Paris Jackson I Need Protection From Intruder ... Scared To Be Home Alone!!!

Paris Jackson claims a guy who allegedly stalked her for years climbed a fence at her property and peeped in her windows ... and now she says she's terrified and wants help.

The singer took steps to protect herself two days after police were called to her Los Angeles area home after she claimed an intruder was spotted hanging around her backyard ... beelining it to court to get a restraining order against the guy.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Paris claims the guy showed up at her home Aug 23 scaling the fence before peering through her windows ... but she says she doesn't know him and he's actually appeared at her place before and was once arrested there.

TMZ broke the story ... Paris' friend confronted the alleged intruder in the backyard but the guy took off before cops arrived.

Paris says he's been sending her unwanted messages since December 2019 and she's afraid he's becoming more brazen and she's feeling stressed and is terrified to be alone in her home.

Our law enforcement sources tells us they took another report of a man showing up to her home two days after she filed for a restraining order ... this time she said the guy walked up to her front door, but she wasn't home.

We're told LAPD Threat Management is now on the case.

Paris is asking a judge to keep the guy at least 100 yards away from her, her home, her car and any venue where she performs ... and she also wants him prohibited from contacting her online.

Kroy Biermann Wants to Sell $3M Home With Kim ... 'Financial Situation Dire!!!'

Kim Zolciak's estranged husband Kroy Biermann has filed new docs in their ongoing divorce saga ... and now he's asking the judge for permission to sell their Georgia home, ASAP.

According to the docs, obtained by TMZ, Kroy's asking for an emergency hearing to authorize selling the $3 million family pad, citing their serious financial troubles.

The sale of the house -- where he says they've lived for their entire marriage -- could help cover what Kroy describes as "significant debt" they've built up over the years. He even mentions how he sold some of his stuff just to cobble together mortgage payments, and avoid a foreclosure auction earlier this year.

Kroy, through his lawyer, Marlys A. Bergstrom, says despite the "financial devastation" Kim brought to their family, he continued to make monthly payments on the place to hold off the auction ... but says it was a struggle every month.

The former NFL player claims he sold some of his designer backpacks, and other personal items to help come up with the dough, and even begged Kim to sell her purses -- something he says she refused to do.

Well, he admits she did sell some things, but he adds this dig ... "Ironically, she has been selling purses, hers and her daughters' and other high end fashion items including her infamous wigs. However, none of the funds garnered from the sale of these items have gone towards the mortgage, or any other bills."

Kroy says they weren't able to make July's mortgage payment, and are again facing the looming threat of foreclosure ... which is why he's begging a judge to let them try to sell the house as soon as possible.

Divorcio de Kevin Costner Christine testifica ... Ese no era mi novio en Hawái

Christine Baumgartner dice que Kevin Costner está completamente equivocado: el hombre que le dio $20k, que resulta ser amigo también de Kevin, no es su novio.

Christine testificó durante la audiencia de divorcio este jueves en Santa Bárbara y se refirió a su viaje a Hawái en julio, donde fue fotografiada con Josh Connor.

Como informamos, Josh es un viejo amigo de Kevin y Christine, y fuentes cercanas a ambos nos dijeron que no estaban saliendo.

Ella lo confirmó en el estrado, diciendo a bocajarro que Josh no es su novio y que mientras estaba en Hawai compartió habitación con una buena amiga desde hace mucho tiempo.

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Paseando por Hawái

TMZ publicó la noticia ... Kevin se refirió a Christine diciendo que había recibido 20.000 dólares de "su novio" ... y Christine testificó que Josh le dio esa suma porque estaba preocupada por el dinero. Con lágrimas en los ojos dijo que le dio 10 mil dólares a su madre, y finalmente devolvió los otros 10 mil dólares a Josh.

También habló del alquiler de 40 mil dólares al mes en Montecito. Su abogado le preguntó cuán cerca está del agua, y Christine dijo: "No se puede ir andando con una tabla de surf".

Como informamos por primera vez, Christine se quejó en los documentos, que la casa de alquiler se encuentra en el lado de la montaña de la autopista sin vistas panorámicas o acceso a la playa. Ella testificó que sólo la alquila por 6 meses porque no sabe cuál será el resultado del divorcio.

