los hechos no son importantes

Don Lemon volvió a la cadena que lo despidió para hablar de su entrevista con Elon Musk que le hizo perder su acuerdo con X e incluso emitió algunos clips de la conversación.

El ex presentador de noticias fue presentado como invitado de Erin Burnett en CNN el miércoles, donde hablaron sobre la entrevista que hicieron con Elon y que luego provocó que este terminara el acuerdo de su compañía con Don para presentar y distribuir su nuevo programa con ellos.

Obviamente, todos tienen curiosidad de qué fue lo que cabreó tanto a Elon exactamente y ahora, tenemos una idea de lo que podría haber sido porque CNN emitió 3 extractos.

El primer clip muestra a Don compartiendo estadísticas sobre el aumento del discurso de odio en X e incluso abordó el tema de la Gran Teoría de Reemplazo, que abrazan los supremacistas blancos y de la que Elon ha sido acusado por tolerar en su plataforma.

Se puede decir de inmediato que Elon estaba molesto por el interrogatorio e incluso dejó a Don saber que no tiene que responderle a nadie, señalando que solo accedió a conversar con él porque era parte de la familia X, y Don pidió una entrevista.

Fue una interacción bien fría, y sobre ella, Don le dijo a Erin que no cree que Elon esté dispuesto a aceptar los hechos y que siente que no tiene que responderle a nadie o asumir la responsabilidad por lo que se publica en X. Los clips no terminaron allí, sin embargo ..

nada de información personal

En otro clip Don le pregunta a Elon sobre su consumo de ketamina, algo que Elon ha admitido y aunque este tema no era tan incómodo, se puede decir que era algo personal para. Básicamente, dijo que si la gente está deprimida, deberían investigarlo.

También hablaron de política y Elon dijo que no estaba listo para apoyar a ningún candidato, aunque dijo que se inclinaba por Biden. Señaló que él y Trump habían hablado recientemente en Mar-a-Lago y dijo que no le había donado a Donald Trump en absoluto.

Cuento corto, Don volvió a la boca del lobo para transmitir estos clips y es bastante irónico, teniendo en cuenta que le dieron una patada para priorizar un liderazgo diferente.

En cualquier caso, Don vuelve a estar sin casa mediática y va a publicar su contenido directamente en todas las redes sociales. Su entrevista con Elon se emitirá íntegra el lunes.

Don Lemon Airs Clips of Elon Interview on CNN ... Very Tense Conversation

facts weren't important

Don Lemon went back to the network that fired him to talk about his Elon Musk interview that made him lose out on his deal with X ... and he even aired some clips from their chat.

The former news anchor was featured as Erin Burnett's guest on CNN Wednesday, where they spoke about this sit-down Don did with Elon just yesterday -- which then triggered Elon to terminate his company's deal with Don to host and distribute his new show with them.

Obviously, everyone has been curious about what exactly was said that pissed EM off so much -- and now, we have a sense of what it might've been ... 'cause CNN aired 3 excerpts.

The first clip they played showed Don rattling off stats about an uptick in hate speech on X -- and DL even entertained the topic of the Great Replacement Theory, embraced by white supremacists ... which Elon's been accused of entertaining and tolerating on his platform.

You could tell right off the bat that Elon was annoyed by the line of questioning -- and he even let Don know, he doesn't have to answer anyone's questions ... noting he only agreed to chat with Don because he was now part of the X family, and Don asked for an interview.

It was an icy interaction ... and Don goes on to tell Erin he doesn't think Elon is willing to accept facts -- going on to say he feels like Elon doesn't have to answer to anyone or take accountability for what's posted on X. The clips didn't end there, though ... there was more.

getting personal

Another clip aired where Don asked Elon about his ketamine use -- something Elon has admitted to -- and while that topic wasn't nearly as awkward ... you can tell it was somewhat personal for Elon. He basically said if people are depressed, they should look into it.


They also talked politics at one point ... and Elon said he wasn't ready to endorse any candidate just yet -- although he did say he was leaning away from Biden. He noted he and Trump had recently spoken at Mar-a-Lago ... and said he hadn't donated to DT at all.

Long story short ... Don went back into the lion's den to air these clips -- which is pretty ironic, considering they kicked him to the curb, albeit under different leadership.

