Eminem Doomsday For Benzino ... Motel-Hopping, No-Neck Having Bum!!!


1:08 PM PT -- Coi Leray is distancing herself far away from Eminem and Benzino's neverending beef after Slim Shady's latest diss track ... There’s no way I’m about to entertain these grown ass men and the beef they been having for over 20years."


Coi continued, urging fans to focus their attention on her music writing, "Lmao it’s so stupid all I can do is laugh. 2 decades later ??😭😭😭😭😭 gtfoh im grown. Move along. Go Stream my shit."


She just signed a new record deal too ... plenty of music coming this year.

Eminem used his entire guest spot on the new Lyrical Lemonade album to unload on his longtime nemesis Benzino so badly ... he joked about never getting a feature with his daughter Coi Leray.

On Friday, Cole Bennett recruited Em for the new track "Doomsday Pt. 2," a reprise of Juice Wrld and Cordae's duet that samples his "Role Model" song, and Slim Shady wasted no time going at Benzino's throat -- or his lack thereof!!!

Em opens his bar with, "Now I got a riddle (What?), one condition, you mustn't laugh ... What is the opposite of Benzino? (Uh, what?) A giraffe!" -- and then goes for the jugular, rapping ... "Go at his neck, how the f*** is that? (Yeah) How can I go at somethin' he doesn't have?"

Em also claimed Benzino was swimming up to his neck in debt, and was a frequent creep at motels, but also flashed his trademark humor by bringing up CL ... "Well, I guess then I regret to inform you/Hate to spoil the day (What?) But this doesn't bring me no joy to say/Guess that Coi Leray feat's in the toilet, aye???"

Em and Benzino's beef is almost older than Coi herself ... the two warred over album review ratings in the past when Benzino was co-owner of "The Source" and the feud is still brought up in interviews to this day.

The "Doomsday" track wasn't 100% about Benzino though ... Em sent a sly shot to Drake, Lil Wayne, and Kanye West that they couldn't eff with him on the same track!!! 👀

Nicki Minaj #Bigfoot es tendencia tras el desprecio de Meg...

Nicki Minaj y Megan Thee Stallion se tienen en la mira después de intercambiar insultos en sus respectivas canciones, pero Nicki está cayendo bajo... apuntando particularmente las extremidades de Megan.

Todo comenzó el viernes, cuando Megan cumplió su promesa de seguir disparando a sus críticos desde el juicio de Tory Lanez, con una nueva canción titulada "Hiss" que continúa donde quedó su último single "Cobra". Además de atacar a los que la odian, también criticó a Nicki Minaj.

¡¡¡Meg comienza la canción arañando aún más a su ex-novio Pardison Fontaine y los fans piensan que luego pasó a lanzar críticas a Nicki Minaj y su marido Kenneth Petty!!!

Como hemos informado, Kenneth es un delincuente sexual registrado y Meg dejó que su serpiente (el tema del álbum) se hundiera profundamente: "Estos h**s no están enojados con Megan, están enojados con la Ley de Megan / Realmente no sé cuál es el problema, pero te garantizo y'all no quieren que empiece / Bitch, eres una p***y!!!"

Ley de Megan no es solo un buen nombre, es el nombre de la ley federal que hace que sea obligatorio que la información de los delincuentes sexuales sea pública, letras venenosas de hecho. Hay otra línea allí que menciona a R. Kelly y algunos creen que esto también podría ser algún tipo de referencia a Nicki, aunque la conexión no es del todo clara.

De todos modos, Nicki contraatacó inmediatamente después de que saliera la canción, poniéndole me gusta a varios tweets anti-Megan, incluyendo unos que se burlaban del tamaño de sus pies.

Nicki también mostró un adelanto de una nueva pista suya, que actualmente no tiene nombre, que grabó casi inmediatamente después de escuchar la nueva pista de Meg y algunas de las letras son absolutamente mordaces.