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Kevin Costner Divorce Christine Testifies ... That Wasn't My BF in Hawaii!!!

Christine Baumgartner says Kevin Costner's got it all wrong, the man who gave her $20k -- who also happens to be friends with Kevin -- is not her boyfriend.

Christine testified during Thursday's divorce hearing in Santa Barbara and got into her July trip to Hawaii, where she was photographed with Josh Connor.

As we reported, Josh is a longtime friend of both Kevin and Christine, and sources close to Josh and Christine told us they were not dating.

She backed that up on the stand, saying point blank Josh is not her BF -- and added that  while in Hawaii, she shared a room with a longtime female best friend.

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TMZ broke the story ... Kevin referenced Christine getting $20,000 from "her boyfriend" ... and Christine did testify that Josh gave her that sum because she was worried about money. She tearfully said she gave $10k to her mother, and eventually returned the other $10k back to Josh.

She also discussed the $40k/month Montecito rental she's moving into Friday. Her attorney asked how close it is to the water, and Christine said, "You can't walk there with a surfboard."

As we first reported, Christine groused in documents, that the rental home is on the mountain side of the freeway with no scenic view or beachfront access. She testified she's only renting it for 6 months because she doesn't know what the outcome will be of the divorce.

Elton John Briefly Hospitalized in France ... After Falling at Home

Elton John is on the mend after taking a nasty fall at home, and getting admitted to a hospital this weekend.

The singer got treatment Sunday night in Monaco after taking a tumble at his villa in Nice, France. It's unclear what caused his fall, but it was obviously serious enough for Elton to feel he needed to be seen by a doc.

The injury, and whatever treatment he got, required an overnight stay ... as he wasn't discharged until Monday morning -- something his rep confirms to TMZ.

Elton's rep says the hospital stay was just a "precautionary measure," and adds ... "Following checkups, he was immediately discharged this morning and is now back at home and in good health."

EJ's been vacationing in France over the summer with his husband, David Furnish, and their kids. He's been enjoying retirement since his final tour performance in Stockholm.

Britney Spears Hires New Staff at Home ... Medical Professional Included

Britney Spears and her (remaining) team are taking steps to make sure she's cared for, especially when it comes to her health ... TMZ has learned.

Sources close to Britney tell us ... she recently hired 2 new staff members at her Los Angeles-area home. We're told one of those staffers has a history working in medicine -- which is obviously really important, considering Britney's needs.

Our sources say the staffer with medical experience will have a wide range of responsibilities, but the primary job is to make sure she stays healthy. A key responsibility is making sure she takes her meds.

As for Britney's remaining support system -- her attorney, Mat Rosengart, and manager Cade Hudson -- we're told their focus is keeping Britney occupied. Our sources say she's been working on music as well as ventures outside the house. We're told Britney doesn't like being alone, so getting her out and about is important.

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Britney recently posted a series of photos and videos from what many thought was her divorce party -- surrounded by shirtless men -- but we're told that was actually an old video.

Nonetheless, it seems there are serious steps being taken to make sure Britney gets the care she needs in light of Sam Asghari leaving and filing for divorce.

Paris Jackson Cops Rush to House Intruder in Backyard

Paris Jackson's home became the landing spot for an unwelcome guest, causing some serious alarm and a response from cops.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... police were called to Jackson's L.A.-area home Wednesday after an intruder was spotted hanging around her backyard. We're told Paris wasn't home at the time, but someone was staying at her home and spotted the trespasser.

We're told Paris' friend confronted the intruder in the backyard, but they took off.

Cops raced to the scene, but by the time they arrived, the intruder was well gone. Our sources say a report was taken, and officers plan to increase patrol in the area.

Thankfully, no one was hurt during the incident ... and as for Paris, she's still pushing out her own music, recently releasing a video for her song "Hit Your Knees."

Britney Spears Shelling Out $10K Per Month For Sam's New Apartment

Sam Asghari packed up his belongings and left Britney Spears, but that doesn't mean he has to foot his own bill for his new living quarters -- Britney's the one picking up the tab, TMZ has learned.

