamar Braxton says her car was broken into and ransacked -- and she's lamenting the fact she doesn't feel safe, even at home ... which is understandable considering the video.

The singer posted 4 clips on IG Monday, which show a handful of men going through a vehicle in a covered, seemingly subterranean garage ... rummaging around and removing various items as they appear to be staging a getaway in another car.

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Instagram / @tamarbraxton

Tamar writes, "I got robbed. At home. I’m not safe anywhere. I don’t know why I keep getting violated. I had a lot in my car cause I don’t live anywhere cause I’m not safe anywhere or with anyone."

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

It's unclear when exactly this took place, but if it was on Sunday ... that's shocking, because she was at Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta to sing the National Anthem ahead of the Packers-Falcons game. Tamar is known to have property in the ATL area, too.

The other notable thing about this is the fact that Tamar says she doesn't "live" anywhere anymore because of situations like this ... which has sparked concern online.

No word on whether a police report was filed, or what the status of this situation is. We've reached out to Tamar's team for further comment ... so far, no word back.

TAMAR BRAXTON me robaron el carro Publica video del incidente

Tamar Braxton dice que su coche fue roto y saqueado - y ella está lamentando el hecho de que ella no se siente segura, incluso en casa ... lo cual es comprensible teniendo en cuenta el video.

La cantante publicó 4 clips en Instagram lunes que muestran un puñado de hombres que van a través de un vehículo en un garaje cubierto, aparentemente subterráneo, hurgando y quitando varios elementos. Los sujetos parecen tener el escape listo en otro coche.

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robada en casa
Instagram / @tamarbraxton

Tamar escribe: "Me robaron. En casa. No estoy segura en ningún sitio. No sé por qué me siguen violando. Tenía mucho en mi coche porque no vivo en ningún sitio porque no estoy segura en ningún sitio ni con nadie".

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

No está claro cuándo ocurrió exactamente, pero si fue el domingo... es chocante, porque ella estaba en el Mercedes-Benz Stadium de Atlanta para cantar el Himno Nacional antes del partido Packers-Falcons. Se sabe que Tamar también tiene propiedades en la zona de ATL.

La otra cosa notable es el hecho de que Tamar dice que ella no "vive" en ningun lugar debido a situaciones como esta. Todo esto ha desatado preocupación en línea.

No hay palabra sobre si un informe de la policía fue presentada o cuál es el estado de la situación. Nos hemos puesto en contacto con el equipo de Tamar para más comentarios pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

Kim Zolciak & Kroy Biermann Home In Pre-Foreclosure Again As Kroy Sells Stuff for $$$

Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann's efforts to dig outta their deep financial hole, amid their divorce, aren't going that well -- their Georgia home is teetering on foreclosure once again, TMZ has learned.

According to online records, their Alpharetta mansion is in pre-foreclosure again, with the pending sale date listed as November 7. It isn't technically in foreclosure yet, but it certainly appears to be heading in that direction -- indicating they've missed some mortgage payments.

As we reported, Kroy filed docs last month, asking for an emergency hearing to authorize selling their $3 million house, saying their financial woes were getting worse and the sale could cover their "significant debt."

Kroy claimed they were struggling to make their monthly mortgage payments, having to sell off his backpacks and other personal belongings to make enough cash to cover what was owed.

He says he asked Kim to sell her purses for contribution, but she refused.

Kroy claims Kim sold some bags, wigs, and other high-end items ... but added, "None of the funds garnered from the sale of these items have gone towards the mortgage, or any other bills."

Kroy claimed they weren't able to make their mortgage payment in July, presenting the prospect of foreclosure ... which is why he's pushing to unload the property.

Regarding Kroy's push to sell the house, his attorney, Maryls A. Bergstrom, tells TMZ ... "We are going to court on September 27th to request that the court order the home sold."

Don't forget, their family home faced foreclosure back in February, with the estate set to be auctioned off the following month ... but they were able to stop the sale and keep the spot through their payments.

It's not just the house that's been going back and forth -- you'll recall, the 2 were getting divorced in May, but called it off in July ... only for Kroy to file for divorce again last month.