Una línea en particular llamó la atención de la gente. Nicki rapea, "Bad Bitch ella es como 6 pies, yo la llamo bigfoot // la perra se cayó, le dije levántate con tu pie bueno". Nicki también le ha estado poniendo me gusta a una tonelada de memes y fotos que representan los pies de Megan (parece que Nicki piensa que son bastante grandes).

Su desaire

El mayor golpe aquí, sin embargo, es el hecho de que Nicki se refiere al incidente en que Meg recibió un disparo de Tory Lanez, algo que le encanta escuchar a su base de fans, pero que algunos consideraron ir demasiado lejos.

De todos modos, a raíz de todo esto, #Bigfoot se convirtió en un trending topic en X y Nicki siseó de nuevo a Megan en IG. Como hemos dicho, su ida y vuelta ha sido brutal.

Megan publicó una historia en IG riéndose del drama que causó en línea, pero Nicki aseguró que ella tenía la última palabra (o risa) al ver su nombre siendo tendencia en Internet.

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Todas las señales apuntan a un verano calientes chicas, con Meg y Nicki continuando su disputa...

Nicki Minaj #Bigfoot Trends After Meg Diss ... MTS Unleashes on Barbie!!!

Nicki Minaj and Megan Thee Stallion are at each other's throats right now after trading shots on respective diss tracks -- but Nicki's going low ... swiping at MTS' extremities.

It all started on Friday, when Megan made good on her promise to continue to fire back at her critics from the Tory Lanez trial ... and released a new track titled "Hiss" that picked up where the last one, "Cobra," left off. While going off on haters, she also shaded NM.

Meg starts the song clawing into her ex-boyfriend Pardison Fontaine further (“He can't move on, can't let it go/He hooked, nose full of that Tina Snow) ... and fans think she went on to throw jabs below the belt at Nicki Minaj and her husband Kenneth Petty!!!

As we’ve reported, KP is a registered sex offender and Meg let her snake bite sink deep … rapping, "These h**s don't be mad at Megan, these hoes mad at Megan's Law/I don't really know what the problem is, but I guarantee y'all don't want me to start/Bitch, you a p***y!!!"

Megan’s Law is not only a cool name flip, it’s the name of the federal law that makes it mandatory that registered sex offenders have their info made public … venomous lyrics indeed. There's another line in there that mentions R. Kelly, and some believe this too might be some sort of reference to Nicki -- although the connection isn't entirely clear.

Anyway, Nicki immediately went into attack mode after the song dropped, liking several anti-Megan tweets, including many that made fun of the size of her feet.

She also previewed a new track of her own -- which is currently unnamed -- that she recorded almost immediately after hearing Meg's new track ... and some of the lyrics are absolutely scathing.

One line in particular caught people's attention -- Nicki raps, "Bad bitch she like 6 foot, I call her bigfoot // the bitch fell off, I said get up on your good foot." Nicki has also been liking a ton of memes/pics that depict Megan's feet (which Nicki seems to think are quite large).

Nicki Fires Back

The bigger shot here, though, is the fact that Nicki is referencing Meg being shot by Tory Lanez -- something her fan base loved to hear, but which some have said goes too far.

Anyway, in the wake of all this ... #Bigfoot soon became a trending topic on X, and Nicki hissed back further at Megan on IG … clowning her flow to make the H-Town hottie sound like some sort of UGK wannabe. Like we said, their back-and-forth has been brutal.

Megan dropped an IG Story laughing at the drama she caused online but Nicki claimed to have the last laugh seeing her name trend online.

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All signs point to a hot girl summer ... with Meg and Nicki continuing to cook each other.

Britney Spears Sus fans empujan una vieja canción suya a las listas Para trolear el regreso de Justin Timberlake...

Justin Timberlake está tratando de dominar las listas de reproducciones con su primer single en 6 años, pero los fans de Britney Spears están contraatacando con un troleo importante: conseguir que una canción suya se ubique entre las tendencias de nuevo.