In any case, Don's without a media home again ... and he's gonna post his content straight to all social media platforms regardless. His Elon interview airs in full Monday.

DON LEMON SU ALIANZA CON X LLEGA A SU FIN Dicen que Elon está cabreado

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¿por qué tan enojado elon?

Don Lemon ha cancelado su acuerdo con X antes de que se emitiera el primer episodio, y culpa a su entrevista con Elon Musk, en la que aparentemente tocó un punto delicado.

El ex presentador de CNN anunció el miércoles en redes sociales el fin de su acuerdo exclusivo con la plataforma de Elon Musk, tanto a través de una declaración escrita como en un breve video que irónicamente publicó en X.

Don explica que se sentó con Elon el viernes para entrevistarlo en el primer episodio de "The Don Lemon Show", diciendo que quería tener a Musk como su primer invitado, porque Elon se considera un gran defensor de la libertad de expresión.

Don dijo que la entrevista no tenía temas fuera de límite, y aunque Don admite que la conversación se puso tensa a ratos, en última instancia dice que las cosas salieron bien.

Sin embargo, parece que Musk no se sentía de la misma manera, y afirma que su acuerdo con X -acordado hace apenas dos meses- se terminó apenas unas horas después de su entrevista.

Lemon le dijo a sus fans que trabajó con X porque es un creyente en la libertad de expresión y quería que su mensaje llegara a un público masivo, y ser "despedido" de X no impide que el ex presentador de CNN lo transmita en la plataforma y en otros lugares.

Lemon dice que todavía piensa publicar la entrevista el lunes 18 de marzo en YouTube y X, lo que podría tomarse como una afrenta hacia Elon. También va a seguir con el programa sin el respaldo de X, así que "The Don Lemon Show" sigue en pie.

En cuanto a lo que exactamente discutieron, no sabemos mucho, pero los informes sugieren que Don hizo algunas preguntas contundentes, incluyendo preguntas sobre el uso de Musk de la ketamina.

Aparentemente, Lemon todavía piensa que X le debe dinero, con un portavoz de Don diciéndole al sitio de noticias Puck, que está dispuesto a ir a los tribunales por el dinero que cree que le deben.

Por su parte, X dice que su plataforma apoya la libertad de expresión, y Don puede publicar libremente lo que quiera, pero X, por otra parte, sigue siendo un negocio y puede optar por iniciar o terminar asociaciones con empresas como mejor le parezca.

En cuanto a Elon... le respondió a una cuenta de parodia de Mark Zuckerberg en X y afirmó que Don todavía estaba haciendo sus trucos de CNN en X y dijo que sentía que solo estaba repitiendo los mismos pasos que su antiguo jefe en la red, Jeff Zucker. Elon también dice que sentía Don no estaba siendo auténtico... y parecer esto fue suficiente para desechar el acuerdo.

Parece que hay mala sangre en ambos frentes, y estamos seguros de que esto no ha terminado todavía.

Don Lemon X Partnership Falls Apart ... Reportedly Pissed Off Elon

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Don Lemon's X partnership is dunzo -- his deal falling apart before the first episode could even air ... and he blames his Elon Musk interview, where he apparently struck a nerve.

The former CNN anchor took to social media Wednesday to announce the end of his exclusive deal with Elon's platform -- both via written statement and in a short video he posted to X, ironically enough.

The way Don explains it ... he sat down with Elon Friday to interview him for the first episode of "The Don Lemon Show," saying he wanted to speak with Musk as his debut guest because Elon considers himself a major proponent of free speech.

Don said the interview had no off-limit topics, and -- even though DL admits the convo got tense at times ... ultimately, he says he felt it was a good, fair back-and-forth.

However, it sounds like Musk didn't feel the same way according to Lemon ... who claims his deal with X -- agreed upon just two months ago -- was terminated mere hours after their interview wrapped.

Lemon told his fans he worked with X because he's a believer in free speech and wanted his message to reach a mass audience ... and, getting "fired" from X ain't stopping the former CNN anchor from airing it on the platform and elsewhere.

Lemon says he's still dropping the interview in all its glory Monday, March 18 on YouTube and X as well -- seemingly a big middle finger to EM and co. He's also gonna carry on with the show without X's backing ... so, the "The Don Lemon Show" is still on.

As for exactly what the two discussed ... we don't know much, but reports are floating around Don asked some hard-hitting questions -- including queries about Musk's use of ketamine.