Alex Trebek Demuelen su casa en Los Ángeles Triste final para su hogar

La casa de Alex Trebek en Los Ángeles, donde vivió durante décadas, se está transformando en un montón de escombros.

La antigua casa del difunto presentador de "Jeopardy!" en Studio City está siendo demolida esta semana, con excavadoras y bulldozers llevándose la estructura hasta los cimientos.

esto es... ¿una demolición?

Es un momento agridulce. Alex vivió allí durante casi tres décadas hasta su muerte en 2020, y se enorgullecía de arreglar todo lo relacionado con ella él mismo. Una vez  incluso compró una ferretería entera para hacer unas renovaciones.

Los antiguos vecinos de Alex nos dicen que un muro con una lona se levantó alrededor de la propiedad la semana pasada. El equipo de construcción apareció el fin de semana y comenzaron a arrasar con la casa.

Nos dicen que decenas de máquinas de construcción, grandes camiones y remolques están trabajando en el derribo masivo, y tenemos video y fotos de la demolición.

TMZ dio la noticia. Alex murió en noviembre de 2020 después de una batalla contra el cáncer de páncreas, y lo hizo en esta misma casa.

Con mis propias manos

Como se suele decir, realmente vertió sangre, sudor y lágrimas en este espacio durante décadas.

La esposa de Alex, Jean Trebek, vendió el lugar en enero de 2022 por $6,450,000, y en febrero de 2023 los nuevos propietarios emitieron los permisos de demolición.

Alex Trebek L.A. HOUSE Getting DEMOLISHED ... Sad End for Beloved Home

Alex Trebek's former home in Los Angeles -- where he lived for decades -- is being transformed into a pile of rubble.

The late "Jeopardy!" host's former estate in Studio City is being demolished this week, with bulldozers and excavators taking the structure to the ground.


It's a bittersweet moment ... Alex lived there for almost three decades until his 2020 death, and he took pride in fixing everything around the home himself and once bought out an entire hardware store for DIY renovations.

Alex's former neighbors tell us a wall with a tarp went up around the property last week, construction equipment showed up over the weekend and crews started razing the home.

We're told dozens of construction machines, big trucks and trailers are working on the massive teardown... and we got video and photos of the demolition.

TMZ broke the story .. Alex died in November 2020 after a battle with pancreatic cancer, passing away in this very home.


He really poured blood, sweat and tears into the house for decades -- and even drove a pickup truck, specifically, because he was constantly going to hardware stores for home improvement supplies.

Alex's wife, Jean Trebek, sold the place in January 2022 for $6,450,000 ... and in February 2023 the new owners were issued permits for demolition.

Kanye West demandado Quería una casa sin ventanas ni luz eléctrica... Alega un empleado despedido

Kanye West tenía al director del proyecto de remodelación de su casa de Malibú durmiendo en el suelo, y lo despidió luego de tener un desacuerdo sobre eliminar o no todas las ventanas de la casa y la electricidad. Esto, de acuerdo a una nueva demanda

Ye está siendo demandado por un hombre llamado Tony Saxon, quien afirma que Yeezy lo contrató en septiembre de 2021 como gerente de proyecto, cuidador y guardia de seguridad 24/7 de la propiedad del magnate en Malibú.

Según la demanda obtenida por TMZ, Saxon asegura que trabajaba 16 horas algunos días y dormía en el suelo mientras coordinaba la remodelación de Kanye. Y añade que a Ye no le podía importar menos que literalmente usara un abrigo como ropa de cama improvisada.

En los documentos, Saxon dice que Kanye ignoró todas sus preocupaciones y solo le pagó por una semana de trabajo hasta que las cosas llegaron a un punto crítico en noviembre de 2021, cuando Ye le exigió quitar todas las ventanas de la casa y la electricidad.

Saxon dice que "expresó su preocupación por el peligro extremo de tales acciones", pero afirma que Kanye levantó la voz e insistió en mover grandes generadores dentro de la casa, lo que podría conducir a un peligro de incendio, según alegaba Taxon.