Después de que Justin Timberlake lanzara "Selfish" el jueves, la que ha estado recibiendo críticas decentes, en realidad, la fanaticada de Brit se puso en marcha inmediatamente para frustrar sus esfuerzos, reproduciendo su canción del mismo nombre "Selfish" del 2011, la que de hecho ha regresado rápidamente a las listas de iTunes.

Por cierto, la versión de Britney de "Selfish" fue un bonus track de su álbum de 2011 "Femme Fatale" y pasó un poco desapercibida en su momento, por lo que este resurgimiento de parte de sus leales fans, es asombroso. Solo demuestra el amor que tienen por ella, por no hablar del poder que tienen.

"Selfish", de Britney Spears, ha alcanzado el número 1 en diferentes listas (como iTunes) en determinados territorios, como Armenia, Brasil, Canadá, Chile, México, Namibia e incluso Estados Unidos, lo que demuestra el atractivo internacional de Britney. La canción de Justin Timberlake también ha tenido buenos resultados, por cierto.

Que todo esto pasara el mismo día que Justin lanzó su nuevo single, obviamente, no es una coincidencia y los fans lo han dejado muy claro. Creen que sus acciones fueron en parte responsables del vilipendio público a Britney en la década de 2000. Así es como ella lo vio.

Los fans se han unido especialmente en contra de él después de que su relación con Brit fuera escudriñada por primera vez como parte del movimiento #FreeBritney en 2021, por no hablar de lo que ella reveló sobre él en sus memorias el año pasado.

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De hecho, la marea contra él se volvió tan grande que terminó emitiendo una disculpa pública a su ex, diciendo que estaba profundamente apenado por las veces en su vida en que sus acciones contribuyeron a sus problemas.

Cuento corto, sigue estando en la mira de los fans de Britney, incluso en 2024. ¡En este momento, tenemos un pequeño enfrentamiento musical entre ambos y los fans se están uniendo para que ella gane!


Justin Timberlake's trying to take over the charts with his first new single in 6 years -- but Britney Spears fans are pushing back with a major troll ... getting her own track trending again.

After JT dropped "Selfish" Thursday -- which has been getting decent reviews, actually -- Brit's fandom immediately kicked into high gear to thwart his efforts ... downloading her 2011 song of the exact same name, 'Selfish' which has swiftly made its way back to the iTunes charts.

BTW, Britney's version of  "Selfish" was a bonus track from her 2011 album "Femme Fatale" and flew under the radar at the time -- so the fact it's being resurfaced right now by her loyal base is staggering ... it just goes to show the love they have for her, not to mention the power.

BS's 'Selfish' has reached #1 across different charts (like iTunes) in certain territories -- including in Armenia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Mexico, Namibia, and even the U.S. ... which just speaks to the international appeal of Britney. JT's song has also been charting well, FWIW.

This unfolding on the same day JT dropped his new single from his sixth album is obviously no coincidence -- as fans have made it crystal clear ... they believe his actions were partially to blame for Brit's public vilification in the 2000s. That's certainly how she saw it, anyway.

Fans have especially been rallying against him after his relationship with Brit was first scrutinized as part of the #FreeBritney movement in 2021 -- not to mention what she revealed about him in her memoir last year.

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In fact, the tide turned against him so enormously that he ended up issuing a public apology to his ex ... saying he was deeply sorry for the times in his life when his actions contributed to her problems.

Long story short ... it's still Britney, bitch, even in '24. Right now, we got a little music showdown between JT and Britney ... and her fans are rallying for her to win!

Snoop Dogg sacó de quicio a Michael Jackson Echándole humo de hierba

Snoop Dogg probó suerte una vez soplando nubes de ganja en la dirección de Michael Jackson, lo que habría sido un momento épico, pero el Rey del Pop no estaba interesado en el humo.