BTW ... Lemon apparently still thinks X owes him money -- with a spokesperson for Don telling news site Puck he's willing to go to court for the cash he believes is owed ... to be continued, we suppose.

For their part, X is saying their platform is all about free speech, and Don can freely post whatever he wants ... but also X is still a business and can choose to begin or end partnerships with businesses as it sees fit.

As for Elon ... he responded to a Mark Zuckerberg parody account on X -- and claimed Don was still doing his CNN shtick, just on X -- and he said he felt Don was just parroting his old boss at the network, Jeff Zucker. EM also says he felt Don was putting on an act and not being his authentic self ... which was apparently enough for him to scrap their deal.

Seems like lots of bad blood on both sides ... and we're sure it's not over yet.

Tiki Barber Rips Saquon For Eagles Signing ... Barkley Fires Back



3:32 PM PT -- Saquon Barkley is firing back at Tiki Barber ... accusing the NYG legend of hating on him even years before he opted to leave for the rival Eagles.

"you been a hater since I got to New York," Barkley said in a message to Barber on X. "… and all the 'Dead to me' talk don’t smile in my face when you see me."

Barkley added, "lol yup you’re the prime example of loyalty to a team.. I got the deal I wanted, secured more gm which wasn’t given to me before… so if fans are gonna hate me for that so be it! But I never turned my back on my teammates and always had theirs."

Tiki Barber is furious with Saquon Barkley for leaving the New York Giants in favor of the rival Philadelphia Eagles ... saying straight up Monday, "You're dead to me!!"

The NYG legend unleashed the harsh words on WFAN's "Evan and Tiki" just minutes after it was reported that Barkley will ink a three-year deal with Philly worth around $37 million when the new NFL year kicks off later this week.

"He's dead to us now," Barber said of Barkley. "You're dead to us, Saquon."

Tiki was hardly the only Big Blue supporter livid with the move -- numerous fans sounded off all afternoon on X as well.

Even Barber's cohost on the show, Shaun Morash, threw some shade Barkley's way too.

"By the way, Philly," he said, "enjoy the nine games he'll play next year. Enjoy, Philly. Enjoy."

Barber -- who played his whole 10-year NFL career with the Giants -- wasn't just mad at Barkley over the situation, though. He also admitted that the Giants mishandled the matter -- particularly by not franchise-tagging him this year.

Barkley was on Barber's mind even before Monday's news ... as just days ago he warned the 27-year-old tailback not to sign with the Eagles ... claiming it would be an insult to the Giants' legacy.

"Go to Baltimore!" he said. "Go to Houston! Go to L.A. Chargers! Do not go to the Philadelphia Eagles because if you do, that appreciation and respect and reverence that we all have for you, Saquon, will be lost. It will be gone"

"You’re going to turn into one of those people that we hate, and we don’t want that. We don’t. We’ll respect you, but we’ll hate you, and that’s not a good thing."

Sure doesn't seem like Tiki was lying.

Originally Published -- 2:07 PM PT

Juvenile Hot Boys Reunion Still Happening ... Guys Gotta Simmer Down!!!


B.G.'s long-awaited prison release has done NADA for Cash Money Hot Boys reunion talks -- it's actually moving things in the opposite direction!!!

During our convo with Juvenile, the OG of the bunch assured TMZ Hip Hop their reunion tour is still going down, as he plans to put his "big brother" peer mediation skills to work.

Juve believes the CMB crew just needs time to cool off -- but, as for how long that will take ... whoadie that's another story!!!


Turk was confident in telling TMZ Hip Hop a few months ago that the original Cash Money cartel would be taking over like they did in '99 and the 2000s ... but B.G. kicked off the year throwing shots at Lil Wayne and apparently, Turk needs a make-good himself.

Birdman's brother Terrence "Gangsta" Williams recently speculated to DJ Vlad that Turk would have to distance himself from Birdman if the tour happens, as the CM boss is still upset over Turk's bean-spilling "Drink Champs" interview from a couple years back.


Returning to the basics could potentially squash the posse infighting ... Juve's re-releasing his "400 Degreez" on March 29 with a pair of new tracks named "Party" and "We Be Blowing Money" and fondly recalled memories of making the classic album.