En la demanda, Saxon afirma que Kanye lo amenazó y le dijo que sería considerado "un enemigo" si no accedía a sus demandas. Saxon no cedió y Kanye le dijo que "se largara".

Saxon también dice que Ye le dijo: "Si no haces lo que digo, no vas a trabajar para mí, no voy a ser tu amigo nunca más y solo me verás en televisión". Taxon le dijo que no veía televisión y fue despedido en el acto.

El tipo está demandando a Kanye por varias violaciones del código laboral, salarios no pagados y además va tras Yeezy por daños y perjuicios.

Kanye West Sued He Wanted Home Without Windows, Electricity ... Employee Claims He Was Fired for Not Complying

Kanye West had the project manager overseeing the remodel of his Malibu home sleeping on the floor, and fired the guy over a disagreement about removing all the home's windows and electricity ... this according to a new lawsuit.

Ye is being sued by a man named Tony Saxon, who claims Yeezy hired him back in September 2021 as project manager, caretaker and 24/7 security for the mogul's Malibu property.

According to the lawsuit, obtained by TMZ, Saxon claims he was working 16-hour days and sleeping on the floor while coordinating Kanye's remodel ... and he says Ye couldn't care less that he was literally using a coat as makeshift bedding.

In the docs, Saxon says Kanye ignored all of his concerns and only paid him for one week of work until things reached a head in November 2021 when Saxon claims Ye demanded Saxon remove all the home's windows and electricity.

Saxon says he "expressed concerns about the extreme danger of such actions" ... but he claims Kanye raised his voice and then insisted on moving large generators inside the house, which Saxon worried would potentially lead to a fire hazard.

In the suit, Saxon claims Kanye threatened him and said he would be considered "an enemy" if he didn't comply with the demands. Saxon says he wouldn't budge and Kanye told him to "get the hell out."

Saxon also says Ye told him, "If you don't do what I say, you're not going to work for me, I'm not gonna be your friend anymore and you'll just see me on TV." He says he told Ye he didn't watch TV and was fired on the spot.

The guy's suing Kanye for various labor code violations ... and he's going after Yeezy for unpaid wages, plus damages.

Lionel Messi Compra mansión de $10.8 millones En el sur de Florida

Lionel Messi está jugando como rey en el sur de Florida, ¡y ahora también vivirá como tal!

La nueva superestrella del Inter de Miami acaba de comprar una mansión de 10,8 millones de dólares en Fort Lauderdale, y el refugio es enorme, con ocho dormitorios, 9,5 baños y 10.486 pies cuadrados en total.

La propiedad incluye además una gran piscina en el patio trasero y dos muelles afuera. El interior también está repleto de detalles: cocina italiana, gimnasio, sala de entretenimiento, oficinas, y por supuesto, las suites del capitán y de sus invitados VIP.

La nueva casa de Messi está cerca de las instalaciones de su club de fútbol, por lo que si alguna vez tiene ganas de entrenar, no tendrá que ir muy lejos

Messi ha estado dominando el campo a lo largo de su nueva aventura en la Major League Soccer, con un montón de celebridades asistiendo a sus juegos para presenciar su talento.

Ahora tiene un lugar para que todos sus amigos famosos se reúnan después de los partidos.

Nos han contado que el acuerdo se realizó fuera del mercado, pero la propiedad ha sido un bien codiciado. En el pasado, fue vendido dos veces por Gilles Rais de Coldwell Banker Realty.

Lionel Messi Cops $10.8 Mil Pad ... Messi Mansion!!!

Lionel Messi is playing like a king down in South Florida ... and now, he'll get to live like one there, too!!

The new Inter Miami superstar has just copped a $10.8 million mansion in Fort Lauderdale ... and the crib is massive -- featuring eight bedrooms, 9.5 bathrooms and 10,486 total square feet.

It comes with all the bells and whistles, too -- there's a big pool in the backyard plus two docks outside. The inside is decked out as well ... with an Italian kitchen, workout room, entertainment lounge, VIP and Captain's suites and offices.