Mientras hablaba con Andy Cohen, Snoop recordó el momento en que cabreó a Michael en mayo de 2008, ambas superestrellas asistieron y actuaron en la fiesta de cumpleaños del fallecido diseñador de moda Christian Audigier en Las Vegas.

Después de sus actuaciones, Snoop dice que se fue corriendo a su camerino y encendió un porro y luego se percató que su camerino estaba justo al lado del de Mike.

Snoop dice que se levantó incrédulo, abrió la puerta y echó un montón de humo al pasillo y Michael estaba allí mirándole y le dijo: "Snoop, no hagas eso".

Ese encuentro humeante no dañó demasiado su relación, Snoop dice que él y Michael colaboraron en una pista perdida hace mucho tiempo para un proyecto de filantropía, pero no tiene idea de donde están esas voces ahora.

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Eso es más de lo que DJ Quik logró, ¡dice que tuvo que mirar la pared cuando se encontró con Mike mientras trabajaban en el mismo estudio!

Snoop Dogg I Tried Smokin' Out Michael Jackson ... He Told Me to Beat It!!!

Snoop Dogg once pushed his luck blowin' ganja clouds in Michael Jackson's direction, which would've been an epic moment -- but the King of Pop wasn't with the smoke.

While speaking to Andy Cohen, Snoop recalled the moment he pissed off MJ ... back in May 2008, both superstars attended and performed at late fashion designer Christian Audigier's Vegas birthday bash.

Following their sets, Snoop says he hightailed it back to his dressing room and lit up a blunt -- where he was put on high alert that his dressing room was right next to Mike's.

Snoop says he hopped up in disbelief, opened the door, and blew a bunch of smoke into the hallway ... and MJ was standing right there looking at him and told him, "Snoop, don't do that."

That smokey encounter didn't damage their relationship too much ... Snoop says he and MJ collaborated on a long-lost track for a philanthropy project, but he has no idea where the vocals are now.

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That's more than DJ Quik accomplished -- he says he had to face the wall when he encountered Mike while they worked in the same studio!

Common Michael Jordan Insulted My Game ... Fueled Me to Win MVP!!!

Common didn't let a negative scouting report from Michael Jordan, of all people, mess up his hoops game ... in fact, the versatile rapper used the criticism and ended up snagging an MVP trophy.

The Chicago-born MC was on "Late Night with Seth Meyers" when he recalled MJ throwing salt on his game after his performance in the 2010 NBA Celebrity All-Star Game.

Common says he thought he actually played well, and was trying for the MVP -- but Jordan saw it much differently.

Common says when he linked with MJ at the Brand Jordan after-party, his hoop dreams deflated a bit as the GOAT himself told him verbatim ..."Stick to rapping and acting.'"

Fast forward to 2020, Common ... a little older and wiser didn't pack it in after MJ's insults, and won 2020's celebrity game MVP with a well-rounded stat line of 10 PTS, 5 REB, 3 AST and 4 STL. He did also stick with rapping and acting ... and both have worked out really well.

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So, Jordan wasn't ALL wrong!

Common performed at the opening of the ASG where Kawhi Leonard did his impression of him. Can't say Mike's ever done that!!!

Tina Knowles No quise despreciar a Janet Jackson... Con el 'like' a un post

La bronca entre Tina Knowles y Janet Jackson que los fans han estado percibiendo en las últimas 24 horas ha terminado porque la madre de Beyoncé salió a aclarar lo que pasó.

Este es el asunto, los fans que tienen ojos de águila se dieron cuenta de que a Tina le había gustado recientemente un post de IG que criticaba los altísimos precios de los conciertos de Janet para las entradas VIP, las que incluyen encuentros y saludos con los artistas, etc. La queja era, ¿quién te crees que eres, Queen Bey?

Una vez más, se trata de un post de Instagram de una persona al azar que mostraba pantallazos de los precios de los billetes de Janet Jackson, y la gente vio que Tina estaba entre las personas a las que "les gustaba" esto.