Juve didn't have an explanation for why there are several variations of his breakout single "Ha" on the project, but he's happy he took a gamble on rapping over a Latin track where he won big with his "Follow Me Now" hit.

Even the album's weakest link is a strong addition to his catalog!!!

Antonio Brown Va por Taylor Swift ... Tras trolear a Gisele

Antonio Brown está cambiando a la ex esposa de Tom Brady por la novia de Travis Kelce, pues el polémico ex superestrella de la NFL ha lanzado una campaña de troleo sobre Taylor Swift.

Antonio Brown, que tiene cero filtro cuando se trata de su presencia en redes, compartió el viernes lo que parece ser una foto generada por IA de sí mismo con una camiseta de los Steelers besándose con la superestrella del pop, diciendo: "Muévete Jizelle, ¿de qué están hablando estos Swifties? #CTESPN"

Brown fue incesantemente tras Gisele Bundchen en las redes sociales tras su divorcio del ex quarterback el año pasado, publicando fotos editadas de los dos juntos para insinuar que él era el responsable de su separación.

Tan recientemente como la semana pasada, se refirió a la ex pareja después de que Gisele confirmara su relación con Joaquim Valente, compartiendo una foto real del receptor y la modelo abrazándose después de ganar el Super Bowl en 2021.

Pero, parece que ha terminado con Gisele, al menos por ahora, porque su último post ha causado un gran revuelo y muchos de sus seguidores le están advirtiendo que los Swifties inevitablemente se unirán para asegurarse de que se arrepienta de su jugada.

Swift y la IA han tenido una relación difícil últimamente. Como informamos anteriormente, un montón de bichos raros inundaron las redes sociales con contenido porno de la cantante de "Anti-Hero", así que sí, esto no le va a caer nada de bien a su base de fans.

Antonio Brown Sets Sights On Taylor Swift ... 'Move Over Jizelle'

Antonio Brown is shifting his focus from Tom Brady's ex-wife to Travis Kelce's girlfriend ... 'cause the controversial former NFL superstar has launched a trolling campaign on Taylor Swift.

AB -- who has zero filter when it comes to his online presence -- dropped what appears to be an AI-generated pic of himself in a Steelers jersey making out with the pop superstar on Friday ... saying, "Move over Jizelle, what these Swifties talkin bout? #CTESPN"

Brown incessantly went after Gisele Bundchen on social media following his former quarterback's divorce last year ... posting edited photos of the two together to insinuate he was responsible for their split.

As recently as last week, he targeted the former couple after Gisele confirmed her relationship with Joaquim Valente ... sharing a real picture of the receiver and model hugging after winning the Super Bowl in 2021.

But, it seems like he's done with Gisele -- at least for the time being -- 'cause he's caused quite a stir with his latest post ... and a lot of his followers are warning him the Swifties will inevitably team together to make sure he regrets the move.

Swift and AI have had a rough relationship lately -- as we previously reported, a ton of weirdos flooded social media with fake X-rated content featuring the "Anti-Hero" artist ... so yeah, this ain't gonna sit well with the fanbase one bit.

We're covering all things Taylor on the new "TMZ Swift-Tea Podcast," available on all podcast platforms.

Wolfgang Van Halen Fires Back at David Lee Roth Over Rant Taking Out Anger on Me!!!

Wolfgang Van Halen is breaking his silence after David Lee Roth attacked him in an angry viral rant 2 months ago ... firing back with some shots of his own.

In a new interview with a local radio station out of Atlanta, the late Eddie Van Halen's son says he's been born into the family drama and feels like David's targeting him now since his dad is no longer alive ... and the guy still seems to have gripes he wants to get off his chest.

Back in January, David Lee Roth erupted on Wolfgang in a bizarre YouTube video, suggesting the only reason WVH was the Van Halen bassist was through nepotism, and accusing Wolfgang of complaining David wasn't paying him enough attention on stage.

DLR said, "This f***ing kid, he's complaining the entire tour like I'm not paying enough attention to him on stage. Like Santa Claus coming down the chimney and popping out on Christmas with nobody paying attention."

Wolfgang now says he's honored David thinks about him enough to make a YouTube video about him ... adding DLR is full of crap for suggesting he wrote Eddie's solos and came up with Eddie's famous Frankenstein guitar.

David also accused Wolfgang of trying to teach him a lesson by getting two of his female guests kicked out of a show at the Hollywood Bowl ... but Wolfgang says folks should take everything David says with a grain of salt.