Messi's new place is close to his soccer club's facility ... so if he's ever itching for some extra practice, he won't have far to go. The Real Deal was first to report the purchase.

Messi has been dominating throughout his new venture in the MLS ... with tons of celebs hitting up his games to witness greatness.

Now he's got a spot for all his famous friends to hang out after his games!!

We're told it was an off-market deal ... but the property has been a hot commodity, as it was sold twice in the past by Gilles Rais of Coldwell Banker Realty.

Icónica casa de "Brady Bunch" Encuentra a un nuevo dueño

La famosa casa de la sitcom "Brady Bunch" está finalmente a la venta y en posesión de un nuevo propietario, que también conoce muy de cerca el negocio de la televisión y consiguió esta joya por una ganga.

El agente de bienes raíces de Compass, Danny Brown, quien llevó a cabo las transacciones en nombre de HGTV, le dice a TMZ que la propiedad de North Hollywood acaba de venderse, por una suma de $3,2 millones. El canal había estado tratando de vender el lugar durante todo el verano.

La nueva propietaria es la coleccionista de casas ricas Tina Trahan, quien está casada con el ex jefe de HBO Chris Albrecht. Se trata de un excelente trato, pues Trahan se ahorró una fortuna si consideramos lo que la cadena estaba pidiendo originalmente por la propiedad.

Recuerden que cuando este inmueble salió primero a la venta en mayo, HGTV lo había listado en $5,5 millones. Esto, después de haberlo comprado por $3,5 millones en 2018 para su serie, "A Very Brady Renovation".

HGTV no solo no se acercó ni remotamente a lo que quería inicialmente, sino que la red parece haber hecho la pérdida de la casa. Esperemos que los índices de audiencia del programa hayan valido la pena, pues trabajaron mucho en esta casa, tanto por dentro como por fuera.

Como sabrán, en la famosa comedia sólo se utilizó el exterior de la casa y la mayoría de las escenas interiores se rodaron en un plató.

La premisa de esta serie de HGTV, sin embargo, era hacer que el interior de la casa coincidiera con lo que la gente veía en la televisión, y lo lograron desembolsando una buena cantidad de dinero en rehacer completamente el lugar. Es por eso que su precio de liquidación es interesante.

No obstante, Danny está emocionado: "Este fue el acuerdo más loco de mi carrera. No hay manera de comparar una casa como esta. ¿Voy a comparar a la casa de 'Solo en casa' o la casa de Larry David en 'Curb'? En última instancia, fue al comprador adecuado. Un coleccionista que la utilizará para eventos y recaudaciones de fondos y será el administrador de una pieza icónica de la historia de la cultura pop".

'Brady Bunch' House Finds New TV-Adjacent Owner ...

The famous "Brady Bunch" house is finally off the market and in the possession of a new owner -- who's also well-versed in the TV biz, and who got this puppy for a steal.

Compass real estate agent Danny Brown -- who held this listing on behalf of HGTV, which had been trying to sell this place all throughout the summer -- tells TMZ ... the North Hollywood property just closed escrow, and went for a cool $3.2 million.

The new title holder ... wealthy home collector Tina Trahan, who's married to ex-HBO chief Chris Albrecht. It's a Home Box Office deal, indeed -- 'cause Trahan saved a fortune based on what the network was originally asking for the property.

Remember, when this pad first went up for grabs in May ... HGTV had listed it at $5.5 million -- this after they'd bought it in 2018 for $3.5 mil for their series, "A Very Brady Renovation."

Not only did HGTV not come anywhere close to what it initially wanted, but the network actually appears to have taken a loss on the home. Here's hoping the ratings for their show paid off, 'cause HGTV did a ton of work on this place, inside and out.

As you might know, it was actually just the exterior of this home that was used in the famous sitcom back then -- with most of the interior scenes being shot on a sound stage.

The whole premise of this HGTV series, though, was to make the interior of this house match what people saw on TV ... and they pulled it off and then some, pouring a fair amount of dough into completely redoing the place. That's why their settling price is interesting.