Poco después, se produjo un intercambio entre los leales de Beyhive y Janet porque todo el mundo pensaba que Tina estaba apoyando la idea de que Janet Jackson no es Beyoncé y que su intento de cobrar de manera similar es una falta de respeto.

De mi boca

Bueno, Tina echó agua fría sobre el asunto, usando su IG para aclarar lo que quiso decir.

Como se puede ver, dice que no tenía intención de criticar a Janet y todo el asunto suena como que se equivocó al ponerle me gusta, sin leer correctamente.

Tina se aseguró de señalar que ella sabe lo que entra en una producción en vivo y besó el anillo de la Sra. Jackson, llamando a su prole la "primera familia de la música". Así que sí, está mostrando reverencia hacia Janet y claramente la tiene en alta estima.

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Tina Knowles también se subió al tren de los cumplidos en su pie de foto, añadiendo que "llevó a Destiny's Child a ver a Janet cuando tenían 15 años. Siempre la admiraron y ella le abrió las puertas a Beyoncé. ¿Por qué iba a odiarla?".

¡De todos modos, el misterio está resuelto y, recuerden niños, ponerle me gusta a algo imprudentemente no conduce a nada bueno!

Tina Knowles No Shade to Janet Jackson ... Over 'Liked' IG Post

The Tina Knowles/Janet Jackson beef that fans have been perceiving over the past 24 hours or so is over ... 'cause Beyonce's mom came out and cleared the air on what happened.

Here's the deal ... eagle-eyed fans noticed that Tina had recently liked an IG post that was criticizing the fact that Janet's concerts of late were charging sky-high prices for VIP tickets, which included meet-and-greets, etc. The gripe ... who do you think you are, Queen Bey???

Again, this was some random person's Instagram post -- featuring screengrabs of JJ ticket prices -- and folks saw that Tina was among the people who "liked" this.

Shortly thereafter, a major back-and-forth ensued between Beyhive loyalists and Janet's proverbial rhythm nation ... 'cause everyone thought Tina was cosigning the notion that Janet Jackson ain't no Beyoncé, and her trying to charge similarly was disrespectful.


Welp, Tina poured cold water on all of that ... hopping on IG to clarify what she meant.


As you can see here, she says she didn't mean to shade Janet -- and the whole thing sounds like a case of mistaken heart-button-smashing ... without properly reading.

Tina made sure to note she knows what goes into a killer live production -- and kinda kissed the ring a bit for Ms. Jackson, calling her brood the "first family of music." So yeah, she's showing reverence to Janet ... and clearly holds her in high regard.

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TK also hopped on the compliment train once again in her caption, adding she "took Destiny's Child to see Janet when they were 15 years old. They always looked up to her and she opened doors for Beyoncé. Why would I hate on her ?"

Anyway, the mystery's solved ... and, remember kids -- reckless liking doesn't lead to any good!

Oliver Stone Apologizes To Ryan Gosling ... Sorry For The 'Barbie' Barb

Oliver Stone has issued an apology to Ryan Gosling for blasting the actor for playing the role of Ken in the wildly popular "Barbie" film, while calling his own comments ignorant.

The legendary director posted a statement Monday on X, praising the movie for its "originality" and "themes" after he accused Gosling of accepting the role of Barbie’s boyfriend solely for monetary reasons in a recently resurfaced 2023 interview.

In his post on X, Stone wrote that he “was able to see 'Barbie' in a theater back in July and appreciated the film for its originality and its themes.” He added, “I found the filmmakers’ approach certainly different than what I expected. I apologize for speaking ignorantly.”

Stone also gave kudos to "Barbie" director Greta Gerwig, saying her 2017 flick, "Ladybird," was one of his favorites that year. As you know, Gerwig's "Barbie" was the highest-grossing film of 2023, raking in more than $1.4 billion at the box office while costarring Margot Robbie as Barbie alongside Gosling's Ken.