The legacy of bad blood continues.

Akademiks Vs. Meek Mill $1M To Settle Their Beef In Celebrity Boxing Match 🥊

DJ Akademiks is accusing Meek Mill of being a snitch after cops allegedly showed up to his house -- and if he wants to fight the rapper ... they now have the opportunity to do so!

There's a lucrative 7-figure offer on the table to sweeten the deal between these 2 foes ... and it comes courtesy of Celebrity Boxing czar Damon Feldman.

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He tells TMZ Hip Hop ... he's got a cool $1 million purse locked and loaded for Ak and Meek -- in addition to other amenities, if they wanna take him up on this. Damon also says he has a venue in Atlanta booked for May 18, adamant he wants both guys to give it their best.

Meek already has a boxing trainer in his corner, but Damon says he's willing to provide Akademiks with one of his top guys -- if he's inclined to train ahead of the fight.


Ak told Adin Ross this week that he considers Meek a straight-up bully -- while going on to call him cowardly, accusing him of hiding behind his goons ... and he seems eager to take him with his fists.

They've had beef for years, of course, but the latest episode spilled into the e-streets over this wild Diddy lawsuit filed this week by his ex-producer ... who floated salacious claims.

Meek took the bait and went down a wild social media rabbit hole ... responding to Ak but all the posts have since run their course with fans.

TMZ Studios

Time to duke it out?!?

Missy Elliott Cardi B and BIA Can Both Sample My Hit ... It's All Luv!!!

Missy Elliott is putting a stop to any potential rift between Cardi B and BIA after both rap stars sampled one of her classics ... saying they're both free to use it, without issue.

Cardi put her 2024 comeback into first gear on Friday with the release of her "Like What (Freestyle)" vid ... directed by her hubby Offset.

The beat rides Missy's 1999 hit "She's a Bitch" ... which just so happened to be the same template for BIA's 2023 single "I’m That Bitch."

BIA defended her own credibility in a suspicious post on X as Cardi was teasing her track ... "BIA THIS… BIA THAT BIA KNOW HOW TO F***** RAP."

The Rock Hall-bound Missy cosigned a comment that commended both artists for using her with a heart hands emoji ... basically a cease-fire for weirdo fans looking to start beef.


None of this probably would've happened if had they taken the advice from 1500 or Nothin's Larrance Dopson -- remember, the Grammy Award-winner told us last year that low-hanging fruit samples are ruining rap music.

There are actually no losers here -- for Missy and Timbaland. Any way you cut it, they get paid royalties!!!


no es mi experiencia

Múltiples estrellas de la franquicia "Real Housewives" están saliendo en defensa de Andy Cohen por las acusaciones de Leah McSweeney y todos ellos se inclinan por la idea de que cada miembro del elenco es personalmente responsable de sus acciones.

Luann de Lesseps, que compartió reparto con Leah en "RHONY", habló con nosotros el miércoles en "TMZ Live" sobre la demanda de Leah contra Cohen, la productora de Shed Media y Warner Bros., alegando que se aprovecharon de sus problemas de abuso de alcohol.

Leah afirma que fue alentada por Cohen y otros a beber, y todo para supuestamente crear un mejor contenido para el programa.

Luann, hablando desde su experiencia personal, no sentía que ese fuera su caso, diciendo que, por supuesto, el alcohol y las fiestas son parte del mundo de "Housewives", pero nadie la obligó a tomar una copa.

De hecho, ella dice que no cree que nadie pueda hacer que una persona beba, en lugar de eso, ella cree que la responsabilidad personal juega un papel clave en la recuperación de la adicción. Este es un tema del que Luann también se ocupó durante el rodaje de la serie, después de haber ido a rehabilitación en varias ocasiones.

En cuanto a la afirmación de que Leah Andy consume cocaína con las amas de casa, Luann dijo que nunca ha visto ni oído hablar de eso y añade que ella no es así.

Luann dice que ella está "manejando la situación" respecto al consumo de alcohol, y está de gira con un nuevo espectáculo de cabaret e insiste en que no tiene que beber para pasar un buen rato en "Housewives".

Ella responde por Andy, diciendo que no cree que él obligaría a nadie a beber como asegura Leah, un sentimiento del que se hizo eco otra ex estrella de "RHONY".