Sources connected to the estranged pair tell us Britney's paying $10,000 a month for Sam's new pad in one of the most high-end apartment buildings in Los Angeles.

We're told $10k is the cost of a standard unit in the high-rise, but Sam was able to work out a deal for a better apartment at the base price.

Sam and Britney had an acrimonious breakup, so on the surface it seems surprising she'd foot the bill for his living quarters. But our sources say Britney's handlers thought it wise to make the gesture. As we reported, Sam's lawyer is making sounds he will challenge the prenup, and it will almost certainly end with Britney writing a check to Sam. Sources say the amount will be several hundreds of thousands of dollars in the end.

Our sources say Britney and Sam still aren't talking ... though as we first reported, they've at least come to an agreement on their dogs. Sam gets the Doberman, Porsha, and Britney gets their remaining 4 dogs -- including the Australian Shepherd, Sawyer, and new puppy, Snow.

Britney's system of support continues to dwindle, with only her attorney, Mat Rosengart, and manager, Cade Hudson, remaining ... but sources tell us she's recently expressed a desire to mend things with her dad, Jamie Spears.

The thought seems shocking, considering Britney's history with Jamie and the conservatorship, but our sources say Jamie's had serious health issues -- and Britney wants to make things right before it's too late.

Drew Barrymore Crazed Fan Returns, Gets Arrested ... Went to Her Hamptons Home

Drew Barrymore can't seem to get away from an alleged stalker, because the dude popped up at her Southampton estate, days after freaking her out at an NYC ... but this time cops busted him.

Law enforcement sources confirmed to TMZ ... there is an "ongoing investigation" into Chad Michael Busto showing up uninvited Wednesday at Drew's Hamptons farmhouse.

According to the New York Post, which first reported the story, Busto went house-to-house in search of Drew's $6 million property. After he found it, Busto walked onto some steps outside before police took him into custody. Drew was apparently not home at the time.

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The scary incident comes 2 days after Busto struck fear into Drew as she was interviewing singer/actress Reneé Rapp at the 92NY in Manhattan. Busto, who was in the packed crowd, ran up to the stage and screamed at Drew, "You know who I am, I need to see you at some point."

Video shows security guards quickly responding and escorting Busto out of the venue, but he was not arrested. During the commotion, Drew and Renee held onto each other as they zipped offstage, only to return a short time later to finish their chat.

Polo G Cops Raid L.A. Mansion ... Rapper Put In Handcuffs

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11:52 AM PT -- Polo G's attorney, Bradford Cohen, tells us, "Polo is being held under the guise that the police department needs to double check that he is not a convicted felon as there was a purported firearm found in the home. He is not and never was a convicted felon. Any previous charges he had I got dismissed and it's all public record. They are also denying myself and my California law partner Zoe Aron access to him while he is being illegally detained."


11:50 AM PT -- A law enforcement source tells us the warrant has to do with Polo G's brother, Taurean (known as Trench Baby) ... we're told Polo was detained because officers are trying to determine if he was harboring a fugitive.


For his part, Trench Baby posted about the raid happening, and his message doesn't seem too positive.


Polo G's house is currently swarmed by law enforcement, and the rapper's in handcuffs.

Officers from the Los Angeles Police Department hit Polo's L.A.-area home early Wednesday with a search warrant. In video from the scene -- obtained by TMZ Hip Hop -- you can see a ton of law enforcement vehicles lined up on Polo's street.

Cops ordered people -- including Polo G -- out of the house one by one, placing them in handcuffs while they conducted their search of the property.

Law enforcement sources tell us the search warrant was executed in relation to a robbery and 4 suspects have been taken into custody. They've not yet been booked.

A rep from Polo G's team tells TMZ the rapper's been detained as part of an active investigation ... however, they say he's not the focus of said investigation.

The rep says, "We are hopeful the LAPD will handle this matter with tact and transparency." We're told Polo will update his fans and supporters when the time is right.

As for the home being raided, TMZ broke the story when Polo bought it for just under $5 million in 2021 ... it comes complete with vaulted ceilings, a massive pool and tennis court.