Stone made his controversial statements about Gosling during a June 2023 interview with City A.M. -- just weeks before Barbie was to be released in theaters.

Stone told a reporter Gosling was "wasting his time if he's doing that s*** for money," referring to "Barbie."

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The director also slammed Gosling for being "a part of this infantilization of Hollywood." Stone added, "Now it’s all fantasy, fantasy, fantasy, including all the war pictures: fantasy, fantasy."

Chris Brown Quavo Feud Still Alive ... I Didn't Choose Paris Seating!!!

Chris Brown and Quavo have been at odds for years over their mutual connection to Karrueche Tran ... which is why Chris is so pissed about an awkward moment at Paris Fashion Week.

Here's the deal ... CB and Quavo were plopped right next to one another Sunday at the Rhude Menswear Fall/Winter '24 showcase -- and yes, they were definitely uncomfortable with the situation, evidenced by their body language.

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The clip of them sitting there and squirming went viral, but then Chris chimed in as everyone cracked jokes about it -- he commented, "Can't pick who u sit by. F*** all that growth s***."

He added, "N**** not finna fumble my bag for little n*****." In other words, he wasn't gonna make a big stink, or start a fight, over getting placed -- seemingly by coincidence -- next to Quavo.

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As he notes, there are bigger issues to worry about -- y'know, like getting paid!

In case you're unfamiliar, Quavo dated Karrueche in 2017 -- not long after CB broke things off with her, following a tumultuous relationship -- and Chris certainly didn't like it back then.

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In fact, we'd been told at the time that he was fuming over this ... and felt like the Migos rapper had outright betrayed him. They've traded jabs back and forth since then -- almost coming to blows after the 2017 BET Awards.

Anyway, Chris is making a couple things clear -- yes, he still doesn't like Quavo, but also ... he's a grown-up who's able to control his emotions.

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Quavo's been quiet about their Paris run-in.

Tyrese Trolls le responde a kanye Con fotos de su novia

Tyrese vio a Kanye West publicando contenido con Bianca Censori y trató de hacer lo mismo, mostrando a su voluptuosa pareja y haciendo bromas a expensas de Bianca.

El cantante y actor se enteró del post de Ye este fin de semana, en el que publicó un montón de fotos de Bianca pasando el rato en la cocina usando la más mínima vestimenta..

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Kanye estaba claramente satisfecho con lo que estaba viendo, pero Tyrese parece haber pensado que a Bianca le faltaba un poco de cuerpo, porque destacó que su propia novia tiene un poco más de curvas que Bianca.

Tyrese publicó un clip de la influencer y modelo Zelie Timothy -con quien está saliendo actualmente- y los estaban en una playa en algún lugar con Zelie deslumbrando con un bikini de dos piezas.

Ella se levanta y comienza a caminar hacia el agua, mostrandole su botín a Tyrese y el tipo subtitula el clip: "Querido Kanye... Todo el trigo, y mantiene la crema".

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Podría pensarse que es un ataque mal intencionado hacia Ye y Bianca, pero sin duda no es más que buena diversión. Lo que Tyrese parece estar señalando aquí es obvio... su chica es despampanante y él está orgulloso de mostrarlo.

Por supuesto, esto es sólo un troleo por parte de Tyrese, pero es interesante que la gente esté siguiendo el ejemplo de Ye en lo que respecta a presumir a su novia. Eso es algo que Kanye ha estado haciendo mucho últimamente con Bianca... le gusta mostrarla.

Por suerte para ambos, sus damas son absolutamente impresionantes, por lo que ambos están ganando.

A las mujeres tampoco parece importarles demasiado... ¡Pues adelante!

Tyrese to Kanye How's This for 'Wheat'??? You & Bianca Can Have the 'Cream'!!!

Tyrese saw Kanye West posting thirst traps of Bianca Censori and tried one-upping him with his own ... showing off his voluptuous GF, and cracking jokes at Bianca's expense.