Dorinda Medley -que apareció en el programa entre 2015 y 2020- nos dice que se siente terrible por Andy y cuestiona por qué Leah decidió volver para una segunda temporada de "RHONY" y un "Ultimate Girls Trip" si se sentía tan incómoda.

Medley añadió que se saltaría a la oportunidad de volver a "Real Housewives", diciendo que no ha tenido más que buenas experiencias con Andy y Bravo y además le ha beneficiado mucho estar en el show. También dijo que los adultos deben ser responsables de sus propias acciones.

Cynthia Bailey
no me han forzado a nada

Y un no neoyorquino -Cynthia Bailey ex de "Real Housewives of Atlanta"- también defendió a Andy, diciéndonos en LAX que ella nunca se vio obligada a beber o nunca creyó que Andy estuviera consumiendo cocaína como afirmó McSweeney.

Cynthia dice que simpatiza con los adictos, pero añade que las personas que saben que tienen problemas de abuso de sustancias deben tomar decisiones inteligentes, como rechazar cócteles si saben que tienen un problema.

A propósito, otra ex estrella de Bravo -Brandi Glanville- también está amenazando con demandar a Andy por un comentario inapropiado que supuestamente hizo.

tmz investiga
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En pocas palabras, hay mucha tensión en el mundo "Real Housewives", y esta vez no es solo en la cámara.

'Real Housewives' Stars Leap to Andy Cohen's Defense ... We Weren't Forced to Drink!!!


Multiple stars of the 'Real Housewives' franchise are coming forward to defend Andy Cohen against Leah McSweeney's allegations -- and they're all leaning into the idea each cast member is personally responsible for her actions.

Luann de Lesseps, who costarred with Leah on 'RHONY,' talked to us Wednesday on "TMZ Live" about Leah's lawsuit against Cohen, Bravo, the production company Shed Media, and Warner Bros. ... claiming they took advantage of her alcohol abuse issues.

Leah claims she was encouraged by Cohen and others on and around the show to drink all in the name of creating better content for the program.

Luann, speaking from personal experience, didn't feel that was the case for her ... saying of course alcohol and parties are part of the 'Housewives' world, but no one ever forced her to take up a glass.

In fact, she says she doesn't think anyone can make a person drink, instead believing personal responsibility plays a key part in addiction recovery -- an issue Luann also dealt with while shooting for the show, having gone to rehab multiple times.

As for Leah's allegation Andy does cocaine with the housewives ... Luann says she's never seen or heard about that, and adds it's not in his character.

LDL says she's now in the "driver's seat" with alcohol consumption and touring with a new cabaret show -- and insists you don't have drink to have a good time on 'Housewives.'

She further vouches for Andy, saying she doesn't believe he'd force anyone to drink like Leah's claiming -- a sentiment echoed by another former 'RHONY' star.

Dorinda Medley -- who appeared on the show from 2015 to 2020 -- tells us she feels terrible for Andy, and questions why Leah decided to come back for a second season of 'RHONY' and an 'Ultimate Girls Trip' if she felt so uncomfortable.

Medley added she'd jump at the chance to get back on 'Real Housewives' ... saying she's had nothing but good experiences with Andy and Bravo and she's gained so much by being on the show. She also said adults need to be held accountable for their own actions.

Cynthia Bailey
Never Been Forced

And, a non-New Yorker -- Cynthia Bailey formerly of "Real Housewives of Atlanta" fame -- also stood by Andy, telling us at LAX, she was never forced to drink or ever believed Andy was using cocaine as McSweeney claimed.

CB says she sympathizes with addicts, but adds people who know they have substance abuse problems need to make smart choices -- like turning down cocktails if they know they have a problem

BTW ... another former Bravo star, Brandi Glanville, is also threatening to sue Andy for an inappropriate comment he allegedly made.

TMZ Studios

Bottom line ... there's a lotta tension in the 'Real Housewives' world, and this time it's not only on camera.

Ja Rule UK Tour Goes Kaput ... And 50 Cent Has No Mercy!!!

Ja Rule is currently scrambling trying to figure out why his UK Tour fell apart days before it was supposed to jump off -- and now he has to fend off 50 Cent once again!!!

On Tuesday, Ja offered ticket holders of his UK Tour a refund with a heavy heart after accepting the bad news.