Nonetheless, Danny's stoked -- saying, "This was the craziest deal of my career. There is no way to comp a house like this. Am I going to compare to the 'Home Alone' house or Larry David's house on 'Curb?' Ultimately it went to the right buyer. A collector who will use it for events and fundraisers and be the steward of an iconic piece of pop culture history."

Blueface Child Services Called Over Video With Strippers, Son

Blueface videos showing his young son hanging around exotic dancers at home are getting a lot of attention ... including from cops and the Department of Children and Family Services.

Law enforcement tells TMZ ... sheriff's deputies have been called to the rapper's Los Angeles-area home a whopping NINE times since May, with the most serious call for a DCFS investigation into Blueface bringing strippers around his kids.

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After Blueface posted footage of him asking his son if he was gay while women stripped in a nearby room, we're told DCFS got wind of the video and launched an investigation, which led to sheriff's deputies being called to the home.

We're told Blueface still has his son, and it sounds like the DCFS investigation hasn't moved forward ... in part, because no one answered the door or picked up the phone when deputies were called to the house.

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Law enforcement tells us other calls to the house include noise complaints for loud music and barking dogs.

So, cops frequent Blueface's place a lot ... but the stripper videos with his son are the most concerning.

Over at Blueface's party house in the San Fernando Valley, we're told cops have been there multiple times about parties and fights ... with Blue's neighbors making the complaints.

As for Blueface's alarming videos with his kids, the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services won't comment on specific cases, but tells TMZ ... the safety and well-being of the county's 2 million children and youth is its highest priority.

Jamie Lee Curtis Iconic 'Halloween' Home Up For Sale

The house where Jamie Lee Curtis' character from "Halloween" once lived is up for sale ... and a true horror fan can get the keys -- if they have a decent chunk of change to spend.

The L.A.-area property is the fictional Haddonfield, Illinois home of teenager Laurie Strode, and can be yours for $1.8 million. Fans of the flick will recognize the house from the scene where she sat on the front stoop holding a pumpkin.

The home's been in the fam for generations, long before filming began in 1978. The seller's granddad planted an avocado tree on the property that's been there since the '40s.

It's been carved up into 3-units, so whoever buys it can pocket some rental income.

The area is being revitalized ... a nearby school is being repurposed with shops, restaurants and even a live music venue.

Heidi Babcock and Andrea Marcum-Valentine of eXp Realty of Los Angeles hold the listing ... and no, Michael Myers is not included.

Gisele Bündchen Buys Florida Home For $9.1 Million ... Jiu-Jitsu Pal's Sis-In-Law Is Agent

Gisele Bündchen is expanding her real estate portfolio, plunking down 7 figures for a sprawling Florida property with a soccer field and an equestrian ring ... and her jiu-jitsu pal Joaquim Valente's sister-in-law helped close the deal.

According to real estate records, the supermodel dropped $9.1 million on the 9-bedroom estate in Southwest Ranches, an affluent area about 30 miles northwest of Miami.

Gisele's new property is 5,183 square feet of pure luxury ... and some of the highlights include a full-size soccer field, infinity pool, hot tub, tennis courts and plenty of space to ride horses.

The grounds feature a state-of-the-art equestrian rink, with 10 large horse stalls. Remember, Gisele is big into horse riding, and so are her kids with ex-husband Tom Brady. She's also gone horseback riding with Joaquim in Costa Rica.

The property sits on 7.5 acres and there's an outdoor kitchen with a hibachi grill, pizza oven, BBQ pit and a wine fridge.

Inside, the first-floor master suite includes a private sitting area, bathroom and a walk-in closet ... and there's a floating glass staircase leading to the rest of the home. The gourmet kitchen has quartz countertops imported from Italy, plus an oversized island with a breakfast bar.

Gisele also owns another home in South Florida, an $11.5 million mansion in Miami Beach ... right across the water from where Tom's building his new place.

Chad Bishop and Saddy Abaunza Delgado with ONE Sotheby's International Realty repped the seller ... and Gisele was repped by Laura Valente with Global Luxury Realty LLC.