The singer/actor caught wind of Ye's "cream of wheat" shoutout to his wife this weekend -- where he posted a bunch of shots of BC hanging out in a kitchen, while wearing basically nothing and showing off her ass cheeks on the process.

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KW was clearly pleased with what he was seeing, but Tyrese seems to have thought Bianca was lacking in the body department a bit -- 'cause he highlighted his own lady ... who's a little curvier than Bianca, and with a lot more body too.

Tyrese posted a clip of influencer/model Zelie Timothy -- whom he's currently dating -- and the two of them were out at a beach somewhere ... with ZT rocking a 2-piece bikini.

She gets up and starts walking toward the water, showing off her booty to an admiring Tyrese, and the dude captioned the clip ... "Dear Kanye ... All wheat, hold the cream."

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It seems to be a little bit of a dig at Ye/Bianca -- but it's, no doubt, all in good fun. What Tyrese appears to be telegraphing here is the obvious ... his gal's a thickie-poo, and he's proud to show it.

Of course, this is just a troll on Tyrese's part -- but it's interesting that people are kinda following Ye's lead in showcasing their significant others for everyone to gawk at. That's something Kanye's been doing a lot of lately with Bianca ... he likes to show her off.

Luckily for both dudes ... their ladies are absolutely stunning, so they're each winning.

The women themselves also don't seem to mind the attention either ... have at it then!

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Lupe Fiasco Can't Wait to Beat Cudi's Ass!!! 👊🏾 Lil Bitch Don't Live Like Me

Kid Cudi's latest interview might have cemented his reunion with Kanye West -- but it also opened up a new can of worms with Lupe Fiasco, who's spiraling with thoughts of beating up Cudi!!!

Cudi recently poked the Lupe bear while talking to Apple's Zane Lowe -- he was revisiting his pre-fame days when he was just a lowly employee working at the Bape store.

The Zane Lowe Interview Series

One day, Lupe came in to shop and Cudi admits he hid in the stockroom until the "Kick, Push" rapper skedaddled. He was banking on becoming a bigtime rapper, and never wanted Lupe to hold that encounter over his head.

Cudi also acknowledged Lupe had a deep hatred for him, so he doesn't regret ducking him.

Lupe wasn't feeling story time with Cudi, and angrily hopped on X to call Cudi all types of bitches and other names, most of which Oprah would disapprove.

According to Lupe, the two used to be chummy, but when Cudi questioned his motives for offering fans featured verses for a discounted rate, Lupe felt Cudi exposed his true colors. Ever since then, Lupe's been looking to serve him a fade.

The Zane Lowe Interview Series

It's crazy how the same interview also pushed peace ... Cudi explained that Ye's apology to him was enough to soften his heart, and kids very well might see ghosts once again.

We're sure Celebrity Boxing would make Cudi and Lupe a generous offer to settle their differences. They could also battle rap for a big bag like Jim Jones is doing.

Dave Mays Cornbread Comedy OTW... Funny Marco & Breakbeat, Back In Business!!!


Breakbeat Media's Dave Mays is pleased to announce his standoff with Funny Marco has come to an end ... after the two engaged in a legal standoff for much of last year!!!

As we reported last year, BB sued Funny Marco for a breach of contract after he began reposting his interviews to his own Cornbread TV channel.

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TMZ Hip Hop obtained the court docs and BB, Marco and Dave filed to dismiss the lawsuit with prejudice -- and the veteran hip hop publisher tells us they're rolling out a bunch of new episodes for the first time in over a year.

Dave tells us his main goal is to properly document rap culture's timeline; he's got Marco, Bill Bellamy, DaMona "Don't Call Me White Girl" Love, Bubba Dub -- but has been disrupting the space with his "Collect Call" podcast with the incarcerated Suge Knight.

They just hosted the unfiltered Katt Williams, who premiered a Ludacris diss track and are actively recruiting roster additions to boost the channel.