Originally Published -- 10:33 AM PT

CPK Founder Sells Bev Hills Mansion for $34M!!! That's a Lotta Pizza Dough

California Pizza Kitchen co-founder Larry Flax has closed the deal on his estate in Beverly Hills ... and while the final sale price came in lower asking, he's still walking away with a ton of bread.

Our real estate sources tell us Larry's compound sold Wednesday for $34.4 million ... it's a markdown from his original $48.5 million asking price, but still impressive.

The nearly 3-acre property is in the same super exclusive neighborhood as the home Mark Wahlberg sold in February for $55 million, and this one is just as beautiful.

The estate comes with a 5-bedroom, 8.5-bathroom main house, plus a 2-bedroom, 2-bathroom guest house -- overall there's 14,239 square feet of living space, and the amenities are incredible.

Luxury is displayed right off the bat ... a motor court runs up to the French Chateau-styled mansion, and the foyer has a golden dome and a sweeping staircase.

The estate has a library with a marble fireplace and built-in bar, and there's a room just for silver, crystal and fine china.

In the gourmet chef's kitchen, there's a baking area, butler's pantry, wraparound granite island, commercial appliances and a walk-in refrigerator ... plenty to make a meal for a dining table that seats 20 people.

Oh, and there's a 1,800-bottle wine cellar that's visible from a separate fireside dining area.

The family room features floor-to-ceiling French glass doors, limestone-clad walls, a marble fireplace and a built-in bar ... with views opening out to the 70-foot swimming pool.

The grounds also feature a reflecting pond with marble statues of Daphne and Apollo -- it's a Greek thing -- plus a spa, a wading pool for kids and an outdoor kitchen with a built-in BBQ. Not to mention a rose garden and several fountains dotting the landscape.

It's like a game of "Clue" ... there's even a glass-enclosed conservatory, decked out with a custom glass chandelier and a painted ceiling.

We haven't even mentioned the tennis court, which has lights so folks can play tennis at night.

The primary suite upstairs has a sitting room with a fireplace, kitchenette, powder room and a terrace with another fireplace ... and it's just down the hall from a home theater with a velvet stage curtain.

Larry founded 'CPK' way back in 1985 and purchased this pizza palace in 1992.

Linda May of Carolwood Estates and Jade Mills of Coldwell Banker Realty held the listing.

Billy Porter on Hollywood Strike I've Got Venom and Rage For Studios ... But Trying To Have Grace

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Billy Porter has three things for the Hollywood studios, producers and executives he blames for the strikes ... venom, rage and a little bit of grace.

The actor was at LAX Friday when a photog asked him about the unnamed studio exec who was quoted as saying studios are purposefully delaying negotiations with the writers and actors "until union members start losing their apartments and losing their houses."

Billy unloads ... he says he's already losing his home, and his financial situation is why there are strikes in the first place ... though he's not quite going full Ron Perlman here.


Getting emotional, Billy says the strikes aren't a game ... and he's trying to have some grace about the situation he and others in Hollywood find themselves in.

At the same time, Billy says he's tried to bite his tongue because he knows all that's going to come out of his mouth is venom and rage, which he fears will not be useful to the strike's end goal.

Billy also seems to reference some of his recent interviews, like the one where he slammed Harry Styles' Vogue cover and called Anna Wintour a bitch.

For Billy, he says he's just telling the truth and is getting dragged as a result of keeping it real.

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Billy says the blowback is new for him, but that won't stop him from being open, vulnerable and truthful about all topics, Hollywood strikes or otherwise.

Jake Paul I Got Mag Covers, Mansions & Hot GF ... 'Witness' This!!!

Jake Paul just released the ultimate flex on his haters ... dropping a rap video bragging about his massive wealth and success -- and he recorded the whole thing during Nate Diaz fight week!!

The Problem Child shared the visuals for his new track, "Witness," on Friday ... and he put his luxurious toys, boxing career and love life on full display.

The 3-minute project includes footage from fight week and highlights from his win over Diaz -- and as it turns out, Jake even recorded himself mouthing the words to the song inside the ring after the match.

While Jake raps early in the track that he's "been tryna keep it humble for y'all," ... the lyrics are anything but -- with the internet superstar-turned-boxer listing all his favorite toys: private jets, Ferrari GTB and SF90, rare watches, and, of course, his $16 million crib in Puerto Rico.