Gisele and Joaquim haven't confirmed their rumored relationship ... but they're often seen together, and he picked her up from the airport at the crack of dawn.

Now, Gisele is using his in-law as a real estate agent, which means a pretty big commission for Laura. Great way to get tight with the fam!

GISELE BÜNDCHEN Compra una casa de $9 millones en Florida... Y la hermana de Joaquim es su agente

Gisele Bündchen está ampliando su cartera de bienes raíces, desembolsando 7 cifras para una propiedad en expansión en Florida, con un campo de fútbol y un anillo ecuestre, y la hermana de su amigo Joaquim Valente, el instructor de jiu-jitsu ayudó a cerrar el trato.

Según los registros inmobiliarios, la supermodelo desembolsó 9,1 millones de dólares por la propiedad de nueve dormitorios en Southwest Ranches, una zona acomodada a unos 50 kilómetros al noroeste de Miami.

La nueva propiedad de Gisele tiene 5.183 pies cuadrados de puro lujo, y algunos de los aspectos más destacados incluyen un campo de fútbol de tamaño completo, una piscina infinita, jacuzzi, pistas de tenis y un montón de espacio para montar a caballo.

Los terrenos cuentan con una pista ecuestre de última generación, con 10 grandes establos para caballos. Hay que recordar que Gisele es una gran aficionada a la equitación, al igual que sus hijos con su ex marido Tom Brady. También ha montado a caballo con Joaquim en Costa Rica.

La propiedad ocupa 2,5 hectáreas y tiene una cocina exterior con parrilla hibachi, horno de pizza, barbacoa y nevera para vinos.

En el interior, la suite principal del primer piso incluye una sala de estar privada, cuarto de baño y un vestidor y hay una escalera de cristal flotante que conduce al resto de la casa. La cocina gourmet tiene encimeras de cuarzo importadas de Italia, además de una gran isla con barra de desayuno.

Gisele también posee una casa al sur de Florida: una mansión de 11,5 millones de dólares en Miami Beach, justo enfrente de donde Tom está construyendo su nueva casa.

Chad Bishop y Saddy Abaunza Delgado junto con ONE Sotheby's International Realty representaron al vendedor, y Gisele fue representada por Laura Valente con Global Luxury Realty LLC.

Gisele y Joaquim no han confirmado su rumoreada relación, pero a menudo se les ve juntos. Además que fue él quien la recogió en el aeropuerto al amanecer.

Ahora, Gisele está utilizando a su cuñada como agente inmobiliario, lo que significa una comisión bastante grande para Laura. Una buena forma de estrechar lazos con la familia.

Meghan & Harry House Hunting in Malibu ... Eyeing Spectacular Estate

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are house hunting again ... and this time they're eyeing a pricey slice of paradise in Malibu, where a brand new mansion is going up.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... the Duke and Duchess of Sussex spent part of their holiday weekend touring an $8 million plot of land in the 'Bu.

Our sources say Meghan and Harry checked out an estate, that's almost 6 acres. There's already a guard house at the front of the property, plus a huge pool ... and the foundation is laid for a 10,000-square-foot main residence.

The property sits above PCH and overlooks Broad Beach, and it's super secluded and private -- there's a gate and a long driveway up to where the main house would sit -- and we're told that's part of the draw for Meghan and Harry.

Our sources say the asking price is $8 million ... plans for the main house have already been approved and a construction crew is in place. If Harry and Meghan buy the lot, they can assume the costs of construction, estimated at another $10 million.

Meghan and Harry currently live in a $14 million mansion in Montecito, which is pretty far from the glitz and glamour of Hollywood ... and the Malibu property is about 13 miles from celeb hot spot Nobu, and less than an hour drive from L.A. and Beverly Hills.

Our sources say M&H are talking about selling their Montecito home and moving to Malibu full-time. It's close enough to Hollywood for them to do business, but far enough from Hollywood to give them security and privacy.

We did some digging and it appears Brendan Brown at Westside Estate Agency reps the property. We reached out to Brendan, so far no word back.

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