Apparently, Ja's past criminal record caught up to him all the way in the UK, where officials made it clear there would be no "Venni Vetti Vecci" going down in that country, as they barred him from entry.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Despite his claims that 85% of the shows were sold out, Ja says he's now out $500k of his own pocket and the tour ain't happening!!!

His announcement was interesting ... Ja made the news public on Monday but fans have been getting notifications for days now, and none of his tour mates Keri Hilson, Mya or Lloyd have been promoting the show on their social media.

Maybe Ja was trying to hold out for some sort of British miracle?!?

Ja's bad fortune multiplied when 50 Cent entered the chat after fans blamed him for somehow masterminding the "Iconn" rapper's UK ban.

50 swore off the negativity as a New Year's resolution, but couldn't help but get in a couple of digs ... calling Ja a "bitch" and reminding him that his own 'Final Lap' tour had ZERO issues in the UK!!!

Ja didn't take 50's jabs lying down, and cracked back with a couple short, but bitter retorts -- but he's still tour-less for the time being. Soooo ... not exactly a great last laugh.

Rebecca Ferguson Mystery A-List Costar ... Screamed at Me On Set Once

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Reign With Josh Smith

Rebecca Ferguson says she once got berated by an A-list costar who she refuses to work with ever again -- and while she didn't name names ... she did exclude two people, which has left the internet rife with guesses.

The actress dished this tea on the "Reign with Josh Smith" podcast -- and she was responding to a question about a time when she owned her voice and took control of her situation ... which led to this wild anecdote about a mystery fellow cast member.

Rebecca doesn't ID them, nor does she implicate gender, but what she does say is that this actor she was working on the film with was absolutely horrible ... allegedly yelling at her.

She says they were frustrated while they were doing scene work together, and they'd apparently hurl insults at Rebecca -- openly questioning her acting methods and tenacity ... while also noting they were the number 1 person on the call sheet. So, a big star basically.

Rebecca goes on to explain that nobody had her back on that set, but eventually ... she found her own inner strength and told this actor to f*** off -- and apparently even demanded that the person turn around while she recited her own lines.

In other words, she didn't wanna be in the same space as this person, and it sounds like she put her foot down while shooting. The big question ... who the hell is this awful person???

Like we said, Rebecca went out of her way to protect this celeb's anonymity -- but she did give some clues ... including the fact this supposedly happened in the last 10 to 12 years. Of course, the internet is rife with speculation on which costar this could possibly be.

We should note ... RF explicitly said it wasn't Hugh Jackman and it wasn't Tom Cruise. Technically -- with the parameters she's described -- there's only a select few actors it could possibly be We're not gonna name anybody and fuel speculation ... but folks seem to know who the options are here, guy or girl.

One person who's stepped forward to seemingly distance himself from this drama is The Rock -- who starred opposite Rebecca in 2014's 'Hercules.'

He responded, "Hate seeing this but love seeing her stand up to bullshit. Rebecca was my guardian angel sent from heaven on our set. I love that woman. I’d like to find out who did this."

TMZ Studios

So, that's one person down ... and a handful of others left as the would-be culprit. Just goes to show -- not everyone in Hollywood is all that sweet -- at least according to Rebecca.

Play nice, everyone.

Drake Free Tory Lanez!!!

Drake is throwing more support to his fellow Canadian Tory Lanez as he serves out his 10-year sentence in the Megan Thee Stallion case ... but Champagne Papi wants him out ASAP!!!

Following the Cleveland show of his, "It's All a Blur - Big As the What?" tour, Drake tossed up a black-and-white photo of Tory and captioned the flick "3 you" ... as in free the "Alone At Prom" singer from his current predicament.

Tory was found guilty of shooting MTS last August and promptly sentenced to 10 years ... and was eventually denied bond.


Megan's lawyer told us Drake and other doubters would eat crow ahead of the verdict but Drake's going Team Canada all the way.

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Despite Drake's wishes, it appears Tory will be staying put for the time being ... a scenario Tory says he's since made peace with.

TMZ Studios

Fans are pissed at Drake for still standing by Tory and this isn't the first time he rubbed them the wrong way.

Drake sent a slick shot to Megan about her lying about being shot by Tory on his Grammy-nominated "Her Loss" album ... and his new call for freedom says the Hotties won't be getting an apology anytime soon.