Jake also mentions his recent milestones -- becoming a Sports Illustrated cover athlete, getting his own documentary on Netflix, as well as the Paul brothers being worth a billion bucks combined.

As for his fighting, the 7-1 pugilist spits about working harder than ever and still being hungry for more, despite all his achievements ... and how Cleveland couldn't handle his vision.

Paul even shows off his girlfriend, Dutch speed skater Jutta Leerdam, in the vid ... saying, "Gon' marry the queen of the Netherlands" as he holds her hand.

Love him or hate him, Paul is living out his dream ... and he isn't shy one bit about it.

Britney Spears Losing Sam is Losing Her Support System

Britney Spears isn't just losing her husband in the wake of Sam Asghari filing for divorce, she's also losing her strongest supporter ... and there's no family around her to pick up the pieces.

Sources close to Britney tell us ... Sam is fully out of her life. He had moved into his own place before he filed for divorce Wednesday.

Britney is again estranged from her entire family. As we reported, her mother, Lynne, visited in May and it looked like the 2 had patched things up. But sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ, that relationship has soured again, and they are once again not on speaking terms.

She's not speaking with her siblings or her dad, and we're told there are no friends around to support her. Her children have moved to Hawaii, without saying goodbye. She hasn't spoken to them in a long, long time.

As one source put it, "She has one confidant, [her manager] Cade [Hudson]. Then there's her security team, and after that her support system falls off a cliff." We're told her mom and other family members are very worried.

As you know, her conservatorship had doctors, specialists and a team to make sure her day-to-day ran smoothly ... that's all gone now. She's alone in her house.

It's unclear who will step up and help Britney, as we're told she just isn't capable of handling things on her own, but it will need to happen soon.

As for her book -- set to drop in October -- Britney signed off on the final copy a few weeks ago, and it's still set to release ... but obviously, won't include the split drama.

TMZ broke the story, Britney and Sam split after just 14 months of marriage, and he filed divorce docs just hours after we published. Sources tell us Sam moved out last week after a blowout fight where he accused Britney of cheating -- though we don't know the validity of those accusations.

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Sam's currently living on his own, away from Britney ... and that's what scares her loved ones the most.

We covered the story on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Aaron Carter Death House Sells Bathroom Gets Remodel

The home where Aaron Carter died has officially sold ... and the bathroom where the singer's body was found has been completely remodeled.

Christie Limpus of Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices held the listing, and tells TMZ … Aaron's Lancaster house closed Wednesday for $765,000. You'll recall, it was put on the market in April for just under $850k.

We're told the bathroom got a big facelift, although no photos are being shared of the remodel. The purchase was a probate sale because Aaron died without a will ... and Christie says the keys are being handed over to a happy family.

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TMZ broke the story, the money made from the sale was going directly to Aaron's estate, and into a trust for his 1-year-old son, Prince. Remember, Aaron bought the place in 2019 for $430k, and actually put it on the market about a month before he died.

The 4,131-square-foot home has 7 bedrooms, a spacious pool out back with a jacuzzi, and a 4-car garage. Aaron shared a lot of excitement when he first picked it up, and had some work done on it in the years that followed.

Joe Jonas & Sophie Turner Unload Miami Pad for $15M

Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner are lighter in their real estate portfolio, but heavier in their pockets as they just sold off their beautiful Miami home.

The two purchased the home for $11 million about a year ago, listed it for $16.995M and eventually sold it for $15M. Definitely an impressive profit over such a short period of time, but they also reportedly did some renovations on the pad, so you gotta account for that too.

The lucky owners of the 10,400 sqft home will enjoy its tall ceilings, renovated kitchen and a ton of windows to take in all that Miami sunshine.

There's also a beautiful pool in the backyard with direct water access and a dock for any potential boaters. Carl Gambino of Compass held the listing.

Unclear why Joe and Sophie made the decision to unload the place so quickly, but they've got two small kiddos ... so maybe they've decided to go elsewhere and potentially continue to expand their fam.

Joe's on a massive tour with his brothers, so there's gonna be plenty of cash on hand for future real estate investments.

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